HomeMy WebLinkAbout807 GRAYLING BAY - Building Permits� ✓ PflOJECT AODNESS: 8 O% GRAYL I NG BAY uxir: OWNEP'SNAMF: LEAT, DENISE aooness: 807 GRAYLING BAY COSTA MESA, CA 92626 660-0777x239 ANCHIENGINEEfl: KRAMER � �i5 JC�C xec.No.: S"l 3 0 9 aooncss: 3002 DOW ALLENNE �N�T 136 S,A. CA 92705 reeminee: PENTRIDGE COVE HOMEOWNERS ( 714 ) 660-0777 aoonEss: 3009 DAIMLER ST SANTA ANA CA 92705 LILENSEO CONTBACTOP OECIAPATION: I hereby allirm Ihai I am licensed un0er Omvisions ol C�aD�¢r 9(commen[inp with $e[tion 7000� oi Drvisian 3 al ��e Business and Pmtessions CoOe. ana my license is in lull farce antl efletl. CITY LIC.: STRTE LIC.: ClASS: �ale: SiAnaNre: WOPREXS' COMPENSATION OECIAflATION: 1 Aet¢Ey aflirm Ihal I tuve a[¢rlificalE oi tonsen� I05¢If-in5ure of a CeM1iliCate ol WOrk¢r5' Comvensatian anc a ti e py ereol (Section 38110. LaC. voucrxo.: ��—g�—`g`�q� � E%P.OATF: �I/SS/99 carnraxr: STATE FAAM ❑ Cenilie0 oY is ere0y fumishea. � Cenifiea co0 is � e witn tAe city B�Itli i vhion. Jate: " I � � ApplicanL L ��� E%EMVfIONFflOMWOPKEHS'LOMPENSPTIONOECUBATION: (i' se[Iionnee0 t compl¢tWillMpermlbbron! r(5100�wless�. I ceriily ��at in �he petlormance ol Ihe work lo� whic� Ihis perm is i55ue4 I s nai em0loy any person in any ma ner as ta �ecome sub�e[t �a the WorkerY Compen5aiion laws ol Caiilomia. Oate: Signalurz: NOTILE:Ii. atlet making IAis Aeclaratian. you ShoulE beCOme SuUjett�a lhe Work¢r5' Compensali0n prwision3 O�IAe La�ot Cotle. you must Iorillwi�h comply wil� such pwvisions or Ihis Dermil shall be G¢eme0 fevokeC. CONSTNIIC710N LENOING PGENCV: I �ereby atlirm Ihat t�ere is a con9mciion IenOinp aqency for I�e perlormanta ol Ihe work lor w�ich Ihis permil is issuea (Seciion 3097. Civ. C�. LENOEfl: aoueess: OWNEB BNLOEB OECLAflPTION: 1 here0y a�lirm t�ai I am exemp� �rOm i�e ConVaclors' S�ate License Law lai lhe followinp reason (Section 703t5 Business antl Pmfessional COAe: Any city oi counry which repui2s a De�mit to canstruc4 alter, imD�ove. Oemolish, or re0air any Slrutiure. prior la iis issuanCe. also reQuireS ihe aOPliwni lOr SutA permii fo Iile a Si0�e4 Sla�emeni Ihai �e/s�e i5 Iiten5e0 pursuanitotAe D�ovisions ol�he Con�raclors' Stale License Law�ChaD�erBl�ommencinA �+'��h Seciion 7IXq)olDivision 3 ol��e Business ano Pmteuions Co�e� ar Ihat �e/she is exemD� ��eatmm an0 t�e Gasis for the allepeE exemption. My violation ol Seciion 7031.5 Oy any applicani far a permit suGjecis t�e aDPlicant ta a civil penalry of nat more t�an five �unOreO tlollars (5500�. 1. as awner of �he pmpeny ar my employees vnt� wa0es as t�eir 5ole wmpensation, will Go the work, antl ��e ❑ simc�ure is nol imendee or a��ered 1oi saie (Section 70e4, Business anC Professional CaOe: The Lontractors State License Law does no� apo�Y �o an owner ol a pmDeny who builtls or im0�oves t�ereon, and who Aoes such woB himsetf/hersell or IhmuAh hi5 or Aer Own empl0yee5, pmviEeG I�al Sut� improvemenlS are nn� in�enOeO or OflereE lar sale. II, �owever lhe Guildinp ar impmvement is sole wilhin one year ol complelion, ihe owner will have Ihe UurOen ol pmving ne/sne ditl not UuilO or imOmve br t�e Durpose ol sale). I, as owner of ine D�openy. am exclusively tonlracfinQ with litensed cOniratlors Io tOnS�Nt� �he pwj¢ct (5¢tli0n 70G4, Bu5ine55 ❑ antl Proiessi0n5 CoUe: The COniraqor5' State Licensa Law Ooes not appN �o an owner of D�oOeRy who OuilQs Or impmves lhefe0n anA wha Con�ratis �Or Suth pwlect5 wilA a tanVat�or(S�litense OurSuanlio Ihe Contratlor5' $Iaie Lit¢nse law),I am awdr¢ ihat prool otiheir Worker's Comoensalion insurance should be provitletl b me. � I am exem0� oer 5eaion� H P 7 0 4 4 9. 6 P. C. ro�misreas WNER HUILDER Oate: /� � � Ownec I �o here�y certify Ihat 1 am aware o� anC unAerslantl Ihe reQuiremenis ol Cal rni Mealih antl Salety otle Sec�ions 2550.5, 25 , anG 2553a and Ihal I or any lulure builOmg occupant will/will not (cimle one) need lo c ply with 5ai0 slal coaes and �he reQuire lor a permit lor cans�mclion or mo4i�icaiion Imm the Nir Oualiry Managemen� District. esi0¢ntial conslm ion apDlicalions are eremD� ��om these pmvisians. Oale: ADPlicant: hereby ceriify �ha� I have reaa Ihis application antl slale �hal ihe above inlormation is corr¢eL I aAree 1 comply wi�h all cil oi0inancesands�al IawsrelalingmUuildingconsiructionana�er a r¢¢repre5en�alive50�i�isti enierupOntheabo pmperiy br inspe ion p poses. oale'. � Signawre; Ddver s ticense oi SoNai Secud�y a: 16at�a6 Wb�te—Bmitling', Green—CoOe Enlorcemen�; Canary—Npplicem; Pink—Revenue; Goltlenrotl—hssassor CITY OF COSTA MESA — HUILDING PERMIT PERM NO: B 064820 PERMIT NO: B 064820 PLAN CIiECK NO: U3889-93 L GOVT: N SUPP: N CONSTRUCTION TYPE: PERMIT TYPE: STR PURPOSE: AEP JOB DESCRIPTION : REPAIR SAEARWALL NAILZNG E CANTLVR FLOOR SQ FT: 1,250 CLAIM VALUE: 2,500.00 CALC—C'ALUE: 2,SOO.OQ GAOUP OCC: R-3 / COMMENTS: STRUCTURAL REPAIRS iE �r x it jf aE jE 1F jt it Y� iE aE af iF if iE K jF i� aE jE * 3E �M �F �(-�if � 3t jf if i� 3f ak �F jE 3e a' x iF if i� 3F if iF �E a4 ic iF * iF ac iF ac;c x� �F aF iF i4 a4 ic 3F iF ac �t �E jE if iF �c+c iF � x� �f iF aE Z O N I N G R E Q U I R E M E N T S S E T B A C K S ------------ MAIN BUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSOAY BUILDING --------- FRNT: FT IN REAR; FT IN FRNT; FT IN REAR: FT IN LEFT; FT IN kGHT; FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT; FT IN PARKING REQ• PROV: PARCEL: 93768093 ZNE; R3 REF NO: PLANNING NdTES> i *�*�+�+�**�r*+*+�*****�r***��***********�r***�r*��c+r��*��*��*�r+�«*******�c***�***«��c�**** D E V E L O P M E N T S E R V I C E S R E Q U I R E M E N T S ZONING APPROVED BY DATE; BUILDING APPROVEP BY : ��1� DATE; _�� I��O r 1? APPLICATION ISSUED HY: �� DATE: � � I C)(Y �T� �r***�rx��r**r*�r�r�r�tiri�ir**i�i��r*+r� ���r*-.�3�,r,FTF��r�r�r�r�r*�r*����F*�ti�+�******�rw*"i���F�r�r �r* iE if if if if iE 1! 1F 1E 1!!E iE iF i! iF #' 1f i! if ff 1F 1E �lE if iE if +f if if if iE iE if iE 1E jf iF if �)f iE �1! 4 iE if ff if if ?E iE iE iF iF iE f IR �F %if 1E if +F f! i� V iE fE iP ac+f 1E iE iF if fE if M it iE iE LEGALI2ATION;N £ E E S U M M A R Y STRUCTURAL SEGMENT:Y HLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC PERMIT 59.00 PLAN 35,10 ISSUE FEE bUILDING—DIV—> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN—CHECK TOTALS----> 54.50 0.00 35.10 REC�ENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED: BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC 54.00 FIRE SMIP/RES GRADING .50 SMIP/NON—RES TOTAL PAID DUE 89.60 89,60 .00 69.95 OVER/SHORT: .00 FIRE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLr\D7—CHECK .50 14.95 �A` �ElE iE if M if if if i! if if if if k if 1F �f iE 1f iE iF iE iE jE iE iE iE it if if iF iE ik if it iE iE iE iE if 7f iE tf iE if fE iE iE iE iE iE iE 1E i! M i! if iE 1f 4!f M iF 1f iE if 1E iE iE iF if 1f 3f 1E iE i! i! iE I N D I V I D U A L F E E B R E A K D O W N � TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I O N UNIT COST TOTAL COST SFR 2500 STRUCTURAL HY i1ALUE PER .°,1.00 1.00 2,500.00 END OF FEES EXPIRED irK.omR�Yt iflS�C�t10t1: � '� '� � oi aotsuz-�2-ooiso�s� ar_�-r � G��?�E' ii/2gr�3 'f?ME: 11�SS u c 59.45 CONSTRUCTION AND PLANNING POOL Z A APPROVAIS Permit# Date Inzpector p.ppROVAI,S Permit# Date Inspector 7. Temporary Elecvical Service or Poie 52. Pool & Equipment Location 2. $oil Pipe�Und�gmd. 53. Steel Reinforcement 3. Eleciricai Conduit Uti�ity-Undrgrnd. 54. Forms 4. Elsctrical Conduit-Undrgrnd. 55. Electrical Bonding 5. St�e! Reinforcemen[ , . 56. Rough Plumbing & PreSsure Test 6. Hectricai UFER Grnd. 57. APPROVAL TO COVER�GUNITE 7. Footings 58. Electrical Conduit�Undrgmd. 8. Foundation _ 59. Gas Pipe. O Undrgmtl., Test 9. Water Pipe-Undrgrnd. 60. Backwash Lines, P•Trap, CI Undrgrnd, 10. Structural Floor System � 61. APPROVALTO DECK 1 t. PropertY Sewer Line & House Connection , 62. Backwash & Receptor-Finai 52. Sewer Cap 63. Heater & Vent�Final � 13. Roof Drains 64. Plumbing System - Final ' 14. Rough Piumbing 65. Electrical-Final 55. Rough Elettrlcal-Conduit 66. Solar Svstem-Pinal 16. Rough Electric Wiring 67. Fencing & Access ApProval ' 17. Rough Wiring Siyn 68. APPROVED FOR PLASTERING 18. Rough Etectrical•T Bar Ceiling 69. POOL/SPA SYSTEMS FINAL � 19. Rough Heating & Air Conditionin9 FIRE DEPT. REQUIREMENT 20. Rough Factory �ireplace APPROVALS Permit # 21. Ducis, in Structure 70. Underground Hydro 22. Ducts, Ventilating 71. Product Piping OGas UOii 23. Gas PiAe�Rough & Test 72. Underground Flush 2A. Aoof Framing 73. Underyrnd.StorayeTankOGas ❑Oil 25. Roof Sheathing 74. Overhead Flvdro 26. T�6ar Ce�ling (Structuralt & Monocoat 75. Dry Chemical 27. Frame and Flashing 76. Dry Standpipe 28. Lathing & Siding 77. FIXED SYSTEM FINAL 29. Insulation 78. FIRE PREV. FINAL 30. Drywall Nailing HEALTH DEPT. REQUIREMENT 37. Plaster Brown Coat 79. FINAL INSPECT�ON 32. Electncal Power MeterFinal 80. FOOD CERTIFICATE ISStIED '„ 33. Final Electric � �•' � - � � Notes: 34. Final Heating & Air Conditioning :' , 35. Final Gas Pipe-Test • 36. Hood or Canopy ' : 37. Finai FactorY Fireplace � ' � 38. Final Plumbin9 � „ 39. Water Service-Final • �. 40. Gaz Service�Final � 41, Solar �omestic-�inai 42, Backflow Preventer 43. Backflow irrigation 44. Landscave Irripation System 45. Sound Attenuation 46. Handicap flegulations 47. FINAL STRUCTURE & BUILOING - 48. FINAL P�ANNING _ � 49. Electric Release to Edison �• 50. Ga5 Release to Southern California Gas Co -- 57. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY -' t_. No. Date �: F � a Q h H F G � F ¢ 0 � < > �. , � � a � C a z W � 3 �►"`N �Pati+IiwqByb�j 7757779�8�8�85�899/i%��9�9J4�Be�� ' L4�.rqs 'Bay 3o��,a a,�s �7 29, 81.2853 9/12/79 "Y2�: COSTA MESA BUILDING-SAFETY DEPAFiTMENT APP� ' FOR STRUCTURAL PERMIT P.O. BOX 1200 COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA 92626 �E�� � PE MI'� ' *Q � For Applicant to FJI in Completely — Use Ink Only � N AD1DRE55 Tract 10626 ,# P"P'N�'ITI�v-�I`Q� 0 t4�Z �� �- eui�oiNc ��N �1' L S °ENqry �R M.D. Janes Co., Ii1C. ADDRE55 MAILING SPACE NO. ADDRE55 2950 Airway Ave., D-9 TR.NP��.�! LOT BLK. cirv Costa Mesa No�979-3376 � �-�� CANSiRUCTION NEW ADD LTER REPAIR MOVING DEMOLISM LENDER NOt selected ✓ /\ BRANCH N/A OwNER ADDRESS N/A VALUE ARCNITECT Danielian b tiS60C, TE�. VSE S OR ENGINEER F� ., ADDRESS 3848 Cam US Dr. N.B. zoNe TVPE GROUP APPROVED CONTRACTOR OWI10L' BV DATE ADDRESS e TEL. GITV A NO. e STATE CITV AP�ROVEDSETBACKS LIC. NO. e LIC. NO. e SIZE NO.OF BLDGS. (FROM C/L STREETI OF lOT rJirO � X 334 � NOW ON LOT e qOM FT. VSE OF EXISTING BLDG. N I Separate permits are required fm � s�o electric, plumbing and heating work. REAR FT. USE OF BUILDING AND WORK TO BE PERFOFMED P�qNNING ACTION ,� 4,- u �� -d ,� � OVED z 26 9 ; /� , ,�Ro� /� ' .?-!`/- i I �eraby acknowletlpe thet I �eve reatl this applicetion entl ztate chax the eCove informaiion B mrrect and aprea to comply wlth � all iews rapulatinp builtlinB construclion, antl I chall not amploy any person In vlolation of Me workman's compensation laws ot Me Scace of California. I hereb canif t�et I am '� SQ. FT. Y y properly licensetl es e contractor untler the State of Callfornla Business antl Professions Cotla, Division 3, THE AMOUNT SHOWN VNDER VALUATION IS FOR Chapter 9, entl that cuch licenses ere In full forca entl effect, or I THE PURPO6E OF FSTABLSHING A PERMIT FEE ONLV: am axempt irom t provisions ot tha Stett of CalHarnia Business antl Protessions Co e, Divi i0� 3, Chaptar 9. VALUATION PERMIT FEE S / VLAN CHECK S / 0 SiB^atura of �jj v Permittee 5 �/,�U ���% TAX y �,m AuthorizetlAg 8�1���9 / TOTALPAID E' 97 � T: . � F � W a Q y y 2 F C k7 F Q G :J Q 7 } � C �] a 0 � a Z � S 3 � CO oT BoxEtzoo CIOSDT'A M SAFCALIFoaNAn 92M210�� APPLICATION EOR.STRUFTURAL PERMIT �^ RECEIVED9Y PERMIT For Applicant to Fill in Completely — Use Ink Only BUILDIN�� /0 /� / � q.P. NO. ADDRESS (0 (O BUILDING OWNER OR ADDRE55 TENANT MAILING UNIT OR ADDRE55 SPACE NO. TR.NO. LOT BLK. TEL. CITV � NO. ODNSTRUCT N N� ADO LTER REPAIR MOVING DEMOLISH LENDER BRANC V � OwNER ADD E55 VALUE ARC ITEC TE� USE S OR E GINEER ADD SS ZONE TVPE GROUP I' APP ! Z � l — 7 CONTRACTOR BV DATE ADDRESS TEL. CITV NO. STATE CITV APPROVEDSETBACKS LIC. NO. IIC. NO. 512E NO.OF BLDGS. (FROM C/LSTREET) OF LOT NOW ON LOT ROt.fT FT. USE OF EXISfING 6LDG. Separate p6rmits are requued for L SIDE FT. electric, plumbing and heating work. REAR FT. USE OF BUILDING AND WORK TO BE PERFORMED PLANNING ACTION DATE APPROVED APPROVE� I hereby acknowlatlBe tha[ I �ave reatl this appliceilon entl s[ata °i n that t�e abova iniormation Is correct antl aprea to comply with ell lews raguletinp building conrtr�etion, and 1 zhall not employ � any person in violatlon of Me workman's compansation laws of � tne Scata of Celifomlo. m I hareby certify that 1 am properly Iicensetl as a contrector untler SQ. FT. a the State oi Californle B�siness end Profeuions Cotle, Dlvision 3, THE AMOUNT SHOWN UN�ER VALUATION IS FOR m Chapter 9, antl t�a such li anses ere in full force antl afiect, or I THE PURPp$E OF ESTABLISMING A PERMIT FEE NLV: e am exempt irom a prov' ions of the State of Californie eusiness VALUATION e anA ProfessiOnr , Di ision 3, ChBpt¢r 9. PERMIT FEE E�b ,O N n AN CHECK S " SiB�ature ot o 5 �` Permlttae TAX E f or U Authorizetl A n ate TOTALPAID S' O �