HomeMy WebLinkAbout905 POWELL CT - Building PermitsPqOJECT AUOPESS: 9 O S POWEL L CT OWNEN'SNPME: MULLEN, LORETTA M � FD�HESS: 9OS POWELL CT '; COSTA MESA,CA 9"1626 RPCH/ENGINEEfl: NOOflE55: flEC.NO.: uxrt: UNIT: PEflminEE: ➢ILT—WELL ROOFING ( 719 ) 758-3501 aooAess: 3310 VERDUGO LOS ANGELES CA 906G5 LICENSEO CONTflRtTOfl DECLAflATION: I hereby affirm Ihai I am licensetl unaer provisions o� C�apter 9(commencing wi�h Sec�ion 7000� ot Orv�sion 3 al I�e Business and Pmtessions CoOe. an0 my license is in full lorce ana eflect. ci,r uc.:�-s �/ srare uc.: q 5 B 0 0 S L�=--�A?�'��/-1 EXP : Oa�e: —L ��/4� Signature: ���/ WOflREHS' C MPENSRTION OECIABATION: I hereby aliirm t eM1itica�e of consent �0 Seli�insUre or a certi�icate ot Workers' Compensauon Insurance. or a cer�ifietl copY �hereof (Section 3800. Lab. C�. roucvNo.: W937102989 E%P.OATE: O�I/31/99 comeaxr: CAL COMP INS. ❑ Certilietl copy is �ere0y lurnishetl. Q. Cerlilie0 copy is file0 wilh t�e city Builtling Division. �a�e- AOD�icant: EXEMP710NFBOMWOflI(Ffl5'COMPENSATIONOELLAflATION: (T�issecuonneetlnotGecomleleailtAeDermitisforone�unOrea�5lW�orless�. I cetlily I�al in ihe pedormance of IM1e work lor which Ihis permR i BliRC.'tshe not loy any person in any manner so as lo become , subleq �o �he W kerY Compen5aiion laws ol Calilomia. � Date: Signal � � NOTItE: IL afier making ihis Ueclaralion, you shoul�tuoem�le�� �o ihe Workers' Compensation Dmvisions of Ihe Labor Code. you must IonhwiN comply wit� such provisions onhis permit shall he deeme0 revoke0. CONSTPIlC710N LENOING AGENCY: I hereby aliirm that there is a consimction lentling agency for ihe pedormance oi the work (or w�ic� Ihis permi� is i=.suea �Seqion 3W7. Civ. C). lENOEN: FDUflESS: OWNEB BUIL�EB UECIABRT10N: I hereby aitirm �Aat I am exempt fmm the Coniractors' State license Law for the followinp reason (Seqion 7031.5 Bu5ine55 and Pmie55i0nal COae: Any Ciiy ol coUnty w�ith r¢quires a permit �o tanSlmci, allef, imDmve, tlemolish, or repair any stmcture, prior lo iis issuance, alsa requires ��e aDPlicant far such permii �o lile a signeU statement that he/she is IicenseU oursuant Io ihe provisions of ihe Contraaors Sta�e license Law (Cnapter 9(commencing with Section 7000) ol Oivision 3 of ihe Business antl Pmfessions Code) or ihat he/she is exemp� Iheretmm and ihe basis lor t�e alleg¢a exempiion. Hny violalion oi Sec�ion 7031.5 �y any applicanilor a permi� su�le��s ��e applican� to a civil penal�y of nol more Ihan five �unUretl Oollars ($500). I, as owner oi ihe O�oDerty or my employees wi�� wages as iheir sole comDensatian, will tlo the work, and lhe ❑ stmcture is not intentled or ollereA for sale (Section 7044, Business anJ Pmfessional Cotle: The Coniractors' State License Law tloes not aOPly lo an owner of a D�oDeny wAo builds or impmves thereon, and who does sucA work himself/herseli or Ihmug� �is or her own employees. pmvidea thai such impmvemems are noi intentletl or oflereE for sale. If, however Ihe builtlinq or impmvemen� is soltl wi�hin one year ot cample�ion. ihe owner will have Ihe Uurden of pmving he/she Aid no� huilJ or impmve for Ihe purvose ol salel. I. as owner o� �he pmpehy. am exclusively conVac�ing wi�� licensetl contracmrs m constmci �Ae D�alec� (Sec�ion 7044, Business ❑ and Prolessians Cotle�. The Convacrors' Slate License Law does not appry lo an owner oi pmDerly w�o 6wI0s or improves thereon antl who comracts lor suc� pmlec�s wit0 a coniracmr�s� license pursuanl �o �he ConVaqors' Staie License Law). I am aware that pmof ol �heir Worker'S Compensa�ion insuranre should �e pmvi0etl to me. � I am exemD� under Seclion'. B. 8 P. C. I �or ��is reasan: Date: Ownec I ao nereby certdy Iha� I am aware of and unaers1an01he reQuirements oi Califomia Healih antl Safery Cotle Sections 25505, 25533, antl 25534 and Ihai I or any fuNre builtling occupani willlwill nol (circle one) neetl Io comply wi�� saitl state codes anO lAe requiremen�s �or a permil for consimclion or motltlication irom Ihe Nir �uality Management �isiricL PesiOential construction applications are exemD< <<om Ihese pmvisions. Date: Applicam I hereby cetlify Ihat I have reatl Ihis aDPlicaiion antl state ��atNe a�ave Ortlinance5 and Slaie laws relaling lo builtling wn5imt�i0n ana here pmperlY far inspec ion p oses. Da�e Signamre Driver'S License o� Social Securiiy CITY OF COSTA MESA — BUILDING PERMIT PERM NO: B 06794Q PERMIT NO: B 067940 PLAN CHECK NO: N GOVT: N SUPP: N CONSTROCTION TYPE; V—N PERMIT TYPE: STR PORPOSE: OTH .TOB DESCRIPTION ; T/OFF S REROOF WITH COMP. & BUR ZN BACK SQ FT; • 1,100 CLAIM VALUE: 1,100.00 CALC—VALUE: 1,100.00 GROUP OCC: R-1 /M-1 COMMENTS: SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIREU IN E��ERY HEDROOM 6 HALLWAY x*rs�**+��ru**�**�******�c�c�*�*+�x***�**���*��r***�*x�*�c�w******�c ��c�+�*��****+�**�c�r*��* Z O N I N G R E Q U I R E M E N T S S E T B A C K S ------------ MAIN BUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY BUILPING --------- FRNT: FT IN REAA: FT IN FANT: FT IN REAR: FT IN LEFT; FT IN RGHT: FT IN LEFT; FT IN RGHT: FT IN PARKTNG REQ; PROV: PARCEL: 41808306 2NE; REF NO: PLANNING NOTES> > �•j� iF iE iE ic� iE iE i! it # iE iF iE if �1( iE iE �E it iE i(� iE it ih it iE 3f � iF iF iE # ih jr it N� iP ## iE iE it� 3F �fE ih iE iP iE it it iE # if iE jE iE �E it iE iE if iE iE iE �f 1E 1E iE it %-3`F iE i6 �F iE �k if 3E iE iP D E V E'.L O P M E N T S E R V I C E S R E Q U I R E M E N�T S ZONING APPROVED BY PATE: '%-" rd BUILDING APPROVED BY ; PATE: : APPLICATION ISSUEP BY: DATE: -,:� ir iE �lE it if iE 3t iE iE iE K iF iE iY%if *�1E 3F iE iE jE iE �lt iE i[� ic iF it iE iE iF iF iF iF 3f iF iF ir� # ir iE # ic� iF it� it iE iE 1(� iE 3F iF it it it ic iF # 3E iE iE df� if if iE iF iF iE if it iF iE ih 1E if iF iF �lE ik if iF iE iE iE iE 1F iE iE 1E iE iF iE lE iF # iE iF 1c iE 3F iE iF if 94 iE jE if aF aF �lf 3E iE iF iF iF iE iF �1G if iF �lc jf jE iE iF if ##�% 1f iE # iF if # iF iE jf iF if IF i@ iE iF iE jE 3F it iE iF 3M1 �lE {p 3E 3E iE if LEGALIZATION:N F E E S U M M A R Y STAUCTURAL SEGMENT:Y BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE �MIP/RES GRADZNG PERMIT 27,00 ,50 SMIP/NON—RES PLAN ISSOE FEE BUILDING—DIV—> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN—CHECK TOTAL PAID DUE TOTALS----> 27.50 0.00 0.00 27,50 27.50 .00 REI�ENUE L�IVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED: 27,50 OVER/SHOP.T; .00 BLDG PMT PLUMHING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIPlTOT GRADING PLAN—CHECK 27.00 .50 it� if ib iE ib iE iF if X iE 9k iF iF jE jE iE 1E �E iE Ib iE if jE 1f IE iE iE iE ff iE iP iF aE if iElk iF iE # iF 3E iP iE iF iF iE iE iE 3E iElk iF iE jc �E iE jE 3E jF ib k it if iE iE fF iE jE �1F * jF 9f # iE aF �!f iE 3c I N D I V I D U A L £ E E B Lt E A K D O W N TYPE QTY D E S C R I F T I O N UNIT C6ST TOTAL �UST SFR 1100 REROOF BY VALUE RESIUENTIAL NOZ6NE 1.00 1,100.00 END OF FEES os ooi63b9Z-�0163693 T G T 27 �� oa*,s: o�n v94 TIME: 10:07 CONSTRUCTIQN ANDPLANNING POOI&SPA APPROVALS Permit # Date Inspector p�PpROVALS Permit # Date Inspector 1. Temporary Electrical Service'.d,�Pole ��� 52. Pooi & Equipment Location '✓�. i 2. Soil Pipe-Undrgrnd. � /_' 53. Steel Reinforceme�t �!� 3. Electrical Conduit Utiiity-Uncfrgrnd. 54. Forms ' ��� 4. Etectrical Conduit-Undrgrnd. 55. Electrical 800di�g 5. Sceel Reinforcemen: 56. Rough Plumbing & Pressure Test ; 6. Elecuical UFER Grnd_ 57. APPROVAL TO COVER�GUNITE � 7. Footings �� 58. Elecirical ConduirUndrgrnd. �•,. } 8. Foundation ,F 1 ' � 1 59. Gas Pipe, C� Undrgrnd., Test ;�' �� i 9. NJater Pipe-Undrgmd. � � � i:� f 60. Backwash Linas, P�Trap, O Undrgrnd. � 70. Structural Floor Svstem ;� f� t� 61. APPROVAL TO DECK `-, �' 71. Property Sewer �ine & Hou� fConnection �' 62. Backwash & Receptor�Final ti> 12. Sewer Cap ��`% 63. Heater & VenrFinal `' 13. Roof Drains E�4, Plumbing System � Final �J 14. Rough Plumbing 65. Electrical�Finai -� � 15. Rouyh Elecvical-Condu¢ � 66. Sofar Svstem-Final -'� 16. Rough Electric Wir(ng 67. Fencing & Access ApProval %� 17. Rough Wiring Sign 68. APPROVED FOR P�ASTERING i 18. Rough Electrical-T Bar Cei�ing 69. POOUSPA SYSTEPIS FINAL � 19. Rough Heating & Air Conditioning FIRE DEPT. REQUIREMENT 20. Rough Factory Fireplacz APPROVALS Permit # 21. Ducts, in Structure . 70. Underground Hydro 22. DuctS, Ventilati�g � �77. Product Piping QGas ❑Oii 23. Gas P�Pe�Rough & Tesc . 72. Underground Flush - 24. Roof rrzming 73. Undergrnd. Storage Tank O Gas ❑ Oil 25. Roof Sheathing '�!('/�ett/ ��A( 74. Overhead Hydro � 26. T�Sat Ceifing iSiractural) & Monocnai 75. Dry Chemical � 27. Frame and Flashing . 76. Dry Standpipe 28. Lath�ng & Siding � 77. PIXED SYSTEM FINAL 29. Insulation � 78. FlRE PREV. FINAL 30. Drywali Nailing HEALTH DEPT. REQUIREMENT 37. P�aster Brown Coat ?9. FINAL INSPECTION 32. Elzcv�cal Power AqeterFinal 80. FOOD CER7IFICATE ISSUED 33. Final Elec:ric Notes: 34. Final Heating & Air Conditioning � 35. Finai Gas PiOe-Test ' 36. Hood oi Canopy 37. Final Factory Fireplace , � 38. Final Plum6ing - 39. Wate� Service�Finat 40. Gas 5ervice-Final 41. Solar pomestic-Final . . 42, Backflow Preventer ' - , 43. Backflow Irrigation r, ' 44. Landswpe Irrigation Sys.em � 45. Sound Attenua[ion 46. Hand�caP Regulations 47. FINAL STRUCTURE & BUILDtNG � ��' � 48. FINAL PLANNING � 49. Electric Release to Edison � 50. Gas Releate to Southem California Gas Co 51. CEiiTiFICATE OF OCCUPANCY - No. Date �a.�cz ::o. 10445 un1'r: July 28, 1980 t,0: ?:o. 61 `_.— ADDRrSS 905 Powell Court, Costa Mesa, California 92626 Develop[����t Ser.�ice, Dep:�;t..cnt �Flannint: Division Ci[y o� �.-.osta Mesa 77 � air ��=ive Costa !1csa, CA 92626 Attention: Dir. Paul Dudlcy Dear P;r. Ihidley: Please be aware that the undcrsigned are aware that a cer[ificate of occupaney on the abwe refcrenced lot and unit is bcing requcsted prior to the entire tract and its streets and cor.anon arcas Ueing completed and accepted by the City of Costa Mc.^,a. B1 AUTiIORIZEU REPFJ:SE?�_'TAT?Vl?) "SIG\%�.TUF.F: 6F L•'.DI{R) Great Weste Savings and Loan R��t/�E� rr��. �: �,. AM ���� 1.9AO 7181`�IlU�,i�u,F�.�,r��i���i6 ' OWNER TRENT, FRANCES DATE g�2g/gp JOB ADDRESS Powell Court BUILDING PERMIT N0. 50729 APNo. 418-083-04 LOT Sy TRACT 10445. FIRE ZONE VALUE re ROUGH PLUMBING PROP. SWR. LINE I—I HO ROUGH HEnTiNG nN0 MR GON�IT�ONING UNDERGROUNO ROUGN WIRING TRENCMES U FORMS Lf STEEL REINF. � FLOOR SYSTEM VBOND BERM � STEEL AEINFORCE CI � SHEATMING � FRAME AN� FLASHING � LATHING — IN OUY ❑ PLnSTER, OROWN COlT � STRUCTUR4L, FINRL � HEATING. VENT., REFRIG. ANO �.C., FINAL [1� PLUMBING. FINAI. NNO GA5 TEST n ELECTRIC, FINAL BUILDING, FINRL SUBCOHTRACTOR