HomeMy WebLinkAbout940 DOGWOOD ST - Building Permits�STN MF.S t 9 o, . . > . r J � ��pfi \ � CITY OF COSTA MESA �• •^ BlIILDING D/VISION 77� AIR DRIVE, COSTA MESA, CA 92626 •(714) 754-5273 • Fax (714) 754-4856 • www.ci.costa-mesa.ca.us FOR INSPECTIONS CALL: (714) 754-5626 PERMIT NUMBER: M10-00052 PERMITTYPE MECH APN: 42252127 JOB ADDRESS: 940 DOGWOOD ST CM Vicinity: SQ. FT: 0 STATUS: DATE ISSUED: ISSUED BY: Suite/Unit: ISSUED 06/0212010 KJB SCOPE OF WORK: LEGALIZE FURNACE INSTALLATION. FURNACE WAS INSTALLED PRIOR TO 2008. FURNACE IN AN OUTSIDE EQUIPMENT ENCLOSURE. NO A/C OWNER: HAVASSY,ROBB PHONE: 949-722-9892 APPLICANT: HAVASSY, ROBB PHONE: 949-722-9692 CONTRACTOR: Address: Unit: Ciry/State: PHONE: ZipCode: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE SUMMARY MECH ITEM FEE: $44.45 PLAN CHECK FEE: $0.00 INVESTIGATION FEE: $0.00 REINSPECTION FEE: $0.00 TOTAL FEES: $44.45 Address: 940 DOGWOOD ST Unit: City/State2ip: COSTA MESA, CA Address: 940 DOGWOOD ST Unit: City/State/zZip: COSTA MESA, CA License No. CELL: NOTICE: The work authorized by this permit shall comply with all applicable handicap access requirements untler California statutes and related regulations. (Ord. No. 92-28, § 1, 12-21-92) EXPIRATION: PERMIT EXPIRES 180 DAYS FROM DATE OF ISSUE OR DATE OF LAST INSPECTION. INSPECTIONS: In order for the work authorized under this permit to be considered legal, such work must comply with all applicable codes, and all required inspections and final approval must be obtained. Failure to obtain inspections and final approval will result in the expiration of this permit. G UE/. INSPECTIONTYPE OATE INTITIALS COOE� INSPEC710NTYPE DAT INIITIRLS "� 1616 Fixetl Sys�em Final Fire Prevention 206 Final Mechanical L, �� �I�LzJ 1266 Pool Spa Final 208 Final Plumbing 200 Final Re-Roo( 210 Final Electncal 201 Final Block/Retaining Wall 212 Final Fire Prevention 202 Final Factory Fire Place 220 Final Planning Approval 203 Final Sign 222 Final Site 204 Final Demolition 250 Final BuildinglOccupancy 0 WORKERS' COMPENSATIPN DECLARATION: I hereby aKrm unu�r penalry of perjury one of the following declarations: ❑ I have antl will maintain a cehi(cate of consent to self-Insure for workers' compensa�ion, as provitletl for by section 3700 of the Labor Code, for Ihe performance o� the vrork for which this pertnit is issued. ❑ I have antl will maintain wnrkers' compensation insu2nce, as required by section 3700 of the Labor Code, for t0e peAormance of the work for which ihis pertnit is issued. My workers' compensation Insurance carner and policy number are: Carrier. qqqeee (This sectbn neetl rot Oe cnmpet� - valuetl al me hundi tlaVars (5f00) aleuJ Policy Number: C�I certify that in the peAortnance of the vrork for which [his permit is issued, I shall not em erson in any manner so as to become subject to the worker ' omp nsatio laws of Califomia, and agree that ii I should become ject to th wor rs' compensation provisions of Section 3700 of Ihe La r Code, I h I hwith comply with these provisi ns. � O - hfs5ignaWre / �Da� � WARNING FF�1LpR� TO SESK�E WORKERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGE IS UNLAWFUL A D SI�IAC[ SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND CIVIL FINES UP TO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($700,000), IN ADDITION TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 3706 OF THE LABOR CODE, INTEREST, AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION: I hereby affrm thal I am licensed untler provisions of Chapter 9(commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Pro(essions Cotle, and my license is in (ull force and eRecl. Lic. # Class # GonVacmr's Signature Date CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY: ❑ I hereby affum that there is a conslrucl'an lending agency (w Ihe pedormance of the v.ork fa v+hich this pertnit is issued. (Sec. 3097. Civil Code). Lender's Name: Lentler's Adtlress: Signawre oa�e OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATIONS: I hereby aHirm that under penalty of perjury ihat I am EXEMPT FROM THE CONTRACTORS LICENSE LAW for lhe following reason (Sec. 7031.5, Business and Professions Code: Any city or county which requires a permit lo constma, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior to ils issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit ro file a signetl slatement that he or she is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractors License Law (Chapter 9(commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business antl Prolessions Code) or lhat he or she is exempt [herefrom antl the hasis (or Ihe alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects Ihe applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five ndretl dollars ($500).): I, as owner ot Ihe property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, WILL DO 7HE WORK, and the stmcWre is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors License Law does not apply to an ovmer of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himsel( or herself or through his or her ovm employees, pmvided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold vnthin one year of completion, the owner-builder will have Ihe burden of proving that he or she did not build or improve for purpose of sale.). ❑ I, as owner of Ihe property, am EXCLUSIVELY CONTRAC7ING WITH LICENSED CONTRACTORS to construct Ihe project (Sec. 7044, Business and Protessbns Code: The contractas License Law dces not apply to an owner of property wfio builds or improves Ihereon, and who cont2cts for such project with a conl2cta�s) license pursuant to Ihe Cont2ctas License LavS.). ❑ I am /exem�pt �"de ec. Busines nd5 Profe3sions ode for this reason: ; � ii � 1\ lL p l� '/ - SignaWre � ate 3051.a6(3/O]) "" - . Owner ID verifed by tlriver's iicense. ❑ Yes ❑ No Driver's License No. pires: Verifca�ion of Ownership by ([ype o( tlocument, i.e. - p�operty ta� bill or deed): DIVISION OF INDUSTRIAL SAFETY PERMIT CERTIFICATION: ❑ I hereby certAy Ihat no excavation frve (5) or more feet in depth into vfiich a person is required to descend. will be made in connection with work auttwrized by this pertnit, antl that no buildinq strucNre, scaFfdding, falsework, or demolition or tlismanUing thereof. will De more than thirty-six (36) feet high (Chap. 3.2, Grp 2, M 2, Sec. 341, Title 8. Califomia AdministraMe Code). ❑ As owner-builder, I vnll not employ anyone to do work which vrould require a pertnit fmm the Division of Industrial Safety, as noted above, unless such person has a permit to tlo such wnrk from the division. Applicam's SgnaWre Da�e Division of Industnal Safety Permit Number. _ HAZARDOUS MATERIALS AND EMISSIONS CERTIFICATION: 1. Will the applicant or present or fuWre building occupant need to file and certify a Business Plan for emergency response to release or threatened release of a hazardous material? ❑ Yes ❑ No (Section 25505 of the Califomia Health and Safery Code requires, with some exceptions, that a Business Plan be filed with the Costa Mesa Fire Department by every business which has at any one time during a reported year a quantity of hazardous materials equal to or greater than a weight of 500 pounds, or a volume of 55 gallons, or 200 cubic feet of compressed gas at standard �emperature and pressure). 2. Does or will the applicant or present or fuWre building occupant need to 51e a registration form for acutely hazardous materials? ❑ Yes ❑ No (Section 25533 of the Cali(omia Health and Safety Cotle, with some ezceptions, requires registration vrith the Costa Mesa Fire Department by each business which at any one time has on hantl a quantity of acutely hazardous materials equal lo or greater than a weight of 500 pounds, or a volume of 55 gallons, or 200 cubic feet of compressed gas al standard temperature and pressure�. 3. Does or will the applicant or present or fWure building occupant need to prepare an RMPP (Risk Managemenl and Prevention Program tor acutely hazardous materials�? ❑ Yes ❑ No (Section 25534 of Ihe Calilornia Health and Safety Code provides that the Costa Mesa Fire Department may require the preparation, cerlifcation and (ling with the Fire DepaAment of an RMPP by businesses which are required to register acutely hazardous matenals wilh Ihe Fire Depariment. 4. If an RMPP is presently required, has Section 25534 of the Califomia Health and Satety Code been fully complietl with? ❑ Yes ❑ No 5. Does or vnll Ihe applicanl or Oresent or luWre building occupant require for Ihe work which is Ihe subject of this applicalion a permit for such construction or modifcation (rom the SOWh Coast Air Quality Managemenl Dislrict or from any other air polWtion control district or a9ency? ❑ Yes ❑ No (Sectbn 658502 of the Califomia Govemmenl Code requires tha[ the requested infortnation be fumished on applications for nornresidential builtling permits). 6. Will any part of the faciliry to be constructed under Nis permit be within 1000 feet from [he outer boundaries of a school? ❑ Yes ❑ No Qf "yes", ihe facility must meet the requirement of Sections 25534 antl 42303 of the Califomia Health and Safety Code). 7. If a permit from the South Coast Air �uality Management Distnct or other air polWtion control disMct or agency is required (or the work which is the subjecl of lhis application, have all of the disclosures prescnbe0 by Califomia Health and Safery Code Section 42303 been made? ❑ Yes ❑ No 8. Qf "yes", attach cenificate of compliance from the appropriate air polWtion control o(�cer). CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: I certi/y that under penalty of perjury the information given above is correct I aqree ro wmply with all state lavrs and city ortlinances regarding Hazardous Materials and Emissions. SignaWre Date CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE AND AUTHORIZATION OF ENTRY: I certify under penalty of peryury that I have read this application and state that the informatio rrecL I agree ro comply vnth all state laws and ciry ordinanc elating to bui ing construclion, and authorize represen[atives ot the Ci of Costa e to enter upon the above-descnbed property for inspe tion purposes ree not to occupy or allow occupancy of any building auth � ed by 1' i un i inspection. � Si a� e ol Legal er � oa e AulM1onzeO Simplisied Prescripttve Certifr Climetc Zones 1 nnd 3- 7 f slrenddrcsr. �� E ui meni T e List Minimom ❑ Yackaged Unit of Compliance: 20081iesitleniial HVAC, ufinns C7�-1R-AL`t'-HVAC E/lfarcC/uelil Agel�cY: Ducl ❑ COP Over40 ❑ HSPF � S�eprve�d b�� system added� ❑ Condensing Uni� I ti EER _ I � Resistance -�- �sf nc ndi.,,,�,r..,.. ❑ OOier � R 6(CZ 1, 3-SJ 1. Equipment Type: Choose ihe equipmenl being insfalkd; it more than one sysiem, use another CF-❑ 2. Minimum Gquipment Efficiencies: 13 SEER, 78°1 AFUG, 7.7HSPF for rypical resideMial syslems. � �: � � Setback (//nm alreadp present, nnrs� Le invalledJ for each system. Coutractor (llocumentation Author's /12esponsibVe llesiener's Declaration Statement) • 1 certif�� that this Ceriificate oSComplianee documentation is accurate and complere. • 1 am eiigible under Divison 3 of the Califomia Business and Professions Code to accepi responsibifitq for thn desigri identified on this Certificace oT Compliance. • I cerlify that the energy feamres and perfonnance specifications for the design identi5ed on this Cenificate of Compliartce contom� to the requirements ofTitle 24, Pans 1 and G of the Califomia Code of Regulations. . • The design features identified on this Certificate of Compliance are consis w�th the i ormation documented�on other applicable compliance forms, worksheets, calculations, plans and speci5cations�r mitted to th forcement agency.-f'br approval witb Ihe permit AddresS: 3008 Reridential Comptiance Pan�,s Murclr 20] 0 .. _____....__� .� ...,... ...._._..._._.._... ............._.. . _ ..�,.. .�..,..M..,.-�„�,„,.,.,.,_....,,�.._,.,,.,,,m..,.._....._.�_....._ _..... (EIVRORCE�6fENT AG�IJC3' C�1TT CU.._..JI✓IIZE'YT�ITHLETTERFIEfiD/S�AL) 2(108 Buildin� Energy Ef'ficienc}� Standards Residential HVAC Alterations Z . Climate Zones ] and 3 throubh 7 GZ'-6 c Gasr/� nPs/� I3DSIIV�SS AND PI20rESSIONS COD�, S�CTION 7110 Willful or deliberate disregard and violacion of the buiVding laws, including Ihe Califomia Building Code, and local permi� requirements constiwtes a cause for disciplinary aciion from the Contractors State License Board working in conjunction with the focal building depanment. This action may consict of fines up to $S,U00 per violation or suspension/revocation of a contractor's license. WI�r 1S A PCRMI7' It�OUIR�ll? . A written consttuction permit shall be obtained from the enforcement agency prior to the erection, construction, reconstruction, installation, relocation, or alteration of any mechanical system, except as permitted �in Appendiz Chapter 1, Section 1122 of the 2U07 Caiifomia Mechanical Code. Projects requ'ving permits include, but are not limited to: • NewHVACinstalfation • HVAC Changeout • Replacement o( fumace, coll, FAU, or condenser � + Relocation of an existing HVAC unit �• Adding or replacing more ihan 40ft ductine in unconditioned space � � 2008 RUIL,DING IiNPRC}' �FFICI�NCI' STANDARDS (Titic 24, Pnrt 61 P.EOU[2EM�NTS INCLUDE• 1. Heating equipment must have a minimum 78°/a AFUE (Exception: Wall K floor fumaces; room heaters). 2. Central air condi[ioners & heat pumps less than 65,000 Btu/hr must havc a minimum 13 SEER, 3. Newly installed or replaced ducts must have a minimum insulation value of R-4.2. 4. A setback type thermostat (241v' clock with four set points) is required for all alteretions. 5. New or replacement ducts must meet the mandatory requirements of Section 150(m): �• All joints and openings in the in the HVAC system must be sealed. �• Only UL 181, UL 1S1A, or UL 181B approved tapes or mas[ic shall be used to seal duct openiugs. • Connections of inetals ducts and ihe inner core o£ flex ducts shall be mechanically fastened. Flex ducts must be connected using a metal sleevelcoupling. • Flex ducts that are suspended must be supported every 4ft. max for horizontal runs witli no more ihan 2" of sag between supports and 6 fi. maz for vertical runs. 6. The CT'-6R-MECP-04 must be completed and signed by the installing con[ractor. The Inspecmr will collect this form and verify that the model numoers are the same as the ins[alled equipment. R� � CITY OF COSTA MESA O�'�aMES,Pg BlIIIDING DIVISION i4� ep 77 FAIR pRIVE, COSTA MESA, CA 92626 •(714) 754-5273 • Faz (714) 754-4856 • www.ci.costa-mesa.ca.us �, ` ? FOR INSPECTIONS CALL: (714) 754-5626 °°���°�' PERMIT NUMBER: BC11-00139 PERMfT TYPE: B COMBO STATUS: ISSUED Sub Type: RES_ALT DATE ISSUED: 03/2512011 ISSUED BY: CAC �os a�oREss: 940 DOGWOOD ST CM APN: 42252127 Vicinity: EXTERIOR, KITCHEN AND BATHROOMS Const Type: V-8 SQ. FT: Zoning: , , Suite/Unit: Primary Occ: Valuation: $22,000.00 SCOPE OF WORK: HOUSING REHAB PROJECT. WORK TO INCLUDE THE REPLACEMENT OF SIDING (HRDIPLANK LAPSIDING NER-405) AND (4) EXISTING WINDOWS LOCATED AT REAR 2ND STORY ADDITION, REPLACE (1) BATH TUB, (2) WATER HEATERS, (1) LIGHT FIXTS LOCATED IN MASTER BEDROOM, 1 CEILING FAN, (4) VEN7 FANS IN BATHROOMS, (3) OUTLETS, (3) WASH BASINS IN BATHROOMS, CAP GAS AT KITCHEN NEAR KITCHEN DOOR. REVISION TO PERMIT ON 06/13/11 TO INCLUDE THE RELOCATION OF WATER CLOSET AND REPLACEMENT OF SHOWER VALVE. OWNER: HAVASSY, ROBB AND DEGENHARDT, PETRICEAddress: Phone: 949-722-9892 City/StatelZip: COSTA MESA, CA APPLICANT: KOONZE, CHARLES Phone: 714356-2823 CON7RAC70R: KOONZE ENTERPRISES Phone: 714356-2823 Cell: ARCHITECT: ENGINEER: COMBINATION PERMIT FEE SUMMARY Building Plan Check: Building Fees: Electrical Fees: Mechanical Fees: Plumbing Fees: SMIP Residential: SMIP Commercial: Bldg Std Admin Fund TOTALFEES: Address: City/State/zZip: 940 DOGWOOD ST Unit: License No. 922726 Address: 7121 RUTGERS AVEUnit: City/State: WESTMINSTER, CA License No. License No. $0.00 $349.25 $31.20 $52.50 $92.10 $z.zo $0.00 $1.00 $528.25 Unit: ZipCode 92683 PHONE: PHONE: .,������` ���� ( ��.ATE: �- ^Refer to fee recei ts for all fees aid for ro'ect HOURS FOR CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY: EFFECTIVE 3/18I2010 - PER CMMC Sec. 13-279 Monday thru Friday-7:00 2m thru 7:00 pm. Saturtlays-9:00 am lhru 6:00 pm. Pfohibited all houfs - SUndays and the follOwing FBdBf31 h01id2y5: New Years Dav. Memorial Dav. Independence Dav, Labor Dav. Thanksaivina Dav and Christmas Dav NOTICE: The work authorized by this permit shall comply with all applicable handicap access requirements under Califomia statutes and related regulations. (Ord. No. 92-2$, § 1, 12-21-92) � EXPIRATION: PERMIT EXPIRES 180 DAYS FROM DATE OF ISSUE OR DATE OF LAST INSPECTION. INSPECTIONS: In order for the work authorized under this permit to be considered legal, such work must compty with all applirable codes, and all required inspections and final approval musl be obtained. Failure to obtain inspections and final approval will result in the expiration of this permit. COOEp. INSPECTONTYPE OATE ' IN1111AL5 CODEt INSPEC110NTYPE OATE 1�Y INPPAL 1616 Fixed System Final Firg prevention 206 Final Mechanical X��o� ��� �r 1 126b Pool Spa Final 208 Final Plumbing x)-,�1�-I I�l� 200 Final Re-Roof 210 Final Electrical ����� 201 202 203 Final Block/Retaining Wall Final Factory Fire Place Final Sign 204 Final Demolition 212 Final Fire Prevention 220 Final Planning Approval 222 FinalSite 250 Final Buildi�g/Occupancy X�• 26�� C{i \ WORKERS COMPENSATION DECLARATION: I hereby affrm under penalty of perjury one of the followinq declarations: ❑ I have and will maintain a certifcate ot consent to selt-Insure tor workers' compensation, as provided for by section 3700 of the Labor Code, !or Ihe peAormance of the work for which �his permit is issued. ❑ I have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by seciion 3700 of ihe Labor Code, for ihe pedorm ce o( the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation � surance carrier and policy number are: / � LCartier. - � (T�issecl�¢n. tl otbe m ed rye mrRisv dalonehuntlredCdlars(5100)orless) l� Policy.Number �l� ❑ I certify that in Ihe peAormance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall no� employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to �he workers' compensation laws o( Califomia, and agree Ihal i( I shoultl become subje to Ihe workers' compensation provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor de, I o with comply with these prov ion� - � pli[anfsSignaWre �- / � WARNING: FAILURE TO SECURE WORKERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGE IS UNLAWFUL AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND CIVIL FINES UP TO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOILARS ($100,000), IN ADDITION TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVI�ED FOR IN SECTION 3706 OF THE LABOR CODE, INTEREST, AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. Owner ID verified by driver, ncense. ❑ Yes ❑ No � ` Driver's License No. Ezpires: Verification of Ownership by (type of document, i.e. - property tax 6ill or deed): DIVISION OF INDUSTRIAL SAFETY PERMIT CERTIFICATION: ❑ I hereby certify that no excavation fve (5) or more fee� in depth into which a person is requiretl lo tlescend, will be made in connec�ion with woM au[honzed by this pertnit, and that no building sWc[ure, scaffolding, falsewnrk, a demolition or disman0ing thereo(, will be more �han thirty-six (36) feet high. (Chap. 32, Grp 2, Art 2, Sec. 341, Ttle 8, Calitomia Administrative Code). ❑ As owner-builder, I will not employ anyone to do work which would require a permi[ from ihe Division of Industrial Safety, as noted above, unless such person has a permi� to tlo such work from ihe division. Applicanfs SignaWre Date Division of Intlustrial Safety Permit Number HAZARDOUS MATERIALS AND EMISSIOIJS CERTIFICATION: i. Will the applicant or present or fuWre builtling occupant neetl to file and certify a Business Plan for emergency response to release or threatened release of a hazardous material? ❑ Yes ❑ No (Sec�ion 25505 of the California Health and Safety Code requires, with some exceptions, that a Business Plan be filetl vrith Ihe Costa Mesa Fire Depahment by every business which has at any one time tluring a reported year a quantity of hazardous materials equal to or greater than a weiqht of LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION: 500 pounds, or a volume of 55 galtons, or 200 w6ic feet of compressed gas I hereby affirm that I am licensetl under provisions of Chapter 9(commencing at standard temperaNre and pressure). with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code, antl p. Does or will the appliwnt or present or fuW re building occupant neetl to fle my license is in full force and effect. a registra�ion form for acutely hazardous materiais? ❑ Yes ❑ No Lic. #� Class #�_ (Section 25533 of ihe California Health and Safety Code, with some (_ excepiions, requires regis[re�ion with the Costa Mesa Fire Department by 9� ��� each business which at any one time has on hand a quantiry of acutely Com cto.'s5'�qnamre � Da(� hazardous materials equal to or greater ihan a weigM of 500 pounds, or a L� volume of 55 gallons, or 200 cubic �eet o( compressed gas at slandard CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY: tempera[ure and pressure). ❑ I hereby aKrtn thal fhere is a construction lending agency !or the 3. Does or will the applicant or present or (uture building occupant need to perfortnance of the vrork fa which this pertnit is issued. (Sec. 3097, Civil Code). prepare an RMPP (Risk Management antl Prevenlion Program for acutely Lender's Name: hazardous materials)? ❑ Yes ❑ No (Section 25534 of the Califomia Healih and Safery Code provides tha� Ihe Lender's Atldress: Costa Mesa Fire Depanment may require the preparation, certification and filing with �he Fire Department of an RMPP by businesses which are requiretl to register aculely hazardous materials with the Fire Departmenl. Signalure Dale 4. If an RMPP is presently required, has Section 25534 of Ihe Cali(ornia H Ith d S f t C d b ( II I' d"ih� ❑ V ❑ N OWNER-BUILDER DECLARA710NS: I hereby affirm Ihat under penalry of perjury that I am EXEMPT FROM 7HE CONTRACTORS LICENSE LAW for �he following reason (Sec. 703L5, Business and Pro(essions Code: Any city or county which requires a permi� to constmcl, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such permil to fle a signed statemen� that he or she is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Conlractors License Law (Chapter 9(commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of Ihe Business and Professions Code) or �hat he or she is exempt there(rom and [he basis for Ihe alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects Ihe applicant to a civil penalty of not more than fve hundred dollars (5500�.): ❑ I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, WILL DO THE WORK, and ihe strucNre is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Pro/essions Code: The Contrac[ors License Law does not apply to an ovmer of property who builds or improves [hereon, antl who does such work himself or herself or through his or her own employees, provided that such impmvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the ownerbuilder will have Ihe burden of proving that he or she did not build or improve for purpose of sale.). ❑ I, as owner o( the property, am EXCLl1SIVELV CONTRACTING WITH LICENSED CONTRACTORS to consWct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Pmfessbns Code: The contractors License Law dces not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for such project with a contractor(s) license pursuant to the Contractors License Laws.�. ❑ I am exempt untler sec. Business and Professions Code for this reason: ea an a e y o e een u y comp ie vn . es o 5. Does or will the applicant or present or future building occupan� require for the work which is Ihe subject of this application a permit for such construction or motlifcation from the South Goast Air Quali�y Management DiSlrict or (rom any other air polWtion con[ml distric[ or agency? ❑ Ves ❑ No (Section 658502 of lhe Califomia Govemment Code requires Ihat the requested information be tumished on applications fa noo-residential building permits). 6. Will any paA of ihe faciliry to be construcied under this permit be within 1000 fee� from the outer hountlaries of a school? ❑ Yes ❑ No Q( "yes", lhe facility mus� meet �he requirement of Sections 25534 and 42303 o( Ihe Califomia Health and Safely Code). 7. If a permit from the SoWh Coast Air Qualiry Management District or other air polWtion control district or agency is required for the work which is the su6ject of this application, have all oi the disclosures prescribed by Califomia Health and Safety Code Section 42303 been made? ❑ Yes ❑ No 8. Q( "yes", attach certi(cate of compliance from the appmpriate air pollution control officer). CERTIFICA7E OF COMPLIANCE: I certify that under penalty of perjury che information given above is correcL I agree ro comply vrith all state lavrs antl city ordinances regarding Hazardous Materials and Emissions. Date CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE AND AUTHORIZATION OF ENTRY: I certify under penaity of perjury that I have read this application and state that the intormation given is correcL I agree to compty with all state laws and city ordinances relating to builtling construction, and au�horize represenialives of the City of Costa Mesa to enter upon the above-described property for inspection purposes. I agree not to occupy or allow occupancy of any builtling authorized by this permit until tinal inspection. SignaWreo(Lega/lOwner(s� Ilate $ignalvle Dale ��iJ� /� � / .� 305]-a6(3I0]) - � � ��'And/orAulM1onze_ 0� D e �. � - CITY OF COSTrA MESA t`�yTp MF q BIIILDING DIVIS/ON i�� 77 FAIR DRIVE. COSTA MESA, CA 92626 •(714) 754-5273 • Fax (714) 754-4856 • www.ci.costa-mesa.ca.us � � FOR INSPECTIONS CALL: (714) 754-5626 °"°°°^°`� PERMIT NUMBER: BC11-00139 PERMIT TYPE: B COMBO Sub Type: RES_ALT JOB ADDRESS: 9 O DOGWOOD-ST�'CM APN: 42252127 Vicinity: EXTERIOR, KITCHEN AND BATHROOMS Const Type: V-B SQ. FT: Zoning: , , 0 STATUS: ISSUED DATE ISSUED: 03/25/2011 ISSUED BY: Suite/Unit: Primary Occ: Valuation: $22,000.00 SCOPE OF WORK: HOUSING REHAB PROJECT. WORK TO INCLUDE THE REPLACEMENT OF SIDING (HRDIPLANK LAPSIDING NER-405) AND (4) EXISTING WINDOWS LOCATED AT REAR 2ND STORY ADDITION, REPLACE (1) BATH TUB, (2) WATER HEATERS, (1) LIGHT FIX7S LOCATED IN MASTER BEDROOM, 1 CEILING FAN, (4) VENT FANS IN BATHROOMS, (3) OUTLETS, (3) WASH BASINS IN BATHROOMS, CAP GAS AT KITCHEN NEAR KITCHEN DOOR. OWNER: HAVASSY, ROBB AND DEGENHARDT, PETRICEAddress: Phone: 949-722-9892 City/State/Zip: COSTA MESA, CA APPLICANT: KOONZE, CHARLES Phone: 714-356-2823 CON7RAC70R: KOONZE ENTERPRISES Phone: 714356-2823 Cell: ARCHI7ECT: ENGINEER: COMBINATION PERMIT FEE SUMMARY Building Plan Check: Building Fees: Electrical Fees: Mechanical Fees: Plumbing Fees: SMIP Residential: SMIP Commercial: Bldg Std Admin Fund TOTAL FEES: Address: City/State/zZip: 940 DOGWOOD ST Unit: License No. 922726 Address: 7121 RUTGERS AVEUnit: City/State: WESTMINSTER, CA License No. License No. $0.00 $34925 $31.20 $52.50 $72.50 $0.00 $0.00 $1.00 $506.45 Monday thru F�itlay - 7:00 am thru 7:00 pm. Saturtlays- 9:00 am thru 6:00 pm. P New Years Dav. Memorial Dav. Indeoendence Dav, Labor Unit: : ZipCode 92683 PHONE: PHONE: s and the following Federal holidays: Christmas Dav NOTICE: The�work authorized by this permit shall comply with all applicable handicap access requirements under Califomia staNtes and related regulations. (Ord. No. 92-28, § 1, 12-21-92) EXPIRATION: PERMIT EXPIRES 180 DAYS FROM DATE OF ISSUE OR DATE OF LAST INSPECTION. INSPECTIONS: In order for the work authorized under this permit to be considered legal, such work must comply with all applicable codes, and all required inspections and final approval must be obtained. Failure to obtain inspections and fnal approval will result in the expiration of this permit. CODEX. INSPECTIONTYPE OATE INTITIpLS CODEN INSPECiIONTVPE ORTE INPnALS t616 Fixed System Final Fire Prevention 206 Final Mechaniral 1266 Pool Spa Final 208 Final Plumbing 200 Finai Re-Roof 210 Final Electrical 201 Final Block/Re�aining Wdll 212 Final Fire Prevention 202 Final Factory Fire Place 220 Final Planning Approval 203 Final Sign 222 Final Sile 204 Final Demolition 250 FinalBuilding/Occupancy � WORKERS' COMPENSATION DECLARATION: � 7 1 hereby aKrm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: ❑ I have antl will mainlain a certifca�e of consent to sel(-Insure (or vrorkers' compensation, as provitletl for by section 3700 of the Labor Code, for Ihe pertormance of the work for which Ihis permit is issued. ❑ I have antl will maintain vrorkers' compensation insurence, as required by sec[ion 3700 of the Labor Code, for the peAormance o( the work for which this permit is issued. My vrorkers' cpmpensation In rance carrier and policy number are: Carrier' _ �����'—P � � (1 (.y (rnisserfon�irdberom (etle/fheo/er�m rsva/iuedatonehundiedtlWiars(Stoola�essJ P,olicy:Number: � nl /„ lfl .0 Z `�� ❑ I certify that in Ihe performance of the work for which Ihis permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to �he workers' compensation laws of California, and agree that if I should become subject to the workers' compensation provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code�shall toAhw comply with these provisions. (/—��- .� -_�S-� // `"A Ica t'sSigy� re �Date_;1 WARNING: FAILURETO SECURE WORKERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGE IS UNLAWFUL AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND CIVIL FINES UP TO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($700,000), IN ADDITION TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 3706 OF THE LABOR CODE, IMEREST, AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION: I hereby aKrm that I am licensed under provisions of Chaprer 9(commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code, and my license is in full force and effect. � a �ic.—.#� Class � J 3_zs -�i C raE�p4 Ignawre� 'Oate-� CONSTRUCTION LENDIN AGENCY: ❑ I hereby aftirtn that there is a construction lentling agency for the performance of the �+ork for which this permit is issuetl. (Sec. 3097, Civil Code). Lender's Name: Lender's Address: Dale OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATIONS: I hereby affrm lhat under penalty of perjury Iha� I am EXEMPT FROM THE CONTRACTORS LICENSE LAW for Ihe following reason (Sec. 7031.5, Business and Professions Code: Any city or county which requires a permit to constmcl, alter, impmve, demolish, or repair any slmcWre, prior to iIs issuance, also requires the applicam for such permit to fle a signed statement that he or she is licensed pursuan[ ro the provisions of the Contractors License Law (Chapter 9(commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that he or she is exempt therefrom and [he basis for the alleged exemption. Any violalion of Sec[ion 7031.5 by any applicaM for a permit subjects the applicant lo a civil penalry of not more than five hundred dollars (5500).�: ❑ I, as owner of lhe property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, WILL DO THE WORK, and Ihe stmcWre is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors License Law does not apply lo an owner of property who builds or improves lhereon, and who does such work himself or herself or ihrough his or her ovm employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or oRered tor sale. If, however, the building or improvemenl is sold within one year of completion, the ownervbuilder vnll have the burden of proving that he or she did not build or improve for purpose of sale.�. ❑ I, as ovmer of the property, am.EXCLUSIVELY CONTRACTING WITH LICENSED CONTRACTORS to consWcl Ihe pmject (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The contractas License Law dces not apply to an ovmer of property wfio builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for such pmject with a contractor(s) license pursuaN to the Conlractors License Laws.). ❑ I am exempl under sec. Business and Professions Code for this reason: SignaWre Daie 3�5]-46 (3/0]) Owner ID verified by drive• ense. ❑ Yes ❑ No � � Oriver's License No. Expires: ' Verifcation of Ownership by (type of document, i.e. - property tax bill or deed): DIVISION OF INDUSTRIAL SAFEN PERMIT CERTIFICATION: ❑ I hereby certrfy that no excavation fve (5) or more (eet in tlepth into wfiich a person is required to descend, will be made in connection with vrork authonzed by this pertnit, and tha[ no building sWc[ure, scaFfdding, falsework, or tlemolition or dismantling ihereof, will be more than thihy-six (36) feet high. (Chap. 32, Gry 2, Art 2, Sec. 341, T�le 8, Cali(omia Administrative Code). ❑ As owner-builder. I will not employ anyone ro do work which would require a permit /rom the Division of IndusUial Sa(ety, as noted above, unless such person has a permit to do such work from the division. Appl¢anCs Signalure Dale Division of Industrial Safety Permit Number: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS AND EMISSIONS CERTIFICATION: 1. Will Ihe applicant or presen[ or fu[ure building occupant need [o file and certify a Business Plan for emergency response to release or Ihrea�ened release of a hazardous material? ❑ Yes ❑ No (Section 25505 0( the Cali(ornia Health and Safety Code requires, with some exceptions, thal a Business Plan be fled with [he Cosla Mesa Fire Department by every business which has at any one lime tluring a reponed year a quantity of hazardous materials equal ro or greater than a weight of 500 pounds, or a volume o( 55 gallons, or 200 cubic feet of compressed gas at standard temperature and pressure). 2. Does or will the applicant or presenl or future building occupanl need to fle a registration form for acutety hazardous materials? ❑ Yes ❑ No (Section 25533 of the Califomia Heal[h antl Safety Code, with some exceptions, requires regis[ra[ion with [he Cos�a Mesa Fire Department by each business which at any one time has on hand a quantiry of acutely hazardous materials equal to or greater �han a weight of 500 pounds, or a volume of 55 gallons, or 200 cubic feet of compressed gas at standard IemperaNre and pressure). 3. Does or will Ihe applican[ or present or fuWre building occupant need to prepare an RMPP (Risk Management and Prevention Program for acutely hazardous materials)? ❑ Yes ❑ No (Section 25534 0( ihe California Health and Safety Code provides that the Costa Mesa Fire Department may require the preparation, certifcation antl filing with the Fire Department o( an RMPP by businesses which are required [o register acutely hazardous materials with the Fire Department. 4. I( an RMPP is presently required, has Sec�ion 25534 of the California Health and Safety Code been fully complied with? ❑ Yes ❑ No 5. Does or will lhe applicant or present or future building occupant require for the work which is the subject of this application a permit for such construction or modifcation from [he South Coas[ Air Quality Management Dis�rict or from any other air pollution control dishict or agency? ❑ Yes ❑ No (Section 658502 0( Ihe Califomia Govemment Code requires that the requested infortnation be (umished on applications for non-residential building permits). 6. Will any part of [he facility to be construc[ed untler this permit be within 1000 fee[ from the ou[er boundades of a school? ❑ Ves ❑ No Qf "yes", Ihe faciliry must meet the requirement o( Sections 25534 and 42303 of the Cali(ornia Health and Safety Code�. . 7. I( a permit from the Sou[h Coas[ Air �ualiry Management District or other air pollution conirol district or agency is required for ihe vrork which is lhe subject of this application, have all of the disclosures prescribetl by Califomia Health and Safety Code Section 42303 been made? ❑ Yes ❑ No 8. (If "yes", attach certificate of compliance fmm the appmpnate air polWtion control officer). CERTIPICATE OF COMPLIANCE: I certity thal under penalry o( perjury Ihe infortnation given above is correct I agree to comply with all state laws antl city ordinances regarding Hazardous Materials and Emissions. SignaWre Date CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE AND AUTHORIZATION OF ENTRY: I certify untler penalty of perjury ihat I have read this application and state that the information given is correcL I agree to comply with all state laws and city ordinances rela[ing to building construc[ion, and authorize representatives o/ ihe City of Costa Mesa to enler upon the a6ove-described pmpeAy for inspection purposes. I agree not to occupy or allow occupancy of any building authorized by this permit until fnal inspection. 5� egal0 r(s) Date � _ _ '�� / �—Anala�giH onzetlApplicant ��Dale___ Fax to Silvia Kennerson 714-754-5330 CITY OF COSTA MESA Neighborhood Improvement Program Final Work Write Up 07-27-10 Name: Rob Havassy and Petrice Degenhardt Address: 940 Dogwood Street, Costa Mesa 92627 Home Phone: 949-722-9892 All work is to be done per City of Costa Mesa Building, Planning and Public Works Codes. In order to establish standards of quality, the detailed specifications may refer to a certain product by name and/or from a major manufacturer. This procedure is not to be construed as eliminating from competition other products of equal or better quality by other manufacturers. The Contractor shall furnish the list of proposed desired substitutions prior to signing the contract. All items listed on the work description, unless othenvise specified, shall include all patching and finish work, including trim, hardware, patching and fnish painting and/or staining. The Contractor is responsible for all permits, fees, City business licenses, plans, etc. City of Costa Mesa Standard Rehabilitation Specifications apply to all items listed on work description. Work Front Door: Trim around front door contains lead. Using lead safe work prectices remove door and all interior and exterior framing material and properly dispose of debris. Provide and install new pre-hung Dutch style front door complete with new hardware and appropriate interior and exterior trim. Lockset to be Schlage or equal material allowance not to exceed $125. 2. Fascia and Eaves: All areas of fascia and eaves have tested positive for lead. Using lead safe work prectices remove all existing fascia per lead abatement guidelines. Provide and install new fascia. Using applicable exterior grade plywood, properly box in eaves to encapsulate remaining lead paint. Prime all bare wood and apply two coats of Dunn Edwards paint. Color to be selected by homeowner. Reinstall existing rain gutters. 3. �ead safe work orectices remove all tile in bathroom. 4. Water Heaters: Legalize and add all safety items to bring both existing water heaters up to current code requirements. Remove and replace existing doors with two properly vented doors, hardware and exterior trim. Lockset to be Schlage or equal (material allowance not to exceed $125). Prime and paint door. Obtain permit and final inspection from the Building Department. 5. Sidinu; Remove existing siding on all four (4) sides including trim and flashing. Repair all damaged frami Properly insulate exposed areas per current Title 24 weather proof exterior wrap per current building code Hardy fiber cement lap siding per manufacture's instructions. All applicable flashing and trim pieces to be new material to be primed and painted by contractor. inspection from the Buildinq Department. of rear, two story addition ng due to defective siding. requirements and install guidelines. Install James recommended installation installed by contractor. All Obtain permit and final Uptlaced o3/19/20ll $1,074 $2,404 3900 $806 $10,900 6. Rain Gutters: Provide and install white, rain gutYers on second story addition only 7. GVindow: Replace second story window due to excessive moisture intrusion. New window to match existing. Provide material and labor, coordinate removal of all windows. Once removed, provide and install new Superior or equal, dual glazed vinyl windows. Wndows are to be weather-stripped and have appropriate interior and exterior trim. Material to be white vinyl. 8. Concrete Work: Remove existing, cracked concrete in side yards. Provide and install approximately 250 s.f. (provide square footage) of concrete slab and drainage in side yards. 9. Gates Latches: Remove and replace latches for side gates (2). 10. Front Porch: Remove and replace termite damaged wood in front porch. Extend existing porch with a wooden, lattice cover per City's handout. Obtain required plan check approval (Planning and Building) and permits from the Building Dept. Doors: Remove existing doors and trim and hardware. Lockset to exceed $125 for each door) frames. Provide and install interior and exterior s to be Schlage or equal (material allowance not Contrector to prime and paint doors. 11. Side Door: Provide and install new pre-hung French style door. 12. French Doors (Rear Yard): Existing doors to remain. Prep, prime and paint existing doors (2 sets). Replace lockset (owners will provide). 13. Bedroom #1 IChild's): Provide and install door knob and hardware to match adjacent bedroom. 14. Bedroom #2: Remove and dispose of existing carpet, pad, and damaged tack strips, etc. Provide and install HCD approved, stain blocking carpet in master bedroom and staircase only. Pad to be a minimum of'/�' 61b. "poly-foam". Installation shall include all tack strips, Z bars. Owner to choose color and style. Price not to exceed $35 per yard, including installation. State the approximate yardage needed to complete work (17.5 yards). 15. Bathroom #1 IDownstairs): Remove and replace light fixture (material not to exceed $150), replace pedestal sink with vanity, 2 shower heads, GFCI receptacle and install medicine cabinet. 16. Bathroom #2 (Adiacent to Kitchen): Remove existing pedestal sink. Provide and install new vanity, GFCI receptacle, evaluate electrical, vent fan (2 sones or <), add a new light switch to separate vent fan and light fixture. 17. Kitchen: Provide and install new full height uppers with corner cabinets, 2 glass doors (currently only shelves) and refinish base cabinets, replace hardware, and remove gas pipe (capped, adjacent to kitchen door). UpGaced o3/la/2o11 $944 $1,342 $2900 $5 52,100 $945 $590 $78 $905 $929 $1,197 $7,112 18. Pantrv Door: Remc �nd replace screen door. Install pre-hun� ,itry door with privacy glass. Lockset to be Schlage or equal (material allowance not to exceed $125). Contractor to prime and paint door (if required). 19. Master Bedroom (Upstairsl: Provide and install remote control ceiling fan (material not to exceed $150). If possible, install a new vent in bedroom ceiling or wall. Remove and replace closet doors. 20. Slidinq Glass Door: Provide material and labor, coordinate removal of sliding glass door. Once removed, provide and install new Superior or equal, dual glazed, vinyl door, weather- strip and have appropriate interior and exterior trim. 21. Carpet: Remove and dispose of existing carpet, pad, and damaged tack strips, etc. Provide and install HCD approved, stain blocking carpet in master bedroom and staircase only. Pad to be a minimum of Y:" 61b. "poly-foam". Installation shall include all tack strips, Z bars. Owner to choose color and style. Price not to exceed S35 per yard, including installation. State the approximate yardage needed to complete work (47 yards). 22. Master Bathroom: Provide and install tile (shower and Flooring). Material not to exceed S6 per square foot. Owner to choose color and style. State the approximate square footage needed to complete work (145 sq. ft.). Provide and install baseboards (prep, prime and paint in white). Remove and replace porcelain bathtub. Provide all associated plumbing for installation. Remove existing pedestal sink and replace with large vanity and medicine cabinet. Relocate water closet (if required) to ft vanity. Remove and replace window with dual, glaze, privacy glass window. Remove and replace receptacles with GFCI receptacles (one on each side of vanity), light fixture (owner will provide), and new vent fan (2 sones or <). Prep, prime and paint walls and ceiling (owner to choose color). Obtain required permits and inspections by the Building Department. I��t1�ZH:7_1►1� LOAN ESCROW FEES CONTINGENCY MONEY $647 $540 $630 �1,415 $10,334 $44,319 $444 $5,237 TOTAL � $50,000 I have reviewed the above work description and understand that any changes, additions or deleti< shall have prior approval by the City of Costa Mesa Neighborhood Improvement Personnel. Signature of Property Owner Signature of Property Owner Contractor's Signature Upaacea 03/14/2011 Date Date Date LEGACY REPORT N E R-405 Reissued April 1, 2004 ICC Evaluation Service, Mc. e����O"�0��•�wa�r�sRmd,wNm�.ca�r«oaeosoi.�ssz�sssosn3 Www.iCc•¢S.Ofy Reglonal Office • 900 Monidair Road, Suita A, eirmingham, Nabama 35213 •(205) 599-9800 Reglonal Offlce � 4051 Wes� Fbssmoor Road, Counuy Club Hills, Iliinds 60478 � Q08) 7932305 Legacy report on the 20001nternational8uilding Code°, the BOCA° National Building Codelt999, the 1999 Standard Building Code°, the 1997 Uniform Building CodeT"', the 2000 International Residential Code°, the 2002 Accumulative Supplement to the International CodesT" and the 1998 InternationalOne and Two Family Dwelling Code° DIVISION 06 — WOOD AND PLASTICS Section 06160 — Sheathing DIVISION 07—THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION Section 07450 — Fiber-Reinforced Cementitious Panels Section 07460 — Siding JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS, INC. 10901 ELM AVENUE FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92337 909356-6366 www.jameshardie.com 1.0 7.1 SUBJECT SIDING AND SOFFIT BOARDS 1.1.1 Hardiplank�lapsiding t.t2 HardiFlexT"'�anel 1.1.3 Hardipanel siding 1.1.4 Harditex � baseboard 1.1.5 Hardisofft � panel 1.1.6 HardishingleTM" cladding 1.1.7 HardishingleT"" panel 1.7.8 Hardipanel ° Shiplap 1.2 LINING BOARD AND UNDERLAYMENT 12.1 Titan � panel 722 Hardibacker°backerboard 1.2.3 Hardibacker�underlayment 1.2.4 Titan �-FR panel 1.2.5 Hardibacker 500 ° backerboard 1.3 1.3.1 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 SUBFLOOR PANELS Compressed Sheetr" PROPERTY FOR WHICH EVALUATION IS SOUGHT E#erior Wall Covering Structural Performance Noncombustible Construction Fire-resistive Construction Thermal Resistance 3.0 DESCRIPTION 3.1 GENERAL The exterior siding and soffit boards, interior lining and underlayment, and subfloor panels are single-faced, cellulose fiber-reinforced cement (fiber-cement) building boards. The Titan°-FR panel is a composite panel composed of a�/e inch (3.2 mm) thick fber-cement skin laminated to �/2-inch (12.7 mm) thick proprietary Type X gypsum board. All fber-cement planks and panels are produced from the same componenis and differ in surface treatments and board confgurations. Extenor siding and soffit boards are identified as Hardiplank° (HardihomeT"", SentryTM, Colonial Smooth°, Colonial Roughsawnm, Cemplank° and HardishingleT"), HardiFlex^" Hardipanel°, Cempanel°, Harditex° baseboard, Hardiso(fit �, Cemsoffit� boards, HardishingleT"' panel and HardishingleT"' cladding shingles. Interior backerboards and underlayments are identified as Titan°, Hardibacker� (backerboard), Hardibacker'(underlayment), Ultraboard°and Titan°-FR panel. Subfloor panels are identified as Compressed SheeL The planks, panels, and shingies are manufactured by the Hatschek process and cured by high- pressure steam auloclaving. All products are cut to shape on- site by the score-and-sna p method using a tool available from the manufacturer, a hand guillotine or a handsaw utilizing a carbide blade. The fiber-cement products have a flame-spread index of 0 and a smoke developed intlex of 5 when tested in accordance wiih ASTM E 84. The products are classified as noncombustible when tested in accordance with ASTM E 136. The siding and sofft producls comply wilh ASTM C 1186, Standard Specification for G�ade ll, Type A, Non-Asbesfos Fiber-Cement Flat Sheets. The subfloor panels comply with ASTM C 1186, Standard Speciticalion tor Grade IV, Type A, Non-Asbestos Fiber-Cement Flat Sheets. The interior lining producls, Hardibacker� and Titan�, comply with ASTM C 1288, Standard Specilication for G�ade ll Discrefe Non- Asbestos FiberCement InleriorSubstrete Sheets. The interior lining product Hardibacker 500� complies with ASTM C 1288, S[andard Specificalion /or G�ade I Discrete Non-Asbestos Fiber-Cement Interior Substrale Sheets. All interior lining boards comply with ANSI A118.9 as cementitious backer units. When tes�ed in accordance with ASTM C 177, "K" and "R" values (or lhe products are as shown in Table 4 of this report. W hen lested in accordance with ASTM E 96, producls with a thickness of �/4 inch (6.4 mm) or greater have demonstreted the permeance values given in Ta61e 5 0( this report. /CGES legucv rrparlr nre nu� m be mnstnred mveNresenring oerJmiio or any orher urrrlhmes noi speciJivolly udJrmred nur ore thry m be cmrstrved <u un rndorsemenr oJ tFe aubject oJ�he re�wrt or a reconrmendationJor i�s w'e. There ii no uvnunry bylCC Ewduation Servicr. lrm., upr¢is or imylie( m� ro � amyindiny ororher mar�er in thu� report. or ur ro any prwlucr rovered by the repore '�`` p�„/ COPY�ight ° 200a . Page 1 of 35 Page 2 of 35 3.1.1 James Hardie Trade Names Hardiplank� HardihomeT"" Cemplank� Hardipanelm Sentry�^' Cempanel� Colonial Smooth� HardiflexT"' Colonial Woodgrain� Harditex° Hardisoffil� Hardie� Cemsoffit� James Hardie� Hardibacket'� Titan�-FR Ultraboard� Max "C"T'" Titan� Hardibacker 500� Hardirock� 3.2 SIDING AND SOFFIT BOARDS Hardiplank�, HardiflexTM, Hardipanel�, Harditex� baseboard, HardishingleTM' planks and panels, HardisingleT"' cladding shingles, and Hardiso�tm boards are used as siding on eMerior walls and soffts. The eMerior siding and soffit products may be supplied unprimed or primed forsubsequent application of a compatible primer and/or exterior-grade topcoat(s). Nominal dimensions are noted in Table 1 of this report, maximum basic wind speeds in Tables 2a. 2b. 6 7. 8, and 9 of ihis report, and maximum shear values in Table 3 of this report. 3.2.1 Hardiplank� (HardihomeT"", SentryT"', Colonial Smooth�, Colonial Roughsawn�, HardishingleT"' and Cemplank�) Lap Siding General: Lap siding is available in various finish textures. The siding is applied horizontally commencing from the bottom course of a wall with minimum 1�/y-inch (32 mm) wide laps at the top edge. Vertical joints butt over sWds except where the 'bff-stud splice device" is utilized as described in Section 32.12 of this report, or where the planks are installed over solid panel sheathing. W hen instalted on wood-framing members, the siding shall be fastened either through the overlapping planks (face nailed) or through the top edge of single planks (blind nailed) with corrosion-resistant nails into each wood-framing member. The lap conceals the fasteners in the previous course when blind nailed. When attyched to metal framing members, Ihe siding is fastened either through the overlapping planks with 15/e inch (41 mm) long No. 8 by 0.323-inch (82 mm) HD, self- drilling, corrosion-resistant, ribbed buglehead screws or with 0.100 in. (2.54 mm) shank by 025 in. (6.4 mm) HD by 1'/2-in. (38 mm) long ET 8 F brand pin fasteners ai each metal framing member, or through the top edge of single planks with minimum 1�/4-inCh (32 mm) long No. 8 by 0.375-inch (9.5 mm) HD, self-drilling, corrosion-resistant, ribbed waferhead screws orwith 0.100 in. (2.54 mm) shank by 0.313 in. (7.5 mm) HD by 1; in. (38 mm) long ET & F Panelfast� brand fasteners at each metal framing member. Planks may also be fastened to a Wall constructed of concrete masonry units complying with ASTM C 90 with 0.14 in. (3.5 mm) shank by 0.300 ia (7.6 mm) HD by 1 va in. (32 mm) long ET & F brand Stud Nails. The lap conceals the fasteners in the previous course. Off-StudSpliceDevice: Verticaljointsoftheplanks shall butt over framing members or between the framing members when an'bff-stud splice device" is placed on each plank end. The splice device's bottom lip is placed over the adjacent solid course of planks. The plank is then fastened to the framing. The abutting plank is positioned and fastened into place ensuring that the lower edges of the two planks align. The metal deviCe is located centralty over the joint. Reslrictions on the "off-stud splice device" locations are as follows: NER-0OS • Splices shall be located a minimum of two stud cavities from wail corners. • Successive splices within the same plank course shall be located no closerthan 48 inches (1219 mm) from one anolher. • Spiices shall be staggered at minimum 24-inch (610 mm) intervals when located in the same wall cavity. • Splices shall be at least one stud cavity away from door or window openings. W here a specifed level of wind resistance is required, ptank lap siding shall be attached to solid panel sheathing or framing members, appropriately spaced, with fastener types, lengths, and spacing described in Tables 2b and 9 of this report. 3.2.2 HardiflexT"" Siding (Hardipanel� Smooth) HardiflexT"' siding is used as an exterior wall cladding. The siding has a smooth unsanded surface. Dimensions are as noted in Table t of this report. Fasteners are installed with a minimum /—�h (9.5 mm) edge distance and a minimum 2- inch (51 mm) clearance from oorners. Joints are fastened at abutting sheet edges and optionally protected by polyvinyl chloride (PVC) joint treatment, lumber battens or sealanl. Where a specifed level of wind resistance or shear resistance is required, the HardiflexT" panel is attached lo framing members, appropriately spaced, with fastener types, lengths, and spacing described in Tabie 2a and Table 3 of this report. 3.2.3 Hardipanel� Siding (Cemplank� Siding) Hardipanel° siding is available in various surface teMures including smooth. Dimensions are noled in Table 1 of this report. Fasteners are installed with a minimum /B ch (9.5 mm) edge distance and a minimum 2-inch (51 mm) clearance from corners. Joints are fastened at abutting sheet edges and optionally covered by polyvinyl chloride (PVC) joint treatment, lumber battens or sealant. Where a specifed level of wind resistance or shear resistance is required, the Hardipanel� siding is attached to framing members, appropriately spaced, with fastener types, lengths, and spacing described in Tables 2a and 3 of this report. 3.2.4 Harditex� Baseboard Harditex� baseboard is for exterior applications to walls and soffits. Dimensions are noted in Table 1 of this report. Hardite� baseboard has a smooth finish a nd is available with either tapered or trough edges on ihe hvo long sides for joint treatment or all square edges. Harditex� baseboard is supplied either sealed or unsealed for the subsequent application of a primer or sealer by the end user as a component in a direct-applied exterior coating or finish system. Joints shall be sealed with a sealant or bedding compound, including any requiretl joint reinforcing mesh or tape, specified by the coating manufacturer. Other installation details are in accordance with Section 322 of this report. Harditex� baseboard has been evaluated for water- resistive qualities but its use as an alternative to a weather- resistive barrier is outside the scope of this report, see Section 7.4 of this report. Where a specifed level of wind resistance or shear resistance is required, the Hardite�baseboard is attached to framing members, appropriately spaced, with fastener types, lengths, and spacing described in 7able 2a or 3 of this repori. Page 3 of 35 � ' NER�OS 3.2.5 Hardisoffit� Board (Cemsoffit� Board) Hardisoffit� board is for use as exterior vented or unvented soffits. Hardisoffit� board is available with either a woodgrain texture or a smooth unsanded surface. Vented Hardisoffit� provides 5 square inches of net free ventilation per lineal foot of soffil. Dimensions are noted in Table 1 of this report. Ali Hardisoffit� board edges are supported by framing with fasteners installed with a minimum 3/e inch (9.5 mm) edge distance and minimum 2-inch (51 mm) clearance from corners. Hardisofft� boards are attached to framing members with fastener rypes, lengths, and spacings described in Tables 2a and 3 of this report. 3.2.6 HardishingleT"' Cladding (individual shingtes) Hardishingle'"" cladding shall be installed over solid wall sheathing which complies with the applicable code. Dimensions are as noted in Ta6ie 1 of this report. The wall sheathing shall be protected by a weather-resistive barrier which compiies with the applicable code. When HardishingleT"' dadding is installed over minimum 15/32 inch (11.9 mm) thick plywood complying with the applicable code, with two corrosion resistant roofing nails [0.121-inch (3.1 mm) shank diameter by 0.371-inch (9.4 mm) head diameter by t�!4 inch (32 mm) long] spaced a maximum of 1 inch (25.4 mm) from each edge and the nails positioned to be covered 1 inch (25.4 mm) nominally by the succeeding course, the maximum allowable wind loads, building heights, and exposure categories for the systems installed with 8-, 7-, and 6-inch (203, 178, and 152 mm) weather exposures, shall be as indicated in Tables 6A. 68. and 6C of this report. Nails shall secure siding but shall not be overdriven. W hen HardishingleTM' cladding is installed over minimum �/�6 inch (11.1 mm) thick Oriented Strand Board (OSB), complying with the applicable code, with two corrosion resistant siding nails [0.091-inch (2.3 mm) shank diameter x 0.221- inch (5.5 mm) head diameter by i�/z inch (38 mm) long] spaced a maximum of 1 inch (25.4 mm) from each edge and the naiis positioned to be covered 1 inch (25.4 mm) nominaliy by the succeeding course, the maximum allowable wind loads, building heights, and exposure categories for lhe systems installed with 8-, 7-�, and 6-inch (203, 178, and 152 mm) weather exposures, shall be as indicated in Tables 7A. 78. and 7C of this report. Nails shall secure siding but shall not be overdriven. W hen HardishingleT""cladding is installed over minimum �/t6 inch (11.1 mm) thick Oriented Strand Board (OSB), complying with the applicable code, with three corrosion resistant siding nails [0.091-inch (2.3 mm) shank diameter x 0221- inch (5.5 mm) head diameter by 1�/2-inch (38 mm) long] for 12-inch (305 mm) wide shingles and two corrosion resistant siding nails for 6- and 8-inch (152 mm and 203 mm) wide shingles, the maximum allowable wind loads, building heights, and exposure categories for the systems installed with 8-, 7-, and 6-inch (203, 178, and 152 mm) weather exposures, shall be as indicated in Tables SA. 88. and SC of this report. One siding nail shall be spaced a maximum of 1 inch (25.4 mm) from each edge on the panel, with the third siding nail installed midspan of the 12-inch (305 mm) wide shingles. All nails shall be covered t inch (25.4 mm) nominally by ihe succeeding course. Nails shall secure siding but shall not be overdriven. 3.27 HardishingleT'" Panels HardishingleT"" panels have a woodgrain texture and are avaiiable in three configurations: half-round°, staggered- edge�, and square-edge°. Dimensions are as noted in Table 1 of this report. The siding is applied horizontally to braced wall framing complying with the applicable code commencing from the bottom course of a wall. Install Hardishingle'" panels with joints in moderate contact. Due to the overlapping of the panels, joint sealant is not required. Fasteners are a minimum 0.083-inch (2.1 mm) shank z 0.187-inch (4.7 mm) HD by 1�/2-inch (33 mm) long corrosiomresistant siding nail. For application to open braced framing, vertical joints buit over studs. Where a specified level of wind resistance is required, HardishingleTM' panel sidings are attached to framing members appropriately spaced or to solid wall sheathing, with fastener types, lengths, and spacing described in Table 2 of this report. Secure a�/4-inch (6.4 mm) thick lath strip and a minimum 9�/a inch(235mm)wideHardiplankmlapsidingstartercourse. Trim the first panel so ihe end aligns with the furthest stud. Allow trimmed panel �/e inch (3.2 mm) from the trim board for caulk and secure above keyways [approximately 8 inches (203 mm) dearance from butt edge of panel] on 16-inch (406 mm) or 24-inch (310 mm) centers [i33/4 inch (349 mm) centers maximum for application only to minimum �/16 inch (11.1 mm) thick APA rated Oriented Strand Board sheathing]. Work across the wall allowing �/e-inch (32 mm) gap from trim. Start the second course, and every following even number course (i.e. fourth, sixth) by moving the equivalent of one full stud cavityfrom the straight edge end (the lefl side). Save this piece for the other end of the wail. Secure the beginning panel leaving �/e inch (3.2 mm) clearance from the trim board for caulking. Position nails to penetrate through the previous course and into the framing members or Oriented Strand Board. When a course is broken by a window or doorway, continue the application as if the wall was complete. Trimming for the opening and using the resulting piece may throw off the spacing above the break. 3.2.8 Hardipanel� Shiplap Panel Siding Hardipanel� Shiplap panel siding is used as an exterior wall cladding. The siding is available in various surface te�ures including smooth. Dimensions are noled in Table t of this report. Fasteners are installed with a minimu�ch (9.5 mm) edge distance and a minimum 2-inch (51 mm) clearance from corners. Where a specifed level of wind resistance or shear resistance is required, the Shiplap panel siding is attached to framing members, appropriately spaced, with fastenertypes, lengths, and spacing described in Tables 2a and 3 of this report. 3.3 LINING BOARD AND UNDERLAYMENT Titan� panel, Hardibacke� and Hardibacker 500� (ceramic tile backerboards), and Hardibacker� underlayment are used as wet or dry area lining/underlayment substrates applied to lhe interior of buildings. Titan°-FR (tapered-edge) panel is only intended for dry interior wall and ceiling applications. 3.3.7 Titan� Panel Titan� panel is only intended for interior walls and ceiiings including shower and bath areas. Subsequent finishing using paint, wallpaper or tile is required as indicated in Seciions and of ihis report. The panel has a smooth finish with tapered edges on the two long dimensions forjoint treatment. Dimensions are noted in Table 1 of this report. Maximum shear values are noted in Table 3 of this report. 4 of 35 PaintorWallpaperFinish: Titan°panelisinstalled with the long dimension either vertical or horizontal to nominal 2 x 4 wood framing members or minimum No. 20 gage (0.0329-inch) steel framing members, spaced a maximum of 24 inches (610 mm) on center with end joints staggered from adjacent courses in boih vertical and horizontal applications. To fasten lo wood framing members, minimum 79�8 inch (35 mm) long gypsum board nails or minimum 1-inch (25.4 mm) long No. 8 x 0.323-inch (8.2 mm) HD self-drilling, corrosion- resisiant, ribbed buglehead screws are used and spaced a maximum of 8 inches (203 mm) on center at all supports. To fasten to metal framing members, minimum 1-inch (25.4 mm) long No. 8 x 0.323-inch (82 mm) HD self-drilling, corrosion- resislant, ribbed buglehead screws are used and spaced a maximum of 6 inches (152 mm) on center at all supports. Fasteners shall be located at least 3/e- inch (9.5 mm) from board edges, and 2 inches (57 mm), minimum, from lining board corners. Panels are placed with a minimum �/4 inch (6.4 mm) clearance from the floor surface. Metal or PVC corner angles are attached wiih the above described nails or screws placed approximately 12 inches (305 mm) on center. Aflush-joint procedure is permitted on Titan� panels. Gypsum board joini compounds, complying with ASTM C 474 and C475, shall be troweled into the joints. Paper joint tape is embedded into ihe wet joint compound and allowed to dry thoroughly. A second coat of joint compound, approximately 8-inches (203 mm) wide, is then applied across the joint and allowed to dry. A third coat of topping compound, 10-inches (254 mm) wide, is applied across the joint. Topping compound shall also be applied over all fastener heads in intermediate locations. Internal comers are finished by filling with joint compound, working the joint tape into the joint, and applying a second coat of joinl compound. A third coat of topping compound is applied over the area. External corners are treated by filling the joint with joint compound and allowing it to thoroughly dry. Corrosion- resislant metal or PVC corner angles are ihen fastened to the corner, followed by a second coat of joint compound. W hen Ihe second coat is completely dry, a third coat of topping compound is applied over the area. Topping compound is also applied overall fastener heads in intermediate locations. Tile Finish: Titan� panel is installed with the long dimension either vertical or horizontal to nominal 2 x 4 wood- framing members or minimum No. 20 gage (0.0329- inch, 0.84 mm) metal framing members spaced 24 inches (610 mm) on center, maximum, with end joints staggered from adjaceni courses in both vertical and horizontal applications. To comply wilh ANSI A108.11, framing members are spaced 16 inches (406 mm) on center, maximum. To fasten to wood framing members, minimum i�la inch (32 mm) long, corrosiomresistant (galvanized or stainless steel) roofing nails, or 1�la-inch (32 mm) long No. 8 x 0.375-inch (9.5 mm) HD self-drilling, corrosion-resistant, ribbed waferhead screws are used and spaced a maximum of 6 inches (152 mm) on center at all supports. To fasten to metal framing members, minimum 1�/a inch (32 mm) long No. 8 x 0.375-inch (9.5 mm) HD self-drilling, corrosion-resistant, ribbed waferhead screws are used and spaced a maximum of 6 inches (152 mm) on center al all supports. Fasteners are located at least 3/8 inch (9.5 mm) from board edges, and 2 inches (51 mm), minimum, from board corners. Corner gaps are filled with a flexible, silicone sealant compatible with fiber-cement. Panels are placed with a minimum �/a-inch (6.4 mm) clearance from the floor surface. This gap shall be free of adhesive and grout and filled with a flexible sealanL On large tiled areas, movement joints are provided in the walls in accordance with ANSI A708, Section AN-3.7. NER�OS A flush-joint procedure is permitted on Titan� panel. The same type of tile adhesive or mortar used to sel lhe tiles shall be troweled into joints as a joint compound. Joints shall be reinforced with 2-inch (51 mm) wide, high-strength, coated, alkali-resistant, glass fiber reinforcing joint tape embedded into the wet tile adhesive and allowed to dry thoroughly. Internal corners are finished by filling with tile adhesive, working the reinforcing joint tape into the joint, and applying a second coat of tile adhesive and allowing it to dry thoroughly. External corners are treated by filling ihe joint with tile adhesive and allowing it to dry lhoroughly. Corrosion-resistant metal or PVC comer angles are then fastened in place, followed by a second coat of tile adhesive. Tile adhesive is also applied over all fastener heads in intermediate locations. Wall tiles complying with ANSI At37.1 are attached to the board with Flexible Type I, mastic adhesives complying with ANSI A136.1, or acrylic or lalex-modifed thinset mortars complying with ANSI A118.4, in accordance with ANSI A108. The same adhesives are permitted to fll and level the sheei joints. 3.3.2 Hardibacker°andHardibacker500�(CeramicTile Backerboard) Hardibacker� and Hardibacker 500° ceramic tile backerboards are only intended for interior walls and floors, indud ing shower and bath areas (excluding the shower floor). Subsequent finishing with tile is required. The square-edge backerboards have a smooth-finished surface and square edges forclosely buttedjoints. Dimensions are noted in Table 1 of this report. Maximum shear values are noled in Table 3 of this report. Floors: When HardibacketID or Hardibacker 500� backerboards are used on floors, the subfloor assembly shall consist of a minimum 5/e inch (15.9 mm) thick, Exterior Grade, Group 2 or 3 species plyv✓ood or equivalent ihickness of subfloor and shall be designed such that the mazimum deFlection in a plane, including live and dead loads, is L/360 of the span, in accordance with the applicable code. Movement joints shall be provided where existing structural joints (building control joints) occur and where changes in direction occur such as in "L"-shaped rooms. For large tiled areas, movementjoints are provided in accordance with ANSI A108, Section AN3.7. The subFloor is then covered with a minimum �/32-inch (2.4 mm) thick latex, or acrylic-modified thinset selting material. The backerboard is then installed in a staggered brick pattern at rigM angles to the subfloor and tastened before the setting material films over. The backerboards are fastened with t'/y-inch (32 mm) long, corrosion-resistant (galvanized orstainless steel) roofng nails or minimum 1-inch (25.4 mm) long No. 8 by 0.323-inch (8.2 mm) HD self-drilling, corrosion-resistant, ribbed buglehead screws. To meet the requiremenls of ANSI A7 08.11, minimum 1�/4 inch (32 mm) long No. 8 x 0.375-inch (9.5 mm) HD self- drilling, corrosion-resistant ribbed waferhead screws are used. Fasteners shall be located a maximum of 8 inches (203 mm) on center around ihe perimeter and in the field. Fasteners shall be located a minimum of 3/e inch (9.5 mm) and a maximum of 3/a inch (19.1 mm) from the backerboard edges, and 2 inches (51 mm) minimum, from underlayment corners. For latex or acrylic modified thinset mortars, the joinis shall be reinforced with 2-inch (51 mm) wide, high- strength, coated, alkali-resislaM, glass fiber reinforcing tape embedded into the wet mortar and allowed to dry thoroughly. Page 5 of 35 Flqor tiles complying with ANSI q137.1 are attached to the board with flexible Type I mastic adhesives complying with ANSI A136.1, or acrylic or latex-modified thinset mortars complying with ANSI A118.4, in accordance with ANSI A108. The same adhesives are also usnd to fill and level the sheet joints. 3.3.22 Walls: Hardibacker� and Hardibacker 500� backerboards are installed with the long dimension either verticai or horizontal to nominal 2 x 4 wood framing members or minimum No. 20 gage (0.0329-inch, 0.84 mm) metal framing members spaced a maximum of 24 inches (610 mm) on center with end joints staggered from adjacent courses in both vertical and horizontal applications. To complywith ANSI A108.11, framing members shall be spaced a maximum of 16 inches (406 mm) on center. To fasten to wood framing members, minimum t�/Qinch (32 mm) long, corrosion- resistant (galvanized or stainless steel) roofing nails or 1�/a inch (32 mm) long No. 8 by 0.375-inch (9.5 mm) HD self- drilling, corrosion-resistant, ribbed waferhead screws are used and spaced a maximum of 8 inches (152 mm) on center at all supports. To fasten to metal framing members, minimum 1�/a inch (32 mm) long No. 8 by 0.375-inch (9.5 mm) HD self-drilling, corrosiornresistant ribbed waferhead screws are used and spaced a maximum of 8 inches (152 mm) on center at all supports. Fasteners are located at least 3/e inch (9.5 mm) from board edges and 2 inches (51 mm), minimum, from board corners. Corner gaps are filled with a silicone sealant compatible with fiber-cement underlayments. Underlayments are placed with a minimum �/4 inch (6.4 mm) clearance from the floor surfaces and other horizontal tile tertnination locations, such as above tub edges. This gap shall be free of adhesive and grout and filled with a Flexible sealant. For large tiled areas, movement joints are provided in accordance with ANSI A108, Section AN-37. Wall tiles complying with ANSI q137.1 are attached to the underlayment with flexible Type I mastic adhesives complying with ANSI A136.1, or acrylic or latex-modifed thinset mortars complying with ANSI A118.4, in accordance with ANSI A108. The same adhesives are used to fill and level lhe sheetjoints. Joinis shall be reinforced with 2-inch (51 mm) wide, high- strength, coated, aikali-resistant, glass f ber reinforcing tape embedded into the wet mastic or modified thinset mortar and allowed to dry thoroughly. 3.3.3 HardibacketID Underiayment (Ultraboard�) Hardibacker'� underiayment is only intended for interior fioors including showers and bath arEas (excluding the shower floor). Subsequentfinishingwithresilientfloorcoveringortile is required. The underlayment faCe has a smooth surface, an acrylic based seal coat and square edges for close-butted joints. The reverse side of the underlayment has lightly textured surface, is unsealed and has square edges. Dimensions are noted in Table t of this report. _ The underlayment shall be installed over a structurally sound subfloor assembty designed to limit the maximum deflection in a plane, including live and dead loads, to L/360 ofthe span, in accordance with the applicablE code. When the underlayment is installed on existing floor construction, floor finishes and subflooring shall be repaired, removed and/or replaced as necessary to create a smooth and level surface. The abil ity of th� existing floor structure and subfloor to support the additional loads of the underlayment and new floor finish shail be substanliated. Alterations shall comply wilh applicable codes. The underlayment boards are laid in a staggered end joint pattern at right angles to the subflooring. Joints are offset �/e Inch (32 mm) from walls and cabinet bases and cut edges turned to the outside, wherever possible. NER�OS Resilient Flooring: With the smooth face up, ihe underlayment is placed over ihe prepared subflooring and fastened to support framing with either 3d, corrosion- resistant, ring shank nails or No. 18 gage (0.0475-inch) corrosion-resistant staples with a�/4 inch (6.4 mm) crown located a maximum of 3 inches (76 mm) on center around the perimeter and 6 inches (152 mm) on center in a random/staggered pattern in the feld. Fasteners shall be located at least 3/e inch (9.Sm) from underlayment edges and 2 inches (51 mm) minimum, from the underlayment corners. Fastener heads shall be flush with the surface. Fasteners shall be of sufficient length to penetrete at least 1-inch (25.4 mm) sound subflooring or framing. To minimize the possibility of surface irregularities in the underlayment and fastener heads penetrating through lhe resilient flooring, the boards shall be installed flush and level. Height variations are treated by filling joints, gouges and low spots with a water-resistant, cementitious leveling compound recommended by the floorvcovering manufacturer. After the leveling compound has dried, filled areas are sanded level to the surrounding subFloor. Prior to lhe application of the resilient flooring, the prepared surfaces shall be (ree of dust, grease and other foreign material. Finish floor coverings are installed in accordance with the Flooring material manufacturer's published instructions, which shall include application procedures, compatible adhesives and recommended accessories. Tile: With the smooth face up, follow the additional instructions described in Section of this report. 3.3.4 Titan°-FR Panel Titan°-FR (tapered-edge) panel is only intended for dry interiorwall and ceiling applications. The panel has a smooth finish with tapered edges on lhe iwo long dimensions for joint Ueatment. Dimensions are as noted in Table 1 of this report. PaintorWallpaperFinish:Titan�-FRtapered-edge panel is installed with the long dimension either verticai or horizontal to nominal 2 x 4 wood framing members or minimum No. 20 gage (0.0329-inch, 0.84 mm) steel framing members, spaced a maximum of 24 inches (610 mm) on center with end joints staggered from adjacent courses in both vertical and horizontal applications. To fasten to wood framing members, minimum 17/e-inch (47.6 mm) long gypsum board nails or minimum 1�/Z inch (38 mm) long, Type W, gypsum board screws are used and spaced a maximum of 8 inches (203 mm) on center at all supports. To fasten to metal framing members, minimum 1 inch (25.4 mm) long, Type S or 5-12, self-drilling gypsum board screws are used and spaced a maximum of 12 inches (305 mm) on center at all supports. Fasteners shall be located at least 3/e inch (9.5 mm) from board edges, and 2 inches (51 mm), minimum, from board corners. wall panels are placed with a minimum �/4 inch (6.4 mm) clearance from the Floor surface. Metal or PVC comer angles are attached with the above described nails or screws placed approximately 12 inches (305 mm) on center. A flush-joint procedure is permitted on Titan�-FR (tapered- edge) panels. Gypsum board joint compounds, complying with ASTM C 474 and C 475, shall be troweled into the joints. Paperjoint tape or equivalent is embedded into the wet joint compound and allowed to dry thoroughly. A second coat of joint compound, approximately 8 inches (203 mm) wide, is ihen applied across the joint and allowed to dry. A third coat of topping compound, 10 inches (254 mm) wide, is applied across the joint. Topping compound shali also be applied over all fastener heads in intermediate locations. 6 of 35 Internal co}ners are fnished by filting with joint compound, working ihe joiM tape into the joini, and applying a second coat of joint compound. A third coat of topping compound is applied over the area. External corners are treated by filling the joint with joint compound and allowing it to dry thoroughly. Corrosion- resistant metal or PVC corner angles are then fasiened to the corner, followed by a second coat of joint compound. When the second coat is completely dry, a ihird coat of topping compound is applied over the area. Joint compound is also applied over all fastener heads in intermediate locations. 3.4 SUBFLOOR PANELS Compressed sheel is used as subflooring over complying wood or metal floor joists spaced a maximum of 24 inches (610 mm) on center. The panels have a smooth unsanded surface. Cutouts (or plumbing and electrical shall be oversized. Floor opening penelrations shall be protected in accordance with the applicable code. Dimensions are noted in Table 1 of this report. Panels are installed over two or more spans, with the long dimension perpendicular to supports. The sheets are fastened to wood framing members by counterstriking minimum No. 70 x 0.350-inch (8.9 mm) HD wood screws spaced a maximum of 12 inches (305 mm) on center at all supports. The sheets are fastened to metal framing members bycounterstriking minimum No. 9 by 0.350-inch (8.9 mm) HD self-drilling, corrosion-resistant ribbed buglehead screws spaced a maximum of 6 inches (152 mm) on center around the sheei perimeter and 12 inches (305 mm) on center at immediate joist locations. Fasteners shall be of suffcient length to penetrate at least linch (25.4 mm) into wood framing members or �la inch (6.4 mm) into metal framing members. Holes are drilled in compressed sheet with a masonry bit, allowing a 0.04-inch (1.02 mm) clearance over diameier of screw to be used. Fasteners are located a minimum of �/e inch (9.5 mm) and a maximum of 3/a inch (19.1 mm) from sheet edges, and 2 inches (57 mm) minimum from sheet corners. Fasiener heads are flush with the surface. Edges shall be blocked or the panels shall be covered with minimum �/a inch (6.4 mm) thick underlayment or 3/a inch (19.1 mm) Ihick wood strip finish Flooring. As an altemative, sheets are field glued in conjunction with mechanical (astening with a structural adhesive (APA/HUD AFG-01) applied to joints. Framing members shall be free of surface moisture, dirt, cement and other foreign materials prior lo applicalion of the adhesive. Adhesives shall be applied in accordance with the adhesive manufacturers instructions. The application rate shall be a�/q inch (6.4 mm) diameter bead applied to each joist or blocking member, except two 'l,-inch (6.4 mm) diameter beads are applied where sheets abui on a joist. Installation of the sheets shall be within the time limit designated by the adhesive manufacturer. Where more than one sheet is used, an effective seal shall be provided behveen sheets. The bonded surfaces shall be clean and an approved structural adhesive (APA/HUD AGF- Oi ) shall be used. Edges of the sheets to be joined shall be thoroughly cleaned and the dust removed. A layer of adhesive is "buttered" to the leading edge of the first installed sheet and the ne# sheet laid againsi it ensuring that an adequate film of adhesive is presenl Forcing adhesive into the joint after ihe sheeis have been fastened is not permitted. ARer the joint is filled, any excess adhesive shall be removed from lhe surface of the sheet. Use as a diaphragm is outside the scope of this report. NER-0OS Allowable loads are as follows: ALLOWABLE UNIFORM LOAD AT DEFLECTION LIMIT = L/360' JOIST SPACING PRODUCT 16 inches o.c. 24 inches o.c. Compressed Sheet II �g0 psf 105 ps( (/z and 5/8-inch thick) Compressed Sheet II 300 psf 145 psf (3/4-inch thick) For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 psf = 47.88 Pa 1. L= length of span (inches) 3.5 FIRE-RESISTANCE RATED ASSEMBLIES 3.5.1 Assembly 1 The nonsymmetrical nonloadbearing, 1 hour, fre-resistance raled wall assembly consists of minimum 35/8-inch (92 mm) deep, No. 20 gage (0.0359-inch, 0.91 mm), steel "C" studs at 24 inches (610 mm) on center wilh corresponding top and bottom tracks. One layer of SIB-inch (15.9 mm) thick Type "X" gypsum board, 48 inches (1219 mm) wide, is applied vertically to the studs antl secured with 1��y-inch (32 mm) long, Type S, gypsum board screws, spaced 8 inches (203 mm) on center at board edges and 12 inches�305 mm) on center at intermediate framing members. The /e inch (15.9 mm) thick gypsum board joints and screw heads require treatment consisting ofjoint compound followed byjoint tape and a second layer of joint compound. The opposite face of the wall is covered with one layer o( �/Z-inch (12.7 mm) thick Hardirock° Max "C"T""(Type "X") gypsum board, followed by one layer of either �/4 inch (6.4 mm) ihick Titan° (tapered- edge), Hardibacker° (square-edge), or Harditexm board. Boards are applied vertirally to framing members with vertical edges staggered 24 inches (610 mm). The �/Z-inch (12.7 mm) Ihick Hardirock° Max "C"*'^ (Type "X") gypsum board is fastened to the framing members with 1'/a inch (32 mm) long, Type S, gypsum board screws spaced 24 inches (610 mm) on centec Titan°, Hard ibacke� or Hardite� boards are fastened through the gypsum board to the framing members wilh minimum i s/e inch (41 mm) long by minimum 0.323-inch (82 mm) HD or self-drilling, corrosion-resistant, ribbed buglehead or ribbed waferhead screws located a maximum of 8 inches (203 mm) on center. Board joints and fasteners require veatment similar to that described in Sections,,, and 3.2.4 of this report. 3.5.2 Assembly 2 The nonsymmetrical nonload bearing, 1-hour, fire-resistant rated wall assembly consists of minimum 35I8-inch (92 mm) deep, No. 25 gage (0.0209-inch, 0.53 mm), steel "C" studs at 16 inches (406 mm) on center with corresponding top and bottom tracks. One layer of 5/B inch (7 5.9 mm) thick Type "X" gypsum board, 48 inches (1219 mm) wide, is applied vertically to the studs and secured with minimum 1 inch (25.4 mm) long, Type S, gypsum board screws, spaced 8 inches (203 mm) on center at board edges and 12 inches (305 mm) on center at intermediate framing members. The 5/e-inch (15.9 mm) thick Type "X" gypsum board joinis and screw heads require treatment consisting of joint compound followed by joint tape and a second layer of joint compound. The stud cavilies are insulated with minimum 3-inch (76 mm) thick, 3 pcf (48 kg/m�), unfaced, friction-fit, mineral fiber insulation complying with ASTM C 665, Type I. The opposite face of the wall is covered with one layer of �I�e. inch (11.1 mm) ihick Hardibackef (backerboard) or Titan° panel or Harditex� boards. The boards are applied vertically to framing Page 7 of 35 members with vertical edges staggered 16 inches (406 mm). Hardibacker�, Titan� or Harditex� boards are fastened through to the framing members with minimum 1-inch (25.4 mm) long No. 8 by 0.323-inch (8.2 mm) HD self-drilling, corrosion-resistant, ribbed buglehead (or equivalent) screws located a maximum of 6 inches (152 mm) on cenler. Board joints and fasteners requ ire treatment similar to that described in Sections, 3.3.12 or 3.322 of this report, and using the glass fber reinforcing tape. 3.5.3 Assembly 3 The nonsymmetrical limited loadbearing, 1 hourfre-resistant rated wall assembly consists of nominal 2 x 4 wood studs at 16 inches (406 mm) on center with two top plates and a single bottom plate. The lesser of 800 pounds per stud or 31 percent of fult design load is permitted to be superimposed, provided structural consideration for axial, flexural and bearing perpendicular-to-grain stresses are resolved in acwrdance with Part III of the National Design Specification, 1997 edition, published b� the American Forest 8 Paper Association. One layer of /e inch (15.9 mm) thick Type "X" gypsum board, 48 inches (12�9 mm) wide, is applied verticallyto the studs and secured with minimum 1�/e inch (22 mm) long cup-head gypsum board nails, spaced 7 inches (178 mm) on center at board edges and intermediate framing members. The 5/e inch (15.9 mm) thick Type "X" gypsum board joints and nail heads require treatment consisting of joint compound followed by joint tape and a second layer of joint compound. The stud cavities are insulated with minimum 3-inch (76 mm) thick, 3 pcf, unfaced, frictiomfit, mineral fiber insulation complying with ASTM C 665, Type I. The opposite face of the wall is covered with one layer of �/�6-inch (11.1 mm) thick Titan� panel or Hardibacker° backerboard. The fiber cement board is applied vertically to framing members with vertical edges staggered 16 inches (406 mm) from the gypsum board edges. Boards are fastened through to the framing members with minimum 1�/z-inch (38 mm) long, corrosion-resistant roofing nails located a maximum of 6 inches (152 mm) on center. Board joints and fasteners require treatment similar to that described in Section of this report. The side of the wall clad with fber-cement board is covered with standard grade ceramic tile, nominal �/a inch (6.4 mm) thick. Tiles, any expansion or controljoints, and grout are installed in accordance wiih ANSI A108.4 when Type I organic adhesive is used, or ANSI A108.5 if dry set, acrylic-modifed or iatex-modified portland cement mortar is used. 3.5.4 Assembly4 The nonsymmetrical loadbearing 1 hour fre-resistant rated wall assembly consists of nominal 2 x 4 wood studs at 24 inches (610 mm) on center with two top plates and a single bottom plate. Full design loads are permitted to be superimposed, provided structural consideration for axial flexurel and bearing perpendicularto-grain stresses are resolved in accordance with Part III of the National Design Specificafion, 1997 Edition, published bythe American Forest & Paper Association. One layer of 5/B inch (15.9) thick Type "X" gypsum board, 48 inches (1219 mm) wide, is applied vertically to ihe studs and secu red with minimum 13/4 inch (44 mm) long cup-head gypsum board nails, spaced 7 inches (178 mm) on center at board edges and intermediate framing members. The 5/e inch (15.9 mm) thick Type "X" gypsum board joints and nail heads require treatment consisting of joint compound followed by joini tape and a second layer of joint compound. The stud cavities are either insulated or uninsulated. The opposite face of the wall is covered with one layer of �/z inch (72] mm) thick Type "X" water-resistant core gypsum sheathing and one layer of maximum 72-inch (305 mm) wide Hardiplank� lap siding lapped a minimum of 1�/4 inches (32 mm). The �/2 inch (127 mm) thick Type "X" water- NER-405 resistant core gypsum sheathing is applied vertically to framing members with vertical edges staggered 24 inches (610 mm) from the joints on the opposite side. The �/2-inch (12.7 mm) thick Type "X" water-resistant core gypsum sheathing is fastened to the framing members with t/a inch (44 mm) long roofing nails spaced 7 inches (178 mm) on center in the field and 4 inches (102 mm) on cenier along the perimeter of each board. An outer layerof 5/�s inch (7.5 mm) thick, 12-inch (305 mm) wide Hardiplank�lap siding is applied over the �/Z inch (12.7 mm) thick Type "X" water-resistant core gypsum sheathing by attaching a 1�/2 inch (38 mm) wide Hardiplank� starter strip attached through the gypsum sheathing into the bottom plate and 12-inch (305 mm) wide Hardipiank� lap siding applied horizontally with a minimum nominal 1�/a inch (32 mm) headlap and faslened with a single 6d corrosion resistant common nail driven through the lapped planks at each stud. 3.5.5 Assembly 5 The symmetricai nonload bearing, 1 hour, fre-resistant rated wall assembly consists of minimum 3 5/e-inch (92 mm) deep, No. 20 gage (0.0359 inch, 0.91 mm), steel "C" studs at 24 inches (610 mm) on center with corresponding top and bottom tracks. Both sides of the wall are covered with one layer of �/2-inch (12.7 mm) thick Hardirock° Max "C"T"" (Type "X") gypsum board, followed by one layer of eilher �/y-inch (6.4 mm) thick Titan� panel, Hardibacker� backerboard, or Harditex° baseboards. Boards are applied either perpendicular (horizontally) or parallel (vertically) to framing members. Base layer and face layer board joinls of both wall sides are offset by 24 inches (610 mm). The �/z inch (12.7 mm) thick Hardirock� Max "C"T"" (Type "X") gypsum board is fastened to the framing members with minimum 1-inch (25.4 mm) long, Type S, gypsum board screws spaced 24 inches (610 mm) on center. Titan�, Hardibacker� or Hardite� boards are fastened through the gypsum board to the freming members with minimum 15/e inch (41 mm) long by minimum 0.323-inch (82 mm) HD self-driiling, corrosion-resistant, ribbed buglehead or ribbed waferhead screws located a maximum of 8 inches (203 mm) on center. Board joints and fasteners require finish treatment similar to that described in Sections,,, or 3.2.4 and of this report. 3.5.6 Assembly 6 The symmetrical nonload bearing, 1 hour, fire-resistant rated wall assembly consists of minimum 3 5/e inch (92 mm) deep, No. 20 gage (0.0359 inch, 0.91 mm), steel "C" studs at 24 inches (610 mm) on ;enter with corresponding top and bottom tracks. Both sides of the wall are covered with one layer of 5/e-inch (15.9 mm) thick Titan�-FR panel. Boards are applied either perpendicular (horizontally) or parallel (vertically) to framing members. Panel joints are offset by 24 inches (670 mm). The 5/e inch (15.9 mm) thick Titan�-FR panel is fastened to the framing members with minimum 1 inch (25.4 mm) long, Type S, gypsum board screws spaced 12 inches (305 mm) on center. Board joints and fasteners require fnish treatment similar to that described in Sections or of this report. 4.0 INSTALLATION Installation shall comply with this report and a copy of this report shall be available at all times on the job site during installation. Additional details are in the applicable manufacturer's product information sheets issued December 1993. Where non-editorial differences occur between the manufacturer's product information sheets and this report, ihis report shall be null and void. 8 of 35 5.0 IDENTIFICATION James Hardie Building Products, Inc., Hardiflex�, Hardipanel� Cempanel�, Hardisoffit� and Cemsoffit� boards; Harditex� baseboards; Titan�, Titan�-FR, Hardibacker�, Ultraboard�and Hardibacker 500� lining boards, backerboard and under- layment; Compressed Sheet subflooring; pallets of Hardiplank� and Cemplank� lap siding; and palleis of HardishingleT" planks and panels shall bear a label identi(ying the manufacturePs name and telephone number, the product name, and the name of the quality control agency, Intertek Testing Services, Inc. (NER-QA219), and this ICC-ES Legacy report number (NER-405) for field identification. 6.0 EVIDENCE SUBMITTED 6.1 The following tesi reports issued by Ihe Building Research Association of New Zealand (BRANZ) in accordance with ASTM E 72, Conducting Strength Test of Panels of Building Construction, Section 9, Transverse Load, and Section 14, Racking Load: ASTM Standard Report No. Date Section 5700 June,1984 9 S101 June,1984 9 S102 June,1984 9 S703 June, 1984 9 S704 June, 1984 9 5105 June,1984 14 S106 June,1984 14 S109 July, 1984 9 S712 August, 1984 14 S113 August, 1984 9 STR122 April, 1985 9 STR123 April, 1985 14 STR727 April, 1985 9 STRi28 May, 1985 14 STR131 May,1985 9 STR132 May, 1985 14 6.2 The following test reports issued by the Building Research Association of New Zealand (BRANZ) in accordance with the weatherability test procedures noted: Report No. Date Procedure MTR658 November, 1983 U.B.C. Standard 32-12 MTR662 November, 1983 Freezeffhaw MTR709 June, 1984 Percolation Test MTR723 May, 1984 ASTM G 26, D 2616, FD-714 MTR778 June, 1985 NS23204; WeUDry Cycling MTR787 June,1985 U.B.C.Standard 47-17 T776 June, 1984 ASTM E 96 T177 June, 1984 ASTM E 96 6.3 Quality Assurance Manual for James Hardie Building Products, Inc., signed by Rich Klein, James Hardie Building Products, Inc. 2/18/02 and Kathy Bishop, Intertek Testing Services, Inc. 2/20/02. 6.4 Manufacturer's descriptive literalure. 6.5 UnitedStatesTestingCompany,TestReportNo.LA 50049-1, dated February 7, 1985,containing testing in accordance with ASTM E 84, Test o( SuAace Buming Characte�istic of Building Materials. NER-0OS 6.6 Ramtech Laboratories, Inc., Test Report No. 8047- 87, dated April 6, 1987, containing testing in accordance with ASTM E 72, Conducting Strength Tests ofPanels PorBuilding Consfruction-Section 9, Transverse Load; and Section 14, Racking Load. 6.7 6.8 6.9 Structural Calculations for "Determination of Wind Speed" by Ronald I. Ogawa, P.E., in accordance with Section 1205 of the 1988 S[andard Building Code°. The following test reports were issued by Inspeclion Concepts for "Transverse Load Tests" of panels: IC-1021-88 IC-1022-88 IC-1042-88 IC-1054-89 IC-1055-89 IC-1121A-91 IC-11216-91 IC-1201-92 IC-1203-92 IC-1228-93 IC-1270-94 IC-1271-94 Date May, 1988 May, 1988 February, 1989 September, 1989 Sepiember, 1989 March 20, 1991 March 20, 1991 January 22, 1993 January 22, 1993 July 2, 1993 April 20, 1994 April 20, 1994 The following test reports were issued by Inspection Concepts for "Racking Tests" of panels: Report No. IC-1013-88 IC-1014-88 IC-1030-88 IC-1032-88 IC-1037-88 IC-1038-88 IC-7057-89 IC-1062-89 IC-1100-90 IC-1107-91 IC-1108-91 IC-1109-91 IC-1110-91 IC-1120A-91 IC-11206-91 IC-1120C-91 IC-1120D-91 IC-1202-92 IC-1202-92 IC-1237-93 IC-1273-94 IC-1274-94 Date January, 1988 January, 1988 September, 1988 September, 1988 November, 1988 November, 1988 September, 1989 November ,1989 October 30, 1990 January 5, 1991 January 6, 1991 January 8, 1991 January 8, 1991 March 20, 1997 March 20, 1991 March 20, 1997 March 20, 1991 January 22, 1993 January 22, 1993 August 5, 1993 April 20, 1994 April 29, 1994 6.10 The following test reports were issued by Inspection Concepis for "Trensverse Load Tesis' of planks: Report No. Date IC-1020-88 May,1988 IC-1011-88 January,1988 IC-1034-88 October, 1988 IC-1035-88 October, 7988 6.11 9 of 35 TFie following test reports were issued by Southwest Research Inslitute for "1 hour Fire-resistant Assemblies": Report No. Date 01-2602-802 March,1989 01-2602-803 March,1989 6J2 Structural calculations verifying design values for Tables 2 and 3 of ihis report, prepared by Inspection Concepts dated March 7, 1990, signed and sealed by Ronald I. pgawa, P.E. 6.13 Inspection Concepts, Test Report No. IC-1093A-90, dated October 18, 1990, in acwrdance with ASTM E 136. NER-0OS 6.25 The following test reports were issued by Omega Point Laboratories for "1 hour Fire-resistant Assemblies": Report No. Date 11770-92783 February 13,1992 11770-92851 September9,1992 11770-98414 May 1, 1995 11710-705198 August2,1999 11710-105199 August3,1999 6.26 Ramtech Laboretories, Inc., Test Report No. 8108A- 87, dated May 20, 1987, in accordance with ASTM C 725 for flexural strength tests conducted on �/4 inch and 3/a-inch thick compressed sheet panels. 6.14 Smith-EmeryCompany, Test Report No. L-87-1732, 6.27 Ramtech Laboratories, Inc., Test ReportNo.81086- 87, dated May 26, 1987, in acwrdance with ASTM daled October 8, 1987, in accordance with ANSI E72,Sectionl8,concentratedloadon�/a -inchand A118.9. 3la inch thick compressed sheei panels. 6.15 United States Testing Company, Inc., Test Report No. 176842, dated September 14, 1990, in 6.28 RamtechLaboratories,Inc.,TestReportNo.8108C- accordance wiih ASTM D 1037. 87, daled June 24, 1987, in accordance with ASTM E 72, Section 9, transverse load on �/4 inch and 3/a 6.16 Truesdail Laboratories, Inc., Test Report No. 30240- inch thick compressed sheet panels. 1, dated March 1, 1989, revised March 28, 1991, in accordance with ASTM G 21. 6.29 Inspection Concepts, Test Report No. IC-1257-94, dated January 13, 1994, in accordance with ASTM 6.17 Truesdail Laboratories, Inc., Test Report No.30240- E 331 for water penetration of �/a inch thick Hardi- 2, dated March 1, 1989, revised March 28, 1991, in panel° vertical siding. accordance with ASTM G 22. 6.18 6.19 Inspection Concepts, Report No. IC-1131-91, dated May 8, 1991, in accordance with ASTM C 947, C666 Procedure B, and ANSI 136-1. ETL Tesling Laboratories, Report No. 497742, dated March 5, 1990, in accordance with ASTM E 84. 6.20 Inspection Concepts, Report No. IC-1039-89, dated January 6, 1989, revised May 11, 1990, containing comparative fastener pullout and pull-through lesting resulls. 6.21 James Hardie Building Products, Inc. product information sheets issued October 1991. 6.22 Structural calculations verifying design values for 7ables 2 and 3 of Ihis report, prepared by Inspection Concepts dated October 20, 1993, signed by Ronald I. Ogawa, P.E. 6.23 Letter correcting structural calculations for BRANZ Reports 5106 and STR128 prepared by Inspection Concepts dated February 74, 1993, signed and sealed by Ronald I. Ogawa, P.E. 6.24 Leder reviewing "Racking Tests" and "Transverse Load Tests" for Group III wood species verifcation for Tables 2 and 3 of this report, prepared by Inspection Concepts tlated October 14, 1993, signed and sealed by Ronald I. Ogawa, P.E. 6.30 Inspection Concepts, Test Report No. IC-1243-93, dated August 26, 1993, in accordance with ASTM E 228 for linear-thermal expansion of '/a-inch lhick James Hardie fiber cement products. 6.31 Ramtech Laboratories, Inc., Laboratory No. 9778- 93, IC-1225-93, dated June 4, 1993,. The Hardibacker board was tested in accordance with ASTM C 177 Test Ior Steady-Stafe Thermal Transmission Properties by Means o! the Guarded Hot Plate. The results are listed in Table 4 of this report. 6.32 Ramiech Laboretories, Inc., Test Report No. IC- 1230-93,LaboratoryNo.9778-93,datedJune1993. The Hardibacket� board materials were tested in accordance with ASTM E 96-90 to determine the water vapor transmission properties. The average permeance (perms) of the panels are shown in Table 5 of this report. 6.33 RamtechLaboratories,Inc.LaboratoryNo.10367A- 95/1363, dated September 18, 1995. The 7�/a inch and 9�/a inch wide Hardiplankm lap sidings were tested in accordance with ASTM E 330 Transverse Load Test. The panels were installed on nominal 2 x 4 wood structural members spaced 16 inches on center (o.c.). 6.34 Structural Calculations verifying design values for Ta61e 3 of this reporl, prepared by Inspection Concepts dated October 6, 1995, signed by Ronald I. Ogawa, P.E. 6.35 WindanalysisandralculationsforHardishingleand Hardislate roo(ng and Hardie° Shingleside° cladding installed with 8-, 7-, and 6-inch weaiher exposures. Analysis and calculations contlucted by Ronald I.Ogawa, P.E. dated March 28, 1997; March 31, 1997; and April 2, 1997. Page 10 of 35 6.36 Siructural calculations to determine design wind ' load on 8.25 Hardiplank�, dated October 24, 1996, signed and sealed by Ronald i. Ogawa, P.E. of Inspection Concepts Inc.. 6.37 Structural calculations to determine design values for Tabies 2a. 2b, and 3 of this report, prepared by Inspection Concepts dated July 16, 1997, July 19, 1997, and August 19, 1997, signed and sealed by Ronald I. Ogawa, P.E. 6.38 Ramtech Laboratories, Inc., Report Lab. No. 10868- 97/1475, dated June 26, 1997. The report contains results of testing in accordance with ASTM E 72 and ASTM E 330 on 5/16-inch thick Hardipanei. 6.39 Ramtech Laboratories, Inc., Report Lab. No. 10869- 97/1482, dated July 14, 1997 containing results of transverse load testing in accordance with ASTM E 72 on 9�/4 inch wide Hardiplank� lap siding. 6.40 Applied Research Laboratories, Lab No. 29278- UD1, dated September 1, 1994, containing reports of tensile pull-out testing of fasteners. NER�OS 6.47 Ramtech Laboratories, Inc., Laboratory Number 11149-98/1554B, dated October 7, 1998, containing results of an ASTM E 330 Transverse Load Test of 8�/4 inchwideHardiplank�sidinginstalledon20-ga. metal framing members spaced at 16-inch and 24- inch centers and fastened with ET & F pin fasteners blind nailed to each stud. 6.48 Ramtech Laboratories, Inc., Laboralory Number 11284-99/1580, dated April 15, 1999, containing results of an ASTM E 72 Racking Shear Test of 5/�s inch thick x 48-inch wide x 96-inch long Hardipanel� siding installed on 20-ga. melal framing members spaced at 16-inch and 24-inch centers and fastened with ET & F pin fasteners spaced at 4 inches o.c. perimeter and 8 inches o.c. intermediate framing members. 6.49 6.41 Structural calculations to determine the allowable fastener spacing based on a wind speed of 110 mph, Exposure Category C, prepared by Inspection Concepts, dated November 2, 1994, signed and 6.50 sealed by Ronald I. Ogawa, P.E. 6.42 Ramtech Laboratories, Inc., Laboratory Number 10794-97/1458, dated March 13, 1997, containing resWts of an Uplift Resistance Test of 18-inch long 6.51 by 12-inch wide by �/y-inch ihick HardishingleT" roofing installed on 15/3Z inch thick, 4 ply, 3 layer CDX plywood. 6.43 Ramtech Laboratories, Inc., Laboratory Number 10794-97/7460, dated March 13, 1997, containing results of an Uplift Resistance Test of 18-inch long by �2-inch wide by �/d-inch thick Hardie� Shingleside� as siding roofing installed on �/16 inch 6.52 thick Oriented Strand Board utilizing 2 siding nails per 12-inch wide panel. 6.44 Ramtech Laboratories, Inc., Laboratory Number 10794-97/1464, dated March 13, 1997, containing results of an Uplift Resistance Test of 18-inch long by 12-inch wide by '/a inch thick Hardie� 6.53 Shingleside� as siding roofing installed on �/16 inch thick Oriented Strand Board utilizing 3 siding nails per 12-inch wide panel. 6.45 Ramtech Laboretories, Inc., Laboretory Number 11149-98/1554, dated October 7, 1998, containing resWts of an ASTM E 330 Transverse Load Test of 6'/a-inch wide Hardiplank� siding installed on 20- ga. metat framing members spaced at 16-inch and 24-inch centers and fastened with ET & F pin 6.54 fasteners ihrough the lap to each siud. 6.46 Ramtech Laboratories, Inc., Laboratory Number 11149-98/1554A, dated October7, 1998, containing results of an ASTM E 330 Transverse Load Test of 12-inch wide Hardiplank� siding installed on 20-ga. metal framing members spaced at 16-inch and 24- inch centers and fastened with ET & F pin fasteners through the lap to each stud. Ramtech Laboretories, Inc., Laboratory Number 11149-98l1554D, dated September 14, 7998, containing results of an ASTM E 330 Transverse Load Test of 5/16-inch thick x 48-inch wide x 96- inch long Hardipanel� siding installed on 20-ga. metal framing members spaced at 16-inch and 24-inch centers and fastened with ET & F pin fasteners spaced at 4 inches o.c. perimeter and 8 inches o.c. intermediate framing members. Wind analysis and calculations for Hardipanel° panels for exposure categories 6, C, and D. Analysis and calculations signed and sealed by Ronald I. Ogawa, P.E., dated March 26, 2000. Ramtech Laboratories, Inc., Laborafory Number 11552/1636, dated Apri120, 2000, containing results of an ASTM E 330 Uplik Resistance Test of �/4 inch thick x 24-inch wide vented Hardiso�t� panel installed on nominal 2 x 4 framing members spaced at 24 inch centers and fastened with 1�/4 inch long x 0.083 inch shank x 0.187 inch HD nails spaced at 8 inches o.c. perimeter and intermediate framing members. Wind analysis and calculations for 24-inch wide vented Hardisoffit� panel for exposure categories B, C, and D. Analysis and calculations signed and sealed by Ronald I. Ogawa, P.E., dated May 4, 2000. Ramtech Laboratories, Inc., Laboratory Number 11436-99/1602, dated October29, 1999, containing results of an ASTM E 330 Trensverse Load Test of �/4 inch thick x 19-inch long x 48-inch wide HeritageT'" (half round) panel siding installed on �/16-inch thick APA rated Oriented Slrand Board sheathing only with 1�/y-inch long x 0.083-inch shank x 0.187-inch HD nails spaced at 13�/a inch o.c. Ramtech Laboratories, Inc., Laboratory Number 71436-99/1603, dated October27, 1999, containing results of an ASTM E 330 Transverse Load Test of �/4 inch thick x 19-inch long x 48- inch wide HeritageT"" (half round) panel siding installed on nominal 2 x 4 framing members spaced at 16-inch centers and fastened with 1�/4 inch long x 0.083- inch shank x 0.187-inch HD nails to each (raming member. 11 of 35 6.55 Ramtech Laboratories, Inc., Laboratory Number � 11436-99/1604, dated October28, 1999, containing resulis of an ASTM E 330 Transverse Load Test of �/a inch ihick x 19-inch long x 48- inch wide HeritageT"" (half round) panel siding installed on nominal 2 x 4 framing members spaced at 24-inch centers and fastened with 1�/y-inch long x 0.083- inch shank x 0.167-inch HD nails to each framing member. 6.56 Letter justifying horizontal applicalion of panels in accordance with Table 3 of this report, based on Table 23-I I-I-1 of the 1997 Uniform Building CodeT"" and similar tables in the BOCA� National Buildin�q Code/1999 and 1999 Standard Building Code , prepared by Inspection Concepts Inc., dated October20, 1999, and signed and sealed by Ronald I. Ogawa, P.E. 6.57 W ind analysis and calculations for Hardiplank� lap siding installed with ET & F pin fasteners for exposure categories B, C, and D. Analysis and calculations signed and sealed by Ronald I.Ogawa, P.E., dated December 14, 1998. 6.58 W ind analysis and calculations for Hardiplank° lap siding based on various test reports of installations with nail and screw fasteners. Analysis and calculations signed and sealed by Ronald I.Ogawa, P.E., dated July 7, 1998. 6.59 Underwriters Laboratories Inc. letter, dated May 29, 1997, recognizing James Hardie Gypsum's �/4 inch thick Hardirock� Max "C"T"" gypsum board as an alternative to Super Fire X gypsum board. 6.60 UndenvritersLaboratorieslnc.letter,datedFebruary 23, 2000, recognizin�q James Hardie�Gypsum's �/a inch thick Hardirock Max "C"T"' gypsum board as an alternative to Super Fire X gypsum board. 6.61 Undenvriters Laboratories, Inc., File R8701, Project 96NK16606, dated December 19, 1996, containing results of ANSI/UL 263 (ASTM E 119, NFPA 251), Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials, for �/a inch thick x 8 feet long x 4 feet wide gypsum board installed on steel columns of 25 MSG steel studs spaced at 12- inch centers and fastened with 3-inch iong Type S self-drilling, self-tapping board screws spaced at 12-inch centers in a UL G512 assembly. NER�OS 6.65 Ramtech Laboratories, Inc., Laboratory Number 17436-99/1616, dated December 27, 1999, containing results of an ASTM E 72 Racking Shear Test of 5/16 inch thick x 48-inch wide x 96- inch long Hardipanel� Shiplap siding installed on nominal 2 x 4 wood framing members spaced at 76-inch centers and fastened with 0.092-inch shank by 0225 inch HD by 2-inch long nails spaced at 8 inches o.c. perimeter and 8 inches o.c. intermediate framing members. 6.66 Wind analysis and calculations of Ramtech Laboratories, Inc., Test Reports Laboratory Number 11436-99/1612 and 11436/1616, prepared by Inspection Concepts dated January 14, 2000, signed and sealed by Ronald I. Ogawa, P.E. 6.67 Wind analysis and calculations for Hardipanel� installed on steel studs spaced 16 and 24 inches o.c. Analysis and calculations signed and sealed by Ronald I. Ogawa, P.E., dated June 15, 1999. 6.68 Ramtech Laboratories, Inc., Laboratory Number 11436-99/1619, dated January 19, 2000, containing results of a Uniform Negative Transverse Load Test of 5/16 inch thick x 48-inch wide x 96-inch long Hardipanel� Shiplap Panel installed on nominal 2 x 4 wood framing members spaced at 16-inch centers and fastened with 0.092-inch shank by 0225-inch HD by 2-inch long ring shank nails spaced at 3 inches and 8 inches o. c. perimeter and 8 inches o.c. field. 6.69 Wind analysis and calculations of Ramtech Laboretories, Inc., Test Report Laboratory Number 11436-99/1619, prepared by Inspection Concepts dated February 4, 2000, signed and sealed by Ronald 1. Ogawa, P.E. 6.70 Ramtech Laboratories, Inc., Laboratory Number 11443/7613, dated February 10, 2000, containing results of testing, in accordance with ASTM C 36, of 5/e inch thick x 48-inch wide x 120-inch long Titan�- FR panel consisting of �/a inch thick Hardirock� Max "C"T"" gypsum board and 3/3Z inch thick Hardie� fiber-cement board adhered with PVA adhesive. 6.71 Ramtech Laboratories, Inc., Laboratory Number 11443/1613, dated March 25, 2000, revision to report to additionally show compliance with ASTM C 1278. 6.62 Undenvriters Laboratories, Inc., File R8701, Project 6.72 Ramtech Laboratories, Inc., Laboratory Number 96NK35820, dated July 23, 1997, containing results 11443/1629, dated March 22, 2000, containing of ANSI/UL 263 (ASTM E 119, NFPA 251), Fire testing of Hardibacker SOOm in accordance with Tes[s o(Building Construction and Matenals, for 5/e ASTM C 1288, Standard Specification /or Discrete inch thick x 144-inch long x 48-inch wide gypsum Non-Asbestos Fiber-Cement Inlerior Substrate board installed in a UL X515 Floor-ceiling assembly. Sheets. 6.63 Wind analysis and calculations for Shingleside° 6.73 Omega Point Laboratories, Report Number 71710- HeritageT'" panels forexposure categories B, C, and 106315, dated March 7, 2000, containing results of D. Analysis and calculations signed and sealed by surface burning characteristic testing, indicating Ronald I. Ogawa, P.E., dated December 3, 1999. com�liance with ASTM E 64 for the Hardibacker 500 backerboard. 6.64 Ramtech Laboratories, Inc., Laboralory Number 11436-99/1612, dated December 20, 1999, containing results of an ASTM E 72 Racking Shear Test of 5/16 inch thick x 48-inch wide x 96- inch long Hardipanel� Shiplap siding installed on nominal 2 x 4 wood framing members spaced at 16-inch centers and fastened with 0.092-inch shank by 0225-inch HD by 2-inch long nails spaced at 3 inches o.c. perimeter and 8 inches o.c. intermediate framing members. 6.74 Ramtech Laboratories, Inc., Laboratory Number 1 1 569/1 647, dated June 2, 2000, containing results of water tightness testing performed in accordance with ASTM C 1185 on Hardibacker 500�. Page 12 of 35 6.75 Ramtech Laboratories, Inc., Laboratory Number � 11569B/1655, dated June 27, 2000, containing results of falling ball impact testing peRormed in accordance with ASTM D 1037 on Hardibacker 500m. 6.76 Ramtech Laboratories, Inc. Laboratory Number 11569A/1654, dated July 70, 2000, containing results of flexural strength testing performed in accordance with ASTM C 947, freeze thaw testing performed in accordance with ASTM C 666, and bacteria resistance testing performed in accordance with ASTM G 22 on ihe Hardibacker 500�. 6.77 Analysis of screw attachmenl to 20-gage metal studs and calculations by Ronald I. Ogawa, P.E., signed and sealed 10/10/01. 6.78 Analysis and wind load and wind speed by analysis of Ramtech Laboratories Report Lab No. IG1035- 88, analysis prepared by Inspection concepts, Inc., 15-Oct-01, signed and sealed by Ronald I. Ogawa, P.E, 70/76/01. 6.79 Test report on thermal conduclivity under ASTM C 777 for 13/32-inch thick Hardibacker 500, Ramtech Laboratories, Inc., Lab No. 11670/1685, November 29, 2000, signed and sealed by Ronald I. Ogawa, P.E. and signed by David R. Macey. 6.80 Test report on moisture vapor transmission under ASTM E 96 for 13/32-inch Hardibacker 500, Ramtech Laboratories, Inc., Lab No. 11639/1674, October 10, 2000, signed and sealed by Ronald I. Ogawa, P.E. and signed by David R. Macey. 6.81 Test report equivalency testing for 5/16-inch Hardipanel Cladding with 6-,4-,3- and 2-inch nail spacing on 16- and 24-inch o.c. wood 2x4 studs, Ramtech Laboratories, Inc., Lab No. 11992/1783, January 77, 2002, signed and sealed by Ronald I. Ogawa, P.E. %z1/02, and David R. Macey, %zi/02. 7.0 CONDITIONS OF USE The ICGES Subcommittee for the National Evaluation Service finds that James Hardie Building Products, as described in this report, comply with or are suitable altemates to that specified in the 2000Infernational Building Code�, the BOCA� National Building Code/1999, the 1999 Standard Building Code`, the 1997 Unifo�m Building Code^", Ihe 2000 lntemalional Residential Code°, the 2002 Accumulative Supplement to the International CodesT"", and the 1998 International One and Two Family Dwelling Code° subject to the following conditions: 7.1 James Hardie Building Products listed in this report shall be installed in accordance with this report. This Evaluation Report and the manufacturers published installation instructions, when required by the code official, shall be submitted at the time of permit application. 7.2 Hardiplankm lap siding and Hardishingle^" cladding shingle and panel sidings shall be installed on exterior walls braced in accordance with the applicable code: 7.2.1 Section 2305.7 of the BOCA° National Building Code. 7.2.2 7.2.3 7.2.4 7.2.5 7.2.6 NERd05 Section 23082 of the Standard Building Code°. Section 2320.11.3 and 2320.11.4 of the Unifo�m Building CodeTM. Section 2308.9.3 of the Intemationa/ Building Code�. Section R602.10.3 of the International Residential Code�. Section 602.70 of the Inlernational One and Two Family Dwelling Code°. 7.3 Design Wind Loads applied to James Hardie Sidings listed in this report shall be delermined in accordance with Chapter 16 of the applicable code and shall be less lhan those shown in the design tables in this report. 7.3.1 � Design Tables 2a and 2b as shown in this report provides allowable capacity in MPH for trensverse load conditions for James Hardie Sidings attached to studs. When using the Inlemational Building Code� the wind speeds must be converted to 3 second gust wind speed (mph) using Table 1609.3.1 of the IBC and the allowable wind speeds shown in Tables 2a and 2b (or the wlumn tilled BOCA� Nationa/ Building Code (See 7.3.5 below). 7.3.2 Design Table 3 as shown in Ihis report provides allowable shear capacity in plf for James Hardie Sidings. 7.3.3 Design Tables 6A. 6B. 6C. 7A. 76, 7C, SA: 8B. BC as shown in this report provides allowable capacity in MPH for transverse load conditions for James Hardie Sidings attached to sheathing. When using the Intemational Building Code° the wind speeds must be converted to 3 second gust wind speed (mph) using Table 1609.3.1of the IBC and the allowable wind speeds shown in Tables 6A. 7A. and 8A for the BOCA° Nationa/ Building Code (See 7.3.5 below). 7.3.4 Design Tables 9A. 98. 9C as shown in lhis report provides allowable fastener spacing for James Hardiplank Lap Siding attached to CMUs in 110 MPH wind speed. When using the Intemalional Building Code° fastener spacings shown in Table 96 are applicable for a Wind Speed of 130 MPH. Page 13 of 35 ' ' NER-005 7.3.5 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE" TABLE 1609.3.1 EQUIVALENT BASIC WIND SPEEDS,.m� For SI: 1 mile per hour = 0.44 m/s. a. Linear interpolation is permitted. b. V�, is the 3 second gust wind speed (mph). c V,m is the fastest mile wind speed (mph). INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE' TABLE R30�.2.1.3 EQUIVALENT BASIC WIND SPEEDS' 3-secondgust 85 9� 100 105 110 120 725 130 140 145 150 160 170 Faslesl mile 70 75 80 85 90 100 105 110 120 125 130 140 150 For SI: 1 mile per hour = 1.609 km/h. a. Linear interpolation is permitted. 7.4 The exterior plank and panel products instalied on �.8 5/76-inch (7.5 mm) thick Hardipanel� cladding and exterior walls shall be installed over a weather- Hardite� baseboard are recognized as an resistive barrier in accordance with applicable alternative to 3/e-inch (9.5 mm) thick Structural I codes. panel in: 7.4.1 In jurisdictions adopting the Uniform Building 7,8.1 Table 2306.4.62 of the BOCA� National Building CodeT"" and ihe Standard Building Code°, Harditex� Code. baseboard is acceptable for use as water repellant panel sheathing. The weather-resistance 7,8.2 Table 23102.B of the Standard Building Code°. performance ofjoints and lerminations has not been evaluated. 7.8.3 Table 23-II-I-1 of ihe Uni/orm Building Code'". 7.5 7.5.1 7.5.2 7.5.3 7.5.4 7.5.5 7.5.6 7.6 Compressed sheet of equivalent thickness to Species Group 1 plywood is an acceptable altemative to plywood subflooring specifed in: Section 23073.3 of the BOCA° National Building Code, Table 2307.3.3. Section 2307.6 of the Standard Building Code°, Table 2307.6C. Section 2320.92 and Table 23-II-F-1 of the Unitorm Building CodeT"" Section 2304.7.2 of the International Building Codem, Table 2304.7(4). Section R5032.1.1 of the Intemational Residenfial Code�, Table R5032.7 (2). Section 503.2.7.iof the IntemationalOne and Two Family Dwelling Code�, Table 503.2.1.1(2). Use of compressed sheet subfloor as a component of a floor diaphragm is outside the scope of this report. 7.8.4 7.6.5 7.8.6 7.9 7.10 7.7 5/B inch (15.9 mm) thick Titan�-FR panel is recognized as an alternative to 5/e inch (15.9 mm) 7.11 thick ASTM C 36, Type "X", gypsum board, or 5/e inch thick ASTM C 1278, Type "X" gypsum fiber panel for use in fire-resistive construction recognized in the above referenced codes. Table 2306.4.1 of the lnternational Building Code°. Table R703.4 of the Intemational Residential Code°. Table 703.4 of Ihe International One and Two Family Dwelling Code�. Flashing shall be installed at all penetrations and termi nations in accordance wilh the applicable code. The products shall be manufactured atthe following locations with quality control inspections by Intertek Testing Services, Inc. (NER-QA279): ' • Fontana, California • Cleburne, Texas • Plant Ciry, Florida • Tacoma, Washington • Rose Hill, NSW, Australia • Carole Park, Queensland, Australia • Penrose, Auckland, New Zealand • Waxahachie, Texas • Blandon, Pennsylvania • Summerville, South Carolina • Peru, Illinois • Santiago, Chile This report is subject to periodic re-examination. For information on the current status of this report, consult the ICC-ES website. Page 14 of 35 ' ' NERd05 Table 1 STANDARD NOMINAL PLANK & PANEL DIMENSIONS Product Thicknesses Type Width Length (Inches) Hardiplank 4, 5-1/4, 6, 6-1/4, 7-1/4, 7-1/2, 8, �2, 14 feet 5/i6 8-1/4, 9-1/4, 9-1/2 11-1/4 & 12 inches Hardisoffit 4, 6, 12, 16, 24 8 48 inches 8& 12 feet 3/16 & 1/4 (unvenied) Hardisoffil 4, 6, 12, 16 & 24 inches 12 feet 1/4 (vented) Hardiflex 48 inches 8, 9& 10 feet 3/16, 1/4, 5/16 & 3/8 Hardipanel 48 inches 8, 9 8 10 feet 1/4 & 5/16 Harditex 48 inches 8, 9& 10 feet i/4, 5/16, 3/8 8 7l16 Hardipanel Shiplap 48-3l4 inches 8, 9& 10 feet 5/76 Hardibacker 36 & 48 inches 4, 5, 8 feet 1/4 & 7/16 (backerboard) Hardibacker 500 36 & 48 inches 5, 8, 9, 10 feet 13/32 (backerboard) Titan 48 inches 8, 9& 10 feet 1/4 & 7/16 (tapered edge) Hardibacker 36 & 48 inches 4, 5& 8 feet 1/4 (underlayment) Titan-FR 48 inches 8, 9& 10 feet 5/8 Hardishingle cladding 6, 8, & 12 inches 18 inches 1/4 shingles Hardishingle panel (square & staggered 48 inches 16 inches 1/4 edge) Hardishingle panel qg inches 19 inches 1/4 (halfround) Compressed Sheet 48 inches 8, 9, 70 feet %, 5/8 & 3/4 Notes to Table 1: 1. Plank and panel products are also available in other lengths, widths, and lhicknesses by special arrangement. 2. 7 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 ft= 304.8 mm 9• 15 of 35 Tahla 9a — MCXIMIIM WINf] SPFF❑ NER-005 Maximum Basic Wind Speed (Mph) for Exposure Category Uni/orm Standard BOCA Nalional Product Fastener SNd Height Building Code Building Code Building Code Product Thick. Fastener Spacing Frame Spacing o( Bltlg Type (in.) Type (in.) Type' (in.) (ft) B C D <60ft C D B C D HardiFlex 4d common 20 90 70 - 90 70 - 90 70 - Hardisoffu 3�16 1-1/2 in. long 6 2 x 4 wood i6 40 80 80 80 (unvented) 60 70 70 70 100 70 70 Hardipanel 4d common 20 90 - 90 - 90 - HardiFlex 1-1/2 in. long 16 40 80 80 80 Harditex 1/4 8 2+ 4 wood 60 70 70 70 Hardisofft 20 70 70 (unvented) 24 40 HardisoKt 0.083" shank x 2 x 4 0-15 150 140 120 150 150 140 110 (vented) 0.187" HD ZZ 5 20 150 130 120 140 150 130 110 1/4 ringshank nail - SG = 0.40 40 150 130 110 130 150 120 100 at 8" o.c. at all max 60 150 120 110 120 150 110 100 bearing 100 140 105 700 105 90 130 105 90 Hardipanel 6d common 20 120 100 - 120 120 - 120 100 - HardiFlex 2in.long 40 720 95 120 770 120 90 Harditex 1/4 6 2 x 4 wood 16 60 110 90 120 170 120 90 100 100 85 70 95 70 200 90 80 70 80 70 Hardipanel No. 11 ga. 20 110 80 - 110 80 - 110 80 - Hardiflex 1-114 in. long i6 40 105 80 105 80 705 80 Harditex galvanized 100 90 70 70 90 70 ��4 roofng nail 6 2 x Q Wood 150 80 70 70 80 70 200 80 80 20 80 80 24 40 80 80 100 70 70 Hardipanel No. 11 ga. 20 120 90 - 120 90 - 120 90 - HardiFlez 1/4 �ga/Ivanized9 4 ed9e 2 x 4 wood 16 60 120 90 iYO� 90 120 90 roofng nail 12 field 100 100 80 80 100 80 200 90 70 70 90 70 Hardipanel 0.091 in. shank, 0-15 110 100 - 100 80 - 715 85 - HardiFlex 0.225 in. HD, 20 110 95 95 75 770 80 Harditex 5/16 1.5 in. long ring 8�e9d 2 x 4 wood' 16 40 95 85 85 70 95 75 shank nail 60 90 80 80 85 70 100 80 70 70 Hardipanel 4d common 40 110 80 - 110 80 - 110 80 - HardiFlex 1-112 in. long 16 100 90 70 70 90 70 Harditex 150 80 80 5/i6 8 2 x 4 wood 200 70 70 20 90 90 24 40 80 80 60 70 70 Hardipanel 6d common 20 120 110 - 120 120 - 120 100 - Hardiflez 2 in. long 40 120 100 120 120 120 90 Harditex 5/16 6 2 x 4 wood 16 60 110 95 120 100 120 80 100 700 90 90 95 70 200 90 80 80 Hardipanel 6d common 20 110 80 - 120 710 - 120 80 - Hardiflex 2 in. long 40 100 80 105 90 105 80 Harditex 5/16 6 2 x 4 wood 24 60 90 70 95 90 95 70 100 80 70 80 zoo �o �o Hardipanel 6d common 20 120 120 - 120 120 - 120 100 - HardiFlex 2 in. long 40 120 720 120 720 720 700 Harditex 5/16 4 2 x q wood 16 60 120 120 120 110 720 90 100 120 110 80 120 80 200 120 700 70 105 70 Hardipanel 6d common 20 120 105 - 120 120 - 720 105 - HardiAex 2 in. long 40 120 100 120 110 120 95 Harditex 5/16 4 2• 4 wood 24 60 110 90 120 170 720 90 100 100 85 80 100 80 200 90 80 70 80 70 16 of 35 Table 2a—MAXIMUM WIND SPEED NER-005 Maximum Basic Wintl Speed (Mph) For Exposure Category Unilorm Standard BOCA Nafional Product Fastener Stud Height Building Code Building Code Building Code Product Thick. Fastener Spacing Frame Spacing of Bldg iype (in.) Type (in.) Type' (in.) ((t) B C D < 60 ft C D B C D Hardipanel 6d common 40 120 90 - 120 90 - 120 90 - HardiFlex 5��6 2 in. long 6 edge Z, q wood �g 60 110 Harditex 12 field 100 100 80 80 100 80 200 90 70 70 90 70 Hardipanel 0.092" shank x 0-15 140 110 95 125 150 710 90 Shiplap 2" = 0225" HD 3 edge z" 4 20 130 705 95 120 150 105 85 Panel 5/16 ringshank nail g field �6 40 120 95 90 110 130 95 80 SG = 0.40 60 115 90 85 100 120 90 75 700 105 85 80 80 - 95 80 - Hardipanel 0.092" shank x 0-15 130 100 90 120 150 105 85 Shiplap 2" x 0.225" HD 4 ed9e 2• 4 20 130 100 90 115 140 100 80 Panel 5/16 ringshank nail 8 ��eld 16 40 115 95 85 100 125 90 75 SG = 0.40 60 110 90 80 95 115 85 75 100 100 80 75 75 - 90 75 - Hardipanel 0.092" shank x 0-15 130 95 85 115 140 90 80 Shiplap 2" x 0225" HD 5 edge z" 4 z0 120 95 80 110 140 90 80 Panel 5/16 ringshanknail 8feld �6 40 110 85 80 95 120 85 75 SG = 0.40 60 100 80 75 90 110 80 - 100 90 80 70 - - 90 75 - Hardipanel 0.092" shank • 0-15 120 90 80 105 140 95 75 Shiplap 2" x 0.225" HD 6 ed9e 2• 4 20 115 90 BO 100 130 90 70 Panel 5/16 ringshank nail 8 feld �6 40 110 85 75 90 110 80 70 SG = 0.40 60 100 80 75 85 100 75 - 100 95 75 - - - 80 - - Hardipanel 0.092" shank • 0-15 110 85 75 100 130 90 70 Shiplap 2" x 0.225" HD � edge Z" 4 20 110 80 70 95 120 85 70 Panel 5/i6 ringshank nail 16 40 100 80 70 85 100 80 - 8 feld SG = 0.40 60 90 75 - 80 90 70 - 100 85 70 - - - 75 - - Hardipanel 0.092" shank x 0-15 105 80 70 90 120 80 70 Shiplap 2" • 0.225" HD 8 edge 2• 4 20 100 80 70 90 110 80 - Panel 5/16 ringshank nail 16 40 90 70 - 80 95 70 - 8 feld SG = 0.40 60 85 70 - 75 90 - - 100 80 - - 75 - - Hardiflex No. 71 ga 20 720 120 - 120 120 - 120 120 - Harditex 1-314 in. long 40 120 110 120 110 120 110 7/16 galvanized 6 2 x q wood 16 60 120 110 720 100 720 100 roofngnail 100 110 710 90 170 90 200 110 100 80 100 80 Hardishingle 0.063" shank 0-15 100 70 - 80 110 70 - Panel x0.187" HD 20 90 70 - 80 105 70 - Straight 1/4 ringshank nail 13.75 - 40 85 70 - 70 90 70 - Installation intoOSBonly 60 80 - - 70 80 - - 100 70 - - - - 70 - - Hardishingle 0.083" shank 0-15 90 70 - 80 90 70 - Panel •0.187" HD 20 90 70 - 60 90 - - Staggered 1/4 ringshank nail 13.75 - 40 80 - - 70 80 - - Installation into OSB only 60 70 - - - 70 - - 100 ' ' - ' ' - - ' Hardishingle 0.083" shank x 0-15 150 120 110 150 150 120 100 Panel 0.187" HD 2 x 4 20 150 120 100 150 150 120 100 1/4 ringshank nail - 16 40 140 110 100 130 150 110 90 at each stud SG = 0.40 60 130 705 95 120 140 100 90 100 120 700 90 90 80 110 90 80 Hardishingle 0.083" shank x 0-15 115 90 80 700 130 90 70 Panel 0.187" HD 2• 4 20 110 85 70 100 120 85 70 1/4 ringshank nail - 24 40 105 80 70 90 710 80 - at each stud SG = 0.40 60 90 75 - 85 100 75 - 100 85 70 - - - 80 - - 17 of 35 ' ' NER-405 Table 2a — MAXIMUM WIND SPEED Mawmum Basic Wind Speed (Mph) for Exposure Category Uni7orm Standard BOCA National Product Fastener Stud Height Building Code Building Code 8uilding Code Product Thick. Fastener Spacing Frame Spacing of Bldg Type (in.) Type (in.) Type' (in.) (ft) B C D < 60 ft C D B C D Hardi(lex Min. No. 8 x 1 20 80 70 - 80 70 - 80 70 - HardisoKt in. long • 0.323 Min. No. 20 q0 80 80 80 (unvented) 3/76 in. HD ribbed 6 9a. • 3-5/8 �6 60 70 70 70 buglehead �n.x1-3/8 in. 100 70 70 screws metal Gstud Hardipanel Min. No. B x 1 20 120 90 N/A 120 90 N/A 120 90 N/A Hardiflex in. long x 0.323 16 40 110 90 110 90 110 90 Harditex in. HD ribbed 60 100 80 100 80 100 80 buglehead Min.No.20 100 90 80 80 90 80 1/4 screws g 9a. • 3-5/8 150 90 70 70 90 70 in.x1-3I8 in. 200 80 70 90 70 80 70 metal C-stud ZO 90 70 80 70 90 70 24 40 80 80 100 70 70 Hardipanel ET & F Min. No. 20 0-15 150 115 100 130 150 120 100 0.100 x 1.5" x 4 edge 9a. x 3.62" x 20 140 110 100 130 150 110 90 5/76 25" HD 1.375" Metal i6 40 130 105 90 120 140 100 90 ES 4144 8 field Gstud 60 120 100 90 710 130 100 80 100 110 95 85 75 - 105 85 70 Hardipanel ET & F Min. No. 20 0-15 120 90 80 105 135 90 75 0.100 • 1.5" x 4 edge 9a. • 3.62" x 20 110 85 75 100 130 90 70 5/i6 25" HD g field ��375" Metal 24 40 100 80 70 90 110 80 70 ES4744 C-stud 60 95 75 70 85 700 75 70 100 85 70 - - - 80 - - HardiFlex Min. No. 8 x 1 20 120 120 - 120 120 - 120 120 - Harditex in. long x 0.311 Min. No. 20 40 120 120 120 120 120 120 7/i6 in. HD ribbed 6 9a. > 3-5/8 �6 60 120 110 120 120 120 170 buglehead in.x13/8 in. 100 120 110 90 120 90 screws metal C-stud 200 110 110 80 100 80 rvotes co i aoie za: 1. Values are for species of wood having a specific gravity of 0.42 or greater, unless other.vise noted. 2. Values are for species of wood having a specifc gravity of 0.36 or greater. 18 of 35 ' ' NER-0OS Table 2b - MAXIMUM WIND SPEED Mazimum Basic Wintl Speed (Mph) for Exposure Category Product Uni/orm Standard BOCA Nafional (in.) Fastener Stud Height Building Code Building Code Building Code Product Fastener Spacing Frame Spacing o( Bldg Type Thick. Width Type (in.) Type' (in.) (ft) B C D <60fl C D B C D Hardiplank 5/76 4.00 ET 8 F pin Through Min. No. 20 ga. 16 0-15 750 150 150 150 150 150 750 0.100 x 1.5" Overlap x 3.62" x 1.375" 20 150 150 150 150 150 750 150 x 0.25" HD Metal C-stud 40 150 750 150 150 150 150 150 60 150 150 150 150 150 150 140 100 150 150 150 140 120 150 140 120 Hardiplank 5/i6 6.00 ET & F pin Through Min. No. 20 ga. 16 0-15 750 150 140 750 150 750 130 0.100 x 1.5" Overlap • 3.62" • 1.375" 20 150 150 140 150 150 150 730 • 0.25" HD Metal C-stud 40 150 140 130 750 150 140 120 60 150 130 120 150 150 730 110 700 750 130 720 110 100 140 170 700 Hardiplank 5/16 625 ET & F pin Through Min. No. 20 ga. 16 0-15 150 150 140 150 150 750 130 0.100 x 1.5" Overlap x 3.62" • 1.375" 20 150 150 130 150 150 150 120 • 025" HD Metal C-stud 40 750 140 130 150 150 140 120 60 140 130 120 150 150 130 110 100 730 130 120 110 100 130 110 100 Hardiplank 5/16 7.50 ET & F pin Through Min. No. 20 ga. i6 0-15 150 140 120 150 750 140 110 0.100 • 1.5" Overlap x 3.62" x 1.375" 20 150 130 120 150 150 130 170 x 025" HD Metal Gstud 40 150 720 110 130 150 120 105 60 140 120 110 130 750 110 110 700 730 710 700 100 80 120 100 80 Hardiplank 5/16 8.00 ET & F pin Through Min. No. 20 ga. 16 0-15 150 130 110 150 150 130 110 0.100 x 1.5" Overlap x 3.62" • 1.375" 20 150 130 110 150 150 130 110 = 0.25" HD Metal C-stud 40 150 120 110 130 150 120 100 60 130 110 105 12 150 110 90 100 130 110 100 95 90 120 95 85 Hardiplank 5/16 825 ET & F pin Through Min. No. 20 ga. 16 0-15 150 130 110 750 150 130 110 0.100 x 1.5" Overlap = 3.62' x 1.375" 20 150 130 110 140 150 130 100 = 0.25" HD Metal C-slud 40 140 170 100 130 150 175 100 60 130 110 100 720 140 110 90 100 120 105 100 90 80 120 90 80 Hardiplank 5116 9.50 ET 8 F pin Through Min. No. 20 ga. 16 0-15 150 120 105 140 150 120 100 0.700 • 1.5" Overlap • 3.62" x 1.375" 20 750 120 100 130 150 120 100 • 0.25" HD Metal C-stud 40 140 110 100 120 140 710 90 60 120 105 90 110 130 100 90 100 120 100 90 80 75 110 80 75 Hardiplank 5/76 12.00 ET & F pin Through Min. No. 20 ga. i6 0-15 140 110 90 120 150 110 90 0.100 x 1.5" Overlap x 3.62" x 1.375" 20 140 705 90 120 150 110 90 x 0.25" HD Metal C-stud 40 120 100 90 110 130 100 80 60 110 95 85 100 120 90 80 100 705 90 80 75 70 100 75 70 Hardiplank 5/16 4.00 ET 8 F pin Through Min. No. 20 ga. 24 0-15 150 140 130 150 150 150 120 0.100 x 1.5" Overlap = 3.62" x 1.375" 20 150 140 125 150 150 140 120 x 025" HD Metal GsWd 40 150 130 120 150 150 135 110 60 150 125 115 140 150 725 105 100 140 120 100 100 90 130 100 90 Hardiplank S116 6.00 ET 8 F pin Through Min. No. 20 ga. 24 0-15 150 120 100 140 750 120 100 0.100 x 7.5" Ovedap x 3.62" • 1.375" 20 750 115 100 135 750 120 100 • 0.25" HD Metal GsNd 40 730 110 95 120 140 105 90 60 125 100 90 110 130 100 85 100 115 100 90 80 70 110 80 75 Hardiplank 5/16 625 ET & F pin Through Min. No. 20 ga. 24 0-15 150 120 100 135 150 12D 100 OJ00 x 1.5" Overlap x 3.62" x 1.375" 20 150 110 100 130 150 710 95 • 0.25" HD Metal GsWd 40 130 105 95 120 730 105 90 60 120 700 90 110 120 100 80 100 710 95 90 80 70 90 90 70 Hardiplank 5/16 7.50 ET & F pin Through Min. No. 20 ga. 24 0-15 130 100 90 120 150 100 85 0.100 x 1.5" Overlap x 3.62" x 1.375" 20 125 100 85 110 140 100 80 x 0.25" HD Metal Gstud 40 115 90 80 100 120 90 75 60 110 85 80 95 110 80 75 100 100 80 75 75 90 70 - Page 19 of 35 , , NER�OS Table 2b-MAXIMUM WIND SPEED Mazimum Basic Wind Speed (Mph) for Exposure Category Product Uniform Sfandard BOCA Nafional (in.) Fastener SNd Height Building Code Building Coda Building Code Product Fastener Spacing Frame Spacing of Bldg Type Thick. Width Type (in.) Type' (inJ (ft) B C D <60ft C D B C D Hardiplank 5116 8.00 ET & F pin Through Min. No. 20 ga. 24 0-15 130 100 85 115 750 100 80 0.100 x 1.5" Overlap • 3.62" = 1.375" 20 120 95 80 110 740 100 80 • 0.25" HD Metal C-siud 40 110 90 80 100 720 90 75 60 105 85 75 95 710 80 70 100 95 80 70 70 - 90 70 - Hardiplank 5/16 825 ET & F pin Through Min. No. 20 ga. 24 0-15 125 95 85 110 140 100 80 0.100 x 7.5" Overlap = 3.62" x 1.375" 20 120 90 80 105 740 90 80 x 025" HD Metal C-stud 40 110 85 80 95 720 85 70 60 100 SO 75 90 110 80 70 100 90 60 70 70 - 90 70 - Hardiplank 5/16 9.50 ET & F pin Through Min. No. 20 ga. 24 0-15 120 90 80 100 130 90 70 0.100 x 7.5" Overlap x 3.62" • 1.375" 20 170 90 75 100 730 90 70 = 025" HD Metal C-stud 40 100 80 70 90 110 80 70 60 90 80 70 85 110 80 - 100 85 70 - - - 80 - - Hardiplank 5/i6 12.00 ET 8 F pin Through Min. No. 20 ga. 24 0-15 100 80 - 90 120 80 - 0.100 x 7.5" Overlap x 3.62" x 1.375" 20 100 80 - 90 710 80 - • 0.25" HD Metal C-stud 40 90 70 - 80 90 70 - 60 85 70 - 75 90 - - 100 80 - - - - 70 - - Hardiplank 5/16 4.00 ET & F Through Min. No. 20 ga. 16 0-15 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 Panelfast top edge x 3.62" • 1.375" 20 150 750 150 150 150 150 150 0.100 x 1.5" of plank Metal C-stud 40 150 750 150 150 150 150 150 x 0.313" HD 60 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 100 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 140 Hardiplank 5/16 6.00 ET & F Through Min. No. 20 ga. 16 0-15 150 110 100 130 140 110 90 Panelfast top edge x 3.62" • 7.375" 20 750 110 700 140 140 105 85 0.100 x 1.5" of plank Metal Gstud 40 130 100 90 120 130 95 80 x 0.313" HD 60 120 100 90 110 120 90 80 100 710 90 80 75 - 95 75 - Hardiplank S116 6.25 ET & F Through Min. No. 20 ga. 16 0-15 140 110 100 130 150 100 85 Panelfast top edge x 3.62" x 1.375" 20 140 110 90 120 140 700 80 0.100 • 1.5" of plank Metal C-stud 40 120 100 90 115 120 90 75 • 0.313" HD 60 120 95 85 705 110 85 70 100 110 90 80 70 - 90 70 - Hardiplank 5/16 7.50 ET & F Through Min. No. 20 ga. 76 0-75 120 90 80 110 130 90 70 Panelfast top edge x 3.62" x 1.375" 20 120 90 80 100 120 85 70 0.100 • L5" of plank Metal Gstud 40 110 80 75 95 105 75 - • 0.313" HD 60 100 80 70 90 95 70 - 100 90 75 70 - - 75 - - Hardiplank 5/16 8.00 ET & F Through Min. No. 20 ga. 16 0-15 110 90 80 100 120 80 70 Panelfast top edge • 3:62" x 1.375" 20 110 85 70 100 110 80 - 0.100 + 1.5" of plank Metal C-stud 40 100 80 70 90 100 70 - x 0.313" HD 60 90 70 70 80 90 70 - 100 80 70 - - - 70 - - Hardiplank 5l16 825 ET & F Through Min. No. 20 ga. 16 0-75 170 90 70 100 120 SO - Panelfast top edge • 3.62" • 1.375" 20 110 80 70 95 110 80 - 0.100 x 1.5" of plank Metal C-stud 40 700 80 70 85 100 70 - x 0.373" HD 60 90 70 - 70 90 - - 100 80 70 - - - 70 - - Hardiplank 5/16 4.00 ET & F Through Min. No. 20 ga. 24 0-15 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 Panelfast top edge x 3.62" x 1.375" 20 150 150 150 150 750 150 150 0.100 x 7.5" of plank Metal C-stud 40 150 150 150 150 750 150 140 x 0.313" HD 60 150 1501 150 150 750 150 130 100 150 50 150 130 110 150 130 710 Hardiplank 5/16 6.00 ET & F Through Min. No. 20 ga. 24 0-15 130 100 90 110 140 95 80 Panelfast top edge • 3.62" x 7.375" 20 120 100 85 110 130 90 70 0.100 x 1.5" oi plank Metal C-stud 40 110 90 85 100 710 80 70 . x 0.313" HO 60 110 85 80 90 705 80 - 100 100 80 70 - - 80 - - 20 of 35 • � NER-0OS Table 2b — MAJ(IMUM WIND SPEED Maximum Basic Wind Speed (Mph) (or Exposure Category Product Unilorm Standard BOCA National (in.) Fastener Stutl Height Building Code Building Code Building Code Product Fastener Spacing Frame Spacing of Bldg Type Thick. Width Type (in.) Type' (in.) (tQ B C D <60f1 C D B C D Hardiplank 5/16 6.25 ET & F Through Min. No. 20 ga. 24 0-15 120 95 80 110 130 90 70 Panelfast top edge x 3.62' x 1.375" 20 120 90 80 100 120 85 70 0.100 x 1.5" of plank Metal Gstud 40 110 85 70 90 110 80 - x 0.313" HD 60 100 80 70 80 90 75 - 100 90 70 70 - - 70 - - Hardiplank 5/16 7.50 ET & F Through Min. No. 20 ga. 24 0-15 110 90 70 100 120 80 70 Panelfast top edge x 3.62" = 1.375" 20 110 85 70 100 110 80 - 0.100 x 1.5' of plank Metal C-stud 40 100 80 70 90 100 70 - x 0.313' HD 60 90 75 70 80 90 70 - 100 85 70 - - - 70 - - Hardiplank 5/16 8.00 ET & F Through Min. No. 20 ga. 24 0-15 700 80 70 90 110 70 - Panelfast top edge x 3.62" x 1.375" 20 100 75 70 90 100 70 - 0.700 • 1.5" of plank Metal Gstud 40 90 70 - 80 85 - - * 0.313" HD 60 80 - - 75 80 - - 100 75 - - - - - - - Hardiplank 5/i6 8.25 ET & F Through Min. No. 20 ga. 24 0-15 90 70 - 80 100 - - Panelfast top edge x 3.62" x 1.375" 20 90 70 - 80 90 - - 0.100 x 1.5" of plank Metal C-stud 40 80 - - 70 80 - - • 0.313" HD 60 75 - - 70 70 - - 100 70 - - - - - - - Hardiplank 5/76 4.00 6d common 2" Through 2 x q 16 0-15 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 long Overlap 20 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 40 150 150 150 150 150 150 750 60 150 150 150 150 150 150 130 100 150 150 140 130 120 150 130 120 Hardiplank 5/16 6.00 6d common 2" Through 2• 4 16 0-15 150 150 135 150 150 150 730 long Overlap 20 150 150 130 150 150 150 130 40 150 150 120 150 150 140 120 60 150 150 120 150 150 130 175 100 150 150 120 110 100 140 110 100 Hardiplank 5116 6.25 6d common 2" Through 2 x 4 16 0-15 150 150 120 150 150 150 130 long Overlap 20 150 150 120 150 750 7501 120 40 150 150 120 150 150 40 120 60 150 130 120 150 150 130 115 100 150 130 110 110 100 150 110 100 Hardiplank 5/i6 7.50 6d common 2" Through 2 x 4 16 0-15 1501 150 120 150 150 140 120 long Overlap 20 50 150 720 750 150 140 120 40 150 730 110 140 150 120 120 60 �150 120 110 130 150 120 115 100 130 110 110 110 90 140 700 90 Hartliplank 5/16 8.00 6d common 2" Through 2 x 4 16 0-15 150 130 120 150 150 140 110 long Overlap 20 150 130 115 150 150 140 110 40 150 120 110 130 150 120 100 60 140 120 105 130 150 115 100 100 130 110 100 95 85 720 95 85 Hardiplank 5/16 8.25 6d common 2" Through 2• 4 76 0-15 150 130 115 150 150 140 170 long Overlap 20 150 130 110 150 150 130 100 40 150 120 110 130 150 120 100 60 140 115 705 720 150 170 100 100 130 110 100 95 80 730 95 80 Hardiplank 5116 9.50 6d common 2" Through 2= 4 76 0-75 150 120 710 740 150 130 105 long Overlap 20 150 120 110 140 150 120 700 40 140 110 100 120 140 120 95 60 130 105 100 120 120 720 90 100 120 100 95 90 80 115 90 80 Hardiplank 5/16 12.00 6d common 2" Through 2 x 4 16 0-15 140 110 95 130 150 110 95 long Overlap 20 140 105 95 120 150 110 90 40 120 100 90 110 140 100 85 60 115 95 85 105 120 95 80 100 710 90 80 80 70 700 80 70 Page 21 of 35 ' � NER-405 .Yfi��l:a �Te�3151�17iVi71.UI99�q�; Maximum Basic Wind Speed (Mph) for Exposure Calegory Product Uni(orm Standard BOCA Nafional (in.) Fastener SWd HeigM BuiltlingCode BuildingCode BuildingCode Product Fastener Spacing Frame Spacing of Bldg Type 7hick. Width Type (in.) Type' (in.) (ft) B C D <60h C D B C D Hardiplank 5/16 4.00 6d common 2" Through 2 x q 24 0-15 150 130 715 150 150 130 110 long Overlap 20 '150 730 110 140 150 730 110 40 750 120 110 130 150 720 100 60 140 120 '100 120 750 115 95 100 130 110 100 95 80 120 95 80 Hardiplank 5116 6.00 6d common 2" Through 2 x 4 24 0-15 140 710 95 130 120 110 90 long Overlap 20 140 100 95 120 120 170 90 40 130 100 95 710 120 100 80 60 715 95 85 105 120 90 80 100 105 90 80 80 70 100 80 70 Hardiplank S116 6.25 6d common 2" Through 2 x 4 24 0-15 120 105 95 120 120 110 90 long Overlap 20 120 100 90 120 120 700 85 40 720 95 85 110 120 95 80 60 110 90 80 100 120 90 80 100 105 85 80 80 70 100 80 70 Hardiplank S116 7.50 6d common 2" Through 2 x 4 24 0-15 120 95 85 110 120 100 80 long Overlap 20 720 95 85 110 120 95 80 40 '110 85 80 100 120 90 75 60 100 85 75 95 120 85 70 100 95 80 70 70 70 90 70 - Hardiplank 5116 8.00 6d common 2" Through 2 x 4 24 0-15 120 95 80 110 120 100 80 long Overlap 20 120 95 80 105 120 90 70 40 105 85 70 100 110 80 70 60 700 85 70 90 105 80 70 100 90 75 70 70 - 85 70 - Hardiplank S116 8.25 6d common 2" Through 2• 4 24 0-15 115 95 80 110 120 95 80 long Overlap 20 115 95 80 100 120 90 75 40 105 85 70 95 110 80 70 60 100 85 70 90 105 75 70 100 90 75 70 85 - - Hardiplank 5/16 9.50 6d common 2" Through 2 x 4 24 0-15 110 85 75 700 120 90 70 long Overlap 20 170 85 70 95 120 85 70 40 95 75 70 85 100 80 - 60 90 75 - 85 100 70 - 100 85 70 - - - 80 - - Hardiplank 5l16 12.00 6d common 2" Through 2• 4 24 0-75 70 75 - 90 110 80 - long Overlap 20 95 70 - 85 110 75 - 40 90 70 - 80 95 70 - 60 80 - - 75 85 - - 700 70 - - - - 70 - - Hardiplank 5/16 4.00 No. 8-18 x Through Min. No. 20 ga. 16 0-15 150 150 750 150 150 150 150 1-5/8" long = Overlap = 3.62" x 1.375" 20 150 150 150 150 150 150 140 � 0.323" HD Metal Gstud 40 150 150 140 150 150 150 140 ribbed bugie 60 150 150 140 150 150 150 130 head screw 100 150 150 130 130 115 150 130 115 Hardiplank 5/16 6.00 No. 8 x Through Min. No. 20 ga. 76 0-15 150 750 140 150 150 150 120 1-5/8" long x Overlap x 3.62" x 7.375" 20 150 140 140 150 150 140 120 0.323" HD Metal Gstud 40 150 130 130 150 150 130 115 ribbed bugle 60 750 130 130 140 150 120 110 head screw 100 740 120 120 105 95 135 105 95 Hardiplank 5/76 6.25 No. 8 x Through Min. No. 20 ga. 76 0-15 150 140 120 750 750 150 720 1-5/8" long x Overlap x 3.62" • 1.375" 20 150 140 120 150 150 140 120 0.323" HD Metal Gstud 40 150 130 110 140 150 130 110 ribbed bugle 60 150 120 110 140 150 120 105 head screw 700 140 120 110 105 90 130 105 90 Hardiplank 5/16 7.50 No. 8• Through Min. No. 20 ga. 16 0-75 150 130 710 750 150 730 1'10 1-S18" long x Overlap • 3.62" = 1.375" 20 '150 120 110 140 750 730 105 0.323" HD Metal C-stud 40 140 110 105 130 150 115 100 ribbed bugle 60 130 170 100 120 150 110 90 head screw 100 120 100 95 90 BO 115 90 80 22 of 35 • • NER-405 Tahla 9h-M4XIM(IM WINf] SPFFO Maximum Basic Wind Speed (Mph) for Exposure Ca�egory Product Uni/orm Standard BOCA National (in.) Fastener SWd Height Buildinq Code Building Code Building Code Product Fastener Spacing Frame Spacing of Bldg Type Thick. Width Type (in.) Type' (in.) (ft) B C D <60fl C D B C D Hardiplank 5/16 8.00 No. 8 x Through Min. No. 20 ga. 16 0-15 150 130 110 150 150 130 110 1-5/8" long x Overlap • 3.62" x 1.375" 20 750 720 110 740 150 130 105 0.323" HD Metal Gstud 40 150 710 105 �30 150 115 100 ribbed bugle 60 150 110 100 720 140 710 90 head screw 100 130 700 95 90 80 115 90 80 Hardiplank S116 8.25 No. 8 x Through Min. No. 20 ga. 16 0-15 150 120 110 140 150 130 110 1-5/8" long x Overlap x 3.62" x 1.375" � 20 150 120 170 140 150 120 105 0.323" HD Metal C-stud 40 140 110 105 120 150 115 100 ribbed bugle 60 120 110 100 120 740 105 90 head screw 100 120 100 95 90 80 115 90 80 Hardiplank S116 9.50 No. 8 x Through Min. No. 20 ga. 16 0-15 150 115 100 130 150 120 100 1-5/8" long x Overlap • 3.62" x 1.375" 20 150 110 100 130 150 115 95 0.323" HD Metal Gstud 40 130 170 95 120 � 140 105 90 ribbed bugle 60 120 110 90 110 130 100 85 head screw 100 175 95 85 85 75 110 85 75 Hardiplank 5/16 12.00 No. 8 x Through Min. No. 20 ga. 16 0-15 130 100 90 120 150 110 90 1-5/8" long x Overlap x 3.62" x 1.375" 20 130 100 90 120 150 105 SO 0.323" HD Metal C-stud 40 120 90 80 100 120 95 80 ribbed bugle 60 110 90 80 100 120 90 75 head screw 100 100 85 80 75 - 95 75 - Hardiplank 5/76 4.00 No. 8 x Through Min. No. 20 ga. 24 0-15 150 150 130 150 150 150 120 1-5/8" long x Overlap • 3.62" • 1.375" 20 150 140 130 150 150 740 120 0.323" HD Metal C-stud 40 150 130 120 150 150 130 110 ribbed bugie 60 150 130 170 140 150 120 110 head screw 100 140 110 110 105 90 135 105 90 Hardiplank 5/16 6.00 No. 8 x Through Min. No. 20 ga. 24 0-15 150 130 105 140 150 120 100 1-5I8" long x Overlap x 3.62" x 1.375" 20 150 130 100 130 750 120 100 0.323" HD Metal C-stud 40 150 110 100 120 740 110 95 ribbed bugle 60 140 705 90 115 130 100 90 head screw 100 130 100 90 85 75 110 85 75 Hardiplank 5/16 625 No. 8 x Through Min. No. 20 ga. 24 0-15 150 120 100 135 150 150 100 1-5/8" long • Overlap • 3.62" • 1.375" 20 150 110 100 130 150 140 95 0.323" HD Metal Gstud 40 130 105 90 120 740 130 90 ribbed bugle 60 120 700 90 170 130 120 85 head screw 100 110 95 90 85 70 110 85 75 Hardiplank S116 7.50 No. 8• Through Min. No. 20 ga. 24 0-15 740 110 90 120 150 110 90 1-5/8" long x Ovedap x 3.62" x 1.375" 20 130 100 90 120 150 105 90 0.323" HD Metal C-stud 40 720 95 85 110 130 95 80 ribbed bugle 60 110 90 80 100 120 90 80 head screw 100 700 90 80 80 70 115 80 70 Hardiplank 5/16 8.00 No. 8 x Through Min. No. 20 ga. 24 0-15 130 105 90 120 750 110 90 7-SIB" long x Overlap x 3.62" x 1.375" 20 130 100 90 115 150 105 85 0.323" HD Metal C-stud 40 120 95 80 105 730 95 80 ribbed bugle 60 110 90 80 100 120 90 75 head screw 100 100 85 80 75 - 95 75 - Hardiplank 5/16 � 825 No. 8 x Through Min. No. 20 ga. 24 0-15 130 100 90 120 150 105 90 t-5/8" long x Overlap x 3.62" x 1.375" 20 130 100 90 115 150 705 85 0.323" HD Metal Gstud 40 120 90 80 705 720 90 80 ribbedbugle 60 110 90 80 100 i75 85 75 head screw - 100 100 85 75 75 - 95 75 - Hardiplank 5/16 9.50 No. 8 x Through Min. No. 20 ga. 24 0-15 120 95 80 110 140 100 80 1-5/8" long x Overlap x 3.62" x 1.375" 20 120 90 80 105 140 95 80 0.323" HD Metal C-stud 40 110 85 75 95 120 85 75 ribbed bugle 60 100 80 70 90 110 80 70 head screw 100 90 80 70 70 - 90 70 - Hardiplank 5116 12.00 No.B • Through Min. No.20ga. 24 0-15 i15 80 70 100 130 90 70 1-5/8" long x Overlap x 3.62" x 1.375" 20 110 80 70 95 120 85 70 0.323" HD Metal C-stud 40 95 75 70 85 100 75 - ribbed bugle 60 90 70 - 80 95 70 - head screw 100 80 70 - - - 80 - - 23 of 35 � • NER-405 Table 2b — MAXIMUM WIND SPEED Maximum Basic Wind Speed (Mph) for Exposure Category Product Uniform Sfandard BOCA National (in.) Fastener Stud Height Building Code Building Code Building Code Product Fastener Spacing frame Spacing of Bldg Type Thick. Width Type (in.) Type' (in.) (ft) B C D <60ft C D B C D Hardiplank 5/16 4.00 No. 11 ga. Through 2 x 4 16 0-15 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 1-7/4"long topedge wood 20 150 150 150 150 'I50 150 150 Galv. roofng of plank 40 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 nail 60 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 100 150 150 150 140 120 150 140 120 Hardiplank 5116 6.00 No. 11 ga. Through 2 x 4 16 0-15 150 150 130 150 150 150 130 1-1/4"long top edge wood 20 750 �50 130 150 150 150 120 galv. roofng of plank 40 150 140 120 750 150 130 115 nail 60 150 130 120 140 150 130 110 100 150 120 110 110 95 140 170 95 Hardiplank 5116 6.25 No. 11 ga. Through 2 x 4 16 0-15 150 150 130 150 150 150 120 1-1/4"long top edge wood 20 150 140 120 150 150 140 120 galv, roofing of plank 40 150 130 120 150 150 130 110 nail 60 150 130 110 140 150 120 170 100 140 120 170 100 95 135 100 95 Hardiplank 5/16 7.50 No. 11 ga. Through 2 x 4 i6 0-15 150 130 115 150 150 130 110 1-7/4" long top edge wood 20 150 130 110 140 150 130 110 galv. roofng of plank 40 150 120 110 135 150 120 100 nail 60 140 115 105 125 150 110 95 100 130 110 100 95 85 120 95 85 Hardiplank 5/16 B.00 No. 11 ga. Through 2 x 4 i6 0-15 150 130 110 150 150 130 105 1-1/4"long topedge wood 20 150 120 110 140 150 120 100 galv. roofng of plank 40 140 115 100 130 150 115 95 nail 60 130 110 100 120 140 110 95 100 120 110 95 90 80 115 90 80 Hardiplank S116 8.25 No. 11 ga. Through 2 x 4 16 0-15 150 720 110 140 150 130 105 1-1/4"long topedge wood 20 150 720 105 140 150 120 105 galv.roofng ofplank 40 140 110 100 125 150 110 95 nail 60 130 110 100 120 140 105 90 100 120 100 95 90 80 115 90 80 Hardiplank 5116 9.50 No. 17 ga. Through 2• 4 16 0-15 150 110 700 130 150 120 100 1-1/4"long topedge wood 20 140 110 100 130 150 175 95 galv. roofing of plank 40 130 100 90 115 740 100 90 nail 60 120 100 90 110 730 100 85 100 170 95 80 80 70 705 80 70 Hardiplank 5/16 12.00 No. 11 ga. Through 2 x 4 16 0-15 130 100 90 115 150 105 85 1-1/4"long top edge wood 20 120 100 80 110 140 100 80 galv. roofng of plank 40 110 90 80 100 120 95 75 nail 60 110 80 80 95 170 85 75 100 100 80 75 75 - 90 75 - Hardiplank 5/i6 4.00 No. 11 ga. Through 2 x 4 24 0-15 150 150 140 150 150 150 130 1-1/4" long top edge wood 20 150 150 140 150 150 150 130 galv. roofng of plank 40 150 150 130 150 150 140 120 nail 60 150 140 130 150 150 140 120 700 750 730 120 115 105 150 115 105 Hardiplank 5/16 6.00 No. 71 ga. Through 2• q 24 0-15 150 120 110 140 150 130 105 1-t/4" long top edge wood 20 150 120 705 740 150 120 105 galv. roofng of plank 40 140 110 100 125 750 110 95 nail 60 130 110 100 175 140 105 90 100 120 100 100 90 80 110 90 80 Hardiplank 5116 625 No. 11 ga. Through 2 x 4 24 0-15 150 120 110 140 150 125 100 1-1/4"long top edge wood 20 750 720 100 130 150 120 100 galv. roofng of plank 40 130 110 100 120 150 110 95 nait 60 120 110 95 170 730 705 90 100 120 100 90 85 80 110 85 80 Hardiplank 5/16 7.50 No. 11 ga. Through 2 x 4 24 0-t5 140 110 95 120 150 115 90 1-1/4"long top edge wood 20 140 105 90 120 150 170 90 galv. roofng of plank 40 120 100 90 110 130 100 80 nail 60 120 95 85 100 120 95 80 100 110 90 70 80 70 100 80 70 Page 24 of 35 � • NERd05 Table 2b— MAXIMUM WIND SPEED Maximum 8asic Wind Speed (Mph) (or Exposure Category Product Uni/orm Stantlard BOCA Nafional (i� � Fastener SWd Height Builtling Code Building Code Builtlinq Code Product Fastener Spacing Frame Spacing of Bldg Type Thick. Width Type (in.) Type' (in.) (N) B C D <60ft C D B C D Hardiplank 5/76 8.00 No. 17 ga. Through 2 x 4 24 0-15 130 700 90 120 150 110 90 1-1/4^long topedge wood 20 130 100 90 175 750 105 80 galv. roofing of plank 40 120 95 80 105 120 95 80 nail 60 120 95 80 100 110 90 75 100 110 90 70 90 - 95 90 - Hardiplank S116 8.25 No. 11 ga. Through 2 x 4 24 0-15 130 100 90 120 150 110 85 1-1/4"long tap edge wood 20 130 100 90 710 140 105 85 galv. roofng of plank 40 120 95 80 100 120 90 80 nail 60 110 95 80 95 110 90 75 ioo ioo so �s �s - so �o - Hardiplank 5/16 9.50 No. 11 ga. Through 2• 4 24 0-15 120 95 80 110 140 100 80 1-1/4"long top edge wood 20 120 90 80 105 � 130 90 75 galv. roofing of plank 40 110 90 70 95 115 85 70 nail 60 100 85 70 90 105 80 70 100 95 75 70 70 - 85 70 - Hardiplank 5/i6 12.00 No. 11 ga. Through 2• 4 24 0-15 110 80 70 90 720 85 70 1-1/4" long top edge wood 20 110 80 70 90 120 80 70 galv. roofing of plank 40 100 80 70 80 105 75 - nail 60 80 80 - 80 90 70 - 100 80 80 - - - 80 - - Hardipiank 5/16 4.00 No. 8 x 1-7/4 Through Min. No. 20 ga. 16 0-15 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 in. long x 0.375 top edge X 3.62" x 1.375" 20 150 150 150 150 150 150 140 in. HD ribbed of plank Metal C-stud 40 150 150 150 150 150 150 130 waferhead 60 150 150 150 160 150 150 130 screws 100 150 140 140 - 150 120 110 120 110 Hardiplank 5/16 6 No. 8 x 1-1/4 Through Min. No. 20 ga. i6 0-15 150 140 125 150 150 150 120 in. long z 0.375 tap edge X 3.62" x 1.375" 20 150 140 120 150 150 140 720 in. HD ribbed of plank Metal C-stud 40 750 730 115 140 150 130 170 waferhead 60 150 120 110 140 150 120 105 screws 100 140 120 110 - 730 100 90 100 90 Hardiplank 5/16 6-1/4 No. 8 x 1-1/4 Through Min. No. 20 ga. 16 0-15 150 140 120 150 150 140 125 in. long x 0.375 top edge X 3.62" x 1.375" 20 150 140 720 150 150 140 115 in. HD ribbed of plank Metal C-stud 40 150 130 110 740 150 130 110 waferhead 60 750 120 110 130 150 120 105 screws 700 135 110 100 - 130 100 90 100 90 Hardiplank 5/16 7-1/2 No. 8 x 1-1/4 Through Min. No. 20 ga. 16 0-15 150 130 110 150 150 135 110 in. long z 0.375 top edge X 3.62' x 1.375" 20 150 120 105 740 750 130 100 in. HD ribbed of plank Metal C-stutl 40 140 115 105 130 750 120 100 waferhead 60 140 100 105 130 140 110 95 screws 100 125 95 95 - 90 80 115 90 80 Hardiplank 5/16 8 No. 8 x 1-1/4 Through Min. No. 20 ga. 16 0-15 150 125 110 140 150 130 100 in. long x 0.375 top edge X 3.62" x 1.375" 20 150 120 105 140 150 120 100 in. HD ribbed of plank Metal C-stud 40 140 110 700 125 140 110 90 waferhead 60 130 110 100 120 130 105 90 screws 100 120 100 95 - 90 85 115 90 80 Hardiplank 5/16 8-1l4 No. 8 x 7-1/4 Through Min. No. 20 ga. 16 0-15 150 120 110 140 750 125 105 in. long x 0.375 lop edge X 3.62" x 1.375" 20 150 120 105 130 150 120 100 in, HD ribbed of plank Metal C-stud 40 140 110 100 125 140 110 95 waferhead 60 130 105 95 1'IS 730 100 90 screws 100 120 100 90 - 110 85 75 85 75 Hardiplank 5/76 9-7/2 No. 8 x 1-1/4 Through Min. No. 20 ga. 16 0-15 150 115 100 130 750 120 100 in. long x 0.375 top edge X 3.62" x 1.375" 20 140 110 100 130 - 150 110 90 in. HD ribbed of plank Metal C-stud 40 130 105 90 120 140 100 90 waferhead 60 120 100 90 110 720 95 85 screws 100 110 90 85 - 85 80 100 85 80 25 of 35 . . NER-0OS Tabie 2b — MAXIMUM WIND SPEED Maximum Basic Wind Speed (Mph) for Exposure Category Producl Uni/orm Sfandard BOCA National (in.) Fastener SWd Height Building Code Building Code euilding Code Product Fastener Spacing Frame Spacing ot Bldg Type Thick. Width Type (in.) Type' (in.) ((t) B C D <60fl C D B C D Hardiplank 5/76 4 No. 8 x'I-tl4 Through Min. No. 20 ga. 24 0-15 150 140 125 150 150 150 120 in. long x 0.375 top edge X 3.62" x 1.375" 20 150 740 120 750 150 140 120 in. HD ribbed of plank Metal C-stud 40 750 130 115 740 150 130 110 waferhead 60 150 720 110 740 150 120 105 screws 100 140 120 110 - 100 90 130 100 90 Hardiplank 5/16 6 No. 8 x 1-1/4 Through Min. No. 20 ga. 24 0-15 150 120 100 130 150 120 100 in, long x 0.375 top edge X 3.62" x 1.375" 20 150 110 100 130 150 115 95 in. HD nbbed of plank Metai Gstud 40 130 105 90 120 135 105 90 waferhead 60 120 100 90 110 130 100 85 screws 100 110 95 90 - 85 75 105 85 75 Hardiplank 5/16 6-1/4 No. 8 x 1-1/4 Through Min. No. 20 ga. 24 0-15 150 115 100 130 150 120 100 in, long x 0.375 top edge X 3.62" x 1.375" 20 140 170 100 130 750 115 90 in. HD ribbed of plank Metal Pswd 40 130 105 95 115 140 105 90 waferhead 60 120 100 90 110 130 100 85 screws 100 770 95 85 - 85 70 105 85 70 Hardiplank 5/16 7-i12 No. 8 x 1-1/4 Through Min. No. 20 ga. 24 0-15 140 105 90 120 150 110 90 in. long x 0.375 top edge X 3.62" x 1.375" 20 130 100 90 115 750 100 85 in. HD ribbed of plank Metal Gstud 40 120 95 85 105 730 90 75 waferhead 60 110 90 80 100 120 75 75 screws 100 100 85 70 - NA NA 90 NA NA Hardiplank 5/16 8 No. B x 1-1/4 Through Min. No. 20 ga. 24 0-15 730 100 90 720 750 105 85 in. long x 0.375 top edge X 3.62" x 1.375" 20 130 100 85 715 140 100 85 in. HD ribbed of plank Metal Gstud 40 120 90 80 100 125 90 75 waferhead 60 10 85 80 95 115 85 75 screws 100 100 60 75 - 75 NA 90 75 NA Hardiplank 5116 8-1/4 No. 8 x 1-1/4 Through Min. No. 20 ga. 24 0-15 130 100 90 110 150 105 85 in. long x 0.375 top edge X 3.62" x 1.375" 20 125 100 85 710 140 100 85 in. HD ribbed of plank Metal C-sWd 40 115 90 80 100 125 90 75 waferhead 60 105 85 80 95 110 85 75 screws 100 100 80 75 - 75 NA 90 75 NA Hardiplank 5116 9-1/2 No. 8 x 1-1/4 Through Min. No. 20 ga. 24 0-15 120 90 80 '110 140 100 80 in. long x 0.375 top edge X 3.62" x 1.375" 20 120 90 80 105 130 90 75 in. HD ribbed of plank Metal C-stud 40 105 85 75 95 115 80 70 waferhead 60 100 80 75 90 105 75 70 screws 100 90 75 NA - NA NA 85 NA NA Hardiplank 5/76 4.00 0.089" shank • Through 2• 4 16 0-75 150 115 100 130 150 120 95 0.221" overlap 20 140 110 95 125 150 710 95 HD • 2" long 40 130 105 90 115 140 100 90 galv. siding nail 60 120 100 90 170 130 95 85 100 110 90 85 80 70 105 80 70 Hardiplank 5/i6 6.00 0.089" shank x Through 2 x 4 16 0-15 720 90 85 170 740 95 80 0.221" overlap 20 720 90 80 100 730 90 70 HD x 2" long 40 105 80 75 90 110 85 70 galv. siding nail 60 700 80 70 90 105 80 70 700 90 75 70 - - 90 - - Hardiplank 5/i6 6.25 0.089" shank x Through 2 x 4 16 0-15 120 90 80 100 140 95 70 0.221" overlap 20 105 90 80 700 730 90 70 HD x 2" long 40 105 85 70 90 770 80 70 galv. siding nail 60 95 80 70 85 105 75 - 100 90 75 - - 90 - - Hardiplank 5/76 7.50 0.089" shank • Through 2 x 4 16 0-15 110 80 70 90 120 85 70 0.221" overlap 20 100 80 70 90 120 80 70 HD x 2" long 40 90 75 - BO 100 75 - galv. siding nail 60 85 70 - 80 95 70 - 100 80 70 - - - 75 - - Hardiplank 5/16 8.00 0.089" shank x Through 2 x 4 16 0-15 100 80 70 90 120 80 70 0.221" overlap 20 100 80 70 90 115 80 - HD x 2" long 40 90 70 - 80 100 70 - galv. siding nail 60 80 70 - 75 90 70 - ' 100 75 - - - - 70 - - Page 26 of 35 • . NER-405 Table 2b - MAXIMUM WIND SPEED Maximum Basic Wind Speed (Mph) for Exposure Ca�egory Product Uni/orm Standard 80CA Na[ional (in.) Fastener Stud Height Builtling Code Building Cotle Building Code Product Fastener Spacing Frame Spacing of Bldg Type Thick. Wid�h , Type (in.) Type' (in.) (ft) B C D <60ft C D B C D Hardiplank 5/16 825 0.089" shank x Through 2 x 4 16 0-15 100 80 70 90 120 80 - 0.221" overlap 20 100 80 70 90 110 80 - HD x 2" long 40 90 70 - 80 700 70 - galv, siding nail 60 80 70 - 75 90 70 - 100 75 - - - - 70 - - Hardiplank S116 9.50 0.089" shank x Through 2 x 4 16 0-15 100 70 - 80 110 75 - 0.221" overlap 20 90 70 - 80 105 70 - HD • 2" long 40 80 - - 75 90 - - galv, siding nail 60 80 - - 70 85 - - 100 70 - - - - - - Hardiplank S116 12.00 0.089" shank x Through 2 x 4 16 0-15 90 - - 70 100 70 - 0.221" overlap 20 80 - - 70 90 - - HD x 2" long 40 70 - - - 80 - - galv. siding nail 60 70 - - - 70 - - 100 ' ' ' - - ' ' ' Hardiplank 5/16 4.00 0.089" shank x Through 2� 4 24 0-15 120 90 80 710 140 95 80 0.221" overlap 20 120 90 80 705 130 90 75 HD x 2" long 40 105 85 75 90 110 85 70 galv. siding nail 60 100 80 70 90 105 80 70 100 90 75 - - - 90 - - Hardiplank 5/16 6.00 0.089" shank x Through 2 x 4 24 0-15 700 70 - 90 115 80 - 0.221" overlap 20 90 70 - 85 115 75 - HD x 2" long 40 85 70 - 75 90 70 - galv. siding nail 60 80 - - 70 85 - - 100 70 - - - - 70 - - Hardiplank 5116 625 0.089" shank x Through 2 x 4 24 0-15 700 70 - 85 110 75 - 0.221" overlap 20 90 70 - 80 105 7D - HD = 2" long 40 85 - - 75 90 - - galv. siding nail 60 80 - - 70 80 - - 100 70 - - - - 70 - - Hardiplank 5/16 7.50 0.089" shank x Through 2 x q 24 0-15 90 70 - 80 105 70 - 0.221" overlap 20 85 70 - 75 100 70 - HD x 2" long 40 80 - - 70 85 - - galv. siding nail 60 70 - - - 80 - - 100 70 - - - - - - - Hardiplank 5/16 5.00 0.089" shank • Through 2+ 4 24 0-15 80 - - 70 100 - - 0.227" overlap 20 80 - - 70 90 - - HD z p^ long 40 75 - - - 80 - - galv. siding nail 60 70 - - - 70 - - 100 - ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Hardiplank 5l16 8.25 0.089" shank x Through 2 x 4 24 0-15 80 - - 70 100 - - 0.221" overlap 20 80 - - 70 90 - - HD x 2" long 40 75 - - - 80 - - galv. siding nail 60 70 - - - 70 - - 100 ' ' - - ' ' ' ' Hardiplank 5/16 9.50 0.089" shank • Through 2 x 4 24 0-15 80 - - 70 90 - - 0221" overlap 20 70 - - - 80 - - HD • 2" long 40 - - - - 70 - - galv. siding nail 60 - - - - 70 - - 100 - ' ' - - ' ' - Hardiplank 5116 12.00 0.089" shank x Through 2 x 4 24 0-15 70 - - - 80 - - 0.221" overlap 20 - - - - 80 - - HD • 2" long 40 - - - - - - - galv. siding nail 60 - - - - - - - 100 - ' - - - - - - Hardiplank 5/16 4.00 0.093" shank x Through 2 x 4 16 0-15 150 130 110 150 150 130 110 0.222" topedge 20 150 120 170 140 150 130 705 HD = 2" long of plank 40 140 115 100 130 150 115 100 galv. siding nail 60 140 110 100 120 140 710 95 100 125 100 95 90 80 110 90 80 27 of 35 • • NER-405 T�hla'lh _ MAYIMIIM WINf] CPFFII Maximum Basic Wind Speed (Mph) for Ezposure Ca�egory Product Uni/orm Standartl BOCA National (in.) Fastener Stud Height Building Code Building Code Building Code Pmduct Fastener Spacing Frame Spacing of Bldg Type Thick. Width Type (in.) Type' (in.) ((t) B C D <60N C D B C D Hardiplank 5/76 6.00 0.093" shank • Through 2 x 4 16 0-15 130 100 80 170 150 100 80 0.222" top edge 20 120 95 80 110 140 95 80 HD x 2" long of plank 40 710 90 80 700 120 90 75 galv. siding nail 60 100 85 75 90 110 85 70 100 95 80 70 75 - 90 75 - Hardiplank 5/16 6.25 0.093" shank x Through 2 x 4 i6 0-15 720 90 80 110 140 100 80 0.222" top edge 20 120 90 80 700 130 95 75 HD x 2" long of plank 40 105 80 75 95 115 85 70 galv. siding nail 60 100 80 70 90 110 70 70 100 90 75 70 70 - 95 70 - Hardiplank S116 7.50 0.093" shank x Through 2• 4 i6 0-15 110 85 75 100 130 90 70 0222" top edge 20 110 80 70 95 120 85 70 HD • 2" long of plank 40 95 80 70 85 105 80 - galv. siding nail 60 90 75 - 80 95 70 - 100 80 70 - - - 85 - - Hardiplank 5/i6 8.00 0.093" shank x Through 2 x 4 76 0-15 100 80 70 90 120 85 70 0.222" top edge 20 100 80 70 90 115 80 70 HD x 2" long o( plank 40 90 75 - 80 100 75 - galv. siding nail 60 80 70 - 80 90 70 - 100 80 - - - - 80 - - Hardiplank 5/16 8.25 0.093" shank • Through 2 x 4 16 0-15 100 80 70 90 120 80 70 0.222" top edge 20 100 80 - 90 715 80 - HD x 2" long o( plank 40 90 75 - 80 100 70 - galv, siding nail 60 80 75 - 75 90 70 - 100 75 - - - - 80 - - Hardiplank 5/16 9.50 0.093" shank x Through 2 x 4 i6 0-15 100 75 - 80 710 80 - 0222" rop edge 20 90 70 - 80 170 75 - HD x 2" long of plank 40 80 - - 70 90 70 - galv. siding nail 60 80 - - 70 80 - - 100 70 - - - - - - - Hardiplank 5/16 12.00 0.093" shank x Through 2• 4 16 0-15 90 - - 70 100 70 - 0.222" top edge 20 80 - - 70 90 - - HD x 2" long of plank 40 75 - - - 80 - - galv. siding nail 60 70 - - - 70 - - 700 - - - - - - ' ' Hardiplank 5/16 4.00 0.093" shank • Through 2• 4 24 0-15 140 105 95 120 150 110 90 0.222" top edge 20 130 100 90 115 150 105 85 HD • 2" long of plank 40 120 95 85 105 130 95 80 galv. siding nail 60 115 90 80 700 120 90 75 100 105 85 80 75 - 95 75 - Hardiplank 5/16 6.00 0.093" shank • Through 2 x 4 24 0-75 100 80 70 90 120 80 - 0.222" top edge 20 100 80 - 90 110 80 - HD • 2" long of plank 40 90 70 - 80 100 70 - galv. siding nail 60 85 70 - 75 90 70 - 100 75 - - - - 75 - - Hardiplank 5/76 625 0.093" shank x Through 2 x 4 24 0-15 100 80 70 90 120 70 - 0222" top edge 20 100 75 - 85 110 70 - HD x 2" long of plank 40 90 70 - 80 95 - - galv. siding nail 60 85 - - 75 85 - - 100 75 - - - - 70 - - Hardiplank 5/16 7.50 0.093" shank x Through 2• 4 24 0-15 90 70 - 80 100 70 - 0.222" top edge 20 90 - - 75 100 70 - HD x 2" long of plank 40 80 - - 70 85 - - galv. siding nail 60 70 - - - 75 - - 100 - ' ' - ' ' ' - Hardiplank 5I16 8.00 0.093" shank x Through 2• 4 24 0-15 90 - - 80 100 70 - 0.222" top edge 20 85 - - 75 100 70 - HD x 2" long of plank 40 75 - - 70 80 - - galv. siding nail 60 70 - - - 75 - - 100 ' - - ' - ' - - Page 28 of 35 . NER-405 Tahie 26—MAXIMUM WIND SPEED Maximum Basic Wind Speed (Mph) for Exposure Category Product Unitorm Sfandard BOCANational (in.) Fastener Stud Height Building Code Building Code Building Code Product Fastener Spacing Frame Spacing of Bldg Type Thick. Width Type (in.) Type' (in.) (ft) B C D <60ft C D B C D Hardiplank S116 8.25 0.093" shank • Through 2• 4 24 0-15 85 - - 70 100 70 - 0.222" top edge 20 85 - - 70 95 - - H� x 2" long of plank 40 70 - - - 85 - - galv. siding nail 60 70 - - - 75 - - 100 ' ' - ' ' - - ' Hardiplank 5/16 9.50 0.093" shank • Through 2 x 4 24 0-15 80 - - 70 90 - - 0.222" top edge 20 80 - - 70 90 - - HD • 2" long of plank 40 70 - - - 75 - - galv. siding nail 60 - - - • 70 - - 700 ' ' - - ' ' ' - - Hardiplank 5/16 12.00 0.093" shank = Through 2 x 4 24 0-15 70 - - - 70 - - 0.222" rop edge 20 - - - - 80 - - HD x 2" long of plank 40 - - - • - - - galv. siding nail 60 - - - - - - - 100 ' - - - - - ' - Hardiplank 5/16 9.50 0.091" shank, Face 7/16" thick APA - 0-15 100 80 - 90 115 80 - 0.221" HD, 1.5" nailed rated OSB 20 95 75 - 85 770 75 - long corrosion through sheathing or 40 85 70 - 80 - 90 70 - resistant nail the equivalent solid 60 80 - - 75 - 85 - - overlap sheathing 100 70 - - • - 70 - @ �2�� - o.c. - - Notes to Table 2b: 1. Values are for species o( wood having a specifc gravity of 0.42 or greater, unless othenvise noted. Page 29 of 35 , . NER-405 Ta61e 3— SHEAR VALUES ALLOWABLE LOADS IN POUN�S PER LINEAL FOOT FOR PANEL SHEAR WALLS� � Product Fastener Stud Shear Product Thickness Fastener Spacing Frame Spacing Value Type (inch) Type (inch) Types (inch) (pl� Hardiflex 3/16 4d common 1-1/2 in. long 6 2• 4 wood' 16 145 Hardisofft Hardipanel 1l4 . 4d common 1-112 in. long 8 2 x 4 wood 5 16 & 24 120 Hardiflex Hardisofflt Hardibacker 1/4 0.086 in. x 1-3/8 in. 6 2 x 4 woods 16 & 24 140 Titan long gypsum wall board nail Hardipanel 7/4 6d common 2 in. long 6 2 x 4 wood 5 16 190 Hardiflex Hardipanel i/4 No. 71 ga. 1-1/4 in. long 6 2 x 4 wood s 16 8 24 180 Hardiflex galvanized roofing nail Harditex Hardibacker Titan Hardipanel 1/4 ' No. 71 ga. 7-1/4 in. long 4 edge 2• 4 woods i6 8 24 265 Hardiflex galvanized roofing nail 12 feld Harditez Hardibacker Titan Hardipanel 1l4 No. 17 ga. 1-1/4 in. long 3 edge� 2 x 4 woods i6 & 24 295 HardiFlex galvanized roofng nail 6 feld w/48 in. Harditex mid-height Hardibacker block Titan Shiplap 5/16 0.092 in. shank, 0.225 in. HD, 2 in. long 3 edge 2 x 4 wood° 16 268 ring shank nail 8 field Shiplap 5/16 0.092 in. shank, 0.225 in. HD, 2 in. long 4 edge 2• 4 wood° 76 238 ring shank nail 8 field Shiplap 5/16 0.092 in. shank, 0.225 in. HD, 2 in. long 5 edge 2 x 4 wood° 16 208 ring shank nail 8 field Shiplap 5/16 0.092 in. shank, 0225 in. HD, 2 in. long 6 edge � 2• 4 wood° i6 179 ring shank nail 8 field Shiplap 5/16 0.092 in. shank, 0.225 in. HD, 2 in. long 7 edge 2• 4 wood' 16 149 ring shank nail 8 feld Shiplap 5/i6 0.092 in. shank, 0.225 in. HD, 2 in. long 8 edge 2 x 4 wood° 16 179 ring shank nail B feld Hardipanel 5/16 0.091 in. shank, 0.225 in. HD, 1.5 in. 4 edge 2 x 4 wood' 16 198 Hardiflex long ring shank nail 8 field Hardipanel 5/i6 4d common 1-1/2 in. long 8 2• q woods 16 8 24 120 HardiAex Hardipanel 5/76 6d common 2 in. long 6 2 x 4 woods 16 200 HardiFlex Nartlipanel 5/16 6d common 2 in. long 6 2 x 4 wood' 24 153 Hardiflex Hardipanel 5/i6 6d common 2 in. long 4 2 x q woods 16 233 HardiOex Hardipanel 5/16 6d common 2 in. long 4 2• 4 wood' 24 212 Hardiflex Hardipanel 5/16 6d common 2 in. long 6 edge 2 x q wood 5 16 157 Hardiflex 12 field Hardipanel 5/16 6d common 2 in, long 6 edge 2 x 4 woods 24 145 HardiFlex 12 feld Hardipanel 5/16 No. 11 ga. 1-1/2 in. long 6 2• q wood' 16 200 HardiOex galvanized roofng nail Harditex Hardibacker Hardipanel 5/16 No. 17 ga. 1-1/2 in. long 4 edge 2 x q wood° 16 280 Hardiflex galvanized roofing nail 12 field Harditex Hardibacker 30 of 35 • • NERd05 Tahle 3— SHEAR VALl1ES ALLOWAHLE LOADS W POUNDS PER LINEAL FOOT POR PANEI SHEAR WALLS''' Product Fastener Stud Shear Product Thickness Fastener Spacing Frame Spacing Value Type (inch) Type (inth) Types (inch) (pl� Hardipanel 5/16 No. 11 ga. 1-1/2 in. long 3 edge 2 x 4 wood' 16 340 HardiFlex galvanized roofng nail 6 field w/48 in. Harditex mid-height Hardibacker block HardiFlex 7/i6 No. 11 ga. 1-3/4 in. long 6 2• 4 wood' 16 280 Hardipanel galvanized roofng nail Harditex Hardibacker Titan HardiFlex 3/i6 Min. No. 8 x 1 in. long x 0.323 in. HD 6 Min. No. 20 16 140s Hardisoffit ribbed buglehead screws ga. • 3-5l8 in. x 7-3/8 in. metal Gstud Hardipanel 1/4 Min. No. 8 x 1 in. long x 0.323 in. HD 6 Min. No. 20 16 8 24 125s HardiAex ribbed buglehead screws ga. x 3-5/8 in. Harditex x 1-3/8 in. Hardibacker metal GsWd Titan Hardipanel 5116 Min. No. 8 x 1 in. long x 0.323 in. HD 6 Min. No. 20 16 160° HardiFlez ribbed buglehead screws ga. • 3-5/8 in. Harditex x 1-3/8 in. Hardibacker metal Pstud Hardipanel 7/16 Min. No. 8 x 1 in. long x 0.311 in. HD 6 Min. No. 20 16 162° HardiFlez ribbed buglehead screws ga. • 3-5/8 in. Harditex x1-3/8 in. Hardibacker metal Gstud Titan Hardipanel SI16 ET & F 1-1/2 in. long = 0.10" knurletl 4 edge Min. No. 20 16 154 Hardiflex shank x 0.25" HD pin fastener 8 field ga. • 3-5/8 in. x Harditex (AKN100-0150NA) 73/8 in. metal GsNd Hardipanel 5/76 ET & F 1-1/2 in. long x 0.70" knurled 4 edge Min. No. 20 24 133 Hardiflex shank • 0.25" HD pin fastener 8 field ga. • 3-5/8 in. • Harditex (AKN100-0150NA) 1-3/8 in. metal Gstud 1. All board edges shall be supported by framing. Panels shall be applied with the long dimension either parallel or perpendicular to studs. 2. The maximum height-to-length ratio for construction in this Table is 2:1. 3. Values are for species of wood having a specif c gravity of 0.36 or greater. 4. Values are for species of wood having a specifc gravity of 0.40 or greater. 5. Values are for species of wood having a specifc gravity of 0.42 or greater, unless othervvise noted. 6. Under the Uniform Building CodeT", Ihese steel-framed assemblies are limited to wind load resistance only. 7. 1 inch = 25.4 mm, lplf = 14.59 N/m Page 31 of 35 Table 4—"K" and "R" VALUES FOR FIBER-CEMENT PRODUCTS NERd05 Protluct Thermal Thermal Actual Thermal Actual Thermal Thickness' Conductivity' Resistance' Conductivit� Resistance� (inch) K,,, = Btu/hr-ft'-°F R= 1/K,n (K,,,) OO ) 1/4 1.95 0.51 7.80 0.13 5/16 2.07 0.48 6.62 0.15 3/8 2.18 0.46 5.81 0.17 13/32 8.39 0.12 20.07 0.05 7/1& 2.30 0.44 526 0.19 Notes to Table 4: 1. Based on 1 inch of panel thickness. 2. Actual value for panel thickness shown. 3. SI units conversion: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 Btu/h-ft' °F = 5.678 W/m'-K Table 5— PERMEANCE VALUES FOR FIBER-CEMENT PRODUCTS ProductThickness' Permeance (inch) (perms) 1 /4 1.75 5/16 1.54 3/8 1.32 13/32 2.84 7/16 1.10 Note to Table 5: 1. SI units conversion: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 perm = 57 mg/(s•m'•Pa) Page 32 of 35 Sheathing Type Minimum 15/32 inch thick plywood complying with DOC PS 1-95 Tabie 6A BOCA� Nafiona/ Buftding Code/1399 ALLOWABLE BASIC WWp SPEEDS (MILES PER NOUR) FOR HAftDISHINGIE'" CIADDING EXTERIOR WALL FlNISH FastenerType Min. 0.121 in. shank x 0.377 in. HD x 1- 1/4 in. long corrosion resistant roofing nail Weather Exposure and FastenerLocation 8 inch exposure 2 roofing nails 9 inches from butt edge 7 inch exposure Z roofing nails 8 inches from butt edge 6 inch exposure 2 roofing nails 7 inches from butt edge 0-15 20 40 60 100 200 0-15 20 40 60 100 200 0-15 zo 40 60 100 200 of Table 68 SBCGI - 1999 Standard 8uilding Code" ALl.6WA84.E i3ASiC WIND SPEEDS (MILES PEF2 HOUR) FOR HARQISHINGLET"^ CLADDING EXTERIOR WALL FINISN B 110 110 110 110 80 70 110 110 110 110 95 80 110 i�o 110 110 105 90 NERd05 re Category C 95 90 80 75 110 105 95 90 75 70 110 iio 105 100 85 75 Weather Exposure and Height of Exposure Category Sheathing Type FastenerType FastenerLocation Building(feet) Standard Coastal 8inch exposure 0-15 105 105 2 roofing nails 20 100 100 9 inches from butt edge 40 90 90 Minimum 15/32 inch Min. 0.121 in. shank 60 85 85 thick plywood x 0.379 in. HD x 1- 7 inch exposure 0-20 110 i 10 complying with DOC 1/4 in. long corrosion 2 roofing nails 40 100 100 PS 1-95 resistant roofing nail 8 inches from butt edge 60 95 95 6 inch exposure 0-60 110 110 2 roofing nails 100 75 75 7 inches from butt edge 200 70 70 Table 6C ICBO -'1997 Uniform Building Code'"' AL�OWA6LE BASIC WIND SPEE�S (MIi.ES PER HQUR) FOft HAROISHINGLE'TM CLADDING EXTERtOR WAIL PINISH Weather Exposure and Height of Exposure Category Sheathing Type Fastener Type Fastener Location Building (feet) B C 0-20 1�0 90 Sinch exposure 40 100 80 2 roofing nails 60 95 75 9 inches from butt edge 100 90 70 200 80 70 Minimum 15/32inch Min.0.121in.shank 0-20 110 105 thick plywood x 0.371 in. HD x 1- 7 inch exposure 40 110 95 complying with DOC 1/4 in. long corrosion 2 roofing nails 60 110 90 PS 1-95 resistant roofin nail $ inches from butt edge 100 . 105 85 9 200 95 80 0-20 110 110 6 inch exposure 40 110 705 2 roofing nails 60 110 100 7 inches from butt edge 100 110 95 200 100 90 Notes to i abies tia, titt and tic: 1. Table values are based on an importance factor of 1.0 2. 1 foot = 305 mm, 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 mph = 1.6 km/h Page 33 of 35 NER-405 Minimum 7/i6 inch thick OSB sheathing complying with DOC- PS 2-95 Minimum 7/16 inch thick OSB shealhing complying with DOC- PS 2-95 Table 7A BOCA�y National Building Code11999 ALIOWABLE BASIC WIND SPEEDS (MILES PER HOUR) FOR HARDISHINGLET" CLADDING EXTERIOR WALL FINISH FastenerType Min. 0.091 in. shank x 0221 in. HD x 1-1/2 in. long corrosion �esistant siding nail Weather Exposure and FastenerLocation 8 inch exposure 2 siding nails 9 inches from buri edge 7 inch exposure 2 siding nails 8 inches from butt edge 6 inch exposure 2 siding nails 7 inches from butt edge 0-15 20 40 60 0-75 20 40 60 0-15 20 40 60 100 200 of Table 7B SBCCI - 1999 Standa�d 8uilding Code" ALLOWABLE BASIC WIND SPEEDS (MILES PER HOUR) FOR HARDISHINGLET'^ CLADDING EXTERIOR WALL FINISH FastenerType Min. 0.091 in. shank x 0227 in. HD x 1- 1!2 in. long corrosion �esistant siding nail Weather Exposure and Height of Fastener Lowtion Building (fe� 8 inch exposore 2 siding nails 9 inches from butt e 7 inch exposure 2 siding nails 8 inches from butt edge 6 inch exposure 2 siding nails 7 inches from butt edge 0-20 40 60 0-75 20 40 60 0-20 40 60 100 Tabie 7C ICBO - 1997 Uniform Building CodeT'" ALLOWABLE BASIC WIND SPEEDS (MII.ES PER HOUR) FOR HARDISHINGLE"" CLADDING EXTERIOR WALL FINISH B 110 110 90 85 110 170 105 100 110 110 110 110 85 75 85 75 70 100 95 85 80 110 105 100 70 C 75 75 70 90 85 80 75 100 95 90 80 70 85 75 70 100 95 85 80 110 105 100 70 Weather Exposure and Height of Exposure Category Sheathing Type Fastener Type Fastener Location Building (feet) B C 0-15 700 75 8 inch exposure 20 90 70 2 siding nails 40 85 9 inches from butt edge 60 80 100 70 0-15 110 90 Minimum 7/16 inch Min. 0.091 in. shank 7 inch exposure 20 110 85 lhick OSB sheathing x p22'I in. HD x 1-1/2 40 100 80 complying with DOC- in. long corrosion 2 siding nails 60 90 75 PS 2-95 resistant siding nail 8 inches from butt edge 100 85 70 200 70 0-20 110 95 6inch exposure 40 110 85 2 siding nails 60 105 80 7 inches from buti edge 100 80 200 70 rvoces co iaoies iH, ies, anq iG: 7. 7able values are based bn an importance facfor of 7.0 2. 1 foot = 305 mm, 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 mph = 1.6 km/h 34 of 35 Table BA BOCA" National Buildin CodeN999 ALLpWABLE BASIC WIND SPEEDS (M�LES PER HOUR) FOR HARnIRHINrI F�M CI AIIIIINf; FXTFRIOR WALL FINISH NERd05 Weather Exposure and Fastener Height of Exposure Category Sheathing Type Fastener Type Location Building (feet) B C 8 in. exposure 0-15 110 90 3 siding nails per 12 in. wide, 9 in. ZO 110 85 from butt edge, 2 siding nails per 6 40 100 75 & 8 in. wide 60 95 70 100 75 Min.0.091in.shank 0-15 110 105 Minimum 7/76 inch 7 in. exposure 20 110 700 x 0221 in. HD x 1- thick OSB sheathing 3 siding nails per 12 in. wide, 8 40 110 90 1/2 in. long complying wiih DOG inches from butt edge, 2 siding 60 110 85 corrosion resisiant PS 2-95 siding nail nails per 6 8 8 in. wide p00 80 70 6in.exposure 0-20 710 110 3 siding nails per 12 in. wide, 7 40 710 100 inches from butt edge, 2 siding 60 110 90 nails per 6& 8 in. wide 100 100 80 200 85 70 Table BB SBCCI - 1994 Standard Building Code� ALLOWABLE BASIC WIND SPEEDS (MILES PER HOUR) FOR HARDISHINGLET" CLADDING EXTERIOR WALL FINISH Weather Exposure and Height of Exposure Category Sheathing Type FastenerType FastenerLocation Building(feet) Standard Coastal 8 in. exposure 0-15 100 100 3 siding nails per 12 in. wide, 20 95 95 9 in. from butt edge, 2 siding 40 85 85 nails per 6& 8 in. wide 60 80 80 Minimum 7/16 inch thick Min. 0.091 in. shank x 7 in. exposure 0-15 110 110 OSB sheathing 0.221 in. HD x 1-1/2 in. 3 siding nails per 12 in. wide, 20 105 105 complying with DOC-PS long corrosion 8 inches from butt edge, 2 40 95 95 2-95 resistant siding nail siding nails per 6& 8 in. wide 60 90 90 6in.exposure 0-15 110 110 3 siding nails per 12 in. wide, ZO 110 110 7 inches from butt edge, 2 40 110 110 siding nails per 6& 8 in. wide 100 705 �70 Table BC ICBO - 1997 Uni/arm Building CodeT"' ALLOWABLE BASIC WIND SPEEDS (MIIES PER HOUR) FOR HARDISHINGLE'" CLADDING E7(TERIOR WALL FINISH Weather Exposure and Height of Exposure Category Sheathing Type Fastener Type Fastener Location Building (feet) B C 0-15 110 85 Sin.exposure 20 710 80 3 siding nails per 12 in. wide, 40 100 75 9 in. from butt edge, 2 siding 60 90 70 nails per 6& 8 in. wide 100 80 70 200 70 0-15 710 110 Minimum 7/16 inch thick Min. 0.091 in. shank x 7 in. exposure 20 110 105 OSB shealhing 0221 in. HD x 1-t12 in. 3 siding nails per 12 in. wide, 40 110 700 complying with DOC-PS long corrosion S inches from butt edge, 2 60 710 95 2-95 resistant siding nail siding nails per 6 8 8 in. wide 100 100 80 200 90 75 0-15 110 110 6in.exposure 20 110 705 3 siding nails per 12 in. wide, 40 110 100 7 inches from butt edge, 2 60 110 95 siding nails per 6& 8 in. wide 100 105 90 200 95 85 Notes to Tables BA, 88, and 8C: 1. Table values are based on an importance factor of 1.0 2. 1 foot = 305 mm, 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 mph = 1.6 km/h Page Height of Building 0-15 20 30 40 50 60 Table 9A SBCCI - 1999 Standard Building Code'" Allowable Fastencr Spacing (in.) Hardiplank Lap Siding fastened to ASTM C 90 Concrete Wall 6-1/4 and 6 inch wide Hardiplank 1825 16.5 14.75 13.5 12.75 12.25 Height of 6-1/4 and 6 inch wide Building Hardiplank (feet) Exposure B Exposure C 0-15 24.0 15.0� 20 24.0 13.75 40 21.0 1725 60 17.75 10.0 100 14.0 8.75 7-1/2 inch wide Hardipiank 14.5 73.25 1175 10.75 1025 9.75 6-1/4 and 8 inch wide Hardiplank 13.75 12.25 11 10.25 9.5 9 Table 9B BOCAt' National8uilding Code/1999 Allowable Fastener Spacing �in.) .ap Siding fastened to ASTM C 90 Concrete Wall 7-1/2 inch wide 8•tl4 and 8 inch wide Hardiplank Hardiplank :xposure B Exposure C Exposure B Exposure 24.0 23.0 16.7° 1 12.0 24.0 11.0 21.5 9.0 15.75 8.0 13.25 7.0 10.5 11.25 1025 8.5 7.5 6.5 NERd05 9-1/2 inch wide Hardiplank 11.5 10.5 9.25 8.5 8 7.5 9-1/2 inch wide Hardiplank C Exposure B Exposure C 20.25 9.5 1825 8.75 1325 7.25 7125 6.25 8.75 5.5 Table 9C ICBO - 1997 Unitorm Building CodeT"" Allowable Fastener Spacing (in.) Hardiplank I,ap Siding fastened to ASTM C 90 Concrete Wali 6-114 and 6 inch wide 7-1/2 inch wide 8-114 and 8 inch wide 9-112 inch wide Height of Hardiplank Hardiplank Hardiplank � Hardiplank Building Exposure Exposure Exposure Exposure Exposure Exposure Expos� (feet) B C B C Exposure B C B C 0-15 24.0 7425 1925 1125 18.0 10.5 1525 9.0 20 22.5 13.25 18.0 10.5 16.75 9.75 74.25 8.25 40 17.75 11.5 14.25 9.25 13.5 8.5 71.25 7.25 60 75.75 10.5 72.75 8.5 11.75 8.0 10.0 6.75 100 13.25 925 10.5 7.5 9.75 7.0 825 5.75 Notes to Tabl¢ 9A, gB, and 9C: 1. Fasteners shall be ET&F Fastening Systems, Inc. Erico Stud nail, ET 8 F No. ASM-144-125, head dia. = 0.30 in., shank dia. = 0.14 in. 2. Maximum basic wind speed shall be 110 mph. 3. Exposure Category C(for Table 9A). 4. 1 inch = 25.d mm, 7 foot = 305 mm. , • , AVDlleant to tlll In all s0acas axeapt tno�a wit�ln heavy borEer Ilnas anE slgn all aooroorlate Geclarations. CITY!�� COS7A MESA . CONSTRUCTION PERMIT Appliceih's Mailing Address � � �- 3 Project Address < <- ~� s Owner's Name/�� 1�,�r1 �- S- �-NY� � hone UZ� Addreu �`tY_-:'�'! L�L U n �•m • Arch/EnB.- SELr Licensallo. Address Contrector's Nam � � hone �� Address (meiling) �� License No. �� UCENSED CONTRACTON DECLARATION -� ' 1 heraby allirm that 1 am IlcenseU untlar pravisloni of Charter.9 (commencfng with sectlon 7000) ol Divislon 3 of the Business antl Professions Coae, anE my Ilcensa Is In f W I tor�r �ce ana e/fect. � ' LJcenm Class License No. �� Signature �` �KERS'COMPENSATION OECLqRAT10N � aby a/flrm that 1 hava a tertlflwte of conzent to self-insure or a carllficate • Workari' Compensatlon Insurantq, or a certl/ietl, topy t�ereot (Sactlon 3800, Lab. C.) _� , Policy No. � Company BCartl/ietl copy Ii hamDy furnishatl. . � . Certl/ietl copY �s file0 with the clty Builtling Division. Date •��' APPliwnt ' '1. � EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS COMPENSATION OECLARATION (This saction neeE not be completetl H tha permit is for one huntlre0 (SI00)'o'r ' lass). . � � .� 1 certify that In lhe parformance of th�e work for wnich thls Dermit is Issuetl7`: shall not employ any perzon in any manner sa ai to Decome zub7ecl to t�le" Workeri' Compenzallon Laws of Califprnla. - Date �Ignature NOTICE: I1, aftar making [his tlaclaratlon, you'snoultl bacome suCject [o the , Workers' ComDonsatlon Drovisloni of [he l.abor Cotle, you must lorthwith comply witb. such proWs7ont or thls- Oermlt snatl be deemeU revokaE. CONSTRUCTION�IENDING AGENCV ' 1 nereby affirm that thera Is a construCpion IenAing agancy for tne par/ormanca of the work /or whlch tNs perrhit is,155uetl (Sectlon 3097 Clv. CJ LenCer's Nama Lentler's Atltlross; ' � � OWNER BUILDER OECLARATION ' ' ' I hereby,alflrm that I am nxempt from Na.Contracror'S Licanse Law for lha followlna reason (Sactlon 7031.5 BUTiness antl Pro/essional Cotle: Anv cltY or q.lslon J ol Lna tlu9noss ana rlmBAlons Coae) or Ina[ no sna rs eaempc r:!`efrom antl tho Dasis for the alle9eC exemptlon. Any vlola lon o/ Sectlon �"-L31.5 Ey any applicanl for a petmit suD7ects tha apD����t to a civll �enalty o/ not more Inan Ilve nunEreq dollars (5500). ,' . LJ I, as owner o/ tna Property or my employees with waqes'as thoir sole compensatlon wlll tlo lha work, antl the ilruclure Is nol IntenCotl or ofleretl , for sale �Sa<tlon 7046, Business anp Protesslonal Cotln: Tha' Conlractor's - IJ<enze Law Coes not aDP�Y to an owner of a Oroparty who builAs or Improves the�eOn, antl wh0 dOes such work h�mzelt/he�selt or thrOU9h hls Or hBr Own employ ees, provltletl that such improvomontz ara not intantletl or oiforetl for sale. I/, �owevar, Ihe EUIltling or Improvament ii sold within one yoar of com- pletion, t�e ownor wlll have lhe tiurtlen ol proving he/she Eitl not build or Im- �tova lor the purpose of sate). 1, as owner of lhe property, am extlusively contracting with Ilcensotl con- .lractors ta conslruct tho OrojecL(Sect�on 7044, Businais an0 Prolesslonz Cotle: The Contractor's Litansa law does not apply to an ownar of property who builOs or Improves thereon, antl wh0 contracls for such pro�acts wlth a con- tractor(s) Ilcense pursuant to tne Contractor•s License Law). . ❑�I am exempt untler Sactlon B. & P. C. for this reaion Date � owner ' I bereby certiry that� Y have roai Intarmatlon Is correct. I agree to anQ stata laws relating [o bulltlir sentalives ot � t�ts citv lo enter Orlver5' License or 55 � YVV: Z TVPE OF CONSTRUCTION LJ NEW� ADD L'J ALTERATION LJ REPAIR ❑ CONVERSION ❑ DEM LISH OTHER DESCRIPTIONOFWORK �DD MASTF_2 E.DO�i/lYHJ D TVPE OF PERMIT ❑ GRADING�a FOUNDATION I�I STRVCTVRAL ❑ TENANT � ELECTRICAL � PLUMBING ❑ MECHANICAL ❑ �07HER - PRQIECT DESCRIPTION 50. FT. �yT_ OCCU�,ANCv� CONSTRUCTIONTVPF S VALUATION$�S�C ZONE GRADINGCU.VDS. � ACRES_ Remarks: , . �� . � ' PLUMBING � •. Bar Sink Sewer CaP �• . 7reventer � Irrigation Drinking Faunteins Floor Drains Floor Sinks � Ges Service OuNets In[erreorors . P-Trap Roof.Drains Service Sink Duct - Under Ground , Duct - Structural , Duct - Ventilating Exhaust System ❑ Multiple Firepl/Fact. Bit. ICBO •Ih , Heating System & Ducting ❑ai oo,000 sru O i oo.000 or Type I Registers Salar CollectOrs Solar Piping Solar Tank Swimming Pool Weter qoset Water Heater Water Service ' Reinspection Fea laue Fee i IANICAL Refrigeration System . � ❑a�oo,000eru ❑ioo,oaoaru System Repair/Alteretion � i Reinspection Fee Im�e Fee • , $15 '�S 3 $15, S 3 A. P. sle II.S- �/ 9I -.Z� PLNG.REF.#e � TO BUILDING PROPERTY LINE LEFTSIDE VAqD PKG.SPACE REQ. STREET WIDTH SPECIALCONUITIONS: �-OD Automatic Wazher.� . � Consttuction Pole Cooking Uni[ Dishwasher Dryers ❑Gas �Electric � Fan F.A.U. � Fixtures Device Boxes � . 3 o�uets _ . ' KW 05-15 % i 5ti ai { +id.l BUILDING REAR VAqD (TO P/U RIGHTSIDE VARD PROVIDED PARK FEE $ Meter,LJover 100,an Sub Panel Sub Pole � Mators �0-1 HP ❑ Inc.Solar �9-15 HP 'Microwave Pole Light Range . . c �,-o-, r� �. �� Transformer ��J15-50 KW ' ' ': � �05U+KW: ' Reinspection'Fee S15 � Meter �up to t00amp> . Issue Pee� $ 3 ZoninpAPP�ovedBy Date �G%f- ��'-83 ApPlimtion APProved BV ��� - Data r- /��3. � g� Appliration Iaued�BY `� � - - Date �� �'3�� � ' � � .�, � . SUMMARV OF:.FEES � � ,' 5..� BUILDING�PERMIT $ S�Sz'%]� SMIP.'� ' ' $ 1 �•.PLANCHECK� �$'��� �J]� PERMIT �' , '- PWMBING '� � ,I'� $ -1�ai.y V: ISSUANCE' � $ , PLANCHECK� $ �O-O" ..�.GRADING_' � S ' � ,ELECTRICAL . $ '. � - $ _ PLAN CHECK � $ '�MICROFICM $ � � MECHANICAL $ i � TOTALFEE, S t � PLAN�CHECK ' $ r.cLESS- � •. • ADVANCEDPC $- . . ' ' . � � � FINAL FEE, � $ OS. CMF 0865•46 rev. 12/82 Whit<- Builtling; Canary - Appliwnt; olnk - A<Counting; Goltlenrotl - ASse550r : ,' CONSTRUCTION AND�PLANNWG ' � �� �� � - - . POC iPA -• .. >' � - � ��Date � - Inspector ' - Date Inspeitor •APPROVALS Permit#� �APPROVALS Permit# 1. Temporary Electrical Service or Pole � ' .. __ . � : 52.�, Pool & Equipment Location ��; 2: Soil Pipe-Undrgrnd. , . 53:_ Steel Reinforcement ; '� 3. Electrical Conduit Utiliiv-Undrgmd. � . � � �54 � Forms � � - .. � �� 4: Electrical Conduit-Undrgrnd. � . 55� Electrical Bonding � �- 5: Steel Reinforcement , - _ � � � ',56. Rough Plumbing & Piessure Test , . � 6: Electrical UFER Grnd. ' '�, �' �� � 57. APPROVAL TO COVER•GUNITE - 7. Footings � , � - , : � �" 8 � Electrical �pnduit-Undrarr,.i..: , 6. Foundation � � � �� , - , � � ;59. Gas Pipe, � Undrgrnd., Test � 9. Water Pipe-Undrgrnd. � :. ��60. Backwash Lines, P-Trap, � Undrgrnd. - 10. Structural Floor System , - , 61. APPROVAL TO DECK - 11. Property Sewer Line & House Connection �62. Backwash &' ReceptorFinal -. - 12. Sewer Cap , . ' o � " ; 63. Heater & Vent-F�nal ' . � � 13. Roof Dreins � � . , �� ; •64. Plumbing System - Final � ` � � � 14. Rough Plumbing " �,b-� 65. Electrical-Firial � ' 15. Rough �Electrical-Conduit -' "" ' -" - - -' �' � '66.� Solar Sysfem=Fina1 ' ' -" ' ' � - � �i 6. ;Rough Elec[ric Wiring . . . �,�� `�. j - 3 �, � ' " - �67 ; Fencing & Access.Approval i - � -� ._ - _ :'17. Rough Wiring'Sign;: , . , : �- i , . � i ' 68.� APPROVED FOR PLASTERING � � � , � . _ 18. ,Rough Electrical-T Bar Ceiling' ' ; �' � 69. POOL/SPA SYSTEMS FINAL o - ; 19. Rough,Heating & Air Conditioning , ' ' � � . FIRE DEPT. REQUIqEMENT , . � . Rough Factory Fireplace � , APPROVALS} � Permib# , � � , � 21. Duas, in Structure� � � i ' � � � ' �70.� Undeiground Hydro ' , � � '12. Ducts, Ventilating , ' ! � � J1.; Product Piping OGas ❑Oil ' � t i:,`23. Gas.Pipe-Rough & Test , � • � � . 72,; Unde�ground Flush 24. Roof Framing- , � � � � �;'',- � • � _ •. � � �73.' Undergrnd.StorageTank.O-Gas ❑Oil ' ry - . �5. Roof Sheathing � ' � , _8"3 � 7q,� Overhead Hydro ' 26. �-8ar Ceiling (Structural) & Monocoat� � 75.' Dry Chemical � - � � , 27�. Frame and Flashing ' , � � 76. Dry $tandpipe � � ' . � 28: Lathing & Siding /� 77. F�IXED SY$TEM'PINAL 29. Insulation �� � � #f, ; � � 78: FIRE PREV. F�INAL � 30.'Drywall Nailing � . �,�-� ', � ' Notes:' . � . . 31. Plaster Brown Coat .� , , � � �.� .- /i �. � 32. Electrical Power Meter-Final � ��O 6, CC ' � ' 33. Final Electric p � � � * ' 34. Final Heating & Air Conditioning ' � 35. Final Gas Pipe-Test - i " � � � . � � -� 36. Hood or Canopy � r. . . � � �. � ` - 37. Final Factory Fireplace - a' �. � , � 38. Final Plumbing � , � � ' , � ' ' - �� �- � � ' 39. Water Service-Final - � � - y A 40. Gas Service-Final ' , � ' � � a a -$- 41. Solar pomesticFinal . � ' � ' �. 42. Backflow Preventer � � � � - 43. Backflow Irrigation ", � ' . � � - . � '- � � i . 9/s-a C 44. Landscape Ircigation System , � "� ' ' i�'� iv�iql n1 rCl�b�d►'io/4ti ��oj z"d f�o� �n 45. Sound Attenuation . . � � ' � � O ` � `�� � n 46. Handicap Regulations I . . ;'� � � .'� - d - � � 47. FINALSTRUCTURE&BUILDING' � �, . � , ; iS 4S. Special Requirements Completed . , 49. Electric Release to Edison ' , . _, _ __ . . � � .; � _ . . � 50. Gas Release to Southem Cafifornia Gas Co , � � i . � � . . . � 51. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY � _ � . . � . No, Date � � ' . f, . r� F COSTA MESA � f N�TRUCTION PERMIT �< .4Vo��Gnt to 1111 In all soaces exceo� ��osa � APpIifA�?"5 Meili08 AtltllBSS e ipject'Atldress �� Owner's Name � 5—� ��� hone yG l7'OZ 8 Addreu �y�-� ��u1��� Arch/Eng. Licenm Na. Addreu Contractor's Nam hone � Addreu Imailing) . Licanse No. LICENSED CONTRACTOR DECLARATION I hereby af}Irm that I am Ilcansad untlar provlslons ot Charter 9(commencin9 with sactlon 7000) of Dlvlsion 3 of Iha Business antl Vrofesilons Cotla, anG my Ilcanse.is In luli forca antl e7fact. Llcense Class � Licanse No. Date Si9naturo WORKERS'COMPENSATION DECLARATION - I here0y affirm tnat t have a certifica[e of conseni to selt-Insure or a<ertlticate \ Workers' Compensatlon InSurance, or a certHieO <oDY thereof (Se<tion: 00. Lab. C.) ' . � olicy No. - ' ' Company � 8 CertitleC�copY is hereby furNshad. ' - � � Cer[ifietl CopY i3 filetl with the city Builtlln9 Division. �ate � ADPllunt . . E%EMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION DECLARATION (This section neetl not be com0�etetl if the permit Is tor one huntlretl (E300) or �� lezs). . ' : '. I certlfv that in the oerto�mance of tha work for which thls oermk Is lssuetl.�l� . Worke�s' Co p� On Laws Of Call1 ���/J�� i�A ! ;. , Oate � ignature � r —r ��---- � . NOTIC : If,�aiter making tnis tleclaratlo u shoultl �becoma sub�ect to the Workers' Compensation provisions of the labor Cotle, you must lorthwith � comply with' sUch ptOvision5 or tnis ,petTit s�all be tleemetl revoke�.' � CONSTRUCTION'LENDING AGENCV ' I hereby affirm that [here Is a constructlon IanGing agancy for tha� performance of [he work /or which this permit is issuetl '(Section 3097 Civ. C.) LenOer's Name - Lentlar's AOtlrais � ' OWNER�,BUILDER DECLARATION ' ' I hereDy afiirm that I am exemot from the Contractor's License Law for the . a , herefrom antl the basis for the allegetl axemptlon. Any violatiodot�5octlon �,u331.5 �y any aOGlicant tor �a permlt suDjects the applitant to a civll �nalty o1 not more than five huntlrea tlotlars (E500). • (1; as owner of the.property or my amployees with wages as their so�e CompensatiOn will tlo tha woik, an0 the Tt�ucturo is nOt In[entletl O� offer¢tl for wle (Secllon 7044, Business antl Pro(e5sianal Cotle: The Contractor's Llcensa Law tloes not apply to an owner of a property who builas or improves . thereon, antl who �Eoes such work �Imself/herself or throug� hls or ner own � ¢mploy ees, provi0etl that such improvements ara not IntontleE or offereU for sale. I/, howeve�, tho EUIltling Of ITOlOV8T8OL IS SOItl WIIhIO 0119.YBdf Of COT- � pletlon, t�e ownar will have lne burtlen of proving he/she tl1U not bu110 or im- �fOVB (Of�[h0 pUlp058 Of Sd18). ' ' U I, a5 Owne� Of [he prOPerty, dm ¢zCIu5lvely cont�acNng wlth'llG<n58tl <O�- tractors to construct t�e pro�ect (Sec[ion 7044, Businass anE Profassions Cotle: . T�e ContractorY Clcense Law Uoes no[ apply to an owner of property wbo �builtls or Improves� thereon, antl who contracts for such pro7ects with a con- tractor(s) Iicensa pursuant to the Contractor's License Law). . ❑ bam exampt udtler Section B. 6 P. C. for this reason Date � � Owner � � � � ' I har¢by cartify that I have reatl this appliwtion antl state thabthe•abova � intormatlon is <orrect. 1 agrea to comply with all city anC county ortlinances � anA state laws relating to building construction, antl �ereby authorize repre- 5entatives of tbk dty�to enter upon the above-mentionetl proper[y for inspectlan ourpQs � Gz SI nat re X I�.�i1� �� ' '� Oate %�Z6'J l Slgn ill iDD�ODIIaIG OOCIdIit10(IS. I — �U23 C� - � / =<! TYPE OFCONSTRUCTION NEW ADD ALTERATION REPAIR ❑ CONVERSION ❑ DEMOLISH ❑ OTHER DESCRIPTION OF.WORK �L '�` T��JG4 Q�S� �ITI/7�1�. TVPE OF PERMIT GRADING FOUNDATION TRUCTURAL A. P.9W ❑ TENANT � ELECTRICAL PLUMBING ❑ MECHANICAL PLNG.REF.9W � ❑ �OTHER TO BUILDING PROJECTDESCRIPTION SQ.FT. ' OGCVPANCV '" P PE V INE CONSTRUGTION TVPE --�� W VA�UATION $� /��� LEFT SIDE VAR ZON� GRADINGCV.YDS. � ACRE� 7KG.SPACERE�. Remarka: S' � 1 � TG ^ —/e I STFEET WIDTH (O� / � ' SVECIAI CONDITIONS: Preventer Irrigation FloarSinks - uasService �Outlets Interceptors �, ' Kitchen Sink . lavatories � . P—Trap Roof Drains - Showers . ' � Service Sink eoiier. Duct- UnderGround ' Duct-Structural ' � Duct - Ventilating • . ' Exheust System ❑ Multiple ❑ Firepl/Fact. Blt. ICBO # or Type I 9 u � ;MF 0865-46 rev. 12/82 Whit¢ - Builtlinq; Canary - Applicant; Pink - Accounting; Goltlenrotl - Assessor Sewe[,c;onnecbon - $013f CQI�QCt015 - Solar PiPing _ � .� , .i. Solar Tank . - , . Water Clout ' Wata� Heater Water Service - . � Reinzpection Fee laue Fee , �: . " I $15 _ $ 3 � iymauon oYamm ❑b700,000BTU ❑100,OOO8TU +� System Repair/Alteration � .�, Reimpection Fae Isua Fee. B � �$15 .= $ 3 tic Washer � ction Pole� � Unit '� her �Gas ❑E l .�' ="I5d II. �1� � REAR YARD (TO P/L) � RIGHTSIDE VARD � PROVIDED _ PARKFEE$ �Meter�lover 10Uamps . Sub Panel , . Sub Pole � - . � Motors �0-7 HP ❑1�'h-9 � . ' InaSolar��945HP 01645+ �Microwave ��' � Pale Light Range � Sign . Standinq Sections ' ' i¢nes - �ba9e Dispbsal ' ^ • �erator DO•5 KW �5-15 KW insioimer �15-50KW - "' ' ❑5U+�ICW. � rten �uo�to 100amoe •� �, " Appliration Approved'By Trash ; �; � - �� �`S�UM�"5MApRV OF FEES . ' �BUILDING PERMIT $ �[L_ � • SMIP . PLAN CHECK' , $� �D3• � PERMIT 'PLUMBING;' $•�_ � �SSUANCE PLAN CHECK'� $ .� �� �—� GRADING ,ELECTRICAL• ' $ _L1_,_ �. ^;PLAN CHECK $� 'S� �S MICROFILM MECHANICAL $ TOTAL�FEE PLAN CHECK . $, � "' LESS . ADVANCEDPC ' ';> FINAL FEE � Fee � : 'o i 5 $ J� NSTRUCTION AND.PLANNING� ' ,_ �I� � � � -'. � �- .� . � r�u�.a . . _ �Date•� � Inspector� � - : APPROVALS � Permif#' ' - - APPROVALS' Permit # ;1. �Temporary Electrical Service or'Pole . � . . 52: Pool &.Equipment Loration � � �. •2: ,� dil'Pipe-Undrgrnd: - �_ �' ; • : ' � 53:; Steel Reinforcement � . ; 3! Electrical Conduit Utilitv-Undrgrnd. : - � � � 54_�Forms," � ' , : - ��` �: E�ectrical Conduit-Undrgrndl ` . � � � -' � . . 55:. Electrical Bonding 5. Steel Reinforcement ' � � - � _ ' - � � 56 � Rough Plurribing & Pressure Test � ,� &. ,Electiical UFER Grnd. � ' � <57.. APPROVAL TO COVER-GUNITE �� 7. Footing; " � � � • ' 58. Electrical �pnduit•Undramd. �. 8. Foundation '`� •� 59. Gas Pipe, O,Undrgrnd., Test 9. Water Pipe-Undrgrnd. � - � - 60. Backwash Lines, P-Trap, O Undrgrnd. 10. Structural Floor System ' � � 61. APPROVAL' TO DECK v 11. Property Sewer Line & House Connection �� /�� � � �, Backwash & Receptor-Final 12. Sewer Cap � . - � ' - � 63. Heater &'Vent•Final ' � 73. Roof Drains � � � � 64. Plumbing Sysfem - Final � ,� 14. Rough Plumbing' - /0/y/yT � � 65. Electrical=Final � � • - '� 15.-,Rough Electrical-Conduit � � - - " - ' "� - -" 66.� Solar�System-Final � � ����16. iiough Elec'tric Wiring ; �a �� ' - _ � � 67., Fencing &�Access Approval � � 17. Rough Wiring Sign, ,. ., 68. APPROVED FOR PLASTERING 18. Fough�Electrical-T Bar Ceiling �. � - 69. POOUSPA SYSTEMS FINAL � 19: ,Rough Heating & Air Conditioning � ' � FIRE DEPT, REQUIREMENT . 20. Rough factory Fireplace ; � APPROVALS Permit # _� Z'' Ducts, in Structure • 70.' Underground Hydro ', 22.' Ducts, Ventilating , . � ' 71. Product Piping O Gas ❑ Oil �3. �Gas Pipe-Rough & Test .: � � .. 721 Underground Fiush � �� � • 24. Roof Fiaming , � . 73. Undergrnd. Storage Tank O Gas ❑ Oil �25. �Roof Sheathing .�C.�� - J4. Overhead Hydro - �26. T-Bar Ceiling (Structurell & Monocoat , � � 75.' Dry Chemical � � '� 27: �,Frame and Flashing � 76., Dry Standpipe � 26. Lathing & Siding �J J �� 77.' FIXED SYSTEM FINAL , ' 29. Insulation n� p� �S 0� ' ' �78. FIRE PREV. FINAL .: '30. Drywall Nailing` . �� _�3 ,� ' Notes: _ � 31. 'Plaster Brown Coat � ' � � . � f � 32. Electrical Power Meter,Final � �O�j e�t•� '� � 33. Final Electric �' � , � - 34. Final Heating & Air Conditioning � '�' .� �M 35. Final GasPipe-Test - . � . �, 36. Hood or Canopy � , ' : . . _ _ _ ' - /'✓C f a 37. Final Factory Fireplace�� � � / 38. Final Plumbing Cprn y� '�� _ 39. Water Service-Final � � � _{ 3 r. 40. Gas Service-Final � ' . � �� - "i.cJr c�. 41. Solar D'ome'sticFinal � ' , ,� _ � , _ _ . _ , _ � i -- 42. Backflow Preventer' � • _ f '' � , _ � 43. BackflSw Irrigation�. � � . ' - � - � ' , 44. Landscape Ircigation System � -- ' � � � i 45. Sound 'Attenuation � ' � ,_. �� , ' � � 46. Handicap�Regulations � ' � � " " • 47. FINAL STRUCTURE & BUILDING g- i7 ; , 48. Special Requirements Completed , ,� � 49. Electric Release to Edi;on , �. ; . , . 50. Gas Release to Southem Califomia Gas Co � i , � � . _ y 51. CERTI FICATE OF OCCUPANCY _ ' _ ' �, ` No. . ' . . Date � ' , ' • ' � . , . Date � Inspector � i7i=�'/`:I1VHG3_ i�!-=f=2_i-Si=.1r-/-l-i-Zi !N • ,;arr�es N. I��asCernak � � �.;1� 2E,, i9P�L 94C Do�n,iocd �:03�.p] :�IES� . �,8;;�"Of �il�l '`i?(�<� i'E: G g0�6 ; ity of ���Gra i ;;,y :::�i� I`1es�� Ci�y liall % Buildir,g Saf�;,y Civision � / rr„ta ��;esa, C;ali`or�ia 97_627 :�fi8i'BrJ�/ [-'I'OC�8.10 4flo•`.. �il@ Si.PUCYi1P8� oGdl�ifl(? H�: �4u vCUv'OCI:i, LO 1:!;8. �.72i� C1� 77�/ �Kf;OLJIB(��8, i5 CCf15tCUCt,C?C! 8�1.C� $11;U81'.8G SUC!�1, i i?:L 'J-:1(]L�;B(j 15 at iCdSt 8� �iPoi18 lnli�`,il!Il f1VL' i PFr, fi'0171 tflp b1.1111j111j), hflC� 3L ik?c`ISY. 8 1 "n CJ!'a0E !(1 2['C85 OL11:31.78 ��l`ar i ISi.B('�:8, c'iSSUi'ti1O jJi i�Faci CjL'a1f127C3P Or l�J��IYEC iJl�Ju'y fPOfTi LfiiS i3(�ii i911\J 8�,}oC�'.Ilt S'iLiCC�UfES .P.cii IIIC t(i t}?8 S�I'f'C'�.. 51;lCBiP,�y� J �„�+� P�,�� Jam2s !�. pas�ernab: o�,;r��i'-buii[l.�r R� �F COVERING CERTI, .�ATION �� Propertyaddress ��� �OV1���� ow�er J�M �`J N. Pasr-�R�A K � Contractor �� State Contractor License Number �.�.� ..�� ►. 7 r Ii Classification C I hereby certify that I have installed, or caused to be installed, a minimum Class C roof covering at the above address in conformance with Chapter 32, and Section 1704 of the 1979 Uniform Building Code, as amended in Section 5-17 Title 5 Costa Mesa Municipal Code, and the installation instructions of the manufacturer. � I further certify that I am the owner of the property. (Owner-Builder permittee only�. ❑ I further certify that I am: ❑ Owner of sole proprietorship company ❑ Full partner of the company ❑ Limited partner of the company ❑ Officer of the corporation I certify that as an authorized officer oc agent of the company or corporation, I am empowered to make this certification, which shall be binding on all successors or assigns of the company or corporation. 1 shall deliver a copy of this Certification to the above listed owner, after submittal of form to the Building Division for acceptance. Received by Building Division by: ,/�,�. �l �l -�j3 Initial Date SPace for Notarial Statament for authorizetl olfieer or agent or Coroorate _i.l—I �'�dS-T���1a1<- � Atltlress c/�/� ��i,�o 0�) ST, «7- � � � P�-�. �.-►�-- �o f6-� Si9nature Date _iY�M�S N. �AST.LQI�K�� Printetl or Typetl Name . CMF 0990-46 White - BUIltling Div.: Canary - Contractor; Pink - Owner .J INSULATION CERTIFICATION --�-� O oG i.vD�� c. M_ �2�a�G E NumDv �n0 Slre[t Clly Counly SYDtlivhlOn LOt NumDer DESCRIPTION bF INSTALLATION ROOF /� Materi�l !-t�7PbiALi �-✓F�1r�C',�l��j B�a�dNama �%�.(��..D�iS'� C�QiJ11�1G1 Thrckncas (inche9 Thermat Resivan�r (R Valuel EXTERIOR WA�L Materisl =F�CYJREJO S��VIN_Gi BnnCName � Thickntss (inch�sl � TAerrtyl Res�nence (R Va��t) CEILING �-` / B�ttorBlank[tTYP� 3�^�"��r Br�ndNam[ i`�illCNS ���A�i�A]Ui " \yTnic�rxu IinUes) � Tnerma� Res�sunce (R Va1ue1 Looae Fill Type Bnnd Name Minimum Thickness (inchesl N�mber of baqs Weight O�r bag Ib Area Cpvered (h�l Tnermat Resli�ance IR Va1�e) � FLOOR,ELEVATED Malerial Brantl t�ame TAitknrss (inc�es) T�errtul Res�stance (R Va�uel FLOOR,SLAB _ M1Luriat 'Brand Kamr T�ickness (inchei) T�erma� Pes�:ta�ce (R Val�e) W�dt� linctm9 _ _ - FOUNDATION WALL Ma�eriel Brand Name i T��c4ness G���[sl ' T�ermil Rrus[ance IR VaWel , DECLARATION i hneby certity fhat ine abovr' insulatio� was insulleC m the bu�iding �t i�e above bca�ion im m�/ormance w�tn inr cu.rmt requlatiom setting Energy Consemtion Slande�ds 1or new re�idenfisl build��gs (lorated in Tnle 74 of the Uiflo��u 4Cmirin�ar�ve Codd. Gmeui Go�tntlor (BuiroeiJ �icense N�mue. S�qn�ture a�tl Tiue Date Contu[to� (Intubtion AOO��utorj L,iCeme NumDer Sqnalwe anE Trt�e F�gvrr 4-1 E�ample ol a[ompi�an[e [ertilic�:r 4-9 Dile ORANGE COUNTY BUILDING DEPARTMENT 636 North Broadway � , SANTA ANA, CALIFORNIA � FOR APPLICANT TO FILL IN BUILDING []� Dogwood ADDRE55 7 SCHOOL DIST. COBta Meea OR TOWN NEAREST =Ross 5T. Republic A ve. owNeRCHINOOK HOMES� INC. MAIL AODRE55���� 4J�� qH�RF F;I V11_ aT� BEV ERLY HILlS No' �R. 5436i ARCHITEGT��iN S� MCKERRACHER No�SY. 6489� ENGINEER ADDRESSZ��O E, WALNUT ST.. PASAOENA ADDRE55 6 WIISHIRE BLVD. tSEV.riiLLS LEGAL 11 DESCftIPTION LOTNO. Z�Y BIOCK ���2 (ATTACM METES & BOUND51 NO. OF BLOGS. SIZE OF LOT72 % �OO NOW ON LOT USE OF I NO. OF I N EXISTING BLDG. FnMIUES R� DESCRIPTION OF WORK BUILDIN 11 NO. OF 5¢E O3Y SQ�FT ROOMS 5 STORIES � WALL ROOF COMPO COVERING STUCCO COVERING SHING USE OF NEW BUILDING REs�DENCE_Att_Carnnrl APPLICATION FOR PERMIT � � ��UILDil11G FOR OFFICE USE ONLY - RECEIPT NO. PERMIT NO. GIs ��' S/�' 3.� RECEIVED BY ATE OF APPL. DATE ISSIiED i�rT i�-�� �3/���.� BUILDING �i�/ � �aC N_' � ADDRE55 �� `f' APPROVE� CENTER OF ST. � FOUNDATION: LOCATION i HERE6Y ACKNOWLE']GE THAT 1 HAVE REAO THIS FORMS, MATERIALS, APPLICATION AND STATE THAT THE ABOVE IS CORRECT UNDER.PINNING AND AGREE TO COMPLY WITH ALL COUNTV OR�INANCES FRAME: FIRE STOPS. BRACING, BOLTS AND STATE LAWS REGl1lATING BUILDING CONSTRUCTION. LATH.INT. SIGNATURE OF NENPORT VISTA CO• LATH. E%T. PERMITTE� �/��!+ �+ PIASTER.INT. 4UTHOHIZEO AGV� � .�._.�iS..�* . �1 �' n/ ����—� � nn � PLASTER, EXT. ��v l $��3��W P. G. E"]_. — MASONRV i2EINFORCEO FEE s �(L — BOND BEAM VALUATION L FEE �i '— FINAL �� � 1 9 0 � � z n r r . , ... . .' r .�. ,_ . ,. �.-.��— - —. .�: r,� :i'.' '. . ����.: �.i - ... _ ;S � , � - � � '