HomeMy WebLinkAbout3010 ELMIRA BAY - Building PermitsPNOJECTAOOPESS: 3OSO ELMIRA BAY OWNEfl'SNAME: FEGTE PETER �} aooecss: 3010 �LMIRA BAY COSTA MESA.CA � 557-5708 AflCH/ENGINEEN: ROOPESS: Z�F. UNIT: 4 Z �.: 92626 flEG.NO.: UNIT: PEXMITTEE: NOCK PLUMBING (714)895-1246 nooaess: 11610 SEAEOARD CIR STANTON CA..90680 LICENSEO CONTRRCTOB DECIAHATION: 1 �ereUy aflirm ��a� I am licensed unAer pmnsmns ai CAapter 9(commencing wit� Seciion 7000) of Dirsion J ol I�e Business and Pmlessions CoOe. ana my license is in lull force and elfect. ciTr uc.: � STRTE LIL.: S S S 9% i� cuss: ��� Oa�e: �p��/Q� Signamre: _�� �� =� WONNEBS' CO ENSATIO DECLANATION: I AereUy ailirm 1 IiRe �ave a ceN�icate o� consent to selbinsure or a cenificate ol Workers' ComDensation Insumnce. or a certified cooY �hereol ISection 3800. Lab. CI. �, roucvxo.: 1167992-94 E%P.DATE: O3IOSI9S comraxx: S TATE R � Cetliliea capy is �eB y fumished. µ, Cerliliea capy is �ile0 �he ci�y BuilOing Division. Oa�e: � Applicant: � \ `� c E%EMPTION FROM WOBREflS' C MPENSATION �ECLRPRTION: (i is sec�ion neeA nol be comple�etl i� �he permil is �or one hunaretl �$100) or less�. I cerlily Ihat in Ihe peAormance ol the work �or which I�is pe�mi� is issuetl. I shall na� employ any person in any manne� so as to become su�leCl IO Ihe Workers' Compen5alion Laws ol CalifOmia. �a�e: Signawre�. NOTICE: Ii, al�er rnakinB i�is tleclaration, you 5hou10 Uecome su�lect lo the WorkeK Compensa�ion pmvisions of Ihe labor Coae, you must Ionnwi@ comoly wilh such omvisions or Inis permit shall be deemetl revoketl. CONSTNULTION LENOING AGENLY: I �ere0y atlirm Iha� Ihere is a ton5imtlion IenOing agenty Ior �he peAOrmante of IAe wnrk for w�icA Ihis Oermil is issued �Seclion 3097. Civ. C�. LENOEH: AOOflESS: OWNEfl BWLOEN OECLABRTION: I �ereby a��irm �hat I am exempt tmm t�e Contraclors' S�a�e license Law lor IAe following reason (Seciion 7031.5 Business antl Ptolessional Coae: Any nry ol couniy w�ich repuires a permi� m constmc�. al�er, impmve, d¢molisA, ar repair any 9mtime, prior to ils �uuance. also repuires tne aoDlicant for such permit lo lile a signe0 s�atement Ihal he/she is licensetl pursuani io t�e pmvisions al I�e Contratmrs' State License Law (Chap[er 9(wmmencing wit� Senion 7U00) of Division 3 ot ��e BuSiness antl Professions Cade1 oi �hat he/s�e is exemp� inerelmm and ihe basis for �he alleged eKemption. Any violation ai Section 70.31.5 Oy any applicant lor a oermit suejecls ihe aoolicant to a civil Denally of not more ihan five hundre0 Oollars (55001. ❑ I. as owner ol ��e pmDeny or my employees wit� wages as t�eir mte compenution, rnll Co t�e work, anU I�e slmmure is nol intentleG ar oflere0lor sale �Secbon 7044. Business anC Pmiessional CoOe: T�e Contraciors' Slaie License Law Caes nal apply Io an owner ol a pmpe�y w�o GuilOs or impmves Ihereon, antl who �oes such work himsell/�ersell or InmugA ' his or �ei own emDloyees. O�oviAeA Iha� such impmvemenis are no� intentled ar otterea lor 5ale. Ii, �ow¢ver t�¢ �uilding or impmvemenl is 5oW mt�in one year ol completion, the owne� vrill hav¢ ihe Ourden o� pmvinq �e/s�e ditl not �uilE Or improve lor ihe vurvose ot salel. 1. as owne� ol the pmDeny, am exclusiv¢Iy comracting wilh licensetl coniramors �o constmc� �he pmjecl (Seclion 704d. Business ❑ and Proie59on5 CoGe: TAe Coniratlors' Slate License Law Oces no� apply �o an owner oi propetly who OuACs or impmves ihereon ana who comracts lor suc� pmjects vn�h a conVactoqs) license Oursuant to I�e CON�ac�ors' State License Law�. I am aware t�al pmol ol tAeir Worker's Campensabon insurance s�oultl he D�oviAetl to me. � I am eeempt unaer Section: B. 8 P. C. for I�is ieason: Oate: Owner I Oo �ereby cenity ihal I am aware oi an0 untlerslana ihe reQuiremenis ol Cahbmia Heal�� antl Safery Code Sections 25505, 25533, ana 25534 antl I�at I or any IUWre Duilding occupani will/will no� (circle one) neeU to comply wilh saiA slale co0e5 an0lhe requiremenis lor a permi� loi conslmciion or moOAicalion Imm�he Air Ouality Managemen� Dislrict. flesitlen�ial conslm[lion aDPlica�ions are exempl �mm Ihese provisions. �aie: ApDlicanl: I �ere0y ceridy ��a� I have reatl Ihis application antl Slaie ihatihe aboveinlorma�ion is correct I agreeio comply wilh all ciry and coun�y orAinancesanasLtlelawsrelalingtobutltlingconsimclionantlhere�' orizerepreSnlaiivesollhiscitytoen�eruponl�eabove�men�ionetl owoenv br insoec�io ouroo Oaie: Signalure: �river's �icense or Sociai Sewrity 4 t6at�<6 wnna—Builaing; Green—CaCe Eniorcemem; Canary—AOPlicant: Pink—Revenue; Goltlenrotl—Assessor CITY OF COSTA MESA — BUILDING PERMIT PERMIT NO: P 067052 PLAN CFTECK NO; N CONSTRUCTZON TYPE: V—N PERMIT TYPE; PLU V��FSHEti JOB DESCRIPTION . R C/O CLAIM VALUE: CALC—VALUE; PERM NO; P 06705 GOVT: N SUPP; N PURPOSE: OTH SQ FT: GROUP OCC: R-3 / COMMENTS: NO OTHER WORK AUTHORIZED BY THIS PERMIT *�*�r**xr�rx�*x�+��rx�xx�*��r+�x�*�r*�**x�r+r�t+r*+r****�r***�r**�r**�r**�r**x��cx�**�r*�r**�r***r***�t**���r Z O N I N G R E Q U I R E M E N T S S E T B A C K S ------------ MAIN BUILDZNG ---------- --------- ACCESSORY BUILDING --------- FRNT; FT IN REAR: FT IN FANT: FT IN REAR; FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN PARKING REQ• PROV; PARCEL: 93768042 ZNE: REF NO: PLANNING Nd'fES> � iF f! if %iE f! i! 1E tE iF M%iF fF ih iE if it ik it iE iE 1E iE if if iE iE it iE if iE iE 1E 1ElE ff 1F if if if if fE if 1E iE iE if 1E iE iE iE M iE iE �E i! fE iE iE iF iF ik if iE iF iE 1E iF ff if 1E if iE jf iE 1F iF if D E V E L O P M E N T S E R V I C E S R E Q U I R E M E N T S ZONING APPROVED BY DATE: BUILDING APPROVED BY ; DATE: APPLICATION ISSUED BY: �� DATE: ����j�,�� ****�c-it*sit�t�cwi�****i�*i[�i�*��:��F7F�F3F�3FTF�F3FiFiF �f�F iF�F'iF':F�F7F's'F±F��t3F�F'iF�F*i�*i�**�tit** . �� * �E* iF i! iF iE if iF iF iE iE 3t 9f 1E iE IE if k 1E iE if i4 iE iE iE iE 1E iF iF jF 1E iE if iE it it if iE it iE iE �F iE iE if iF iE if if it if 3t if iF if iE iF 9F 3F if jE iE iE iF if iE iE iE 1F iE iE 1E 9f if iE iE if iE �E if iE LEGALIZATION:N F E E S U M M A R Y STRUCTURAL SEGMENT:N BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRZC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/RES GRADING PERMIT 7,00 253 ' SMIP/NON—RES PLAN ISSUE FEE 20.00 BUILDING—DIV—> PEAMIT ISSUE PLAN—CHECK TOTAL PAID DUE TOTALS----> 7,00 20.00 0,00 27.00 27,00 ,00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED: 27.00 OVER/SIiORT; .00 BLDG PMT PLOMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN—CHECK 2 % . Q � ! iE 1F iE 1f jF iF * 1E iF 1F 1E 1E IF iF 1R iE iF iE iE 1E iE iE iE if if if iE iF if if iF iF iG iF �E #F iE iE ff !E IE if aF if ik if iF 1E if iE iF �f 1f IE iE 3f i:3f 1E iF jE 3f fE 9E iF if if fE iF if jf �F iE if iR if af 1F iF I N D I V I D U A L� F E E B R E A K D O W N TYPE QTY PLU 1 D E S C R I P T I O N DISHWASHER - END OF FEES � r UNIT COST 7.00 TOTAL COST 0! QO1dL1Q39-00l60039 T O T ?7.00 DATE: OS/�5/94 TItIE: 13:16 � �i0\'S�,4UCT10�� AND PLAl�dING Y�`;OYALS Permit r� - -���rr^'iaY E4c'n:al �•.;�,Ce Lr PoIE 2. ��i� �i9C �JRd'Uflld. ' � � -�--, Co�c��.: Vt ��ti.l.ldio•r.a. j �. E4Ctr c:� COnduii-Un'Lq.izd : ----{---.o�-'�nen: ` C' �.t' .. ..FCC C��d. � � FooLr.ac' -_ _ .- _'___ � B. Fo,:�dat�o�i 1-- -- � 9. 11'oter P�pc�Undrq�nd. - -____ __--i_ � iD. 5'�uctu�;,� Fluor System 11. ''ropr�iy SrwPr �ine & I-�nuse'Fonnection -,�2 ti-.c::�.P �----- ' ----- ----�- � � '3. 'c .. ��.�, . .v. Rc�n '..i�n��nq _- . _ -_- '-_�_ --- ' _c, �.Card �.- . ,�i6. Fn�yn Clectr��c. �.:'�nn[� � ,;. � ;,�,.. Sr--- �'F �n�, y`� F ic!rca� T Bar C�'i�np_ - , +� q, .,..�. ��:�:, -3 i' A�r Cu�--_� _- � __ Ih'-. _ - --: --- - I�_ . . � . -..C�r�.� i--r�.P ar �-- ------�---- - 21 D�tts,... Strutt�'= '� ____'__"-_�-- ' 22. :_. , 4��r• 1=t� �'7 �_-__ -___- -_. __ ____ __ 7g �,-nip^.Ro�a7h�. ��st j-_._ _ __ __-. __ ' 7�� ?��. �rdm���.g . (--__ _ -_--_ _-_ � 7j jti���4 �h�dthinq '� 2F. �-fla• L- I ng (Structurail & f�Au:�ocoat '-------- ----- ' 27, ��- me an� P: �hing -_ � 2L' ,1,tn n ,,'y Sid'�� � r` ----'-'�--- ---- � 30 �' n�.a:, (,,,,.ii,,9 -_-- -- -- -i----�` - --- �I ;;"i. P :tere��o:.r.:o�t r 32 .... . Po. �. .�.�.a , b.- ---- � a� �. �;«�,��-- -- --- ' 34 �� n . . � G: i�, i! r � J: p`_ � i --- --- - - �---- ss. r ��� c.,, a�oe•Tc« �- - ---- I �6. ri..,n a' .�..�'rOPY 'I 37. F��a�r��tur.; FirPn'�ic:_-_ f-- - --' ---- -- --- �38 F�na; Piumb�ng _-_______ `___-- a9. 17atcr Service Final r-------- ------ � 40. Gas Scrvice-F�nal � r47. Su;ar pomestic"rinal 42. t3]CkfION' PrCvant¢f �__-_'_" ' - �3. Flac;floc� Irri^ation �-- � --- ----�--- �.i�. I andsecoa I��wation Sy,fem 45 Jound At[eni�aUon � 4: �zn6� toRcpa',•�.or, ..-- ---- 47. �'I^1,�L STRUCTUfFE 8i nUIL'JING CP ;''.,l'qL'�Aidi11NG -'.- 4S. c�rctrm Fe!e::se to Etl�so� 50. Gas rlel�.se to Souther�, Calitorma Gas 51. CEP.Tif-ICAT'c pf- OCCUPAUCY Date e Dote � Inspector POOI PA -- - � �---i - APPROVALS Permit � 52. Pool & Equ�pment Locat.on 53. Sted Re�nforcument 54. Faom-, - � - - - 55. Elettdcai G�nd ng 56. Rouy� °I�n�b��.ng L��'r:ssure Tes[ 57. 4P�PCYA1. Tp CC\'ER�GUP:ITf. 0 ---i-- �-,� Date � Inspector � � � � � �- l� , i �� -�-- 58. Electrical Condu�t�Un�Jrgmq, ' 59. Ga, Pipe, i; Undrgrnc., ?F!.t 6Q. Backwash ��iies, P�Trcp, Cl Undr9rnd 61. APPROVAL TO DECI< 62. Baci<Niush & Recep�or�Final fi3. Heater & V;:nt-Final 64. Plumbing Syst�m � F��al 65. E!cctrical�Piiial _ _ 66. Sa4..5;st�n-F�- --- 67. Fenti�ig & Ar.ress APV�o��al 68. APFROVED FOR °LNSTERIf,G � 69. POO./SPA SYSTE': S FINAL � I ' i ; FIRE DEPI. REC]UIREYIEfV7 _� � � j � A?PROVFI'.5 Vcrmit �: __ _� - - -� , 70. Undcrg�eund Hvd�a � � � 77. Pro[iuct P p r�� .^. Gr,. �: Oi: -�I--~ 72. Unticrgr0un.1 FI:.J�- J _� ___ I � _ _ _�_ 73. UndcrgmcLStora�..� Tank �'Gas �-.0� I -__ -�_� 74. Overheatl Hydro I 75. Dry Chemic.�l ---- ---- -- -1�-- ---- 7G. Dry S;and �.nc- ------ -�. _ .,._. _- __ - _ ��-_ -'-_-__ 77. FIXED SVSTEA4 F I^!AL � 78. FIRE PREV. r!Nv�_ _ � �_, HEALTH UEP7. RP.QUIRE7.lE"�T 79. FIVAL;NbnLCT�;,;y - -- �---- --.. - - - -- - --...1-- . -_ ' 3D. FOOUCEH��:�iC.,�::_SSUED --�----`-�� ruoce:: S-'_Z�il �`( /6� it�L�s - ��-d�� ��� _/__3�-95 �����_ _ ; --a � � F � W a � .N. h S F C � F } .] C u] O � a Z Hd 2 3 �Li»fR�V B.�f� �.zao oz o.y/ o�� ag� iu ic CJ)STAMESABUILDING-SAFETVDEFART�EN7 APP�ICATIONFAR�3i'Rli�td�LPERMlT�25.97 7. P.O. BOX 1Y00 COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA 92626 For Applicant tu rill in Completely - Use InA Onl�• � �ev P�IS7� N� Tf'7'7'7 BUI�DING �/ A..NO. �"I��RI"Q� O �`'�4i� IZ� ADDRE55 . (. �f— BUILDING 'e f�/�1rQ [� OWNEROR ADDRE55 G� 6 YS TENANT M.D. Janes Co. Inc. UNIT pR MAILING SPACE NO. r+ooaess 2950 Airwa Ave. D-9 T0..1y0��� / LOT BLK. TEL. ( cfi cirv Costa Mesa No• 979-3376 NEW ADO LTER REPAIR MOVING OEMOLISH BRANCH A�DRESS TEL. ADORE55 3848 Campus Dr. N.B. CONTRACTOR ��er ADDRESS 8 TEL. � CITV e NO. STATE CITV LIC. ND. Q LIC. NO. e SIZE NO.OF BLOGS. OF LOT jSQ� x 334� NOWONLOT USE OF EXIST�NG BLDG. N/A Separate permits ace required for electric, plumbing and heating work. USE-0FBVICDING AND WORK TO BE PERFORMED I nereby acknowletlge [hat I have raetl this aoP���ation entl stata t�a[ th! a�ove information is cOrract antl apree t0 comply with all laws requlatinp builtlinp conivu<tion, antl 1 s�all not employ any perso� in violation oi ihe warkmen's com0e^���on lews ot the State o5 Callfomia. 1 hereby certify t�at I am propa�ly licenutl as a cOnt/acto� untle� Me Statt ot California Business entl Protesslons Cotle, Division 3, C�apter 9, antl that such lironses me in full torce entl affec; or 1 am exempt lrom tf10 DlOviai0O5 01 the $tlte Of ClIifOTii BUSinRiS antl Professions Cocf , Divjirvm 3, CheDrer 9. Signamre 0' � � �' Penmittee ! or � 4vtnonzec�g. �_Da.e R�17�,]Q OWNER VALUE USE S OVED APPROVEDSETBACKS (FROM UL STREET) PLANNING HCTION /1 Q4TE ' /— ��� APPROVED �-4� � ��_ /�/_ r � m � � � V V v � m SQ. FT. N � THE AMOUNT SHOWN UNDER VALUATION IS FOR m THE PURP�E OF ESTABLISMING A PERMIT FEE ONLV: � rnI I O T`\ VALUATION GERMIT FEE S N / PLHNCHECK S G�� _7/j O SLLSR �i.C7'D,� TA% S .� , � �'� U TOTAL �AID S � �� 0= � f F � W d Q h H x F G Lil F Q G ..7 Q 7 } ..7 C ❑J a O C a Z W S 3 2 , , , �;:,:. COSTA MESA ^' 9LDING-SAFETV DEPARTME � A1 _ATION FOR STRUCTURAL PERMIT ^• .. . ��� cecv RECEIVEDB�' PERMIT For Applicant to Fill in Completely — Use Ink Only D BUILDINY� 7 A,P, NO. ADDRESS G. OWNER OR ' I` ADDRE55 TENANT MAl lIN UNIT OR ADD RE SPAGE NO. TR.NO. LOT BLK. TEL. CITV NO. NEW ADD L7ER REVAIR MOVINC DEMOIISH ON LENDE BRANCM OWNER ADDRESS VAIUE ARCHITECT TEL. USE f OR ENGINEER ADDFESS ZON TVPE GROUF AP� � �/(L O CONTRACTOR 8Y DATE 7 ( ADDRESS TEI. CITY NO. STATE CITV �+�ROVEDSETBACKS LIC. NO. LIC. NO. SIZE NO.OF BLOGS. (FROM C/L STREET) OF LOT NOW ON LOT FRONT FT. USE OF EXISTING BLDG. � Separate pemtits are required for �. sioe Fr. electric, plumbing and heating work. kEAR FT. USE OF BUILDING AND WOAK TO BE PERFORMED P�P.NNING ACTION DATE APPROVED APPFOVED I hereCv acknow�etlpe [�at I bave nad this epplica[ion antl state °i � t�at the abova informetion is corract antl apree to comply with all laws �epulatinB builtlinp construction, ontl I shall nat employ � eny Derwn in violation of the workman'S compenzation laws af ^ [�e State of Celifornia. m SQ. FT. rv I �erebY certiiy chat 1 em proPer7y IlccnseC es a controctor vntler ] The State of Calitor ia Business antl Protessions Cotle, Division 3, TME AMOUNT SHO�'�'N UNDER VALUATION IS FOR m G�apte. 9, antl th suc� licenses ere in full force antl effect, or I THE PURPpSE OP ESTABLSHING G FERMIT FEE OhLY: ' am exemot irom e provi ons o1 xhe State of Celito.nia Business � VALUflTION PER�dIi FEE 5 a a�tl Protessionz 'on 3, Chaoter 9. � O� � SiB�atura o PLAN CHECK S "� 0 Perm{ttee 5 � or TAX S f Auihoriied nt Date � u TOTALPAID b/ ��