HomeMy WebLinkAbout434 ELMHURST LN - Building Permits�} � � � � PflO1ECTADONESS: 934 ELMHURST LN OWNEfl'SNAME: HAMILTON, CHARLES P aooness: q 34 ELMHURST LN COSTA MESA,CA 92626 546-5542 NNCHIENGINEEfl: REG.NO.: aooxess: UNIT: uxiT: PEflMITTEE: ROY CIiAFEY ROOFING ( 714 ) 636-1797 ADOPE55: <J(j�j2 LUDERS AV GARDEN GROVE CA 92644 LICENSEO CONTflpCTOfl OECLANATION: I hereby alfirm thai I am Iicense0 un0er provisions of ChaD�e� 9lcommencinq wi�h Section 7000) o� Drvision 3 0� Ihe Business an0 Pmfessions Cotle, antl my lice�n/se is in �ull lorce an0 eflecl cirruc.:02i615 sTareuc.:556624�/ /// cu�s�s�:/r�/jy�g"� �tr: 07/95 Dale: �/,� I� �� SignaWre:� /r //ti �< E' .�--1�� WOXREH$' COMPENSATION OECLFPATION: I hereby a��irm I al I hah 4e a cerliticate o� consenN�selbinsure a Ce�i�iCa�e o� Work¢rs' CompenSaUon Insurance. or a cenilietl cop ��ereof (Sec�ion 3800, lab. C). roucvNo.: 946-94UNIT�0291 E%P.OATE: OS /OL /9S camPaxv: STATE FUND // � Cerli�ietl cop is hereb tumi5Ae0. m CeM1ilieO wpY is til ith �he ciry Bu di g Div' i . oate: �G � � , ! ApDlica . E%EMPTION FflOM WOBREBS' COMPENSRTION OECLANATION: (T�is set On nee0 nol �e CamDleteO i�,{I permit is �orone hunEred (5700) Or IesS�. I certily Ihal in ihe peAormance o� Ihe work tor which Ihis permii is issued, I shall no� employ ady� person in any manner so a510 become sublect lo ��e Workers' Compen5aiion Laws ol Calilomia. Oale: Signaiure: NOTICE: II, af�er making �his tleclaration. you shauld hecome suhlec� to �he Workers' Compensation provisions ot �he Labor Cotle. you musl lo�hwi�h comply wiN such pmvision5 ar Ihis De�mi� shall 6e tleeme0 revoketl. CONSTflUCiIDN LENDING PGENCV: I �ere6y aifirm that there is a constmcti0n IenUing agency for ihe peAormance ot t�e work for whicA Ihis permil is i=.suetl (Sepion 3097. Civ. C). lENOEN: ADOflESS: OwNEN BUILOEH oECIAflRiION: I here�y aflirm inat I am exemp� irom tM1e Contractors' State License Law for tlle followinA �eason (Sec�ion 7031.5 Business and Professianal Code: Any ci�y o� coumy which reQuires a De�mit �o cons�mct, alter, impmve, tlemolish, or �epaii any slmcture. prim Io its issuance. also repuires �he apD�ican� lor such permit to lile a signetl staiemem Ihai he/5Ae is Iicen5e0 pursuam m the provisions of the Contracmrs' State License Law (Chapter 9(commencing with Section 7000) ol Division 3 ai t�e Business antl Pm�essions Code� or iha� helshe is e�emp� I�erelrom antl I�e basis br Ihe allegetl exemp�ion. Any violation o� Section 7031.5 6y any aDDlican� lor a Dermii suble��s Ihe applicant �o a civil penalty of no� more ihan �ive hunArea tlallars (8500�. I. as owner of IAe pmperty or my employees with wages as iheir sole comDensation, will do ihe work. an0 ine ❑ stmcture is not intentle0 or otfere0 for sale (Section 7044, Busmess ana Pmfessional Cotle�. The Contractors' State License Law does nol apDly Io an owner o� a D�openy who huiltls or impmves �hereon, an0 wha does such waM himsel�/hef5ell or �hrough his or her own employees, pmvitlea tha� such imDmvements are no� intenaetl or oflered lor sale. I�, hawever �he UuilOing or impmvemen� is soltl within one year af campletion. Ihe owner will haue Ihe burtlen o� pmving helshe did no� Uuild o� impmve lor �he purpose ol sale). I, as owner ol �he pm0ehy, am exclusively conVac�ing with licensetl conlractors to conslNc� �Ae Orolect (Section 7044, Business �I ❑ and Pmfessions Code'. The ConUaclors Stale License Law tloes no� apply to an owner o� pmpehY w�o hwlds or impwves Ihereon antl who contracts lor such pmjeCis wiih a COnlrat�or�s)litense Oursuant�o Ihe Coniratlors' Slaie LiCense Law�. I am aware � that pmoi oi Iheir Worker's Compensation insurance s�oNU 6e pmvi0etl to me. � I am exempt under Sec�ian'. B, 8 P. C. lor Ihis mason: �r� �ate: Ownec =`�� . I tlo Aereby ceriily Ihat I am aware ol antl untlerstantl �he reQuiremems o� Califomia Health and Salery COUe Sections 25505, 25533, and 25534 and thal I ar any fuNre butltling occupanl willlwlll nol (circle ona) need to comply wi�� saitl state catles and Ihe requiremen�s �or a permil lor conslmc�ion or modificalion Imm Ihe Nir Qualiry Managemen� OiSUicL Resitlenlial conslruclion applications are exempt �mm ihese pmvisions. �ate: ApplicanL I here0y cetlity ��ai I have reatl I�is applicaiion antl Slate �ha� ��e above � ormation is co . I agree orainan� a�e 5� lawsrelat�� builtling consimclion antl hereby rize reD�esent e o�thi ' propetly �ar insp lion pur 5. Oale. �� Signaiure: %Z oriver's �icense o� Socia� Securi�y a: i641�C6 Whue—Builtling'. Green—Cotle Entorcemen�; Canary—Ap0licanC Pink—Fevenue; Gc all ciiy and counry e above�mentionetl CITY OF COSTA hiESA — BUILDING FcRMIT PERM NO; B 06930E PERMIT NO; B 069306 PLAN CHECK NO: N GOC'T; N SUPP; Pd CONSTRUCTION TYPE; V—N PERMIT TYPE: STR PURPOSE; ALT JOB DESCRIPTION , T/OFF REROOF W/FISERGLASS SHINGLES SQ FT: 4,200 CLAZM C'ALUE: 4,200.00 CALC—VALUE: 9,200.00 GROUP OCC: R-3 / COMMENTS: SMOKE DETECTORS REQUIRED PER 91 UBC, REROOF 2300SF RESIDENCE **�*���,���***�*��*� *����*�**�*��*���*����*���**��**#�����#��.��C7XEC� DETECTOR Z O N I N G R E Q U I R E M E N T S S E T H A C K S � ------------ MAIN BUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY BIIIILI`EQU_I.RE D__ FRNT; FT IN REAR; FT IN £RNT; FT IN REAR: r^T IN LEFT; FT IN RGHT; FT IN LEFT; FT IN RGHT; FT IN PARKING REQ• PROV; FARCEL; 14137219 2NE: REF NO: PLANNING NOTES> ,' �y u��t�x�it�rit*�*ittrit�r**;���x�x�it****��ritx-�x��**�*iE?r��itftitx?r�r***x�c*it*xiEx�rit�*it�t�**�itit*x-r+r�ir* D E V E, L O P M E N T S E R L' I C E S R E Q U I R E M E N. •T S ZONING APPROCrED BY DATE: - HUILDZNG APPRt]VEP HY ; DATE: ! / APPLICATION ISSUED HY; �— DATE: ��1�%(� i(�i(�iFiEiFjEiEkiEiEihiFiFiFiFiEitiE?EjElFifiEitiFiE �EiEA'�lhitiEirX-i(�y(%�fRiFitiEltlEiriFlEiEiEitif�i!�iM13fiEiEiFificiE�lE3fiE#iEii��7Eit iFiE iFiEi�iE�)F�IE � it iE',c iF if # 1f !(� iE i(� iE if !E 1E iE iE i! iE # i(� iE if if !P iE if if iE 3(� iF iF iF iE if iE iF 1E iF iE iE iE iE ih iE iE i(� iE iF ih M 1f iE iF iE iE if'It ih k fE 1c iE 1/� # iF #f� iE if iE �E±E iE iE if-if iE k if� if LEGALIZATION:N F E E S U M M A R Y STRUCTURAL SEGMENT:Y BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRZC MECHANIC FIRE SMIF/RES GRADING PERMIT 72,00 .50 SMIP/NON—RES PLAN ISSUE FEE BUT_LDING—DIV—> PERMIT ISSOE PLAN—CHECK TOTAL PAID DUE TOTALS----> 72,50 0.00 0.00 72,50 72,50 ,00 REVENUE DICrISION TUTALS--> COLLECTED: 72,50 OVER/SHORT; 00 BLDG FMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIF/TOT GRADING PLAN—CHECK �i,00 ,50 !E fE fE if �E iF iE iE iF if # iE iE iE'k iE iF iE iE 9f ih iE �1F iF iE iE iE �E iE if iElE �E �lE # iE iE iE if iE jE 1E 3E if iE �E �YF iE'lE iF 3f iE iE iE 9E iE �E iE k� iE 9E iE iE # jE IE 9E iE N- iF #' �lE �)f iF iF iE 3F ik iE I N D I V I L1 U A L F E E H R E A K D O W N TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I O N UNIT COST TOTAL COST SFR 4200 REROOF BY VALUE RESIL�ENTIAL NOZONE 1,00 4,200,00 END OF FEES V G1 OG169b32—Op1b4633 Tf_t'y' ?���� DAiE= 10/17/g4 TIME: p9:3S �, � CONSTRUCTION AND PLANNING P��� Pa APPROVALS Permit�,-` Date Inspector qPpROVALS Permit# Date Inspector t. Temporary Eleccrical Service or Pole � 52. Pool & Equipmeni Loca[ion 2. Soil Pipe�Undrgmd. � 53. Steel Feinforcement � 3. Electricai Conduit Uti�ity-Undrgrnd. 54. Forms 4. Electrical Conduit�Undrgrnd. ' 55. Electricai Bonding 5. Steel Reinforcemenc 56. Rough Piumbing & Pressure Test 6. Elecuical UFER Gmd. 57. APPROVAI TO COVER�GUNITE 7. Footings ' S8. Electrical Conduit�Ur.drgrnd. 8. Foundation . 59. Gas Pipe, L7 Undrgrnd., Test � 9. Wate� P�Pe�Undrgrnd. •" 60. Backwash Lines, P�Trap, � Undrgrnd. 10. Structural Floor System � •� 61. APPflOVALTO DECK t t. Prop¢rtY Sewer Line & House Connection 62. Backwash & Receptor�Final 12. Sewer Cap , 63. Heater & Vent-Final 13. Roof Drains � � 64. Plumbing System - Final - 14. flou h Plumbin � ' ^ g 9 65. Electricai-Finai 15. fiough Electrical-Conduit '� � 66. So�ar SYstem-Finai � 76. Rough Electric Wiring 67. Fencing & Access Approvai 17. Rough Wiring Sign 68. APPftOVED FOR PLqSTERiNG 78. Rough Electrical-T Bar Ceiling 69. POOLlSPA SYSTEPAS FINAL 19. Rough Heating & Air Condit(oning FIRE DEPT. REQUIREMENT 20. Rough Factory Fireplace APPROVALS � Permit # 21. Ducts,in Structure � 70. Underground Hydro 22. Ducts, Ventilating 71. Product Piping C Gas ❑ Oi� 23. Gas PiPe-Rough & Test 72. Undergrou�d Flush 24. Roof F�aming 73. Undergrnd.StorageTank OGas L�OiI 25. Roof Sheathing `�..`4,�'/� ��[,�.74. Overhead Hydro 6 L--- 26. T�Bar Ceiling (Structural) & Monocoat 75. Dry Chemical 27. Frame and Flashing 76. Dry Standpipe 28. Lathing & Siding 77. FIXED SYSTEh1 FINAL 29. Insulation 78. FIRE PREV. FINAL 30. Drysvall Nailing HEALTN DEPT. REQUIREMENT 37. Plaster Brown Coat 79. PINAL INSPECTION 32. Electrical Power Meter�Final 80. FOOD CERTIFICATE ISSUED 33. Final Elec:ric Notes: 34. Final Heating & Air Conditioning 35. Final Gas Pipe-Test 36. Hood or Canopy - 37. Final FactorY Fireplace , 38. Final Plum6ing � 39. Water Service�Final 40. Gas Service�Final 41. Solar pomestic-Final • 42. Backflow Preventer . 43. Backflow Irrigation � . 44. Landscave Irrigation`System r- 45. Sound Attenuation •, 46. Handicap Regulations.n ;'j ; _ 47. FINALSTRUCTURE&BULCDWG lO.y7�_cl /�� � , .. .,, r�. 46. FINAL PLANNING � � � - 49. E{ecvic Release to Edisoa : T:� ". 50. Gas Release to Southem CaliforniaGasCo - 51. CER7IFICATE OF OECUPANCY r No. Date 1635 N'!ST G<YLORO ST. P.O. 9p% 9065 LONG 9E�CH 10, CAIJ�ORNi♦ MEHiO[e 5-9493 NEv�o� 6-5�06 '�v1��1��rill m :, � � � .� � ��� . September 12, 1958 BNRMCH OFi1C[: 3'1815 N. 61w ST. E1$T P.O. BO% 979 P.�LMOLLE�CAI.I�ORNIA wluo90F'I-5911 fi011�hE2/2 �LLLCi0212CC1 REPOR"C OF COVCRETI: TEST CYL[NDEIt Examination No. 5g-25S5 Project CORSON POOLS - j1Fl Westbrcok Place - Costa Idesa S�MIh1 POOL - 4jLE Elmhurst - Col lege Park - Costa 1Aesa Sample from Architect Contract�x A1ix �Vater, gal./sk. cement Slump Dute cast llate tested Cylinder No. COAll'RF..SSIOV '1'ES'1' lbtal load to destruction, lbs Pounds persquareinch Cylindcr made hy Gvlinder deli��ered bv C�linderreceived un Uave Corson 6 sack Nand Pack 8-�5-58 a-2z-5s 2 � days 39,000 i,38o J. Eiff J. Elff 8-�5-58 8-29-58 2-e 11� days 58,000 2;050 9-�p-58 .-C 2} days 68,000 2.405 ��� .�� I���l: C�tY af Coste Masa �9u:IdinB Dept. ccs Corson Pools�2 T�l'INING I.AUOR 'ORIES OF SOUT �RN C9LIFORNIA Costa htesa BIdg.Dept.2 //J SA Lab �l�E� • ` � . � �L N[I'OI�T� �R[ tYOMITf[O 1� TM[ CONIIOfNT11L rIM�[I�T/ O� CLI[MT�. AVTNOI�ILTION /OI1 MLIC/�TION O� WI1 1�[MRT�. WMCLYt10Mt. OI� 4[. v TMCT�IIpY01�1�[GI�OIXGTM[Y1�1�f�[RV[O��MOINOWI�NRITTfMAIlIIOY1L/��AYVry�L�1pT[CTIOMTOCLI[NT�.TM[�Y�UC.WDWI�\tlV[t. �;osta Mesa Bnilding Department � _ 111 EA8T 20th STREET _ � COSTA MESA, CALIFOHNIA FOR APPLICANT TO FILL IN, iadr�e� 434 Elmhurst Lane � Costa Mesa, California Owner or raetor Metes and Setback Line fram No. No. of Bldga Now on Lot Demolish Q� �PLICA' ZON FOR PER � �U .D NG FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Receipt No. �erm t No.,' i3T R�ece,i�ed by Date Redd. Date Issued . i'1�.� � �/ 1� -s� %z/, �� - 5 Building ' Address Costa Mesa, California Nearest Cross Sk. / Zone ;GI No.of � 7ype� / Groupj,,;_\/ , Date O I GPR 2 6 i4�'i p --.. _ �, Buildfng No.of Size ] �7g Rooms Stories r '1or Wall I Roof n9 Covering ijPPR,QVAI.S f New Building Residence & Detached Foundation Location Inspector Forms, Materfals, Under-Pinning Frame: Fire Stops, Bracing, Bolts I hereby acknowledge that I have read this Application and state that the above is correct and agree to comply Lath. Int. with all City Ordinances and State I.aws regulating building rnnstruCtlon. Lath. Ext. Signatureof Permittee & OT onstruetion Ci0• p�aster,lnt. Authorized Ag Plaster, Eut. Valuatian Pe�mft Fee $ '�/� Masonry Reinforced Plan Check $ / T � gond Beam 811 � 200. rota� Fee $ � FINAL FORb1 204 S-BP 2M 6-5'a Date - . - ' . . ':.i.'�' � . ' ' . . _ � . _ . :: �� _ . ' .. _ _. . . _�. : . . .- 4�.� �' � . �t � ii ,1 T:� .�_ .''. T.._ �.'i �. ♦� �` .. � _ � � � tJ .. . . - ,. �.- . �_ . . ' i. .. - �, ..,i..t• ... ... ,. :".1 :.. . � _ _ _ i, _ _ ' ' . ' i': " _, - _ _ _ . . _ �.. . � � ' `[ - . .4 • _. � 'O - 1 . . . . � . � � C , d . . J ' . ' . " _c . ' _. "_"" _ ____ ' ' '- .- . . �.� _ . . . G � J � _n. - �C � . ..' ... . „ " ' "i..._v , � '�' � ' " �•- .' O � ." __' ._ "` _'" _' t.. ---a .__. - - - ----a - - • ' i- - -- --- - --._ �__ � _ . ... � . - - - -- • - . --- • ' - - -- - - � � .. ,� cosrn � ' - - - ..,.rA 2fi-55P�r�ssa =�351a _ a�r,�tl�Z.�10 � - - - - - — - --- ----. . , � � . . � --- - -- -• - - - a ._ . . ' -- : , -- ---i_;ii�----------- - i rr. _ " _ _ " _" ' ' ' _' " ' " '_ _" .�_ • '_ '" _ . . , . . . . , � . . _ ' " _ ." __ _"' ' � 3treet - �- � - • - - ' _ . � c PLOT PLAN - - . - , - _ _ � . 6how_ locatlon and distances fram .. . - � : ' � properly line and between buildinga _ _ � . - — - - . �� .. . r. � T __.___..�.._ . . •�. � .. • . .- . . . - _.�'� . . . . . . - " . r , . . .L_. _ .. .. . � . • - 'i. . . . . i � � ' _ _ . , . - . "_ - ` � `C .'. . t �.' . . ' . . . ' . _ . . . ..��'' � '' � '72'l� �= COSTA MESA BUILDING DEPARTMENT , P. O. BOX 31� � COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA FOR APPLICANT TO FILL IN COSTA MESA. CALIFORNIA MAIL ADORE55 � CITV ARCHITFCT O R F' E I C�Z L�L-L[�1i LEGAL LOT � � OESCRIpTION NO. A.P. NO. / ^� .� ��.� % .�.-/ .. / use oF � // E%ISTING BLDG. L(/�� � SETBPCK IINE FflOM � ` CENTER OF STREET SIDE VARD RIG � DESCRIPT �N OI NEW x ALTERATION REPAIR MOVING SIZ'EDING�7O ^ �U' ROOMS /C E%TERIOR WALL ROOF COVERING COVERI USE OF NEW BUILDING TEL. NO. I 11C. ; � ; �EE RECEIVED �.g_5���.. FINANCE DEPT. CITY OF COSTA MESA APPLICATION FOR PERMIT�, BUILDING , ���7:7 BUILDING /ji// /�,`!/ l ADDRE55 ���/LJ I(.�_ ��-y� COSTA MESA. CALIFORNIA �� FIRE � ZONE fY LIG 20Ne /� No. // G3, / TEL. � � O BV�RO NO. TRACT� �� � NO.OF Bl.OGS. � �IOW ON LOT � � EAR�VA�R� �' .� r' E T � ORK gj' ADDITION DEMOLISH STORIES CORRECTIO CITY O`� OSTA t.^.r5p r.i �— �iniat`r 1t LGG. DEPT. REG. I NEREBY ACKNOWIEOGE TMAT HIS P LATION ANO � STOTE TNqT THE ABOVE IS COFRECT wNO AGREE TO COMPLY WITH ALL CITY OROINANCES AN� `� TE LAW�iTING 9UIL�ING CONSTflUC� „ TION. � � ` VALUATION SIGNATURE OF ��% J �" PERMIT FEE � l�. PERMITTEE \ . $ n �.�/� PLAN CHECK S � � n �r�: / AIITHORI2EO A6ENT �1 TOTAL FEE $[ � veMr