HomeMy WebLinkAbout3367 FUCHSIA ST - Building Permits� ��• r Fr. � ot�craooeess: 3367 FOCHSIA ST OWNEfl'S NRME: MAGG I, MAR I O L nooness: 3448 LUPINE CIR COSTA MESA,CA 979--2517 APCH/ENGINEEP: aooxess: uxiT: 92E26 HEG.NO.: ux�t: PEBMIREE: FJERFECT COVER RnOFING (719)939-1566 aooness: 3303 HARBOR BL D-5 COSTA MESA CA 925'l5 LICENSEO CONTBACTOP OECLAXATION: I here�Y allirm �ha� I am licensetl untler pmvisions o� Chap�er 9(commencing wiih Sec�ion 7000) oi �ivision 3 0l Ihe Business antl Pm�essions Cotle, anA my license is in full force ana effecl. ciTr uc. 0 9 0 5 srnre uc.: 6 z z ���N,�T" ( u�ss: Daie: . Signalure: WON NS' COMP SATIO DECLAPATION: I here�y a i a� �av a ce ificate of co 5 �o selhinsure or a cetlifica�e o� Workers' Compensaiion Insurznce or a cer�ifie0 copy Ihereof (Section 3804 Lab. C�. roucrwo.: 1Z63623-93 E%P.OATE: O7�OS�9�I comrnxv: STATE FUND � Cenilieo copy is herpDy lumished. � Certtlietl copy s filea, with tne city Buildi�Division. �j IJdiC' E%EM Applicanl: r Ihe permil is lar one hundretl (8700) or less�. I cetlify Ihal in ihe petlormance al lhe wark tar which Ihis Dermit is issuetl, I shall no� employ any person in any manner so as lo become sub�ect to Ihe Warkers Compensation Laws of Califomia. Oate: Signalure: NOTICE: II. a�ter making Ihis tleclaration. you should Uecome suble�� �o the Workers' Compensaiion pmvisions oi Ihe La�or Code. you musl fotlhwith camply wiih such pmvisions or this permit shall be tleemetl revokeA. CONSTPUCTION LENOING NGENCY: I hereby a��irm �Aal �here is a cons�mction lending agency for Ihe pedormance ot the work fo� whlch ihls permit is lssuetl (Sectian 3097, Civ. C). IENOEB: aooness: OWNEfl BUILOEN OECUBFTION: I hereby affirm Ihai I am exempl irom ihe Contrac�ors' S�a�e License Law for Ihe following reason (Sectmn 7031.5 Business antl Pmlessianal Cotle'. Any city oi county which requires a permi� �o consimcl al�er, impmve, demolish, or repair any slmqure, prior Io ils issuance. also requires �he applicant for such permit �o �ile a signed statemenl that he/she is licensed pursuanl�oihe pmvisions oithe Coniractors' Sla�e License Law(Chapter9�commencing wi�h Section 7000) ofDivision 3 otl�e Business antl Prolessions Cotle) or Ihai he/she is eKempt therelmm antl Ihe basis for Ihe alleged exemption. Fny violatian oi Section 7031.5 by any aDPlicant br a permi� sublea�s the applicant �o a civil penalty of not more ihan �ive hunCrea tlollars ($500�. yl..,as owner ol ihe pmpetly ar my employees wi�h wages as their sole compensalion, will tlo Ihe work, ana Ihe �'� eiqaure is nol inientletl or o��ered �or sale (Seclion 7044, Busmess and Pmlessional Cade'. The Canlmctors' Sla�e License Law 'D`-0oes noPapD�Y �o an owner oi a pmperty who �uilas or impmves ihereon, antl who tloes suc� work himself/hersell or ��rough ,, �i$`ar her awn employees, promaetl �hat such impmvements are not inlen0etl or oftered for sale. I�, however Ihe 6uil0ing or :on,impmvemen� is sold wilhin one year o� complelion, the awner will have Ihe �urden of proving he/she ditl not builtl or imDmve "'i�oi Ihe purpase a� sale�. � ��L as owner of �he O�openy. am e�clusively conlracting wi1� licensetl conlracbrs �o conslmct Ihe pmlecl (Sec�ion 704d. Business ❑�� and Professions COAe: The Contrac�ors' State License Law dces no� aDPly lo an owner of pmperiy who bmlds or imOmves �hereon �aptl who conlrac�sfor 5uch prole��s with a conVaclor(5�license pursuanl lo I�e Contractors' $taie L¢ense Law),I am aware � Ibn� piool o� �neir Woiker's Gompensation insurance snaula oe pmvi0eo to me. > � I am e�emp� unBer Section: B. 8 P. C. for Ihis� reason'. � oa�e:' ow�e�: I do here�y cenily iha� I am aware ol antl understantl Ine repuiremen�s ol Cali�omia Health an0 Safe�y Catle Sections 2550.5, 25533, ana 25534 an0lha� I or any lu�ure builtlmg occupani will/will nol �circle one) nee0lo comply wi�h said 51a1e co0e5 and Ihe requiremenls for a permil lor con5lmciion or mo0ilicaiion Irom ihe Nu Oua6ty Management DisVicl. flesitlential constmc�ion applica�ions are exempi �mm Ihese orovisians. �a�e'. ApplicanC. I he�eby t¢�Iilyihat I have �eatl IhiS dpplicaiion antl siat¢ ordinances antl slate laws rela�mg lo building consimc�ion: pmpetly 10� inspetl' urpo . Date:� Signaiurej �nvofs Lmense or Social Secuniy a: �,+ Applicant: Pink—Revenue'. Goltlenrod—Assessor CITY OF COSTA MESA — HUILDING PERMIT PERM NO; B 067112 PERMIT NO: 8 067118 PLAN CFIECK NO: N GOC'T; N SUPP: N CONSTRUCTION TYPE: 5—N PERMIT TYPE; STR PURPOSE: ALT JOB DESCRZPTION : T/OFF RESHEATH 6 RE—ROOF W/COMP. SHING. SQ FT: 6,990 CLAIM VALUE: 6,490.00 CALC—VALUE: 6,990,00 GROUP OCC: R-3 /M-1 COMMENTS: SMOKE DETECTORS REQRD AS PER 91UHC, REROOF 2600SP RESIDENCE �*rt�*��*M���u*������*��c�*�x**��****�****��**�*�*���**�*�+��*:��*+�*x*�r�r,�**��*�**� Z O N I N G R E Q U I R E M E N T S S E T B A C K S ------------ MAIN BUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY BUIL�INV --------- FRNT; FT IN REAR: FT IiJ FRNT: FT IN REAR; FT IN LEFT: £T IN RGHT; FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN PARKING REQ: PROV: PARCEL: 41218107 ZNE: REF NO: PLANNING NOTES> ,�� ,� *******�*�r*�*�*�*x*�**�c*�*�**�*���x****�xx*��t***�*�***********��*x*******�****** D E V E-; L O P M E N T S E R V I C E S R E Q U I R E M E N,;� T S ZONING APPROVEb BY DATE: BUILDING APPROrFED BY ; DATE: .: APPLICATION ISSUED BY; DATE: �"` l�l ��"\ *iEifit�iFiEiEiEiciF�N�iEiEif�E9FiFiFjflfifiE . iFiEiE:EiErtiEiFati4iF�{F�"�Fjc{F if iE iF 9f ?E 3E 9E if jE 1F 1E ji af Y. it iE iE 1E 1E iE iE iF 3F iE 9E iE iF iF iF iF ac # iE K jE iE �lE �F if iE iP it iE 1[� iF iF iE T' iE jE ff iE iE iE 1E jE if 1F iF iE iR if M if iF 3f if jE 9E iE aE 1E iE iE 1E 9E iE iE iE LEGALIZATION:N ���KE F (S� UnMn M A R Y STRUCTURAL SEGMENT:Y BLL�G PMT PLUM G��CrT1L-1��(DCHANIC FIAE SMIP/RES GRADING PEAMIT ?0.00 �QUIRGD SMIP/NON—RES PLAN ISSUE FEE BUILDING—DIV—> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN—CHECK TOTALS----> 90.70 0.00 0,00 REVENUE DIC�ISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED: BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC 90,00 TOTAL PAID DUE 90.70 90.70 .00 90.70 OVER/SAORT: 00 FIRE 5MIP/TOT GRADING PLAN—CHECK ,%� if 1E iE iF 1F iE iE9F M iE iE iE iE if if if j4 iE if if iF ii jE iElf iF iF 1E iF 3E iE if if if if iE iF iE iE if if iF iE it iE iF if if 1E iE 1f it iE?E iE iF iE iF 1f iE 1E iE 1F ft iE it if iF af jf iE iF iE af k if 1F iE iE I N D I V I D U A L F E E B R E A K D O W N TYPE QTY D E S C R 2 P T I O N UNIT COST TOTAL C6ST SFR 6990 REROOF BY VALUE RESIDENTIAL NOZONE 1,00 6,990,00 END OF FEES �i "!?1`^:;�-0?:5021'� T O T 90.?Q DRTE: OS/09/94 TIME: 14:29 CONSTRUCTION ANO PLANNCNG APPROVALS Permic # 1. Temporary Electricai Service or Pole 2. Soil Pipe-Undrgrnd. 3. Electrical Concluit Utd�tY�UnBrgrnd. 4. Electricai Conduit�Undrgrnd. 5. Steel Reinforcement 6. Electrical UFER Gmd 7. Foatings . � 8, Foundation ' � 9. Water Pipe�Undrgrnd. • 10. Structural Floor System - it. P�operty Sewe� Line & Hous nnection 1,� 12. SewerCap '�,�-. ' 13. Roof Otains 14. Rough Plumbing . 75. Rough Electrica�-Condua i6. Rough Electric�Wiring 17. Rough Wiring Sign 18. Rough EleariCal-T Bar Ceiling 19. Rough Heacing & Air Conditioning 20. Rough Factorv Fireplace • 21. Ducts, in Structure 22. D�cts, Ventilatin9 23. Gas Pipe�Rough & Test 24. Roof Framing 25. Rooi Sheathing 26. T-Ba. Ce�ting (Stroanrall & Mo�owat 27. Freme and Fiashing 28. Lathing & Siding . ,. 29. Insulation �� 30. Drywall i1'ail�ng 31. Plaster Brown Coat _ 32. Electncal Po�ver MeterFinai 33. Fina� Elettric 34. Final Heating & Air Condltioning 35. Finai Gas Pipe-Test 36. Hood or Car.oPY 37. Final Factory Fireplace 38. Final Plumbing 39. 4Vater Service-Final� 40. Gas Service•Final . 41 . Solar Oomestic-Final 42. Backf�ow�Preventer � 43. Backflow Irrigation 44. Landscape Irriqation System 45. Sound Attenuation 46. Handicap Regulations 47. FINAL STRUCTURE & BUILDfNG S 48. FINAL PLANNING 49. EVectric Release to Edison 50. Gas Release to Southern Caiifornia Gas C 51. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Date Date 7'� . POOL PA Inspector APPROVALS Permit # � 52. Pool & Equipment Location 53. Steel Rei�forcement - 54. Porms 55. Eloctrical8o�ding 56. Rough Piumbing & Pressure Test 57. APPROVAL TO COVER�GUNITE 56. Eloctrical ConduibUndrgr�d. 59, Gas Pipe, O Undrgrnd., Test 60. Backwash Lines, P-Trap, O Undrgrnd. 61. APPROVAITODECK 62. Backwasfi & Receptor-Final 63. Heater & Vent•Final 64. Plumbing SYstem - Final 65. Electrical-Finai 66. Solar SYstem-Final 67. Fencing & Access AnP�oval 68. APPROVED FOR PLASTERING 69. POOLISPA SYSTEhiS FINAL FIRE DEPT. REQUfREMENT APPROVALS Permit �` � \ Date Inspector l 70. Underground Hydro 71 . Product Pipin9 O Gas O Oii 72. Underground Flush _ 73. Undergrnd. Storage Tank O Gas .� Oil 74. Overhead Hydro 75. Dry Chemical 76. Dry Standpipe • .,="i.7.-'FIXED SYSTEM FINAL "h3. FIRE PREV. FWRt � „�� HEALTH DEPT. REQUlREMENT '75'. FIjVAL INSPECTION �;_� _, �.."�, E:1�D CERTIFICATE ISSUED � B 0 :� �� �ooqE55 a ewtDlNa: 3 3 b/ t Ul ttS 1 H 5 1 . . uNf: oxr,eRsx.Yeiviawm: MAGGI MARIO L . �sx 3498 �,UPINE CIR COSTA MESA,CA 92626 _ \ g� �! �vvi. �uuNc �oowEss: . �l L �NCXRECTOXFNfdIFFA: � IlFNO.: WCN.OPF!!G.'S�pOpE54: , UNT: caxm�cTarsruWe: MIKE DIAMOND PLUMBING ( 714 ) 591-9753 carx�crorrswuuxo 3022..N HESPERIAN _. . ,,�� SANTA ANA CA ��, 399170 92706 uM:. I COMRACTORS UECLARATION: I hereby dlim uMer penely i ip xilh Seclion ]00o)d Orviebn a ofihe Businem end Proteseion: xo.:06/t799 uacuss: C 36 uc.No.: 1'WIfiEF BUIlO X DECIGflATON: 1 heeaby elfirtn uMx paral rNrv! � m IT n�ius lawla iM Wloxin0 (5ed'wi� 10�1.5 Busiiese eM PMessiona COEe: Y ciY a�m Y itli reVuiree e Vaimn b mct. aller. imVrove. �oleh, a reyei eny etiunure. pnor b Aa eauvca, elvo reQui ihe eppliceM e h permit to fib e epned etement thel M or ehe mneed W 9uan� m the poWsions d iM Camrmara Licenae w �C er andn8 �h Sed' � d DNebn 9 d Ihe ,einew vM Aolanians Cotle� «tlw he w ehe ie eaemp Ihse ihe e f« qun. My vuW ion d Seaion ]W 1.5 by enY eCDlieen� lor e permn wbjMv the eppliram to e dnl paeal �Mn liva huMreE Edlen �55001). � I.eaowxrd�MpopanYamYa^Wor�s'^9hwepeaeatMieobmmpeme�ion.irilldothaxwk.eMlMaVun�mimiintaMaA n oflmaC la feb (Seelion ]OM. Butineva end Prdessone Code: The Conlredon lironfe law doae eM eODN loan ownerd popMy wlw Wida a'vnprovee iMrean. eM Mw does auM work limeetl or hene� a Nraph hi a her own empbeee, prwided ihet wch imqwamenn ere not inlentled a dlced lor aele. tl, however, the buiNinp a'vnpiaremaM ie sak wilhin one yaer d completbn, the ow�wr-buiker vnll heva tha buNen d provinB ha or she EiE nM EuiIE a improve la IM W�e d Wa�. � I. ea owner d tM propeM. � eRtluaively mnt�miq xnh licenaed conbeclon lo ametnwt IM prol� (5eclion 1W1. Bwi�wne eM Prde�ona Code: Tha Comratlon Licenae law doee mi epply �o an owrwr d prape�y w}w Wi1Ce a impovee IMreon e�k wlw conVacle la wtli pqMa xiih e mmretlar(e) Iceraad quvueM lo iM Caurmae Lioeroe lnw). � I em exemq uMx Seeiion: B. 8 P.C.. br N"v eeeaon: Dete: Owner: I Eo hereby ceniy ihv I em ewere d eM uMamend the requiremema d Celdamie HeeXh vM Sdety Code Sadima 25505.II553'i, vd uSX. enA Nel I or e�ry Mure buikirp oaupenl xill / wtll not (d�cb ma) rieaE lo camply wIh eaaiE mate ooEm eM IM reQuiremeMe br aGertnn/amruwetionamodificmionhomtM�i�y enepemem0istiie.Revdmiielm�mrueuneDG�iwuaressemqirantheae p1OVI5q119. . . � Dete: ApplceN: WOHKEN'S COMPENS�TION DECL�H�TION: I Mreby alfirm uMer penetly d perjury me d ihe tdbxirp EeWretiona: ❑ I heve eM wil meinten e cenJiuta d omeenl lo setlinwre la woMers companee�ian, m provided br by Seann 3]W d tM labar � Code, fw tM pa�lormenca d tM waA la which t�ia permil ie imueE. ' �] i neve ene w meima:� �s• �veme�on ��,reno�. m nwc.e M sen� a�ao a��na, cm.. b ma wna�enca a m. .ron�ia,.ma,inoro�n�m.�e.Mr��`��.����e°a�.rm,me«�: EXPIRES c� Pa�, N�m,,,: - 01 / 01 / 9 8. (This seclion need nw be canp/eted � the parmu ia br me hundred ddlara ($f001 w bm.) . ~ ❑ I cendy ihat in ihe pMmnenca d the work W whc� lhie permn u iuued, I eheW(w7 e oL p�n in�en � o m lo �n«ame waw ✓m. wq�M�s• como�.mian �_.._ �_ e. .�a eao�u� rt:eromd�««u w�� wM1n.• clvll flns up on� huj�0retl tMuwd aWl�n (5f00.000). Itla ro M� f/ ron�vsluetlon, M u povlCW bi In S�ctlon 9]O6 / M� Lebor Cotle, /nbn�S �� ��msY i I . CONSTfi11CTON LENDIN(i AGENCY: I he�eby effi�m uMer d Nry ihere e e conA bMiip pe�x.y M the G�ormence d tM work tor wM1iW Ihe G^rmi e eauaE (Sedion �OB). Civ. �. - LENDEH'S NMIE: LENUEN'S ADDNESS: I ceniy Ihet I have reetl I�ia eppl'raiion end pele ihel ihe above inlormation ia cortetl. I epme to canply xilh ell dry ard mumy oMinenros arNeletelexarelmnpiobyyEyqcan9 �ioneMhereb heieeae0�� �'a+�athuoiytoenterupontMebove-meMionedpapMy �« �moeaion n„w„ /� � � _.Pnnl � oma: � iq F onlr r it-�6 W P) W� Sdety: Green-Fb: Ce�y-Appirsni: Fnk-Revenue: Galdenio�Mm+a CITY OF COSTA MESA - BUILDING PERMIT PERM NO: P 082839 PERMIT NO: P 082839 . PLAN CHECK NO: N GOVT: N SUPP; N CONSTRUCTION TYPE;_ PERMIT TYPE: PLU PURPOSE: OTH JOB DESCRIPTION : C/O WATER HEATER SQ FT: CLAIM,VALUE.: ..... CALC-VALUE: GROUP OCC: R-3 / COMMENTS: NO OTHER.WORK AUTHORIZED HY THIS PERMIT **x**�x���****�*�*�**x*�*�**«x*****�****�*x�x�xx�**+�+t*xxx*+��r*x*�*x***�r*x��rx***** Z O N I N G R E Q U I R E M E N T S S E T B A C K S ------------ MAIN HUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY BUILDING --------- FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN PARKING REQ• PROV; PARCEL: 42514318 ZNE; REF NO: PLANNING NC7TES> > �f iE if �1(� af �E iE iE IE M 3E IE fE 1E fF 1E 1E 7E 1E iF fE If ft iE 1E If iE �)E iF iE fE IE 1E 1E If if 1E iE 1E 1E aElE iF If iE IE 1E IE 1E iF iF 1! fE 1E IE iE iE 1E 1f 1E 7E iE �lE iE 1E if iE 1ElF fE ik 1E if 1f if iE iE 3F 1E D E V E L O P M E N T S E R V I C E S�' R E Q U I R E M E N T S .-�- ZONING APPROVED BY rr DATE: BOILDING APPROVED BY : :- � DATE: APPLICATION ISSUED BY: � ' �-��� DATE: ���,���, iEiElElEiflE3EIEfE1ElE�E�lE�E3Eik1E1EiE1E1E1f�f��i�3f3f��3fif����iF��f�F�FiF3f . �'fFiF3F{�iFifiElElEiflElFlfif 1Eif LEGALIZATION:N F E E S U M M A`R Y STRUCTURAL SEGMENT:N HLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/RES GRADING PERMIT 11.00 258 ,+.'� SMIP/NON—RES PLAN. . � ISSUE FEE 22,00 '' BUILDING—DIV—> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN—CHECK TOTAL PAID DUE TOTALS----> 11.00 22.00 „ 0.00 33.00 33.00 ,00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLliECTED: 33.00 OVER/SHORT: .00 BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN—CHECK —� ti 33.00 �********�*�x**�*****�*�e*******x***��*�*�*x**��*�*�r**+r*+r*�*+r�r�****�***���*�**�� � � . __.I N D.I V I D.0 A La F E E B R E A K D O W N TYPE. ,.,_,,.QTY.,,.,,._ D E S C R I P T.I O, N y�„ UNIT COST TOTAL COST , •, PLU _. 1 WATER HEATER AND/OR'�VENT 11,00 11.00 END"OF FEES ✓ ' I ; j. �- OS-�3-1947/Fi2:37 Qk/f3'1.5e F'EkMITFT082g39 - CONSTRUCTION AND PL.ANNING , , POO SPA APPROVALS Permit # ' �Date Inspecior� AppR6VALS Permit # Date Inspector i. TemDorary Electrical. Service or Pole _ 52. Pool & Equipment Location . � , 2. Soil Pipe•Undrgrnd. 53. Steel Reinforcement � . 3. Electrical COnduit Ufility-UndrgrMl. 54. Forms . �� 4. Electrical Conduit-Undrgrnd. � 55: Electrical Bonding � 5..Steel Reinforcement � . 56. Rough Plumbing & Pressure Test ' 6.� Electrical UFEF3 Grnd. . 57. APPROVAL TO COVER-GUNITE . I 7. Footings � . � 58. Eiectrical Conduit-Undrgrnd. '- 8. foundation -- . _ . 59. Gas Pipe, C Undrgrnd., Test �, 9. Water Pipe-Und[grnd. - . - 60. Backwash Lines, P-Trap, � Undrgmd. 70. Structural Floor� System � 61. APPROVAL TO DECK 1 t..Property Sewer."Line & House Connection 62. Backwash & Receptor-Final ` � 72. Sewer Cap ' � 63. Heater & Vent�Final ' � 13. Roofi DrainS � � -6A. Plumbing SYstem - Final , � . 14. Rough Plumbing . - , �65. Electrical-Final 15. Rough Electrical-Conduit - . , 66. Solar SYstem-Finai � � - 16. Rough Electric Wiring ' ; 67. Fencing & Access Approval ' 77. Rough Wiring Sign . � 68. APPROVED FOR PLASTERING 18. Rough Electrica6T Bar Ceiling � � fi9: POOUSPA SYSTEMS FINAL � . ' 19. Rough Heat�ng & Air Conditioning - FIRE DEPT: REQUIREMENT 20. Rough Factory Firepiace _ _ .� � - : " APPROVAIS - Permit # � - 21. Ducts, in Structure � -- -- - ' 70.--Undergrbund Hydro 22. Ducts, Vent��ating; .. _ - 77. Producc Piping O Gas ❑ Oil 23. Gas Pipe:Rough & Test -- .-- � 72. Underground Flush • 24. Roof Framing . - ^'_ ' __ � - 73. Undergrnd.StorayeTank �Gas ❑Oil 25. Roof Sheathing . ._ ' - - 7q, pverhead Nydro - 26. T-Bar Ceiling (Structural) & Monocoat � _ Z�S, Dry Chemical �" 27. Frameand Flashing '�` � - , _ 76. DryStandpipe- - _ • - - � 28. Lathing & 5iding . � - �_ • 77. FIXED.SYSTEM FINAL _ 29. Insulation ,. _� , 78. �FIRE PREV. FINAL . 30. Drywall Nailing _ � . �HEALTH DEPT. REQUIREMENT 37. Piaster Brown Coat� _,- '� . 79. FINAL INSPECTION � � 32. Electrical Power Meter�Finai - 80. FOOD CERTIFICATE ISSUED 33. Final Electric _. � T Notes:/_L ` � C C c� � - -'`� - 34. FinaY Heating & Air Conditioning- ' ;� ��Q 4� 0� G� 35. Final Gas PiPe-Test . . : _ � 36. Hood or Canopy � � � - � . - � � - ' 37. Finel,Factory Ffreplace _ - � _. ; " - . . . ._, w! - - . - 38. Finai Plumbing . . (Q(Ii;'�:( � . � 39. Water Service-Final _ � ' 40. Gas Service•Final , - - . - � . � 41. Solar pomesticFinal � , . . 42. "Backfiow Preventer �, - , - - 43. Backflow Irrigation' - � 44. Landscape Irrigation Systemc �. . • - - � 45. Sound Attenuation - - ' � � - ,�, ,- � �" _ • ;, 46. Handicap Reguiations , * - _ 47.'-FINAI. STROCTURc & BUlLDING _ , ' _ . 48.`FINAL P�ANNING ' . � _ • -49. "Electrie Release to Edison � ' 50. Gas Release to Southern Califor.nia Gae Co - - :51. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY � . - ' No. Oate '0°"�0FB1"L0°'� 3367 FUCBSIA ST Q' °"'' B6 °""E"s"""E"'wo�`": MARGARET MAGG�7 ,. FLOOD: AH-38 �ooxcss: SAME i ��•'+•• ` � /�DPL. WUIWG AOOflE54: MCXRECT ON ENf�NEEN: WCX.OH FNG.'S ADURE55: � q��-�s�� ��.: UNT: �+�T�""� NOCK PLUMBING ( 714 ) 895-1246 CWIfl1CTOR5YNIWG 11610 SEABOARD CIR �w�%� STANTON CA uc.ea.: 511971 90680 uxT: LICENSED COMRACTORS UECLRHATION: I hereby ell'em uMer panepy d pnjury Ihet I em Icanaed uMs pwiaima d Cheplm B (commemiip xilh $action ]000) d Oivision 3 d the Buanw ard PMesebro Code, arq my lioenve o in IW tace md efled. cmuc.Ho.: 038 uc.cuss: C-36 uc.No.: 119�j71 EXP; 02/97 me. comreaw: �U� f�.U� M!Efl BUILDEH UECL11HRilON: I hereby etfirm under penaly ot perNN �� �� eicemq /mm IM COMratlae lioaree Lew In Ihe avm9 �aeean (�ion )03t.5 &rei�esa eM GMeeebna Code: Rny c[Y a oouMY �� �Vui�ee a pmnil to caretruct, ells, impow. nd'oh, a repai eny svucture, pbr b Ga eweMe, elao requirea tM epplimnt la wch pemiit to fib e sgneA etntemeru Mm hs a eM icanead pumient io tM proviaiom d IM CanlreGore Limree Lew ICheqm 91�mentlnp xilh Serl'on 1W0) d Diviion 3 d tAe d�w» eM Prdmeiom Codel a �IW ha «eha o eaemq �herehpn end tha bem la Iha elbpad memqion. My viole�on W SeGion )031.5 by e,ry epplirant fa e parmil aubptl5lhe epplicanl lo e dvil perWy A ml mae ihen (rve huM�ed ddbn �SSOOp. ❑ I, av owmer d Ihe propeMy or my empbyaee wiih wegm m iher wle mmpaneation, xill do �M xak, erM Ue elrvciure w �wt inlenEeE w ollerad br ada (Section ]OId, Butinass end Proteesiona Cade: The ConVepon liceme LewEoes nol appyto en ownx d piopairy who Wide w inpoves Ihmean, aM Wo doee euch xwk himsdl a Mne� a Mraqh he a her awn empb�sea, pwided Ihel wch impwemmb ere not inbnEeC a dlerad f« eeb. M, howevx, iM WiMi�p a inpmanam o edd xithin ona ywr af campblion, Ne owrw-0uiNa xill heve iM buNen d pan�p M or Me d'd nd buik a impo.e lor IM W�e W aeb�. ❑ I, m ovmer d IM qopMy. em ezclusivay conlred'vq wilh IironveA conoaciws a wnqrup Iha pojetl (Sedion 1014. &uinss enE Pmlmsione Code: Tha Conlretlon L'r.en5a Lew tloea ml apply lo en ovmer d popeMy vAw builde a imqwm IM�aon enE xAp romrecialn eu h prqeea wi�h a mntreaor�s)leenaed puisuan��othe Conlredwalicenee Lew). ❑ I am examq uMm Seclion: B. d P.C., fa ihia reeson: Date: Ohner: I do Mreby cenily Ihei I am eware d eM uMentaM tM �aquiremanb d Cellanie HeaM eM Selary Cada Seqiom 25505. 2553J. eM 25534. erd Il�el I a eiry fuNre WikinO �G� �II / wil na (rircb me� roed io compy w1h �eid qela codm eM IM �eywnmanb br epertnntwmnnrunianarmadifiWionhaniMAr-Oue yTi %erepemaniDietna.ReeiEemieloon��utlbneppicatpmwexemqimmthaes OfWl9p119. Deta: Applicem: WOPKEF'S COYip13AT10N OKLAN�TION: I Mraby e1Nm under perehy d peijury one M iM tdbw"vp Aetluetiom: � I have eM xil meinten e cenificme d conmM to netlinwre la xwken' oompensetion. m prwNetl lor by Setlion 3)W M tM lebar Cade, Iw �M pe�iwmenca d IM wak Iw wldc� ihie peimit ia iaued. �'I i ne� �a w�� m�m� wan�n �omro�o� ms���. e. �.c���a W s«�� a�ao a ine �n« c«i.. ro� m. oee«m.�o. d m. I� work lor wh'rh ihie pa�md is imued. MY ��' �mpenaffiion inwrerce renier vd pdiry number are: ��.: r,�r.nFN FAC;T.R EXPIRES PdiryNumber: NW!' a�����nn 09/01/96 mis seuion �e.d Iwr m cwnW.�ai � rn. w�x;: b. on. n��dlae dd�eis Israol a b...� ❑ I ceMily Ihet in Iha pa�loimenca ol the vrork br whkh thie pe�mil ie iveueE, I ehell irot ampby eny pe�wn M e�ry mennar eo u lo bxome wbjeq the xwker' nanpenea�ion levn d Calilom' rea Ihat il I�houW become eubjep lo iM wwFsn' ' o d an 3100 W ihe lebar Code, I I lonh ' cpnpy qwiaioro. e:� �� MG�icenl: Wem/np: Fallvn ro�xuro worteri mmpmutlon eavereps h wN( �M ICM an smplqw to e elWl filros yi ro on� huntlrM fMuiend do/bn (S10qPODA M edrlltlon ro Ns roal o/ rompauetbry Lemeq� u provltleE br In 8x0an J)O6 0l Me LMor COW, Infxasl, end eftomsya /ro�. CONSTFUCTION LENDINO AQENCY: I Mreby efFrm unEer panelry of perjury ihat iMre ro e con9rudion bM'up epeM.y M IM aenamenoa a �n..uh �« wniw �ne wm�i ia bm,ed (s.alm sos1. cH. cl. LENDEfl'S NMIE: LdlOEfl'S ��DRESS: I carlity ihet I hew ned thia epplketion end &e�e thet iha ebove iniwmetion ie wrretl, l ep�ee lo wmpy wilh ell fily eM couMy ordinencae end etme lev.s reletYp b buikmg conalrutlion erd Mreby eullwr¢e repmaentetivee d Ihb tlly lo anler upon �he ebwa�meMioneE paparry Ia irepapbn puryowa. I (5151�B.WP) WhXe-Buildiq 8 Seiery: GraeMFile; Ce�ary-Appiranl: Rnk-Re�enue; (ioldenmJ�-f�aeaor PERMIT NO: P CITY OF COSTA MESA — BUILDING PERMIT 078792 PLAN CHECK NO; N CONSTRUCTION TYPE: V—N PERMIT TYPE: PLU JOH DESCRIPTION : C/O DISHWASHER CLAIM VALUE: CALC—VALUE: PERM NO: P 078792 GOVT: N SUPP: N PURPOSE: OTH SQ FT: GROOP OCC: R-3 / COMMENTS: NO OTHER WORK AUTHORIZED BY THIS PERMIT iE fE 1E 1E iF iE iE iE iF iE if 1E 3F iElF iE iF iElh iF iF 1F 1F 1f ik 1E �f 1F 1F 1E 1F 7E iE 1E iE fE fF fE �E fE �E 1E iE 1E i(� ik 1E iE If iE iE 1ElE �E iE IE 1F iE 1E �E If !E if if 1F if iE 1E iElf iE iE iE iE 1E �E iE 3E iE Z O N I N G R E Q U I R E M E N T S S E T 8 A C K S ------------,MAIN BUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY BUILDING --------- FRNT: FT. IN REAR: FT IN FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN LEFT; FT IN RGHT: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN PARI(ING REQ: PROV: PARCEL: 41218107 ZNE: REF NO: � PLANNING NOTES> i * i61E i6 iE iflF iF 1k 1E iE 1Elf 1ElE 14 fE 1E iE'IE'1F iE 1E 1E 1E 1ElE if 1k if 1ElF ik if 1E iE iE 1E 1E iE ik ik 7E iE IE iE!(:1E 1E 1E 1E �F 1E iE Ik if ik fE 1E iE 1E iE �E jE 1(�'1E 1E * if iF iE iE 1E �F iE 1f 1f 1E iE D E C' E L O P M E N T 5 E R V I C E S=� R E Q U I R E M E N T S ZONING APPAOVED BY . �^+ DATE: HUILDING APPROVED HY : �-- DATE: APPLICATION ISSUED BY: ��+� DATE; ��{���� G *iE*it*i�*i�i�**it*iti�it*iEitiFiEiE3F7FTF'iFiFiFTFiFiE�F'iFiFTFTF7F'i F TF7F3FiF7F7FiF�FiFiFTF�F7Fi[�******i�i�* x-* LEGALIZATION:N F E E S U M M A R Y STRUCTURAL SEGMENT:N ., ;, � -:. 2.. BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIG MECHANIG •� FIRE SMIP/RES GRADING PERMIT 8.75 `• "J z--. - : PLAN 253 �.� : �; n�' . SMIP/NON—RES ISSUE FEE 22,00 i; ��� �—��✓ �' BUILDING—DIV—> PERMIT ISSUE P,LAN=CHECK�"' ��'TOTAL PAID DUE TOTALS----> 8.75 22.00 �(�� 0.00 30.75 30.75 ,00 n,� REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED.: 30.�Z5 OVER/SHORT: 00 BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MEGHANIC S FIRE— SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN—CHECK 3 0. 7 5 Ci ��` � F� Cl �. �ElE 1E iE iE 1f !E!E iE 1E 1E fE iF iE 1E �E 3E 1E iElE 1E �E IE 1E fE IElE fE fk 1k 1E 1E iE *.1Elk 1E iE iE iE IE �E fE jE 1E iE IE 1E 1E 1E 1E`iflf iE iF if 1E iE 1k iE 3E * IE 1E if �E 1E iE 1F if if iF if �E iE if iF iE �E I N D I V I D U A I: `�F�,: E �E ; B R'- E A K D O W N TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I'O N_� ��1 �•^ .UNIT COST TOTAL COST �� ;C: � � 1 .� . PLU 1 DISHWASHER t' �' ``� •. ' 8.75 8.75 END OE E'EES L- ` ` ..,3 %t .•1 � � /� 1 n � �' � i . �r �' f � .�� `.�l ) .1 : - . C � r . . , l CONSTRUCTION AND PIANNI�G . P�C SPA ,� ' � � APPROVALS Permit# _� 'Date �Inspector � qppROVALS "Permit#��-�J • Date Inspector i. Temporery ElectriGal Service or P,t71e 52. Pool & Equipment Location . . '2. Soil Pipe-Undrgrnd� � 53. Steel Reinforcemenc `" � � %-3-Electrical Condw"t`Uiilitv-Undrgrnd. 54. Forms � � � • � _ � 4: EVectrical Condsit U�idigrnd. ' � � ' 55. Eiectrical Bonding - - - } ' S. Steel Reinforcerrfent =� 56. Rough Plumbing & Pressure Test , -�6. Elettrical UFER;"G��d. 59: APPROVALTO COVER�GUNITE � 7. Footings -^ ! 58. Electrical ConduitUndrgrnd. :� . Foundation ' 59. Gat Pipe, �O Uridrgrnd., Test '} � Water Pipe�Undr9rnd. = - . 60. Backwash Lines �P-Trap, � Undr�md. ' ' YJ, 5 ructural Floor SVstem . - 67. APPROVAL TO.DECK` ! � {----�: '-- 11. Property Sewer Line & House�Connection � 62. Backwash & Rzceptor�Final �� 12. Sewer Cap �' -"" 63. Heater & Vent-Final i � � 13. Roof Drains � - 64. Plumbinq Sysiem � Final � , � 14. Rough Plumbing- . 65. Electricai�Finai � - . , 75. Rough Electricat`-Condui2 .. • 66. Solar System-Final .• 16. Rough Electric LNi�ing 67. Fencing & Access-llpprovai, f� . � 17. Rough 4Viring Sign - 68. APPflOVED FORPLASTERII�G ' l8. Rough Electrical•T Bar Ceiling 69. POOUSPA SYSTEMS FINAL .i �� 79. Rough Heating & A�r Conditioning . � FIflE DEPT. RE�UIREMENT - ��.-- 20. Rough Pacto`ry Fifeplace „ - . - , APPROVALS^ • Per'mit # - _ ^ 21. Quc{s, in.Siru`cturE ' ' .- - _ " r' - ` . _ . _ � r , 70. �Undergrourid Hydro , 22. Ducfs. Ventilatin9 �- .. - � _ 71. Product P�Ping r-,._I'.'Gas ❑Oil 23. Gas Pipe�F:ough &'Test � ` - -" �' 72. Underground Flvsh - - �S :� � 24. Roof Framing. �� , - . - c� �: 73: Undergrnd. StoFage Tank�� Gas ❑�0�1 25. Rooi Sheathing • *'-� � `�- ;�.* - 7q pverhead'Hydro - 26. T�Bar-Ceiling (Structural) & Monocoat >- ' � i;� x 75: Dry Chemical - �_ , 27. Frame and Flashing'� _ _ "-= � r 76: Dry Star�pipe �=,; �`- � = , 28. `Laihing & Siding-r , ;, - � � -- ; � .. : ; 77.; FIXED �YSTEM:FINAL � d ' 29. Insulatian ��- '- ' � '' � ;K 7B: FIRE P,REV. FINAL t � 30. Drywall Nailing . . � � � � ' �.� _ �- J�; HEALTH DEP�7 REQUIREMENT � 31. Plaster Br_"own Coai '_ _ � " 73.'FtNAL-' GNS?ECT�ION ''~ �' 32. •ElectricaFPower Meter-Final '` � -, 80. FOOD CERTIFICATE ISSUED 33. �F�ina!"Electric " �'' � , , � - Notes: � _'Z� �� �•�� ��_�v ' 34. Fina!-Heating.& Alr Conditioning=.' ' x " ; � ,- _ �' - - �s- _� - `. � 35. 'Finai-Gas Pipe�Test - �T - '` '.. O� _30' o� �_�Kp_�,. a CC t S S f2,/V, 36. Hood�or Canopy �:' -`�' , x � �` �" � � X r' � - - - � = l_O'_1=�r_�':_n1o_, acc ESS_ �►�( 37. Final��Factory FirApiace' - . _ :� . '." � .1--���E �� , 38. Finat-Plumtiing _ I�`> _ ' _ '�y-- � �. .... - )i�ao.96', ,`�� � � ,. 39. Water.Service-Fina� � J y ao��� <��IKR�(_,z_F_'e1� �n( � � •; . 40. Gas Service-Final _� �` ` 1.+,1�/�` �. C` C'•- � , _ .. -' p c � 41. Solar pomesticFinal - - ' �. i �i 42. Backflow Prevente� _ " ' ` ' � � - - _ _ r_' . . ` 43. Backflow Irrigation� - __ �� � •- - >.. � _ ,44. landscape IrciGatioq System _ _ '� ~ - - ' - _ _ - - - " 3. _ 45. Sound Aitenuation- - . - x :. -- - •- --+ - - ' �t . -r y 46. Handica�.Regulations � s ' - " ' F � _ ^,� � � � i' 47. FINAL STRUCTURE & BUILDING � , � � �; _ ` _w * 48. EINALPLANNING ' �' �' " -, 49. Elecuic Rele�se to Edison . '�r ; -• - " , - _ y �50. Gas Release to Southem California Gas Co �` r -.�, ' 51. CERTIFICATEOfOCCUPANCY ti = _ : - . . �. , No Date CITY OF COSTA MESA REQUEST FOR OCCUPANCY TRACT N0. � � ` O P IAT N0. t'i-'V ADDRESS �J � 1 T=. ) L 4.1 � 1 R a�• DATE `- g - �3 The developer of the above entitled tract desires to sell the above set forth lot prior to the time that the tract has been completed and its streeta accepted by the City of Costa Mesa. The undersigned, by executing this agreement, acknowledges that (ae-s:,e-•they) "� 1�12.�' f�s--ar were) w �Q��. advised that this tract has not been given final inspection nor has it been accepted by the City of Costa Mesa as having complied with the conditions of approval which were imposed by the City at the time the final tract map was approved. The City assumes no liability for the enforcement of the conditions necessary for approval other than those conditions protected by surety bond. The undersigned agrees to indemnify and hold the City harmless from any claim reaulting in damage or personal in�ury to the undersigned by reason of the aforementioned uncompleted condition. BY �� � L/f��1../�'�L,"� t-�_ Purchaser . � i"� BY �i���t'j1�t-t_'.J �� �.�L 4'ti,.�c9-je Developer and/or authoXized �, tepresenta[ive �Z�-4��. %/. J BY /�l-.�C-Lt��c _. ��-�-�-Gi Lender 40 µi.: 501 35075 iA BUILDING-SAFETY DEPARTMENT 200 COSTA MESA.CALIFORNIA 92626 For Applican[ to Fill in Completely BUILDING / ADDRESS ��[/� Fuchsia Street OWNER Larwin Southern Calif., Inc. MAIL 16�255 Ventura Blvd. ADDflESS c�-rv Encino, .Calif. N�'86-8890 con,sraucrio�,arwin Southern Calif.. LENDER BRANCH 16255 Ventura Blvd. ADDRESS EncinO, Calif. Oft ENGINEER Larwin N�73-4464 ADDRESS9100 Wilshire,�Beverly Hill CONTRACTOR Larwin Southern Calif. ADDRESS 16255Ventura Blvd. CITY Encino, Calif. Tn,o�386-8890 L C. No. 191311 LICVNO. B—]. SIZE NOW ON LOTS O oF�or 60 x 100 I USE OF EXISTING BI.IX'i. SIZE OF NO. OF NEWBLDG.1%�FO ROOMS STORIES 1 EXTERIOR WALL ROOF ' COVEFING St.UCCO COVERING Wd. Shinal� USE OF BUILDING ANO WORK TO BE PERFORMED 1 hereby acknowledge that � have reatl this application antl state that ffie above information is correct and agree to comply wiffi alt laws regula[ing builtlin8 ronsttuction, antl I shall not employ any person in violation oi the workman's compensation laws of the State of California. I hereby cartify that I am properly licensetl as a conttactor under the State ot California Business antl Protessions Cotle, Divisicn 3, Chaprer 9, antl ffiat such licenses are in full force antl eftect, or I am exempt trom the provisions ot the State ot Calitornia Business and Professions Cotle, Division 3, Chapter 9. Signature �..�. A Permitte ,�/ {�—. D. Downs Authorized Agent n��, � S'�[PAIOOO 996+, 142.85 [NSA *x* FOR BUILDING PERMIT R A.P. NO. * BUIIDING�� / ^7 AODRES �O � TRACT / / �� FIRE APPR ZONE NO.OF P�'JNS < YARDSAPPROVED MAIN BUIL�ING (FROM GL STREET) DI5TANCE BET MAIN BLDf35. VAR. �f` C.U.P. # APPROVED i. THE AMO THE PURPi VALUATION 0 _ O ,.,� � � ' PEfiM�S�� J �C�S( V LOT (1 BLOCK C _ G. ��A��$a6 a� � / GROUP al � �ATE � USE OF NEW S/N Ft% I�� BUILDING !T/v VARDSAPPROVED ACCESSORY BUILDING FT. FT FT. FT. BET. MAIN & ACCE55. BLDGS. DATE APPROVED 7/z-G/7 L $TAT � .�� � D � 0 /N UNDER VALUATION IS FOfl ABLISHING A PERMIT FEE ONLV: m 2 � W PERMIT FEE $ � � J m PLAN CHECK $ � E � o LL TOTAL FEE $