HomeMy WebLinkAbout3386 FUCHSIA ST - Building Permitsi,nnnFssaeuinu�c: 3386 FUCHSIA ST u"T: °'^'"E"s"""E"'aa"":NIKPOUR, NUSHZAD FLOOD: AH-38 �o^�u NZI{POUR, PARTOU 3386 FUCHSIA ST COSTA MESA,CA 92626 MPL. IW 11NG MOMESS: /JMNRECT OR B!�lEEii: JiCN.OP F.NG.'S dUDflE55: uc. ew.: UNT: corrm�crarsxu.�:K & H AIR SYSTEMS ( 909 ) 736-1999 CQ17qACTOR5YY1dM 4057 TEMESCAL �ooxEss:NOkCO �CA uc.xo.: 689853 91 "16 6 uxr: SED CONfNRCTONS DECLARRTION: I MreEy eRkm unAa peneYy d perjury �he� I em liceneed under provieiom d Chepter 9 m e�ip �tilh Seclbn 1000) ���^^ 3 d iM Buvrwu enE Pmieseiona Code. end mY �� b in lull lace end elletl. cm c.No.:069931 �/-uc.cuss:C_20 uc.No.: 6848 3 EXP: 03/98 o�a: / - 6 c��a�: /.7��d�iiJ7��— WN BUILOEN DECLAH�TION: I hmeby effirm undx penely d perlury Ihet I am esemq iram iM CoMrr.lan License law la ihe reeaun (Sed'an ]031.5 Busima eM Gmimabm COAe: AnY uY a mun7 �� �Vui�ae e pamiu to m�nvun. eller. improve. 5 mdsh, w ropeir eny evucwre, prior to ils ewanca, deo reQuime the applicenl la such permil b fila e eqred eWemant tlim he or eM 4��yicensed W�uenl �o Ihe provieime d Ihe Conlraztwe Licenna law �Chepler 9(oommmdiq wi�h Sed'on 100U) d Div'sion 3 d tM �"�'�"snee5 eM Prolasaiau Codel a Ihel ha «ahe i5 n�cemq Ihxehom eM IM besis la Ne elb0� uemqun. MY videlon al5etlion :���.5 by enY aCW�t 1« e permn aubpds Iha epd�t to e rnil pmalry d M mae �hen frve hurMred dd4n 133001). ❑ I. ea ownar d iM papaM ar my empbyem weh wepea es ihei ade compeneetim. will do IM xork. eM Ne ebuaun w rot inleMad a dlered M eeb (Sectian 10a4. Bud� erd PMeasiomCaEe: The Comraewa L'vue lew doae �w eVWYto an ownard propeity who WiCe a mprwee iherean, enE who Eoea suM vrork Mmeall a Mrse� or Mraph he ar her ovm empbyeea, pwiEad ihet euch imprwemenU ere rol in�eMed a oHered lor eele. X, however, iM WiNinp or impovemem ie eoltl Milhin one year d oompblion, IM owrcrbuildx xill heva �M buMen d prwiiq he a ehe did rwi build a improw la iM W�a d eeb). � 1. ea owner W iM propeM. � exdwiveN �Ired'm0 �h lioenaed conneclore ro conavua ihe oAl� (Seeun )061. Buaimea arM Prdessione Code: The Conlratlan licenae lew doea nd eppy ia an owmr d propMy wfio buiNa a impwr thnean erd who wnvacb la eudi qqeqa wdh e cauranor(n) licemed Wnuenl to IM Conireuore lioenae lawl. � I em exempt uMer Section: B. 8 P.C.,1« thia reason: Deta: Owner 1 tlo heraCy ceNly ihat I em awera d ad uMeniend the requiremerro d Celiomu NmM uM Sdeiy Code Sed'am 25505, 255J3, eM �5530, erd Mei I ar eny Mure Nikinp oca�pent vrill / wil rwi (arcb me) meE ro wmply w�h eek 9ele coAm enE IM �puiramenb M e peemil fweonei�uetion w modifiW ionhanlheAk�anepemeM Dislna. Raudemiel eonnruabn eppkretiane w ssamqimm �heea � n,o„s�o�.. Dem: ApplcaM: WOflKEfl'S COYVENS�TION DECLIIN�TION: I heraby eifum unEx prW�y d pajay ar d Iha Idbxi�p detlermiom: ❑ I heva eM wil meinten e ceMR'cele d mneent �o aell�ina�n tor workeie' compemalion, m povided Iw by SeNon 3)00 d �he lebar COEe, tw iM pe�ormence ol Ne work lor wlich thie permn ia iaued. �� 1 hwe uM wil meimen waAen' canD��tion imurarwe. m nQuirtd M Sedion 9100 d Ne Lebor CoJa. br iM G�rmarwe M tM work (or whic� ihie peimil ie isaued. My worNers compenutbn ineurenca rerrier vd pdiry numbar are: c�.: CALIF COMP EXPIRES Policy Number: l0'[1 / t u 0 7/ 2 7/ 9 8 ,is sectim neeE rat bs canpbteE l Me pemil is M one hwNreE ddlus /Sfool n le�s.l I cenAy �hel in Iha pMoimeme d the wak br whch ihn permn is issueA, I e1Wl mi employ e�ry psaon in any mennar w m to become eubjed �o tM xvrlwrs' canpanaetian lewe o/ Celilomu, uM eprea iM1et A I ehould Decame eubjad lo �M xorke�a' rke co�,�ywi��a�+ m s�e� s�oo d ina �.ew coa..�/,/ o��. qy uo,. ywi,�.. Det O` 90 �oa��,�: J I a rp: Fallun (o sscun woM'wi ronperuetlon rorsrap� ls unleMul, �ntl �NII ubjec! en �rrploysr to cNMiul penaMu mG C I IIN Yp h OM hW1Erod HpYLIM Gd/IIl ISIOQWOf� M lJEltl0I1 M MII COIt 0l ro11�NNifb15 dillYpM Y proVW/(I IOf I/1 3 Uon J106 0/ tlrs LWorCob, Infenst, entl �ttomsy's Isu. � CONSTfiUCIION LENDINO AQENCY: I hareby eifiim uMer penelry d parjury that theie ia e conat�utlion bMirp epericy br tln peAormenca M iha xwk fw which tha permil ia eaued (SeUon 309]. Civ. C). LENDEfl'S N/JIE: LENDEP'S RDDHE55: 1 cerlily Ihet I Iwe reaE iho epplicetion eM maN thet iha ebove iMamation ie mrtetl. I apree to compy xilh ell dry enE couMy adineMe� enE steta lexs reletma �o buildiq canmrudim eM hereby unhorixa �apaeenteiivae W thie ary to amer upan the ebwe-mantionad pmpeM IOl1�9pBUqOW�P�B='BILL SAMMONS � o�,� //—�'� (5151-te WP) WM1�e-B�ildvp 8 Selety; Orear�Fle: Cenery-AppYcant: Pink-fievenue; (3oldenm�Avaemor CITY OF COSTA MESA - B(IILDING PEftMIT PERMIT NO: M U86909 PLAN CHECK NO: N ICONSTRUCTION TYYE; V-�N PEkMIT TYPE: MEC IJOB DESCRIPTION , ICLAIM VALOE: CHANGE OUT FURNACE CALC-VALUE: q � — DOO �� PERM NO; M 086909 GOVT: N 5UPP: N PURPOSE: OTH SQ FT: GROUP OCC: R-3 / COMMENTS: X jE if it 3t iE iE iF iE iE iE iE it iE �E iE iE if �f iE �)f i(� �fE �iE 1E �1E iE jE iE iF �E i! iE iE if iE if iE i6 jE iE i: 3E 9E iE �lE iE je iE?E iE iE iF iE iE if iE iF if �f iF �1E �F it iF i!� �1f �E iE IE-Y.� iE ik � iF jE # 3f if iE Z O N I Iv G R E Q U I R E M E N T S S E T H A C K S ----------- MAIN HUILDING --------- ------- ACCES.,GRY BUZLDING FRNT; FT IN REAR: FT IN FRNT: FT rIN REAR: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN PARF(ING REQ: PROV; PARCEL: 41218202 ZNE: REF NO: PLANNING NOTES> � > j iE if if iE if ff 9f iE * if ik jE iF 3E jf fE iE 1f jf iE jE iE iP iP iF iF iE if iE �)E dE ik �E �F iP iF iE if:3E!f iE �f iE if i4 iE iE �flF �E 1E iF iE iE?E # iE 3E 3f iE iE iF if if if 1k ib �F if if * 1E jE 1F if 3E 1E it it D E V E L O P M E N T S E R V�-I C E S R E Q U I R E M E N T S ��. ZONING APPROVED BY '7� DATE: ♦ BUILDING APPROVED BY : •"![i DATE: n APPLICATION ISSUED bY: ��'�J ,C� DATE: / /{� 1E143E-lkikjElEjE3E�1EiE�E1E�EiEiEjFiE3:-3FiE3Ei�F�E��F�EiF3F��Ei'r�i't�Fif%`if�SfiF;E�iF�3��F��fiFi��iF3F��FiFjEiEiE1E3EaEiEiFiEiE�G�i�� . ��E�1(- LEGALIZATION:N F E E �S U M M A k Y STRUCTURAL ScGMENT:N BLDG PMT FLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/RES GRADING PERMIT 13.25 25� SMIP/NON-RES PLAN ISSUE FEE 22.00 bUILDING-DIV-> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN-CHECK TOTAL PAID DUE TOTALS----> 13.25 22.00 0.00 35.25 35.25 .00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED: 35.25 OVER/SHORT: .00 HLDG PMT PLUMHING ELErTRZC MECAANIC FIRE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN-CHECK 35.25 jE �f jE �E �E 3E IE if iE iE �E 1E rF jE aE 3E 9F ia 3E iF df iE 9f iF iE jE !E>F if iE �E iE iE ik iE 7F 3E iE iE if -1! jE if iF jF it iE iE i' 3' iE �E iE fE iE 3f iE if jE jE iE if iE if i� iE iE it iE iF jk iE jE 9f !E 3F iE 3E if I N D I V I D U A.L F E E B R E A K D O W N TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I O N UNIT COST TOTAL COST MEC . 1 INST FORC-AIR/GRAV FURN <= 100 R BTU 13,25 1},25 END UF FEES 82-11-1998l�8PTN•01NB019524 PERMIT : 0869f�9 CONSTRUCTION AND PLANNING �. - � ��� 'PA . . APPROVALS Permit# Date Inspector 'APPROVALS Permit# Date Inspector t. Tempo�aiY Electrical Service or Pole - -. 52. Pool & Equipment Location 2. Soil Pipe-Undrgmd.' ' -53. Steel Reinforcement � 3. Electrical Conduit UtilitY-Undrgmd. . 54. Forms . � ' � 4. Electricai Conduit•Undrgmd. 55: E�ectrical Bonding ' •� � 5. Steel Fteinforcement � 56. Rougfi Plumbing & Pressure Test � 6. Electr'ical UFER Gmd. - 57. APPROVAL TO COVER-GUNITE , 7. Footings � - 58. Electrical Conduit-Undrgrnd. 8. Foundation . � 59. Gas Pipe, O Undrgrnd., Test . 9. Water Pipe•U�drgrnd. - ' 60. Backwash lines, P�Trap, O Undrgmd, 10. Structural Floor System . � . � 61. APPROVAL TO,DECK ' � 11. Property Sewer Line & House Conhectiorr 62. Backwash & Receptor�Final ��. � 12. Sewer Cap ,, � 63. Heater & Vent�Final � � 13. Roof Orains - � .„64', Plumbing Sy.stem � Final 14. flough Plumbi�g �� - 65. Electrical-Final �. 15. Rough Electrical-Conduit ' • , �66. Solar System�Final ' 16. Rough Electric Wiring ' 6J. Fencing & Access ApProval . � 17. Rough Wiring Sign . . 68. APPROVED FOR PLASTERING 78. flough Electrical-T Bar Ceiling � -69. POOVSPR SYSTEMS FINAL 19. Rough Heating & Air Conditioning � " FIRE DEPT. REQUIREMENT 20. Rough Factory Fireplace � . APPROVALS , Permit # 21. Ducts, in Structure • 70. Underground Hydro - 22. Ducts, Ventilating 71. Product Piping � Gas ❑ Oil � 23. Gas P(Pe-Rough & Test 72. Underground Flush 24. Roof framing 73. Undergrnd.StorageTank OGas ❑OiI 25. Roof Sheathing � 7q, pverhead Hydro 26. T•Bar Ceiling (Structurall & Monocoat 75. Dry Chemical � � 27. Frame and Flashi�g � 76. Dry Standpipe 26. Lathing & Siding 77. FIXED SYSTEM FINAL 29. insulation 78. FIRE PREV. FINAL 30. Orywall Nailing . HEALTH DEPT. RE�UIREMENT 31. Piastet Brown Coat _ 79, FINAL INSPECTION 32. Electrical Power Meter-Finai 80. FOOD CERTIFICATE ISSUED 33. Final Electric Notes: 34. Final Heating & Air Conditioning �Z �g 35. finai Gas Pipe-Test � � 36. Hood or Canopy 37. Final Factory Fireplace � 38. Final P�umbing 39. Water Service-Final . 40. Gas Se�vice-Final � � 41. Solar pomestic-Final -,� 42. Backflow Preventer 43. Backflow Irrigation 44. landscape Irrigation System � � 45. Sound Attenuation - ' 46. Handicap Regulations � � , - 47. FiNALSTRUCTURE&BUILDWG - •.; �._,_ 46. FINAL PLANNiNG '= = �� �.. _...� 49. Electric Release to Edison . _ � 'i 50. Gas Release to Southern California Gas Co =-� �' _ -, •:. y, 51. CERTIFICATE Of OCCUPANCY • No. Date •oon�ssaem�nu�c: 33f36 FOCHSI:A ST �M: oxxeaswwcir�u,owr, NIKPOUR, NUSHZAD • FLOOD: AI-I-38 eooxess NIKPOUR, PARTOU � 3386 FUCHSIA ST uSTA MESA,CA 92626754-7529 APPL. MAll1NG IDDNE55: I�xcxrtecTonfllfiwEEx: MCH 011 ENfi.5 d00PE55: �I J I uc xo.: UM: car'm�crarsxa�: ISLAND PACIFIC ROOFING ( 714 ) 637-2493 CQ1fNACi0R5YY1W017762 CAMERON ST -- aoo�sa H. B. CA ua xo.: 6 314 7 2 92647 uxr: 2 LICENSED CONTflRCTOflS DECLANATION: I hereby ell'rm under peneEy d peQury ihet I em IcenseE uMer povieiona d Gheqer 9 (mmmentlng wil� Seclbn 1000) of Divnion J d Ihe Buairca+ eM Prdeavwu CaEe, end my licerue is in hll lace and eHed. cmuc.No.p$7�09 uc.cuss:C 39 uc.No. 3147 E P: 08/97 Dme: � � CaNreaa� s�(�'��,� � OW NEN B LUEN CLAHITON: I hemby dfirm uMx panely d perj.uy ihm I em eaemp Imm tM Canlrmae Liowne lew ta ihe Idbwn9 ��+o� (�bn ]031.5 Bueroan eM Praleuione Code: Aery Ny w eounry xAidi �eq�iree e permn to oonavun. el�er. imprave. demoloh, or repair eny neueiure, prior b Xs swenee, ebo raquires iM eppli�ant fa weh pmmit to fib a siq�wE eletemeM ihel M a aha o i��e w�� �o ina w�. a m. comree«9 u��.s �. �CneNx e(oommmd^0 Milh Seaion 10001 d Oi+ision 3 d ihe 3uvinesa eM PrMessona COEe� or IM1d M«ehe ie exemp iherehom enA ihe besia la Me ellepeE axemption. My voletion d Sedion IW 1.5 by e�ry eppliceM la e parmn wbjatle Ihe eppl�am ta e rnil peneM1y d�w mwa then live huMred ddlara IS500�. ❑ I,esownerdthaqopenyamyemplvyeeawhwepesesthaisolarompensaiion,willdo�hework,andtheavunuremnmintendeA ��. nollmedlaaeb�SMion')01e,B�neeseMProleaeioneCotle:TheCanl2tlaflieemelewEoeandepplyloenowmrdqopeey � ..+,o wua «m� ma�. �e.ro a�..�a� .on� ��n «na.,� a m�aron n: «ne. � �dw�•. a� �nm .�n prweniema era rat imeMeE a oRered lor nele. H, howaver, tha buiWi�p w imDA'+emeM ie eoN wiihin ma year d cwnpbtion, tM owmr-Wildm xill heve �ha huNan d proving M a ehe Etl rwl Wik a improve lor the Wryme d Wel. � I. ee ox�rer W �ha prupeM. ��dusiveN �nved�q xnh licensad wnirecbn b consVud Iha pml� (�� )�. �eir�a vM Prdeviam Code: The Coniredae licenae Law dou rwi eppy lo en owror d prapMy who bwWs a impovea �he�aon uM Wa wnirecu I« m�M propda wtlh e mnvayoe(e) Icaruetl W��� to iM Comren«a Limnee lew). ❑� i�..�w ��,e�, s«��oo: e. a v.c., e« my ��. Data: Ovmar: ' I Eo hereby cenily ihat I am ewve d enE imdxsteM Ma roQuiromrNs d Celfomia HeeX� enE Salety Code Seqione 25505. 25S]3. erd 255�a. enE Ihet 1 or any tNure Wildinp arcupam will / will nW �drcb one) need to canpty wYh sad etate mEea uM iM reQuiremeMs /or epe�mntammwetianamodifratianhwnlMAi ue3i�arupamxuDimriq.RpidmtialwnaewuneppirmiaroenavemqlramNma o,�.;sm�.. Deb: Applkem: WOXKEH'S COMPENS�TION DECLIHATION: I Mraby ellum urdar pereXy d Po�WrY � d the Idbxi�q dedarmum: � I haw vd wil meinien a canJi a�e of cmaent lo aell-ineun la Mwkere compeneelbn. m providad la by Sedim 3]00 of tM lebar Cada,lorlM perfarmenca dtM wurkla which Nie permn uisaued. � I heve eM vril meinlen vroM1en' wmpemation im�rer�m. m mpuire� by SeGion 910U d ihe labor Code. la iM peAwmence d tM w�i«„nKn�n�.�,�n��.�»a.Mv•��GO'�LDEN EAG E ��"�m��v� EXPIRES c�: Pdiry Number: 1 1� 2 �� 9 7 hrs �nim �eee �a ro m.,�d.�ee r ine ro�r a ro. �. n��d�d dd� Isiool w nas.l �] I centy thet in tM pe�imnence d �M wark for which ihis permn u iaeued. I kWl m� employ erry penon in enY menror eo av Io I bacama wEjetl Io Ihe xwMxs' canpe�ae�ion �exa d Cdilomie. vW eprae ihet il I ehouN become eubjw to tM xabro' Dma: ✓ 1 `V Mq�:� ' / r/ Weminp: llun ro��c✓n workws'rompeiwtlon coverep� la nNMul, antl alWl ubJ�ct en arployer lo MMnsl pen�l0u �ntlJ elHl 11� up ro aro �'ntlrW tMuand rbllen ft1P0,0001, M Mllfbn ro M� ewt ol rompxwtbn, Wmrypa u qvHdsd bi In SxNm 3M6 0/ Ms LeboICOJe, InNnsf, en0 atto/rroy'I /w. - CONSTHUCTION LENDINU RGENCY: I henby elfirtn uMer penehy of perNA' �hel Iham ie e conatrud'wn bMinp epa^cy br tM �IBI�O1111811CB O/1�1! W➢f�l�IX W�11(/1�h0 �GlTI 19 681Md�.5BtlYf1309i.�iN.�i�� ' LENDEX'S NMIE: LENUEN'S ADDXESS: I cenity thm I here read ihis epplketion end qete thet iha ebova iMwmeiion ia wrred. I apree to comDN'�'�h dl dty end caunty ordinenua end eiete 4xs relelmg lo buiNvq canarutlion end Mreby eNMrize mpreeentatives d Ihe tityto en�a upon �he ebwa-mentiwntl paperly �«���°��'°��FRANR MORANDA P'ni N � ��,� o�, �3 4� Sipnelure a Ownar/ApanV pD � a� r a (5151<8 WP) While-Buikvq d Selery:Orean-Fle: Ceiwy-AppYceM: Pink-iiavenw; Oakbn�o�0.aaeaor _ , CIT1 OF COSTA MESA - B.UILDIiJG•PERt4IT _ PERM PJO; B 00"207'7 PERMIT NO: B 082077 PLAN CAECK NO: N GOVT: N SUPP: N CONSTRUCTION TYPE: V-N PERMIT TYPE: STR PURPOSE: uTFi JOB DESCRIPTION : T/0 & SHEATH 6 REROOF W/LT TILE ICB03523 SQ FT: 7,000 CLAIM VALUE: 7,000.00 CALC-VALUE: 7,000.00 GROUP OCC: R-3 / COMMENTS: REROOF 2200SF RESIDENCE W/LT TILE, S.BPSF MAX WT, SMOKE DET REQUI IE1tiE�E�EjFiEfElE�F�IEiEiElfiElElFiF�EiElE1E1ElE1EiElEfkiEiflklffflElE�EiEifiEiEiF1EiE�ElflfiFlEiEfElElE�fiE3f1Elf1f1EiE1E lE�EiEjEiE 1f Z O N I N G R E Q U I R E M E N T 5����E ����� � S E T H A C K S /'^f,� ----------- MAIN BUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY HU�IH�Fh7��a�+�--- FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN LEFT: F'T IN RGHT: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN PARKING REQ: PROV: PARCEL: 41218202 ZNE: REF NO; PLANNING NOTES> �S fE k 1Elk 1E 1E iE iE iE fF iE fE 3E iElE�1E fE iE �E iE 1E fE iF 1E if 1E 1E 1FlE iF 1F 1E fE 1E iE 1ElE 1E ft 1E 1E fF iE IE 1F �F iE 1E 1E 1E iE iE if if iF 1f iE IF fE 1f i(-dklE fE 1f IF iE iE iE 1f iE iF 1E iE iFlFlE iE 1E D E V"E'L O P M E N T S E R V I C E S R E Q U I R E M E N T S ZONING APPROVED;BY DATE; � BUILDING APPROV-ED BY : DATE: '' 3l Ig � APPLICATION I,SSUED BY; DATE: � iEiEiEi[�iEiEiEiFi[�iEiE�tiEi[�iEit�iEiEitiEiEit3F3F�FiF3F3f3F�F�F'iFiFiF7F7F3F7F7FiFiFiFiF'�FiF�F 7F �FTF-fFTFiFiF�F3F*iEiEiEiEx-iEiE*if�iFTFiEiE LEGALIZATION.`N F E E S U M M A R Y STRUCTURAL SEGMENT:Y BLDG PMT PLUMBZNG ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/RES GRADING PERMIT 124.75 70 PLAN ,- SMIP/NON-RES ISSUE FEE BUILDING-DIV-> PERMIT TSSUE PLAN-CHECK TOTAL PAID DUE TOTALS----> 125.45 0.00 0.00 125,45 125.45 ,00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COL'LBCTED; 125.45 OVER/SHORT: .00 BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/TOT GAADING PLAN-CHECK 124.75 �! .70 iE iE iE iE 1k iE fE 1E iE iE 1f it iE iE iE iE iE if 1E it 1E iE fF iE fE fE iE ik jE if iE it iE it iE iF iE 1E iE 1E iE 1E iE 1F 7F iE iE fE fE iF if !E if iE 1F iE 1E k fE iE iE iE 1E 1E iE iE iF jl iE iE 1f iE iE iE k{E iF iE 3k I N D I V I D U A-L F E E B R E A K D O W N' TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I�.O N UNIT COST TOTAL COST' SFR 7000 REROOF BY VALUE RESIDENTIAL NOZONE 1.00 7,000,00 :END OF FEES EXPI\�=�D D 83-18-1997/83:13 PM/f125.45 PERMIT:T08Z077 CONSTRUCTION AND PLANNING � � _ POOI A' APPROVALS Permit # � - Date 'Inspector` � APPROVALS Permit # • Date Inspector 1. Temporery Electricaf Service or Pole- � � 52. Pool & Equipment Location . . ' '} 2. Soil'Pipe-Undrgmd.' � - .. � 53. Steel Reinforcement ' � � '.3. Electriral Conduit Utility-Undrgrnd. • � 54., Forms �' ' � •+ 4: Electrical Conduh=Undrgrnd. � ' � � � 55-. Electrical Bonding ' � ' � : S. �Steei Reinforcement . 56. Rough Plum6ing & Pressure Test � } �� 6.'Electrical UFER Grnd. - � ''57. APPROVALTO COVER•GUNITE - , 7r Footings '". - � ' _ 58. Electrical ConduitUndrgmd. ' � _ .8. ;Foundation ' - � 59. Ga`s PiPe, �, Undrgmd., Test � - . ' 9. 4Nater Pipe-Und�grnd. .' � , 60. Backwash Lines, P=Trap, � Undrgmd. � 10. Structural Pioor System .-"� . - '61. APPROVAL TQ DECK �� 3 71. Property Sewer Line & House Connection �. .62. Back�vash & ReGeptor-Final ; - � - 12. Sewer Cap � 63. Heater & Vent�final � 13. Roof Drains _- - 64. Plumbing Sys2em -�Pinal . � 14. Rough Plumbing _ . • 65. Electrical-Finai , � '� . � .15. Rough Eleotricai�Conduit . �� 66. Solar SVstem-Flnal /: ' 76. Rough Elettric Wiring . _ , 67. Fencing & AccessApP�oval t � 17. Rough Wiring Sign - 68. APPROVED FOR PLASTERING . �� 18. Rough Electrica6T Bar Ceiling � 69. POOL/SPA SYSTEMS-FINAL � 79. Rough Heating & Air Conditioning • . F�RE DEPT, REQUIREMENT 20.' Rough Factory Fireplace - - ; _ _' �': APPROVA;L��' P�imit # ^ " 21.-Ducts, in-Structure - � _ -- � '- 70..-Underground Hydro - � 22. Ducts,Ventilating ' - ;, � ,_� �:� ;" 77, product:PipingCiGas OOiI 23. Gas Pi e=Rou h & Test - - . �. �; - = � � . ' _ - P 9 '- 72. Underground F-iush.� . _ 24.�Roof Framing _ � • �- '- �`���;/'�jJ 7.3. Undergrnd.Stq�ageTank OGas ❑�Oil 25. Roof Sheathing .. ' T 3/lO�Q7 i'l.1:• -- 74. Overhead HYdro _. ic(i ' .. 26. T-Bar Ceiling (Structural) & Nlonocoat �. � '�•'� 75. Dry Chemical . � �� ' G r, �.li 27.�-Frame and Flashing. .- � _ - - -� 76. �Dry Stanifpipe ;_� �� � Ry� 's 28. Lathing & Siding = _ " " Z7. FIXED;SYSTEM FINqL �., f 29. Insulation .- - � . ', 7.$, PIRE PREV. FINAI � ^- - ' 30. DrywaIIN2��ing � � �- �HEAITN DEPT�REQUIREMENT- � A. �. �q. � il . . �. 31. Plaster Brown Coat, �- . - ,� �- 79. FINAL INSPECTION �. � - 32.'Electrical PoWer MeterFinal - - '• �� 80! FOOD CERTIFICYATE ISSUED �. , ,- • s , Noces:3/l�QiJ �� Sdr�11%i7-i �- - 33.�Final Electric , ' 34.• Finaf Heating-& Air Conditioning . ' - . .. _ ��. i x _. ,. - 35.YFinalGas.Pi�e�Test, .. _� r.''' y'' ,-, 36. Hood or CanoPY � • .� '.- - � �. i � � �- ��,.. � 37. Final FactOry Fireplace � , . � � ' , :r 38. Final Plumbing '- ' � ' - - ' - _ r ' 39. Water Service�Final . �" - ` = - ' - �" 40. Gas Service-Pinal . - .. . - . - . . - � 41. Solar pomesticFinal - _ �. ' _ _ -- � 42. �Backflow Preventer � � � �� - -• _� � 43. Backfiow Irrigation � � � ' � - ' '� ', 44. Landscape Iriiaation System� " '- � � _ ^ � ' � � r � ' 45. Sound Attenuation' '" , - ,r � ; 4 = ' " _ � r, 46. Ha�dicap Regulations � _ � ' - _ ._ . - 47. FINAL STRUCTURE & BUlLDING , . „ �'' � - ' 48. FINALPLANNING _ � 49. Electrie Re�ease to Edison � _ ' �� _ _ • - : ` 50. Gas Release to Southem Califomia Gas Co •- �• • •. - 51. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY . - ' No. Date CITY OF COSTA MESA REQUEST FOR OCCUPANCY TRACT N0. /� IAT N0. �G {J / ADDRESS ���I ¢ � DATE G/ � / r The developer of the above entitled tract desires to sell the above aet forth Iot prior to the time that the tract has been completed and its streets accepted hy the City of Costa Mesa. The undersigned, by executing this agreement, acknowledges that �e-they) (wa� were) /�1/�. advised that this ttact has not been given fi nspection nor has it been accep[ed by the City of Costa Mesa as having complied with the conditiona of approvai which were imposed by the City at the time the final tract map was approved. The City assumes no liability for the enforcement of the conditions necessary for approval other than those conditions protected by surety bond. The undersigned agrees to indemnify and hold the City harmless from any claim resulting in damage or personal injury to the undersigned by reason of the aforementioned uncompleted condition. BY i�,�Ll�// .�i��!_���� Purchaser BY ��24d �� �.l"P�,2 � L �f% Developer and/or author�zed � xepresentative �'e���. (� � , BY �,c-2_G'P� , ��c-Y�- Lender OWNER W AT SWR. LINE I I HOt/5E CON. ROUGM HEATING AND AIR TEMPORARV SERVICE OR POLE UN�ERGROUN� � POWER � ROUGH WIRING TRENCHES � FORMS � STEEL ftEINF. FLOOR SVSTEM BONO BEAM ❑ STEEL REINFORCE � SHEATHING FRAME ANO FLASHING LATHING — IN ❑ � PLdSTFq, BROWN COAT ST URAL, FINPL HE :, VENT., REFRIG. AN� A.C., F PLUMBING, FINAL ANO GAS TEST n ELECTRIC, FINAL BUILDING, iINAL c DATE SUBCONTRACTOR . Z . aU 2 Za O v~i -dm J � J N p] J J m Q U N ZQ W � aw W Z J Q m z J � W W � ZF W � fn ¢ � � � z a U J a a a 0 F N z � F U � � H N z 372 COSTA MESA BUILDING-SAFETY DEPARTMENT P.O. BOX 1200 COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA 92626 For Applicant to Fill in Complefely ADIDRE55 �� p (p `LlC/dS�%l iL{' OWNER 2� �/ /�E�i /C�C%� ADDfiESS ��O{O `�C�S�// CITV/./J.CTi4 /�OGld NOLY�%%�� BflANCH ADDRESS ARCHITECT TEL. OR ENGINEER NO. ADDRE55 CONTRACTOR � ��� / �� ADDRESS TEL. GTY NO. STATE - CITV LIC. NO. LIC. NO. SIZE NO.OF BLDC+' OF LOT I NOW ON LOT USE OF EXI5TING BLDG. . ' ' 512E OF 'J-�- O. OF NEW BLDG. - 3 Fi00MS STORIi EXTERIOR WALL ROOF � COVERING COVERING USE OF BUILDING AND WORK TO BE PERFORMED P:,ID �:UG 7_7-73cM;�001346� u���*9.50 TION FOR BUILDING PERMIT eul OWNER FIRE 20NE APPROV ZONE NO.OF PLANS VAROSAPPROVED MAIN BUILDING (FROM GL STji[ET) VAR. #` C.U.P.4 BET — i!/lu. r , LOT BIOCK P � ru � VALUE ) , $ 'E GROUP � DA$1•' � USE OF N � � BUILDING �� � YARDS APPROV ED BET. MAIN & I hereby acknowledge that I have read this aOP�ication antl state that the above intormation is correct and agree to comply wiih all laws regula[ing building consnuction, and I shall not amploy any Oerson in violation of the workman's compensation laws ot Me State ot California. I hereby certify that I am properly licensed as a contractor undar SQ. FT. the State of Calitornia Business antl Protessions Code, Divisicn 3, THE AMOUNT SHOWN UNDEF Chapter 9, antl that such ' ense are in full force antl effect, or I THE PURPOSE OF ESTABLISHING am eaempt from tlie visi of theState of C iiornia Business VALUATION antl Protessions Cn ' ision 3, Chapter �l/ PERMIT FEI Sie^ature of /�� Permittee $ U // PLAN CHEC v Authorizetl Agent TOTAL FEE � b 0 i 'v . ¢ m J m E LL � 160 �� �� 1 . ' COSTA MESA BUILDINGSAFETY DEPARTMENT� 401AR P•o. eOx 7200 COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA 92626 ' ' For qpplicant to Fil/ in Completely BUILDING �js� �/ Anf]RESS �7 p � FllCt1Sl8 Street . Z . W w aU Z Za O� am J � J N 21 J m J Q U � Z a W � aw WZ J � m z J � W W O ZH w� �O H z Q U J a a Q 0 F N z � �"' U � � F N z OWNER Larwin .SO Calif MAIL ADDRESS 16255 Ventura Bou TE CITY Fnni nn '('.�� i f NC BRANCH 16255 Ventura.Boul ADDRESS Encino, California ARCHITECT � ,�..��. TE,L,. 100 Wi coNTAAOTOR�,arwin SO CdT1Y. � InC. ADDRESS 16255 ,Ventura Boulevard TEL. CITY Fncino, Calif NO(�gFj�gg L C No. 191311 LICVNO. B-1 oF �or 60 x 100 ' ! NOW ON LO S O USE OF EXISTING BLDG. ' SI2E OF NO. OF NEW BLDG. L�H�{ ROOMS STORIES 1 EXTEflIOfl WALL ROOF COVERING St,�]QQQ COVEflING[�]OOC� Shin USE OF BUILDING AND WORK TO BE PERFORMED Pato auc � 5-�2�;,-5�00 i � os+� �*** 142.88 APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT R CE VE BY DATE CEIVED I DATE ISSUI r L 9-1� _� _ PERMIj� � A.P. NO. j BUILDING �2 �/ i� � . ADDRESS _� /n CuC?-4Sla � OWNER FIRE 20N1 APPF i N �. � � n3 #rf /'T _ yALUE� � 1_ � ( !1// /� (IJ TE7'��/{ �7Z ZONE NO.OF - USE OF NEW r'j/N f/}/l � PWI�S � BUILDING /� GR VARDSAPPflOVED YAR�SAPPROVED MAIN gUILDING ACCESSORV BUIIDING DISTANCE MAIN BIDC VAR. # C.U.P.� APPROVED � APPROVED I hereby acknowled9e ihat I have reatl this application antl scate �-IOLD FOR SPECIAL E UIREIb that the above intormation is correct and agree to comply with all laws regulatine building consttuction, antl I shall not employ any person in viblation ot ffie workman's compensa[ion laws of " the State of California. A/� ' m - SQ.FT..� MZ `fi(JO � � I hereby certify that 1 am properly licensetl as a con[rector untler � � the State of Calitornia Business antl Professions Cotle, Divisicn 3, THE MOUNT SHOWN UNDER VA�UATION IS FOfi j Chapter 9, and thot such licenses are in full force antl effect, or 1 THE PURPOSE OF ESTABLISHING A PERMIT FEE ONLV: v am exempt fram the provisions of the State of California Business VALUATION ¢ antl Professions Cotle, Division 3, Chapter 9. - $ � �'+ PERMIT FEE � 7 Signature o A . .. :T?) m Permittee ��/>.i�� D. Downs $� G 4��% PL4N CHECK $ _ E r �� c LL Authorizetl Agent TOTAI FEE 5