HomeMy WebLinkAbout3493 FUCHSIA ST - Building Permits7POJECT AOONESS: 3 q 9 3 FUCHS IA ST OWNEF'SNAMEK/:HC�ECIYAN, KIRROR nooness:lsAiiVECiYAN EiIZABETH 3493 FUCHSiA ST COSTA MESA.CA 92626 AflCN/ENGINEEB: AOOflESS: NEG.NO.: UNIT: UNIT: PEflMITTEE:aCORN AOOFING ( 714 ) 524-7887 aooness:17891 LINDA DR YORBA LIND'A CA 92686 UCENSEO LONTPACTOB OECLAflATION: I hereby aliirm tha� I am licensea un0er provlsions o� Chapter 9(commencing with Section 7000) o� �rv:sion 3 0l Ihe 8usine55 and Pmfessions Cotle. antl my license is in full force ana e�tec�. cirruc.: sTareuc.:o93148 cus�s:�C�-39 oaie. 1'� 3 $i9na�ure: —��—��4Yw' {i[i WOPNENS' LOMPENSpTION oECIAPAtION: I hereby affirm ihat I nave a certificate ai cansent to sell-insure or a cenilicate oi Workers' Compensaiion Insurance, or a cerlifietl copy Ihereai (Seclion 3800, Lab. C�. roucrNo.:1296649-93 EXP.ORTE:O�}IOZ�9`r COMPFNY:STATE FUND r] Certitied capy is hereby �umis�ed. � Cetlilied coDY is liled wiih Ihe city 6uilding Oivision. Jaie'. APPlicanP �� /( (rY�d.e � E%EMPTION FX M WOPNEflS' COMPENSNTION OECLAHATION: QhiS seclion neeA na� be�mplete0 iI the permit i5 �or one hmMreO (5100) oNe55�. I certity ihal in the petlormance ai �he wark for w�ic� this Oermi� is issuea, I s�all not employ any person in any manner so aSlo become subjeci lo Ihe Workers' Compensaiion Laws ol Calilomia. Oate: Signa�ure: NOTICE: Ii. afler making Ihis Jecla�a�ion, you s�ould b¢come subjecl �o Ihe Workers' Compensation pmvisions ol the Labor CODe. you mu5i lorthwrth comDly wi�h such provisions or Ihis permi� shall be Oeemed revoked. CONSiflOCTION LENOING AGENCY: I hereby aflirm ihat t�ere is a constmction lending agency for �he petlormance oi t�e work Ior wAich Ihis permii is issue0 (Seciian 3097. Civ. C). LENDEH: ADOPESS: OWNEF BUILUEB OECIAflRTION: I hereby a�firm ��at I am exempi imm Ihe Con�raclors' State License Law for lhe lollowing reason (Seqion 703/.5 Business antl Pro�essional Code: Any cily o� couniy w�ich reQuires a permii to con5imc�, alle�, impwve, tlemolish, or repair any stmcWre. prior �o iis issuance, alsa requires the applicant �ar such permii �o file a signetl statemen� Ihai hGshe is licensetl pursuant io i�e pmvivons of i�e Contracmrs' Stare License Law (Chapter 9(commencing wiih Section 7000) oi Division 3 of ihe Business ana Pmfessions Cotle) or Ihai he/she is exemp� �herelmm antl �he basis �or the allegeU exemption. Nny violation ol Sec�ion 7031.5 by any applican� �or a permii SuDle��S Ihe applican� to a civil penalty ol no� more �han five hunOreO tlollars ($500�. I, as owner of Ihe D�oOehY or my employees wi�� wages as their sole compensalion, will do lhe wark, and fhe ❑ SlmcWre is no� in�en0etl or ollere0 �or sale (Sec�ion 70a4, Business an0 Pm�essional Code: The ConVacbrs' Sta�e License law Aoes noi apply �a an owner o� a pmpe�y who builds or improves Ihereoq an0 who tloes such work himsel�/hersel� ar Ihrough his ar her own emplayees, pmvitlea Ihai such impmvemen�s are no� inlende0 or offeretl for sale. II, however Ihe building or impmvemeni is sold wilhin one year ol comple�ion, the owner will have �he Ilurden ol pmvmg he/she Did no� builtl or improve lor Ihe purvose of sale�. I, as owner o� the pmpeny. am exclusively conVacting wi�� licensed con�racto�s to conSVuct Me prolec[ (Section 70d4, Business ❑ and Pmlessions Cotle: The Conlraclors' S�a�e License Law does nol appty m an mvner o� D�apetly w�o builtls or impmves tAereon ane wha Comrad5 br such pmlecls wilh a COntrat�or(5�liten5e pursuam Io �he ContraCtors' Sta�¢ Litense Law�.l am aware ��ai pmo� of Iheir Worker's Compensa�ion in5urance shoultl be provitlea �o me. � I am exemn� unaer Seclion: B. 8 P. C. for ihis �eason'. �ate: Owner I tlo hereby cetldy tha� I am aware al antl untlersiantl the requiremenis of Cahiomia Healih and Sa�ery Coae Sec�ians 25505, 25533, ana 25534 antl Iha� I or any IUWre �uilding accupan� willlwill nol (circle one) neea to comply wiih SaiU stale cotles antl �he requirements �ar a permil lar consimction or motliticalion imm �he Air Duahry Managemen� �isiricl. Resiaenlial consimc�ion applications are e�emp� irom �IleSe provl5ion5. oa�e�. aaor���r. I hereby cerulytha� I �averea0 ihis application and sta�e�hatihe a�ave in�armalion is correcl. I agreeto camply wiih allciry antl counry ortlinances an0 siate la�vs ielating to bwltling canslmc�ion and hereby authorize represen�a�ives oi ihis ciry Io enier upon ��e above-men�ionea pmpetly lorinsp clion Ourpo5e5. Oate: Signawre: �n% �4�,/ Driver'S Litense ar Sotial Secunly n.' �� � / 16an46 WM1ne—Butltling: Green—Code Enlorwmen�; Canary—Applicant; Pink—Revenue'. Goltlenro�—Assessor � � - CiTY OF COSTA NESA/— 9UILDING PrRMFT PrRM NO: B 051963 yERMIT NO: $ 061953 PLAN CH?CK NO: N GOVT; N SUPP; � CONSTRUCTION TYPE: 5—N PERMIT TYPE: STR PURPOSE; OTH JQB DESCRIP�SO�� : T/O WD SHKS,RESHEATH W1/2"CDX,APPLY COMP SQ FT: 6,000 CLAZM VALUE: 6,000.00 CALC—VAiUE:, 6,000.00 GROliP OCC: R-3 / COMMENTS: SMOKE DETECTORS RE�iUiREU PER THE 1991 EDITION OF THE UBC. 3E3EiE?i1EiEffiEif3'fikiFiElFifiFiEiflFiEiE3f�E1i'ifiElfiF iEiFii-if3Fif'1ElEiE'IEiE�iEififiEif'lEifiEiEifik>;iFiEiffF'!fifit7fiE'IFiE?EiEiE�Fif'lFiFiF����riF���� 2 O N I N GS RTE$QAUCIxRSE ,i E N T S R�■1�KE p �� F �lYt �������� ----------- MAIN BUiiJZNV ---------- --------- ACCE550RY BUILD u.�.s, �4_ "-- FRNT; rT IN REAR: FT IN FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT I�V LEFT; FT IN RGHT: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT; FT IN PARHING REO• PROV: ?ARCEi: 41217202 ZNE; REF �y0: P�ANN�NG ,�Z5TE57 ?, � �i �� �!EiEi�',EiEif1E�F?E3ekifif3fif'iE1E�fiEiEifiklEiEifiEifjFiE�?Fif�lfiEiEiEiEifiFiFlE�lE�lf�%iE�1EiE#�iE��1F3EiE�lt�lFihi!%iPiE�lfifiEif#�lE��-1f+,'.9�'. if#iF1EiF#�1f-iF?f D E V E:-�L• O P M E N T S E R V I C E S R E Q U I R E M E N�' S i �.' ZONIN� APPROVE� BY DATE: ��� 3UILDSNG APrROfV�U BY ;_ JATE:,� I�,-' APPLICATION I5�`UED BY� DATE� _'��/�"�� ifiEiiiEiEiEii!fic?fiE3EiF�lFiE3ElFiElf#if�%x>�� t irrc,er.- FAryrF3ri�ir�r��-wxx�c��x�ex�exrrieieif�lciEiE*# ` �lE .."�Fxx�.x..xxlE# *rK**�r�x**�*x.�4t�*x�����*�***x*�*�****��x��t**�� >����c�r**+��****�**�***-�,����**x�*�**** i,EGALIZATION:N F E E S iJ M M A R Y STftUCTUAAL�^�EGMENT:Y t BLDG PMT PLUMHING ELECTRIC M�ChANIC FIRE SMIP/RES GRADING PERMIT B1.00 60�! SMTP /,�iONy�2ES PLAN ISSUE FEE � BUILDIVG—D=V—> PERMZT ISSUE PLAN—CHECH TOTAL PAID / DUE TOTALS----> 81.60 0.00 U,00 81.60 81,60 g,, .00 REVENUE DiVISION TOTALS--> CO�L=CTED: 81.60 OVFR/SHORT: ,00 BL�81P00 P�UMBSNG ELECTRIC M�CHANIC FZRE SNIP/T6T� GRAD3NG F,�AN—CHECR C� ih i(' i4?f iF i("�if if If i%if if if ii' if iF if if �%if }'� if if ii' if iE if iE if'X' iE')i' i'e'k iE'Y 3f'3C' if 3h iE'1f 3f iE iI"� if if ii"7h i6 iE # if if iE i'e �.Fif 3E if'IE'If'� iF if if i%i%�!:'�f'1E'rt 1f if if i%if I N D I V I D U A L F E E B R E A K D O W t� /'� TYP� QTY D E S C R I P T I O N UNIT COST / TOTAL rOST SFR 6000 RERdOF BY VALUE RESZPEIvTZAL NOZONE END OF FEES 1.00 !�6,000.00 /� / 01 OD138238—tl0133239 T O T 81,50 DATE: 04/30/93 TItIE: 15:45 t— .'�� � I CONSTRUCTION AND PLANNWG - I � APPROVAIS Permit # Da2e Inspector I ii. Temporary EleCtrical Service.or Pole 2. Soil Pipe�Undrgmd. 3. Electrical Conduit Util�ty�Uncjrgrnd� 4. Elecuical Conduit�Undrgrr.d. 5. Steei Reinto�cement � � 6. Eiectncai UPER Gmd. I 7. Foatings � 8. Foundation � I9. Wate: Pipe-Undrgrnd. � � 10. Structural Floor Svstem � 11. Prope�ty Sewer Line & House�Connection • 12. Sewer Cap '' ' . -t 13. Roof Drains ' 74. Rough Plumbing 15. Rough Elettrica6Condui2 i6. Raugh EleariclNiring 77. Rour,h';Jiring Sign --_._ ._ _.. 78. Rough Electrical-T Bar Ceiling 19. Rouqh Heating & Air Cor.ditioning 20. Ro�yh Factory Fireplace . 21. Dutts, ir Strucwre 22. Ducts, Venti�ating 23. Ga: Pipe�Rough & Test 24. fioof Framing 25. Roof Sheathing 26. T�Bar Ce�ling 4Sirucwral) & Nionocoat 27. Frt,nr ar.d.Ftashing 28. il.[h�ng & Siding 29. InSulaLOn � � 30. Drywall Nailing 37. P�asier Brown Coat 32 Bectnc.l Po�^rer Meter�Final 33. Fi�.ai Elec.ric . 34. Final Hecting & Air Conditiohing �35. Final Gas Pipe-Test 36. Hood or Canopy 37. Flna! Factory Fireplace 38. Final Plumbing 39. 1Vater $ervice-Final 40. Gas Sen�ce�Final 41. Soiar pomestio-Final 42. Backflow Preventer 43. Backflow Irrigation 44. Landscape IrriGation SYstem 45. Sound Attenuation 46. Handicap Regulations 47. FINAL STRUCTURE & BUILOING 48. FINAL PLANNING ` d9. Etectric Release to Edison 50. Gas Release to Southern California Gas 51. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY No. Date _ POOI PA APPROVAIS Permit # , 54. Pool & Equipment Location 53. Steef Reinforcement 54. Forms 55. ElecFricat Bonding 56. Ro�gh Plumbir,g & Pressura Test 57. APPROVRL TO COVER-GUN�TE 58. Eiectrical Conduit-Undrgrnd. 59. Gas Pipe, d Undrgrnd., Test 60. Backwash {.ines, P•Trap, L, Undrgrnd. 61. APPROVAL TO DECK 62. Backwash & Receptor-Final 63. Heater & Vent-Final 64. Plumbing System - Final 65. Electrical-Final 66. Solar System-Finai 67. Fencing & ACcess ApP�oval 68. APPROVED FOR PIASTERING 69. POOLISPA SYSTEMS FINAL �IRE DEPT. REQUIREMENT APPROVAL$ Permit # 70. Undzrground Hydro 71. Product Piping Cl Gas ❑ Oil 72. Underground Flush � 73. Undergrnd. S[oraye Tank O Gas ❑ Oil 74: Overhead Hydro 75. Dry Chemicaf 76. Dry Standpipe 77. FIXED SYSTEMi FINA� 78. FIRE PREV. FINAI HEAITH DEPT. REQUIREI47ENT 79. FINAL INSPECTION 80. FOO� CER7IFICATE ISSUED Notes: Date � Inspector .J ' TRACT N0. f / � a IAT NO, �G,. anDx�ss 3 � q3�".��u�a� �_ DATE . �� � The developer of the above entitled tract desires co sell the above set ;orth lot prior to the time that the tract nas been completed and its streets accepted by the City oi Costa Mesa. The undersigned, by executing tnis agreement, acknowledges that (hr�-=h,e-they �(+wns�er were)�advised that this tract has not been given ina inspection nor has it been accepted by the City of Costa Mesa as having co�plied with the conditions of approval which were, imposed by the City at the time the final tract map was app:oved. The City assumes no liability for the enforcement of tne conditions necessary for approval other thaa those conditions.protected by surecy bond. The undersigned agrees to inde.�nify and hold the City har,nless from any claim resulting in damage or personal injury to the undersigned by reason of the aforementioned uncompleted condition. RcC�i�it� Gi�`: Or' 0'ii �A iv1�SA "iIN� ';�P�. r �l ^ �JI.J 1Cr j i Aat PAN 7i8i5ii�iiiiki?i2i3i4i5i6 h l BY���K/���r/ Purchaser _` ,i _.�---- ,� .� BY �- � c.-�_ J� �. �(.� . c! �i Developer ar.d/or authorized representa[ive � sY ,-�-,��r_��._ l �r����. Lender a -...___----_...._ _ . ,.. OWNER IARWIN So. Cal. DATE GENERAL CONTRACTOR selue Ap "�o. LOT 2. I" 'TIONS s GAS WATER ROUGH PLUMBING � PROP. $WR. LINE OUSE CON, SPRINKLING SVST MISCELLANEOUS ROUGH HEATING ANO AIR CON�IT�ONING TEMPORARV SERVICE�OR POLE UNOERGROUND � POWER � ROUGH WIRING TRENCHES [��FORMS �] STpEL REINF. � FLOOR SVSTEM BOND BEAM � STEEL REINFORCE ❑ SHEATHING FRAME ANO FLASHING LATHING — IN ' OUT PLASTER, BROWN COAT Sio^^rURAL, FINAL H ', VENT., REF01G. AND A,�„ FINAL PL �NG, FINAL AN� GAS TEST � ELECTRIC, FINAL � BUILDING, FINAL RIPTION of WORK R ZONE VALUE lUP TR.i TYPE SUBCONTRACTOR � 2 . W W a U Z ZQ � N am J � J N Q W m J J m Q U � ZQ W � aw W Z J Q m Z J � W w 0 z� w� �� �o 363t�Q "PI111-73���,�10 53?_�� ''°;rc: 154.3y 301B COSTA MESA BUILDING-SAFETY DEPARTMENT P.O. BOX 1200 COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA 92626 / - P6' ION FOR BUILDING PERMIT For Applicant to Fill in Completely REc iv V D E RECEIVED BUILOING DATEISSUED ADOflESS � � 3' PERMIT NO: � ' OWNER Larwin Southern California A�P� N�� �1 (��-� -- MAIL BUILDING 2�Q� �UG/��/ '�'T`v ADDRESS 16255 Ventura BLVCl. .4DDRESS,J / �/ �CITV Encino, Calif.. NO�. 9HG—HH9O 'TFACT 7�18 LOT 2 BLOCK LE DpR�'ON Larwin Southern Calif. W ADD AL R P� BRANCH 16255 Ventura Blvd/ AODRESS Encino, California OWNER 'W/N �O'vn�uE ARCH�TECT� TEL s�`i�6S W �°"rTGAse— $'L% OR EN INEER Larwin So Calif. N'.273-4464 FIRE % ADDRESS 9100 Wilshire BLVd.� B2.V. H1115 20NE PE GROUP �l Larwin Southern California APPROVED' � 7 CONTqqCTOP BV DATE � nooaess 16255 Ventura Blvd. TE�. ZONE ' NO.OF USE OF NEW,� � cirv Encino, Calif. No. 986-8890 -� P�+� � BUILDINc�� �� STAT� CITV YARDS APPROVED YARDS APPROVED uc.No. 191311 LIC.NO. B�1 MAIN BUILDING ACCESSORV BUILDING SI2E NO.OF BLDCS. (FROM GL STREET) OF LOT 6O X LOO NOW ON LOT O FRONT FT. FT. USE OF EXIS7ING BLOG. FT. FT. SIZE QF 1987 NO. OF 1 S NEWB�pG, ROOMS STORIES L.SIDE FT. FT. EXTERIOR WALL ROOF � COVEqING SCUCCO COVERING WOO(� shin le REAR ZO FT. FT. USE OF BVILDING AND WORK TO BE PERFORMED DISTANCE BET. BET. MAIN & MAIN BLDGS. ACCESS. BLDGS, VAR.# DATE Construction Sin le Famil Residence c.u.a.# naaaoveo APPROVED/. . i �,� //L � �BiOLD FOR SPECIA RE I&�N I hereryy acknowletlga ffiat I have reatl this application and state . Q thet the above information is correct antl agree to comply wiih all laws regulating.buildin8 consttuc[ion, and I shall mt employ . any person in violation of the workman's compensation laws of the Siate ot Calitornia. � I hereby certify that 1 am properly licensetl as a contractor untler SQ. FT. che Scate of Calitomia Business antl Professions Code, Oivisicn 3, THE MOUNT S WN UNOER VALUATION IS FOF Chaptar 9, antl that such licenses are in full force and effect, or I TME PURPOSE OF ABLISHING A PERMIT FEE ONLV: am ex0mpi trom the provisions ot the Sta[e of California Business 'VALUATION antl Prbfession ode, Division 3, Chapter 9. PERMIT FEE S 101, 5� Sie�at�ra D. D047RS Permittee 4��I% i g 29, 800 PIfaN CHECK $ 50.75 � � . Author�ied Agent 1�r2.25 TOTAL FEE $ m o .