HomeMy WebLinkAbout3296 GEORGIA PL - Building PermitsOctober 2, 1994 CITY OF COSTA MESA CALIFORNIA 9262&1200 P.O. 80% 1200 DEVELOPMEN7 SERVICES DEPARTMEN7 Bear Costa Mesa Property Owner: In reviewing past permits, we find that work has been done on your property located at 3296 Georgia Place, Permit No. B65442, for a roofing permit. The permit is valid for 180 days from issuance or your last inspection, per Section 303 (d) of the 1991 Uniform Building Code. Should we not hear from you within l0 days, your permit will expire as stated herein and additional fees will be required to finalize the permit. Failure to final a Building Permit could possibly impact the future sale of your property. To activate the above permit, please follow these steps: 1. Telephone (714) 754-5626 or 754-5627. 2. Request an inspection; state address, permit number, and type of inspection. 3. Be sure to have working smoke detector's as required per Section 1210(a) of the 1991 Uniform Building Code. 4. 'riave an adult present at the property at tne time of inspection to provide us access. Should you have any questions regard'inq this process, please contact me at (714) 754-5273. Thank you for your cooperation. Sinc�y� Y�dlanda Hua a �����L v P Y Permit Processing Specialist 77 FAIR DRIVE Builtling Oivision p1a) 75a.5279 • Cotle Entorcemem p14) 75<�5623 • Planning DiviSion pla) 754-5245 FA% Q1a) 5567508 • TDD (71a) 754-5244 . b' � � � PNOJECT AOOflESS: 3 Z 9 6 G EORG IA PL OWNEN'S NAME: MARCHAND PAUL P aoonEss: 3296 GEO{tGIA PL COSTA MESA,CA PflCH/ENGINEEX: AOOflE55: UNIT: 92626 PEG.NO.: UNIT: PENMITiEE: PAUL PIERRE MARCHAND ( 714 ) 557-4817 aooeess: 3296 GEORGIA PL C.M. CA 92626 LICENSEo LONiNACTOB DEGUNaT10x: I neie�y alfi�m Inal I am licensea unaer v�ovisions ol Chapter 9(cammencinp wiln Seclion 7000) ol Omsion 3 0l Ihe Bu9n[SS an0 Proleuions CAtle. ana my hcense is in full force anG eflttt. LITY LIC.: ST�TE LIC.: CIASS: Oate: Signalure: WOHKEBS' LOMPENSRTION OECLAMTION: I her¢by aflirm Itlai I have a t¢rliliwie 01 cOnsenl Io SeIlJnsure Or a C¢tlilicale at Wark¢�5' Comoensation Insurante, ot a ceniliee copY ��ereof (Secuon JB00. La�. C�. POLICY NO.: EXP. OATE: COMPANV: -] Cenilied copy is Aereby furnis�e�. ❑ Certilied copy is IileA vnth t�e cily Building Oivisian. Oa�e: ADDlicam: E%EMPTIONFBOMWOflNFBS'fAMPENSPTIONOECUMTION: �ThiSSecfianneetlnalU¢compleleCilNeperm1i5l0ronehunOreO(51W�orl¢55). I cerlify �Iwl in the pedormance ol t�e work tor w�ich this permil is is5ue0. I shall not employ any persan in ny manner so as �o become suble�� �o I�e Worker2s' fAmpenSalion laws ol Calilomia. n�� � y(��� �ale: I� / ZT /� Signature: _f� � "�� NOTItE: II. a�let making Illis Aetlaralion, you SOou10 hetome 5ubjeC[ �o Ih¢ Waficefs' Campensation provaions al tAe La�or Caae, you musl fontrvntn comDN ��� sucn pmvisions or Ihis ce�mit snall Ee EremeA revOkeO. CONSTBUCTION LENOING AGENCV: I OereOy allum ��at ��er¢ is a tonslmt�ion IenGing apenty �Or lhe Detlurmance 01 l�e work lof wnicn mis permii ¢ issuetl IStttion 3W7. Civ. CI. LENOEP; noon¢ss: OWNEB BUILOfB OECLAMTION: I h¢r¢Gy allirm Iliai I am exempt Imm I�e Conlratlors' State Lkense Law lor �Ae lollowinp �eawn (Seclqn 7Q37.5 Busioe55 anG Proleiti0nal CuUe: Any city of toun�y wNcn rCpuire5 a pefmil �a mmtrutt, altet, imprOve. aem0lish. ar re0ai� any Siruclure, prio� IO ils isSW�Kl. alsa repuire5 ��e applitani lor Such Defmii to lil¢ a Siqnetl Slalemeni Ilui �dihe is litensed pursuanl to Ine D�m+s�ons ol me Conuador5' State License Law IChao�e� 9(�ommentiilg wit� Seapn 70001 ot Oirisron 3 0l ine eusiness anU Professions LWe) or I�at �Us�e i5 exempl I�erefmm anG t�e Oasis for t�e alleg¢C exemptian. Any vidalian ol SEttion 7Q7L5 Ey any apPlicanl lor a peemi� 5Wj¢CIS l�e aOD�itanl to a civil penally of noi more ��an five �unGr¢G EMlars (5500�. ,y 1. as owner of ine oropeny or my employees vnih wages as iheir So1e compet5alion. vntl Ao Ihe woM1, ane Ine ❑ s�mclure is not intenUeO ar aflerea for sale (Section 7044, Business anG Pmlessional Coae: T�e Controcmrs State License Law Uoes n01 apply Io an awner 01 a Orop¢riy who �uilas or impmv¢S thereon, ana wh0 Uoes SUth vrork him5¢I�lA¢rsell Or IhroUph �is ar �er own employees, D�ovitleC t�at such imDrovemenis are not inten4e0 or offere0 lor Sale. II, �owever Ihe huilding or impmvement is So�C vnRlin one yeat of tompletion. ihe owner vnll �aue ihe GurGen of proving ne/s�e tli0 not OuiIG or improve for tne purpose ol salel. I, as owner of ine D�openy. am e�clusivelY conirac�ing with Iicense0 conlractors to constmct the pmlect �Section 704a. Business ❑ antl Pmfessions COUe: T�e tamractors' Staie License Law Eoes not aODM �o an owner of properry wlio GuiiGs or im0�o�es I�ereon anC w�o coniracls lar suc� pmle��s wil� a conlracim�s) license pur5uanl to I�e Conlrociors' S�ate License Law),I am aware I�a� O�uul ol Iheii Worker's ComDensation insurance s�oultl be provided Io me. � I am eRempt untler Section: B. 8 P. C. lor ��is e,aZson: � �� � , � I ' �, p 1 A oaie: � Z J3 Ovmer: � a'-'C 4....��•� . I tlo nereoy ttnity Ilat I am aware ol ana unaerslana Ine reQuirements ol Cahfamu Mealtn ane Sdiety Coae Sections 25505, 25539, ane 2553d an0 itut I or any tulure OuilGmy acupant wilVwill nol (circle one) nee0 to compty witA SdiO state totles anU t�e Rpuiremenis lor a permii lo� ConSirutlion Or moCiliWtion Irom I�e Au ualny Management Oistricl. Pevaemul constmction appliwlions are erempt Imm I�eSe DrOvbi0n5. Dam: Applicam: I�ereOV ttr0�yl�all�ave�ea0 1�5 a0�litali0n and State��al IM1e a�ov¢intormalion 6 COrr¢LI. Ia0Ret0 COmply vnlA aA tiiy atM toUn�y orGinan[¢SanO 51ateWwSie�dtinqloDWlEinp c0�5lmciion anU �ereby aut�anxerept¢untaliveSaftlti5 tiryloentefupOn�h9abOve�menlione0 D�o�eitY �onnspeclwn ipo5e5. � � � z� _�� , /\ i6<n<6 Wnne—Bm10vg: Green—Goea ENorcement: Canary—ApO�icanp Pink—Revenue: GWCenroE—Assessor CITY OF COSTA MESA — BUILDING PERMIT PERMIT NO: B 065442 PLAN CHECK NO: N CONSTRUCTION TYPE: PERMIT TYPE; STR JOH DESCRIPTION ; REROOF W/COMPOSZTION SHINGLES PERM NO: H 0 44 GOVT: N SUPP; PURPOSE: OTH SQ ET: 3,000 CLAIM VALUE: 3,0OO,OQ CALC—VALUE: 3,000.00 GROUP OCC; R-3 /M-1 \ COMMENTS: REROOF 2900SF W/COMP SHINGLES, SMOKE DETECTORS+ �RnE+�Q�UIR+�ED +P�+E�R 91UHC �9 +r+e+e+r+r+r*�r�rirx*+�+r+r+rrx*�r�r�rx*x�r�r�r*x�**+r�t�t�r�r�t�r�**�ir**+t*�t*+rrx�+�** `9fVIVi��UL.. 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I �;,.5;:,`Rrt�:�.srlc �o�thern Ca�jiatP'aGasCvI A � I 1'. �. a, r � _ f --. � ;-- ------- - -- C:. .�'n__ _1_i�_ _ '_ "_ _ :-.1__ .� _ -r ' _ �:y L� ��1 '.�y.�-1'�CA'� C� OCCU��?C�' �-- � - -�------' - -- --- - .. - -- - �_ `�,tc --�-- � r ADV��Gnt lo tNl {n all sPaces exttpt t�ose wHNn �aavy EorEer tines anE vign all aCproorlate Oecbrations. S%� - P RMI Nc�� TRACT NO. LOT NO. BLD . . PERMIT c:rr «,.._....... �E��i�fl i(i.�{ � � AppliCant'sMeilingAddrea �-8C"C" 3oHF. R�6+� CouRT — _ Projeci Address �2q�� y����j i A PL • �'Y�YL 4 Y�'1G1.,$ W ESTJh%�145 Owner's Name hone Addreu -324� �iE�'�i �.� Arch/Eng. �'!,_=_ . . License No. � Address ConRactor'sName N��*EI.+oG.tt �hone QR�^'3SSz- Addreulmailing) I'�� Jcti� REEo �w+cr c�r5 qF lrn.,,rrty �icente Na: 34A 9 �`1 LICENSED CONTPACTOR DECLARATION . �1�hareby affirm that 1 am IlcansaG untler provislons at Chartar 9(cammencinq with sectlon 7000) of Division 3 01 tna Busineu antl Vrofessions Cotle, anA Q my'licansa,is In full force antl affect. 1 Llcenx Clau Llcense N. 7� � � Date.s'2•::1 5�9�ature � �'ORKERS' COMPENSATION D6CLARATION' C` nereby affirm that I have a certlficata o/ consent to SelNnsure or a certltifate � of Workevs' Compensatlon Insuranca, or .a- certlllatl copy tnereof (Sactlon �� 3800� Ldb. C.) � , ,/ • PolicY No1n•A-CO-t]S}2Q'l COmPanY ��Au I�o �Certl/letl coDY is �areDy turnishatl. ' . � : Cartltied ca y iz fllatl wlth tha Gty gullding OIvlzion. a Oate s. Z. �� AOPliwnt O� dic^' "� "� ^`i"'^-�` . EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION DECLAR TION (Thissactlon neea not be completetl if t0a permit iz tor one hunEretl (5300) or iess). , 1 cerUfy ttwt Ip the Vartarmance of tha work�taY whlc� this peYmit is isiuetl ! ' s�all not employ any Oerson In any manner zo as to become suG,ect to t{�e Worke�s' ComOansation Laws ot Callfornia.r /� Date Signature ' � NOTICE: If, after making thls tletlaratlon, you shoultl become �je<t t0 tha' Wo�ke�s', COmpensatlOn provlslon5 af the Labor Cotle, you ust tort�with ', comply wlih such provisions,.or this. pe�mit shall be tl metl revoke0. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AC.ENCV � I �ereby alflrm that t�ere Is a construction tentlin9 agert<y.t t�e pertormance ot the work 1or whith' [his permit is 155uetl (SetH n 3097 Civ. CJ �.entlar's Name l�ntlar's Atltlress _ OWNER BUILOER OECLA 1 herebv affirm that I am e 7031.5 by � any apyu �enalty o/ not more tt I, a5 owner of th fATpO�SdLIOn WIII tl0 for sale (Sectlon 70� Ucense Law tloes not tnereon.•ana who tloi employ ees, provitletl t �le, 1/, however, the pletlon, Ihe owner wii �tovaforthe ourpose 1, ai owner ot th¢ trattors to tonsV uct tl Tne Contractor's Llce butltls or improves th traCtor(s) Ilcen56 puRl ❑ 1 am exampt untler oat� Dt t�Om the�COntlaC f'S 11c8n5e Ldw toI tha 5 Business antl Pro ssiona� Cotla: Any cicy ar [o [onstrutt, alter mprove, tlemollsA or repali ce,'also requlres e applicant for such permit e/Sha Is Iiteflse pUrsuant to th¢ plOvi510�s of �apter 9(com encing with'Sectlon 7000� oi Roteszlons' otle) or that he/she Is�exempt allegetl eze ption. Anyyiolatiodot 5ectlon a�pflrmit. bjects tna appqcant to a Gvil ntivetl tlal rs (E500). • � � or my employaes with wages as thair sole antl t structu/e I5 not intendetl or olfere0 ss an P.ofessional Cotle: The Contractor's n o er of a pro0arty�wno GUIIEs or improves �rk Imself/�ersel� or lhrough his or her own m ovements are•not Intentletl or otferetl for r provament Is soltl within one year o! com- urtlen of proving he/she tlitl not builtl or im- am aXcluSivaly cOMra6ting wfth liteni¢tl Con- (Section 7064, Business and Professions Coae: ioes not apply to an owner of DroOerty who 1 wno tontra<ts tor such pro]ecis wtth a con- Contractor't Ucense 6.aw), ' ' 9. 6 P-C, for tNs reason . Owner ' hare �eatl thiz'application aritl state tM1at ttie abova agree to comply with all city and county ortlinances o builtltng constructlon,'antl hereby authorila repra- to enter upon the abova-men8onetl Property tor �-/9ti v�c-c�a. oata �' 2' `� 7 TVPE OF CONSTRUCTION U NEW Q� ADD U ALTERATION U REPAIR O CONVERSION ❑ DEMOLISH ❑ OTHER DESCRIPTION OF WORK "r Stflu �IA2b C eu' . ���% (O/�� TVP^EOFPERMIT GRADING OUNDATION STRUCTURAL LJ TENANT �ELECTRICAL PLUMBING ❑ MECHANICAL ❑ �OTHER PR0.IECT DESCRIPTION 50. FT. OCCUVA � CON STRUCTION TYFE V ALUATION $ 20N� GRADING CU. VDS. ACRES Ramark�: . . Preventer Floor Drains' � Floor Sinks - � GasService Outlets' Inierceptors � Kitchen Sink ' � Lavaiories � ' P—Trap � Roof Drains �• Shower5 ' � ' � Service Sink Duct- Under Ground Duct-Structural , � Duct-Ventilating . Exhaun System ❑ Multiple �' Firepl(Fact.8lt.ICBO�k ' Heating System & Ducting ❑P7 00,000 BTU � 100,000 BTl � Hood or Type I ❑' . � -.�.----. - -- - . Drivers' License or 55 � ���` Registers �� �`CMF 0865-46 rev, 12/82 Whita - BUIltling; Canary - ApPlitant; Pink - Accountin9� GOltlenroG -Assessor Solar Collectors Solar Piping . Solar Tank � Swimming Pool wl5pa � Urinal • Water Closet � - Water Heater Water Service � RKe4+T@ Mo+� Reinspection Fee Issue Fee ❑a,ioo,000eTu ❑ioo,000sru System Repair/Alteration • $ 3 ReinspeQion Fee $15 Issue Fee S 3 PLNG.REF.�W LEFT SIDE YARD ,� PKG.SPACE REQ. STREET WIDTH SPECIqL CONDITIONS: Wazher Unit F.A.U. Fixtures Device.Boxes o�4T ,�/�;;/' REAR VARD (TO P!U-/ � RIGHTSIDE VARO ���6�� PROVIDED PARK FEE'$ 'Meter IJover100amps Sub Panel � � Sub Pole �Motors OO-1 HP ❑1'hE lectnc Inc.Solar �9-15 HP 016-t � .Microwave . � Pole Light - � . Range . . � _ �� i Generatbr LJ0�5 KW LJ545, Traasformer ❑15bOKW - � osu+Kw •� Meter ❑up to 100 ampi 2oning Approved By - ApPlication APGroved By StandingSections � Trash Compactor �;. i ' t \pPtication Issuad,BY.. • \/T �Data J-�L�6�S • ' UMMARY OF FEES � . ,. Q� S6 BUILDINGPERMIT $ - • '���SMIP •r'' $ PLAN CHECK �. $. �2- PERMIT � ,. PLUMBING � . � $ '�O , ��UANCE � $ � PLAN CHECK $ OO !�' GRADING �� $ � � ELECTRICAL� � $�� �, . � � '�� $ � PLAN CHECK , $ �%- D . N1�CROFILM �� $ � � '� • ' TOTAL FEE $ '� � MECHANICAL , $: • • PV.N CHECK . $ � �� - LESS ' ,' , . ADVANCED PC $ .' � , ' /37• 88 ' � FINAL FEE� ' $ � . ��CONSTRUCTION AND PLA If�j(; APPROVALS . Permit#� �f� � � I ,, . I. Temporary Electrical Service or,Pole . 2: Soil Pipe-Undrgrnd. _ F - � , , 3. Electrical Conduit Utilitv-Undrgrnd; `�. 4. Electrical Conduit-Undrgrrid� �. S 5: Steel Reinforcement- � < �. _ 6. Electiical UFER Grnd. . �; 7. Footings ' � � ' R 8. Foundation �I �� ' r 9. WatecPipe-Undrgrnd. � � 10. Structural Flo`or System 11. Property. Sewer Line & House Connection � 12. Sewer CaP ' � . .. ' 13. Roof Draini � � � � � 74. Rough Plumbing - � 15. Rough Electrical-Conduit ' -'- - I 16:• Rough Electric Wiring- � � � '� �� �. � 17. Rough Wiring;Sign � � , 16:� 1Rough Electrical-T Ba�.Ceiling � � 19.� Rough Heating & Air Conditioning 20. Rough Factory Fireplace ' � ' � 21. Ducts, in Structure � , , � �'22. Ducts, Ventilating �� , ' 23. Gas Pipe-Rough & 7est � _, i' 24. Roof Framing � I , i 25. Roof Sheathing �, � � � , �� � 26. T-Bar Ceiling (StructuraQ� & Monocoat � � 27. Frame,and Flashing - � � - _, 28. Lathi��.&Siding � _� 29. Insuletion '� ' ` _a -30. Drywall�Nailing - ' - � �_� 31. Plaster Brown Coat- - ' � ' 32. Electrical Power M�terFinal � , 33. Final Electric ' � � %. 34. Final Heating & Air. Conditioning - 35. Final Gas Pipe-Test � � ' 36. Hood or Canopy . ' ' � 37. Final Factory Fireplace ,� ' 38. Final Plumbing � , „ i ' �- 39. Water Service-Final � � � 40. Gas Service-Final � � . 41. Solar pomestic-Final 42. Backflow Preventer' . � . - - _' POOL .. SPA - . ' 'Inspector� �-_APPROVALS Permit#_ � - � � . .'52: Pool & Ecjuipment Location - ' • 53. � Steel Reinforcement � = -� : -54. Forms'_ ��' � � � .; , 55� Elecirical Bonding � ', � 56.. Rough Plumbing.�& Pressure Test � - • 57.� APPROVAL TO COVER-GUNITE. � ;.. � �58, Electrical:Conduit-Undrar��1. � ` � 59. Gas Pipe, O-Undrgrnd., Test �• -�60. BackwasFi Cines, P-Trap,�� Undrgmd. � � 61. APPROVAL TO DECK � - . . 62. Backwash.& Receptor-Final �-� .'63. Fleater & Vent-Final . _ . 64. Plumbing"Systein - Final - • 65. Electrical-Final � � � � 66. Solar System-Final - � --67."Fencing & Access Approyal � - - • 68. APPROVED FOR PLASTERING ' �69.�POOL/SPASYSTEMSFINAL - � �' ' FIRE DEPT. REQUIREMENT � � ' i � � � APPROVALS � Permit # i 70.� Underground Hydro � , 71.� Product Piping O Gas ❑ Oil � 72.f Underground Flush �' - 73.' Undergrnd. Storage Tank � Gas ❑�Oil � � Jr,� � � 74. Overhead Hydro - - .' ' �� � 75. Dr�y Chemical 1 � 76.. Dry Standpipe . 77.� FIXED SYSTEM FINAL �j �/Z`�v�� 78.� FIRE PR_EV. FINAL � � � • . . q � ' • �� ' v tL'TuZi:JL'I ■� - �. �.� . ��J u .. _ . � _�,� �. �� � .=e^ �J .. �� . � �.1 _=-/. � , � _ • i �� ��� 43. Backflow Irrigation - - , � �' ' � 44. Landscape Irrigation System ' � 45. Sound Attenuation � � � � 46. Handicap Regulations 47. FINAL STRUCTUFE & BUILDING , ; 7 48. Special Requirements Completed • � 49. Electric Release�to Edison1 , . 50. Gas Reiease to Southern California GasCo 51. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY . � No. ' � � _ Date ' m F � - - i - �.;�' -, Date �nspector It\lSULATI�DN CER�IFICATION 3Z`j� �P�Rto� 1� P I. Ct>STF� VV�ESd� OR�AN(,� NYmDC/ an0 SUt[t CIIY COUnIY SuOEirldOn ' 101 h�mDe� DESCRIPTION OF INSTALLATION ROOF r _ . Materi�l F�heR�l.AsS�' f��� �A�kEP� grantlName QWeNS ��D'RI��1��0 t' i 6 TAickous �inctros) � Thermal Res�s:a�ct IR Vi�ue) � 1 EXTERIOR WA�L, � M�terid �� beeGc�ss �61 ( Br�nd Name C��� �JS C 61� � l A7(O �. � `' TAicknen (inche9 3�Z T�ermsl Resiste�ce �R V��ut) ' K�, � CEILING � �� BattorBlantetTvo�� �'ATT BnnONeme O�+�KIS� �O`t/q11J 7��ckness f���hesl ��� Tnerm�� Res�sta�ce (R Valuel �–� 9 loote Fiil Type Brand N2me Min�mum Thickness (��c�es) _ Nurt�ber o� bsgs Weighi per Cag �D Area Coveretl Ifi=1��$ a 5�_F T 'fAermal Reslsta�ce (R Va�uel FLOOR,ELEVATED ►�env'�- Naterial Tnickntss linceesl _ FLOOR,SLAB — A:atuial Tnicknn: (inchnl _ Wltlin linc�es� __ FOUNDATION WALL Maier�a� Tn�<kness I�nchesl_ –NOA+�– ' Bony Name T�ermal Resisw�ce {R Va�ue) � 1 'Brsnd Name Tnerma� Res�s�n�ce l9 Va�uel _ Brand Name Tnam.�l Res�sta�ce fR Va'ue) DECLARATION 1 AtrtGp eerti�y lhai t� e a�ove' insulatio� was ��ztalletl m tl+[ building at the above lou�ion in conlorma�ce vsrth fl+r cw.rne .rqvla�ions xlling E�eijy Conservatnn S+a�tlartls Io� new resitlent�al bvild�ngy �Io[0",e0 in T�Ue 7C ot Ibe Ghio��la 4dmirisVary'vr Code7. �. I� �A►.,ey ����-. Co . 3'-l�i � 3 �i Ganeui Contractor IBu;ioeq Licrnse hu�n�e. _ Q� �. �I(��ouryl�, ' � - T-83 s�snn�,. a Trt�. o,�� Sun Cont�+c�o� �inwiaiwe c,00��u�o�� liceme taumpe+ . '"' ' S�q�ulwe �na Tiue —' Jate F�gv�e G-1 E+�mRle ol a eomO��+�ce crnil�ute 4-9 .. _ �.���2 COSTA MFSA BUILDING-SAFEN DEPARTMENT P. O. B07( 917 COSTA MEHA. CALIPORNIA For Applieanf fo Fill In Complefely � TYPE OR PRINT ADDRH68 2 6 Geor ia Place COSTA MESA, GALIFORNIA ■ MAIL C3T].SOIl RC TEL. 0 TEL. BIZE No. oP BWae. " ' __ st9 1 v 09I "_'"" "" " __ _ FIRE ZONE APPROVED ZONE � teau. FEE R�ECEIVED ��,�� MA`f t 6 i960 FlNANCE DEPT. CiTY OF COSfA MESA APPLICATION FOR PERMIT BUILDING • For Office Use Only nece�rr Ho. � r�`IF� .,� av I o�sneceiveo I oer¢ �su¢�u_ COSTA MESA. CALIFORNIA ZONING NO. OF U8fi OF NEW PUN9 q BOIIDINO �� 3L�6 TnT1P YARDS APPROVED 3Ti188TM 48' REAR YARD 19� ���reR L1Ne er.� FRONT � I L�F7 �.0� I RIGHT ZS � R. SIDE DESCRIPTION OF WORK gB=1ELDiNG1 c^ S .Yt..ROOMS W EXTERIOR WALL IROOF COVBRING COVEF U9E OP BUILDING AND WORi( TO E 1 HH0.8BY ACNNDWL8D06 TXAT 1 HAVE ReAD THIB MPLIUTION •ND BTATe THAT THH ABOV6 IB CORPECT AND AOPLB TO COM- PLY'WITX �LL G��'Y OIipINANCE9 AND 8TAT6 LAW6 R60Ul.�TNO BUILDINO CONBiRUGT10N. 81GNAiURE OP � � PERMITTB AUTHORRED APENT Dike � Calegr.nve� �Il(J� EVES iHH AMOUNT BXOWN UNDBR VALUAT�ON 18 IOq TH6 PURP08H OP 88TABLlBNING A PBRMIT REH ONLY. 5 �.6�10�.• I P�N CHECK