HomeMy WebLinkAbout2078 PHALAROPE CT - Building Permits� y =W"�2 �``�. Twini� Laboratorie: �f ��u�EZ,= c.l<<F,�,Z�, �,Z�. �'��� �� �.O 80k t; . J3�0 Ai4PO�I wnY . L0116 B6�Ch. C,1UF 9080� • 1���) �:b 3755 . R�3) 63h41Bb . �1HJ 818�6�32 Pv•.sC�� O�9CE5 TESTING,s•.u�.o,....,.o..s�.... . �` u_ c.,.......�.,•.., s..•,... c..:=.-.c:�o� - •' �;i.i sn e,.s .'a�sl . ' .. .. �ce:� ,zu• e�c i�e. �-:�n� ,.�,, October 12, 1978 Examination: SC%�-5253 COMPRESSION TESTS ON GDNITE CYLINDERS Pir. Robert C. Bennett 4109 W. Fifth St., Unit G-2 Santa Ana, California 92703 PRO.IECi SYIIM POOL AND SPA ADDRESS 2078 Phalarope, Costa Ftesa SAMPI.E FNOM Dee end, sh;zllow end and fl.00r ♦PCFiIFCI FI:GI�+Ff� B. C. Adams MIX DATE CA51 DATE TESTFD CYII�aUER NO. COMPRESSION TOTAI LOAD, L85. POUNDS PER 50. IN. COMPI�ANCE CYLINDERS 10-12-?8 1 10-Day 90,000 3,185 COYfRAC10P Sunset Pools futCO�+�vn[iOv Enterprise Gunite Co. SPECIFfED STRENGTH CYLINDER SIZE 10-12-78 2 10-Day 78,000 2,760 10-Day test complies with specifications. M�Df er Steve o�sraisuriow R. C. Bennett - 3 ,_ C� Mesa Bldg. Dept. DfIIVfYfO BT Bennett 2,000 psi 6" x 12" 10-12-78 3 10-Day 80,000 2,830 9ECFIVFD OH 10-3-78 g���rsE� OC713 1�,� �7��...— ✓� ' "' , � - - ' �` � •..�r�.�..�lS�.� ��� .� ...i. i][� -f.>• i.._�.• t.�v�n�i � r�nn G�wuf✓lu'SCJ•�Ci�.5101+40At� o. � ,� u _ ... ..E.. . � .�. r ,: ., _ - ._ .�, ._ _ .. ,. . ._ .. o� <<- ... _, e..•e ..e e.,e, e .�.o o.4se.vrs PHOJECT POUXE55: Z O% H PHALAROP E C T OWNEfl'SNFME: SLAWSON, CLIFFORD MELVIN aounEss: SLAWSON, DIANE R 2078 PHALAROPE CT COSTA MESA,CA 92626 PflCNIENGINEEB: ADONESS: flEG.NO.: UNIT: UNIT: rexmmee:CRAFTSMAN BUILDERS (714)540-1750 aoonEss: 501 W ROWLAND S.A. CA 92707 LICENSED CONTBACTOfl DECIABATION: I hereby aifirm t�ai I am license� untler pmvisions ol Chapter 9(commencing wi�h Sec�ion 7000) of �rvision 3 of ihe Business and Pmfessipns Cotle. and my license is full force an0 effect. �J��S 65 STRiELIC.:9779�us B �aie: _ _ SiqnaWre: _ WO 5' OMPEN ATION ECLAflFTION: I �ere�y atlirm � at I have a t¢rtihca�e onsenl Ia self-insure or a certiliwte ot Worker5' pensafon �i a�cel ��cr�t�eA capY thei¢ol �Sec�ion 3800. La�. C18 � 1� 9 4 roucr no.: GOLD EN EAGL E E%P. DRTE: U COMPANY: ,�[ eN P4 opy is � reby �umished. L'J Cehi�ieA rs ie ilh ��e ciry B ing Division. / �a�e'. APp6cant. � TION F OM WOHI BS' COMPENSpTION OE0.ppATION. s 5et�ion neetl not be campleietl il i permil i51or One �unared ($100) or Ie55�. I cer�iry Ihat in �he petlarmance of �he wark tor whith �his permit is issued, I shall nol employ a person in any manner so as lo become , sublec� �o �he Workers' Compensalion Laws af Califomia. Da�e: Signa�ure: NOTICE: 11. al�er making �his tleclaration, you s�ould Decome suhlec� to ��e Warkers' Compensaiion pmvisions of IAe La6or Cotle. you mus� �orihwi�h comply wi�� such p�ovisions or IhiS Dermi� shall be AeemeO revokeE. CONSTPUCTION LENDING AGENCY: I �ereby difirm �bal l�ere is a constmc�ion lentling agency for Ihe pedOrmance ol t�e work tor which Ihis permit is issued (Sectian 3W7. Civ_ C�. LENDEB: nooxess: OwNEH BUILUEB oECLABRTION: I hereby aflirm Ihat I am exempt irom the Caniractors' State License Law for the following reason (Section 7031.5 Business an0 Pm�essional Co�e-. qny ciiy ol counly which requires a permit Io consimc�, alter, impmve, demolish, or repau any slmcWre. Orior lo iis issuance. also rppuires Ihe applican� for such permi� Io file a signed 5�a�emeN �ha� helshe is licensee pursuam to 1�e pmvisions ol I�e Comractars 51a1e License Law (Chapier 9(commencing with Seciion 7000) al Division 3 oi �he Business and Pmlessions Cotle) or Ihat hehhe is exemp� �herefwm and Ihe basis tar �he alleged exemp�ian. Nny,violation o� Section 7031.5 by any applicanl br a permit suble��s �he applican� �o a civil penal�y ol not mare ��an five huntlred dollars ($500�. I. as owner ol Ihe property or my employees with wages a5 �heir sole compen5ation, will do �he work, and ��e ❑ simclure is not intentletl or afieretl tor sal¢ (5¢ction 70a4. Business and Pmfessional Cotle: The Cantractors' State License Law Ooes nol appty �o an owner o� a pmpeny who Ouilds or impmves thereon, and who Oaes such work himseli/herselt or Ihrough his or Aer own employees, provitlea �ha� 5uc� impmvemenis are not in�entled or ofle�e0 lor sale. I�, however lhe builtling or impmvement is soltl wiihin one year o� r,ompleiion, tAe owner wiil have the �urden o� D�oving he/she CiA not builtl or impmve �or Ihe Durpose o� sale�. I, as owner o� Ihe pmperty, am exclusively �onVac�ing wiih licensetl contractors lo conslmc� �he D�ole�� (Sec�ion 70aa, Business ❑ anA Professions CoOe: The ConVactors' Slaie License Law Ooes no� appty �o an owner of property who �uilds or impmves �hereon and who conirac�s �ar such pmlecls wi�h a conlraclor(s) license pursuan��o �he ConUac�ors' Slaie Li�ense Law),I am aware Iha� pmof ol iheir Worker's Compensa�ion insurance shauld �e pmvidetl �o me. I� I am exemp� untler Section'. B, 8 P. C. �or Ihis reason'. Da�e' Owner: I tlo hereby rer�ify Uat I am aware of and unaerstan0 Ihe requiremenls o� Califomia Health ana Safeiy Cotle Sec�ion5 25505, 25533, and 25534 antl IAat I or any fulure building ocwDant will/will not (circle one) neetl ro compty with saia s�a�e code5 antl �he requirements �or a permi� lor conslmclion or motlilicalion �mm the qir Ouality ManaAemen� Uisirict. flesideniial conSVuction applicalions are exempt from Ih¢Se pmviSionS. Uale: AVplicanl I hereby cer�ilyihal I �ave reatl Ihis applicalion antl s�ale Ihal Ihe above in�orma�ion�s correcl. laqree to comply with allci�y and cowry or0inance5antl51alelawsrelalingta�uiltlingconS�mclionanAher aulhorirerepres tativesof�hisciryloenlerUpon�heabove-mentionetl �_/_�� s�y��w�o . or Somai Secuniy 1fi�1�46 Whlte—Builtling; Green—Gotle EniprcemenP, Canary—ApplicanC Plnk—Pev noe�, Gol�enrod—qssessor CITY OF COSTA MESA — HUILDING PERMIT PERM NO; B 0657 PERMIT NO: B 065797 PLAN CAECK NO: N GOVT: . CONSTRUCTION TYPE: V—N PERMIT TYPE: STR PURPOSE: ALT JOB DESCAIPTZON : ADD GREENfiOSE WINDOW & BAY WINDOW SQ FT: 1,975 CLAIM VALUE: 1,975.00 CALC—VALUE: 1,975.00 GROUP OCC: R-3 / COMMENTS: INSTALL 4'X4' GREENHOUSE & 6'X 5'3" BAY WINDOW. �r*�*x***�r+��r�����r*+r***+rx�+r****�r�**��x*�*��*��****�+�xx��*�r***�*��r+r�*�r*�**�**�r**+�r� Z O N I N G R E Q U I R E M E N T S S E T H A C K S ------------ MAIN BUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY BUILDING --------- FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN FRNT: FT IN REAA: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN LEFT; FT IN RGHT: FT IN PARKING REQ: PROV: PARCEL: 41205204 ZNE: REF NO: PLANNING NOTES> J� 1 1E 1! iE if it ik 1klE 1ElE 1!!E iElE 1E fE if 1! 1E 1E ik iF if !f iE iFlE iE �k iflE �E ih iE 1ElE 1f k iF iE iE fF fE if ff 1F fE �f 1E 1f IE if �E 3f !E 1E iE if iE iE 3E 1E �E fE if !E!E 1f �E iE iF iElElf �E iE iE jE if D E V E L O P M E N T S E R V I C E S R E Q U I R E M E N'�T' S ZONING APPROVED BY DATE: BUILDING APPROVED BY : DATE: '� APPLICATION ISSUED BY; DATE: �°� � ic-*i�-***r****r*x��*x�i�x�*itir x�i�x��-******�F��FSF���-* 1fiElfiFaflfKiEif�EjtiElfiElEifiFiFiF1E3EiEiEiEiElElEifiEiE1!!!lEiFiEifiE�E�EiElflffEiFiEiFil1ElElE�E3E9Eif%ifiEiEffiElEiEff3fiE%lfif �flEifiFiElEif3E1EiF LEGALZZATION:N F E E S U M M A R Y STRUCTORAL�SEGMENT;Y BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/RES GRADING PERMIT 45.00 . 50 � SMIP/NON—RES PLAN • ISSUE FEE - BUILDING—DIV—> PERMIT ISSIIE PLAN—CHECK TOTAL PAI➢ DUE TOTALS----> 45.50 0.00 :' 0.00 95.50 45.50 .00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED; 45.50 OVER/SHORT: .00 HLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FZRE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN—CHECK 45,00 .50 iE if iE iE 1E fE 1f iElE �E iE 1E �E 1E fE 1E iE if i! iE if iE iE iE iE 1E if jf iElE �E �F it 1E iE fE iE iflf iE �E 1E 3E 3E iE fE 3f 9E 3E iF IE if iE fE if iF iE if iE iE iE iE fE fE fElElE fE �E iE iE 1Flf iE if iE 1f jf jE Z N D I V I D U A L :�F E E B R E A K D 0 W N TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I O N; UNIT COST TOTAL COST SFR 1975 ALTER HY VALUE RESIDENTIAL NOZONE 1.00 1,975.00 END OF FEES ; �. .. I+, ' a.i c�ois4tss-aois�is9 T�cs-� 6k1'E: Uli2fi9§ iIME� 21:57 a5<<n CONST. FlUCTION AND PLANNING ' ;aP?ROVALS Permit � I Dote Inspector ' i, Temporary Electncal Service or Pole (-- _ - i.'. � r. 5� I Pine�U�d.grnd. - �- �`3 � EI �a;nwl Conduit UThty-Uhtirgrctl. I � 4 E:e'r�eal Candurt-Undrgrnd. '. �--- -- - 5. Srrl F;r,nfp�cymeni 6. F_.ri.,^.�.r '. t;(Cft G:nd. . 7. Fuoc�n9; � � 8. FOvndat�on � J. !'1ate.'.oe.Untl�g�nd. ' . ; ;U. Sr�ct�.ai F'.aor Svstem � -- 7;. P-ope�'y ;r�:cr Lm� R' HCUSB ConnecUor� � ?L Se�ver Cap � i3. R,nt D�ainS i4. Rouah Pwmbing � , 15 Ro�yh Elech�cal•Condu�t i � l���n Elec".��ttiYiri�g � 17. 9o�g^ r�n^S.gn ?8 fto��h °f�_hical�T Ba� Ce�l,ng ;9 R��,i�h µea'in� & !rr Co.�drtroning 20 �ia ��r f�ctnry Fi:eplace 21, Ducts _Y_St��cture � ' . 22 Du+:rs, Vent��ating 23, C-o; Pia Ru'�y�� & Test F74 F:o� F.y ,..y �_.. �'J.-nJII .)"-i }(`. �i ?'... . Ld' .. . i �!�: CtUrd:l �. 3�`OCOat I � � 28 �...[h ���,d.r.��� � _ �-.--_ I i9. ,�u�:. ;.� .. �Y30 D�Y-�a�ll ?laibnn � . -- 1 31, ?�a�.tr. ::ic�'n G��at } --- --- ----- ' - -- - i 32 E�c:���O�PP�.er>.�.eter�F�ca! �--� -- -- _ _ � 3? F�r..: .=��r,, r � '4. �=. � I-,;:t�r; &: N� Co��.d�ro�-�� --- 35. F�i-^� G�5 Pioa�le5l "�S. '.fvc�d..� C���nPY ______-__ 37. °irai F7�zorY Fvrplac2 �£i. F�ral P'vmbing � 39. '.'.ater S.�vita�Final � +:'. :�3s Sm �cC�F�ncl � yl Saw� Gcn±sbc�f4�al I 7 �acl<'�c Ptevanu;r � � i--- - . �43. _9;[;•ti-_.._Irrigat'on __-'- ,-. ; �::d5,cn� irtiqation SYstem . - 45.. Sound Att�nuation � � ,' 43.-Ha�dicdP Regidation5 4T. F:D:P,I. 5T^UCTURE & BUILDING L � �tfi F!RAL'�_?N�ING � �Q. F':cinc Pclsase to Edisan 50. G;s Fele�se to Southem � aiifom�a Gas Q C-51. CERTi; IG�TE OF OCCUPANCY Oate PO� e SPA I APPROVALS Permit ,�' I Date inspector� I 52. Poo! & Equipment Locatfon � 53. Stect Reinfortement 54. f-orms � ' 55. Electrical Bnndmg , 56. Rvuc7h Plumbing & Pressure 7est � 57. APPROVAL TO COVER GUNIT[ 58. Electrica4 ConduiFL'ndrgrnd. 4 -i 59. Gas Pipu, CI Undrgrnd., Tes: I � 60. Bacicwash I_!nes, P�Trap,'� llndrg�rd. -� 61. APPFOVAL TO DECK }�- '' 62. Bacia�:asii � Recep!or-F�nai 'r � -i 63. Heater & Vent-Finai . ,', __� 64. Plumbmg SyStem � F�nal i 65. ElactriCal�Final � 66. Solar System�F�nal � 67. f-enung U� ACcess Approy'al � 68. APPROVEO FOR PLASTERING � �I 69. POOUSPASYSTEhiSFiNAL _ i _� � FIREDEPT.REQU(REMENi ' I � I RPPROVp�_S Pcrpi�t� --�; I , �- -- - - - -i--7 70. Underuro�nC Hydro i I _ ' � l �� 71 . PruduCt Piping I7 Ga4 `t! O�� - �� - � ]Q. U;��er.,-�ro lnd Fluih I 73. Undergmd. Storuyc TArk � Gas 0�' j -�'-- ___'_ ____�._____ �.. . 7A O�e�hcac Hytl�o 1 �� �*--'- -�-- ----� - -- � i 75. Ory G��em::a' � ___�-_ -��]. `.�lq $`.:'..L.FE �"_ -_-_„ ___ -�._ � __ ._"_ _ _.' __"I'"_'_ I � 77. �iXEDEvSTF1''}�I;,FiL -�----� -�- ---- ' -� , 78, FIH6 PReV F�NAL � _�_:-�---- --- I----- -L- - � hIEALTH DEPT. REQUIREPo�EN7 � � 75. FINpL IycpECTiON -------- � - � - ------. . _ �{_rt__ ___T___' __-'_-_ .-. --- �-IB�. FUODCtRfI�iCA7EIS5UED .---�----�-- � � � idotes:-�� �- I. �-1.7_-2'�(__ K� ��. �_-/���� -, -��-- --- - - - - -- - - - - �- - � - - - - - ------- 1 -___ '---__' _ - _'_-_ _ _ i - -�----- - --1 JOB ADDA GENERAL I*� 'ECTIONS Date DATE BUII.DING OF WORK VALOE S SUBCONTRACTOR � Date Tr,5493 Lat a5M ; 25257 � � COSTA SA BUILDING-SAFETY DEPARTMENT P.O.BOX ]1] COBTA MHBA,CALIFORNIA For Applicanf fo Fill In Complefely TYPE OR PRINT ADDRe'ss 2078 PIDalarope Court. - COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA ,,,,,,ti�o Pemba Subdividers, Inc. Costa Mesa ER !1[L1 LCIIUQGII ryOJY 1�O 1823 E, 17th St. Santa ,R Pemba Subdividers.Inc 187318 65 x 105 0 9ETGACK LIry6 FROM � USE OF 549-0395 no. or e�oos. O NOW ON LOT Residence EFT 8 I RIOHT - 7 DESCRIPTION OF WORK N6 2393 Ro°or°as 13 sroR�ea 2 orzw.v.�. � rtooF Shingles 1 HEREBY ACKNOWLEDOB TX�T 1 HAVB qBAD THI9 APPLICATION ANO BTATE THAT THE ABOV6 �9 CORflECT ANO AOREE TO COM- PLY WITX ALL CITY ORDIN NCBB ANO BTAT[ LAWB RHOULATING BUILOINO CONSTRUCTION! SIGNATURE OP � PERMITTE AUTHORI2ED AGH T C6TV �� ��Si�, VNESA APPLICATf6N Foe19661� For�fu�l� �n y p6C61PT NO. I PENl. er ZONING ZON INO. O!' I USH OF NCW Cn PLAN! `.7. BWL�INO LEOAL OA-C. v / � �/�L�.fl `YP D¢BCRIF1'ION A. P. NO. �— . NOTE: NO EAVE OVERHANG SHALL BE LE68 THAN 90" TO 91Dfi 8 REAR P. L. EAVE9 ALLOWE� (U.B.C.REQUIREMENT: YAR�BAPPROVEO YARDSAPPROVED MAIN BUILOINO�, /lI AGGESSORY BUILDING YAR.# � DATE a3 �� Sa.�. 5 �o�-�— THE AMO�INT SNOWN UNOER VALUATION 19 FOq TX8 PURPOSE OF H6TABLI6HIN� A pEqMIT FEE ONLY. VALUATION 6A y PERMITFEE $ `%� ^/ �(+�" 7 $ +^ � �lJ PLAN CHECK $ � V � ---- --- _ I .d2 OF 'LONE BUILDING PERMIT NO. SUBCONTItACTOR � " , - '�" 26 I I I � COSTA MESA BUILDINGSAFETY DEPARTMENT P.O. BOx 1P00 � COSTA MESA� CALIFORNIA YT62E For ApplicanP fo FIII In Complefaly � TYPE OR PRINT eui�iNo . ^'�/ ADDREBD �Q� i` � )�Q � eC%/> COSTA M A, CALIFORNIA ..,. i _:� /'1 /'1 HITECT ��'Q. f< � 218238 rTio �✓ 5� � �� N6 T!L DESCRlPTION OF WORK USe OF �UILDIt1Y AND WORK TO 06 P[R /0'�6/��d � /Y/ $7661C' , I N6R6BY IICKNOWL[OO6 TIIAT 1 NAV[ R6AD AND BTATB THAT TN6 ApOV6 It CORRtR�A! PLY WITM ALL CITY OPDIIUNCO AND YTATi 6UILOINO CONBTqUCTON. .L � / � AVTHORIZiDAO[NT / SEP -1-66 DO 030 A 7*� *��3.00 APPLICATION fOR PERMR BUILDIN6 for Offlm Use Only 11[C611T NO. �R Bu ZONING � O~� + �uH� � euiLDlr�o� �/¢uj DLGC111RION ` M 1 Q� ` � ✓� �. A. P. NO. � NOTR: NOGV60V[RHAN68HALL�ELE88TXAN YARDBAPPROVHD MAIN BUILDINO fOM C/L 8TR[[T) o�erwncc scr MAIN BLDOY. VM. �C YARDBAPPROVED ACGEY80RY BIIILDINO err. i ACCE DATH i- a L7 � BC. R�. �X 0 iH8 AMOU!(� OMOWN UNDBR VALU�TON ls �OR TH6 j ■YHP08[ OP [�TAGLI9HIN0 A PCPMIT I86 ONLY. �3 VALUATIOfi /y�� - � � G�� PERMITFEE p C s �OO k' TOTAL FEE $ � Ivr ivu. t,�7�� IN"OCTIONS � P� �ocation . � Forms �Main Drain _ �Steel Reinforce Elec. Bond _ Approval to Cover Underground Electric _ Gas Piping Test Filtering System Lines _ Backwash Lines and Recep. Electrical Final Heater and Vent Final Fii•=r System Final L Nash and Recep. Final Fencing Final 'L �l C C. VNI�J BUILDING P �1:7�(�P.i�•!_\[qq SUBCONTR�CTOR � �� ; ��6�1 • COSTA MESA BUILDING-SAFETY DEPARTMENT P.O. BOX 1200 COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA 92626 For Applicant to Fill in Completely — Use Ink Only BUILDING ADDR ESS G % . OWNEP C�QQ (rV MAIL ADDRESS � TEL. CITV �'^ NO. CANSTRUCTION LENDER BRANCH 1 1 l �e�0 A�ORESS � ARCHITECT TEL� CONTRACTOR ADDRESS 466'I 9%.I I �t 465:1' 9/ I I �is1i661' 00�0 APPLICATION�QR STRUCTUR RECE DATE RECEIVED A.P. NO. � � �� - � BUILDING�O � � ADDRES TRACT LOT W ADD ALT R PAIR M O NER %J�, �VALU 5 �� FIRE ZONE TVPE GF APPROVED av � DATE !78 _ 60.50CKP6� 4466 91 ' I A '" "' AL PERMiT gQ^E��� E I�J BLOCK TEL. ZONE .1� NO.OF USE OF NEW %��'d'� CIT c J�`. b NO. / PLANS BUILDING - F STATE CITV�/T YAROSAPPROVED VARDSAPPflO ED � UC. NO. ��,5 UC. f70. r�« MAIN BUILDING ACCESSORY BUILDING {y SIZE � � NO.OF BlDGS. / (FfiOM C/� STREET) 0. OF LOT � Q,r NOW ON LOT OM FT. FT. a VSE OF r� //'/ � EXI5TING BLDG. � iFT" Z FT � FSeparate permits are required for l.. SIDE G FT. FT. � electric, plumbing and heating work. REAR FT. FT. USE OF BUI�DING AND WOflK TO BE PERFORME� DISTANCE BET. BET. MAIN & MAIN BLDGS. ACCESS. BLDGS. ' Q / VAfl.#` �ATE , � .Q �/ �✓ � C.V.P.�j'+ APPROVED e � APPROVE � /�._� . � � � a w 0 1 haleby ncknowletlBe thai 1 hava read ihis application antl state � (Y Nat the aEove Info�metion is correct antl agrea to comply with m a all laws reBulatin9 builtlinp consttuc2ion, entl I shell not employ Z eny person in vio�ation of tha workman's compensation lews of � ,s the State of Celifornia. m 3 I �areby certify thet I am properly licensetl as a contrector untlar S�. FT. w the State of Celifornia B�siness antl Proteaions Cotle, Divlsion 3, THE AMOUNT SHOWN UNDER VALUATION IS FOR m Chaptar 9, antl that suc� I(censes are )n full force antl effect, or I THE PUqPOSE OP ESTABLISHING A PEiiM1T FEE ONLV: " em exempt trom the provisio f the Staie 'fornia Business iO VALUATION PERMIT FEE S p antl Profasslo otle, Divisi 3, p in m Sip^atura o / J ///��� ///��� PLAN CHECK 5 0 Permlttea $! �� � LL TAX S (� � t�i . Auiho zetl ont 70TAL PAIO $