HomeMy WebLinkAbout216 FLOWER ST - Building PermitsAODfiE550FBUILdWi z 16 FLOWER ST R"T'�s""'"E11Q'01'�" gAYLISS DONALD L TR r'4 ` woxess: z23 VIRGINIA PL COSTA MESA,CA 92627 �rv�. �,uuxo woness: I�xcxrtecroxu+aN�n: u�cx ox u+c.•s wu+�ss: uc. ra.: uxr: CITY OF COSTA MESA — BUILDING PERMIT PERMIT NO: B 077035 PLAN CHECK NO: N UNT: aNrx�aarsru�: J. SCOTT CHAMHERLAIN (310)925-5760 CWiHRCTORSMYIRlO 9510 WALNUT ST �oonesx' gELFLOWER CA �G� 708960 90706 ��*: UCENSED CONTRACTOHS OECL�q�TION: I hemby efl'vm uMm peneYy d parjury IMI I em liceneed uMm pwisione d C�eplx B (mmmendrp wilh Section ]000) of Divisian e ol lhe B�aineee entl Profeveiona Cotle, e�d 'cenae u in lull lacs uM atlarl. cmuc.No.: uc.cuss: C_39 uc.xo '] 60 EXP: . e: ConVeUor: IER BUILDEN OECLANATION: I henEy elfirm uMer penelry d per' �he1 I em exemq irom IM ConVeape Lkenae Lew fw ihe �vnn8 raeeon (Saclbn ]�31.5 Busneae end Proleesbns Coda: AnY �e a muntY �� �9�� e permil to oonawcl. eller. Improw. noleh, or ropei eiry et�ucturo, prior �o Ae oauence, ereo raQuiree �he epplimnl br wch permil �o fib e dq�wd etetement Ihtl M or eM �icenaed W��� �o IM prmssbm W IM Conlredon Liceme law �Chapter 9(mmmendnB �h SMbn )OW) d D'visim 3 0l ihe Burnew entl Profeaebna Godej w �IW he a eha u examq �harNmm vk IM basia lp tM elbpad exemqion. My v'delon W Sedion ]031.5 by enY aDdium Iw e permn eubl�s �he epDlkent lo e dtil pe�ly ol mt mare ihen Me �uMreE dallan jSSW��. ❑ I, aa ownar al ihe propanY w my empbyees wIh weges as ihe'r wle mmpensetion, will Eo iM wwk, arM tM avucture e mt iniended «on<,ee �« sele (sw+mn )aa.6uuness ene Rd.ssione catle: rne conveaore ucense Lawdaee no� eodr io en owner a u.apMy wM W Wa a mpeovea ihereon, eM wtw doas auM xwk Mmxll or Mnep or �hrouph hb a har own empbyees, provided ihm weh imv�'emenls ere rol imeMeE a olfered lor sale. H, Mwever, IM Witli�q a'vnqovemem w eoltl wilhin aw yaer o( completion, tM o.�,-e��ua �;n ne.a ine e�,ae� a v�w�oe na o�:ne eb �a w,�b o� �mwwa �a me wm�. d.w). ❑ i. � owoa� a ina aooem�. ��a�n��h �,�,m�s wi�h IicenaeE wnvectan io conaviW Ne O�M� (Setlion ]04I. Busi�sa e�d Prolessian Gotle: The Conlredas Lieensa Law Eaea not epply to en owner of properlY xiw buitla a impovea ihereon eed who wnirecte fa aM prqa 1a wuh a mmretla(s) Icensad purauen� to �ha Comreaore Licensa Lewl. � I em eeemq urder Senion: B. 8 P.C.. br Ihis reeaon: Dale: Ovmar: I da hereby <enM � I em ewara d and uMeisivM IM raQuiremenn d CelAomie Heellh enE Selery Code Senbns u505, 25S1A, ard 255�a. arM thet I or eny INure buildi�q xwpenl will / wll �rot (arcb me) nead to canply wih eaid mme wdea vq ihe rea�iremmis br e pertnil laconavunon or motlAra�ian ham iha Rv�apemenl Dimria. Reeidenliel mnst�udian eppkztiom em exemp Iran Neae prwnsiona. o�a: nod��� WOAKEN'S COMPENS�TION DECUPATION: I hereby alfi'm uMer per�eM1y W perjury aro d IM (dlowirp Eederaiions: ,❑ I heve eM W meintan e cerlilicate d consent lo seXtiroure for wake%campenaelion. m prwiEaE for by Seeion 3)00 d tM lebor coe<, r« ma nano�ce a me wrk t« wi:cn mh pam� o�ued. . � C_l ine��ew���m�won���v�o���,re�.mrew�reaMsee�a�oodma�mo�coea.i«maae�ro,m�ama �[ woM for which ihia permn ia iasued. My wrcke�e compenaelion inwrarKe rariier end pdiry number ere: ca„�m: STATE FUND EXPIRES PoICYNumber: 77Q—QFi�IiAiSi 01/OS/97 i lm;:.�n;o� ��e �r ee �darad n rna w,ma r: ro. �a n��aree eaw�lsioul a�.l I cenM ihet in the perlormence d ihe wak �w v.hch ihu partnA is issued, 1 shdi ngp pb9�any peison in eiry manr�x ao es m bacame sub'ee to ha xvrkera' companaeiion lews M Calilomie, e I er il I b(ik bacane wbjm to �ha xaken' mmronse�i or ' om a Seabn al0o of ina Lebor cada, I enal m wm thosa omWaiona. a: ��: � W�minO� F�Nun ro ucuro worken'rompxuetlon covenp� la unl 1, uW sMll �u6J�cf �n �mployx ro cNMru/pxwttls� uW clvll Ilnea up ro ons huntlrs0 Mouund Jo/bn (Sf00,OW), In atldl on ro IM roat ol romps�uafbn, Mmepa �a poNtletl br In SxHon 3)OS ol Ms Le�or Cotle, Inhr�aq enJ efrorney'c loss. CONSTNIIC'f10N LENOINO pOENCY: I Irereby eHirm uMer panelry d perjury Ihet ihere ia e wnstivaion IenEi�p ager�cy br tM pertormarKe M �he wnM lor whi� ih'v paimA i� esued (Seqbn �09), Crv. C). LENOEN'S NAME: LENOER'S AUDFE55: 1 ceniN �het I heve reed this epplcation vd nete Ihe� IM ebove intwme�ion is coirea. l epree io campy wnh all aty enA muntY ordinenws end ate�e laxa releling lo builEing conslrudion eM hemby emhorae ropresentativea d Ihia drym enim upon IM ebo.e�men�ionetl pmpeM foriropeaion purposes. ,,,,,J„�COT.Tr.nCHAMBERLAIN...,,,._ i, , Deta: (5151<6 WP� Whne-Builtivp 8 Sdery; Oreeo-Fle; Canary-RppFceM; Rnk-Ravenue: GoldenroC-bsessor ERM NO: B 077035 GOVT: N SUPP: N CONSTRUCTION TYPE: PERMIT TYPE: STR PURPOSE: OTH JOH DESCRIPTION : REROOF OVER 2LAYERS COMP. W/1 LAYER COMP SQ FT: 850 CLAIM VALUE: 850.00 CALC—VALUE: 550.00 GROUP OCC: R-3 /U-1 COMMENTS: REROOF OVER EXISTING 2 LAYERS OF COMP. W/1 LAYER OF COMP. **�x**�**� ***x**�*«�*�*�������,����**��r**+�***+r******x***�r�r***+�+r*+�**+�*�r*�*�*****�r� Z O N I N G R E Q U I R E M E N T S S E T B A C K S ------------ MAIN HUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY BUILDING --------- FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN LEFT: FT ZN RGHT: FT IN PARKING REQ: PROV: PARCEL: 42590409 2NE: REF NO::—, PLANNING NOTES> i > r 1E 1klF 4f 1E 1f If if iF 1F iF iE iF iF If I(� 1E 1f iF ik IE if 1E iE iE IE IE 1E 1t 1E IE iE fE 1E ff'IE 1E 1E IE 1E 1E 1f 1E if iF 1f 1f if 1(� if Ik if �E 1E 1E if 1Elh iE'If 1f dI� 1F iE iE IE iE iE iE 1E iE 7f"IE 1f IE 1E iE iE i(� D E V E L O P M E N T S E R V I C E S R E Q U I R E M E N�T S . r ZONING APPROVED BY DATE: BUILDING APPROVED BY : DATE: �" APPLICATION ISSUED BY: DATE: ,��*��,��*,�**��*,������**���-�����������-����������*����****� : 4�b LEGALIZATION:N F E E S U M M A A Y STRUCTURAL SEGMENT:Y HLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FI�ftE SMIP/RES GRADING PERMIT 23.00 i�' SO SMIP/NON—RES PLAN ISSUE FEE _ � BUILDING—DIV—> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN—CHECK TOTAL ' PAID DUE TOTALS----> 23.50 0.00 0.00 23.50 'i✓ 23.50 .00 �i, REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED: 23,50 OVER/SHORT: .00 BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN—CHECK 23.00 ,50 1E 1E 1E 1E 1E IE iE 1E 1E'Ih 1f if iE if iF 1f I(� 1E 1E ik iflE iF'141f IE 1E 1@ if 1f 1f if 1F iE iE 1k i(� if 1F iF iF iE If I(� 1(� iF if iE iF iE if iE iF it iE 7E iF iF iE if 1E 1E'1E iE 1E IE iE iE iE iE iF if 1E 1t if i@ if 1E i(� I N D I.V I D U A L. F E_E H R E A K.D�O W N TYPE ..QTY._ D E S C R I P T I O N UNIT COST TOTAL COST SFR.. 850 REROOF,BY.VALUE RESIDENTIAL NOZONE. '��1.00 850.00 END OF FEES � ��� fi ��� 1���"_�,.P��::_�'G�l � i��� eAr�r" ��4: �:! �ir t IHt. Gi.:4Ct d' f� . \1 - PO. t SPA CONSTRUCTION AND PLANNING f ' - , ' ` APPROVALS Permit # �-� Date Inspector pppROVALS Permit # Date Inspector � 1. TemporarY Electrical Service or Ppie • 52. Pool & Equipment Location �- 2. Soil Pipe�Undrgmd. '` _ 53. Steel Reinforcement ;.� �: , - .- � � �,2"�Electrical Conduit.UtiGty�Undrgrnd. 54. Forms - � ; f �'a�Eiectrical CondaiE�Un2irgrnd. ' - 55. Electrical Bond�ng - i r �, .. � ' .�5'; Steel fleinforcerr�enF „ 56. Rough Plumbing & Pressure Test _ . 6-+Elearical UFER Gtnd. � 57. APPROVAL TO COVER-GUNITE � ..�-7.�,Footings n 58. Electrical Conduit;Undrgrnd. � � � -' -B:nFoundation �!„ c _ 59. Gas Pipe, � Undrgrnd., Test ' "� mr 9.yWater Pipe-Undrg'Lnd. _ � 60. Backwash Lines,.P�Trap,-O Uridrgrnd. ;. .- 10. Structura� Floor�,System '� � 67. APPROVALTO=D�ECK "� .t ' - 17. Property Sewer �ine & House Connection � . 62. Backwash & ReceptorFinal� ' �„ 12. Sewer CaP ' -; `� � � • 63. Heater & Vent-Final ' �' 13. Roof Drains -'r 64. Plumbing System - Final � 74. Rough Piumbing,: . 65. Electrical-Final ' . 15. Rough Electrical-.Eonduit -' - � 66. Solar SVstem-FinaL � � 16. Rough Electric �ring: 67. Fencing & Access Approval �. . � 77. fiough Wiring Sign - - 68. APPROVED FOR'PLASTERING . 18. Rough Electrical��" Bar Ceiling � 69. POOUSPA SYST�MS FINAL � � � 19. Rough HOating & Air Conditioning - FIRE DEPT. REQUIREMENT ; ^ H �� F- �' - F. _ 20.Eioug�FrstoryFirgplace ��! `,� '� =�' �,�'APPROVAiSr;�;Permit# �" � , 21. Ducts,in Stru¢urG`;y� �•• •• r-` s _ '" �-x'��70. Underg`rtiurid Hjuiro ` � 22. Ducts;'Vet�tilaiingi�:i. �=`- � - �r ��71. ProductPt�ing QGas C�OiI 23. Gas Pipe•Rbugfi &'Test ��`q- : ;, p -.^ - .-72, Underground Ffush�, � � r 24. R"oof"-fra�ing - - - "�� , - S y:�`. .7J� Undergrnd.StorsgeTank`DGas ❑Oil 25. Roof�Sheathing �� F =' ��:�� �-� �; ; 74' Overhead Hydro� y � 26. T-Bar.*Ceiling (Structiral) & Morr�g�gat ' ? J Gr 75:T�'ry Chemical �_� " � - _ 27. f�ameand,P�ashin�'�A ' - ' � � � ' � " .. • ' = 4; . � r, �,,, e 76. Dry Standpipe - y' � _ 28. �athing &5idhig �> �•= _ " ;'-~ "� �".a 77�,� FIXED SYSTEM'.fINAL �. � '� 29. Insulationr `: ,.:# `� - � : � `� �� 7g=FIRE PREV. FINAL � =- ' � '� 30. Drywall Nailing� - � - � i �- - 'HEALTH DEPT�. REQUIREMENT � r' �a � '31. Plaster B�bWn,F,oaC.-�� - . z � . 79:'FINAL INSP.ECTFflN � J ` - :�32. �iectrical PoWeP Meter-Finai � � � '• � �� ��80i'•FOOD CERTIFICATE ISSUED � • : `.33. F.�inal.`',Eleeqic,� .5;. � � ' ' � .'Notes: - �n � � ; ;,;,� _ . ^ ,.' � , _ : '. .. :_ 34. Einal.�ie2ting&Air•.Qond�ioning-= !. . --fi� . _ �'�x ? ., 7C r.: .r rn ' p. T h 35. F,'inal'Gas�Pipe�;Test". �" ; � .�'=� ' L.� '7� x -` 7 .36. Hood:or CanoPY . - T'- -,�* - - ':�= ' .. ' trl.^ !^ Y � - _."J � � ,.a37. Final�FaClory FirePtace � � < <. �, .: ., '� '� `� . .s- . . .. . " " ' �-38. Final�Plumbing 7 � 4�;u � �y' ' - -� = ti. r �R 139. Water Service-Fina1, '- . " " ' �{ ' � �� "' s:�: . - � ; r N - x i-40. Gas Servic`e-Final =� -, �*,- N t� - . �� ^.�., r.(t � ' - - - 'r L. GT �G =41. Solar pomesti�;Finalx � ! :x ^ �_c � •� � , � �„ �� ,� � =�( 9G-T�:�,��-� _ �42. Backflow,Preventer,s, :d .:~ ' � 4- � 43. Backflowlrrigetion � ` G=- r ^`"" -. � t Y /: � J s � �- P u. ^ ' ' . .. _ _ ¢:4. Landscape:Irrigation�System •��+" ' > T - D : •- �� .i.� # -� - � - � ^ G r �- 45. Sound Attenuatiog T - - • _ �* F^ �' -+ �T,- c.:c' • . . t_ • _ ' . :n a� C T s. F C 46. Handicap Regulations _ � - ' C^ ' ;,,, � � 47. Fi'NALSTRUCTURE& BUILDING �/,,,((� �� GG�y = r,- =� 7, - . � 48. FIJVALPLANNING c + FE- +' �• `"i"Y f . ` � - . k � 49. ElectYie flelease to Edison ' � _ - ' q ' ' _ - �t .. 50. Gas Reledse to�Southem California.GasCo r �+ �._�+ - �• c::r� �r " � �; 5.t. CERT±tFICATE OP OCCUPANCY ' - - i � . -- . K �- No Date ' -+ \ //�