HomeMy WebLinkAbout3005 FILLMORE WAY - Building Permits3005 1=l LC.�70k'.L G�U� i(� J1C: ✓i� � iq 1��� t 4� p�o�<S 1� ��I�,;; GZ�� Hz„ _ ._. . . < 7 Z" --� �� �-----._...-- cH��r� crn�i� c,/��rt� �� "_.__.. _ _. __ w/S!./i7 : I # ► 00 � 101 ��'- I aZ � ! A�' I����FD C! i� �F COSTA MIiSA Pf.A NING DN{SION SURIECT TO BLDG. DEPT. REG. • � �!i�,��....tn�i.:iu.vs � �[c.'TlUNS SIiALL l3E �. �e. � IiY THE PLANNING DIV. 6T:_ ��DATE: �f � �fls i5 ��tl T'2A5 �f 0 20 � a PFOJECTAOOHESS: 3UOS FILL,YORE wY OWNEH'S NpME: GLORG� P:'IELFS R��HESS: J(�t.`. uNir: 1 U 0 RflCH/ENGINEEB: � 3�— II� E) 5 pEG.NO.: nooRess: WSt,LIA,u CORREA S2uxli:z 16912 BdLSA CHICA RD 201 PENMITTEE: H•�• CA 92649 aooness: ➢RTDGBPORT BGILDERS (714)241-3077 174 E. GEARY LICENSEO CONTflACT�B DECLAPA�TIONA I hA by a��irm iha� I am licensed under p wisio�ns o Ch�ap er 9(commencing wi�h Section 7000� ol Div;sion 3 of Ihe Business an0 Pmlessions CoOe. ane my license is in tull lorce and elfect. CITY LIC.: STATE LIC.: � S5: 017159 �Ic063 B� ( oam: _p_'/�' ..G.� �_/ signam�e: — _ _ — WOXREHS'COMPENSATIONOELIAHFTION: Iherebyailirm�hatlhaveacetli�itateo�wnsen�to5e msureoraceN�icateo�Workers' Compensation Insurance, or a certilietl copy thereof (Section 3800. LaO. C�. vo��cvNo.: pWC-112161 E%P.OpTE: O3�I�LI�J2 COMPpNY: (:J ODEN BAC' B IN 1 Cem�ietl coDY �s AereGy �umished. 4 enitietl copy is file0 wi�h ciry Bwlding D)i�visio�n. Oate: � � �' G � pPDlicant: �� �I ' �� — x� , E%EMPTION iBaM WOPKEflS' COMPENSpT10N OECLAflATION: Qhis section neetl na� be comple�e0 il Ihe pem is lar ane hundreU �$100� or less�. I certify thai in I�e petlormance oi Ihe work tar which this permit is issued. I shall not employ any person in any manner so as �o become sublec� �a Ihe Nlorkers' Compensation Caws ol California. '�aie: ' Signature: NOTICE: II, atter making Ihis tleclaratioq you shoule �ecome subiect to Ihe workers' ComDensation provisions of ihe Labor Cotle. you mus� lorlhwith comply wilh such pmvi5ions or this De�mi� shall be tleemed revoked. �' CONSTflUCTION LENDING PGENCY: I hereby a�firm (�al ihere i5 a Conslmciion lending agency lor �he pedormance of �he work �or which Ihis permit is issueA �Sectian 3W7. Ci¢ C) .. LENOEN: aooAEss: OWNEB BUILUEH OECIABpTION: I hereby a��irm �ha� I am exemp� irom ��e Contracio�s' S�ate License Law �or the IollowinA reason (Seciion 7031.5 9usiness antl Pm�essional CoOe: Any city o� counry which requires a permit m conslmci, alter, impmve, tlemoiis�, or re0air any simcWre, prior lo ils Issuance. also requires ttle apD�icam for such permit Io file a signe0 statemem �ha� he/she is licensetl pursuam io I�e pmvisions o� �he Contractors Sta1e License Law (Chap�er 9(commencing wi�h Sec�ion 7000) of Division 3 oi the Business antl Pmie55ion5 CoOe) or Ihat he/s�e is ezempt Iherelmm and �he basis �or the allege0 exemption. Any violation ol Seclion 7031.5 by any applicanl �or a permi� subjecis the applicanl to a civil penalry oi not more ��an five hunaretl tlallars ($500�. _ 1, as owner ot ine DroDeny or my empioyees with waAes as Iheir sole compensation, will Oo the work, antl the ❑ simcWre is not imended or ollerea lor sale (Sec�ion 70a4, Business and Pmtessianal Cotle: The Coniracbrs State License Law does not aD01y to an owner ol a pmpeny who Ouiltls or impmves ihereon, antl who tloes such work himself/hersetl or through his or her own emplayees, pmviUetl ihal such impmvemenis are nol intenAetl or offeretl for sale. tl, however the �uil0ing or impmvemen� is soltl within one year o� comple�ion. Ihe owner will have Ihe burtlen oi proving helshe tlitl no� build or impmve , for �he purpose ol sale). . I, as owner af �he propetly, am exclusively conVacting wilh Iicen5e0 conVac�ors �o constmcl the pmlec� (Sec�ion 7044, Business ❑ ana Professions COUe: The ConVac�ors' S�a�e License Law Ooes wl aDPly to an owner of pmp¢M who builds o� improves �hereon antl who cantracis br such prole��s wi�� a canirac�m�s) license purSuanl �o ��e CoNractors' S�ale License Law),I am aware thal pmo� o� �heir Worker's Compensa�ion insurance s�auld be pmvitled �o me. � I am exempt untler Seciion: B. 8 V. C. for Ihis reason: ' Da1e'. Owner. I Do nereby cenify Iha� I am aware oi antl underslantl ��e requirements o� Cali�omia Heali� an0 Salely Cotle Sections 25505, 25533, and 25534 antl Ihat I or any fuiure bmlding occupanl willlwill noi (circle one) need lo compty wi�� said s�a�e codes and �he requiremenls tor a peimil br cons�mclion or mo0ilicalion �rom ��e Air Oualiry Management DiSUic�. Fesidential con5�mciion apDlica�ions are exemp� �mm these pmvisions. �a�e: Applicant: I he�eby cetldy Ihai I �ave reatl Ihis apP�icalion antl 5tateihat (he abovein�orma�ion is wrrecL I agree to comply wiih all city antl county ortlinances antl stalelaw5relaiinglo Auitaing c s�mction antl �erebyaulhorizerepresenlalive50�Ihi5tiiyto enleruponihe a6ove�mwlioneA pmpeny �ar inspeqcim�n purpases. _--���!��� � Date: � r O'O (,9 � SignaNre', � � oiiver's License oi so��a� se�����Y .� i6ELe6 W�i�e—Boiltling�, Green—Cotle Enlorcemenl: Canary—AOPlicant: Pink—Revenue: Goldenrod—Assessor CITY OF COSTA MESA — BUILDING P�RNIT PERM NO: B 053568 PERMIT NO: B 053568 PLAN CHECK NO; 032�3-91 S GOVT: N SUPP: N CONSTRUCTION TYPE; V—N PERMIT TYFE; STR PURPOS�: ADD St�B DESCRIPTION .: OOTING DA,�iAGB REPAZR SQ FT: 2, 000 CLAiM VAL'JE: 2,UOO.UO CALC—VAI,TJE; 2,OOO,UO GROJP OCC: �-3 / COMXENTS: NO OTHER 5TRUCTliRAL WORK PERMZTTED !k #%� �f 3F iE if iE # iF if iF # ie ie iE !i iF 3f iE iE 3e if i 3i �e 3(-jE iF 3f ic ie 3E ie iF if !E �Y.� ie if� iE �k 3E # iE ic?E ii 3E�E iF if lE�F R 1E 1F-X.� }. je 1f �k?fi �3F iF fi �1E i't �!f i: ii ?e if iF 3f ?f a6 # iF 7. O N I N G R E� J I R E N E N T S sETaAcxs ------------ MAIN BUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY 3JILDING --------- FRNT: FT' ZN i�EAR: FT IN F�NT: Fi IN RnAR; FT IN LEFT; FT IN RGHT; ;T IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: rT IK ,PARKING Rn0• PRQV; PARCEL: 13944405 7.NE; REF NO: FI�A1�NIiVG NGTES> > 3c # iF iF 3f # iF %� %##3 fE #h iF iE #E iF ie iF ## iE �F 3F i(� iF iF if 1f-iE if If �4 i'r 1E %# iE iF �1E # if i(� iF iF i!�?c 3f� 3{� 3E if )f ?i 3E �1'r Y.� iE jf 3f �##±E i: # ii•?! S(� {#��le if �1F 3i }F iF i't �N D E V E L O P M E N T 5 E R V S C E S R E� G I R E?: E N T S 20NING APPROVED $Y . BUILDING APFROVED BY : DATE. DATE: APPLICATIOt� ISSUED 3Y: J,��� DATE: �(�£��� 1f3f3f3f?Eif�ie?2-iFiFiEi4dfi��lf-ifi4ifiF3eifiE . . st �R 1c t �iF�3F�R?f-iFiFiEiPiti3f3t -�'3Fi, f w�� -lh 1i i: iE �E iE i!� 3f k�-1F 1F 3FlF 1E fh it i'r iE�}F if iF 3f iE 1E iF If 3E iF iclE �� ic iE ic ?E #f �1E ie if # ii � 3c iz�F iE ic iE #` iE 3F ic i(� 3E if )t i}'.i iF 3't if if it i'r 3E iF �Eii� �f �1f 1F�lE }.1e �#f� #� iE LEGALIZATION;N F E E S U M M A k Y STRi]CTURAL S�GNEN'i:Y BLDG PMT PLt7MBING ELECTRSC ,uECHANIC FIRE SM,iP1RES G�ADING FERMIT 95.00 .50 SMiP /NOt�I'R :S PI,AN 29.25 ISSUE FEE HiTILUI,tiG—DIV—> PERMIT ISSliE PLAN—CHECK TOTAL PAID DUE TOTALS----> 45.50 0.00 29..�.5 74,75 74,75 .00 RfiVENi7E DIVISION TOTALS--> COL�ECTED; 74,'/S OVER/SHOkT: ,00 BLDG PMT Pi,UM3ZNG ELECiRIC MECHANIC FIRE S,uIP/TOT GRADING PLAN—CHECK 95.�� ,S� ��,�J 3f� 3i� 3e 3(� if iF k 3f iF'h i!� i�; R'�'r 1c 3E ik iF fE �!E ii iE �k ie je ii'.i� i6 3E i'r iF if iF if )f if 3E if %�-14 it 1e iE if ic fP±E i(� k ii �c if 1F 1Fif 3F iE i't ii� ri� li IF �1'r k 3e iF if T:� 1F ?{ lE 3F �e N� {.1F i(�-)@ T N D Z V I D J A L F E E B R E A FC D 0 W N TYPE Q'fY D E S G R I P T I O N UNIT COST TOTAL COS2 S�R 2000 AiTER BY VALQE RESIDENTIAL NOZONn 1,00 2,Q00,00 END QF FEES �. .�aos,s;�-cr,asus�� � �;� �;. , r,a��: as�a.b�s� �ir,.: zc=�s CONSTRUCTION AND PLANNING � POO ,PA ' _ APPROVALS Permit# Date Inspector qppROVALS Permit# Date inspector as' 1. Temporary Electrical Service oF pole j� 52. Pool & Equipment Location �-- 2. Soil Pipe-Undrgrnd. •• ' 53. Steel Reinforcement v 3. Electrical Conduit Utility-Undrgrnd. '� 54. Forms + •s_ 4. Electrical Conduit•Undrgrnd." r 55. Electrical Bonding �- 5. Steel Reinforcement �Q-ar �t/ 56. Rough Plumbing & Pressure Test 6. Electrical UFER Grnd. . 57. APPROVAL TO COVER�GUNITE 7. Footings �0-q� �' 58. Electrical Conduit-Undrgmd. 8. Foundation �r •L 59. Gas Pipe, O Undrgrnd., Test � 9. Water Pipe-Undrgrnd. �r' -� 60. Backwash �ines, P-Trap, O Undrgrnd. ,r� 10. Structural Floor System � ti !F �' 61. APPROVAL TO DECK ',�r 11. Proper[y Sewer Line & Hous� Connection �'� 62. Backwash & Receptor-Final �r' 12. Sewer Cap :,; ,�f 63. Heater & Vent-Final �) 13. Roof Drains "' � �. �/ 64. Plumbing SYstem - Final "+�� 14. Rough Plumbing �' l �•'% 65. Electrical-Final �� 15. Rough Electrical-Conduit � � 66. Solar SYstem-Final 16. Rough Electric Wiring 67. Fencing & Access ApProval 17. Rough Wiring Sign 68. APPROVED FOR PLASTERING 18. Rough Electrical�T Bar Ceiling 69. POOL/SPA SYSTEMS FINAL 79. Rough Heating & Air Conditionin9 FIRE DEPT. REQUIREMENT 20. Rough Factory Fireplace APPROVALS Permit # 21. Ducts, in Structure 70. Underground Hydro 22. Ducts, Ventilating 71. Product Piping O Gas ❑ Oil 23. Gas Pipe�Rough & Test • 72. Underground Flush 24. Roof Framing 73. Undergrnd.StorageTank OGas ❑Oil 25. Roof Sheathing 74. Overhead Hydro 26. T-Bar Ceiling (Structural) & Monocoat 75. DrY Chemical 27. frame and Flashing 76. Dry Standpipe 28. Lathing & Siding 77. FIXED SYSTEM FINAL 29. Insulation 78. FIRE PREV. FINAL 30. Drywall Nailing HEALTH DEPT. REQUIREMENT 31. Plaster Brown Coat � 79. FINAL INSPECTION 32. Electrical Power MeterFinal � � 80. FOOD CERTIFICATE ISSUED 33. Final Electric � r Notes: 34. Final Heating & F,ir Conditioning 35. Final Gas Pipe�Test 36. Hood or Canopy 37. Final Factory Fireplace 38. Final Plumbing - 39. Water Service-Final 40. Gas Service-Final 41. Solar pomesticFinal 42. Backflow Preventer 43. Backflow Irrigation 44. Landscape Irrigation System 45. Sound Attenuation 46. Handicap Regulations 47. FINAL STRUCTURE & BUILDING ��Gf/ ��� 48. FINAL PLANNING 49. Electric Release to Edison , 50. Gas Release to Southern California Gas Co � 51. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY No. Date LOT 22 TRACT YZH� � �CS � �%� >STA MESA BUILDING-SAFETY DEPARTMENT P. O. BOX 817 COBTA M6BA, CALIRORNIA or Applicani to Fill In Complefely COSTA MESA. CALIFORNIA }C�NN.ETH W. KOLL ,,,, FEE REC����ED �/ JAN 1 1' FlNANCE D�PT. CIiY QF COSTA MESA APPLICATION FOR PERMIT BUILDING For Office Use Only 6Y NONE � Np,- ----- COSTA MESA. CALIFORNIA "'__�_�'_"""__'__�__'_ FIRE ZONE TYPE / GROUP K. W. KOLLC.ONSSRl1CTInN C.O. APPROVED ___ OPLO7 2� X �20� I 6E OF EXI ING BLDG. 98TBAC1( LINL IROM � C!ry}gR O� 8T1I1C6T _'__"'__ 1'�� 71 ?DR�i4CJt9 SFRoc WALL ,;___"_IRC TIA AVENUE ZONING ZONE I NO. OF I UB8 OF NEW j r� G �� 3 PUNB � B�1ILDINO w J- 4M O i•1 I• �- �L ESCPIPTION `� Z Z (� T Z�( NO. OP BLDGB. ^�-� EG . NOW ON LOT O q, p, NO. VARD6 EVE6 APPROVED ALIOWED � (C8M[R LINe BT.) REAR YARD � S FRONT �S FT. IN pI p RIGfli V R. SIDE C7 FT. �1 IN �F W�RK _ . n � 2 6TORIE6 i RocK FORMED INGS WITH PLAN # � HHflBBV AGKNOWL6DOC TXAT 1 XAV6 RB�D THI9 A�PLIWTION /�ND �Ai! TXAT TH8 ABW6 18 COItABCT AND AOAEE TO COM• PLY WRH ALL CITY DIiOINAN�9 AND BTATE LAWp RCOULATINO UILpING CONOi1iUGT10N. 8 NATURE OP yJ��} /v,��� PERM�7TEa fL�f AUTHORIZEC AGENT » �� g7 THe AMOUNT BHOWN UNOEP VALUATION �8 FOR TXE PURP098 OR EBTABLIBXINO • vERMIT FEE ONLY. VALLIATION /.�- �7 PERMIT FEE $ �J n " $ �% �/ � �� ^ PLAN GHECK $ .� 'S � TOTAL FEE S /'S '�