HomeMy WebLinkAbout3034 FERNHEATH LN - Building Permits-1 � � � oeess: 3034 FERNHEATH LN �. uw. sxame: RAYNSFORD RONALD O aooness: 3034 FERN{iEATH LN COSTA MESA,CA 92626 549-0120 AXCH/ENGINEEH: flEG.NO.: AO�flE$S: UNIT: UNIT: PEHMITTEE: (,OVER RIGHT ROOFING ( 719 ) 832-0113 RDOflESS: 1[� 2( 2 ALLMAN PL S.A, CA 92705 LICENSEO GONTBACTOP oECIAPATIQN: I hereby afiirm �ha� I am licensetl under pmvisions ol Chap�er 9(commencing with Sec�ion 7�00) ol Div�sion 3 af I�e Business antl Pmtessions Cotle, antl my license is in �ull �orce an0 elteci. cirru�c.: /Q60868 srnTeuc.:615852 cuss: C-39 Oa�e: �—'(—'�1_�4N SignaNre: � W08REB5' COMPENSPTION DECUIHATION: I hereby aftirm ihat I have a cert a f consent to sell�insure or a certificale ot WOBers' Campensalion Ins ranc or a certilietl copy thereof (Section 3800. Lab. CI. roucvNa.:1�16�3561-93 E%P.UATE: OB/OL/94 comraxv:STATE FUND ❑ Cerlihetl/q opy i hereby fUmishetl. � Certihetl copy is file0 wilh Ihe city Builaing �ivi5ion. Daie'. Z/ y�� y Applicam�. E%EMPTION FPOM WOflHEFS'COMPENSATION OECIAflATION: (Thisseclion nee ICe ca IereOil�he permilistorone �undreU�8100�arless�. I cetlity �hal in ihe pedormance ai Ihe work �or which this permil is issuetl, hall no m01oy any person in any manner so as �o become subject lo Ihe Workers' Compensation Laws ol Califomia. Dale: SignaNre: NOTICE: II, after making Ihis Ueclaralion, you shoultl Uecome su�lec� �o ��e Workers' Compensation pmvisions o� the Labo� Code. you musi �orthwilh comply with suc� Dmuisions or �his Oermi� shall Ce tleeme0 revoke0. CONSTflUCTION LENOING PCENCY: I hereby aftirm I�a� Nere is a conslmction lenaing agency for the pedormance of the wark tor which Ihis permi� is issued (Sec�ion 3097, Civ. C�. LENOEfl: ROOPESS: OWNEB BWLOEN OELLPNATION: I hereby ailirm ihat 1 am exempi fmm Ihe Coniractors' Slate License Law br the tollowinA �eason (Settion 7031.5 Business antl Pmlessional Cotle'. Any ci�y ol counry w�ich requires a permi� to canstmci, al�er, impmve, tlemolis�, or repair any slmtlure. prior lo ils issuance, also repuires Ne applicant for such permi� ro �ile a 5ignetl 5tatemeni �ha� he/She is licensed pursuam to Ihe Omvisions ol ihe Comractors' State License Law �Chapter 9(commencing with Sectian 7000) oi Oivision 3 oi the Business ana Pwiessions Cade� or �ha� he/she is exempt Ihere�mm anA Ihe hasis br ��e alleged exemD�ion. Any violation ot Section 7031.5 6y any applicantlor a Oe�mit su�lecis �he apDlicanl ro a civil penal�y of noi more t�an �ive hunOred Oollars (f500�. I, as owner of t�e pmpeny or my employees with wages as t�eir sole compensa�ion, will do ihe work, an0 ihe ❑ slmcture is no1 intenUetl ar otiereU for sale (Section 7044, Business ana Professianal Code: TAe Coniractors' S[a[e License Law Ooes not apply to an owner of a pmpehy who 6uiltl5 or impmves thereon, antl w�o tloes such work himsel�/hersel� or �hmugh his or her own emDloyees. P�ovidetl �hat such improvements are not in�eneetl or aflered for sate. If, �owever Ihe huilding or im0�ovement is soltl wi�hin one year o� completion, ihe awner will have Ihe �urtlen of pmving he/she aitl nat builtl or impmve , for Ihe puroose af sale�. I, as owner oi Ihe pmpeny, am exclusively coniracting wiih licensetl conlraclors to conslmct the prolec� (Section 7044, Business ❑ and Pmtessions COtl¢: i�e ConiraCtOrs' S�ate LicenSe Law Ooes no� apply to an owner o� properry wh0 huilds Of imD�Oves �h¢reon antl who conirac�sfor such prolects wi�h a contractor(s�license pursuant�o Ihe ConVactors' S�ate License Law),I am aware ��at pmoi oi I�eir Warker'S Compensa�ion insurance shoultl be pmvidetl �o me. � I am exempt untler Sec�ion'. B. 8 P. C. lor Ihis reason: Oate: Ownec I tla here�y certity ihai I am aware oi ane unaerstan� �he requirements of Califomia Heal�� and Satery Coae Sections 25505, 25533, an0 2553d an0 �hat I or any fu�ure builtling occupant will/will noI (circle one) neetl �o comply wiU saitl s�ate coUes antl �he repuirements tor a permit for cons�mction or motlihcation Irom Ihe Nir �uaiiry Managemem �isiricl. ReSiAential constmction applicalions are exempt irom Ihese provisions. �ale- ADPlicanl: I hereby certity Ihal I �ave read ��is applicaiion and stale Iha� Ihe aboveinlorma�ion is correcL lagree lo mmpty wit� allci�y an0 counry ordinances antl staielawsrelaiing�o buildmg conslmciion antl hereby authorize represen�alives af�his ciryto enier upon�he a�ove-men�ionetl pfOpEflY �Of IO"��1QC�1011 PIIfPO5C5. Da1e: ��5/r y SignaNre � Oriver'S Licensa nr Sncial5ecwitv a� � 1641-46 Whne—euiltlmg; Green—Cotle Enlorcement; Canary—Applicant Pink—Revenue; GOldenroE—Assessor CITY OF COSTA MESA — BUILDING PERMIT PERMIT NO; H 065994 PLAN CHECK NO: N CONSTRUCTION TYPE; V—N PERMIT TYPE: STR PURPOSE; OTH SOB DESCRIPTIOP7 : T/O SHEATH 5 REROOF W/COMP SAINGLES SQ FT: 4,956. CLASM VALUE: 9,950.00 CALC—VALUE: 4,950.00 GROUP OCC: R-3 /M�1 COMMENTS: SMOKE DETECTORS REQUIRED PER 91 OBC, REROOF 1900SF RESIDENCE � 1f1E1EiEiElEiE�E�Eiki4iE�FififlEiklf%9E1f1FiE*iE�1FlfiEiEiFiFikifjEiE3ElfiE�FiE1f1EiE9fifiFifik%ififiEifif9fiE�1E1E�%�fiEiFiF9FlFdEiF9fjfifff �iFiFlEifi(� Z O N I N GS ERTEBQAUCIKRSE ���� D�TECTO� ------------ MAIN HUILDING ---------- --------- ACC�t�}��RJG --------- FRNT; FT IN REAR: FT IN FRNT; FT �r• AR; FT ZN LEFT; FT IN RGHT: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN PARKING RE • PROV: PAR�EL: 14115701 ZNE; REF NO: PLANNING N TES> > *at*�e*et**�t�t�r�x�+tat�r��*�ritx�t*�rit�rx�x��r**x�itat�t*��r**it*itit�r*it�r��*�xitx*x�ritx***�rar���*�tet*�r*�t**>t D E V E L O P M E N T S E R V I C E S R E Q U I R E M E N T S PERM NO: B 065994 � GOVT; N SUPP: N 20NING APPROVED BY , DATE: BUILDING APPROVEP BY ; DATE; '� APPLICATION ISSUED BY: DATE: ' 4 Cl �.� itiEitiEiEiflkikiEifiEifiEiFififiEifitiEiE�t�Fifi�TE*iEiEiE �EiFjfiEif iEifiFiEitiF�lEiE iE�F�Ei�EiE�if#iEiEiEifiEikiPifiFi! ifitiE iE ifk 1E if iE iE iF jE �f k iE 1F jE if iE iF iF if iE �E iE iE iF �E iE 1E �E 1E �E iE iE if iF 1E fE * 1! 1Elf if if if iE iE iE 1E iE dE iElf iF * 1F iF iE iFlf iF jF ik iE jf �lh iE jk iE ik iF iE iE jf dE iE iE 1E it fF �E iE iE if LEGALIZATION;N F E E S U M M A R Y STRUCTURAL SEGMENT:Y BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/RES GRADING PERMIT 72.00 50 PLAN ISSUE FEE BUILDING—DIV—> PERMIT IS5UE PLAN—CHECK TOTALS----> 72.50 0.00 0.00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED: BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC %2.�� SMIP/NON—RES TOTAL PAID DUE 72.50 72,50 ,00 72.50 OVER/SHORT: ,00 FIRE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN—CHECK .50 !f 1E if it 1E if ik iE if if if if jF if iE if iElf 41E iE iE k iE iE iP iF ik iF if iE iElf �Elf jE i! �Yrlf iE 1E if ff �E jf if iE �E 1f �E if iF iF if �f if �E fE iE 1F if iE 1E iE iE �E iE iE if iE iE 1E iF iE jE if iE iE if I N D I V I D U A L F E E B R E A iC D O W N TYPE QTY D E S C A I P T I O N UNIT COST TOTAL COST SFR 4950 REROOF BY VALUE RESIDENTIAL NOZONE 1,00 4,950,00 END OF FEES D1 ODS�.`,17�-0�3;$178 T C�T 72,50 DATEs 02/09/9# iIt1E: 11:Q5 ��CONSTRUCTION AND PLANNING P��� 'PA APPROVAIS Permii# Date i�spector AppROVALS Permit# Date Inspector 1. Temporary Etectncal Service or Pote 52. Poo1 & Equipment Location 2 Soil Pipe-Undrgrnd. 53. Steel Reinforcement 3. Electricai Conduit Utility-Undrgrnd. 54. Fo�ms 4. Elecvical Conduit-Uncirgmd. 55. clectricai Bonding 5. Steel Reinforcemant 56. Rough Piumhing & Przssure Tzst 6. fiectrlcal UFER Grnd. 57. APPROVAL TO COVER�GUNITE 7. Footings 58. Electrical Conduit-Undrgrnd. 8. Foundation . 59. Gas PiPe, 17 Undrgrnd., Test 9. Nlater Pipz-Undr�rnd. � 60. Backwash Lines, P•Trap, C7 Undryrnd. i I 10. Structurai Floar System . 61. APPROVAL TO DECK 11. Property Sewer Line & Heuse Connection ' $Q, gack�rvash & Recep[or�Firal 12. Sewer Cap 63. Heater & Vent�Finai 73. Roof Orains 64. Plumbing Sys[em - Final 14. Rough Piumbing 65. Electricai�Finai 15. Rough Electrical�Condurt 66. Solar System�Final 16. Rough Eiectric Wiring 67. Fencing & Access Approval 17. Rough Wiring Siyn 68. APPROVED FOR PLASTERING 78. Rough Electricai�T Bar Ceiiing 69. POOL/SPA SYSTEM1,iS FINAL 19. Rough Heating & Air Conditioning FIRE DEPT. REQUIREMENT 20. Rougn Pactory Fireplace APPROVAIS Permit # 27. Ducts, in Structure 70. Underground Hydro 22. Ducts, Ventiiating 71. Product Piping OGas OOii 23. Gas Pipe�Rough & Test 72. Underground Flush 24. Roof Ffaming� 73. Undergmd.StorayeT�nkOGas ❑Oii 25. Rooi Sheathing Z/(9-�((,f �(,�,� 7q, pyerhead Hydro 26. T�Bar Geiling (Structurai) ?u fvtonocoat 75. Dry Chemicai 27. Frame and flashing 76. Dry Standpipe 28. Lathing & Siding 77. FIXED SYSTEh9 FINAL 29. Insulation � 78. FIRE PREV. FINAL 30. Drywail Nailing HEALTH DEPT. REQUIRE141ENT 31. Piaster Brown Coat 79. FMAL INSPECTION � 32 EkectriCal Powzr A�eter�Finai 8�. FOOD CERTIFICATE ISSUED 33. Finai Electric Notes: 34. Final Heating & Air Conditioning 35. Final Gas Pipe-Test 36. Hood o� Canopy 37. Pinai faciory Fire�lace 38. Finai Plumbing 39. Water 5ervice-Final 40. Gas Service�Final �_x:. 41. Solar pomesticFinal �! •+ y� � 42. Backfitlw Preventer � ^+� , �� 43. Backfiow irrigation A �^, . � 44. Landscape Irrigation S�te�� - 45. Sound Attenuation r"' t,�t„ '' � �v " 46. Handicap Regulations�^� � �. � _ 47. FVNALSTFiUCTURE'&•BUIIOWG Z_ly,y�u ��� � �( I 46. FINAL PLANNING =':' � � 49. Electric Release to Edison 50. Gas Retease to Southem Cafifornia Gas Cn . 51. CERTiF4CATE OF OCCUQANCY ; No. Date a Mesa Bnilding Department APPLICATION FOR PERMl� 117 EAST 20fh STREET 1�94 -,B U I� L D�t N G COSTA MESA� CALIFORNIA -" � FOR APPLICANT TO FILL IN F'OR OF'I�'ICE USE ONLY �; ; I Receipt No. I P rmlf No. Building 6 Addresa �� f. ♦ Costa Mesa, California Recei e' yI,' Date Redd� qDate Issued Wearest 1 I $EP 1� 1955 I t�e21 �'{,� Cross St. :i8t3011 BuildingRl Address�� p Owner Col].ege biesa Compac�y � Mail �� Costa Mesa, California Address 8002 Central Ave. Nearest'� Te�. 9-2158 Cross S ' City No. Le. Zone "' No. ot I Type ,/ Group T Arohitector Lic. , �Plana // 1' Engineer Ti8V1S � Qll1�1By No, C-179� bppro W% I ( Date ndaress 43 Halaga Cove ��aza, Falos Verde � ; CORRECTIONS Cftv Lfc. _ . nddress ��p2 Cential A� Legal Lot Description I No. 1�-5 8 (Attach Metea and Bounds) s�ze ot �ot 7339 Use oT Existfng Bldg. SetbackLinefrom 50� ee..�..,.s c�.e.• i Grove rracc Z3 Addition L Repai� � ��Moving � I Demolish I Buflding No.of S�ze 1181 Rooms 5 Stories 1 ' `erior Wall I Roof :�ing Stueco Coverfng Shake �se oT New 1. ll !d �I i -,.� :�, � � I � 11 I � � SFP ,.l �qF�i A � .. Z D ��� r �.. . C � .-_ _ .. -- � Building Sin le fami derelli {tlt}l �Foundation Locatfon � Forms, Materials, Under-Pinning Frame: Fire Stops, Bracing, Bolts I hemby acknowledge that I have read this Applicatton and state that the above is correct and agree to comply Lath. Int with all City Ordinances and State Iaws regulating building construction. Lath. Ext Signaturaof � . Permittee fl,C COl * Plaster, InL . � Authorized AgL plaster, Ext Vaf�ia�fg�A LA�� Permit Fee $ a— Masonry ReinTaroed $ vi �� U Total heck $ �— Bond Beam Fee $ �� FINAL FORM 204 3-HP RM 8-55 VALS Inspeeto� � Date Show locatlon and distances irom property line and between buildings SCP2i-5� costrs � PDbe.,n Rez a:�.•::.73.f� ,• .