HomeMy WebLinkAbout2301 ELDEN AVE - Building Permits� PH0.IELT RODflE55: Z 3O S ELDEN AV ' UWNEfl'SNAME: VNE DEVELOPMENT noosEss: Z34 E 17TH ST #208 C.M., CA 548-3072 APCN/ENGINEEfl: flEG.NO.: uNiT: ADOPE55: UN1T: PEFMITTEE: VNE DEVELOPMENT ( 714 ) 645-7588 nooxess: 1048 IRVINE AV 363 N.H. CA 92660 LICENSEO CONTflALTOB OECIABATION: I �ereGy aliirm I�al I am li[en5e0 under O�ovisions oi CAapier 9 �commencing wii� Section ]OW� ol DiNsion 3 0l IOe Business an0 P�ole55ion5 COJe. an0 my license �s in lull (orce anG ellect. CITY LIC.: STRTE LIC.: C1A55: Oa�e: SignaWre: WONREBS' COMPENSRTION OECLAPATION: I her¢�y allirm �hal I �ave a cehificate o� consenl Io selbinsure ar a ce�ilicale o� Workers' Compensation Inswance. or a cehi�ietl coDY ��e�eol �Section 3800. LaO. C�. PoLICY NO.: E%P. OATE: COMPANY: �� Certitiea copy i5 �ereby lumis�etl. ❑ C¢tlilie0 LODY is liled wii� Ihe city Building Oivision. Oate. Npplicani'. ENEMPTION FROM WOflRFRS' COMVENSATION �ECLANATION: Qhi55¢clion nee0 not be Cam0le�eA it Ihe permil i51ar one �unered (5100) ar 1¢55), I cetlily ��at in I�e perlormance oi �he work lor w�ic� Ihis permil is�i�yug4, I shall noI employ any person in any manner so as to become 511�I¢Ct 10 Ih¢ 4V0� R ComOensaiion Laws ol Calilornia. ///! G✓ �/ � ^ L[. � Z" � °�`L �� < < ����i Da�e: T� C-'. SipnaWre: � � NO7ICE: If. after making ihis tleclaialion. you snoul0 become subie�� to ihe WorkeK Compensation v�a�isions of Ihe LaUor Code. you musl fonhwitn comply wiln such provisions or Ihis permil shall be deeme0 revokea. LONSTflUCTION LENOING AGENCY: I Aere�y allirm Ihai Ihere is a cons�mction lending aAency lor �he peAorman[e o� Ihe work lor which �his Oermit is issuetl �Sec�ion 3W7. Civ, C�. LENDEfl: aooness: �I OWNEH BUIL�EP OECUBRTION: I �ere�y aifirm t�al I am exempl Imm th¢ Contratlors' $Iate License law tor ��e bllowinq reasan �Seciion 7031.5 Business an0 Prolessional fAOe: Any ti�y ol county whic� requires a permiUo Canslmci, alleL impmve, Oemolish, or repair any slmcWre, Orior �o its issuance. also reQuires I�e aDPlicani for suc� permit to lile a 5igneU 5latemenl Ihat he/s�e is licensed pursuan� Io ��e pmN5ion5 0l t�e Contractors' Slate License Law �C�apler 9(tommencing with Section 7000) ol Division 3 0l ihe Business antl Pmlessions Cotle) o� Ihal he/she is exempl I�erelrom and ihe basis �or ��e alleged eremplion. Nny violation ol Seclion 7031.5 �y any applicant lor a permil SuUjeqS Ihe a0�litanl to a civil penal�y ol noi more �han �ive �untlreC tlallars (E500�. Y I. as owner ol Ihe D�operiy or my employees vnt� waAes as �heir sale compensation, wiil do the work, an0 Ihe C7 simcwre is no� imenaed or ollered lar sale (5ection 70aa. Business and Pmfessional Co�e: The Coniracmrs' S�ate license Law tloes not apD�Y �o an owner of a pmpeny w�o �uiltls ar impmves t�ereon, and w�o tloes such wnh himselt/Aersell ar tllmugh hls ar her own employees. provi�ea I�al such imD�ovemenis are no� intended or ofiereA br sale. It, �owever I�e Guilaing or impmvement is soltl wit�in one year ol compleiion, Ihe owner will have �he buraen ol O�oving �e/she tlid nol Euild or impmve for me purpose ol sale). I. as owner ol ��e Dmperry, am exclusively conVac�ing wiih IicenSeU contractors lo constmcl �he Orolec� (Sec�ion 7044, Business ❑ antl Pm�essians Code'. The Conlraclors' S�a�e License Law Qoes nol appty ta an owner al pmpeM1y who builds or imOroves thereon and w�o wnirac�s br suc� pmle��s witA a canlrac�or(5) license Oursuant lo Ihe Coniraclors' Siale License Law�. I am aware Iha� pmol oi t�eir Worker'S Compensation insurance shoul0 Oe D��vided lo me. � I am ezemp� uneer Seciion: B. B P. C. tar ihis reas n: �j � /� / � �ate: � � �_ G � Owncr: / �" � �( � � G `�"� I Uo hereby cenify I�at I am aware of an0 untlerslantl I�e reQuiremenls ol California,Heal�h ana Salery Cotle Sec�ions 25505, 25533, antl 25534 and t�al I or any lulure Guilding occupant willlwill nol (circle one) nee0 to comply vn�� saitl Sla�e cotles antl Ihe reduirements �or a p¢rmii for mnsimc�ion or motldicatian Imm I�e Air Oualiiy Managemen� DiSincL flesidenlul con5imclian apD�icaiions are e�em0� �mm Inese pmhsfons. Uate: po�licanl: I M1ereOy cetlity �hat I �ave reaa Ihis applica�ion and state ��at IAe a�ove inlormation is corrttt. I agree �a camply vnlh all [ity anA couniy artlmances anA slale laws relaimg to Oudaing conslmclion antl hereby aul�ar¢e represenlaiives ol Ihis ciiy lo enler uDon Ihe above�menlioned , pmpeny for inso(e/cuon purposes. �� � /1 /J Date: /��6�^"'1�� $ignaWre: `-'�/ 'LIt/�n.�f � oriver s �icense or Socia� Security� t6a1-a6 White—Bullaing�, Green—Gotle Enlorcamem: Canary—Appliwnp Pmk—Revenue: Goltlenro�—Assassor CITY OF COSTA MESA — BIJILDING PERMIT , PERMIT NO: B 065470 PLAN CHECK NO: N . , CONSTRUCTION TYPE: V—N PERMIT TYPE: STA PURPOSE: DEM JOB DESCRZPTION , SQ FT: CLAIM VALUE: 1,000.00 CALC—VALUE: 1,000.00 GROUP OCC; R-3 /M-1 COMMENTS: DEMOLISH RESIDENCE FOR 7 NEW SFR ON 130 23RD ST +r+r+��r**�**************�r**+r*�+r+rr�*�r�r�r*�r****+rx+r�r***x�*�r�r+r�r***«�rx�****��r*+r*�r*+r*+r***�* Z O N I N G R E Q U I R E M E N T S S E T B A C K S ------------ MAIN BUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY BUILDING --------- FRNT; ET IN REAR; FT IN FRNT: ET IN REAR: FT IN LEFT; FT IN RGHT: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGBT; FT IN PARKING REQ• PROV; PARCEL: 43927116 ZNE: REF NO: PLANNZNG NdTES> i !! i! 1k 1f k 1f if fklf 1t 1f 1F it 1k ft 1f k 1f 1F 7!!f 1E 1k 1F 1klf !f 1f �f 1f iE 1E it 1k 1! 1F M M 7E ff M IF 1F 1E 1F it fE k 1E k/f M!f !F!F!F iF 1f 1f 1E 1f fE 1f fF iklf 1t 1F 1! �!!f k 1E if ft f!!f M f! D E V E L O P M E N T S E R V I C E S R E Q U I R E M E N�T S ZONING APPROVED BY DATE; S Y HUILDING APPROVED BY : DATE; APPLICATION ISSUED 8Y; DATE; ��-� 7f1F1FMiFiFlFltitifMlEfflFMiFM1fMM1fk 1!lE1EifMMlFfFftit iF7f it 1k 1E M�f !F 1f 1F M it i!!f it 1E iE iF it ik if iF iF if k it iF itlF k ff if iE 1E 1! itlf 1E M ik iF M/t M iE 1t 1E M iFlf M iE 1F 1E M if 1f if %k if iF if 1k it 1F 1E ik 1f 1f if if if iE iE if if 1f iF 1t 1E LEGALIZATION;N F E E S U M M A R Y STRUCTURAL SEGMENT:Y BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECFIANIC FIAE SMIP/RES GRADING PERMIT 25.00 SMIP/NON—RES ISSUE FEE .SO BUILDING—DIV—> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN—CHECK TOTAL PAID DUE TOTALS----> 25.50 0.00 0.00 25.50 25.50 .00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED; 25.50 OVER/SHORT: ,00 HLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECF{ANIC FIAE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN—CHECK 25.00 ,50 if M 1f ik if if if 1f if M ik M!k iF if M M M 1h M 1Flklflf fF M 1f M iE if %k ik it it M iE iF 1P M 1E I! iF iF M!f 1E M iF 1F 1F Mff M!f ff iE 1E iF if %iF IF ik If iE 1F M 1F 1E M!F 1E K 1F M iE Ik if I N D I V I D U A L F E E H R E A K D O W N TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I O N UNIT COST TOTAL COST NO EEES WERE SELECTED FOR THIS PERMIT .` :v �� p 199 � � DEC 2 ��Ty pF MESA ----- ��---- - -- Noc sNa. -- - - - -- CONSTRUCTIO� AND PLAiURiNG t ' APPROVALS Permii;;� � Date Inspecfor I qppROVALS Permit � � Date I inspe�t,r . 7, Temporary Electncal Service or Pole 2. Soil Pipe�Undrgrnd. ' ,-3, Eiecir,cn' Coqs��+r.bJt:'ib; �Und�9r^d- ' d. Etectcical Contiat-Undrg•nd. �� �'S.''S?ee. "fie� n to�Ci ment -*- . t7. E�,ectr.n� UF^.=+3•rJ ' 1 � Footir.gs • � �-. � --8. FourUdUon - � g_ !7�ter P,p�.Undrgrnv. 10. SVu[tural Floor SyStem 71. Property Sevier LiTe & House Cnnnection t -- - 12. Se�.ier Cap •, � 13. Raaf Dra��ns 14. Rough Piumtifng ' 15. Rough Electriial•Condwt 16. Rough Electric4Viring 77 floughlN�nnQSi�n 18 Rough EleetrkaLT Bar Ceiii�g 19. Ro�gh Neat�n� & A.r C.,� .r t.c^�ng 2J. Ro,.qt��;,cto-y �'rep.ace � �t*1 eG'"• ' r �`= �"_�' � �_`.'r � 2I: Dp;^tt: M S�it({:re ; FH �, � vY- T- I`- � 22. Dl,Lts,:Jcra?atv+h t �� I _ : . 1 .y_ • Y L___r_.,-i 23. Gi� P ��Fo'�';�a' '&;Tes: � :St��7. � ., � - I 24. R¢Of ;van»g �nx , :-� �; t I_ -a !-'__ r.� I �B f700f `^�Cl!�,line �, ;?- l' R'! I�__T__�T__ __. T- �. � 7ii -'t.ar C,�.:�nq IS::b-'- � iriti�*:�caat • -- -=--`---�-_- '� 7i: F:�mcardMi_;�� Y , i• _ J� �h -•-.�i--_ � 28. LaShir�&b�1�•iyT•., 7i�.: a' � -i -. .��y� .-�t . �_�. � 29. Insu!ati6r �-, �, k �. � .. .. � � Y. +---.� --••--�-=s T i .� � 37 �]�y�.a'��`.a.:rc.�,� � � _ _ __ _ _-;.a _ -�'}�s.�" ___.- �' �1 P��;[erY_�x?'oun GQ�� . , . ; fi --,r r. 3�- Electr��.l H!+�.vrt�fAafe��� ^..air�� � i•i � . i•� _ �_-z:. �. _ .-__-y_- �. 3.i`r"�ix71 E �ctr�r ,'t �r, i �:' !+''' ('w� } y � r"��'+1= '���� 34 ��y�llr:at���.@.d�i'�?ru�qcyH;; I�. _�;r_.�_-�_=_,�}7- _-- F?l � 3Ei: FirUl Qvs Rf:le�1"F3i r �-.;�' ,,. �� P'�� _ ___-_ __I__ �� 3�. H�cstl Qr G.r.nPt:� �~' . '.7 . . T-s--"-._-- -�--`a-i-.:-T--'-i- 1 ^ : ; .iT.l W.tcto�4• F���'ac,, � ��y " i� � �'"_'_-_-ti -'_-^� t. --.: � -_'.� �J 3B. �7�61 P�umbing.. �. � ti 'i �'__-._.--:. .�.,r_-; -_-..�-� s.. �::..�^.er ;;arwcc�Fina! * � � - + - a : { _-. . . __ _ _- -_�F t� :0. Gas$ei��eef�r�i�� ;,r 5 Is y�-_ ��__'7Y.,:..-y___-`- t 41. S�i3r [h�f�:.: C�1' ^iF: (^, .. �� C: - - -=�-- I41. 3ackfldi�Pr,vente�t`� �� X' 1�---•:--_'_.fY_-• ir.- r-I�-r+ '� �3 9oCcf'o�:� ICP-�.cat�6n :S" � ; - - -- - - ------,- � � J�. _��cd>c:FeiynQ�lic�� 5�,,: qj.,�., �; '� , �_ , �_ ' J{r�-�-.�--�!.r� . 45. S�und Attenuauar. � c. - '�" =� "' ' ' ----�-"- �.. r 46� Ha�•.d;r�p Rc+gu'at�o^.s �' ' � ^ ���-� � � 47� F�HAL STRUC� � E u, 2t.`.''-D��`G. yQ�z `r ' - -�---- � �-� i -��, r 4ti FIi�AL PLA'�iliLl�� . �,�,, t .- � 4«: Elpev�c Reyraxe ta Edison � s ,__ ,F, • � ` �� �GQ Gas Release_to So�thrrn C:+ita�n�a Gas Co ' 5t 1. CcPiTIFICATE QF OCCUf-rA?C(;Y �. 52. Pool 6� Equipment Locat�.on 53. Steel Rein�orceTe� t ' � 54. Forms - - - --- -- - --�-� ---- 55. Electrical Bord.n4� I --- - � � � I 56. Rocgh Pl�rr,6 , b P�.�,��.iri �,s: -- - - -- -------- ---�--+-- - - 57. APPROVAI -C CJ' FP�.^+. � . I ! - - _. ___-_--�-_ t -� . 58. Elec,rical Canc_�t U��d:a�n�i _1__ ` �.� � 59. Gas P�pe. -. �_Iri:, �� d . Tcs: , � � � ' -_ - _-_- _ _._ � __- 60. Elecln•o::sii L" N' ac,'. '_ - '. � ---- - -- - - - -�-- - - - -�-----'�-- - 61. AFPROVAL � U C� CK � -------- - -- � i 62. 6adcr.csh G �,��caF,n - �� �a'� 63. Heeter & V.•n� Firc:_ ---- I--_� _-- G4. Pium.:iag S�;etcm � F:��jI 65. Eloctricai�Final _ _ � _ _ , _ ' 66. Sol>r $y,tam � in„� I - -- --------- ----� . . _ 67. Fenr.ing & Acc�<� Anp ov:il ' 68. APPROVC�D FOR �L�S��Hi�tiG -� �- I 69. POOL�SPA S�'STIh'S FI�O.I -- � -� -�- - - FIfiE DEf�'. nLVU�R�b.,C-,.T - -�' - --- --- - -- 4PP{;OVA'uS+^ ":'.����� . ` '�__' ; _�_<': � - -.. � q� -. = r�- --' - -� - 70..�Jndeic�m.r',� `�i�.o , '' i _(-_ - � . �_ __ _i-__--�'-__'_ 71 PrcL�. �� .. 'T�-y. 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