HomeMy WebLinkAbout225 AMHERST PL - Building Permits� � � PNOJECT AOOflESS: \OWNEF'S NAME: 22 J AMHERST PL , noonEss: Z?STA�IHERSTRPL COSTA MESA, CA 92626 AflCHIENGINEEB: aoox[ss: HEG.NO.: UNIT: uxiT: PEHMITfEE: aoonEss: ADAMS ROOFING ( 714 ) 965-0245 �+�1q9T257� AMNAcHnEZM AV /�n q�7 q7 B-2 UCENSEO CONTflRCTBR'DELLARATIONtEI'tRFeDy a��irm Ihai I am licensetl unQerpNvisb�h �Chapier 91�ommencing wi�� Senion 7000) oi �ivision 3 ai Ihe Business antl Pmiessions Cotle. and my license is in full lorce antl eflect. cirruc.: 4 f,zz sTaTEiic.524341 � SC-39 �a�e'. Signaiure: � __ WOPNENS' C P IS oN oECLABA710N: I hereDy aflirm thal I have a cehilicate of consenl to self-insure or a certihcate of WOBers' Compensa�ion Insurance. or a cer�ilietl copy Ihereol (Section 3800. Lab. C) POLICY NO.: EXP. DATE: COMPANY: � Cetlified capy is hereby fumishetl. ❑ Ceni�ietl caDY is liletl wi�� the ciry Building Division. Dale: NpphcanC E%EMPTIONFAOMWOBREBS'WMPENSATIDNOECNMTION: �Thi55ec�ionnee4nolbecompleie4ifihepermitisforonehundred(5100)orless). 1 cetlity Ihat in Ihe peAormance ol Ihe work lor which this permi� is� I Shal� no�;mpl0y any person in any manner 5o as �o betome sublect Io the Workers' Compensaiion Laws ol Cali�omia. / i/ L Oa�e: SignaWre: �i�b���� NOTICF.I. atter making I�is Oeclaraiion, you shoul0 become SuDle�� �o t�e Workers' ComDensalion pmvisions of the Labor Code. you must fotlhwi�h comply wilh such pmvisions or Ihis permit SAall Ge tl¢emea revoked. CONSTflUCTION LENOING pGENCY: I herehy alfirm ��at ��ere is a consVuclion lentling agency �or the pertormance af Ihe woB lor which Ihis permit is i=sued (Seciion 3W7. Civ. C). LENDEfl: POUPE55: OWNEfl BUILDEfl OECIANATION: I hereby aitirm Ihat I am exempt imm the Conimctors' Slate License Law far ihe fallawing reason (Seqion 703L5 Business and Pmlessional Code: Nny ciry at coun�y which requires a permii �o constmct, al�e�, improve, demolish, or repair any stmcWre, prior lo i�s issuance. also requires ��e applican� �or such permii Io lile a signetl s�a�emen[ that he/she is licensed Dursuam �o ��e pmvisions of Ihe Con(ractoK Sta�e License Law (Chap�er 9(commencing with Seclion 7000) of Division 3 ot �Ae 6usiness and Pmfessions CoOe� or ��at �e/s�e is exemD� Iherelmm antl �he basis tor Ihe allegeU exemplion. Any viola�ion o� Section 703L5 by any apPlican� tor a permit sublecis Ihe aDPlicani to a civil penalry o� noi more Ihan live hundretl Oollars ($500�. I. as owner ai ihe pmpeny or my employees with wages as iheir sole compensa�ion, will tlo ihe work, an0 tAe ❑ SINCWf¢i5 �OIi0I200C0 OfO��EfEtl IOfSdIQ ($QC�iO� 7044, BI15111¢55 211d Pf0�C55i00dICOdC: ThE C011IIdLtOfS' $Idf¢ LIC¢IISC LdW does not appty Io an owner ol a pmperly who builds or impmves Ihereon, antl who Aaes such work himseli/hersetl or t�mugh his ar her own employees, pmvitletl iha� such impmvements are not intena¢a or oHeretl tor sale. If, Iwwever �he builaing or impmvemen� is sold wilhin one y¢ar ol comple�ioq the owner will �ave ��e bur0en o� D�oving helshe Oitl nol build or impmve lor ��e purpose of sale�. I, as owner of the pmperty, am eMCWsively coniracting with IicenseU coniractors lo consimct ihe v�oiect (Section 7044, Business ❑ and Prolessions Coae: T�e Comractors' S�a�e License Law does nai apDly �o an owner of property who builtls or impmves Ihereon antl who coniracts for such pmjec�s wiih a conVactoqs)license pursuanlio Ihe Contrac�ors' Sia�e License Law�.l am aware �hal pmai ol Iheir Worker'S Compensation insurance shoultl be pmvitletl �a me. � I am v,xempt un�er Sec�ion: B. 8 P. C. for inis reason: Daie: Owner I do �ereby cetlify Ihal I am aware ol and unaerslantl Ihe requirements ol Cali�omia Heal�� and Safery CoOe Sections 25505, 25533, an0 2553a antl ��ai I or any iNure builtlmg occupant willlwill not (circle one) need Io comply wi�h saitl stale coaes and Ihe requiremen�s lor a permi� tor cons�mc�ion or mo0ilication Imm Ihe Aii Ouabry Management Di5lrici. Fe5i0ential con5lmciion appliw�ions are exempl Imm ihese pmvisions. �ale: ADOlicanl: I hereby ceNty �hai I have read Ihis applicaiion ana s�a�e Iha� Ihe above information is correcL I agree to comply wiN all ciiy and counry ardinanws antl stalelawsrelalingto butlding consimction antl here�y aNhorire reD�esenlaly�es o�ihis ciryto enieruponthe abave�menlione0 pmperly lannsp cimn Ourpases. � iJ_..N Daie:� Signa�ure: PK(7/ Driver's License oi Soaal Securily p: ��.� � 164i-a6 W�i�e—Builtlmg: Green—Gode EnlorcemenL Canary—Applicanf, Pink—Revenue: Goltlenwtl—Assessor CITY OF C05TA MESA — BUILDING PERMIT PERM NO; B 061:87 PERMIT NO; B 061187 PLAN CHECK NO; N GOVT; N SUPP; N CONSTRUCTION TYPE; 5—N PERMI'f TYPE: STR PURPOSE; OTH JOB DESCRIPTION ; T/OFF REROOF W/COMP SHTNGI�ES SQ FT; 2,950 CLAIM VALUE: 2,950,00 CALC—VALUE: 2,950,00 GROUP OCC; R-3 /M-1 COMMENTS• SMOKE DETECTORS REf�I]IRED PER 1941 UHC REROOF 2500SF RESID � GARA ����*,�����*��#*�,���,��*��,�*�* ����,�������,�����*����,�*.�.�.��������C`�*(�'1'��7`�R Z O N I N G R E Q i1 Z R E M E N T S SETBA�KS REQ UIRED__ ------------ MAIN BUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY HUZLDING ------ FRNT; FT IN REAR: FT IN FRNT: FT IN REAR; FT IN LEFT; FT IN RGHT; FT IN LEFT; FT IN RGHT; rT IN PARKING REO• PROV; PARCEL: 00000000 ZNE: REF NO; PLANNING NZSTES> > 1E i! iF �lk iE �)f iF iF iE ik iE lF i(� ikif i(� iE iF iE 1f �)E �lE If 3F * �E iF�IF 3E �E i(� iE iE if iF 3! if �!E �lE iE �IF �7F �!f �lE 1E 3E �)h �lE i(� i(� N� 1E iE i(� iE jf # 3E 3f i(� iE if iE iE if %� IE-1E 3k 3EiF i(� 3f� �lE �F �)f # �E if D E V E L O P M E N T S E R V I C E S R E Q U I R E M E N�'f S ZONING APPROVED BY DATE: � BUILDING APPROVED BY ; DATE; APPLICATION ISSOED BY; �-� 1,� DATE• �; l�� 1E!lifiEiEiFiFiEi4iEiEiElEifif3(�fE1E�lf(�iFiFiF7SlFiF3FiFif3F'iF3F�f7FiFif3F3FfF3F�iFif �Fif'i�iF'R�3iiFTFlF 1EiEiE�hiEi�FiFiEj(-iE ik?(� iF iE It iE x� jF iE iE ik iE iElE k iE iE k iE IE iE 16 it jt it if iE IE IE if ikif k�lf iE iE iE �lE if it iE iFit iE �x�ih iE it� iE iE M� it i(�!F iE iE'k ft X� ft # N� x� -0h iF �f if iF 3E ihiP�iF iE iE iE iE x� iE iF K�?f LEGALI2ATION;N F E E S U M�M A R Y ST'RIICTURAL„SEGMENT;Y BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRSC M$CHANIC FIRE SMIP/RE$. GRADING PERMIT 54.00 � • ,50 PLAN �. 'J( '! SMIP/NON—RES ISSUE FEE BUILDING—DIV—> PERKiIT ISSUE PLAN-CHECK TOTAL PAID DUE T01'ALS----> 54.50 0.00 �-'0!00 54,50 54.50 ,00 REVENUE DIVISZON TOT'ALS--> COLL�ECTED: '' S4.50 OVER/SHORT; ,00 BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/TO'T GRADING PLAN—CHECK 54.00 ,50 ik if if iE ik i(� 3E if if 1F iE iF �x� iF K- iE iE 3F iE iE iF 3ElF iE iE )F 3F iF jf iE if �lE iF iE if 1f if iE 3f 3f 3F jE iE if 1E 3F iE 3k iF3(� jE If IE �1E if 9E 3E iE-lE jF iF iE iE 3E 3F iF lf if 3F if iE iE iE iE iE?E 1F 1E % I N D I V I D U A L' F E E' „H R E A K D O W N TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I O'N UNIT COST TOTAL CdST 'P SF'R 2950 REROOF HY VALUE RESIDENTIAL NOZONE 1.00 2,950,00 END OF FEES. � i-- � " - I CONSTRUCTION ANDPIANNiNG APPROVALS Permit # 7. Temporary Electncal Service or Po1e 2. Soii Pipe-Undrgrnd. 3. Electrical Conduit Utility�Undrgrnd. 4. Electricai Conduit-Undrgrnd. 5. Stee! Rei�forcement 6. Electricai UFER Grnd. ' 7. Fooungs i - i8. Foundation 9. VJater Pipe-Undrgrnd. I 10. Structural Floor System ' , i t. Property Sewer Line & House Connection 72 Sewer Cap 73. Roof Drains 74. flough Plumbing 15. Rou9h Electricai-Conduit i6. Rough Electric Wiring ' 77. Rough Wiring Sign 18. Rough Efectricai-T $ar CeJ�ng 19. Rough Heating & Air Conditioning 20. Rough Factory Fireplace 21. Ducts, in Structure 22. Ducts, Vantilating 23. Gas Pipe-Rough & Test 24. Roof Framin9 25. Roof Sheathing 26. T-Bar Ceiling (Structuraq & Monocuat 27. Frame and Flashin9 28. Lathmg & Siciing ^- 29. Insulatior�� 30. Drym�all Nailing 31. Piaster Brown Coat 32. Electncal Power Meter-F�nal 33. Final Electric 34. Finai Heating & Air Conditioning 35. Finai Gae Pipe-Test 36. Hood or Canopy 37. Final FactorY F��ePlace 38. Final Piumbing 39. Water Service�Final 40. Gas Service-Pinal r41. Solar pomestic-Fi�al 42. Backtlow Preventer 43. 8ackfiow irrigation: � 44. Landscape irrigatiort'$ystem 45. Sound Attenuation � `"" 46. Handicap Regulatiaris� � .'� 47. PINAL STRUCTURE & BU��LDWG 48. FINAL PLANNING ' ^ �. 49. Electric Release t0 Ed�sbn`"1 � 50. Gas Reiease to Southem California Gas 51. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY No. Date Date Inspector POO iPA ( APPflOVALS Permit,� Date Inspector 52. Poo! & Equipment Locat�on 53. Stezl Reinforcement 54. Forms 55. Electrical Bonding 56. Rough Plumbing & Pressure Test 57. APPROVAL TO COVER�GUNITE 58. Electrical Conduit�Undr�rnd. 59. Gas Pipe, G Undrgrnd., Test 60. Backwash Lines, P-Trap, O Undrgrnd. 61. APPROVAL TO DECK 62. Backwash & ReceptorFinal B3. Heater & Vent-Final 64. Poum6ing System - Final 65. Electrical�Final 66. Solar System-Final 67. Fencing & Access ApP�uval 68. APPROVED FOR PLASTERING 69. POOLISPASYSTEMSF�NAL FiRE DEPT. REQUIREMENT APPROVALS Permit # 70. Underground Hydro 77. Produci Pipin9 � Gas ❑ Oil 72. Underground Flush 73. Undergrnd. Storage Tank O Gas C Oil 74. Overhead Hydro 75. Dry Chemicai 76. Dry Standpipe 77. FIXcD SYSTEM FINAI. 78. FIRE PREV. FINAL HEALTH DEPT. REQUIREMENT 79. FINALlNSPECTION I 80. FOOD CERTIFICATE ISSUED Notes: �%- - - . - „ - -- - ^ COSTA 6Y3�� MESA BUILDING DEPARTMENT a. o. eox 3 i � COSTA MESA. CA�IFORNIA ensra m *�.�*51.00 •,�N t 7_-SePDassa 8�°- FOR APPLICANT TO FILL IN APPLICATION FOR PERMIT ADDRE'S5 225 Amherst Road BU I LD I NG COSTA MESA. CALIFORNIA FOR OFFICE USE ONLY FECEIPT NO, pERMIT NO. owNeRTrojan Dand Co. MAIL E. 17th St• AECEIVEO BV DATE RECEIVED DnTE ADDRES�.�-9 —�i-J JUN 13 19 8 C�$t$ Mesa TE�+1• 81159 BUILDING CITY N AODRE55 oR N�GENEER � SOn ddl'ebrOOkN�o. COSTA MESA. CALIFORNIA Garden Grove FIRE AOORE55 _l- ZONE D1RP. � CO B�POVB � ZONE NO.OF TVPE '/ GROIIP CONTRACTOR 1 C ��T� No`: 333 """� v � 'ADORE55�� • �$t'a "C58 TN�+1• 81159 B�PROVED OATE �E�A� �or CORRECTIONS DESCe�PiioN �o. 94 BLOCK rRA�T2955 A.P. NO. SIZE �'lo X loo NO.OF a�o�s. none OF LOT � fiOW ON LOT use oF none EXISTING BIDG. SETBACK LINE FROM � t CErvTea OF s1AEE1 � REAR YARD 5� 5� SI�E YARD RIGHT� LEFT DESCRIPTION OF WORK NEW X qLTERATION ADDITION REPAIR MOVING DEMOLISH SIZELDING 165g SCl lt. ROOMS � STORIES �- EXTERIOR WALL ROOF . COVERING StiUCCO COVERING COIilA useoFNEw Single family residence BUILDING garage attached Plan No. 760 1 HEPEBY flCKNOWLE�GE TM4T I MPVE RE4D THIS FPPLICPTION AND $TFTE THRT TXE RBOVE I$ CORRECT ANO RGREE TO COMPLY WITH hLL ' CITT OflDINRNCES FND 5 L<W EGVLA G BVILOING CONSTFUC� i�oN. VALUATI ON /y� SIGNATURE OF • PERMIT FEE S 3,4�y�� PERMITTEE /�/� � � PLAN CHEGK S 17�y�� Dike & Colegrove, Inc. $ 14,056.W �, TOTAL FEE S 51 OO AUTHORIZE� AGENT • OWNER TRQJAN LAND C0. � DATE 6-13-58 JOB ADDRESS 225 pmherst Road BUII.DING PERMIT NO. �94 GENERALCONTRACTOR hikn R. f:nlaarnva VALIIE S 111.056.00 - AP. No. FQtE ZONE �& J TYPE V ZONE Rl PLAN NO. Res. & at. 1...-ECTIONS I DATE I $UBCONTRACTOR I DATE PERM�TgNUM6 coat Test