HomeMy WebLinkAbout3437 PINE BROOK CIR - Building Permits0 PflOJECT RDOflE55: 3 q 3% P IN E 9 ROOK OWNEH'S NFME: VILLAGE CREEK HOMEOWNERS aooness: ASSOCIATION 3A29 TIMBER LAKE CM VA 92626 UNIT: AFCMIENGINEEN: CHESTER CARVILLE eec.r+o.: C18305 nooness: 7927. ARMOUR ST uNiT: S.D, CA 92111 PEflMITTEE: PHOENIX HNT$RPRISES INC. ( 213 ) 690-9559 aooeess: 411 COMERCIAL WAY LA HABRA CA 90631 ❑LENSEO CONTNACTOP UECIAflFTION: I here�y allirm t�a� I am license u tler pmvisions ol CAaDrer 9(commencing wi�� S¢ction 7000� ot Urvision J al ��e Business ana Pmlessions Catle, antl my li� ' lulliorce antl eifect. c�Truc/.:050788 sTaTeuc.:376639 B Daie: ?� /� � p SignaWre: _ _ _ — _ _ — WOFKEFS'COMPENSATfONOEIXABA710N: I�ereUyaffir Mail�av¢arertiNcateOftOnSentfoSelhin5ureora rtitiCaleafWorkers' CompensalionN,S�pc�o( �crftilied copY �hereol (Section 3800, LaO. L1.7 �O S I9 S POLICY NO.: CAVCOMP & F IRE E%P. DATE: � �OMPpNV: Cenihetl CoOY is hereby lum/ishetl. ❑ Cenilied copY �s �i' Ih iry Building Uivision �a�e: // � � L — � `-� APPIica�i: `-� E%EMPTION FqOM WOPHEflS' COMFENSATION OECIAHATION: �iAis section neetl no� be complele0 il ��e permil is lar o huntlreA �5100� or less). I ceniry ihat in �ne petlormance ol ine work for wnicn this permit is issuea. i shall no� employ any person in any manner so as to become subletl lo Ihe Workers ComOensation Laws of Caiilornia. Da�e- Signamr¢: NOTICE: II. alter making �his tletlarali0n. you SIIOWd �etOme SUCIe�� �a ��e Workefs' Campensation provisions oi Ihe Labor Code, you musi lorlhwith com0ly vn�h suc� pmvisions or t�is permi� s�all Ue tleeme0 revokeG. CONSiBUCTION LENOINc RGENCV: I here0y allirm ihat ihere is a coretmction lending agency lor the oedarmance oi ihe work for which Ihis Dermi� is issuetl (Section 3097. Civ. C�. LfNOEfl: AOOflE55: OWNEP BUILOEP OECLABPTION: I hereby ailirm Nat I am exemo� ��om ihe Contraclors' Stale License �aw for tAe tollowinA reason (Sec�ion 7Q7L5 Business antl Prolessional CoOe: Any �ity o� counly which reQuires a permi� fo conSlmci, al�er, improve, Gemalisb. or repair any stmciure. prior �o iis iuuance. also r¢quires Ihe applicani for such D¢�mii b file a siqnetl 5latement rtiaf hpls�e is licensetl Oursuant lo Ihe D�avisions al tn¢ CAntractoR' State License Law (CnaD�er 9lcommencing vnin Seclion 7000) of OiviSion 7 al tne BuSineu an0 Professions Cotle) ar Ihal �e/s�e is exemD� ��erelram antl I�e Uavs for Ihe allegeG ¢xemption. Any viola�ion of $ectqn 7031.5 Gy any applicant for a permit suCie��s Ine ap0licanl Io a civil penalty ai no� more ihan live hunOretl Oallars (3:rW1. I. as owner al I�e D�oDeny or my employees with waAes as their sole campensation, will Oo ihe work. anU the ❑ simcmre is not intenaed or ofiered foi sale (Se��ion 70aa. Business and Prolessional Code: T�e ConUaclors' Siate License Law Ooes not aDDlyto an owner ol a pm0eny who builEs orimO�avM tAereOn, an0 w�o does sutll work himSelf/�erS¢II ot throug� �is or �er own employees. p�ovitleA that such imprwements are not intentleA or oflereE lor sale. If, Mwever t�e buil0ing or impmvement is sold wil�in one year ot camplelion. ihe owner vnil �ave Ihe UurCen af provinp hUslle did nat Uui10 or im0��'e for Ihe purpose ol sale). I. as owner o� the pmpeny, am exclusively con��ac�ing wit� Iicense0 conlratlors la constmci �he O�ol�� (,Seclion 7p44, Business ❑ and Pmfessions COUe: ihe Contractor5' Slate License Law aces not aD01y la an owner oi pmp¢n9 w�o hmlQt or improves Ihereon anU w�o ConVat6 �ar 5ut� prole��s wilh a fAnfrat�ar�s) lit¢n5e pursuanl �o �he fAnVaCtors' SIaIE Litense Law�. I am aware Ihat pr0o1 0� Uieir Worker'S Compen5ation insurance shoultl Ge pmvided 10 me. � I am eKemo� untlet Section: B. 8 P. L. �or I�iS reason: Da�e: O�vnec I Oo hereby cenify that 1 am aware ai ana unaerstand ihe ieauiremenis ol Califomia HeaIN ana Safety CoOe 5¢ction525505, 25533, ana 2553C antl that I or any fuWre building acupant wilUwill not (circle one) neeG to Comply wit� SaiO siate c0Ge5 ana tAe re0uiremenis far a permit for consiruction or moEilication imm t�e Air �ua0ry Management Dislrict. flesideniial conslmciion appliWtions are eXemD� �rom Ihese pmvisions. _ Date: ApPlican�: I hereUy wriify Ihal I have rea� Ihis applica�ion ana sla�e �ha� t�e a ir maiion is rorrecl. I agree lo comply vni� all ciiy anG counly ordinancesantl sta�elavrs relaiinglo builAing consiNclion antl here • u represenia�ives � s citytoenterupOn�he a0pve�mentione0 pmpetly l0i inspetlion purpo5e5. Date:�a_� Signalurp: � o���e� s �icense a� soc�ai Secwity +: 16<Ld6 Wb�te—Bwl�ing', Green—Cotle Enlorcemem: Canary—Applicanl: Pmk—Revanue; GOldenroE—Assessor CITY OF COSTA MESA — HUILDING PERMIT , PERMIT NO: B 049833 PLAN C.HECK NO: 06452-90 A , , CONSTRUCTION 1'YPE: V—N PERMIT TYPE: STR PORPOSE: REP JOB DESCRIPTION ; REPAIR SETTLEMENT DAMAGE SQ FT: 143 CLAIM VALUE: 14,388.00 CALC—VALUE: 14,300.00 GROUP OCC: R-3 / COMMENTS: HUILDING SET'CLEMENT REPAIR/FOUNDATION iE 1E iE If fE 1F if iE If �f if if if iF IPiE iE iF M iE if iE iE iF if iE iE iF if �E 1E it iE iE if jE if iF 1F af If if fE 1f IE 1F iF iE if If iF If IE fE �f iE IF IE 3f 1F 1F if �F IP #F iE iP iF ik iE af iF iF jk it iF iF iE iF Z O N I N G R E Q U I R E M E N T S S E T B A C K S ------------ MAIN BUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY BUILDZNG --------- FRNT; FT IN REAR: FT IN FANT; FT IN REAR; FT.., IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT; FT IN LEFT; FT IN RGHT; FT IN PARKING RE�• PROV; PARCEL: 53506124 ZNE: R2 REF NO: PLANNING N TES> REPAIR EXISTING FooNDA'rioN. NOLD FOR SPECIALp ���1 � 3F��il�iF� �r**�*at*�rx�****x+tit*��r�r�*****�it+t�r*�*+t**+t**+���rit�r+�*x��r*******+�x�+r+t�r*+�+tittt*it�r � D E V E L O P M E N T /S E R V I C E S R E Q U I R E M E N•T S 20NING APPROVED BY :��� f2� �� DAT�; 1 I,0 8�J6 BUILDING APPROVED BY :� � ti� DATE:.� APPLICATION ISSUED HY: DATE; k k IF�If M� Ik if iF k k if k iF if ik ik iF k iF ih fh 1F iFif 1E iE iE i/�ik iE iF it�if'7F if it iFkiFiF�fMMillFklfkIFlF±fMiF%lfififiFlEiFififkiF ifiE iFlflfitlflF�IE�FkiF�1E3F1E7FIfk1FMiFiFikiEiE�flEiEiFiEkiFifiE�flEiflFifif-IEifiFifjEif LEGALI2ATION;N F E S U M M A R Y STRUCTURAL SEGMENT;Y BLDG PMT PLUMBING LECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/RES GRADING PERMIT 162.00 SMIP/NON—RES PLAN 26.33 2.15 ISSUE FEE HUILDING—D.T.V—> PERMIT ZSSUE PLAN—CHECK TOTAL PAID DUE TOTALS----> 164.15 0.00 26,33 190.48 190,48 ,00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED: 190.48. OVER/SHORT; 00 BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/TOT GRAAING PLAN—CHECK 162.00 2,15 26.33 if if if ik iE M iF 1k IF if 1FiF k iE k M� 1! ak if it if iF if If IF if If iFif 1f ik # iF IP M iF k IF ik �f ik 3f 1E M iF If If if iF k fF if iF IE if iF if 1E3EiE * IF iE iF iEiEjF iF iE 1F iE iE k 1F if i! if iF iF Z N D I V T D U A L F E E H R E A K D O W N TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I O N UNIT COST TOTAL COST SFC 143 FOUNDATION BY VALUE PER $100 100.00 14,300.00 END OF FEES 0 �11 G1�U74�.�.�'f � �!:.j�•. 1 1� k� 1"'.'+i_4l: DpTE'. !:�?'/�: TI��F: J:,:41� ~ CONSTRUCTION AND PLANNING �� '' SPA APPROVALS Permit # Date Inspector qppROVALS Permit # Date Inspector 1. Temporary Electrical Service or Poli; ; 52. Pool & Equipment Location 2. Soil Pipe•Undrqrnd. � 53. Steel Reinforcement - 3.`.Electrical�Conduit.Utility Undrgrnd: � • 54. Forms 4i Electrical�Conduit•Undrgrnd. � 55. Electrical Bonding „ ''5 $te�l. Re nf'�orcemenry �r' 56. Rough Plumbing & Pressure Test �� r +�6.=Etectricat�UFEA Gmd. 57. APPROVAL TO COVER-GUNITE `;-j�.`F,00tingy'� 4, 58. ElectricalConduit-Undrgrnd. ;�' �; ,8. F,o'undatisiw _-_ y� , 59. Gas Pipe, O Undrgrnd., Test r' �^�3. Water Pipe�UndrqLcnd. 60. Backwash Lines, P-Trap, O Undrgrnd. {4 lb. Structurel Floor System 61. APPROVAL TO DECK 1.�. Property Sewer Lin=& Hduse Conr�tction 62. Backwash & Receptor-Final 12. Sewer Cap �, ' � 63. Heater & Vent-Final 13. Roof Drains'-' '� 64. Plumbing System - final 74. Rough Pluml�ii�9 � -� 65. Electrical-Finai 15. Fiough Electrical-Conduit � 66. Solar SYstem-Final 16. Rough Electric��.Wiring 67. Fencing & Access Approval 17. flough N/iring Si9� 68. APPROVED FOR PLASTERING 18. Rough Electrical�T Bar Ceiling 69. POOUSPA SYSTEMS FINAL 19. Rough Heating & Air Conditioning FIRE DEPT. REQUIREMENT ' _ _ - ' ' CT l r�¢r J' ... - N 20.�.Ro�gh Fzct�[y F�replace i;;�? Q`� � � _7 �V r*qppR�OVA'��:_ cpermit# �n �" 21.,.Ducis,in�Stryuctufe. �-� �. .• •� - � '7 ~ ..��•- - ; :`� . I • �T �5 a 'S _70. Undergnoanc� Hydro 22. Ducts, Ventiiating�= � �11 �1 � r . .� y77, producrPiping �6as QOiI 23�Gas�Pip`e"�Ro`gh &''�est � ;: � _ ' „� �:: . ..72. Undergrounil Flus(i -p � ;_' _., 24sRoof Framing '_r � .-r •�,�r �� � C � � } �73'�Undergm0'.Storag�Tank�OGas ❑Oil 25. Roof Sheathin - ' �' "-� � ' `�� " ` 9 � � � � . .74 jOverhead�{iydro�� . 26vT-Bar Ceiling (Struaturall &�Monocoai � s� � ^� > 75�,Dry Che �ical ' ' - � _ 27=Fre�nea�d FlashinJ �?,j:•, �, - ��,, . � 76�D'ryStantFplpe ���; '.' ta ' . 28.' Lafhing;& Siding�- -� .dt,^. x 2: � 77? FIXED SYSTEN�•FINAL' � _ y� � "29. Insulati�n ^- �:;"" :S'' � ' �y , , ;;� 7$j; FIRE PREV. FINA�L > �> ,; rr� J � ��� �=�. r- HEALTFl�DEPT+. REQUIREMENT �^30. Drywall Nailing _ �_'31. Plaster Biown Coaf; S � ��, r - � , , ., � ,', r79'.^ FINAL INSR;�ECTI�ON r '- - �' L c� i + � - �- � 32.-Electrical Power;Meter.-Final, � � �� . ;� �, -. r,SO.rFOOD CERTIFICRSE ISSUED .33';=Final El�ctric ��. .• ' "" � `'; � ' w,�iNoies. `' =f ` f - .r � d;•� , S��a� ..i • -! ^�+ l .. ., , , :i ..: . -, . _ _ _ � . 34; Final Heating & Aic C�onditionin� - - . _ � / '35.;'Firial Gas Pipe-Tsst'�' �T ' � - � ' � - �' °'s ' �r - - > ..: •l� .. 3 - •��p A ' rr , 36.�Hood orv�CanoPYs � - �{ ' �.•�- x ~ � . �^ . , • ' ' _ .r �37=Final Factory Piiealace '� '�'� � , � �' '' � ' "`�'� - � ~ U � N • ' .� .. - i� � - .� � . -38:,Final Plumbing ��Y. ���n� . � :r I • � - = - "39=Wacer Service-Final• � � � � - . . � '1� � s r� � j ��40`IGas Service'Final � .,�i. �;. _ _„ �� ' `.�� - � n �,..�cN7t ' � I1lLOirr�... �.41 �•Solar pomestirFinah. ' ^ a- ':+ � ' - � + •�`- � ';. �r �c. - �'42:�'Backflow Prevente�,- • � ;t ' � � ' '� , . - � ._ . � o: 7' . 43. Backflow Irugation �`�:�.� � � i > .-. ��. ='; .' �' � .: 44. Landsca e Iiriqation S stem '- �' ' ' "" � ' " q P Y r,. '' - ♦ -- 2C Ca :r ='.'45.'Sound Attenu0tion - • " E� : - � - - ^ ,� r - � �- :46:`�Handicap Regulations - .5 • " " A � .i, ` `', � '' � ' ' `. - - � 47.,,FINAI STRUCTURE & BUI'LDING = _ � ' I �' - '�� � � _ p r^ `QVi� �^�S� � '. 1. . '�' l :] ! "� �qg;-Electric Release to, ison � } 1, e ,. ':r i � _ " � n - c- ` 50. Gas Reiease to Southem California Gas Co � ' '" ; -�: i: ` . , : . ',51.yCERTIFICATE OF; OCCUPANCY y i; N i� tr�� ;rc..• :1 i� ... No. Date � I�� PflOJECT p00flES5: 3 4 3 7 P I NE $ROOK C I , owxexsname: VILLAGE CRE$R H2O,A. �' nooness: 3429 TIMBER LAKE COSTA MESA, CA 92626 ANCN/ENGINEEF: 5 5'3 — 1 8 7 6 aooness: PEG.NO.: UNIT: uxir: "ERminEE: pETERSON ROOFING ( 714 ) 979-7111 aooness: 3j0G067� ENTERpRISE 9 UCENSED CONTflRCTO� bEb`�HA110N���re�ey a4irm �ha� � am �icenseA wUeCr p��rovis9on?o�CFaBer 9(commencing with Section 7000� ol Oivision 9 0l i�e Business ana Pmlessions CoCe. antl my license is in lull Ioae antl eifecl. LITYLIC.: 54 sTareuc.:60787 �5 � 9 � Oate: Signamre: _ _ _ _ — — WOBREBS' OMP Sp710N0ECUINATION: Iherebq affirmthatihaveacenificat fton5ent�oSe14in5ureorat¢tlifiW�eo(Workers' ICompensation insurance, or a cenilied cooY ��ereot 15eaion 3800. LaD. CI. roucvr+o.:1021355-93 EXP.ORTE: O4IOLI94 comrnNr: STATE FUND � Cerli�ied copY is �ereUy IurmSheQ � Ceriilied copy is liled wrt� IAe y Builtli g �ivision. I �� Dale: AOD�itant: � E%EMPTION POMW NEBS'COMPENSATIONOECIAPATION: �TNssectionneeOnolbecompleteU' Iheperm�alaonehuMrea�5100�ar1e55�. I cerlify I�at in IAe pe�farmance ol I�e work �or w�ic� Ihis permil is issued, I s�all noi employ any person in any manner sa as Io �ecome 5u0ject to the Workers' ComOensation Laws ol Caiilo��ia. �ate: SiBnalure: NOTICE: If. aiter making Ihis 4eclaraiion, you ihoul0 become sublecl Io Ihe WOBers' Compensation pmvisions ol Ihe Labor Cotle. you musi �otlhwilh comDly with suc� pmvisians or this Dermi� shall be tleeme0 revokeG. CONSTFUCTION LENOING RCENCY: I �er¢�y aliirm Ihai Ihere is a tOnSimt�ion 1¢ntling agenty lor Ihe petlormanCe ol �he wOrk br wnich Ihis Oermil is issuetl (Seclion 3097. Civ. C�. LENOEfl: ADONESS: OWNEH BUILOEH UECLRRATION: I �erebY a�lirm �hat I am exempi Irom Ihe ConVac�ors' Sia�e License Law for �he f011owing reasan (Secli�n 7�31.5 Business and Pmlessional Cotlel Any ciry of county which re0uire5 a permit to cons�mcl, al�er, impmve, demolish, or repair any Slmciure. prior �o i�s issuance, also repuirns Ihe apPlicant �or SucA permi� Io file a signetl s�alemeni Ihal he/she is Gcen5e0 Oursuam m �he piovisions ol Ine Conirac�ors' Slate License law (C�apier 9(commencing wiih Sec�ion 7000) o� Division 3 0l t�e Business ana Pmlessions Code� or I�a� helshe is exempt therelmm and the basis lor I�e ailegetl exemplion. Any viola�ion a� SeCtion 7031.5 by any apPlican� lor a permit su�jec�s t�e applicant lo d civil penal�y ol noi more t�an live hundre0 dollars �E500�. I. as owner ol t�e propeny or my employees wit� waAes as t�eir sole compensation, will do ihe work, anE Ille ❑ stmcwre is no� imen�ea or ofleretl lor sale (Seclion 704a, Business antl Pmiessionat CoOe: The Coniracmrs' State Ucense Law does noi apDly Io an awner of a O�operty wll0 �uiids or impmves I�erean, antl who does such work �imsel�/hersell or ��muAh his or her own em0loyees, D�ovitle0 ��al such impmvements are not in�entletl or oflere0 fo� sale. Ii, however IAe huiltlinp or impmvemenl is SoIA wilhin one year ol complelion, the owner will have ��e burtlen ot proving �e/she ditl not build or impmve ' for the vurpose ol sale�. I, as owner al I�e oropeny. am e�clu5ively conirac�ing vn�h licensetl coniratlors to consVucl t�e proleci (Section 7044, Busine55 ❑ ana Pmleuions CoGe: T�e Lantraclors' Slaie �icense Law does nol appN �a an ovmer of DwpertY wtq �uilQs or imDrweS i�ereon an0 who conVatls lor suc� prqects with a Conlracioqs�license Oursuan� �o ihe Contrac�ors' S�ate Ucense Law�. I am aware iha� prool ol ��eir Worker'S Compensa�ion insurance s�oulG �e Omvi0e0 Io me. � I am eKemp� untler Seciion: B. 8 P. C. lor ihis reason: Da�e: Owner. I ao hereoy cendy inat 1 am aware ol ana unaerstana tne requiremems ot Calilomia Heatro antl Safery COUe Sections 25505. 25533. an0 2553d antl Ihai lo� anyluime GuilGing occupanlvnlVvnllnol�circle one) n¢¢tllo comply vnth saitl state wees andi�erepuir¢ment510ra Oermil br consVuclion o� rtqeilication Imm Ihe Ai� uality Managemeni Oisincl. flesiaentulconstmclion applications are e�emp�lrom IAese pmvisions. Oale: Applicapl: I �ere�y cenily Ihal I �ave read I�is apPlicaiion and st��¢ I�ai Ihe above inlarmalion is mrrecL I agree lo wmply with all ciry and county ordinances ano slatelawsrelatinglo builtling conslmclion and �ereby aul�oneyyy represe Iatives ol his ciryto enleruponihe above�menlioned pfOp¢tly 10� IOSpCC110� p ipOSCt ////// Daie: Signa�u�e: �es��� � Oriver s License or Social Securiiy p: �� � 16<b<6 Whne—Builtling�, Green—Cotle Enlorcernom�, Canary—AOPllcantl Pink—Revenue; GolEanrod—Assessor CZTY OF-COSTA MESA — HUILDING PERMIT PERM NO: H 063958 PERMIT NO: B 063958 PLAN CHECK NO; N GOVT; N SUPP; N CONSTRUCTION TYPE: V—N PERMIT TYPE; STR PURPOSE; ALT JOB DESCRIPTION : T/OFF SHEATH REROOF W/COMP SHINGLES SQ FT; 4,600 CLAIM VALUE: 4,600.00 CALC—VALUE: 4,600.00 GROUP OCC: R-1 / COMMENTS; SMOKE DETECTORS RE� PERMIT INCLUDES 3435 3433 6�if'3 i 7 ��(� �r�r��e*xx**x�+r�r*����***x�t�rx��r*�r�r ��r��r�t�r*�tx��r�r�t�r�r�r*�**�r�r*k�r�*�r+� �^.+ I�1�� ' — e�nP � 2 O N I N G R E Q U I R E M E N T S7 . . S E T B A-C K S ��,R� ------------ MAgN BUILDING'---------- --------- ACCESSORY BUILDING --------- FRNT: FS IN REAR: FT IN FRNT: FT IN REAR; FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT; FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT; FT IN PARKING REQ• PROV: PARCEL: 93506061 ZNE: REF NO: PLANNING NZST'ES> i �r,e�r��rx*+t�t�e*,r*��rx �r�*****�r��r*��rx*�r�t*,r�r�r�r�r�t�rx*�r*�t�r�t��*�r�**�r�x*�**�r*+t�r**�r�***�r�rx�x** D E V E.�L O P M E N T S E A V I C E S R E Q U I R E M E N�T S ZONING APPROVED'BY DATE: ' BUILDING APPROVED BY ; DATE; APPLICATZON ISSUED HY: DATE; (��� k1Eif�)fififilifiF�lEikififiElEifkiElElfiFiEi�3F�FiFiFfF3f3f3f�FiFi�3f3FiF'iF'iFiF�F 3F'7FTFifiF3FiFilifiEiEifiFiEiEikiE IEiF iE iE it if it if it af it i! i! it 1E it it if ff it it it if iE it iE iF iE iE k it iE if it iE it iE it fF �E it iF it it 1k it it it it if it iE 1E if it if ik k iE 3E ib iE if if if if it ff if it itlt it it it it it i! it iEit LEGALIZATION;N F E E S U M M A R Y STRUCTURAL SEGMENT;Y BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/RES GRADING PERMIT 72.00 50 SMIP/NON—RES PLAN ISSUE FEE BUILDZNG—DZV—> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN—CHECK TOTAL PAID DUE TOTALS----> 72.50 0.00 0.00 72.50 72,50 ,00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED; 72.50 OVER/SHORT: 00 BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN—CHEC3C 72.00 .50 3E iE if iE 1F 1E k 1f if if 1E if iE iE if 1E iElE iE iF iE k iE iE if if if 1f if 3E if �)f iE iE iE �f if �E if 1E 7E ik iE iE if ft 1f iklF 1E 3Eif it i! 1F if iE if iElF ik if ik iE if !F it fElE if i! if IF IEiF 1f ik iE if I N D I V I D U A L F E E B R E A K D O W N TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I O N UNIT COST TOTAL COST SFR 9600 REROOF BY VALUE RESIDENTIAL NOZONE 1.00 4,600,00 END OF FEES t]1 00145°43-00145�4? T�� T 72.50 DATE: D4/14/93 TItiE: 10:44 '6, r I �rt _ _ - CONSTRUCTION AND PLANfJING APPROVALS Permit �`r Dace 1. TemRo•ary Electrica: Servi=^ u��Pole � 2. $pil Pipe-Undrgrnd. f . 3. Efectrical Condwt Ut.htv-U^c'-grnd. 4. Elettr�tal COndu.t�U^drgrnd. 5. Steel Rmntorcement � 6. Electricai UFEfl Grrd 7. Footings ^ 8. FoundaUon ' 9. Water Pipe-Untlrgrnd. ' � 70. Struetural Floor System it. Property Sewer line 8� Ho�te ConnecLon 72. Se�ver Cap . 73. Roaf Dra�,ns __ _ 14. Ro�gh Plumb�ng 15 Rou3h Electriwi�Ca^y��t i 6. Ro�gh Electr�c Si'iri�g 77. Rough 1,Vlnng 9gn 1$. Rough Electrica!-T B�r Ce���r: 19. Rough Heatln3 &,d�r Cord�t e��ng 20. Rough Pactory F7rapiace - - 21. Ducts, in Strucmre - � 22. Ducts, Ventilatinp 23. Gas'Pipe�Rough & Tes[ � 24. Aoof Framing � - �� -_ POl .SPA Inspector qppROVALS Permit �_ 52. Pool & Equlpr.ent Lcc..�t o�� 53. Stee! Reinfarcement 25. Roo4 Sheathing !� �t(�LtT I G 1- 26. T�Bar CeJing IStructural) & i•Ao^ocoat 27. Frame and Flasn�na _ _ _ 28. Lathing � S,d�ng 29. InSulation '_ _�__ 30. D�v:�.ai��'�a.l�ng e I ' 31. P�aster B�oron Co.,: 32 Elettri�yl Po�arr 1,:�'c Fic�l � 33. �;nal Electnc r � 34. Final Heating & Ad Cond�t�onin3 35. Einai Gas Pipe-Test . 36. HoOd or Canopy r 37. FinaJ Faetory Fveplace 38. Final Plumbing �� _ 39. LVater Service�Final 40. Gas Service�Fina� 47. Solar pomesticFrn:�� 42. Bacxfiov� Preventer 43. Backflow Irnqatior� __ 44. Lantlscape Ir,�qatr vstem � 45. Sound Attenuauc/�� . 46. Handicap RegulaLc�'•• � 47. FINALSTRUCT'�: �JILDI�G 3 2�, 48. FINALPLANNI�(�'v`�'}' � 49. Electric Release t.e+�d� 4! 50. Gas Release to f�!"!�ern Ca6fornia Gas Cn Date c g 0 54. Forms - - ; --- i Date I Inspector � -- � - 55 ElecVical Qordmg �i � 5G. Rocgh Plumb�rg & Pressurc Test � � •� � 57. APPROVAL?OCOVER-GU^:iTE � � I - -- __ _.�.---� _ 58. Elcctncal Condu;FU��d�q�nn. I_ 1 -------- � . � _-! 59. Gas Pipe, `_1 U�drgmd., Test 60. Backw�sL Lines, P�Trap, :7 Un�rn•r,d. 61. APPROVAL TO DECK 62. Back�vash !L Receptc� �F�i�a� 63. Heater & Vent�Final � G4. ?',�mbing Syy�m . �,�,_� -_- _�� � . 65. Electrical�Finai --�'�-- --, 66. Solar Sv>:�m-Finu� I - -- -+--- ---� 67. Fencing & Access Aot�.�u.. �. � 'I 68. APPROVED FOR PLJ�SI Er71NG I -�I- - -----�--?- - +-- 69. POOUSPASVSTe'.15FIZA� j � PIREDEPT,REOUIREI.'.ciJT '�;- HPPROVAI_5 Pern.�t :;_-_ ..-I�_ -J 70. l'�dergra..ntl H�d,a 77. Prouuct P•nir�9 �G�s -', 0�1 i - 72. Underground Flcsli ___ _ ,73. Undergrnd. Stnra�e �f,:�.!� � - Gas . � 0•i 74. Overhedd HVdro ---+ 75. Dry Chenucal - -- -- - -- -� 7G. Dry S`.ar.d;'� ^.t 77. Fi;(ED SYSTE'i rt�AL 78. FIRE PREV. FiN.:_ ------ _--�_ _~ ��EALTH DEPT. RcQUIRF,"E0.'? 79. F;NALI::S^CC'�C�d ---- � -- � - 9C. FOCD CEN-�.��C;7f- I ;Uf_D - ��--- - �--__-. - - ---- --�-- - --1- � d.otes: - - --- - -- - - i - 1 V�NCK JOB AO GENER A° No. 1 EC so�� ESS GAS WATER ROUGH PLUMBING PROP. SWR�LINE SPRINKLING SVSI MISCELlANE0U5 � ■ ROUGH MEATING ANO AIR CONOITIONING TEMPORAqY SERVICE OF POLE UNOERGROUN� � POM'ER � ROUGH WIF�ING TRENCHES ❑ FORMS ❑ STEEL FEINF. FLOOR SV5TEM BONO BEAM ❑ STEEL flEINFORCE � SHEATHING FRqME ANP FLASHING LATHING � IN r', OUT PLASTER,BROWN COAT S" 'Tl1RP�. FINAL h NG, VENT., REFRIG. AND A.C., FINAL PLUMBING. FINFL ANO GAS TEST n ELFCTFI[ FINAL T RE ZONE DATE 4_2$ : BUILDING PERMIT K Res, w a' VALUE S 45.45i SUBCONTRACTOR 41849 _. 4.1.84� COS7A MESA BUILDING-SAFETY DEPARTMENT P.O. BOX 1200 COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA 92626 For Applicani to Fill in Completely OWNER State-Wide Develo ers, Inc. MAII 9461 Grindlay Z ADDRE55 a � ��T� C ress No`g26-455( Zz Q CONSTRUCnON ON LENDEF am ,J � BRANCH ' J v1 m J ADDRE55 J m ARCHITECT , TEL. yORaltl07W� � U Q W CL ADDRESS aw J O CONTRALTOfi � In m� ADDRESS 9461 Grindlay Z � CITV Cypress No`826-4550 0 y Q L C NO. ZZ4I� O LICVNO. � � SIZE NO.OF BLDGS. oF �or 12.093 dCMeS NOW ON LOT 0 USE OF EXISitNG B��G. �" SIZE OF NO. OF Z NEWBLOG. ROOMS STORIES a E%TERIOP W!+LL a� er qOOF V COVERING :�:�0 COVERING Shake J VSE OF 9UILOING AND WORK TO BE PEfiFORMED a a a New construction-Condominiums 0 H v� 1 Residence w att ar z O VI horeby acknowlatlBa thet I have rantl thta applicotion ontl stete � that the pbove Information is corract antl agrae to comply with � nll laws regoletlnB buildMy constructlon, and 1 afiell not ompby � eny parso� in violation of the workmen'e compenfation laws of y tha Smm of Celi(omia. ? I heroby Fartify that 1 am p�ope�IY licensetl as a con[rec[or untlar t�e Stam of Californie Businesz antl Professions Code, Dlvisicn 3, Chepter 9, and ihat zuch licenses ere in fuil foree entl attact, or I am exempt trom the provisions ot the Steta of Callto le Business antl Profeasions Cotla, Division 3, Chapiar 9. tate-Wide Develope nc. Slpnature ot Parmfttee n��no,,:aenve�t Vice President ,, Pa��. � ��„ �, ' Y 13-76� ��.OQ G56 76_ 6% APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT RECEIVED BV DATE RECEIVED nerc �cciu H.r.rv�. i40—/J�9—vi 1�a /T.1 VZ:. AD R'E 5 ..3'73% + NZ��LWLeU'F—[J2�� �se 1 Res w/att Gar �-- FIRE ZONE TVPE � Gf APPROVED ey OATE ZONE NO.OF USE OF NI �- PLANS � 2 BUILDING VARpSAPPqOVED YARDS MAIN BUILDING ACCESSC (FROM UL STREETI DISTANCE BET. APPROVEO � e� -�IOLD FOR THEAMOUNT THE FURP06E C � � DATE FT � O VALVATION IS FOR ' A PERMR FEE ONLV: ¢ w � m E $ • �'(/ � :K S / �O E •� `o LL s