HomeMy WebLinkAbout753 GRAYLING BAY - Building PermitsPflOJECiA00HE55: 7S3 GRAYLING HAY owxee s Name: PENTRIDGE COVE 1 HOA aoonEss:3009 DA_MLER ST SANTA ANA CA 92705 pHCH/ENGINEEH: AOOflE55: nec.xo.: UNIT: UNIT: veAmiTree: PENTRIDGE COVE 1 HOA ( 800 ) 660-8099 aooeess: 3009 DAINLER ST SANTA ANA CA 92705 LICENSEU CONTBpCTOB OECLABNTION: I hereby aHirm Iha� I am licensetl untler pmvisions of Chap�er 9(commencing with Section 7000) ol O�rsion 3 0l Ihe Business and Pmlessions Coae. antl my Iicense is in lull lorce ana elleci. � CITY LIC.' SiFTE LIC.: CLASS: �ale: Signature'. wOHREflS' COMPENSR710N OECLAFaTION: I hereby afiirm Ihat I have a ceniiicate of consent to selt-insure or a cenilicate of workers' Compensation Insurance. or a certified coDV �hereof (Section 3800. Lab. C�. POLICY NO.: E%P. �ATE: COMPFNY: ❑ Cetli�ietl copy is here�y fumished. ❑ Cetliiied copy is tile0 wi�h Ihe city Building Oivision. Oate: _ E%EMPTION Appbcant NOTICE: II, al�er making Ihis tleclara�ion, you 5hou10 beco e si Code. yau must farihwrth comply wit� such O�ovisions or this 4 CONSTHUCTION LENOING PGENCY: I hereby at�irm Ihat �� re is a which Ihis permi� is i=.suea (Seclion 3097, Civ. C�. LENOEfl: ROUflE55: hurMred (8100� or less�, mnerso as to become agency �orihe peAormance of IM4 workfor OWNEH BUILOEfl OECLABATION: I hereby affirm Ihat I am exempt �mm the Con�roc�ors' State License Law for I�e following reason (Seciion 7031.5 Business ane Pmfessional Cotle: Fny cily o� coun�y which reQuires a permii to con5imd, alter, impmve, tlemolish, or repair any simclure. prior lo i1s issuance, also repuires Ihe applican� for such permit to �ile a signea sta�emen� Ihal helshe is Iicense0 pptWd0��0�IIC pfOvl5i0�5 O�IIIC C�OIfdL�OR Slate License Law(GhaO�er 9�commencing wi�h Section 7000�otDivision 3 oflhe Business and Pmtessions Cotle) or Ihal �elshe is e�empt theretmm an0 Ihe basis for ��e allegetl exemp�ion. Any violation o� Seclion 7o31.5 by any apDlican� lor a permi� subj¢c�s �he applican� lo a civil Denaliy of no� more Ihan �ive hundred dollars (5500�. I, as owner oi �he pmDerly ar my employees wi�h wages as �heir sole compensation,�will do �he work, and �he ❑ slmqure i5 no� inlenAeU or olleretl �or Sale (Seciion 7004, Busme55 an0 Pro(e55i0nal Cotle: The Con�rat�orY Sla�e Litense Law tloes nal ap01y �o an owner of a property who builtls or impmves Ihereon, antl who Ooes such work himsel�/hersel� or I�mugA Ais or her own employees. pmvided Ihat such impmvements are not inlen0e0 or ollereU br sale. II, however th¢ builaing or impwvement is sold within one year o� compleiion, the owner will �ave Ihe hurden oi Dmving he/she tlid no� �uiltl or impmve for the purpose ol sale). I, as owner of �he pmperty, am exclusively conirac�ing wiih licensetl conirac�ors �o constmcl the pmlec� �Sec�ian 7044, Business O antl Pmlessions CaGe: i�e ConVaclors' Siate License Law does nol apply to an owner o� pmperty who huila5 or impmves thereon antl wha coniracis lor suc� pmlecis wi�h a conlrac�aqs) license pursuant ta Ihe Contractors' State License Law m aware ihat pmof of their Worker's Compensalion insurance s�auld he pmvide0 to me. � I am exempt unaer Section: B. 8 P. C. lor I��easo� /> � / �/ Dat¢: � Qwn : I tlo nereby cenify Ihat I am aware ol antl untlerstand ihe requiremenls of C omiz Health a ety Cotle Sections 25505. 25533 25534 antl ihat I or any fuiure building occupant will/will no� (circle one� nee to compty wit s d Slate co0es antl the reQuiremen � a permil lor conslmclion or moadication irom I�e Air Oualily Managemen� �i ricl. Resitlenf onslmc�ian applica�ians are exe mm I�eSe pmvisions. Date: ApPlicanl:t �_ I here�y wrlily ihatl have readlhis aDPlicaiion antl s�at�� ortlmances ana statelawsrela�ingio butlding conslmciion, i pmpetly foi inspection Durposes. Oaie'. �� ���� SignaWre' Driver's License ar Sacial Seari�y t6a1�a6 Whiie—Bmltling; Green—Cotle Enlorcemenl: �ove inlorma�ion aul�o�i¢e�ep�¢SE all Goltlenmtl—Assessor CITY Or COSTA MESA — BUILDING PERMZT PERM UO: B�� 061824 r PERMIT NO: B 061829 PLAN CHECH NO; N GOVT; N SUPP; N CONSTRUCTION TYPE; 5—N PERMIT TYPE: STR PURFOSE: REP JOB DESCRIPTION : REPAIR DEFiECTING Fi00R SYSTEM SQ FT: 6,000 CLAIM VAL"JE: 6,000.00 CALC—VALUE: 6,000,00 GROUP OCC: R-1 / COMMENTS: THIS REPAIR PERIKIT FNCLUDES 755 GRAYLiNG BAY AL50 pET��T�� �ex***tr���r��r*�x�r#*x�x*x�***+t#x�****�t±�******�r�+r*���rit�t**�ttx��r*x*� �. t� � »xx�: �* � Z O N I N GS £RTEaQAUCIxRSE M E N T S SIVIQ� REQUIRED ----------�— MAIN BUILDING ---------- --------- ACCc^SSORY BUILDING --------- FRIdT: T IN REAk; FT IN FANi: FT ZN REAR; FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGAT: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT; FT IN PA.RF{ING REO• PROV: PARCEL: 93768081 2NE; REF NO: PLANNING N(3T'ES> 7 : � # 3f %� iE 3e iE if iF �E iE iE iE �3E iE iF 3F iEiE ih �f iE iE if iP }E iE iE if 1E iE If if if iF iE if IE iE if fF 1f iE �!E iE iE iE iE iE if i(� iP 1E iE if if iE !F iE # iE iE 1E �1E iE iE #�1F iE iE iE iF,��lf�iE # 1f # ie if �1E D E V E L O P M E N T S E R V I C E S R F Q U I R E M E N T"S;' � %•! ZONING APPROVED BY D'ATE: �� BiIILDING APPROVED BY : '' _ DATE; 2�.� � � APPLICATION ISSUED BY: ` DATE: Y,'Zorc^-� iEitiEiFiFiEifiFiEififiiirititiEiEjFiEiE�lfif� � r rirftiex � a h. e x. .,.�;�tirf �KiE-7Ex-ititiEiEitiF�FiF )E:E 1E iE 4 iE'IE'lE iF if'�'IF'IE iE+f if iF # iE iF-1E if IE'lE if 1E #'IE 1f il' iF if iE �f i43F 3E?E iE ih'1E'i it 1f'3E if N"1� M �F'7f iF 14 If iElf'1F-M� IE # 3f iE �1E `JI'# iE #'IE iF iE iE if �!F 1F # iE iF If jE 3F LEGALI2ATION:N F E E S U M M A R Y STRUC'I'URAL S$GMENT:Y BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTR?C MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/RES GRAI�3NG PERMST 81.OU ,60 SMIPlNON—RES PLAN ISSUE FEE BUILDING—DIV—> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN—CHECK TOTAL PAID DGE iOTALS----> 81,60 0.00 0,00 81,60 81,60 ,00 REL�ENUE DIL�ISIOti TOTALS--> COiLECTED: 81.60 OVER/SHORT• 00 BLD81�00 PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/TOT� GRADING PLAN—CHECK iE 1E �1F iE iE iF iE 3E �7F iE 3f iE if iE 3F 3f 3F 3E if if �)f 1E iE iF 1f if fF# iE 1F 1E iF IE iP fE * iE iE ik'14 ie if iE iE iE if if iF 3(� # iF iE �E iE �7E iE # iE iE 3F iE �lE iF iE if �3f �E #� 3f� iE i(• iF iE # iF-lE iE if �iE I N D i V I D U A L F E E B R E A K D O W N �PE QTY D E S C R I P T I O N UNIT COST TOTAL COST SFR 6000 ALTER HY VALUE RESIDENTIAL NOZONE 1.OU 6,000,00 END OF FEES 01 �0137593—�D137594 T Ll T &1.60 ORTE: 04/21/93 TIME: 16:06 � � CONSTRUCTION AND PLAhNi�1G ' I APPROVALS Permit,$ i7, Tempora�y Electncal Service or Pole f ?. £oil Pipe-Undrgcnd. � 3. Elcctrical ConduiT Ut�liTy�UndrgmU. i 4. E�ectriCdl COndu4•Un(Irgrnd 5 51 �e� Re;nto�CemEnt �I 6 E ectr,ez' GFER Gmd. _ � �. Footiros IB oF und�tion � 9. V:'eter PIpe�Undrgmd. ; 70. 5t�uctu�ai Floor System 17, Pr<�pe�iy Sev;er Line & Hous?ConneCtion ; 12. Sea•er Cap , 13 R �f prains ~4. Rcunti Piumbing f- �I 15 Ro�g• Eiectnrai-Condurt h--- --- , I6. ftough ElectricVJiring �--- � 17. Rough Wiring Siyn 78. Rough E�eCtrical�T Bar Ceilmg 19 Rc�yh !-!c�ting & A�r Conditroniny 2C. F_�.;n F;.Cory F;rePlaCe 21 DuCts, in ytr4cture 22. Dur.ts, VenUlatiny � 23. �as P�pe�:7o�qh Fii Test � ?_4. Rnof Frami�g � 25 Rooi Sh-�*hing �- '__- 2L. �L ir Celling (Strucwral) €� ,,:o^ocoat I 2r. '= :r.�e ard F',ashing � - � -. 28. La! -,�.ng fx Sid',ng 2° IcSulation � 3U. U�v":ail r.�aihng �---31 P' ��-e� (3�ov:n Co.:t ----- � 39 c�r�.t�iG11 Po�'�ar "Sete� Final 3.', f� �' Elcctrlc 34. F�ial HeaLny � A;r Co�d�tion'r.g 35. Finz� Ga: Pipe�Te;t 36. Hocd or Canopy I 37. K��ai fsctory Fireplace 38. Finai Piumbing 38. \':�te' Szrvice�f-ical �, -00. Gas Serviee-F�nal � 47. $oiar Oomescio-Fi�al 42. Back�iow Preventer A3. BacfcflowlrrigaYion, � 44. L2ndswi:e irriqation_�$.Ys;em 4�. Scu^.d Pti 40. Hand cap I A7. FINA�ST � LDING 4�•INAL PI_ANNING: � . :_ 4a. Electric Release t�Edisott 50. Gas Release to Sovtliem Californiz Gas Co °_ Date Date tl --POOL o �PA--- Inspector APPROVALS Permit;� - 52. Pool & Equ;pment Locat;on - 53. Steel ReinforcamenY 54. Forms 55. Electricat Bond�ng � _ 56. Rough Plurr�.b�ng & Pressure Test _ � 57. APPROVAI TO COVFR�GUNI7E 56. Electr;cal Cordu't�undrgmd. 59. Gas P�Ae, O Undrgmd., Tes: � 6Q. Backwash Lines, P�Trap, O Undrgrrd - 6i. APPROVALTODECK � - 62. Backsvush t4 Recepfnr�Fiiii! ' r-=- , G3. Heater $c VenbFinal - 64. Plur�bing Sys!Nm � Fina; 65, ElcctricabFinai _ 66. Soiar SYstem�i-inai__ ' 67. Fenciny & Access Af�Prooal 68. APPROVED FOR PLASI `_RIn;G � 69. POOL/SPqSYSTEh".SFiNAL FIRE DEPT. REQUIRF,YENI� HPPR�VAlS Perm�t -r - 0 b A 70. Underg�ound Hyuro 71. Product P�pi�:y C7 Gas �., Oil 72. Underground Fluch Date �Inspector 73. Undergmd.StoraprTa�k"G��.s ,�O�i � J4. ��unc�3tl Hycim _ � 75. �ry Cl�,emi,al ---iu �-- � 76. Dry Stand��be - - ---- �--- --� 7Z FIXED Sv5TE�1�i �-�^.AL I I _� 78. FIRE PREV. FI\H� I � - -1---, HEA,LTH DEPT. REQUIRE^fiCN7 I ------- -----� 79. FiNAL iP:SF�CTir,;� I I __ i 30. �OODCEiari�iGo7EiSSUED � � � ------- - - -� --L--- - + Nates_ ,.._---------- --� _ - - ___-_-_ _.-.� -------------- - 1 I --- - I ------------------ � ------- ' - - __ _ -_- --. I - _ � y -- --- � b � tl �� ,ii'ro y/,i,}� 6qV 74/, 43 �/6 y7 �i 9�s /�S�,6d 5� �G �� 3j t�6i67� �Yr 7i , 2 zQ 30 L�+�Up7a B�9 3oz6 z z' 5// �6� � �� CO oT aoxE,zoo COSDTIA M SA�CALI ORNAIA 9 sie T. �P�CAT70N F�R`�fRl�'��tA�, PERMI7683.50 TL F �i.� OG � O� a � y � F� G W F Q G .J a > } .] a � o. i±. a z �i 3 For Applicant to Fill in Compietely — Use Ink Only BUILDING ADDfiE55 Tract 10626 T� NANT°R M.D. Janes Co. I ' ADDRESS 2950 Airwa Ave. D- TEL. cirv Costa Mesa No. 9 CONSTRUCTION __ . BRANCM N/A ADDRESS N�A ARCHITECT Danielian & Assoc. rTio��546-36! Oit ENGINEER ADDRESS 3848 Campus DI.� iJ.$. i CONTRACTOR OWReL ADDRESS e TEL CITV 8 NO. e STATE � CITV ' LIC. NO. e LIC. NO. e O'F LOT 550' x 334' NOW ON LO�T e USE OF EXISfING BLDG. N�A Separate permits are tequired for electric, plumbing and heating work: i. USE OF BUILDING AND WORK TO BE PERFORMED I hareby acknowlotlpa that I Aeve reetl Mis avClieetion antl stnce Met the ebove Informetion is correei entl epree to comply wiM e�l lews reBulatinp builtlinB conaYruction, entl I shall �ot employ eny parson in violation of Ma workman's compansation lawa oT Lh0 $1A28 Oi CeIHOIlIIB. � I hereby cartify that 1 am praDarly Iicensetl as a conttector unCer Ma State of Californle Businass and Professions Cotle, Division 3, Cheptar 9, entl thet sueh licenies ere In fuil torce end Mfect, or 1 am exempt from Me rovisions of the S<ete of Celifornia Busirwu ana Professions Cod Divi ' 3, Chapter 9. SiOnature of ' Parmittce o, 8 Auffiorized ABa te 4 UNIT OR SPACE NO. TR�tXO/ —� / LOT � (J (O G�J NEW ADD LTER % OWNER USE s�ZONE � TY APPROVEO APPROVEDSET8ACK5 (FROM C/L STREET) PLANNING ACTION THEAMOUNTS THE PUFlPO6E OF VALUATION s C�,C(���r� U -�-41 Z -121-2 DEMOLI VALVE E Z . C ,p i V o � N Y\ VN UNDER VALUATION IS FOR 0 � 'ABLISHING A PERMIT FEE ONLV: m PERMIT FEE E . Y PLANCHECK 5����5 O� - TAX S 4 f ��� 9� TOTALPAID S�¢jZj.�