HomeMy WebLinkAbout3102 FERNHEATH LN - Building Permits� PflPJECT PUUNESS: 3], O Z FERI�HEATH LN OWNEfl'SNRME: CONTRERAS, ISABEL JR AOONESS: CONTRLRAS HF.NRIETTA 3102 F�RN{3EATH LN COSTA MESA,CA 92626 754-5773 AflCN/ENGINEEfl: REG.NO.: ROOHESS: UNIT: UNIT: PEflMITTEE: GEORGE BRAZZL ( 714 ) 535-7905 aoowess: 3022 N, HESPERIAN WY. 101 SAN"fA ANA CA 92706 LILENSEO CONTBpCTOP OECIAflATION: I hereUy aifirm ihal 1 am licensea under pmvisions ol Chapier 9(commencinp vnlh Section 7000) ot Division 3 of Ine Business and Pmfesvons Cotle. ana license is in full force antl elfect. c�rvuc. ?,�L _�srnTEuc.:4,33064 � cuss:�36� j WOXRENS' COMPENSATION �ECLANATION: I hereUy allirm Ihat I have a cetlilicale of conseni lo selbinsure or a certifica�e ot Workef5' Comoensaiion y� ira8c¢1 ��c�nUie.� wgy� {�ereo� �section 7so0, �ae. �1�1 / O 1/ 9 3 POLICY NO.: �� � E%P. �RTE: COMPANY:I�ELIANCE INS,CO r] Cenilietl copy is here6�y ^lumishea. � CenifieA copy is liletl ^with iAe ci���B/u/��ainp Divisioa Oale: � �_o_� � / � __ pDPliCanl: /�/ I/ ' ���/liLC/lu�(� EXEMPTIONFflOMWOPI(EBS'COMPENSRTIONOECIAMTION: (i�issetuonneWno10ecomDleteOili permlistoranehuMttV(5700�orless). I cenity Inal in Ihe oeAarmance of Ihe work for which tnis permit is issue0. I snall nol employ any person in any manner 5o as ta befAme , suattt Io I�e Wo�kers' ComOe�saiion lavrs o� Calitomia. Dale: Sipnawre: NOTICE: It. alter making tAis declaration, you shoNA became su�ject ta lhe Workers' Compensation provisions al I�e la�ar COUe. you mus� �orlMnth comD�Y ��� suc� pmvi9on5 ar IN5 permit shall be Ge¢meC revoked. COBSTflUCTION LENOING RGENCV: I �ere0y allirm ��at ��ere is a con9mc�ion IenUing agenty �or 1�e pedormance ol lhe wodc for wnicn ihis Dermi� is issue0 �Seciion 3097. Civ. C�. LFNOEfl: ADONESS: OWNEP BUILOEN OECIAfiATION: I her¢by aflirm Ihai I am eKemO� ��Om Ihe CAniratloR' State License Law tar ihe following reason (Seclion 7031.5 Business antl Protessional Coae: Any cily ol county whic� requires a Dermi� to constmc�, alter, improve, tlemolis�, or repair any simcture. prior to its issuance, also requires the apDlicant far such permit Io lile a sipned statement that hGshe is licensetl pursuanl 10 I�e pmvisions ol l�e Comracmrs' Staie License Law (Chapter 9(commenting wilA Seclion 7000) al 0ivision 3 0l the Business antl Prolessions Code) or �hai helshe is exempt there�rom and �he basis lor Ihe allegetl exemption. Any violation o� Sec�ion 7031.5 by any applicam lar a Oermit su�iecis �he aoP��cam �o a civil Denaliy oi not more ihan live hunered dollars (f5001. I. as owner ol the pm0eny or my employees wiih waAes as �heir sole compensalion, will Ao �he work. antl the ❑ slmcWre is noi intentletl or o��ered for sale (Seclian 70da, Business antl Prolessional Cotle: T�e Coniracmrs' State License Law Ooes nol apply to an owner oi a D�oDe�y who Guilds or imDroves ��ereon, antl who tloes suc� work himseli/herself or ihmugh Ilis or her own employees, pmvi0e0 that such impmvemenis are nol intentle0 ar otferetl lor sale. II, �owever Ihe huilding or impmvement is SoIU within ane year of tomple�ion. Ihe owner will have I�e 6UrUen ol proving hels�e tlitl not huild Or impmv¢ tor Ine Durpose of Sale). I, as owner o� ��e pmperty, am e�clusively coniractinp with licenrea contracbrs Io consimc� Il�e piole�� (Seclion 7044, Business ❑ an0 Prol¢ssions Cade: Th¢ Cqniractors' Sla�e LicenSe Law tices no� apply lo an owner ol prop¢rry who builOs or improves t�ereon antl who conlracis for such pmlecls witn a coniractorls) license oursuant to ihe Conirac�ars' Stale �icense Law�.l am aware ��al D�aol ai their Worker'S ComOensation insurance 5hou10 Oe D�ovidetl lo me. � I am e�empl un0er Section: B. 8 P. C. br ��is reuon: Oate: Owner. I Oo �ere�y cenily Iha1 I am aware ol an0 unUerslana I�e repuiremenls ol Cali�ornia Healt� anE Sa�ery Code Seciions 25505. 25533, an0 2553C anE tl�at I or any future builtlmg occupanl wilUwill not (circle ane) neeA to comDN ��� �id stale co0e5 an0 t�e repuiremenis tor a permil �ot conslNctian or mo4ificaiion Irom the Air Ouabry Management DiSiricl. fleSiUeniial conslNciion aD�litaiions are exempi �rom IIIeS¢ provision5. Daie: Fp01ic . I �¢reGy ceriily ��a� I have r¢ad t�is applitalion a Sia�e Iha� ��e a� Ve in�ormaiion i5 t¢t . I agr¢e lo compy mih all tiry and toun�y orainancesanOvaielawsrelaling�ohuildingcons uctionand�ereLya hor'vereprese tive Ilhis 'tytoemeruD�iheabme�menfionea pmpetly lor inspeclion Our oses. / � / Oate:� � Signamre: �v o�iver's ticense or souai secudty a: 16<1-a6 Whne—Builtling: Green—Cotle EnlorcemmC Canary—Applicenl: Pink—Revenue: Goltlenrotl—Assessor CITY OF COSTA MESA — BUILDING PERMTT PERMIT NO: P 05715'7 PLAN CHECK NO: CONSTR[ICTION TYPE: PERMIT TYPE; PLU JOB DESCRIP'I'ION : REPLACE WATER HEATER CLAIM VALUE: CALC—VALUE: i\i PERM NO; P U5 1„ GOVT: N SUPP: N PURPOSE; OTH SQ fT; GROUP OCC: R-3 / COMt�fF.NTS; REPLACE WATER HEATER dF iE iE dE �%�% 1E rt ih.If.X..� 36 �lE �K�dE �16 �%-%if iF 1F 9E �1f �1(� #�)Eif ��E -lE �lEif iF df iF if iEdF iE �1(� �lE �%iE-lE if-iE �%df iE iF�k� 1E iE iE # if iE If �If if IE �7E iE 1E X dE �3E JF �% IE ��jEY.• dF dE dE �X �lf % 2 O N I N G R E Q U I R E M E N T S seTaacxs ------------ MAIN HUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY BUILDING --------- FRNT; FT IN REAR; FT IN FRNT: FT IN REAR; FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT; F'P IN LEFT; FT IN RGHT; FT YN PARKING REQ• PROV; PARCEL; 43919210 7.NE; REF iVO; PLANNING Ni7'1'ES> � jE i(� IE K IE iE iE 1F iE 1E if iE iF iE iF if if iF 14 if iF %� 3k ik ih #� iE iF iE �E i(-�lE If iE # iE 1E iF iE iE ic iE i(� ff iF 1f � 3t iE 1E iF IE if iE iF if 3E iE if if iF �)E aE iF 1F iE �1F if ih N� �IF 3E If jf if iE 1E #� iE A E V E L O P M E N T S E R V I C E S. R E Q U I R E M E N T S 7.OI3ING APPROVED BY �r DATE: BUILDING APPROVED bY ; APPLICATION ISSUED BY; � ififihiE3EiE3Eif%ik1EiElFiEiE3fiElEitiEaFiE r . if iE if if if #� iE %# iE iE if lE iE lE iE R 3f� 1F iE if iE iF iP iF if jE iE iE 1E iE 3E iE 3F iF LEGALIZATION:N F E E PERMIT BLDG PMT PLUMBI�NG� ELEC 25Y DATE: C�I 1EiE* iF3E3eiEiEikiEiFiEif#iflflEiEiF1E3flF#ifafiF��IEK��i(�iEiFieiFiFiflFlEiElf S J M M A A Y STRUCT[iRAL SEGMENT:N _C MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/RES GRADING SMIP/NON—RES PI,AN ZSSDE FEE 3,00 Bi]SLDING—DIV—> PERMIT ISSTJE PLAN—CHECK TOTAL PAID DUE TOTAZS----> 2.00 3.U0 0.00 ;.00 5.00 .00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLEC'CED: 5.00 OVER/SHORT: ,00 HLAG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/TOi GRADING PLAN—CHE;CK 5.00 IE ii� 3E if iE if iF IE if iF iE �N� fF iF 3E iE iF IF iE if iE iF iE iF 3E jE iE if If iF 1F 1f� IF �1F iE�lf iE 1E iE �E iE If iE 1E iE �lf aE if if iF it it iF iE if ih 3(-if 7E )f iF �kiE it if ik jE lE 1E jf iF M� iF i6 K It iE if ik 2 N D I V I D U A L F E E H R E A R D O W N TYPE ' Q'fY D E S C R I P T I O N t7NZT COST TOTAI, COST PLU 1 WATER HEATER AND/OR VENT 2,00 2,00 END OF FEES _� _ .'.," rr`.'_ _ " �i�._ C'.._, :%: �!'— — ._. 9 CONSTRUCTION ANDPLANNING POOL PA APPROVALS Permit# Date Inspector AppROVALS Permit# Date Inspector 7. TemporarY Electrical Service or Pole � 52. Pool & Equipment Location 2. Soil Pipe�Undrgmd. � 53. Steel iieinforcement 3. Electricai Conduit Utility=Undrgrnd. 54. Forms 4. Electrical Conduit-Undrgrndi„ 55. Electrital Bonding 5. Steel Reinforcement � 56. Rough Plumbing & Pressure Test 6• ElectricalUFERGmd. ' S7. APPROVALTOCOVER�GUi�lITE 7. Footings 58. Electricai CqoduicUndrgrnd. S. Fo�ndation � 59. Gas Pipe, O Undrgrnd., Test � 9. Water Pipe-Undrgend. 60. Backwash Lines, P�Tra�, O Undrgrnd. 10. Structural Floor System . 61. -APPROVAL TO DECK 7 t. Property 5ewer Line & House Connection 62. Backwash & Receptor�Final ' 12. Sewer Cap 63. Heater & Vent�Final 13. Roof DrainS • 64. Plumhing System - Final 14. Rough Plumbing 65. Electricai-Final 15. Rough EleMrica6Conduit 66. Solar System-Final 16. Rough Electric Wiring 67. Pencing & Access Approval 77. Rough Wiring Sign 68. APPflOVED FOR PLASTERING 78. Rough Electrica6T Bar�Ceiling 69. POOL/SPA SYSTEMS FINAL 79. Rough Heating & Air Conditionin9 FIRE DEPT. REQUIREMENT 20. Rough Factory Firepiace APPROVALS Permit # 21. DuCts, in $tructure 70. Underground Hydro 22. Ducts, Ventilating 71 . Product Piping � Gas ❑ Oil 23. Gas Pipe�Rough & Test � 72. Underground Flush 24. Roof Framing 73. Undergrnd, Storage Tank O Gas L� Oil 25. Roof Sheathing 74. Overhead Hvdro 26. T�Bar Cei�ing (Structural) & Monocoat 75. Dry Chemical 27. Frame and Flashin4 76. Dry Standpipe 28. Lathing & Siding 77. FIXED SYSTEM FINAL 29. Insulation 78. FIRE PREV. FINAL 30. Drywall Nailing HEALTH DEPT. REQUIREMENT 31. Plaster Brown Coat 79. FINAL INSPECTION 32. Electriral Power Meter-Final S0. FO00 CERTIFtCATE ISSUED 33. Final Electric Notes: 34. Final Heating & Air Canditioning 35. Final Gas P�Pe-Test � 36. Hood or Canopy a- r 37. Final Factory Fireplace 38. Final Plumbing tr%7j(��?j(.�f7 [ 39. Water Service-Final 40. Gas Service�Final . 41, Solar pomestic-Final 42. Backflow Preventer ` � 43. Backfiow Irrigation 44. Landscape �rriqation System 45. Sound Atcenuation 46. Haadicap Regulations 47. FINAL S7RUCTURE & BUhLDING � 48. FINALPLANNING 49. Electric Release to Edison . 50. Gas Release to Southern California Gas Co � "� 51. CE(iTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY No. Date `- � n PflOJECT AD�BESS: 3 1 O Z F ERTIH EATH L N- owr+easname: CONTRERAS, ISABEL JR aooness: CONTRERAS, HENRIETTA 3102 FERNHEATH LN COSTA MESA,CA 92626 (714)645-0104 AXCM/ENGINEEF: HEG.NO.: AODNESS: UNIT: UNIT: PEflMITTEE: NEWPORT ROOFING ( 714 ) 645-0104 aoosess: 177 RIVERSIDE AV NB CA 92663 LICENSE� CONTflACTON OECIAflRTION: 1 �ereby allirm Ihai 1 am IicenSeA under O�ovisions oi CAapter 9(commencinB ��� Section 7000) ol Oivision 9 of Ihe Business ana Pmfessions Cotle. anC my license is in lull force and ¢tlecl. cirv uc.: ���' /9'�� /8C$ staTe uc.: � Z'19 -S 9 CO 3 9 oai � = /-�b�—� s�e � �� wOHKEBS' COMPENSa710 oECIABATION: I at I nave a cenificate ot consent m sell-insure or a cenificate oi Warkers' ComOensation 5 ca c a tdieq py I�ereol (Settion 3800. La0 POLICYNO.:��'46���-7� E%P.OATF. 7/OS/9'I caMraxr: STATE FUND ❑ Certified ca is ereby fumis�ed, � CertitieG cooY is fileA wit� roe ciry BuilEing Division. �ale.. � � � AOOlianr—� � C� E%EMPTIONFflOMWOPNEflS'COMPENSAiIONOECLAM : Qhissecuon. ecomplete0ii@eDermili5toronehun4re0�5100)arless�. I cetlily tha� in �he pedormance of the work �ar wAic� �his permit is issuetl, I shall noi emDloy any persan in any manner so as to become subleci to the Workers' Com0en5a�ion Laws oi Calitomia. �ale'. Signature: NOTICE: I�. atler making Ihis declaraiian, yau shoultl become su�ieci to �Ae WorkerS' CompenSalion pmvisions o� �he La6or Coae. yau musl fo�liwith compry wilh suc� O�ovision5 or Ihis permit shall be Ee¢meA revake0. CONSTNUCTION LENOING AGENCY: I �ere0y aHirm that Ihere is a con5imc�ion Iending agency for Ihe pedo�mance ol ihe work lor wnicn this permilis I=suetl (Section 3097. Civ. C�. LENUEP: aoanEss: OwNEfl BUILOEfl OECLABAiION: I hereDy aifirm ihat I am eaemD� ��am ine Cantractori State License law for ine followinB ieason (Section 703t.5 Business an0 Professional Coae: Any cily ol counry w�ic� reQuires a Dermil to consiruct, alter, improve, UemolisR or rCVaii any slmcWre. D�iOr lo iIs isSuanCe, al5o r¢QuireS i�e aODliCani lor SUch permit b �ile a SipneU S�a�emen� ihat he/She i5licen5ed pursuani Io I�e provisions ol 1�e Conlratlor5' Slaie License Law (C�apier 9(commencinp with Section 7000) oi Division 3 ol ��e Business antl Pmfessions Coael or that he/sne is exemo� inerelmm and ine basis for Ihe alleqea exemption. Any violation ot Section 7031.5 Uy any applicantlor a De�mil suUiecis Ine apD���ant to a civil penalty af no� more tlun Irve hundre0 tlollars (55001. I. as owner of t�e pmDeny ar my employees with wapes as I�eir sole compensalion, will do ihe work, an0 Ihe ❑ slmcwre is noi intenEetl or oflere0 for ule (Section 704a. Business anG Pmfessional Code: The Coniractors' State License Law Ooes noi apply lo an Owner o� a O�oDerty who Guilds Or im0�ove5 Ihereon, antl who Ooes Suth wOrk himSelV�ersel� or tAmug� M1i5 or h¢r awn emDloyee5. pmviDeO Ihal Suth impmvement5 are nol int¢nG¢a Or Ofl¢reC lor Sale. II, �ow¢v¢r Ihe builainp Or impwvement is soltl within one year ol completion, I�e owner will �ave I�e burGen o� pmvinp �e/she ditl not buila or impmve lor ine putDose ol sale). I. as owner ot I�e pro�eriy, am eMtlusively conlractinq wit� licensetl conVactors to con5lmci I�e O�olect (Seclion 7044, Business ❑ antl Professions Coae: IDe Contracmrs' State License Law Goes nai apON �o an ovmer ol pmDeny vAia hmlUs or im0�oves thereon and w�o conVac�s loi such pmlects wit� a coniracloqs�license pursuani�o Ihe ConVactors' Stata LicenSe Law�.l am aware Ihal prool ol ��eir Worker'S ComOensation insurance 5�ou10 Oe OrovideE m me. � I am eMempi untler Seciion: 8. d P. C. lor ihis reason: Date: Owner. I ao nereby ceniiy tnat I am aware ol ane untlerstana the requirements o1 Califomia Healtn ana Salety COUe Sections 25505, 25533, antl 25534 antl inai I or any �uWre builtling occu0ani vnll/wili no� (ci¢le one) neeA lo comON `M�h saitl 5taie cotles and ��e requiremenis for a permi� br conslmclion or motltlicaiion imm I�e Air �uality Management Oislricl. PeSitleniial con5imction applications are eeemp� Imm Ih¢5¢ prOvi5i0n5. �ate: pOD�icani: I nere6y Wtlify thal I �ave reatl ihls application antl state I�ai lhe above inlormalion is correci. I agree to comDly with all city antl county ortlinances and slalelar relali lo �uilding con5imtlion antl here�y autnor¢erepresenlatives o��hiscityto en�eruponthe above�mentionetl pmper�y lor inspeclio yo�wo 5 �^ Oa�e: Y � Signawre� �� J' I �nvefs Ucanse or Social Securiry n: -� � 164L46 Whne—Bwlaing�, Green—Code En�o¢emenL Canary—ApplicanC Pink—Revenue; Goitlenrotl—Assessor CITY OF COSTA MESA — BUILDING FERMIT PERM NO: B 067475 PERMIT NO: B 067475 PLAN CHECK NO: N GOVT: N SUPP: N CONSTRUCTZON TYPE: V—N PERMIT TYPE: STR PURPOSE: ALT JOB DESCRIPTION : T/O 2 LAYERS COMP G APPLY LGHTWGHT TILE SQ FT: 4,750 CLAIM VALUE: 4,750.00 CALC—VALUE: 9,750.00 GROUP OCC; R-3 /M-1 COMMENTS: INSTALL PER ICB01t 4660/ SM�JKE DETECTORS REQUIRED TN x*nM� 'Q1rTar �.�***���**�**��*�������**�*��***�*�*�***���**��*��.���**�*�SMOK��D�TE�C*TOR Z O N I N GS ERTEB�AUCI�RSE M E N T 5 �-.� REQUIRE� � ------------ MAIN BUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY BCIILDING -----•rakta`3<_ FANT: FT IN REAR; FT IN FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN LEFT; FT IN RGHT: FT ZN LEFT: FT IN RGHT; FT IN PARKING REQ: PRO��; PARCEL; 14104402 ZNE: REF NO: PLANNING NOTES> > � �f iE if if if iE iF ic iE iE iF if iF iE iE iF iF if iE iF it iF iE * aF iE if iE iE if ic jf if iF iE 3F dF iE �1�-af if iF if if if iE iE x� iF i( ?F if if 3E if ic iF * iE 3f jE if ic aE 3: jf �Y Y. ik #� * ac aF if iF a: af �Y iE D E V E L O P M E N T S E R V I C E S P. E Q U I R E M E N�T S ZONING APPROVED BY DATE: � BUILDING APPROVED BY : �� _,, „ � DATE• APPLICATION ISSUED BY: �*u�***x�**x-+r*rr�r�c�***�r*� �+�#�r�Fk� TF3F� ,F'sf� 3FiFitifilif�K*ifiti4iFitiFaEifiFicifiEiEifiE#fc{(�{tafif+fiElfifaEiFifif+Eif iEiF LEGALIZATIOA7:N F E E S U M '�l��� DATE: �� iF7FiF'i��ex +t�-i�***ir*iti�.�+r�+r �r� -�'�itit �lf if iF .R iF 1f fF 1E if M if'4 ih �If if iR iFlf i(� �f 1f if iE jE if 1f Y ih iF 7E if 1f if R Y STRt]CTURAL SEGMENT:Y BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/RES GRADING PERMIT 72,00 .SO SMIP/NON—RES PLAN ISSUE FEE BUILDING—DIV—> PERMIT ISSUE FLAN—CHECK TOTAL PAID DUE TOTALS----> 72,50 0.00 O,OQ 72,50 72,50 .00 REVENUE DIC'ISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED: 72.50 OVER/SHORT: .00 BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN—CHECH 72.00 ,50 �)E � iF it if-if� i(� 1k 1F iE iE ih ir iE iPlE ie ik ik iF �lf-1f iE it iE iF iE 1f i! iE iE iE i(� 1E i(� ih i(� if i4 if it iE if ie iE i! iE i(-11� iE k k 1E if� i(� 1E it iE i(� iF 1E # ic if� if HE if �f- iE i[� iE iF M iF �E if M a� {F I D] D I V I D U A L F E E B R E A K U O W N TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I O N UNIT COST TOTAL COST SFR 4750 REROOF BY VALUE RESIDENTZAL NOZONE 1.00 4,750.00 END OF FEES �kTGi1066706/1+416TIIEtE� i$CS$ Tr1T ��.�� � -�. COIJSTRUCTION AND P�ANNING POOL .PA �� � APPROVALS Permit# �ate Inzpector p�ppROVALS Permit?k Date Inspector I 7. Temporary Eiectt�cal Service or Pole �� - 52. Pool & Equipment Location 2. Soi� Pipe�Undrgrnd. �. 53. Steel Reinforcement 3. Electrical Conduit Utility-Undrgrnd. 54. Fo�mt 4. Electrical Conduit-Undrgrnd. 55. Electrical Bonding , 5. S[eel Reinforcement 56. Rough Plumbing & Pressure Tzst 6. ElectricalUPERGmd. � 57. APPflOVALTOCOVER�GUNITE 7. Footings � 58. Electricai Conduit�Undrgmd. ; 8. Foundation , 59. Gas Pipe, � Undrgrnd., Test 9. Water Pi e-Undr md. � P g 60. Backwash Lines, P�Trap, C] Undrgmd. �� � 10. Structural Floor SYstem ;�; 67. APPROVA� 70 DECK t i. Property Sewer Line & House Connection �� 62. Backwash & Receptor•Final ( 12. Sewer Cap � ' 63. Heater & Veni�Final 13. Roof Drains ! 64. Plumbing System � Final 14. Rough Plumbing � � 65. Electricai�Final � 15. Rough Electrical-Condua 66. Solar System-Final � 1 76. Rough Electric VJ�ring 67. Fencine� & Access Approva� � I 17. Rough Wiring Sign 68. APPROVED FOR PLASTERING 78. Rough Electrica6T Bar Ceiling 69. POOL/SPA SYSTEP;1S FINAL � 1 19. Rough Heating & Air Conditioning FIRE DEPT. REQUIREMEVT ( 20. Rou9h Factory Firepiace APPROVALS Permit # � 21. D�cu,in Structure 70. U�derground Hydro � I 22. Ducts, Ventilating 77. ProducE Piping I�Gas �Oil 23. Gas Pipe�Rough & Test 72. Underground Flush 24. Roof 'rraming 73. Underyrnd. Storage Tank Gl Gas ❑ Oil 25. Roof Sheathing �s-�p-�'� ��� 74. Overhead Flydro 26. T�Bar Ceiling iStructurall & Monocoat 75. Dry Chemical I 27. Frame and Flashing 76. Dry Siandpipe 28. Lathing & Siding 77. FIXED SYSTEM FINAL 29. Insulation � 78. FIRE PREV. FINAL 30. Dry�vali Nailin9 � HEALTH DEPT. REQUIREMENT 37. Plaster Brown Coat ' 79. FINAL INSPECTION 32. Electrical Power Meter�Final 80. F000 CERTIFICATE ISSUED 33. Final Elec:ric Notes: 34. Pinai Heating & Air Conditioning • 35. Final Gas Pipe-Test � � 36. Hood or Canopy , 37. Final Factory Fireplace � 38. Final Plum6in9 - � 39. Water Service�Final �� 40. Gaz Szrvice-Final 1 41. Solar pomestic-Final 42, Backflow Preventer ' I 43. Backflow Irrigatia(+�. 44. Landscape Irrigaii�,,System 45. Sound Attenuatidm! :- 46. Handicap Regutati6ny '��i 47. FINAL STRUCTURF, &�SUILDING �-�Q !�� �u/� 48. FINAL P�ANNiNG :��- 49. Electric Release to'�qisqr�! 50. Gas Release to Southern•California Gas Co � 51. CERTIFICATE OE'O,CCUPANCY No. t�-Date OWNER COLLEGE MESA COMPANY DATE q�,q�SR _ TOB ADDRESS �102 Fernheath Lane BLIdDING PERMIT NO. 7521+ GENERAL CONTRACTOR `�e H&1e VALUE AP. No. LOT 85 TRACT 2671 FIRE ZONE DESCRIPTION OF WORK S�l. dwellin� w�att. �ar. GRO[IP I� TYPE V ZONE � PLAN NO. �ECTIONS I DATE I SUBCONTRACTOR I DATE coa[ F' � Gas Test C :uction P� At , , � '7�2�. COSTA MESA BUILDING DEPARTMENT P. O. BO% 31] COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA BUILDING ADORE55 FOR APPLICANT TO FILL IN �ivc reruueu�u wue COSTA MESA. CALIFORNIq OWNER COLLEGE MESA COMPANY ciTv nnaneun ARCHRECT BULOC� OR E- 'NEER and ADDRE55 L1OZ W. LJ CONTRACTOR �e Hal nooaess 17�7 W.Lin LEGPL LOT DESCRIPTION NO. HS an - A.P. NO. 62 x 100 E%ISTING BLDG. SET9FC1( LINE FROM CENTER OF STREET a� L� V(�. i r.. �:�.�,1,�-1 ��::. APPLICATION FOR PERMIT BUILDING FOR OFFICE USE ONLY aurs� �cacion � Q - T�o: KE 3-3161 ADDREI55 LIC. �o. RE 7.191 COSTA MESA. CALIFORNIA FIRE ita Ana ZON�jE LIC. ZO�J� PLO1N5 TTPE No. 7350 iwo: KE 3-3161 BYPROVED DATE TRACT 2671 CORRECTIONS NO.OF a�o�s. None NOW ON LOT � REAR YARD .31� SIDE YARD � RIGHT H� LEFT 7� DESCRIPTION OF WORK NEW %� ALTERPTION AODITION REPAIR MOVWG OEMOLISH BUILDING ILZ �L1V. NO.OF ti>r 440� -Gar_ aooms 5 sroRies EXTERIOR WALL COVERING USE OF NEW _ . STl�TE TMFT THE FBOVE IS COFRECT FND /�GPEE TO COMPLV WITH iLL CITY OPDINANCES f�Np STATE L>WS flEGULFTING Bl11lpING CONSTPVC- riorv. COLLEGE MESA COMPANY VALUATION SIGNATURE OF PERMITT T / n .._ n '' /Y/ � g12�599 l PERMIT FEE S 30.00 , PLAN CNECK 5 1S.00 TOTAL FEE 5 �#S.00 ���