HomeMy WebLinkAbout3128 ENCORE CT - Building Permits�oonEss oc ew�owo: ONMERS IUYE IF IPlII1�N: P ,woxess: 1 INE, CA 9271II wu�a+o �ss: C T uar: ERTIES FLOOD: X 4'7 ELD BL 714-452-0600 iu�xrt�now�ffx LL MAJOR 6 ASSOCIATES uc.xo.: C-16869 �xcx.oe�c.•s�oonEss: 1551 N TUSTIN AV �M: SANTA ANA CA 92701 w�m�,cTa�g�uu�; POLYGON SOUTH COAST ASSOC ( 714 ) 380-2011 cam,�croxs�uimo 15751 .ROCKFIELD ,�p,�� IR CA ��; 659262 . 92718 uM: 120 LICENSED CONffl4CTOH5 UECLAPITION: 1 henby eflinn uMer penalry 1 pe�ury I em/ ceive uMer qa'vbne d Cheqa 9 (mmmena�q xilh SeMion ]000) d Grieion � W iM Buai�ae eM Vmleaaw s Coda. Y licplae'e' lull bru eM MM. cm uc. No.: 6 614/4 uc. cuss: B uc. N: 6 6 T E X P: 1 1/ 9 6 o�a: Z�/ l ca���a«: . OWNEN BUILDEfl DECLANRTION: I Mreby dfirm uM« paiuYy d perjury I em evamq hom tM ConVadas lioer�e Lew fw IM iaw.;�o ,� cs�ro� �a�is a,:na:s �d c,a�,=,�„ coaa: n„r orv a owmr wnwn �a��� a ro�n �o oo�wn. ena. �wow. �mol"sh, w rope'v eny eivcWre, prwr to na usuence, eho repuiree tM eppliram 1« auch permn �o file e ag�red ewamam Wt hs p eM �cemW p�nuent io ihe yansiana d tM Contratlon Licenae law �Chapar 9(mmme�rq wnh 9eeon ]Oro) tl Oiv'sion 3 d tlr eineae end Prdeasbns Cada� or ihel ha or ehe o uemq iherehan eM IM besie la �he elbpeE ewemqion. My violelion d SeUun )031.5 by enY Mdirant Iw a permil eubpea iM eppliram to e dvil penely M nm mwe then Ma hurdred dd4n �5500�1. ❑ i.�ow�amav�roo.�rv.mdw«•wcnw��ma:.aao�c«mm�.�;ndome..o�.�ema.wa�re:�a�m«�aaa «ollered br eeb (Secuon ]ou. eutlrme vM Prdeadma Code: TheConlreGae Lioansa lewAma nd eGPNtoen owner d popMy wlw budEe w vnprwm therean, eM xho daea euch wak h'unWt a Mne� m Ihraph he a her ovm empb�ese. prwktl IMI wwh imqwemenb ma nd inbndeC a oHeeed trc eab. tl, however, the buitlinp or'vnpwemeM u edd vrilhin ans yeer d eampblion, tlro ow�,awu.. mn na.re m. w�dan a o�re ne «.ne eu na adb « �mo� rw me wmae a.d.l. � I. u ormar m ihe o�M. an uduawdY mn�rmeq wnh lioenaed cannmiwe ro consV Wa Me v� (Seaion loH. Bua'vms end PMeasions COAe: Tha Comradon l'sanae lew daes m� epply to en owmr d prtqe�y Mw Wilde or impwm Ilwean aM who rnnVecle fw wrli proleqa wnh e mM�eGa(a) licenaed WB�1 to iha Coniredas licenu lewl. � I em uempt wEer Seciion: B. 8 P.C., In ihis �msm: Ome: ��: I Jo �areby cerliN �� I am aware d W uMers�aW Iha repuiremmU W CalAomie Heellh eM SetetY �e Setliam 25505. 25593. end ?5534, enE Ihel I or eny /Nuro buikinp om�pem will / wll rwt (tlicb ana) need �o canply wih eaid ma mdu aM �M roquiramWe br epermnlamrui�uctbnamadifretionhanlMAi ue�y arepammtDiatntl.ReeiEaMieloonet�udianeppYuliaroerteaamqhamihme pIOVl910l1l. Dele: Applicem: , WORKEH'S COMPENSATION DKLAfl�TION: 1 haraby elfi�m uedv pendly d pejury aro ol ths Idbxirp Eaduetom: � I heva eM xil meiMei� a cemlicela d consent io sall-im�re la xwkere compemnion, m pwiME tor by SarJion 3')00 d IM lebar cod.. �« �ne panumence a m. wax �« w+:cn mie p,rma ia f.,u,a. 4 i n..re �,a �;e �me:� �«an• mmoe�mon �murence. m�w��e W sea� a�ao m me i.u« cod.. ror m. w�+��. a m. won� �«..niw ma ve�mn u a.uee. Mr.o,een• ppp�p�qq�qyuNtt� °�° odkr ��mter.re: E X P I R E S ���: I.YYt(tSS 1 Polcy Number: -/ O 1/ 01 / 9 7 ris seaion mM rat be eanda� 1 tM ro�m) ia M one nuneise ddien Isrool a Im.) I eerltly Ne� in Ne pMwmeewe ol the wwk tor whieh thia psim�' uaued ehell em Y�Y Ge� h vry memw m m to bacame e jetl b thhhppp workma' compeiuetion lewe W Cdil . and ee I it I ouW bswro a�bptl lo �M xwken' compens n pmvisidre d SeUion �)00 W Ihe LeEor Code. I e 1 fonh� mm wi oea p�ovuiam. �C� o�.: ZZ� ! noW�c Wem/ip: FaU�n N ascvro worksn'rompsiwtlon roverps l� unqwlul, �rW alWl ubJM en wnplqr ro uIMrW pm�ltlp �mY clHl flrros ,y b ais hunero0 �M✓uMColler� (Sf00,000). M Wtl/fbn b tl�� rosf ol rompewtbn, pemKpi u provltlW M In 9xtlon 9106 al Ms LeDor COM, InNros4 enC attomsy'a /su. CONSTfiUCTION LENOING AGENCY: I hereby eifiim uMer penelry d perjury thm ihare o e oonativaion bnd"up epency br iM peAormama N tne wwk la whiM ihb pa'm't iv ivsued (Sedion ]OB). C'rv. Cl. LENDEP'S NM1E: LENOEP'3 ADDFESS: � cenM �nm � neve reea �nb wo��cma�.od gae �ne� �ne ebwa I��mnmbn e mrrea. � roree �o mmWr wnn el�'nv ene couNr adinenme arM eteie lewa rele�inp to Wild'up conaVutlion erA hereby eNlar¢e ropraeenimivee of ihie dry b enlm upon Ihs Wvn-mamidieE p�openy ' or iosomio� w�ooses. � N EL AQU I NO ti PnM Neme . _ o�a: � z—z- 9 (5151JB.WP) Whne-Buikirq 8 Sdery:OrearFle: Cenery-ADP��t: Pink-Re�enue: GaldenmC-Aeaaemr CITY OF COSTA MESA — BUILDING PERMIT PERM NO: B 079172 PERMIT NO; B 079172 PLAN CHECK NO: 03172-96 A GOVT: N SOPP: N CONSTRUCTION TYPE: V—N PERMIT TYPE: STR PURPOSE: ADD JOB DESCRIPTION : EXTEND FAMILY ROOM 147SF INTO EXIST GARA SQ FT: 8,423 CLAIM VALUE: f3,423.00 CALC—VALUE: II,423.00 GROUP OCC; R-9 /U-1 COMMENTS: PLAN 2, EXTEND 1475F INTO EXISTING GARAGE / REF B-77224 **��*�*****�*�*�+�*�*��**�*��**��*�x**x**�*��*x*�����**+�**�*�**���**+�+��*�***��x* Z O N I N G R E Q U I R E M E N T S S E T B A C K S ----------- MAIN BUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY BUILUING ---------- FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN PARKING REQ: PROV: PARCEL: 14151132 ZNE: REF NO: PLANNING NOTES> i i! jf i! 1E if �f iE 3E �E Ik Ik iE jE iE iE 1E ik if if iE iE iE 1E jF 1F ik iE fE iF iE fk ik iF 3E iE �E 1E aE iE dE dE 1E dE �E iE 3E 1E iE �E �E iF �E 3E 1E if if �)k iE if if iE iE if iE �F iE 3E 3E iE aE.1f jE iE iF �1F 3E it if iF iE D E V E L O P M E N T S E R V I C E S R E Q U I R E M E N� T S � ZONING APPROVED BY IzM%� DATE: �l7-9G BUILDING APPROVED BY ; ✓GA DATE: .�. —9 _ / /R APPLICATION ISSUED BY: ��/1/� DATE:' i�.'.. — ' **x-x-*******�t******�-***3F��iF3F7F�FiF�F�FTE�F��F3F'SF'�F�F���F�FTE"� 3FiF * ��F�iFi�+�***�c-*****i Ex� �- e�x- ** LEGALIZATION:N F E E 5 U M M A R Y STRUCTURAL�SEGMENT:Y BLDG PMT PLUMHING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/RES GRADING PERMIT 149.75 t39 PI.AN Zq,3q SMIP/NON—RES ISSUE FEE BUILDING—DIV—> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN—CHECK TOTAL PAID DUE TOTALS----> 150.59 0.00 24.34 174.93 174.93 .00 REVENUE DZVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED: 150.59 OVER/SHORT: .00 BLDG PMT PLUMHING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN—CHECK 149.75 .84 �E �E dE iE 3E 3E iE i(� if �f iE fE iE if iE ik 1E 3E 9E iE �E iE IE dE �E fE 3E 3E �E �E 9f �E if� �E �E if iE dE �E 1f iE �f iE jF iE iE jE jF 1E iElE jf 1E iE iE if �E jE 1E 3E 9f iE �E ik IE * iE �f jf !E iE iE iE iE if 9E iF �ElE I N D I V I D.0 A L F E E B R E A K D O W N TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I O N CINIT COST TOTAL COST SFR 8423 ALTER BY VALUE RESIDENTIAL NOZONE 1.00 8,423.00 END OF FEES -,. _ - '- - - , CONSYRUCTION AND PLANNING APPROVALS Permit # t.;Temporary Electrical Service or Pdle 2. Soil Pipe�Und�grnd. - 3. Eleclrical Conduit Utifity�Undrgrnd. 4. Elecirical ConduibUndrgmd. . , 5. Steel ReinforGement ' 6. Electrital UFER Grnd. 7. Footings 8. Foundation 9. Water Pipe•Undrgrnd. - 10. Struauraf Floor SYstem • �'„ 11. Property Sewer Line & House Connection 12. Sewer Cap � ' 13. Roof Drains - 14.flough�Plumbing �' .;. 75. Rough Electrical-Conduit ' 16. Rough Elearic Wiring - � '. 17. Rough Wiring Sign � 78. Rough Electrical-T Bar Ceiling � �. 79. Rough Hea[in9 & Air Conditioning �. 20. Rough FactorY Fireplace 21. Ducts, in Structure 22. Duas, Ventilating 23. Gas Pipe-Rough & Test 24. Roof Framing � 25. Roof Sheathing 26. T�Bar Ceiling (Struct�ral) & Monocoat 27. Frame and Flashing 28. Lathing & Sid�n9 29. Insulation � 30. Drywall Nailing . 31. Plaster Brown Coat 32. Electricai Power Meter-Final 33. Final Electric 34. Final Heating & Air Conditioning _ , 35. Final Gas Pipe�Test • 36. Hood or CanoPY 37. Fina� Factory Firepiace 38. Finai Plumbing . 39. Water Service-Finai 40. Gas Service-Final 41. Solar pomestic-Final 42. Batkflow Preventer 43. Backflow Irrigation' 44. tandscape Irripation System 45. Sound Attenuation 46. Handicap Regulations 47. FINAI. STRUCTURE & BUILDING ` 48. FINAL PLANNING 49. Elec2ric Release to Edison 50. Gas Release to Southern California Gas Cn Date Date P00� 'PA Inspector .�APpROVAIS Permit # ' 52. Pool & Equipmem location � - � 53. Steel Reinforcement � -'� � 54. Forms . � , 55: Electrical Bonding __ - Y 56. Rough Plumbing & Pressure Test 57. APPROVALTOCOVER�GUNITE -58. Electricai Conduit-Undrgrnd. 59. Gas Pipe, O Undrgrnd., Test 60. Backwash Lines; P-Trap,.rJ Undrgmd. � 67. APPROVAL TO DECK ' � 62. Backwash & Receptor•Final 63. Heater & Vent�Final ` � 64; Plumbing System - FiRaf • 65. Electrica6Final - 66. Solar System-Final � . . 67. Fencing & Access Approval � � 68. APPROVEDFOR�FLASTERING 69. POOUSPASYSTEMSFINAL FIRE DEPT. REQUIREMENT � APPROVALS P.ermit � Y � Date �Inspector 70. Underground Hydro 77. Product Piping � Gas ❑ Oil 72. Underground Flush 73. Undergmd.5mrageTank OGas OOiI 74. Overhead Hydro 75. -�ry Chemical � 76. Dry Standpipe 77. FIXEO SYSTEM FIIVAL 78. FIRE PREV. FINAL HEALTH DEPT. REQUIREMENT 79. FINAL INSPECTION _ 80. FOOD CERTIFiCATE IS5UED Notes: e a s 4UUFESS OF BNLqNO: _ 3 1 Z B ENC ,av;exsxn�ei;�a'xw: POLYGON P woxcss:15717 ROC �R�INE, CA 92718 . �vvi. wuuxo aooxess: UNT: IES FLOOD: X 47 BL 714-452-0600 NICXRECTOPEW:NEEN:LL MAJOR S ASSOCIATES uc.wo.: C-16869 RCLLOPElK.'SADOHE55: LSSL N TUSTIN AV uxT: SANTA ANA CA 92701 coxmncrarsxwe:POLYGON SOUTH COAST ASSOC ( 714 ) 380-2011 caxmacroxs�uurw15751 ROCKFIELD �ooxess: I R CA uc. r�o.: 6 5 9 2 6 2 9 2 718 uNT: 12 0 LICENSED COHfPACTOR4 �ECLAflATON: I Mreby efl'vm uMaz perely W perjury Net I em Icenaed uMm pwieione N Ghep�er 9 (rommenaiq wilh SeMion 1000) oi Drvision 3 0l I�e 8usinaw eM Prdeaeiwia Code, end my licenea o in full iwca eM eHed. gry,�c.No.p66144 uc.cuss:B uc.yp.;65�262 EXP: 11/96 � OW F BUILDEfl DECIAqATON: I hareby elfirtn undar peneYy d perlN�Y � p �� tM Comreewe liomae Lew la tM nuon (Soqion'/a�t.5 Buevreae enE Proleseiona Coda: Any cny a ry requirea e pa'mit to moW�Y. eller, imqove, nd'ch, or repei eny evucture, pbr to Gs'osueMe, ebo reQuirae Ihe epplirant lor euch parmn to file e aipmd ale�ament ihe� M w aM IICB119BE W�Y911� 10IM pfOV\910119 W �M CM�fGdIX9 LIClII4B IBW �CM1BqB! 9(m111TlMfIQ WIIA SBdp� )000) d Divoion 3 d �M Busineas enE PrWeaaons Code� m Ihel he ar,-ahe ia uemq �hael�wn arM ihe Esvre ta �ha ellepeE exemption. Rny vulet'an d Seaon 1m1.5 M eny wn���,� ro. e vs�mn subjx+e �ne eodicem �o e mi� ro�r d na mwe �han fve huMred ddbn Ifsoop. � I, eq owrer o/ lhe peopeny a my ampbyeea wYh wapea es Ihai ede mmpanealbn, wiA do ihe vroM, enE �he s�iuelure u ml intendeE or oflered lor mle (�tion ]Oas. Buvnw eM Proleaeima Code: Tha ConireGore L'wuna Lew doea �at epply lo en ownm ol propeM wM WiEs w improvea iherean, end Mio daee auch wark NmeeH «hemeY a ihraqh h'o a her ovm employeas, pmvided ihel euch impm.�emmta ara mt in�aMed «oilereA ta eale. II, however, ihe buiNinp or inprovement u add wilhin ma yeer d oompinon, Ma owrerbuiNx will heve iM WNen d poviip he or eM dN nd builE a improva Iw �ha WrWae W eeb�. � I, av o�mer d Ihe popeM. em extlueively mnUeavp wnh licenaed wntrecton W croslrutl iM poptl (SeUion )011, Buainaea uM Proleesbm COEe: The Conlreqore t'senae Lew doee nd eppy to en oxrwr d propeMy who Wika or impavp ihneon uM who convec4/a eutli W4�� �h e mMropor(a) Icenaed punwn� to iha Conireawe licansa Lew�. em m e undm Seciion: 8. 8 F.C., br a a o r/ � Dtle: O�mx: % %/ he y tanily ihet I em ewere d end undenlend IM �uiremenU d C' u N Ih eM Sefery Cade Seabm 255U5, 25533, eM thm I a eny Mura building oaupent wll / wiil nM (dreb aie) naed to canply wth eaid qels wdae uM IM repuiremend M epermillwconevuqionmmadficelionhomiheAm�6u tiiy.�enepamantDinriq.RmitleMielmneliutlbnepplcelbmueexsmqimmlhna Daie: ApplceM: WOflKEfl'S COMPQlS�TON DECL�FATION: I heraby effirm uMar peneXy d pajury ons d �he lollowiiq EMeietona: � I heve enE wiP meinlain e ceNlcPoe d cmeen� to veNJnwn tar Narken' compenmion, n pariAad br by Seqion J]OO W the L.ebar Catle, fa iM peAormenee ol iha wurk Iw wkeh �hia peemn ie loued. -11 I heva enE xi0 meinlen wwken' compenaelion insuren�cee, m rpuinE by Seaion 3100 d �ha Lebor Code, br ihe periwmence d Iha 1f"' wo�krorwhichmiape�nitisinwd.Mywor CYYRESS�NI $ ��0�"'Y"umberme: EXPIRES c�.�: \ Palry Number: — � 1� � 1� 9% (ThI'� aec(iwr need rot bs mmplelM / fM perm! ia la- om hvndred ddkm (f1001 w lav.) �I mnly Rw in the paAormarics W tM xrork fa whkh t�is parm� ia ineued, I elWl nd empby eny penon in eny men�ror m n to becane wbjed to IM woAera' comPo�aiion laws d CefAanie, anE epree I�et il I ehoulE becoma waetl lo tM Mohen' compe/m�elion protiaunm M SeUan 3)00 0l iM lebor Code. I eh n�h ' t p'ai� Dete: i� � -/ � AOWiranl: Wem/ny: Fellun ro��cun workw�' compsiwHon roveraPo �� ��IawNl, an • l� t en �mployx ro etlMrW pxWtlo enC nv/l nne� up ro on. nu�arw rnoua.nd eon.n lsfaq000A �n .eei'ron ro m r oi eorrwnwewn am.o..., poMa.d ro. in SxNon J�P6 0l M� LMor Cod, IntHw4 �� ���n�Y'� Iw. CONSTRUCTION LENDINO AOENCY: I hereEy �rtn wEsr panelry d parWrv �� �� b a mnal�upion bMi'p epenry br iM �no��� a me woa i« wn�d� mA ro�� �a ma�ad Is,eb� soe�, cr. c�. � LENDEN'S NAME: LENDER'S �DDHE59: �I caMiry Ihel I have raeE thn epd��� � ame thet Ihe ebove inlormelion is corteU. I eproe io wmply with ell tity enA county ardinarioee entl etate lexs mWinp to buibvq wnsVuqion erd Mraby einMr¢a ropmaentaiivee ol ��ia cny io emar upon �he above-menloned propary i�����P����O��°��BOH YODER �: � • ylDele: (5t51d8.WP) While-Buildvp b Sdely; Oreao-Fle; Cenery-AppicenC Pink-Revenue; OONenm0.Aaeeewr CITY OF COSTA MESA - HUILDING PERMIT PERM NO: B 077224 PERMIT NO: B 077224 PLAN CHECK NO: 01219-96 A GOVT: N SUPP: N CONSTRUCTION TYPE: V-N PERMIT TYPE: STR PURPOSE: NEW JOB DESCRIPTION : 2129 SF LIVING/ 562 SF GARAGE SQ FT: 2,691 CLAZM VALOE: CALC-VALUE: 177,426.30 GROUP OCC: R-3 /U-1 COMMENTS: PLAN 2 NEW SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE ��*******��******���**�*��**+r***�*�*x�******�*���**���**��**��*�*+��*****����***� i Z O N I N G R E Q U I R E M E N T S i S E T B A C K S ------------ MAIN BUILDING ---------r --------- ACCESSORY BUILDING ---- ---- FRNT: 44 FT IN REAR: 5 FT IN FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN LEFT: 5 FT IN RGHT: 5 FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN PARKING REQ: 2 PROV: 2 PARCEL: 19151132 ZNE: PDR- REF NO: PA-95-36 PLANNING NOTES>,SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE WITH ATTACHED 2 CAR GARAGE. PARK/ >,:TRANSPOR,TAT<ION..FEES DEFERRED TO OCCUPANCY. P,F,E ;;��' 9f �E �E �f aE 1E �E 1E iE jf iE 1E iE IE �E�iE,1E 1E iF iE iE if�iF.if 1E�E 1F�E 3! 1E�iE it fE if if aE iE 1E iF if if 1E 1E �E �E if aE �E if �f iE iE iE 3E 1E 1E iE iE iE iE if 1E 1E * 1F �F it 1E * 1F iE �7E iF �E if if iE iF iE D E V E.-L. O P:MiE ;N� ;T� ;� S E R V I C E S R E Q U I R E M E N' T=� S• !�`:, "Y,- ' . ZONING APPROVED�BY "r: ' �� n ' M ,� . DATE: ��� /� •' Y V. f Iij fi�H1�L�7 IAPPLICATION � � HY�7:.,.�, r,, ,,7 .1 ��:l�.-' . HY e-'� �i � /'�� ' i LEGALIZATION:N HLDG PMT PERMIT 1,277.25 F E E S U M M A R Y PLUMHING ELECTRIC MECHANIC DATE: DATE: ' STRUCTURAL"SEGMENT;Y FIRE SMIP/RES GRADING 17.74 SMIP/NON-RES PLAN 207.55 '„� ISSUE FEE BUILDING-DIV-> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN-CHECK TOTAL PAID DUE TOTALS----> 1294.99 0.00 ��"207,55 1502,54 1502.54 ,00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED: 1354.26 OVER/SHORT: .00 BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN-CHECK 1277.25 . 17.74 59.27 iE 1f 1E iE IE 1E 1E iE * ff iElE iE iE 1E 1E 1f iF i(� 1E iE �Ih iE fE fE 1(� fE jE if 1E �IE 1E 1E iE iE 1E��E 1E iflF 1F 1E 1f IE iF iF �E ik 1E �E iE 9(' 9E 1E 1E 1E 1E 1E 1E iE if iF iE 1f 1Elk �f 1E iE if �IE iklE')E 1F!(� iE iE 3f I N D I V I D U A L F E E B R E'A K D 0 W N TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I O N UNIT COST TOTAL COST SFR 2129 DWE—TYPE V—WOOD FRAME —GOOD SFR 562 RES—GARAGES TYPE V-- END OF FEES P ;. � �J 77,90 165,849.10 20.60 11,577.20 �J� �i.'✓-:��;`-f.����Q/.:ili -i;ip-� .._ ,_ �;,T° ����.'.i;;/'= T;[�[� eJe;1 • CONSTRUCTION AND PIANNING APPROVALS Permit # Date ; . TemPorary Electriwl Service or�,Pnle 2. Soil Pipe-Undrgrnd. ' y, 3. Electrical�Conduit Ufiltty-Undigr�cl. - '4. Electrical Conduit•Undrgmd. - _ 5. Steel Reinforcemeni ��) 6. ElectricahUPER Grnd. %7._ Footings �• r ; - 8. Foundation' � ,.-i '. � " 9. Water Pipe�Undryrnd. " '�� 70. Structural Floor SYstem - �.--> � " 11. Property Sewer �.Line & House Conrtection 12. Sewer Cap - �.: . _ � 13. R6of Orains � � 14. Rough Plumbing . x 15. Rough Electrical-Conduit �.. 16. Rough Electric Wirin9 - - ,1,7. Rough Wiring Sign - _ 18. Rou9h Electrical=T Bar Ceiling 19, Rough Heating,& Ait Conditioning. -- , 20. Rough F3�tory" Fiieplace _ . ' �� ... _ 27. Oucts; in;Structure > . 22. Ducts, Ventilating' - 23. Gas Fipe-.Rough & Test �, ' 24. Roof Framing �" F � 25. Roof Sheathing � `f -7 . � c 26. T•Ban�Ceiling (StruLturaq & Mo7�ocoat - ^-"� '^ Y � 1 27. Frame and Flashing x � _� :. `� - 28. Lathing & Siding ' � _ �,".� ��G� 29. Insulation. : � _. _ �? 3�/ 30.DryuvallNailing a' �-� "� �`/ ,,..�TL- -31. PlasterB;own�Coat�: -� T ...'2f��1 � j � 32. Efectrical�Pow2r Meter-Final 33. Fina� EleCtriC„ -,. r'�' ^,� _ - �..t �- 34. Final•Heating & Ait Conditioning - i ii' 1= - 'ti, 35. Final Ga� Pipe��Test ` �' _ " � � - 36. Hood or Canopy .- - . ;; ;�, <.. � . .r 37. Finai'Factory FirePlace. ~ . ' _ ` ' - 39. Final Plumbing r ,•,- ` 39. Wat¢� Service•Final � _ - T " i. I , v - 40. Gas Service-Final �' . _ _ - - 41. Solar pomestic•Finai' � � r ti 42. Backflow Preyenter � . , ,. �' � . 43. Backtlow Irrigation '" '� " ��- Y S '� G .• 44. Landscape Irripation SYstem � - �». 45. So�nd Attenuation + - � " _ (. 46. Hand�cap Regulations - 47. FINAL STRUCTURE & BUILDWG �a� 48. FINAL PLANNING K . ��' 49. Electric Release to Edison z 50. Gas Release to Soutt�ern Calitorrra Gas Co 51. CEFTIPICATE OF OCCUPANCY Date �;- POl . SPA Inspector 'p�PpROVALS Permit# -9" 52. Pool & Equipment Location''. �- ' � 53. Steel Reinforcement � �L 54. Forms 55. Electricai�Bonding 56. Rough Plumbing & Pressure Test �/ 57. APPROVAL TO COVER�GUNITE L 58: Etectricai CondLit-Undrgrnd. � �:. . 59. Gas Pipe, � Unclrgrnd., Test `1 60. Backwash Lines;'P�Trap, �.Undrgmd. �'� �61. APPROVALTO,OECK .' ..ti ~ , :52. Backwash & Receptor-Final,�.�� :� � �- 63. Heater & Vent-Pinai A.�' .•.. \ 64. Plumbing System � Final ,l 65. Electrical-Final � `j 66. Solar System-Fifial � 67. Fencing & Access�pproval 68. APPROVED F(7R�PLASTERING 69. POOL/SPASYSTEAASFINAL � y+ - ;• FiRE DEPT: REQUIREMENT �..-� - . - ;�_ _ ' - _ • •APP�OVALS_� Permit # " �- " � . - 70.cUnderground Hydro � �` 77. Product Piping �.6as (� Oil � -` ; r' 72. Underground F,I sh_ - . �� �'`� �' 7`J:,Undergmd.Stoia`ge,.TanK �Gas ❑Oil i� .v r . -V x 7d�. rpverhead Hydro ^ _ ' -� y. 73F-.'Ory Che t�cai �� -' ,T -T;'�`� ' . - S c. t- - :�-_ '� >. � 76. Dry StandPiPe �, �. � .. ' ` :. � • , 77. FIXEDS'�STENI�FINAL'� '^� �� �, � 78: fIRE PREV. FIfV�AI -� 3 ",� ; x �_HEALTH DEPx.LREQUIR�EM y �, 79. FINAL INSPECTION t- � �-' - 80. FO00 CEfiTIPICATE ISSUED h�T,',_ � : - : K . r. NOteS' ,/ r � )iA�_. � Q�/_'l� ��'�Lti ...,rr ` � :. �: � �: : a • ' �c r•.^ 2 •, - i T � � _ t. � �• � , x : � r. . r ' . : � - . . ;�.. � - .. �c . � r f. -r _ � i •. = F - r-.' m. �' - <: ' - . F: . _ A. 1 � . r:-= �� � � . .. r � - � . �- f _r : ` �G � . Date ENT r F -. Inspector� 0 n City of Costa Mesa C�Ilfornie 92829-120a P.O.Boy 12�� Insulation Certiflcate ' Perma Numoar 3128 ENCORE COURT COSTA MESA, CA Numb¢r anE Slrpel Clly 39 aunry 9ubal�ison Description of Installation ROOF Material ., __ _ Thickness (Inches) EXTERIOR WALL Material . �TT INSDLATION Thickness (inches) 6 3/4" / 3 5/8" Brend Name � Thermal Resistance (R-Vaiue)_ Brand Name SCH[TLLER Thermal Resistance (R-Value) R– R– 3 CEILING 8att or Blanket Type BATT INSULATION Brand Name . SCHULLER Thickness (Inches) 1`�� Thermal Resistance (fi-Value) x-30 Loose Fill Type &and Name __.__._....____— _ Contractor's minimum installed weighUft�_Ib. Minimum tnlckness- �nches Menufacturer's installed weight per square fooi to achieve Thermal Resistance (R-Value) RAISED FLOOR Material . Thickness (inches) Brand Name Thermal Resistance (R-Value) SLAB FLOOR Material Brand Name . Thickness (inchesj. Thermal Resista�ce (R-Value) Width (inches)-• FOUNDATION WALI Material Thickness (inches) Br3nd Name . Thermal Resistance (fi-Value) Deciaration I hereby certify that the above insulation was insialled in the Duilding at the above localion in conformance with the current Building Energy Efficiency Standards for new residential buildings contained in Ticiz 24 ot the Callfornia Adminstretive Code. Oxnxrxl CaN�actcr (9w10�Q Si6natura ana 71;b WESTERN INSULATION, INC Suo-Canvac:or (Icsvllt:on Inalflli�) _�� %,'�..�4 P� rJ,'',on. � SiqnaNn aed Tltla �.sm.e Z0'd licnnav on�oer 481278 Li<Ens! N�mOer SEPTII�ER 12, 1996 oa�. WH b<_':TS 9e—ZI—d3S � �� Hall & Fbreman, Inc. e Civil Engineering • Planning • Surveying • Public Works September 23, 1996 Building and Safety Division City of Costa Mesa 77 Fair Drive Costa Mesa, CA 92628-1200 Project Address: Lot Numbec Permit Number. By Civil Engineer: Tract No. 15211 39 31 a S ��cvYe c�{. GRA075893 4665-GRA08 I certify to the satisPactory completion of grading i❑ accordance with the approved plans, specifications, local and stute codes. All drainage devices required by Che grading permit, grading plan a�d gziding ordinance have been installed. Adequate provisions have been made for drainage of surface water from each building site. The minimums are: 2% fall from structures within 5 feet from exterior walls. 1% fall for usphalt surfaces and landscaped areas. 0.5% fall for concrete surfaces to approved disposal areas. The Yinal monuments as shown on the recorded tract map were seL All final grading elevations are within ± I/10 of the designed el�vations. Supervising Civil Engineer 13821 Newport Avenue, Suite 200 Tus�iq Calitomia 92680-7803 Tel 714I544-3404 Fax 7141544-3155 No. 37445 � z3%� � P. No.37445 � Fxp.6/30/@� * ,�u�+� 3] 28 ENCORE CT uMT: �aa,v'+:POLYGON PROPERTIES FLOOD: �X 47 ADDNESSSS%1% ROCKFIELD BL P.VINE, CA 92718 719-452-0600 APP�. WIl1NG ADOHESS: "�� � 7 / J A1ICXRECiOPENtlNEEN:LL MAJOR 6 ASSOCIATES ��.�� C-16869 .xcx.on�c�s,wonEss: 1551 N TUSTIN AV uxr: SANTA ANA CA 92701 CWliHACTOP'SWINE:NOVA PLUMHING INC . ( 714 ) 556-6682 ca/m�cTorcs�uimc 3103 W CENTRAL AV aooxess:SANTA ANA CA ��,�,; 457898 92704 uNT: 110ENSED CONTPACTONS OECIAPATION: I hereby ell�m uMm peratly d parjury IMI I em I'x:enseC uMm porivme d Cheqa 9 (mmmenoig wn� SxYion ]000) d Drvision 3 d iM Buaineea vM Prol sbna Cada. eM mY license n in tull brce ard eHw. c �o.: 6p6 4q6 uc.cuss:C 36 uc. . 95789 EXP: 01/97 � � l l comrea«: ` BIIII�ER DECL/�PATION: I hemby eifirm ueWer penepy d perjury thm I em ecemq from IM CaNretlaa Licmea Lew /w Hre vnnp reeeon (Sepion )0�1.5 Buaiwaa aN Pmlmsune Gotla: hnY cty n muntY �� �Vuirm e permil to construd. eller. impan. imWoh, a repv ury svuetuea, p'v io na sauarce, e6o repuirea �he apd�� for sueh permn �o fib e eqriad ne�amant �hel M a eM d IieeneeE Wnueni m tM provieione d tM Camreeon Licenae law �6hepter 9(mmmentlrq xnh Saeion ]00�) d Diveion 3 d �ha Buainea end Prdea4ons CoEe� or Nel he a she is exemp �hereimm end the beaia br �he elbpeE naamytbn. My vbletbn d Seeon �o3i.5 M a�y aoor i io�. oa�mn wd� me eavi�� �o e cni oerenv m na mae me� �wa n��d.ed ddien I�U. � I, m ox+wr d tlie propeny w my empbyeee v.ih wapea o �hei eole mmpenee�ion xill do �M xwk, erid IM el�uctun a nd inlaMed or Mmed lor ule (Secibn )OIG, Busiiwss eM Prdessbns Code: Tha Can�redore License lewEoee nol eppyto en ownar W propary who buida a vnproves Ihereon, end xiw doee such waM IimmH w Mnell or Nrouph hu «her oxn employeea. prwked Ihel wch impavemenb ere"nd inleMeE a Wered lor aeb. II. hawever.lhe buikinB a Mpa'�� ie add wilhin meY� d oompbtion. tM owo«�w�a« w�n ne� m. b�.e.� a won�a ne o� sna eb oa waa � �mw� �« me wmo.. d�.�. � I, u awner W ihe orWaM. em exduarvaty mnirenno ��h liceneed conlrectae �o cmetruq Ihe oAlacll�b� ��. Businme end Pmieasions Cuda: TM Conlreqon L'eenae Lew doee rwt epqy �o en owner of.pmpenY � buiNa a'unpovm Ihereon enE who wnVacls lar iuM prqaea wnh e mnlretlor�e) IkenaeE W9�t �o tha Gonlredors Licema lewl. �' � ❑ I em axemp urMar Sectim: 8. 8 P.C., lor Mie ieeson: "• `� Data: Ovmer: � � � I do hareby cenity thet I em eware d eM uMentend �he reQuiramenM M CelAamie Heellh end Sffiary Code Sedione 25505, ?5533, anE 25594, end iM1a� I or eny INure buildinp occupenl will I wNl na (tlrcb ana� nead to com0ly wih eeid Nete mdee eM the �syuiremenb lor epermXlwmmVuetimamoEifimibnhom�MAiauiry�. 'erepemeniDiatrid.Reeidmiielmewruquneppiraliomareeump/mmlMea a�,.. Deta: Aod��: WOflKER'S COMPENS�TION DECL�N�TION: I Mreby elfirm u�der penelly N pe�jury wp d tlro Idbwiiq Eeduetioru: ❑ I heve enE wil meinlein a cMificete d wneent lo aell-inwre /n waAen' wmpenaelion, m prantled for by Sedion 3)OU d the Lebor Cotle,iwiM perlormence o/IM v.arkiw which�hia permilisivued. � � new a,e wie meime:i womm�• oomo�on insurenc.. m iw��.ea M s.uia, aroo a ub �.mr coe.. ror in. w�ro.menm w m. .��«Y.n�mrea.�a�.�.,�,.a.n+r••a•w"UL'�ICO �CAS A T�'����m���� EXPIRES Cemer: aawrN�mn«: — 06/01/96 �ihis aedion need mr 6e romabted r �ns ro�r ia ln ons nuneieC dallers Rio01 a bm.J � I Aythu inthe parlormence dthe workin whkh�hie pertnille ueE.l ehell m�am ��eny pe�em In eny mennereo s�lo eubjee lo Ihe xo�kme' cwnpenwion lewe d Gelibmie d prea UW X I s ou bawms wbjetl to iM worken' P9� �� D vi(e]ona d SeGion 3]00 d iM labor Cade. I ehell on ' h rp ipy wiTh ih ee o one ete� -1. Applicenl: eminp: Fallun b��uro worteri comperu�tlon covenp� l� unNwNl, ,�e,w�.�e�r.� .myioy« ro eNm�.r v�rou •�e /H/ flnu'y ro on� hunlretl tMuund tlo/Nn (Sf00,000), M Wlltlan ro M� cwf ol rompawtbT a�P+ u proWtlep br In Swtlon ]1f16 al Ms LMor COM, lnfxs�f, anJ eMrneyl bs�. CONSTtiUCT10N LENDINO ACENCY: I hereby elfirm uMer peneM1y d parjury thet ihan ia a conatiudan bMiip epem.y Irc Ne G�OtTBn�n M IhB wwk IIX vfiltll �he VaemY ie oeuBd (SMon 309]. Ciu. C). l.ENOEN'S NAME: LENOEN'S AUDNESS: 1 �his epplcetion end &e�e ihm ihe ebove inlorme�ion is mrtea. I epree io camply wnh ell cny end counry aNinencee mbuildinp avutlionendMrebyemhorizerepresemaiiveaof�hisciryioanbrupaniheabove-menlionedpropary �ROB�BBINS • . � . (St5t�46.WP) While-6uikvp 8 Salery; O�aemFb; Carary-Rppiranl: Nnk-Revenue; GdEevo�Rsaevor CITY OF COSTA MESA — HUILDING PERMIT , ERM NO: P 077280 PERMIT NO: P 077280 PLAN CHECK NO: N GOVT: N SUPP: N i iCONSTRUCTFON'TYPE: V—N PERMIT TYPE: PLU PURPOSE: NEW ISOB DESCRIPTION. : 2129 SF LIVING/ 562 SF GARAGE ICLAIM VALUE: CALC—VALUE: SQ FT: GROUP OCC: R-3 /U-1 COMMENTS: PLAN 2 NEW SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE REF: 77224 ���t*+t**x�**���*x**�******+��t*�t*��***�**�+�**�***xx**x*��***�*x*x*+��r************x* Z O N I N G R E Q U I R E M E N T S S E T H A C K S ------------ MAIN HUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY BUILDING --------- FRNT; FT IN REAR; FT IN FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN LEFT; FT IN RGHT; FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT; FT IN PARKING REQ: PROV: PARCEL: 14151132 ZNE: REF NO: PLANNING NOTES> r� „ r, �f' , j • � .. % i "' �'�,. f7., iE 1E iF iE iE jE 1E 1E 1E iE ik iE 1F iE iF iE iE if 1f if 1E iE ik ik iE Ik 9E 3E 9E 3E iE iE 1E iE 9E iE iE 1E iF i� iE 1E if iF iF iF fk iE.iE 1E fFdE 3E iE IE iE iE 1E.fE iF,if fElElf 1E iE if 1f 1f iE iE 1E iE iF jE iE 1E fE iE D EiV E L O P M E N T S E R V I C E S� R�_E� Q U•I•- R''�E M E N T S ZONING APPROVED BY � � � �'� (� ',' � � :� �, „ i �'�DATE: 1 BUILDING AP.PROVED BY �,�`� /^� �� `' � ��(;��!DATE: �/�nY'1.� s'° � . �.�*1 � � ir '' "' I'1. Y;° � /'� / APPLICATION ZSSUED BY: ."I ' o;;' ii:,i':-, �`!:''%�,�'DATE: yC (\ �EiE1EiEjEiE�EitiE9E3E1E1E3E1E9E�E1E�E1Eif�E � iE'IE1F"3ElEififfEiElE iE1EV LEGALIZATION:N F E E Sz U M M A R Y STRUCTURAL EGMENT:N ' ' �'^!` BLDG PMT PLUMHING ELECTRIC��MECHANLC'� FIRE SMIP/RES GRADZNG PERMIT 139.00 '� , i✓' ti �f, 25$ ',� ;�. v v �� ,� ,t, SMIP/NON—RES PLAN +� ISSUE FEE 20.00 �' C! �' �'� ^ BUILDING—DIV—> PERMIT ISSUE PL�AN—CHECK� " 'TOTAL PAID DUE TOTALS----> 139,00 20.00 �0.00 �^•1'S9.00 159.00 ,00 . REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECT�ED:, �-' s 1�59.00 OVER/SHORT: .00 HLDG PMT PLUMHING £LECTRIC MECHANIC, � FIRE :'TSMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN—CHECK 159.00 ' � '� i 1 ' : � �c aE iF 1E iF �IE iE iE iE iE i(-iF iF 1E iE 1E 1f iE ik iElf 3E 1f �)E 1E iE 1F IE 9E fE 1E IE 3E iE iE jE iE iE 1E iE 1E 1E if if 1E 1f if 3E iklE iE 1f iE 3E iE 1E IE 9E iE IE iE i6 iE 1F �E iE 1E * if !E 1E if !E If 1E aE 1E ik 1E if I N D I V I D U A L_' F E E% `B '�R E�A K D O W N TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I O./N ^ ,^ %~ ✓� UNIT COST TOTAL COST PLU PLU PLU PLU PLU PLU PLU PLU PLU PLU PLU L� .. v-�. BATHTUB " � �.�I ' •',r , ,T DISHWASHER �� �� ' / =-= "., � � LAUNDRY TUB OR WASHER � ."''��� SHOWER � ' , ' ` `� �'� SINK, KITCHEN � � WASH BASIN WATER CLOSET (TOILET.),,.. WATER HEATER AND/OR'VENT WATER SERVICE 3,, GAS PIPING SYS OFi?�i!�,TO 4 OUTLETS GAS PIPING SYS S+r-'OUTL—PER OUTLET 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 5 1 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 14.00 7.00 14.00 14.00 7.00 35.00 21.00 7.00 7,00 5.00 1.00 .ONSTRUCTION AND PLANNING POt, _ d SPA ,,PPROVALS Permit # I Date I�spector qppROVALS Permit # Date Inspector •i. Temporary Electrlcal Service pr Pole 52. Pool & Equipment Location 2. Soil Pipe-Undrgrnd. " � 6 53. Steel Reinforcement . ' 3. Electrital Conduit Utility-Und'rgrnd. 54. Forms� 4. Electrieal ConduibUndrgrnd. 55.� Electrical Bonding � 5. Steel Re�nforcement � � 56. Rough Plumbing & Pressure Test - 6: ElectritalUFER:Grnd. 57. APPROVALTOCOVER�GUNITE �- 7_ Footings ' -� 58. Electrical Conduit-Undrgmd. 8. Foundation - 59. Gas Pipe, � Und[grnd., Test I 9. Water Pipe-Undrgrnd. ._ , ��_ � 60. Backwash Lines, P-Trap, � Undrgrnd. 10. Structural Floor System . 61. APPROVAL TQ DECK � 11. PropeitY Sewer Line & HouseConnectionL �,_�� 62. Backwash & Receptor�Final • 12. Sewer GaP , ., � 63. Heater & Vent-Final ' 13. Roof Drains - � 64. Plumbing System - Fine6 � ' 74. Rough P�umbing � ' � � �.5� . 65. Eiectrical-Pinal ' " �, 15. Rou9h Electrical-Conduit . , 66. Solar SYstem-Final I � 16. Rough Electric Wiring 67. Fencing & Access ApProval 17. Rough Wiiing Sign . 68. APPROVED FOR�PLASTER WG 18. Rough Elecirical-T Bar Ceiling 69. POOL/SPA SYSTEMS FINAL � 19. Rouqh Heating & Air Conditioning _ . .. - FIRE DEPT. REQUIREMENT " - - 20. Rough Factory Fireplace � ' _ i �` APPROVALS Permit # , , � � - - 21. DuCts, in.Structure 70. Underground Hydro ' 22. Ducts, Ventilating ��� - � 71. Product Piping.�Gas OOiI 23. Gac.Fipe-Rough & Test " r'J�7-� , � 72. Underground Ftuih � L�J 24. Roof Fra�ming �. _ ; 73, Undergrnd. Sto�age Tank O Gas ❑ Oil 25. flouf Sheathing � �- � " 74, Overhead Hydro .. 26. T-8ar� Ceiling �Structural) & Monocoat ' r, '- 75. Dry Che�nical - � ' ' ,- � 27. Freme and Flashing ' 76. Dry Standpipe.- � �`. � � � -. . - , - 28. Lathin &Sidin - � '< - � 9 9 , 77: FIXED'SYSTEM FINAL I 29. Insulation - � � , 76:�FIRE�PREV. F�INAL � • �� . '. � 30. Drywall Nailing - � � y :: � ^� '" � HEALTH DEPT. REQUIREMENP'• � - _, I31. Plaster Brown Coat-, �' 79. FINAL INSPECT,tON .- - � - 32. Elecvital Power Meter-Final •� 80: FOOD CERTIFICATE ISSUED . _ 33. Final Electric� -,. Notes. 4, � �,✓ 34. Final Heating & Air Conditioning � - � ��� ��, � �� -��=_4.rz�e-z1�_ - 35. Finai Gas Pipe-Test ' ���� � .- . ��.-� �=z�=L,G-�-zs-:� .4�-! 36. Hood,or Canopy � - �,�E e - . - � - � eLNZIZEZT/�jl��'_ _ - 37. Final�Pactorv Fireplace.'- - ? 23'��_��"tlG�il 38. Final Plumbing � • � � * - zs- `�s �� ��_z-�.r-' - - - 39. Water 5ervice-Final " ' " ( ;� `j � �' zs-� '_�t_ _u_� �' . 40. Gas Servfce-Final ' _�� . , 41. Solar pomestic�Final ' " ' _ - z 42. BackfltlW P�eventer . � �� r - - � 43. Backflow Irrigation -7� . . - � �_G3-. - � - 44. Landscape Irrigation System . ' � - _ • ' -- 45. Sound Attenuation � � � ' '� ' ' � . 46. Handicap Regulations _ � -, � . 47. FINAL STRUCTURE & BUILDING t- ^ _ _ 48. FINAL PLANNING � __ _ : . - 49. Electrit Release to Edison ' � ' ' 50. Gas Re�ease to Southem California Gas Co � _ ' 51. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY . No Date IUpHE55: APPL. MAIIINC ADURE55: u�cxrtecT on �ax�w: MCX.ON FNO.'S AODPESS: uc. xo: CONf11ACidYS NAYE: CONfXACT0A5MN11N0 �oo�u: uc. ra.: UNT: UNT: UNT: 11CRlSED CONfPACTOflS DECLAflAT10N: I heroby efiim uMm peraty d peQury IMt I em liceneed uMer prwiriane d Chepter 9 �mmmendrp wilh Seclion J000) W Uviaion 3 d ihe Bminen arM Profe�aiona CoEe, eM my limn� ie in lull lace end eHeG. CRY LIC. NO.: LIC. CLASS: IJC. NO.: Dete: Conlreda: ' �WNEfl BUILUEH OECIAH�TION: I hertEy eifirm urMer penely d prp�ry �hat I em eromq Imm IM Conuer�m Lironee lew la iM bw'u�p raeaon (�� JOJ1.5 Bueneas uk Profeveqns COEe: A�ry cty or coun�Y �� �9uina e paimil lo conaVuc�. Mx. improve. mol'sh, or repei eny elrudum, prbr lo ile ueuence, ebo reQuirea iM epplirani lor auch peimd lo fle e eigned aWemenl ihel he or aha . licenaed Wnuent to Ihe povieian d IM Conlredore liceme Lew �Chepler 9(mmmerciiq v�h SeGun ]OW) d DN6bn � d IM Burineas eM Prolmsnna Cade� w Ihe� he a Ma is axemq �h>drpn vM IM bavia tn Ne elleped ecemqun. My vulmnn d Sed'qn ]031.5 by eny eppl'ranl br e permn subjetle IM epplicent to e dvil penelry ol not more �hen live hunEreE Eollero �5500�). � I,mownerdtMproperlywmymmpbyeeawihwegesea�he'redemmpense�ion,vAllAothewuM.endtheawcturoumtinteMed a oilereE /a aab (�lion )066. Buvrox eM Pmlassims Code: The Coniredps licenae Lewdoea nol eppl� lo en ovmerd qopeny wtw Wida «inprtwes Iheroon, and x1ro doee cud� wwk MmseM or heneX or ihrouph hc w hm oxn emvloyeea, pmvided ihet euch improvemanls ere iwl inleMeE w oHered lor aeb. H, however, �M WikinB or impravement ia eaN wnhin one yeer d mmplNbn. �he wner-builder mll heve the buNen d provin8 � or she did ria Wild w impwe lar IM WT�e d sele�. ❑ I. m ovmer d Ihe popairy. em ezduaivdy mnireaig xvlh IicenseE wnvenon �o conmua the o�Mad (�� �as, Buairima enE Prolassiona COEe: Tha Conlredom Leensa Lew doee � eppty lo en owner d pmpenY � buiNa or impeovea �Mreon enE who convecia lar wdi prqeae wiih a mnireda�s) Ikensed pursuent io ihe Coniradors Licensa law�. ❑ I am enamq uMm Seclion: B. 8 P.C.,1« Ihis reemn: Data�. Ownec I do Mraby ceniy Nel 1 em aware d eM uMxs�end tha raquiramenb d CelEomie Heellh ene Salety Code Seaam u505, z5533, ene 25530, end thei I or any tuture builEing oaupen� will / will nM (crcle one) need b comply wnh aeid mete codee uW Ihe requiremente fa aparmillamnavuctionwmodifraiimhwniMR'e e�ty erepememDistna.ReaWenlielconstiudianepplratiareeree�amqiromthesa w�+sians. Deie: Applicenl: WONKEF'S COMPENSATION OECLAF�TION: I Mroby elfirm uMer penelty d pa'jury me d iM IWbwirq dedvmuna: � I heve eM wil maintan e canJce�e d camm�t to neH-inaure br vrohars compenaeiion, ea provided for by Seqbn �)00 0l lhe Lebar Cotle, Iw tM peAarmenca af Ne xwk tw wtich this parmn ia izauetl. � I haw eM xil meiMein woMen' mmDsvalon inaurentt. ro rc0uired by Satlim 3]00 d �ha Lehar Code, ta �M Oetbrmence d �M wark for which thie pamin ie isaued. My wakert compensetion ineurar�ca cerrier eM poliry number era: Certier Vdiry Number: (ihis section neea nof be mmplered AtM peime is Iw one hundred CWlers (Staol or bu J � I ranAy ihe� in the perlwmeMe d the wak lar whch thia permn ia meueE. I sAell mi empby enY Va� in vry manner eo ea �o bBCOTB 9UtIM �O Ihe xdMam m��Pamelian IBwe d CelAOtlli6. eM eOroB Mtl il I 9MYId becOmB aubjep �O �M Mror1A9' mmpanselion provisiona M Sedion �100 M Ihe Leba Code. I shell fonhwith mmpN �h tMea pmNsbna. Da�e: AppliceM: Wernln0� Fallun ro exuro workeri rompemaHon rovereps L unbwlul, entl aMll sub)wf en mploysr fo nlMrulOme/Hu entl clvll Mnu up ro ww huntlrotl rhouurd dol/an /SfOq000), In aWlUon ro M� cwt ol rompsivaf/on, Wm�ps �s pnvltleA br In Sxtlm 91(I6 0l Ihs Lebor COM, Intxul, entl attomeys /ess. CONSTHUCTION LENDING AGENCY: I hereby eHirtn under penally ol perjury ihat ihere is e wnstmdbn bnEinq e0ancy lar IM �no�� a me.w,x m� wn�w ino w�� �o swea �smo� aaw, cH. c). LENOEN'S NAME: LENOEF'S ADDNE55: i�an�N �nd i neVa reea mv aad'cm� �d m�a m� ma � m�«�w� �s co�a. i aa�e io candr wnn e�i mr �e �,�n o.e��. ane ste�e lexe roleiine �o buiMine �muaion aM Mroby amhoraa revreaentmm. M tnis dty io eniar upan Ine abwe-menfronetl o�PeM torinspection ourposes. Dme: Signelum ol OxratllqanUADPlmnt/Conveda (St51de.WP) Whne-BuiMip85efey:GreerFle:Cenary-Appir I:Pink-Revenue:GoltlenroE-bsessor RMIT NO: P 077280 PLAN CHECK NO: 01485-96 N , iE')f if 1E if if 1f iE iE iE 1E 3E� 1E fE if 1E if iE 1F 1E if iE �E iE 1E iE if if if if 1f if iE iI' 1h if 1! if 1E')h')E #�F'1f ih iE if if if ik 1E if 3f if')E iE i43E IE �E'7f iE if if'IE'1f df'lE 3E i(' 1E ii' if if iE 1f i PE QTY D E S C R I P T I O N UNIT COST TOTAL COST U GAS SERVICE END OF FEES 7.00 Ui Ql%��[��r°L-'.2'L47.�C�uh`± 'I 5� � r�are� e�r;4i�s rtr�: tN:�s 7.00 1'':.v« i ✓ � CO�;STRUCTION AND PLANNWG ' PO, < SPA PPROVALS Permit # Date Inspector qppROVALS Permit # Date Inspector 1. Tempa�ary Electrica4 Service or Pole 52. Poot &-Equipme�t location 2. Soi� Pip6-Undrgrnd. 53. Steel Reinforcement 3. Electrical Conduit Ucility�Undrgrnd. 54. Forms 4. Electrical Cond�i[�Undrgmd. 55. Elettrical Bonding 5. Steel ReinEorcement 56. Rough Pfumbing & Pressure Tes2 6. E�ectrical UFER Grnd. 57. APPROVAL TO COVER�GUNITE 7. Footings � 58. Electrical Conduit�Undrgmd. � 8. Foundat�on 59. Gas Pipe, O Undrgrnd.. Test 9. Wacer Pipe-Undrgrnd. � 60. Backwash Lines, P�Srap, S7 Undrgrnd. 10. Structural Floor System 61. APPROVAL TO DECK 11. Property Sewer Line & House Connection 62. Backwash & Receptor-Final 12. Sewer Cap . 63. Heater & Vent-Finai 13. Roof Dra+ns 64. PVumbing System � Final._ 74. Rough Plumbing 65. Electrical�Finai 15. flough E�ectrical-Condu�t . 66. Sotar System-Final 16. Rough E�ectric Wiring 6). Fencing & Access Approval � � 17. Rough W��ing Sign 68. AFPROVED FOR PLASTERING � 18. Rough Eiectrica6T Bar Ceiling � 69. POOLlSPA SYSTEMS FINAL 19..,Rough Heati4g & Air Conditioning , FIRE DEPT. REQUIREMENT - 20. Rough facTory Fireplace APPROVALS Permit # 21_ �ujcts, in Structure 70. Underground Hydro 22. Ducts, Ventilating 71. Product Piping OGas QOiI 23. Gas Pipe-Rough & Test 72. Underground Flush 24. Roof Framing 73. Undergmd. Storage Tank O Gas ❑ Oil 25. Roct` Sheathing 74. Overhead Hydro 26. T-Bar Ce�ling (Structural} & Monocoat 75. Dry Chemical 27. Frame and Flashing 76. Dry Standpipe 29. Lathing-& Siding 77. FIXED SYSTEM FINAL 29. Insulation � 78. FIRE PREV. FINAL 30. Orywall Nailing HEALTN DEPT. REQUIREMENT 31. Plaster.Brown Coat 79. FINAL INSPECTION 32. Electrical Power Meter-Final 80. FOOD CERTIfICATE ISSUED 33: Final Electric' Notes: I34. Final Heat(ng & Air Conditioning 35.-Final Gas Pipe�Test 36. Hopd or Canopy 37. Finaf Factory Firepiace 38. Final Plumbing 39. LVater Service-Final 40. Gas Service-Final 41.-Solar pomestic-Final 42. Backflow Prevencer � 43. Backflow Irrigation 44. Landscape Irripation System 45. Sound Attenuation 46. Handicap Regulations 47.:FINALSTRUCTUfiE & BUILDING 48. fINALFLANNiNG 49. Electric Release to Edison 50.-Gas Release to Southem California Gas Co 51. CEflTIF�CATE OF OCCUPANCY No. Date P�AN 1�b3 L�T � � ��.w ;r�; :�. C:;::� � Z �. ro f 0 Z m ,.�TR 0 1}L 2' P�AN z „ (n0 3 V��, iA � ;w ��o + VT L;f, i�.�o SHoItT RtbF �yyv'K •o + ati�' ��p1 zz'Io ' ,.si� 2:d, Z,e� p��z R' �O'. ����� It,�rt . i titi - I<ti `/�' t�o FAR� 0 4-4-q b Q �-3-R� 2� � BB4 �i� C) Z m � � J a ¢ > 0 Z �z I� '� l ya • � 'f�'O �Ll. iLeeS� ELI.�GA p uP ;� 1�=10�� 1��4 X Y2 X ly4 I 1='i� ELI. ! Id�9� �y4 K 3j4 ! 0=10'' �44X�"i.X� j o=5�: �u. � � 9'-s'�i I x 34 x 3i4 0= (o" �l-L i � M _.� � 29-II%5. �L�. � 2, - 2�' =tx kix ai4 B.M • 8-� GpP $ � O, (�I.L �-� (yL��GaP uP 4=4� � 3=3" ��� z z' c �P d-3�- ELL . o; 8 ; Eu- 0-4' F u,. yZ, 9 oy2 E�L S=fo�� �L�GAP vP 1=1�� E�.� lo�-o� �u.�c.�p vp i-3 �LL $'2�� LLV I = �' C-A-P 1=(:' �I. ��hp �p I`-b� �LL :9� �9i n 3�4 � RP �4�y h'�p� c� S �� � �� t.��1� ��3 9 >' '.o Yi. � � ' 0 o- `; ,N� uN �„ o'- 5%'iEu- O-(e" EL1� D =5yi� EI.L p�AN2 f�03 Ss • ' ,� 2 J , �,�.'� � v N `�W � $� � i" � ,� � 10�P65 � BUILqNti: _ 3 S Z A E an,exswwem�wvxx: POLYGON � �ooncss: 15717 R IRVINE, CA 92718 dPPL. AWIlNO ADDPES4: YiCNRECT OR ENtiNEEN: MCX. ON ENO.'S �OOPE53: UNT: IBL PLOOD: X 47 714-452-0600 11C. NO.: UNT: �wm�cTon.gru�E POLYGON SOUTH COAST ASSOC ( 714 ) 380-2011 ca+m�crars�uurw IR�51 ROCK£IELD CA 659262 ADo"� 92718 uGNO 120 urr: LICENSED COHfRACTOHS UECIANRTION: I MreEy eAtrm under penapy d pe�ury ihet I em licenaetl uMer praviaioru d Cheper 9 (mmmend�p �m n]W0) M Divisian 3 0l lhe Buunen eM Prdeae' na eyd y�i a ie �� �E X P'.�' ��� / 9 6 cm uc. No.: �'14 uc. cuss: H uc. o.: `� b om.: 9 �om� . �.'�WNEP BUILUEF OECLANATION: I hemby elfiim under penely W pe ry �MI I em emmp rom IM Convmae LicMua Law Iw IM ..*"' owvi0 �v�n (�� ]W 1.5 Buaiieae en� Pmleeanns GOEa: Airy cy a countY �� �9ui2e e pe�mil lo mrot�utl. ellr. impma. �'°�„"-inoluh, a npei eny eirvcture, por to ire eeuence. ebo reQuime tM eppliuni la wch permn to fib a sqiwd Nalemenl tlW M a�M �w IicemeC W�ueni lo Iha po-rieiom d iM Conlredore Liwnx lew �Cheqar 9(commeniip wilh Sedion ]000) d Diieion 3 d ihe � Bwnw ud PrMewiona CoEe� or Ihe� he a ehe in exemq �hareham enE ihe beaia tor tha elbpeA uempion. My vidmion d Sadion ]W 1.5 by eny appliceni la e permn whjeaa �he epplicenl to e rivil panelry af rol mae ihen Me huM�ed tldlen �f.500�). � I. av owrar dthe paperry ar my empbyaee xiih wepea m �hei ede mmpemqbn. will do Ne v.wk. end IM el�ucturt e iwl iMeMeE a aflered lar eeb (Seclion ]01l. Bu�imm arM PMeaabne Code: The Contrafwe Lioenaa lew dou m� epplyta en owiw d papMy who W1Es a inpovee IM1ereon. and rAw doee euch r.vrk IimaeX w hanel a Nrap� hb a her mm empbyeee. poriEeA �MI euc� improvemenb ue nal iMeMed a Wsed la eeb. tl. hawever. tha buJtliip a'vnp�mmeM ie eoH wil�in ane Y� d mmplelon. IM axmrEuiNer xill heve �ha WMan d 0�'��B � or eM EN mt Wik ar improua In the WTae d eW�. � I. n owrw W Ihe pmpeily. em exdvaiveN ����q �h liceneed contreclon lo cmatrurJ Iln prqeU (`�� ��. �++�+s eM PMeaiom caAe: TM Canlraaae Licame lew dom m� eDvN Io en owrwr a V�W�Y w1w Wild� « imP�'a O�reon ud r.fa wnVecte la eurh prajeae wnh e mMraGor(e) IicenaeE W�� lo IM Conireqon Limua Lax�. � I am exemp uMer Sec�bn: B. 8 P.C., br thu raeeon: i eo ne�eW �.nM mm i em a.me a ene u�ersie�a me rea���em: a ca�eom�e �nn e�e saren coe. swion. usos. usaa..m 255�4. eM IM1et I a a�ry Mun buiWi�q ompent will / wil �at (c'ucb one) rcW io comply wih eeid pe�s cados vd tM �pummonb br aW���laoonevuctionamoEifKSlbnhomiheAi ue�y enqW��Oiqnd.ReeiAeMielmnM�utlionePO�iamenexemqlmmiFina a�. Dele: AOd�� WOPKER'S COMVENSATqi DKLIP�TION: I hereby alfimi uMs penalty d perjury ar d IM idbwi�q datleiunro: � 1 heve erd wJ meinlen e cMilirets d mneenl lo eWineun In MaMen' canpnW ion, n pwided 1« by Semm 3lOD A �M lebor Coda, lar �M pMamencs d tM v.wk la whv:h I�ie pamG is iaueE. � I M1m aM xil meinten wwken' mmpanae�ion imureMe. e� �equ'vad by Sspion 3lW d ihs lebor Cods. tar tM pAameiwe d tM �i«.n�a,m�ro�n���a.Mr..a�.'CS�%%ii�'$°�`iBlsren°odKv��mn«�.: EXPIRES c°'"°' 01 / 01 / 9 7 Pd'ry NumEer: (mi: a«x� �..d �a b. cm�p.rad r me o�+ia ro. aro nu�n�ee edw. Rioo/ w w..l ❑ I cenry IMI in tM pMwme�we M ihe wak 1« xhch ihie� ,���em� mamr m o �o becwrc e I� io iM MwMro' canpeneelion levn d Celilorti erd IMt I k becwro euhjoq to tM xwken' �o�o � w� . d s.a� a�aa a m. �nw cm., i ionn ' labm Dtle: Appl' Wemlip: F�Nun ro uc✓n MOAsn'rompNuatlon covwap� Is unlawNl, mtl �IWI iuD/cf an �mplqw to er/Mn�l pwM�s �n0 um nn.. w ro ar�s nurerse rnou,w ewrn ls�atoaol, M,ee�aon ro m. co.r o� mmv�rnn a.�.w... aAvro.d ro. �n 9ectlan 91G8 0l tln Lebor Code, Inbnst an0 ettomsyY /su. CONSiflUCTION LENOINO AOENCY: I hnaby elfirtn under prWy d per'ryry ihet �Iw�e a e aoneliudion bnN�p epenry br tM peAamence W iM xwk la vMich Ihe perml ia oeued (�� �]. CN. CI. LENDEN'S NAIAE: LENDER'S ADORES3: I cenM �� I Me ieed thia epplicmion eM uais thel tM ebove inlameiion ia consq. I p�se to cwnyy wnh M ary ud muxy ad'mv�we erd eWe kwa Meing Io WiNip consttudqn vtl Mroby aNhorrze iep�eeente�Hm d Ihis tlly Io mter upan 1M eEwe-mentoneE piopeily '°""9pBtl10npu'°°"' A GE AQUINO Pnnt Nema / Dele: �� ! Sipnelura HApenUApplrenUComreea (5151-IB.WP) Whne-BuiW'vqdSelary;Orean-Fle:Cenery-Appiranl;Rnk-Revenue;Oddmro�rlemaa _... . - ., _..._ .. , CITY OF COSTA MESA — BUILDING PERMIT . _ .. EAM NO: P 079571 PERMIT NO: P 079571 PLAN CHECK NO: N GOVT: N SOPP: N CONSTAUCTION TYPE: V—N PERMIT TYPE: PLU PURPOSE: OTH JOB DESCRIPTION : GAS SEISMIC SiIUT OFF VALVE SQ FT: CLAIM VALUE: CALC—VALUE: GROUP OCC: R-3 /U-1 COMMENTS: LOT 39 / REF H-77224 *��r**�r��r�r**x �e****�r�rx�*���x �r�r�e***�x��rx ��*+r***��*�*�r��r� ****��*x *�***��r���r�r� **�r�r�rx x * Z O N I N G R E Q U I R E M E N T S S E T B A C K S ------------ MAIN HUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY BUILDING --------- FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN LEFT:, FT IN RGHT: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN PARKING REQ• PROV: PARCEL: 14151132 ZNE: REF NO: PLANNING NdTES> % �k if 1(� if iF 1E 1(� iE 18 iE 1E 1E iE 181k iF 1k 1F fE i(� iE 3E 1E If fE �E iElE iE iE iE 1E 1E iE 161E iF if �1I�lf 1F 1f iE-ik 1E 1E iE i(� IE 1E iF iE 1F iE1f if 1f iF IEiE iE iF f(' IE 1E If iE iE 14 if if ik 1f if if ik fE 1E k D E V E L O P M E N T S E R V I C E S„ R'E Q U I R E M E N T S ZONING APPROVED HY ' DATE: BUILDING APPROVED HY : -''� DATE: � _ �_23-9� APPLICATION ISSUED HY: • DATE: *****�r********�****�r** ��r��r+rx�*�r��r�?FiF�F** LEGALIZATION:N F E E S U M M A R Y STRUCTURAL SEGMENT:N BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/RES GRADING PERMIT 8.75 25t SMIP/NON—RES PLAN , ' ISSUE FEE 22.00 �_ BUILDING—DIV—> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN—CHECK TOTAL PAID DUE TOTALS----> 8.75 22.00 „ 0,00 30.75 30.75 .00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED: 30.75 OVER/SHORT: ,00 BLDG PMT PLUMHING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN—CHECK 30.75 i ikiEfkfElElEil1k1f3f-1f1E1F1E1k1E1FiF1klhifiEiElflEiFiE�F1fiFlEiEiElE1E1EiEiE1E1E1fiEiE7F1E1fiEiflkiFlFlfl8lEIEiE1EiEiEiE1lff'1h1E1ElEillFiF161l1E1E1E1E16iFiFfF I N D I V I D U A L F E E B R E A K D O W N TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I,O N UNIT COST TOTAL COST PLU 1 GAS SERVICE ' 8,75 8.75 END OF FEES .� / ' Q1 00225434-00215439 T i�T 3fl.75 DATE: 09/23/95 TItIE: 09:41 ' C6NSTRUCTION AND PLANNING � . P� � SPA � APPROVALS Permit # '_Date Inspector � p�ppROVAIS� Pe�mit # ' - Oare Insp,e�ctor ,�t. 1. T,�emporary Electrical Service or�ole � 52: Pool & Equipment Location'; - '�.' 2. Soil Pipe•Undrgrnd. � � � 53. Steel Reinforeement .,,� � � -?'3. Electrical Con�'i'K�lt,flity-U�drg�nd.. 54. Fovms . '`" , � >,`4. Etectrical Cond,�t �Undrgrnd` „ 55. EleMriwl Bonding �' �: - � G 5. Srnet Reinforcement -56. Rough Plumbing & Pressure Test '� � .,.,i6. Electrical UFEfj;C��nd. � 57. APPROVAL TO COVER�GUNITE �' -� '��7. Footings ;,: = 58. Electrical Contl�-Undrgrnd. S L 5;8. Foundation z}_'`�., � � 59. Gas Pipe, � llntJrgmd., Test :.: 9. V�/ater Pipe�Undyg7nd:.- 60. Backwash LineS�P-Trap, ��Undrgrnd. �'10. ST'ructural Floo_r SYstem � � 61. APPROVA� TYQ;�ECK �,' � 71. Pioperty Sewe(ZLine & Hou`sk:Connection 62. Backwash &�ceptorFinal . 12. Sewer Cap �.: <� '!r 63. Heater & Vent�Final -� ! , 13. �oof Drains � � �� �� � 64. Plumbing System - FinaJ.= "7,. � . ^ 4. Rough Plumbih� � 65. Electrica6Final ' � _75. Rough Electric`�t•Conduit �� � � 66. Solar SYstem-Final � i6. Rough EleclriccWiting 67. Fencing & Ac�55'Approval -� r 77. Rough Wiring �519�� =' � � 68. APPROVED �EIR PLASTERING -� �78. flough Electrical-Y Bar Ceiling , 69. POOL/SPA Sl'�9TEM5 FINAL L9. Rough Heating & A�r Condi[ionfng . FIRE DEPT. REQUIREMENT 20:�iou�h �cto`^ Fi eplace %r�,'; �� .i �� `� ij AP�ROVAI.$ j Rermit #� � 9 Y J O�% c x. '- �'1 l I� \ T 21?DuEts, ip Sti'C�(au`�,7�, i: � FE 'T`- k S G.-�x �-Qi 70�Urt9A�+�uhd �ydro ; •. �. 22.`+Du�s, �entilati �+� i ns � C;h'✓= 71, prodVCEPiping'�'Gas �OOi� 23�GasPipeT�Rotjgh &'Test _ �: �_ �, c,. �'� � 72, Unde g�ound Fiush ` r 24_,fioofFrami g Cp _E.., `�r . n r-a.S ZJ. Undergtnd.SteraqeTar+k�Gss CwOil 25. Ro�if Sh`eathing 4 y f �', �; �'� C � �;}� = �. Overhead Hyc�7oF" ` ;J n u .K -.: ^ :r. � 26.c�"'T-Bar Celling (Structurall &dVtor}ocoat �. i;i �-;�.r 7.5. Dry Chemical��7 *� _ r� 27 �Frameand Fla:hin �'y ` v W r* ^ ^ 1�'-' +� S h N -, r, 9 - �- T< `!6. DrYStaMAdR�Pe-,�O * _ 28.'Lat�+ing�Siding,^i�:;: 7�^ � ..Y irJ. FIXE0.S.VSi'�f3bINAcL 4J tT] 29. Insulat� `;: � �"'` " � � � � �8. FIRE PREV. FINAL x � .� ,:1 " 30. Drywalhf,Vailing �a: � `" Y y I I �� �:�. '.�;�r1EAL�H DEBT �REQU�REMENT 31. Plascer g7owF Coat� � *� j � �� �9!"F7NA�,�};f�$PEC�70N *" �� ; c" ^ x � :. r_ �. � � n- � 32;-ElectricaJ Povyerl'Jleter;Final; ' x p; � � rt m 8B. FOOD CE'}�iTliF,pGATE�I$S�U�D 33cFirfrl E�ctriti �; r, �' *-^• I ; tK`� 7 4$'otes: �"' - ` �K��-�y��a-�, 34, FirZ! Heatin�g:& AiSX�Fl�ition�n� !- ' `�' � � � � " �' �� '" r * 35�Firfei Gas Pipe�Testr � � "= �# � i ! � � � ��� ["S � r' O '' - C,--' i= t-. 1t 'Q l,: I � i�� - n-. . � � 1'j 36�Hogd o 4CanopV > � . �-, � ^ i 1 �� S < :1c 37:-Firi11 F5ctory Fireqiake St' -� x-'". � � �r f n � �-, i c., r-, r� �: i + F. 2 ,: _ 38. Fina! Plumbing y� I•. r• � ��� ��y - 1 S � i� -- � , 39. Water Service-Finalr � � _a r- j, b' ^ C� wt�i d� c +� cr I+• >� � �. 40. Gas Service-Final '^ �� X C� '�` " � c*: �¢ r' -^ 5 .'� rc C� c �;�: ,� . �r r � � 41. Solar pomestioFirrels �. �• r� 'v. � �' w ¢�- r-� �� � � I � -., ',,-.: x x o +• � �, :e � I ^ �' � ' - 42.=8ackflow Preventec,; r� � ; � a.. �� -�; � 43. Backfiow Irriqation' w5S � i �i-� +O �� � � .. x c . Z: i �. �44. Landsca e I�i ation S stem �^� * � `- n' ` "' `'' ; � P Q Y A T'! CJ ,- x�r G O C x: b; N n: x: R1 � - �45'Sound tteQuatio� -+��-�' t*' <E 1= 4- ^' '-' �-' c�o c¢ • � � k r„ rt- k:- G^ �. '-'�7 .. ..- . - .. .. . . -: . .; c � � :� 5 i , .. . ..r C: i i F-;4. ••r F , -46.`Handicap Regulati�ns � � �;'` x c, S � Cti �r� �47_Flt}kALSTRiiCTURE&6 , DING k I � k_'" �� S � '� � - F. :- I rt48� FINAL PLANNING. r? ��� � � `� � � �y i i` _49- Eleetric Ret�ase ta Edison z , 1 �: i : � i �' � �; � ; �T � , :-50..fias.Release fo Sou�hem Ca�ifornia Gas Co � � � �� ;:, .� •`;,; � • _51.-CERSIFICATE OF.00CUPAf�fCY x r. s.,. , x � �- �� N0. Date AUDPESSOFBUILpNO: 31ZB ENCORE CT uNr: 0'MENSN.WEfFIMOMI: pOLYGON PROPERTIES FLOOD; X 47 �� 15717 ROCKFIELD BL [RVINE, CA 92718 714-452-0600 �. Yuura �ooxFss: uxxrtEcron�r+r+�n: LL MAJOR S ASSOCIATES ��� C-16869 ++���'g�+� 1551 N TUSTIN AV uHr: SANTA ANA CA 92701 ca+m�crarsru� POLYGON COMMUNITIES ( 714 ) 452-0600 cam�aoas�,uw+c 15751 ROCKFIELD BL �oonEss: IRC�INE CA �.�,; 659262 9 2 718 uNT: LICRISED COMPACTOFlS DECLAflATION: I Mreby �rm uMx peneXy d perjury Ihel I em liceireed uiMer prowiom d Cheqm 9 (ewnmantlrp hilh SMion )OW) M DHision � d �he Bueirbv eM P�Wmuony COEe, eM my licenee o in lull force eM eXarl. cmuc.No.:066144 uc.cuss: g uc.xo.: 659262 EXP: 11 /96 ome: comrea«: OWNEF 6UILDER DECIARATION: I hereEy effi�m unEer pene�y W parNry Ihet 1 em exemq Imm �M Comreqwv liceiue Lew ta iM Idbwiq radon (Sepion �oat.5 Bu+i+sa uk Prdwabre Catla: My cilY a aounry xfiid� raquiree e pvme �o mneWM. eXer.'unqove. �lemasn. > �w� �r awnure. wI« w n: bweMa, ebo rea�irea �ne mW�� �or eucn v«ma �o Rb e ebnee.�mmimu m.� ne «ane n licemed W�ueni io the pohsiona W iM CaMradae Licenae Law [Claqer 9(commana�p vrilh Sedion ]000) d Oi+ebn 9 d Ilr Bwineav ard Prdmaons Goda� or Ihel M ar nM is exemp therehwn end Ihe besis lor IM elleped examqion. My vioW ion d Seqion ]W 1 SW erc/ eppliceni lor e permn subptls iM epplicenl to e dvY peraAy d ml more Ihen Me huMred Edlen �f50011� � I.avownerdlMpiopanY«mymmpbyeaewYhwepmmlMiademmpenealbn.vrillEoHrowork.eMlMeWctuieenolinleMeA oro%ered br eeb (Seclion ]04<. Busirom end Proleasrone Cotle: TM Conlrenwe Lioenae lawdaea rw� epply io an ownmd propeM who Euids a inpm+es �heieon, md Mro Eoes suM wak himaeM or henetl a Waph hb a her own empb�ms, povidaE thet euch " pwemen� ara M imeMed or dleraA lar sale. tl. howe`er. tM buiNi�p a mpmanmtl u eoM xilhin ons ymr af mmpM�ion. tlr owner-buiNer xill hem the hNen d qovinp he or sM1e diE nd buik w imqwe fw tM puryoee d aeb). � I. m owrrr d IM poperry. an eRduavNy oontreaig wnh liwued wnt�mlon to mMW iM qqetl (Setlon )OM. &nmee� ud Pmlavima COEe: TM Contredas t'senae Lew dma mi eGPN �o en ovm 1 who bulde or "unP�'a Iheraon eM wln conlrecls fw ew� prol�s �h e mniredoha) Icensad punuenl 1 Ihe C t a Limn Law). ❑ i� �.� �oa« e. a v.c., w m� d ov,: /��i 7 9, o�_ o,�,,,: i ao naeer �M �nm i am awme a ena wd.�a m. rea��mmam. w ceuomie H.enn w sdmr cm. smo�. uws. usro..�e 2551l. end Ihat I«ury Mun Wikiip oaupenl will / wil nq (dmb ma) need lo canply wih veid qate mdse ad Ihe rtQu'vemmb M epemiillamnsUuclionormodifraiimhom�heAi e�y enepementDinrid.qeekenlielcansliudioneppiratbnaerememplromlMea �ION510119. o�a: nooiK��. WORKEP'S COMVENSATIpI DECL�NATON: I hereby dfiem uMs pp�elly d pe�jury ans d iM la0owinp dWumom: � I heve eM wil meintein e ceMHiceb d conean� to eeH-ina�re la wikers compenae�ion, a pwkad Iw by Saqion 3]00 d iM Lebor coAe. r« iM perlormence d IM v.oek t« w1Jch ihie pnmil ia iseueE. �] � nm,e ene wie meime'n wanieia� comro�emon mswvim. m ma���a M s.aim a�oo w me Lebor coee. w.me w�«meMa a m. wo�k�orwhichtmepe�nisinwe.Myw«keee'C1�PRESS clNsre�dpdicynumberma: EXPIRES 1 cmrier. Pd�„ Numc�r O i I O 1 I 97 �rnu..aa�.,�.a�aaaoo.,�vbreaiurew�x;.ro.o�n�mreeeor �xiao/w�...a . a 0 i mnh md m me o no�meze a m...�x �a .n�n mre re�a o uea. i � .mW env o� b vn m.M...o .s w bacome aub' a m a wakere' canpeneation kxa d Celilani eM tn d I.h�N become wbjea m �M MwNen• wmpensai pm ' ione d Ssdion 3]00 ot t�e labor COEe, I ehel onh /om�D �� iee povieions. Dme: O 7 Appliram: ' / WamMp: Fellun ro aacun wortwi rompwuatlon roverp� b unNwNl, ene alrll w6/ect an employsr to piMrW p.nsltlq m0 c/Hl flros'q ro wrs h�ntlro0 fhoweM �oll�n ISf00,OWA M adEltlon b fM rost ol rompwvatbM1 Eamep� u poHtlM br In Sxtlon 9)O6 0/ Ms Labor COW, Infen�t, end eMmsyl INs. CONSTq11CTON LENDINO AOENCY: I hereby elfirm uMar penelry d parpiry ihet IMn u e mmlrWion bnE"up epenry br IM paAarmarim M Ihe xoA fa which Ihe pemil is isaued (Seaun 309], Civ. C�. LENDEH'S NAME: LENDEP'S ADDPESS: I cenity Ihm I heve read Ihia eppl'ration enE tlete Ihel Ihe ebova inlamelion is corteq. l eprea 10 mmpy wilh dl dry aM munry ordineMea uM eW0 4xs rolelvp 10 WtH�p conWudpn aM Mreby aNhor¢e �epe5en�e�rvea d INf aly b eMaz upan �M eEove-menlioned pioparly �«��0�� ��°� GE AQUINO PnntNeme �� � �% �! ` Spnelumd //penUAppiranVConVeda De�e: (5151JB.WP) WMe-BuJdiq 8 Selely: GraerFle: Ceiary-Appfrant: Fnk-Revenua: (3aldanm�Aseevaor CITY OF COSTA MESA — BUILDING PExMl'1 PERMIT NO: M 079890 PLAN CHECK NO: W �PERM NO: M 0"79890 GOVT: N SUPP: Y CONSTRUCTION TYPE; V—N PERMIT TYPE; MEC PURPOSE: NEW JOB DESCRIPTION : SUPPLEMENTAL TO M-77306 SQ FT: CLAIM VALUE; CALC—VALUE: GROUP OCC: R-3 /U-1 COMMENTS: PLAN 2 NEW SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE / REF B-77224 *iEatatitat��t*�t�titit****itatat**it�tit�+ri�it�t�*�t*�t*atat***f�*it****rtit�r*�ratx�at****it*x�**at**ft�t�tat�-*�t***at Z O N I N G R E Q U I R E M E N T S S E T B A C K S ------------ MAIN HUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY HUILDING --------- FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN PARKZNG REQ: PROV: PARCEL: 19151132 ZNE: REF NO: PLANNING NOTES> � f �' If 1E IE iE iE IE 1E iE 1! iE iE iE IE iE iE 3F �IE fE �E 1(� iE iE iE IE iE iE iE 1E iE iE iE iE iFlE 1E 1E iF 1f IE df !F iE iF iE i83E * iE IE'lE iE iE 1f IE 1E iE if iF if IE iF 1f iF iE iE 3t'� aE iF IE 1E iE IE 1F i! 1E-k iE if� D E V E L O P M E N T S E R`:V I C. E. S R E Q U I R E M E N T S ZONING APPROVED BY ,%. �� ' DATE: �:1�� ���Z�\�!�`�Z���f ��7���� APPLICATION ISSUED ��*���**�*�+�*�+��*+�* LEGALIZATION:N BLDG PMT PERMIT PLAN ISSUE FEE './_' . '.i � . , F E E S U M M A R Y PLUMHING ELECTRIC MECHANIC 45,00 25� 6.50 FIRE DATE: DATE: ����T **�+r���* STRUCTURAL SEGMENT:N SMIP/RES GRADING SMIP/NON—RES BUILDING—DIV—> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN—CHECK TOTAL PAID DUE TOTALS----> 45,00 6.50 0.00 51.50 51,50 ,00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED: 51.50 OVER/SHORT: 00 HLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN—CHECK 51.50 �E 1f iF 1E iF 1ElE 9E iE �E iE iF iE iF 1E if iE if iE 1E 161f �E 1E 3E iF * 3E * iElf !E 9E IE iE 7E iE ik 9E 1E iE if iE iE if iE ib if 1E iF if 3f jF jf If ik iE iE iE if iE iE iF 1E 1E if iE iE ik if if iF iE 3E iE IE 1E 1E if I N D I V I D U A L F E E B R E A K D O W N TYPE QTY D E 5 C R I P T I O N UNIT COST TOTAL COST MEC 1 FACTORY FIREPLACE 9,50 9,50 MEC 1 INST HOOD W/DUCTS FED BY MEC EXHAUST 9.50 9.50 MEC 4 VENTILATION FAN CONN TO SINGLE DUCT 6.50 26.00 END OF FEES �1 06217363—�Q217363 T OT 51,50 DpTE: 10/17l9S TII1E: 1?�51 � CONSTRUCTION AND PLANNING . APPROVALS Permit # ; Date .7. 7emporary Electrical SerJice or Pole 2. Soil Pipe�Undrgmd. - � 3. Electrical ConduiYUtilityUndrgrnd. 4. Electrical�Conduit�-U�ndrgrnd. � � . 5. Steel Reinforcement" _ _. r. 6. Electrical UFER Grnd. " 7. Footings � - � S' � 8. Foundatiori = 9. Water Pipe•Undrgrnd..- • 10. Structuraj,Floot Svs�e^� t t. Property Sewer �ine & Houte Conneciion 12. Sewer Cap _ 73. Roof Drains - - ' � 'I 14. flough Plumbing _75. Rough Elecvical-Co�duic _ 16. Rough Electric Wirir�g , 17. Rough Wiring Sign 18. Rough Electrical-T 9ar Ceiling ' 19. Rough Heating & Air Conditioning 20. Rough Pactory Fireplace - - 21. Ducts, in Structure "� - , ' - '. 22. Ducts, Ventilating - 23. Gas Pipe-Rough &"7esc : . � 24, Roob Framing - : - . - I 25. Roof Sheathing � _ ' � 26. T-Bai� Ceiling (Struccural) & Nlonocoat • � 27. Frame and Flashing � `. � � 28. Lathing & Siding _ � � -- - - . . i - I 29. Insulatiori � '" ' I30. Drywall Nailing -�.. � • � I31. Plaster Brown Coat �_ ,_. ' � 32. Electrical Power Meter-Final � ,. i , , 33. Final Eleciric "" _ � I 34. �Final Heating"& Air!Conditioning. ro'._� j 35. Final Gas Pipe-Test " ' 36. Fiood or Canopy _ . . �e_�_ � 37. Final Factory Fireplace _ . ��.. I 38. Final Plumbing . I 39. Water Service-Final� _� . . �. l40. Gas Service-Flnal _ � ._ ',` ;. � 41. Solar pomestioFinal _ � � I42. Backflow Preventef; � ' � �43. Backflow Irrigatiom " . I44. l.andscape Iccigation System = � I45. Sound Attenuation - I46. Nandicap'Regulations -_ _ �� �47. FINAL STRUCTURE & BUI'LDING y � �48. FINAL PLANNING ' Electrie Release to Edison Gas Release to Southern Califor�ia Gas Date PO � SPA Inspecto� p�ppROVAIS Permit # � � Date 52. Pooi & Equipment Locat�on� � i ' � - 53. Steel fleinforcement . �-' 54. Forms �"� �` 55. Electriwl8onding . �56. Rough Plumbing & Preswre Test _ 57. APPROVALTOCOVEfl�GUNITE 58. Electrical Cqndui2'�Undrgmd. 59. Gas Pipe, O Undcgrnd., Test � . r 60. Backwash Lines, P•Trap, �.j.�ndrgrnd. 67. APPROVAL TO DECK `' ' " 62-. Backwash & Receptor•Final 63. Heater & Vent-Final. <`� 64. Plumbing System -�Finai"' � � � 65. Electrical-Final . � 66. Solar SYstem�Final � 67. Pencing & Access AnProval ' 68. APPROVEDFOR�PLASTERING � 69. POOL/SPA SYSYEMS FINAL FIRE DEPT. REQUIREMENT �-'> - APPROVALS Permit � � • 70. _Underground Hydro • 71. Product�Piping�Gas ❑Oil - ; 72. Underground Flush ' _ 73. Undergrnd. Storage Tank G� Gas ❑�Oii - � = 74. Overhead Hydro' - 75. Dry Chemical ' - � - � ' 76. Dry Standpipe . � -� : � . • � •� • 77. FIXED SYSTEAA'FWA'L -- - . 78. FIRE PREV. FINAL , = _ � �HEALT�HDEPT.�RE�UIREMENT _ 79. FINAL INSPECTJON " � - � � 80. FOOD CERTIF�CATE ISSUED �-� Notes: ^' :, _ . '-tp!" _ � . . .. ,-. e ' � s �. _ - � ° I ' , � _. A i � 7 �J �I �oonEssaem�oixc: 3,1.28_ENCORE._.CT._`. .. uNT: ,__., mr+EasxwEii�w�+T+pOLYGON PROPERTIES � � FLOODc X ��47 moness:15717 RCCKF' zLD BL RVINE, CA. 92718,._, . 71.4-452-0600 �vv�. rwuxa �oo�ss: uuxRecron��n:LL.MAJOR 6 ASSOCIATES__.,__��;,��__C-.168,69____ 1XCN.OPFAG.'SADDPE54: ,LSS.S .N TUSTIN AV _ UMT: SANTA ANA . ._.___... CA.92701___._... . _ _ coxm�crarsruxE:RESIDENTIAL ELECTRIC (714).556-3813 camucroas�uur�c 3240 S STANDARD AVE �noxess:SANTA ANA . CA uc.ra.: _334362 _ 92705 . . . _. uNr:, .. 110EN5EU CONfNRCTOHS DECIpp�TION: I hereby ellim uMs penely d peejury thet I em Iceneed uMu prwiabm d Cheper 9 (rommencinp wilh Section ]000) N Divisnn e of �he Businew end Pmleaeione CaEe, end my licanx ie in full Iwce and eMea. cmuc.no.:014395� uc.cuss:C 10 u No.:33936/�2 EXP:. ]0�,1/97/�� Dma: � `� V/ CaNreUa� J\'l \��\l Q ��A.�i\�ll` OWNEH 9UILUEF DECIANRTION: I hereby etfrm under paneYy d ' ry thm I em esamq fran iM ConVxlo9 Licanse lew Iw IM bwiq reeaori (`�� ��t.s 9uaiieve vd Ped�asione Code�. AnY eiY n�nry whitli rpuims e peimn �o mnsWM. ella. imOrove. noloh, a repeir eiry slruclure, qbr lo its eauerce, ebo reyuiroe �he epdicent lor wc� pmnn io file e vpnad a�etemenl ihel M or �M ' licensed pursuenl to iM provciom d IM Conlreclors License law �Chep�er 9(cammeridnp wilh Setlun 1000� A DN'mion 3 W IM Buainw eM Prdep'vm Coda� a ihet he a ehe ia exemq therefiom enE tha bma lor Ne albpetl eaempion. My vuletion d Sedion ]031.5 by enY eVdirani for e parmn eubpa� IM epplicenl to a cml panally ot rwi more ihen Iwe hurd�ed dollera �f.50p1)". • � I,avaxmiardlhepropenyormyampbyenwYhwepeamihe'veobmmpeneeiim,xilldolhawwk.endlhesVudureendinlended wno ewae or mpmvec mareon, ena wno aoee eucn work hmsett a Mnell or tM1rouph M1b a her own emplvyeee, proNded thet euch ' provemmb era eW inteMed a oHared br cele. M, however, lhe WiMiip a mprovemenl ie aok wilhin me yeer d mmpinon, the owiwr-0uiNer hill have IM WrAm d provi�p M w eM Ek � Wild w impraro la tM W�a d eele�. " ❑ I. m ovmer W Ihe Orape�ry. em exdusivety conireaiq wAh IicenaeE conlrec�on ta wnaVup I�e projad (Seaion ]016. Bueirme eM Pmfawima Coee: Tha Canveqwe Licenm lew doea nd epqy lo en owrer W propany w}w buiks a impwm ihereon ard who conlrecia M euch prol�s'�h e mnlredor(e) IkenaeE Wnueni lo �M GonlraUae liwnee lew�. ' ° `' 1 I am e�amq urdx Sectian: B. 8 P.C., for thia reawn: Dele: Oxmror: �, � !J / 1 Eo hareby cMity I�et I em ewere d eM uMeniend the iepuimmeiNa d Cellomie VbeXh aM Se/ery Catle Setlbna 25.505. 2553], vd 25596, end ihm I or eny Imure buildin9 �u0�� �II / will nd (dreb one) need to canpty wAh eek eleie cadm and �he raquiremenle br eparmili«wnavuciionwmodifirationhaniMAi u�yl�erepeman�DiqM.MeidentialmnprupioneppFetpmweumqtromthaea ,.�a�,.. Dele: Applicenc WORKER'S COMPEN5ITION OECLAX�TION: I Mreby elfiim under penelly W pe�ury oro M �ha followi�p Eederetbna: ❑ I heve eM xil meinten e cMkicele W owaenl to eeXimun lur xwken' compeneetion. m poviEeE lar Ey Saaian 3)OU W ths lebor Code, iw tM perlormence M �M nork iw which ihie peimil u iwueA. ❑ I heve eiM wii meiMen waken' canpenxlian irnurence. u rpui�od by Setlbn 9)p0 d iM lebor Coda. lw �he periwmenm d IM wak la which Mia pamin ia iaued. My wakere' mm W bn ineureMe urrier vd paliry number ars: c�a�: CA�LIF COMP,. EXPIRES awry N�me«: 0 6/ O 1/ 9 7 (Thia ee tion neetl nof be comdNeCV the permd ie iw one h�nEreE dollan ($t00/ w Is.cs.) ❑ I cenA' thei in tha parlomarice d tM wak tor whch thia peimn b baued. I ehdl mi �mWv/ ury penon in enY menmr eo m to becoma nubjeci io �he v.orlwra' aompanea�ion levn W CelAanie, end eprea Ihel R I e�oultl becoma eubjed �o the xwken' wmPonulion D�� b�� 3]00 0l lhe lebo� Code. I eh ionn.nn canoN �n mwe �.� na. \� � oem: ,� •� - a,\ P nnwkem: \ � A .v1T 0. W�minp: F�llun ro�ec�n woh�n'rorrp�nutlon eov�rp� ls vnl�wNl, �ntl �lull sWJ�ef �n x�vloyx ro cr/mhul P�tlu �rM clvll Hroa up ro ms huntlrotl tMuuM tlollar� (5100,000). In eeL/Hon ro M� m�f ol rompsiu�fbn, Oamspu �s proWtlN br In Sxtlon 9106 0l fh� Le6or Cols, /ntus�t. enC �ftomsyl Iw. `\ CONSTPUCTION LENDINO AOENCY: I hareby eifrm unEer panelry d per'ryry iM1el Ihan ie e conn�uqion le�dinp epenry lor iM perlormence d Ihe wak la whidi �hi peimt ie uaued (Sed'on �09), CH. C�. ' LENOEN'S NAME: LENDEN'4 AUUNE55: I cerlily thm 1 Mve reaE Ihis epplcelion eiW Aete ��el ihe above inlormeiion ia mrtep. I epree lo mmON �h ell ary eM munry wdinaricen enE ntele le�n relet'ng to buildinp cmavuaim eM hereby eutMrize represanlalivea M this ory io anter upon tM ebove�menloneE poperry �����,0'p�'�°��D�"'ANDREA SUSTAITA 1 - - nt Neme �� (�1�2 CJ� l �1A J Gi oa�e: '�l- �„� SiB�ure d Ovmer/RgmVAppWanUGonlreaa (5151�18.WP) Whae-Build'vp 8 Seleiy; Oreeo-Fle; Canery-Appicenl: Pink-Rewnue; GolEenrad-Asaenor __._. . ,_._.._,. _. - CITY—OF-COSTA Mts.v_ -_;tsorLurr,v,-�L�..��a-- —___ — -.. ;. ,. .-. . rPERM NO: E 077610, I._' PERMIT NO; E 077610 PLAN CHECK NO: �_ N GOVT: N SUPP: N CONSTRUCTION TYPE: V—N. ._ __ _ __ PERMIT TYPE: ELE ._ ._ .. _.....__.. ,_ _.,,,...,,...p.URP.OSE,:, NEW_. . JOB DESCRIPTION _: 2129_.SF_LIVING/ ,562 SF GARAGE �',_��__�,�_,SQ...FT_:.__„ �CLAIM VALUE: __. _ _. „ ._ CALC-VALUE: _ _._.. ,. GROUP_OCC:. R-3.. ,./U—,1 __ COMMENTS: PLAN 2 NEW.SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE REF: H-77224 *x��r�r�r*x�**x�*x *x�*�**x�+r*x �rx **�rx x�x x�+t�x��*****x�*��r��r�r**x�****x�+rx ****x���r�x��r*x��**�e��r**** _. .._ .. Z.O N I N G R E Q U T A E M E N T S ,.,5 E T H A C K S ---------=c— MAIN_HUILDING ---------- —.-------- ACCESSORY HUILDING.-----,---r. FRNT:. ,.�FT �,� ,,,IN REAR: .._.,. FT, ,.._IN. FRNT: . FT IN REAR: FT IN LEFT: .__F..T __IN_�RGHT:�. ._�.._FT,,.__ . IN._.. LEFT: FT IN RGHT: _ FT IN PARKING AEQ: .__ ._ PROV:.. PARCEL: 14151132 ZNE: REF NO: PLANNING NOTES>.,. � `J-^' " l�'J . if ik 1ElF 1E it 1E 1E iE 1E 1E 181E'1f' 1F k 1E iF iE k 1E 1E iF ik 1F 1f 1E k iE i! 1k k k if iF iE 1E 1f� 1E iE ik 1E iE iE iE iE 1f 1E 1E 1E iE 1E ff 1E 1E iE 1E 1E 1k 1f� iE If� 1E iF 1E ff� 1F 1E 1E 1F 1E ih 1E if iE fh iF if iE D E V_E L O P M E N T S�,;E A V I C E S R E Q U I R E M E N T S -� ZONING APPROVED. BY. . ��'* � DATE: /�� BUILDING.APPROVED_BY.: -�� .' �.,^ DATE: �i l APPLICATION ISSUED_..BY: �' '�� !90`-� DATE: � S�f�b LEGALIZATION:N._,�,___,_._..., ._..,.F_.E E�t S U M M A R Y STRUCTURAL SEGMENT:N HLDG.PMT__..PLUMBING,_ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/RES GRADING PEAMIT __._.- ---_._.__..,.__ _,_ _._.�.. 85.02 '% _. SOi . _,. _ SMIP/NON—RES PLAN - , ISSUE .FEE _._ . .. ,.._._ 1,5•:00 BUILDING—DIV->, PERMIT ISSUE PLAN—CHECK TOTAL PAID DUE TOTALS--.-->,..,.._.__.....85.02 15.00 _ ,, 0.00 100.02 100,02 ,00 � REVENUE DIVISION,TOTALS--> COLLECTED: 100.02 OVER/SHORT: .00 HLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MEGHANIC FIRE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN—CHECK . . . . ... _s_L00,02 . ' ' if 1ElE 1E 1E IE 7E 1E if iE IE iE fE fE iE i6 ff� 1E fE 1ElE 1E 1E iE if fE fE 1E iE 1ElE'Ik if 1E if 1f iF 1(� 1f if II� iE iE 1f 1E 1E fE 1k 1E 1E 1E 1E 1E fE fE 1E 1E 1E 1E fE i! 1E 1E 1E 1E 7E if 1E iE �E 1f !k iE 1E 1f 1E 1E 1E ih . _. . _. _ . _ . _ _ _ . _ -. . � I_.N, D._.I .V _.I�.D U.A L'„ ;F E E B A E A K D O W N TYPE QTY_ _. D E S C R. I, P T I_.O;�N' _ UNIT COST TOTAL COST ELE 1 FIXTURES LIGHTING `'1 ST 20 EA. .75 ,75 ELE 1 RECEPT/S�TITCH 1�,ST 20 EA. .75 ,75 ELE 3 NON—RES APPLIANCE NOT"OVER 1.0 HP 3.00 9,00 ELE 2129 _NEW RES HLDG FOR 1 OR,2 UNIT§/ SQ FT .03 74,52 END OF FEES • , ! �—� , �/. � �� US JO_'4�:.: 1'LL'20�247 s � eiT l�;� r,^ ^Pi'�' �5:7i: i: Tli�c; :::t; ' CONSTRUCTION AND PLANNING � APPROVALS Permit # .7. Tertiporary Eleccrical Service�or Pole � 0 2. Soif PiPe�Undrgrnd. � < ._ '`.=.��'EleStriwl Con�,ixl�ilitY-Un�gmd. i.I�-. _� L L� ' :�;,A�Eleetrical�ond}ihRJcRirgmd. -• �_ � -. � _--�..�Steel Rei�ocrcf_'er�r�i't� _•�V. ��.f Electrical-tIF.ERtG*nd. �� r. � � � Footings <c" ,�,� � � PO. t SPA Inspector qppROVAIS Permit # 52. Pool & Equipment Location." 53. Steet ReiniorcemeM . ' �. � � 54. Forms - '. � � - 55. Electricai Bonding -� 56. Rough Plumbing & Pressure Test 57. APPROVAL TO COVER-GUNITE f, - 58. Etectrical Conc�uit=,Undr9rnd. �v`=„-v��u,y.. �J oY. oectiwav� ui�cs.r,,,'i�aV.,.� a'uwy�nu. 10.,Stcuctura,. IooR'�vstem :� .� .- �67. APPROVALTvBECK , i t. Property SewEc Line'& House�onnection 62. Backwash & Receptor-Finaf' a' <C �--• �I �2. SQ!1'e� CaP �, �. . ' 63. Heater & Vent-Final Id-3. Raef Drains % � 64. Plumbing System � Pinai � , I �. Rough P�u�nbin�; „ � � � ! 65. Electrical-Finai ( � I�T5. Fough Electrical-Conduit ��• ' • r gp�ar SYstem-Fr'mT - � I•1B. Rough E�Ctric Q6irin� �' �/�/'G ��4�� Fencing & Acc`es�Approva) C�:�,'.7 l I,�j. Rough Wiiing StB� � � ' 6$. APPROVED F6R�P�ASTERtNG I 18. Rough ElectricaYT 8ar Ceiling - 69. POOVSPA SYSTEMS FINAL I 19. &ou�h H�atir�g.& AifConditioqing; _ , r� _ a;� .- Rif}6�3�pT?REQUIREMEM1J7 i-ib;r• .T. ; _ . _ _ _ � ;: . ,. ,- �y .... . ,:, - n: o O � r: >+ � .� - �: � 20. 'SCouQR Fd�torq: Fieaplace 5t^ ,+.K �k S ti ���t' � APP�bV,� �' P�`mit # '. '=` ''r' . �`: 3' i � � a =C 5 x --� x ,> �� d � "��_ . � n .. . � r r � i 21. Qu -5� in;Struc'�ure-rt S�' • �' C'�# 70.Et1ndergrtr�Rid Faydro � � 22. D'uciCt? Ventil3Cinf� �* � �`� `'= � � ti��� F 71. Prod��',i`Ni�iing�as 'I,.IOiI ,�, � 23. G'as � ehiou &. T��st " " n `� c; � � .'. , `. •. - � ,J� tT � � •[" �+' C:O '* �: e' S�: 72. Undergreuud Fjush t . u. I 24. fioof Framing 'Q * m ��� K��*' 7� Undergr�d. Stc{t'ag`,e Tani� O Gas ❑ Oil � 25. f3ooY_$heathin �` - •: ��": x � , 9'.+:n ?�'". t� Dx� 7� . Overhead Hydra^ � I26.:TBarCeiVin (Str�turall&Mopocoat `�% %' Cr • = '' r'�r-�+ 9 -n .� - x 7`es�. Dry Che��cal ,"l� x �• t^ x;f�. 3 `27.�arrr�ariBFlashi'�'� ���' ' � � ¢; -: -'" u "`.; � F3 ^9 K ,-.:.;y a r •:,= 76. Dry Sca�iiPFPeC�- * e c,5 =:c� :� I28. Lathing $,Siding �* C�T.E+ �' * T � � � 7� FIXED �l'STE'v1-FINAi'-' �' � n;� `�' S •• t � i �*. � _ •s „ I29. Insulation; �;y S i� r 5 I � ;� 7. FIRE PREV. F1N'AL T ��-- '� I30. Drywall Nailing ��' ^-' ``•- � I � _ N EALT�`DEPF',�tEQ,UiRE�I�VT i ;r �r r i � � � x I31. Plaster B�(jwr�Coa�',;'" c,:. * ! I ' 79. FINAI Fi�I�PECT.lON r:.i f- F • C ... � �{`- r -�ta-:--v S I32. flectrical�ower Nteter�F�nal � %2i��, Kf, '� g� FOOD CERTI�l�qTE (�SFJED" r f/ �/ I33. �ina�Elec`ric� .rw �''' _ � � `t ' (-'' [es: ���� ��Qf%� , . " ., �3�-/�' Q_ -. y �34. ,�,ina eaiing� Arr Eor�ditioning� ri e� �� � �r,: p ` �� x � �,. k. _ r-. x , I r 4: �� 4:�-, �,o: R_�:e-u o N�,,� ��p . �7.Y. L7 •• a; ,-: � • ti: '�.',v �: H�. _ # �UTU','�- �35.�naJGat,�'pe-7e�r �t x i ' p, ?� ...�: ,:n Frm_. ,- - . . . � .. _ 36. IJ-ood-or Eanopy fl5 C` i�n G � � ^ xc =: ;_ �n:n � i �� rr 1 % i �M o o i-� 37.Final'Fae,�nryFirePl�cM� �r; �� x� , Q i. � ( � � ... .. : � � i 38. Fina alumbiog [-:a:0; � � u r � ' �> � =-�K •�: ' O O �t '3��r.Water SerSice-Finat•* E . r cz; � ' �;, --, c y �-tr� i. , r� r � I Fc � . c7 C�n;�m �O.GasSelvice-Fin31 �.`� �:i...=.. m r..�� � � : � f-. � cn1, i:� - � � rf�7 # 41. Solar Oomestio-FiirdF ' �` ` '� �" "-'' '�" y' Z � � - u.x F N w D � r--� G. x S SZ. Backflow Prerente� � N pr,.., > r-i � � �z R; i+7C� * t-. + a: 3. Backflow Irrigytion r �'�,� �� �' �~ �.� n p o0 �. ^. .. �.�� -_ _-. �4. ,}�andscape IrrigatiorySystem= �,_ r7 x'' �� �r g � o Oa * S . _ _ ."'• �. n C`n . 5. Sound Tten"ation'. -- '" * c y m t*,* " c^ � a• E-�C k � Y. � c' �r� .. ..�,. � � ..<� ••� _ y -. b. F(andicap��iegulatioris c :. v:,s � � te � n7 O .� a c r. I7. FINFiL STRUCTUFi� & BU�LDIN,G � E'"' i � � ^, ' h �"' I �.. `, a�. O �� . F�NF,CL PLANNINGx. � - - - y �' �# i i ^; � �; . / � 6. Electric Relea{e to Edison � /'X�//� _,� j `I_ u _ a � , .�� • �J. Gas �eiease to 5outhern Califor`r1ia_Gas Co r _°y c � o M = ;u �t�on y � (. , �. . ERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANC Date Oate fnspector N = QIL�. NuM�-S � � , AOOPF590FBNLqNG: 31 `g ENCORE CT uwr: avr�exsnu�eiFa�or.m:pOLYGON PROPERTZES FLOOD: X 47 iooxess 15717 ROCKFIELD BL `i.;�...z� RVINE, CA 92718 719-452-0600 APPL.ILIWNG AUOflE55: MCNRECTORENtlNFEP:LL MAJOR & ASSOCIATES uc.xo.: C-16869 apCILOHEN.'SIDDPE55: ISSS N TUSTIN AV uNr: SANTA ANA CA 92701 caim�crarswu¢ ALISO AIR ( 714 ) 951-1266 cartnacroaswuuno29736 AVE DE LAS BANDERAS ,��;RANCHO SANTA MARG CA �G�: 526420 92688 uM: IJCENSED LOHfFRCTON4 DECL�qpTION: I hemby eltim uMm peealy d parjury Nu I am lieenaed uMer Wwiebne of CMpter 9 (mmme�wnp �mh Section 1a00� d Oiviaion 3 d �he Busi�ae eM Pmles�ion e. ud my licenee b in full brce aM elle �. cmuc.No.: 976 uc.cuss:C 20 ue.No.:S 6420 XP: 04/96 Deta: � Conireaor: f/�.W/2 1 OWNER BUILUEP DECIAN�TION: I Mreby effi�m uMx penely d perN�Y �� � M e+emq imm �M Canlredon lioenae law tar IM '•Ilowin9 �e%� I�ion 1osi.5 Buaineea enE Prolweions Coda: Rny cM a���Y �+ich repuirae e peim� to mnnruct, eMm, improva, ndah, a repai eny evuMuro, prior lo W ewerce, ebo repuirea tM epplirant for wch pemitl to fib e epned elmeman� ihet hs w aM iicenaeE punuent ia tM poviaiom d ihe Canlredas I.icenae law �Chaqm 8(commandip wnh Seaion )000) d p'vicun 3 d �hs iroo end PrMewions Code� or Ihel he w eM ia ezamq ihxehom end iha buia im �he dlepeE exemqian. Any voletion d Sedpn ]W t.5 by env eGW�� I« e parmn wbjefl� IM epplicenl lo e wil perelry d �wl more iMn INs huMred dollen I`�Il. ❑ I, m ovmer ol tha propany ar my empbyaea Mil� we8ea ea �hei vola mmpamPobn, xill do iM vaM, arM tM elrvcWn e nd in�ended or oflereJ lor sab (Seclian IOa4. Businees eiM Prolesaiona Cods�. The Contreqore Licenee Lew doee rwl eppyto en ownerol propeny wlro Wid� w inproveo �Mreon• uM Ma doea euM work IimaeM w henM or thraph he a her own empbyeea, pmAded Ihet wch improvameMa are nM iniaiMed «dle�ad ta sele. II, however, the buiNinB or bnprovement ie eeN wnhin ons yeer d mmplMon, ihe owrerbuilder will heve �he Wrden ol qovinp he or ehe EiE nd buiW or improve Iw �M WNae ot eeb). � I. m o�mer W iM propaM. � exduarvNy mnveaiq wnh limmed conlraztas to canmua tM prqep (�� ]Oa1. Buairws eM Prolassione Code: TM Contrenon Lkanae Lew doea nd epdY lo en ovmer d propeny who buiMa a imqwea iheroon entl wM10 mnvens la muh qqaa� wil� e mnlrepor�e) Icensatl Wnuem to ihe Conirapwa Limnae Lew). , ❑ I em exemq uMer $enion: B. 8 P.C., br �hia reeeom � Dete: Ownv: i ao n,�,n� an�ry uw i� e.� a�a ��d�„�d in, ,���re�,oro a c�eoma �nn .�a srry coa, s,a�, zssos, xss�. �e 25590, enE ihel I a eiry M1nun W ikirp oxupeM xill / vnll rat (dreb me) riaed io compty w1h eaitl eleb ooda erd tM rpuiromaw Ip Deie: Appikent: WONKEN'S CONPFN94T10N DECL�RATION: I Mraby e/Rrm �Mer penalty W parjury dr of tM fdloni�p dxiy¢�'vy: � I have and witl meimen e cenilicele d mneam Io eaN-ineuro br workert canpenee�bn, n provided Iw b/ Seaion �'/ao ol lhe Lebor Gode. fw iM pa�imiw�ce ot �M v.ork Iw wlich �hie pmmh b IveueE. • n I �ave anE wi0 melnlen woMen' mmpenuton ineuruKa, m rpuired by Seclim 9)00 d ihe Lebm CoEe, br tM paRormeme d tM lt��� waktawhid�ihieparmnieiquad.Mywa LI�ERTY� MUTUA�.�ry��m�uo: EXPIRES Cemec Pd'cyNumber. �%� 0 1� 9 F] �m;, .enion ne.e no� w comob�.e r me vmmk �+ roi oiw nunei.d eddre Is�ool o. b.,.l � I pnAy Nel in Ihs perlormenw d tM wak la whrh �hie prmA ie iuuaE, I ahall mt empby ry�peevon In eny menner ao ee to bacome eubj a lo iM xorker�' componWion lew W Cel' , en y�ss �htl il I eho� become wbptl lo iM wken' companee b D�b� d SeGion 9)00 d iM Lebor COEe, I�ehdl lorlh ' h camply vrilh iho e O�ione. Oms: Applinnl: Weminp: F�ll W�¢un woMrx�'romp�nuHon rov�rps b unMwlul, entl �NII aW/�et �n loysr ro etlMm/OM�ry�� �ntl clH/ Ilnu �q ro om �i.ntlrH thouxntl tlolNn lSfOQ0001, In Mtlltlon b M� ewt el rompxwtbn, Gm�p� u provltlW br In 9xHon J106 0l M� L�6or Coee, Inbnaq �nC ettomsyllws. CONSTRUCTION LENUINO �OENCY: I Mraby elfirtn uMx paneXy ot pxNrY �� iMre w e canpiutlion Nndirp percy br Ns pe�lormenw d �M Murk la wfiich �he permt le i+euM (Seqion 308], CH. C). LENDEWS NNAE: LENDEH'8 ADUHE99: I unity �hN I Mw neE Nu epd�d� � pm� Ihet Ne ebove inlametbn le coma. I pfee m oomply wllh all dly end aounry wdineriw� aM eWe lews reltlmp lo build'mp caMrupion arM Mraby eWwrize npseantetivw d Ihu riry to �Mar �pan iM ebow�maMionM poparry �orinepecrionourpaxe.ROSS FE Us�i� PnnlNeme De�e: SiO�vure W O.vi � pe ADDlicenVl,onlrepo� l (5151�E.WP) Whils-Bulldiip 8 Sdely; Oreeo-FJe; Cviery-AppliwN; Plnk-Rsvenur, Ooldmrod-N��qor CITY OF—COSTA M�:Sti---uurLv-rnu—rnnn-,-i-- _ PERM NO: M 07'I306 --- I PERMIT NO: M 077306 PLAN CHECK NO: CONSTRUCTION TYPE: V—N PERMIT TYPE: ME JOH DESCRIPTION : 2129 SF LIVING/ 562 SF GARAGE N GOVT: N SUPP; N C PURPOSE: NEW SQ FT: CLAIM VALOE: CALC—VALUE: GROUP OCC: R-3 /U-1 COMMENTS: PLAN 2 NEW SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE / REF H-77224 �**����*�t��t�**+�*+�*�*�t*+�+�*+�*+cx�**�*�**�*��******�t�**��*�***x*+�***�***�**�r�******* Z O N I N GS ERTEBQAUCIKRSE M E N T S ------------ MAIN HUILDING ----- ---- --------- ACCESSORY BUILDING --------- FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN PARKING REQ: PROV: PARCEL: 14151132 ZNE: REF NO: PLANNING NOTES> ./' i �y� /�.. �E iElE iElE iE iE 1k if if 1E iE iF iF 1E if if if 1f iF if fE 3E 1E fE 3E 1E iE 3k if iE 1F jF 1F 1E if iF iE'if IE df 1E iE.fE 3E �Ei�E iE 9E 1f iE 1E 1E 1E if ib * iE fE 3E 9E 9E 1E iElElE �E iE dE iE iE iElE �E iE 1f iE iE �E ; f '; ' D E V E L O P M E N T S E R U I C: E�,S R E Q U I R E M E N T S �'�. _ � � ZON•ING APPROVED BY '��� � ' � DATE: BU��DING APPROVED BY : � .' •��'�'t, DATE: AP,P�LICATION ISSUED BY: 1�"� �=-' �' � DATE: �%���"L� ikiElEIE1E1E3E1EfEiEiE�1E1liE1EfE�EjE1EiEiEiEiF7F���F����F�F��7F7FiF�FiFiF�i�3F iF3F�f�-iF'iF7F'1E1E1E1(�3E1EiEiE'1E1E =i ��iElE LEGALIZATION:N F E E 5 U M M A R Y STRUCTURAL SEGMENT:N BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTR�IC MECHANIC EIRE SMIP/RES GAADING PERMIT � 9.00 PLAN l. �. 25t SMIP/NON—RES ISSUE FEE 15.00 BUILDING—DIV—> PERMIT ISSUE PliAN�'CHECK TOTAL PAID DUE TOTALS----> 9.00 15.00 ''0.00 24,00 24.00 .00 !Y REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED: 24.00 OVER/SHORT: ,00 BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN—CHECK ' 24,:00 � � % ' n 1F �)E!E iF iElF 1E 1E if �IE iE jf if 1E iE iE 1E if !E iE 1E 1E �Ik 1E 3E 1E 1E iE 1E iE iE fE fE fE iE^f.lF iE.1Elf 1E ik iElFlE iE ik 3Flk 1E if 1k iE 3E iE �E �E 1E iE iE fF 1E 1E iE iFlE iE iE 1F ik 1E iE jElE jE iF if iE iE I N D I V I D U A�L-" F E E B R E A K D O W N TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I O:N,_' UNIT COST TOTAL COST r�xy 1 INST FORC—AIR/GRAV FURiJ t= 100 K BTU 9.00 END OF FEES 9.00 O1 GC;u=y�r� ��.�)?C,•49SJ 'e ���i" • -- Ur�'S U":;:''r � � Ti!;E: ic::49 � i:.1NSTRUCTION AND PLANNING • APPROVALS Permit # ' '..'Tertcporary Electrical Service o.r Poie 2. Soii Pipe� . 3. Electrical 4. Electrical Conduit-Undrgmd. ' � 5: Steel Reinforcemen2_ 6. Electrical UPER Grn� . __. _. _-__. 7. Pootings`°' � - .. 8. Foundation . . ��9.,Water Pip¢�Undrgrnd. - � 10. Stwcture,LFloor System . -•, 11. Property 5ewer Line & House Conri POC SPA Date Inspector AppROVALS P 't # I 12. Sevrer CaP . - . 73. Roof Drains - ; 14. Rough Plumbing . ' 75. Rough Electrical-Conduit 16. Rough Electric Wiring 17. Rough Wiring Sign , I78. Rough Elecirical=T Bar Ceiling 19. Rough Heating & Air Conditioning �� I 20. Rough Factory Fi'replace _ _�' n_ZZ l I21. Duct;, in�$tructure- , � � - - I22. DuMs, Ventilating'' 23. Gas Pipe�Bough &.Test . R I24. Roof Framing -^�- _ • 25. Roof She2thing . ! ; - I26. 7-Bar�Ceiling �Structural) & (vlon6coat � I27. Frame and Plashing _ , , - „ I28. Lathing & Siding � - . I29. Insulation- ' - I30. Drywall Nailing � � 37. Plaster BroWn CoaC . � _ 32. Electrical�Power Mecer-Final 33. finaL Eleci��c' . '- _. 4. F_inal }ieating & Air 6onditioning . �_Z� Q5. Final Gas Pipe�Test' = ' � � 96. Hood�or Ganopy - :. � ._ � �^ 37. Final Factory Fireplace � � ' � � �18. Fina( Plumbin9 • 39. Water Service�Final ' - i• i0. Gas Service-Final �� ,` � .' ' � ' It. Solar port+esticFinal � ` . 42. Backflow Preventer . '� � - 13. Batkflow Irrigation � � � `. �. I 4. Landscape Irrigation System , - 5. Sound Attenuation , ' ' ' I6. Flandicap Regulations � �7. FINAL S7RUCTURE & BUILDING � • �. 8. FINAL PLANNING ' � 9. Eleccric Release to Edison � 0. Gas Release to Southern California Gas Co 1. CERTIPICATEOPOCCUPANCY - � _ Date i � 0 Date � I�spector ermi 52. Pool & Equipment location • 53. Steel Reinforcement ' 54. Forms ' . 55. Electricai Bonding - - . i - 56. Rougti Pl�umbing & Pressure Test " 57. APPROVAL TO COVER�GUNITE 58. Electrical Conduii�Undrgrnd. 59. Gas Pipe, t7 Undrgrnd., Test . 60. Backwash Lines; P�Trap, � Undrgmd. 61. APPROVAL TO DECK - � � 62. Backwash & Receptor-Final 63. Heater & Vent-Finat • 64. Plumbing System � Final' � 65. Electrical-Final - • 66. Soiar System-Final ' 67. Fencing & Access Approval - 68. APPROVED FOR P�ASTERING' 69. POOL/SPASYSTEM1flSFINAL FIRE DEPT. REQUIREMEtdT .... APPROVALS Peimit # , � 70. Underground Hydro " - ' ` 77. ProductPiping.L].Gas ❑Oil � 72. Underground Fi�sh ; . ` �: 73: Underqmd. Storage Tank t7 Gas ❑ 0�1 74. Overhead Hydro . _ � r 75. Dry Chemical � ` - T T. ^ � � .; 76. Dry Startdpipe .3 _ . ' 77. FIXEDSYSTEMFINAL`� �� � � 78. F�RE PREV. FINAL � •� _ '�HEALTH DEPT.,REQUIREMENT �,r 79. FINALINSPECTION ;��,„ " �= BO-.. FOOD CERTIFICATE ISS{JED - . � � L.� -��_ �� G Notes: - � �_� �_ �. . .Z�- � � r '/ ,�X . (=i/�FJ�i.,. L �. ^ : . � ��.. 0 - -r c ; . . / - y ( � ,. _ �� ,r. _ ' � :{. F � � F I . i _59 �� �c Polygon Lifestyles in Costa Mesa Plan 2 Lower Floor. HVAC Layout LOT �j- � PHASE � 3 i as ����. �.�-, L�v�NU � I �F°�'r� � ��M��'1 ?�? 9s IZY1� FB iZY� FB L01nlE� LEVEL FLDOIZ PIAN ID63 '� Polygon Lifestyles in ' sta Mesa Plan 2 Upper Floor HVAC Layout LOT � 3 ) PHASE � 1����,��. 761 i MA BATH �`' ld�"rS �`r� l` u � �PEN TD 6ELDkl� �� UP e MA BED �M DPDVIDE �� TD OUT SIDE F�ESH AI2. WITH MANUAL CDAITQDL DAMPER .� AND FILTE(2 P_ACIL i nrs i-w 3a-ui : " g,' l� � 9 r � in � . i4 � Co�� FA� �. 9 6 �� ID 9� '/ IZ�b 2B � BED �M 3 / 14�QISEe bN UPPE� LEVEL FLDD� P�AN � � �i'g��u, y,,, � Y ZU h �AFb SE2V —� �F4'� w a�+ I -�-.�� , , gX�r� o��„� �� e aa Z �„ 14' eA Ducr � IZ�Y� e8 aE_� e� � M �z e�SEe