HomeMy WebLinkAbout3157 GIBRALTAR AVE - Building Permits, . PPOJECTAOOHESS: 3SS% GIHRALTAR AV �OWNEF;cf�pME:PAULEY JAC '� aooaess:3157 G`�BRALTAR AVE � COSTA MESA,CA 92626 APCHIENGINEEfl: 5 5 7— 8 5 4 3 AODflESS: UNIT: .� HEG.NO.: UNIT: PEflMITTEE: TAC PAULEY ( 714 ) 557-854 3 aooeess: 3G1'5j'7 GMIBGR�ALTAR AV �9 LICENSEO CONTBACTOh�ECIA�ld1f`�Tieie'hy aifirm thal I am licensetl undeCrnp�rovi59 � oT Cna�pter 9(commencing with Sec�ian 70001 0l oivision 3 0l ihe Business and Pmfessions Gotle, antl my iicense is in full force antl enect CITY LIC.: STATE LIC.: CIASS: Daie'. Signa�ure' WOFREFS' COMPENSATION OECLABAiION: I hereby at�irm ��at I have a certi�ica�e ot conseni �o seli-insure or a cerlihcate af Workers' Compensallon Insurance. or a certtlletl copy �hereof (Sec�ion 3804 Lab. C�. POLICY NO.: E%P. ORTE: COMPpNY: � Certrfietl copy is hereby Wmishetl. ❑ Cerli�iea copy is filed wi�h [he ci�y Building Division. �a�e: Applicani: E%EMPTION PPOM WORREBS' COMPENSpTION OEQAflATION: (This seqion neea not be completed i� Ne permit is �or one hunOre� (3100) or less). I certity Ihat m �he petlormance o� Ihe waB for which �his permi� is issuetl, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as �o become sublect �o Ihe WOBers' Compensalion Laws of Califomia. /n/ � 0,, �a�e'. � � � O '9 3 Signa�ure: // ��.�/`�. NOTICE: If. a�ter making �his tleclara�ion, you shaula b ome su6lec� to Ihe Work 5' Compensation pmvisions o� �he La6or Cotle. you musi torthwi�h comply wilh such pmvisians or �his permi� shall be De etl revoketl. CONSTBUCTION LENOING pGENCY: I here6y aifirm �ha� Ihere is a cons�mc�ion lending agency for �he pedormance o� the work �or whlch Ihls permlt is iesued (Sectian 3W7, Civ_ C) LENDEN: AUONE55: OWNEF BUILOEB OECLNBpTION: I hereby affirm �ha� I am exempt fmm the Contrac�ors' State License Law for �he tollowing reason (Section 7031.5 Business antl Pmiessional Cotle'. Any ciry o� counry which �equires a permit ta canstmc�, alter, impmve, demolish, or repair any s�mdure. pnor lo rts issuance, also requires I�e appllcant br such permit ta tile a signe0 slaiement �ha� he/she I5 hcansetl pursuam m ��e pmvisions of the Comractors' S�ate License Law (Chapier 9(commendng w7ih Sec�ion 7000) o� �ivision 3 of [he Business and Pmfessions Cotle) or I�a� helshe is exempt Iherefrom an0 Ihe basis tor �he allegetl exemption Hny viola�ion of Section 7031.5 by any appliwnt lOr a permit subjec�s �he apDliCan� lo a dvll penalry af no� more �han �ive hundred Oollafs ($500�- I. as owner of the pmpetly or my employees wi�� wages as �heir sole compensalion, will do �he work, an0 �he ❑ SlmcWre is noi mlentletl ar af�eretl for sale (Sec�i�n 7044. Busmess and Pmiessional Code'. The Con�raclors' S�a�e License Law tloes noi apDly �o an owner o� a pmperty who builds or improves ��erean, and who does such work himseli/herself or �hmugh his or her own employees. pmvitlee that such impmvements are nat intentletl ar affered tor sale. I�, however Ihe building or , impmvemen� is solA wi�hin one Year ot comple�ion, Ihe owner will have �he burtlen o� pmving he/she tlid not 6uild or impmve tor the purpose oi salel. � I, as awner of �he pmpeny, am exclusivety conVacting with licensetl contrac�or5lo conSUuct Ihe pmjec� (Sec�ion 7044, Business antl Pm�essions Cotle'. The ConVactars Sta�e License Law Daes no� appq ro an owner o� pmperty who builds or improves thereon antl who cantracts for such pmlec�s wi�h a con�ractor�s) Ilcense pursuant �o �he Contractors' State License Law)_ I am aware �ha� prooi of iheu Worker's Compensa�ian insuranca should be pmvidea �a me. � I am exempt under Sec�ion: B. 8 P. C. �Of �h15 fEd5011: Oate. %�in �l .j Owner I do here�y certify �hal I am aware at ana untlersiantl Ihe requiremen�s o� Cahf ia Health and Sa�ery Catle ctions 25605, 25533, an� 2553G and �hat I or any �uiure builtling oeeupant wlll/will no� (cucle one) neetl � comply wi�h said sta�e codes and ihe requlremen�s �or a permit for conslmdlon or modJlca�ion fmm the Alr Quallry Managemen� �islr¢L Resltlen�ial canstmetion applieatlons are exemp� fmm IhCSZ plOVI510115. Oale: ApplicanP. I hereby certity �ha� I have reaa this applicalion ana state ihat tha a orAinances antl s�ate laws rela�ing Io butldmg consimction antl hereby pfOp¢tly �Of i05p2G1i0n pU�p0585 oaie�. � ��0�93 Signamre �river's License or Social Securiiy q: � � Ap011cant; Pink—Revenue: oltlenrotl—Assessor CITY OF COSTA MESA — BUILDING PERMIT PERM NO: E 062545 PERMIT NO; E 062.545 PLAN CHECK NO: N GOVT; N SUPP; N CONSTRUCTION TYPE; V—N PERMIT TYPE; ELE PURPOSE: OTH JOB DESCRIPTION : UPGRADE ELECTRICAL SERVICE SQ FT: CLAIM VALUE: CALC—VALUE: GROUP OCC; R-3 / COMMENTS: � iE if 1E 1F IkiE iF 3FiE iF iE iE iE iE 1E iE ikiE iF iE iE 1E fE ik if �E iE ik iF iE iE iE iE 1EiFiE iFiF iE if�iE iFiE if it iE �E iEif� if if if ik iE iE if if iF iE k iE iE 1E iF iFiFiE iE iE kiF if if af iE iE iE iF iE Z O N I N G R E Q U I R E M E N T S S E T B A C K S ------------ MAIN BUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY BUILDING --------_ FRNT; FT ZN REAR: FT IN FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT; FT IN LEFT; FT IN RGHT: FT IN PARKING REO• PROV; PARCEL: 13913515 ZNE; REF NO; PLANNING Nt51'ES> > /1 . iE it iF ik if iEif fE i! iF iF ik IElE if �E if iE if ik iE iFiF iE iE iE iE iE iE iF �E iE 3t iFiklE�iE if if iF iE iE if iF iFik iF iEiE �F 1E 1E iF iE itlF iE ik�E iE 3FiFiE iE 1f Ik iE iE iE �E iE iE if iE 9F iE if iE ib D E V E L O P M E N T S'fi=R V I C E S R E Q U I R E M E N T S ZONING APPROVED BY ��.':� DATE; BUILDING APPROVED BY : � DATE: APPLICATION ISSUED 1f iFiE ikiF IE1f 1E IE 1E 3E 1F 1F iF 1F iE iEiE �E 1E �FiFiF iF 3E iE iF 1E iElFjE 1F * 3FiE ik �f �1E LEGALIZATION;N HLDG PMT PERMIT *���� €� � `� �����a �� F���� ��*�**D*�**� � �� �� iFiEfEiEiEfEiE�3E�kitiEiE�f�EiE�E�EiEiE3EiE�lEiFiFiEif EiFiEif3FiFiF�EiFiEiEiEiflE�fiFiEiEiEiE�IE�EiF�EiE1E3FiEiE�EjE F E E S U M M A R Y STRUCTURAL SEGMENT:N PLUMBING ELECTR�IC MECHANIC ��FIRE SMIP/RES GRADING 18,50 �_.50'Y . SMIP/NON—RES PLAN _ ISSUE FEE 15,00 " - HUILDING—DIV—> PERMIT ISSUE PL''AN<<CHECR •� TOTAL PAID DUE TOTALS----> 18.50 15,00 0.00 " . 33.50 33.50 .00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED: . 33.50 OVER/SHORT: .00 BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP,/,.TOT GRADING PLAN—CHECK 33.50 � ;: ' � . - , • � !E 1f if iE it �k�F iE ikiFif iFif iE jE iFlkiE iE 1E iE if if jf it 1E 1E �f �E 1F iF 1E �E iE 1F,iE 1F iF�lF'3E 1E �Ef!!f ff iFif iE1f iEfE 1F 1F if iF iE iE it-IE iF if ff i! iE �E 1E1f 3f iF* iF it 3E 1E iE if iFiE if I N D I V I D U A L:- iF E E H R E A K D O W N TYPE QTY D E 5 C R I P T I O�N -. - UNIT COST TOTAL COST ELE 1 SERVICES BELOW 600'V 6 BELOW 201 AMP 18,50 18,50 END OF FEES' ;. � �f. r 01 00140735—OU140?35 T�]'T 33.5Q 6ATE. u5/I0193 7I�1E: Q9:OC� � - - - - - -- ------ -----�� °CQNS7RUCTlON AND ?LANNING ' APPROVALS Permie � �!, Tempa>ary Electricai Senrice or Pole 2. So�l Pipe�Undrgrnd. 3. filectrical Condair tltiliYy-Undrgrnd. G, .c!e trical Conduit-Undrgrnd. rJ. a!82! �{ein#nrC2�"i£nt 6. Eiect;ical UFER Grrid. i. Faotings 6. Foundation �' � °. UVater Aspe-Undrgrpd. iD. Stcuctural �Iaor $ysterrE 7 i. Pr�periy Sewer E.}nA.tt Nouse Connecii 12. Scmrer Cap . 13 Roof Drains � - � t � Rougcr F{�m}�ing � ._____ ___... i5. Roe�gh EleetncaE-Go��tluit 18. ftQugn Elee[r;clNiring i i. Rough lViring Sign 1F3. r�o�gh e(ectcica;:F 6ar Cail�ng S9. Rough Neating & ,air Conditianing, � 20. �Roun,h F3c.or>r �Keplace ��� r z 21 . Duciis, ir"-5trtiCture' x � 22. �ucce, Ventil�nn�J� , ; � � 23. Gas`Fipe�Rouch &'f�et � 1 • Y 2C.''qaof Framing . -' 25. Rcof-Snhathir,g • ' � 26.,�?�Ba`r Ce�iing {5trucfura=7 & Monocoax 27. E=ra;;�e anJ Fiashing: - 28. ;.atriinc-& Sidir.g .' ' _ _ -29. Ie,sulat�on , • 30. DrywaH Nailing � � ,_�'J7. ��25TCr Q�4L"irt�(:00t • �{ r r --�----------- - •,32. Eiectrica( Pow'er Me�et•P.jnat ' .� . �i3. �ir3d EleCiriC. .. ' r1 �� �y � $4.� �inaf Heating & Air �ontlitioi�ing � _ 35. 'rinal Gas Pip�.Test 36. !-lood or�CanaPY t - - � `_ - 37. Finai Pz�ctory f�rePwce c �� � -- 38. Fina'�Plumb��g ^ 'i• . . ' 39. tVater Ser��ice-Fina! , � '!d{}. CrdS SCtviC�'��indi '' r Gt. Salar OomesucFinK! �' ' 42. Bsck`?otv PreveMcr- ' •" r. A3. Backf{ow irr;g8uor ` .� �=4. Landscz�:nfr��ationSystem� �� �45. Sound Atten&ation.. _ �. ' 4"0. i-landicap Regulatians �: 47. FItVliL STRUC7URE & BU�DING 48. FiNAL PLRNNfNG - 45. Electrio Relsase to �ei(so� � 50. Gas R2lease ea Southem Calitornia Gas � 51. CE?�SIFiCATE OF t?CCUPANCY No. aace POO SPA Date Inspector APPROVALS Pennh �F � � � 52. Pool & Equipment Location . 53. Steel Reioforcemer.t � 54_ Forms _ ��� � 55. Eiectricai Sonding �56. ftough Plumbing & Pre3s�ra 7est _ � I 57, APPRQVAI_ TG CpV[R�GUNIiE � 58. EIecU�ica! Conduit�Uadrgrnci. s 59. Gas Pipe, W Undrgrnd., Test j60. 6uckvvash �ines, P-7sap, Gr Undrgrnd, j 61. APPROVAL TO DECK °S1 82. Backwash & Receotor-Finat � �Y ` - 63. Heater & Vcnt-Finai . � � 6-0. Piumbing System � Fir,al � � 65. Electrica6Finai � 66. Solar System�Fin�i � � I 67. Fencing & Accass At�provai � � 68. APPROVED FQR PLASTERlNG � 69. POOLISP�SYSTEMS�(NAL _ � J. .,: ,,. T ._FIRE DE�PT. REQUiRE�MENG . _� � - r: ,� �PPR{�;/AI�,'= Permit �.T�_.,� � . ; .. 'K,,;�i0.� N'�o >. f . '_ � .a i _ . . ,��. _•'�� t- • C -. _�7. Pro�luct P�nc� :�' G�ts L17ii � �' .'x Y •�2. Undergroihici�Flu�,.� ^ - �- A T � (�' S 4 i , . � . : .73. iJnderyrn�Srorag.e�ar.k �Gas �:Oi7 . '��., 14.�OverhFad ydro'- '' -_u� ,. ; .. �_�i.. . „x � 75.-Dry ChLmiezl y ' . ' J'%��.w"� ' ^ i "' 7B. Dry Stand '�� - -' n� '� �' `�� � 4�� :` 77.� FIXE05�`�'rTE4;Ii.�St�NAL..,. i i- _r T � �� �.T: � . . ... � - ; � �: y. 78.�rFIRE PREV, t=iN;1L `_ � ` t �= I��; '. � N.EALTN�rJEP1'�EQUlRENiENT _�__f.���_� - j ' ..�9. �irvn� in��suFcrrot �- :. ; ' --� --+--"` �� �� � �� ' x 80. FOOD CEftTkFi�rX; E IS$U�D i�•/.tJ/Da dC'��•� vote�: YL•-.c n�l ,-,_,1.,. _a -� = . r Date j Inspector j 5_.p�y�--�- . f t_]__ _-....__ _ � E��� f� CSY.� -:.� 0_ '� -��f� �t M!_� _�� d���-'U � �+.-' ��-le < ��ec$f=-C.� '- i'LEct;�'F � Q..(�`�5°G� �c� � _ i " 0 � CITY OF COSTA MESA BUILDING DIVISION OWNER-BUILDER VERIFICATION A city or county, which is required to give notice pursuant to Section 19830, shall attach to such notice, and, as a condition precedent to issuing a building permit, require the completion and require the re[urn of, an own�r-builder verification. Attention Property Owner: An 'owner-builder' building permit has been applied for in your name and bearing your signature. Please complete and return this information in the envelope provided at your earliest opportunity to avoid unnecessary delay in processing and issuing your building permit. No building permit will be issued until this verification is received. Q I personally plan to provide the major labor and materials for construction of the pro- posed property improvement. O Yes �Q No C7 I(have/have�ro!) signed an application for a building permit for the proposed work. 3. I have contracted with the following person (firm) to provide the proposed construction: - Name_ __ Address Phone ( City Contractor's Lic. No.. 4. I plan to provide portions of the work, but I have hired the following person to coordinate, supervise and provide the major work: Name Address Phone ( City Contractor's Lic. No.. 5. I will provide some of the work but I have contracted (hired) the following persons to pro- vide ihe work indicated: Name Address Phone Type of Work I hereby affirm that I have received a copy of the information set forth in Section 19830 of the State of California Health and Safety Code and have completed the above information to the best of my per- sonal knowledge, in compl�nce with this State law. � Signed: c•-�. Date: 6- 3- � 3 Name: �A� / n��z7 (Printed or Typed) C.D.L. # or S.S. # 754-5273 < PP�hI 'RDONESS: 31S% GIBRALTAR �AV ow�EH'S NFME: PAULEY JAC aooxEss:3157 G�IBRALTAR AVE COSTA MESA,CA 92626 557-8543 ABCHIENGINEEP: AOORESS: flEG.NO.: UNIT: UNIT: PEFMITTEE: SAC PAULEY ( 714 ) 557-8543 nooeess: 3157 GIHRALTAR AV CM CA 92626 UCENSEo CONTBACTOB OECLABATION: I hereby a��um tha� I am licensetl untler pmvisions ol C�aoter 9(commencing with Section 7000� of �mson 3 0� ��e Business and Pmlessions CoOe. an0 my license is in full brce and eflect. CITY UC.: STRTE LIC.: CLASS: �ate: Signamre: WOflREBS' COMPENSATION UECIAflATION: I hereby a��irm �hat I have a cetlificate ot consenl �o sel4insure or a certificate o� Wo�kers' Compen5aiion Insurance, or a cetlihetl copy t�ereof (Sec�ion 3800. Lab. C�. PO�ICY NO.: E%P. DATE: COMPANY: ❑ Certifietl copY i5 hereby furnished. ❑ C¢rlilieG copy is liled wi�A Ihe tily Builtling Oivision. oa�e: Aoa�icant: E%EMPTIONFBOMWOPRENS'COMPENSATIONUECNPATION: (ThiSsec�ionneetlnatbecomple�edillhepermitisloronehunOred($100�ar1e55�. wriify Ihat in �he petlormance af ihe work for which �his permi� is issu d. I shall no� employ any person in any manner so as to became h�ubjecl �o Ihe Workeri' Compensation Laws ol Cah�ornia. � /J� Oa�e: � — 3 ' q'� Signamre: �J NOTICE: 11, ailer making ihis tleclaralion, you should beco e sublect �o �he W rkers' ComDensaiion provisions ol Ihe Labor Code. you mus� fotl�wrth complY wl�h such pmvisions or ��is permii shall he Aeemed revoketl. CONSTflUCTION LENUING AGENCY: I here6y aifirm �ha� there is a consimction lending agency lor �he performance of ��e wark for which �his permil is issuetl (Semion 3097. Civ. C). LENOEfl: AOOflESS: OWNEP BUILOEF DELLANATION: I �ere�y a0irm Iha� I am exempi Imm t�e ConVactors' Slaie License Law for ihe lollovdng reason (Seciion 703L5 Business antl Pmiessional CoOe: Any ci�y o� cowiy wAic� requires a permil to cons�mct, al�er, improve, demolish, or repair any s�mqure, pnor lo its issuance. also requires lhe applicant �or sucA permi� Io file a signe0 s�a�ement thal he/she is licensed pursuam to the pmvisions ot the ConVacrors' State License Law (Chapter 9(commencing wi�� Sec�ion 7000) of Division 3 of Ihe Business antl Pmlessions Cotle) ar ��al helshe is exempt ihereirom ana Ihe basis lor �he alleBeO exemption. Any viola�ion o� Sectian 7031.5 6y any apDlicanl �ar a permil sublecis �he applicant to a civil penalry of nol more Ihan five huntlred tlollars (5500). I, as owner ol ihe pro0erty or my employees wilh wages a5 �heir sole com0ensation, will Oo Ihe work. anA the ❑ StmtWre is n0� imen�eA or oif¢red br sale �Set�ian 70aa, Busine55 an0 Pm1e55ionai Cotle: The Contramor5' Slate LiCense Law Ooes not apply to an owner ol a pro0etly who bulltls or impmves �hereon, an0 who tloes such work himsel�/hersel� or �hmugh his or her own employees, provi0etl ��ai such impmvement5 are nol inlen0ed o� ollered for sale. It, �owever �he 6uilding or improvemenl is soltl wi�hin one year of completion, t�e owner will have the hurAen oi Droving he/she tlid no� build or impmve for I�e purpose ol sale). I, as owner of Ihe pmper�y, am exclusively contrac�ing with licensed contrac�ors �o cons�mc� �he project (Sec�ion 7044, Business � and Professions CoOe'. The Coniractors' State License Law tlaes nol appty ro an owner oi proDe�Y w�o builtls or impmves thereon antl who conVacis lor such pmle�ts with a contrac�or(5� license pursuant ta Ne Conirac�ors' Slate License Law�. I am aware �hat pmof ol Iheir Worker'S Compensation insurance 5hou10 be providetl to me. � I am exempl untler Sec�ion: B. 8 P. G � / for this reason: n p oate� 6-3�' q 3 Owner. o0-e i'G'.i.�l�a�b I do Aereby cenify ��al I am aware ol an0 uneerstantl Ihe requirements ol Calibr ia Healih antl Sa�ery tle Sec�ians 25505, 25533, and 25534 antl ��al I or any fuWre butleing occupani will/will no� (circle one) neetl to compty wiih said slate co0e5 antl �he repuirements for a permi� lor conslmclion or modilicatmn imm �he Nir Oualiry Management District. Fesiden�ial constmction applica�ions are ezempi imm �h¢5¢ pfOvisians. �ale' PpPlicani: I hereby ceNry thai I �ave read �his ap0licaiion antl s�ate tha� Ihe above iniorma�ian is carrecL I agree Io comply wiU all ciiy antl counly orAinances and stalelawsrcla�ingto builtling conslmclion antl herebY aN�orizerepre5entalive5 ol��is ciryto en�eruponlhe a6ove�men�ionea p�pef�y �ar insp¢LIiOn purpO5P5. 0��� oaie: 6 �3`93 Signa�ure: orivefs License or Social Securiry n' 1641-A6 Whne—Bulltlinq: Green—GoOe Eniorcemenl Canary—Appllcanl: P'mk—Revenue: Goldenrod—Assessor , CITY OF COSTA MESA — BUILDING PERMIT PERM NO: M'� OCr�950 PERMIT NO; M 062950 PLAN CHECK NO: N GOVT: N SUPP; N CONSTRUCTION TYPE; V—N PERMIT TYPE; MEC PURPOSE: OTH JOB DESCRIPTION ; INSTALL CENTRAL AIR COND SQ FT: CLAIM VALUE: CALC—VALUE: GROUP OCC: R-3 / COMMENTS: CENTRAL AIR SYSTEM *�r**�r****�r*�t*�*+��trx�r*******�t�t�t***x��rx*�t*�t�t**�*x�r**�*�+�*�t*� **�r�*+t****+t�**�t�*�r*** Z O N I N GS ERTEBQAUCjKASE M E N T S ------------ MAIN BUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY BUILDING --------- FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN LEFT; FT IN RGHT: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT; FT IN PARKING REQ• PROV: PARCEL; 13913515 ZNE: REF NO: PLANNING NZSTES> i �*+��r**��***�e*�e+�***��r�e**��r*+��r**�*�r+��e«,�;�.�****�r,e+�******��e*��**�*,��**��r��r�r�*����*�* D E V E L O P M E N T S E R�V I C-E S R E Q U I R E M E N T S ZONING APPROVED BY �� DATE; BUILDING APPROVED BY : � DATE: f APPLICATION ISSUED HY: ��T DATE: o( O 3`� 3 LEGALI2ATION:N F E E S U M M A R Y BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRI MECHANIC PERMIT 9�5= PLAN ISSUE FEE 15.00 it iF k if if �f iF if k 1f if if If 3E if iF �E k i! if ik if iE i! iE if iF 3F STRUCTURAL SEGMENT;N FIRE SMIP/RES GRADING SMIP/NON—RES BUILDING—DIV—> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN—CHECK TOTAL PAZD DUE TOTAI.S----> 9,00 15.00 0.00 24,00 24,00 ,00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED: 24,00 OVER/SHORT: 00 BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN—CHECK 24.00 M ik ik iF If ikikik M if iFik ik iE if k if if 1! ik ikif it if iF �F 1f if %if iF if if it �k if �f iF�f iE �F 3f �F �f iFiF1f if 1E iE 1Flk�F it if iliE iF if 1E if iF iF iflf iEiF �E iE iE iF iFlF iF if if itlt k I N D I V I D U A L F E E B R E A K D O W N TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I O N UNIT COST TOTAL COST MEC 1 INST FORC—AIR/GRAV FURN <= 100 K BTD 9,00 9,00 END OF FEES DS DDl4�333-0�140333 T C�T 24.QQ DA7E+ O6/03/93 7IMEe 08:04 I` CONSTRUCTION ANO PLAVNING POOI- & SPA � �� ��� Date Inspector .,,. Uate ' Inspecmr � _ ,y APPROVALS Permit # APPROVALS Permit -rr 1. Temporary Electrical Service or Pole 52. Pool & Equipment Locauon ' �2.,�Sml Ptpe-Undryrr.d,- 53. Sieel Reinforcement � _ -.3' ac;r:cal Conduit Ut�fity�Urd�grr.d. 54. Forms � ' �" d..�t�ctribal ConchJ�T�Undr�md. 55. ElCctriCal Banding � ` r.� ; � 5. {;ual Reinfo�cerrenc 56. Rough Plumbing & Pie;sure Test � ,�$ EYectrical UFEfl f3rnd ' 57. APPROVAL TC CO\'EP�G__''�_� � � ' � �"7.� F�ounge 58. Electrical Conuui2�L'ndrgmn. ( ' = 8. Foundaiion -• 59. Gas P�pe, O Undrgrnd., Tc;t � � ', 9. Z'later P�pe�Undrgc`�d. 60. Back1wsh L'nes, P�?rap. C U� ;`y';�d � � -'--r-- - - - � 10. Structurai Floor Systerr 61. APPROVAL TO DF CK • 11. Pmperty Sewer Lirte.& House Connection 62. Backr:ash ti� Recep�o� Final � 12. Sewer Cap . 63. Heater & Vent-Finai ' � - - -d 73. Roaf Dra�ns _ � 64. ?lumbing System � F���ai _ 14. Rough Plumb�ay 65. Electrical�finel � --- t 15. Rough Electricat�Cond��t 66. Solar SyStem�Ftnai � --'� 7 G. Rough Electric Wiring 6J. fencing & Access A;�proval 17. Rough!.'inng Sign 68. APPROVED POR PLASTERI�\G i �- 18. Rough Electriyl�T Bar CeJ�r.9 69. POOUSPA SYSTEPf,S PInAL ---- -I- -- - --- �� 19. Rough Heating & A�r Condrt�on�nq FI�iF, DFpT. REQUIREtv�c'NT S I ' �- ( �_ �' (:x 1 C'- cr- x *• :�_•tf .. : � : ' � " ,. , � ... ,' ' _ x .. J a x ; � . . „ � r 70.iHouyh Facto�/ P„'--�P'ace � `;r .Y,.." = S - 7',,. „ � PPRi'�tVP�L$.=�,Pe;mit ,��-,�,_;�-I .z _ - ,-?-�'--: •---7---s.'- -y-� . _ -t_._�---"----s* ----- 21.�Du'_-.�s, ifi8tr.hcttL�< •• . •�•> „ � L � ��' �70. • dcrg�vbnd' Hy�ra n L._' r � . _ � . . - . .. . _ _ 22.Du�'''. �ntiTatir� � , ' `' ' . � "� � ' '� �� Y L �Jr r. �� {„ --r . 71. PrOL�UCE�nif�fl � C�-�515 :70�I � ` - ^ � iax-�- �-^-t-r-� � - � - - . 23.�Gas-Pipe-Rot�7h & 3est � :T_^ >� ,n c < G�� _72. Underground FIinG: ` 'T' ("." SS'- ._ ' " -.c .' .- �i " ^ n - l' _ -. _ . 24'fioo` Fr`am�n� ��, •- V-� r ` ' " ' ;, .J3:`Undergmfl.S;nr��r,T�nk�G:.. .-'G`�.�� � '� < , . -«-: -r-�-<-- -I - - 25. Rook Sh6athing c; �- � K� . ' 74('Overhead Hvoro:- x I • x , 26. � �Bar Ce�hng (Se�ut�urall 8 ?.iEnocoat �� �: _ �-' n :� 75��Dry Cherv+ca� Y ' � � .n . -- - 27.�rtaNe and Plashiog. . ., c - . �� . • < 76. Ory StanG�G�e .J x . ��4. 4 �--4L� 28. Lat�ing� Siding _ � "- _ _ ., �. ^ •. •." 77:-FIXEO 5YirfEk'�7�!NA4�._ -` 29. Insulat�on � �' _ } ' � I k � 78<=FIRE PREV FI"VAL ' " - •� : _ ,. ��30. �ry�vall. Naihng "'. � - � .31. P�aste� 6io�� Coat< .; r :r �132}-Eiectrica}�Pa,ver M�er�F:r„I � _ >33: � �i Electr�p � rr, ,^ E---rT-- '34F_Fln� Heating& A�rCo�drt on.i:r,�" •35: Finai Gds Pi{ie Test,, r-�'` "36. Hood o�anopy ' � � � __� "C �. • -"_ �37.:E�nal Factory fveplacs;._ - 38. Fin3f Piumbing : N� � '39. 11'ater Service•Finai, . �40. Gas $ervice-Fina� • ' 41. Sola. DomesticF�nal - 42. Bad�flow Preventer � 43. Backflow IrribatiorL . ' �44. LandscZj3e I.!iqatiar System" ' ' 45. $ound (�tte�atioq: :: .. 46. •Handicap Regulat�ons - �^7.�FINAL STRiJCTURE 3 BUi� Di1G �48�fIIV�tLPLANNING � - 49r�lectric Relebse to',�Pdison .� � 50.�'ia�Aelease to Southem Californie G 51. CEftTIFICATE OF OC.Ct1PANCv �ate - " ` `" 3�EALTN,�DEPT� A'EQ171REtfti1ElT :i - �--- �--^-_ _ . . R � -79��FINAL�Idr�,11ECTits.'�V � . - -r-i_�.� - -�-- -- �-' ° �t I ; ' 80::F000 CCRTIF:Cti7E IS�U�ED �l I J' � rt` 1_ .: ^ ?-T_ "' _ ♦ _ - ! �L_ - _- -' ' << s • s' NQTCS: ^ ' ' !.. _ ' r - _'r� --i=•-- �f _.D�.-_-_ __ .. _ _ 4 t. } "' [l.:[�.� K ^ - � �(,r c�, _ ,, , 4.= ,. ,. - ;-; .-r-�-r--- , .. . � . �; .c L'J ' ' . �n i _ .F. a--_ _'� G-' - . ---- - � � .-� z ('. ' - x .�C g ' . � •r u n • •y r. r� _. �. � -'Zi-- - _ _ ' _ _ . . � X i ' . • K ': t. y --'�+c � - -.._-__ _�___"_____ � a ' x x . _ , •i I r c - � �.c - v � �.3T �-T.�-----= ------ - - j r 'Y. . vc -- - 1'_ _ _ _ _ i ' r _ �t �. ' .: ^� � . ___ _ q� ._. - - � .` � . ^ � .. - .. , _ � � �.� -r_ -- - � � �� :> , z C , C Y - _ y - . z � - - " , - 2, . . � n . ,. . : �� ` .- ' f� � < , 4 . � �. f � �— � PPOJELT ADOHESS: 3 1 S% G IBRALTAR OWNEfl'$ NAME: PAULEY JAC aooaess:3157 GfBRALTAR COSTA ME5A,CA AflCMIENGINEER: S S%' S S 4 3 ROOflESS: h1t1 AVE 92626 flEG.NO.: UNIT: UNIT: PEHMITTEE: SAC PAULEY ( 714 ) 557-8543 aooness: 3157 GIHRALTAR AV COSTA MESA CA.92626 LICENSEO CONTHACTOB OECLPNATION: I here�y atfirm I�at I am licensetl under pmvisions ol C�apier 9(commencing wilh Section 7000) ol Drvision 3 0l I�e Business an0 Piofessions COAe, antl my license is in full lorce an0 eliect. CITY LIC.: $TRTE LIC.: CLASS: Da�e: SignaWre: WOPNEBS' COMPENSAiION DECLAflATION: I here�y aitirm ihat I have a cenificate ol consent lo sell�insure or a cenificate ol warker5' Compensaiion Insurance, or a cenilied copy Ihereol (Section 3800. Lab. C). POLICY NO.: E%7. DATE: COMPANY: � CertAietl ro0Y is hereby �umisAeO. ❑ Certilietl caDY is filed wit� t�e ciry BuilOing Division. �aie: Npplican�: EREM7TION FNOM WORNENS' COMPENSATION OECIABRTION: �T�is section nee0 na� Ce complete0 it Ihe permil is lor one �untlretl �8100� or less). I certify thal in I�e peAormance ot t�e wod tor w�ich Nis permil is is uetl. I s� nol employ any person in any manner so a5 io become SUEIeq lo I�r Warkeri Compensation Laws oi Calilornia. oaie: ��' � 6' 9� Signature: • NOTICE: It. atter making ihis aeclaration, you shoule b ome subject to ihe worker Compensdtion o�ovisions of ihe La�or Coee. yvu mu5i Iorilrm�� Compty wiih 5uth pmvisions or Ittis Oermil shall 0¢ a¢¢ .e0 revoke0. LONSTNUCTION LENDING ACENCY: I hereDy aliirm ��a� there i5 a con5imc�ion lending apency bt ��e pehormance a� l�e work for whic� Ihis permii is issuetl (Sec�ion 3097, Civ. C�. � LENUEfl: AOONESS: OWNEN BUILOEB OECLABRTION: I hereDy aliirm I�a� I am exem0� ��om t�e Comracmrs' S�a�e License Law lar t�e tollowinA �eason (Section 70�1.5 BuSinesS anU Pwiessional Code' Any ciry o� coun�y which requires a permit �o con5imc�, aller, impmve, demolis�, or repair any Slmciure. Orior lo iis issuance. also requires �he applicant �or such Dermil �o tile a 5igneC statemenl �hal he/she is licensetl purivani lo IAe pmvisions o� Ihe Canlractors' S�a�e License Law �Chapier 9(wmmencing vnih Section 7000) o� DiviSion 3 0l IAe Business an0 Pmlessions CoOe) oi I�al he/she is exempt Iherelmm antl �he �asis lor ihe alleqeG exempiioa Any violation ol $ection 7031.5 by any apPlican� for a permi� sublecis I�e applican� to a civil penally oi no� more than tive hunUred Oollars (5500�. ❑ I. as owner ol ihe propeny or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will Jo Ihe work, and ihe simcmre is not intended or olleretl lor sale (Seclion 70a4, eusiness ana Pmlessional Code: The ConVacmrs' Slaie License Law tlocs not aDPly lo an owner ol a pmpetly wha builds ot improves �hereon, antl w�o aoes such work �imSelUhersell or thmuAh his or her own employees, pmvided �ha� such impmvemenls are no� intenaetl or o��ereA �or sale. If, however �he huilding or improuemen� is 5oitl wilhin one year ol complelion. Ihe owner vnll �ave Ihe Ou�tlen o� pwving Ae/ihe OiU no� builE or impmve lor Ine purpose ol salel. � I. as owner of the pmpeny. am exclusively coniracting wil� licensetl contracmrs m cansimct the pmject �Seciion 704d. Business ana Prole55ions COGe: Th¢ Cqnlratlors' Stale License Law Aoes noi appty t0 an owner o� pmp¢tl9 wh0 OwICs Or improv¢5 fAereOn d110 Wh0 COItlfdC15 IOf SOCII P�OjPQS Wlth 2 COIIffdCIO�(5) lit2(ISE OUf511d11f �0 111¢ COOIfdqOfS' Siate license lawl. I am aware �hal pmol ol ��eir Worker'S Compensalion insurance 5�oW4 �e D�ovidetl �o me. � I am exemD� unaer Section: B. 8 P. C. tor rmis reason: Oate: O ��6' 93 Owner. I tla �ereby certify I�al I am aware oi ana un0er5lan0 I�e reQuirements oi Cali �nia Heall� anE $a�ery Co Seciions 25505, 25533, an0 2553a ana Inal I or any W�ure builaing occupant will/vnll no� (circle one) neetl o compry witn saiU slale Ees anC I�e requirements for a permit lor conslmction o� mo0ilicalion �mm t�e AirOuahty Management �islrict. FesiCen�ial con5imclion applications are exemp� �mm mese o�ovisions. �aie'. Applicanl: I M1eieby cetlily Inat I �ave iea01hi5 apPlicalion ana slale thai Ihe above iniorma�ion is correct. I aB�ee to [omply wit� all ciiy anU counry ortlinances antl 5lalelawSrelaiinglo �uiltling consimciion and herepy authorizerepre5enlaiive5 oll�is ci�y�oenleruD�nlhe above�mentianeG pmpetly �nr inspet�ian purpo5ns Oaie'. 6-� 6� 7� Signamre: _ � Drivur s Lleonse m Sucial Securiiy N: � � t6<ba6 W�i�e—Builaing: Green—CaOo EnlorcemenC Canary—AppLcanl: Pink—Revenve: GolEanrotl—Assesmr CITY OF COSTA MESA — BUILDING PERMIT PERMIT NO: E 062619 PLAN CHECK NO; N CONSTRUCTION TYPE; V—N PERMIT TYPE: ELE JOB DESCRIPTION ; A/C INSTALLATION (MOTOR HOOK—UP) CLAIM VALUE; •'' CALC—VALUE; PERM NO; E 062619 GOVT; N SUPP; Y PURPOSE: OTH SQ FT: GROUP OCC: R-3 / COMMENTS: RE• E62545 *****��*�r*�***��*�r***x�*�e�r*x � ****�*x��* �**x�**�t«**xx***�t���ex�x****��x *x� x x �rx�***** Z O N I N G R E Q U I R E M E N T S S E T B A C TC S ------------ MAIN BUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY HUILDTNG --------- FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN FRNT: FT IN REAR; FT IN LEFT: FT IN AGHT: FT IN LEFT: FT IN AGHT; FT IN PARKING REQ• PROV: PARCEL: 13913515 ZNE: REF NO; PLANNING Nt3TES> � iEiEikiFkkiFkkilifil4k�titkifiFitik�k�fkiFifiFifititiliEifilifilikiFikiEiFilkiEiFihlFiEftik�kiEiFffiFititkltlflFlEkiklFiEiFlFikiFMklfiEMifiEiEik D E V E L O P M E N T S E R V I C E S R� Q U I R E M E N T S ZONING APPROVED BY � DATE: BUILDING APPROVED BY : DATE; APPLICATION ISSUED BY• �=;�� DATE: /(�o iF1filkkikiFifil�kk�fiFiFiflEiFififkitKif7f�i'iF ifif 3F ��3Fif iEiF iEiFiF iFiF 1lkiEiEiF�kiFiflfif 1f1t iliEifilkiF�lk�lififkififlFikiklkkffkiFlFifikkiFifif3FiFlfifiklfif�Fif�fififiF�kkififiElflfkif ifdfilifilifiFiEliifilifikifififklkitkdElfifiEifiEif LEGALI2ATION;N F E E S U M M A R Y STRUCTURAL SEGMENT;N BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/RES GRADING PERMIT _3��OY SMIP/NON—RES PLAN ISSUE FEE �,9,50 BDILDING—DIV—> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN=CHECR TOTAL PAID DUE TOTALS----> 3.00 4.50 , �0,00 7,50 7,50 ,00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED; 7,50 OVER/SHORT; ,00 BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN—CHECK 7,50 ..�' ; i ik iF 14 if'!f !F 1f !f 1! 1klf 9f iklf 1E if 14 if il' if 1k 1f'tt' 1E il' iF if iF i%1f 1E if iF if �k if !k iF,iF 1f if if i%!f 1f if if 3f if ikil' ik if if if iF 1h 1f if'!F if iE if 1f'lf if if if if if if if 1F if if iF iF iE i% I N D I V I D U A L;��F E E H R E A K D O W N TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I O,N UNIT COST TOTAL COST .- .y r� ELE ]� MOTOR/POWR APPARATUS ii, 0,0 — 1,0 HP 3,00 3.00 1 END4 OF FEES � �� '.N EXPlRED �:- ' Incorhplete ir:;,>�ctions ,• �.. � . �� � � � � i � I1_ 9�, � � .[ 01 Q0141043—D0141048 T C�T DATE: OSf15/93 TIME: OE:15 1 7.50 CONSTRUCTION ANOPLANNING POO SPA � APPROVALS Permit # Date Inspector APPROVALS Permit # Date inspector 1. TemporarY Electrical Service or Pole � 52. Pooi & Equipment Location . , 2. Soil Pipe-Undrgrnd. 53. Stee� Reinforcement. � � 3. Electrical Conduit Utility�Undrgrnd. 54. Porms ' ' 4. Electrica� Cond�it�Undrgmd. 55. Electricai Bonding 5. Steel Reinforcement 56. Rough Plumbing & Pressure Test . 6. Electricai UFER Grnd. 57. APPROVAL 70 COVER-GUNITE 7. Footings 58. Etectrical Conduit-Undrgmd. 8. Foundation 59. Gas Pipe, O Undrgrnd., Test ' ' 9. Water Pipe-Undrgrnd. 60. Backwash Lines, P�Trap, L� Undrgrnd. 10. Structural Floor Svstem 61. APPROVAL TO DECK 11. Property 5ewer Line & House Connection 62. Backwash & Receptor-Finaf . 12. Sewer Cap 63. Heater & Vent-Final �� 73. Roof Drains � 64. Piumbing SYstem • F�nai ' 14. Rough Plumbing 65. Electrical-Final 15. Rough Electr�cal-Conduit 66. Solar System-Final 16. Rough Electric Wiring 67. Fencine� & Access ApProval 77. Rough Wiring Sign 68. APPROVED FOR PLASTERING 18. Rough Electrica6T Bar Ceiling 69. POOUSPA SYSTEMS F WAL 79. Rouqh Heating & Av Condinoning FIRE DEPT. REQUIREMENT 20. Rough Factory Firep�ace - APPROVALS Permit �` 21. DuCts, in Structure 70. Undergrourtd Hydro . i 22. Outts, Ventilating �71. Product Pipin9 O Gas QOii 23. Gas Pipe-Rough & Test • 72. Underground Flush � 24. Roof Framing � "' '73. Undergmd'. Storage Tank G Gas ❑ Oil 25. Roof Sheathing . 74,'Overhead Hydra 26. T-Bar Ceiting SStructural1 & Monocoat 75. Dry Chemical - - - 27. Frame anci Flashi�g - • .. 76. Dry Standpipe ��� 28. t,athing & Siding ' � F, 77: FIXED SYS7EM FINAL 29. Insulatiop � �� 78. FIRE PREV. FINAL � 30. Drywall Nailing � j� � HEALTH pEPT; REQUIREMENT � -31. Plaster Brown Coat � 79. FINAL iN$PECTI�N � � - 32. �Electrical Power Meter-Final • 80. FOOD CERTIFICAF� ISSUED � 33. Final Electric � � Notes: �r ..� ' �?�l�_� ��_i n c�c�� 2 34. Final Heating & Air Conditioning - � �- d �� � Gi/_�=�d..0 h e_. a.Ee�G'1o�2 --G�-�C�`°� 35. Final Gas Pipe-Test , . I �� . _ _ 36. Hood or Canopy � � '" . � 37. Final FactorV Fireplace � . I. 38. Final Plumbing ' .� � ' - 39. Water Service-Final ' -40. Gas Service-Pinal '�-� j � ' i 41. Solar pomestio-Final � � � - ' 42. Backflow Preventer � � . 43. Backflow Irrigation ' � - 44. Landscape irripation System � - � 45. Sound Attenuation '. 46. Nandicap Regulations � 47. FINAL STRUCTURE & BUILDING I '� 48. FINA�P4ANNING 49. Electric Release to Edison � I 'I 50. Gas Release to Souihern Catiiomia Gas Ca i � � 51. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY • No. Date OWNER $Uj�j�j��,LAj�jD LAND CQ. DATE 3-26-57 JOBADDRES3 3157 Gibralter Ave. BUILDINGPEqMITNO. #Ll%S8 GENERALCONTRACTOR Dy,mer Bldr. VALUE $ 10,909.�0 LOT ��], BLOCK TRACT 2353 Res. H�8'tt.� �3I'. GR�.JP I 8c �T TVPE V ZONE RI1 FIRE DISTRICT �'j9], PERMITSISSUED INSPECTIONS DATE SUBGONTRACTOR DATE I NUMBER Trench ! ion Forms and Grade to Plu wiring, aougn MpY Q 3 �957 V 1 c� , a S Heating,Rough �'V1GS SaS=S� �{/ �� -,c/ /�-S . Heatino. Final YV�LC 9_/ �_t � Sewer or In x O P' •.rin9 j���Y� �—�.l R_ ..bing, Fin�al, Fixtures Complete � � � /'1.� Plumbing,Fin.alGasTest%, �.j /Z�J � . Wiring,Final r, ( 'j ' Occupancy � � ���1� y�y.� FORM 210 3M 10-v3 ; • .. COSTA MESA BUILDING DEPARTMENT P.O. BOX 31� COSTA MESA. CALIFORNIA FOR APPLICANT TO FILL IN BUILDtNG ADDRE55 3157 Gibraltcr e�venue COSTA MESA. CALIFORNIA ___.._ ._ . .. . . _._.. owNEa Summerland Land Co. ARCHITECT OR E�'^-INEER AODRESS +�� LEGAL L� DEvCAiPTiON ry( A.P. NO. s, GaJ.lI . No. �,_t'iri7ti LIG. 'aiTLS NO. elBS�. e�3iTlf . CITY �IC. pnti T,vnt; r+o.(��i�-r, �1��°e���irEvr�ps�is`�� ) HO. BLOCK TRHCT � �-~j NO.OF BLDGS. USE OF E%ISTING BLDG. $EiBnCN LINE FPOM � l CENiEA of S1nEEi rn 1 REAR YPRD 7'� I� I SI�E VARD RIGHT -rj I LEFT ��'' �� NEW R EPA i �. BUIIDING DESCRIPTION OF WORK ALTERATION AODITION MOVING DEMOLISH NO. OF � ROOMS � STORIES � LLJ uCi�''CJ ROOF � nnpq.ait^ il "n A i nm COVERII:G Ro FEE RECEIVED ��� tiU, i q r�- `>-�1' FINANCE DEPT. CITV OF COSTA MESA APPLICATION FOR PERMIT BUILDING FOR OFFICE USE ONLY COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA � F //� IPLSNS �� �v " ,.. APPROVED BV DATE CORRECTIONS N STATE TH4T THE �SOVE IS CORRECT �NO AGREE TO COMPLV WITH �LL • CITY OROINFNCES aN0 STwTE L�wS REGULwTING BUIL�ING GONSTRUU norv. {_,,{ n� A VALUATION SIGNATURE OF �/� �� J�1�- PERMiT FEE S PERMITTEE VY��� G�� ^ y / .� g Q� �� PLAN CHECK $ 13 Q 7�/'� � / � AUTMORIZED AGENT '(/ ` TOTAL FEE $ 39 � OO � �' } �q«4