HomeMy WebLinkAbout3142 BARBADOS PL - Building PermitsPHOJECT AOOflE55: 3 S�I Z BARBADOS PL OWNEH'SNAME: WOO CHRISTINA J noosess: 314 �l BARBADOS DR COSTA MESA,CA (714)434-9345 - AFCM/ENGINEEH: RUONESS: uNir: 92626 flEG.NO.: UNIT: ' PEHMITTEE: EXCF.L ROOFING ( 714 ) 965-0314 AODPESS: 9331 LITCHFIELD DR HUNTINGTON BEACH 92646 LICENSEO CONTHpCTOfl DECLAPATION: I hereby aifirm �hai I am f ns un pmvisions at ChaD� � 9(commencing wi�h Sec�ian �000) ol Divisiun 3 of the Business antl Pmlessians Code. and my cens is i II force efiect. CITYLIC.: '�'7ztj STFTEUC.:SSi33B 'C—� Dale: � — SignaWre: — WOHREflS' COMPENSATION OECLAFATION: I here�y a��irm In have i a onsem m selbinsure a ceni�icate of Workers' Compensaiion Insurance. or a cenilietl copy �hereof (Sec�ion 00. Lab Po��cvno.:1241983-93 E%P.OATE' 6� 1/94 comraNr: STATE FUND � Ceriilied tOpy is hereby �umi5hed. � Cetli�ie0 coDY is lil wi th ' y Builtling visio . Date: � � / 3 Applicanl EMEMPTION FAOM WOFREBS'COMPENSATION UECIAPpTION: (Ths ctio e no�b m etli�Ne pe itisiorone hunOre0�5100�or1e55�. I cetlify that in Ine pedormance at Ihe work for which t�is permi 5 issuetl, I s�all not employ any Derson in any manner so as �o �ecome subject lo ihe Workers' Campensallon laws ot Calilornla. �ate: SignaNre: NOTICE: II, atler making ihis tleclaraiion, you 5hou10 become subleci Ia Ihe Warkers' Compensalion D�ovisions o� the LaDor �� Code. you mu5i fohhwi�A comply wilh suc� pmvisions or 1�i5 Dermi� shall be tleemetl revoke�. CONSTHOCTION LENUING ACENC7: I �ereby ailirm Ihat ��ere is a con5lmciion lentling agenry tor the peAormance o� �he work lor which Ihis permil is issued (Section 3W7, Civ. C). LENDEH: ROOflESS: � �� OWNEB BWLOEB OECLAflRTION: I hereby af�irm t�at I am erempi irom �he ConVaciors' S�ale license Law br �he tollowing reason �Section 7031.5 Business and Pmlessional Code: Nny city ol coumy which reQuires a Oarmi� m constmct. alter. improve, Oemolish, or repau any s�mclure. priar ro its issuance. also requires Ihe applican� tor such DQ�mii lo lile a signetl s�atement �ha� he/she i5licensea pursuani �o ��e pmvisions o� Ihe Coniractors Sla�e LicenSe Law (Chapter 9(cammencing wiih Section 7000) oi Oivision 3 of ��e Business ana Pmfessions Cotle) or I�at helshe is exemp� ihere�mm antl �he basis for the alleged exemp�ion. Any violaiion of Section 7031.5 by anV applicani for a Dermit subjec�s Ihe aDPlicant �o a civil penaliy oi not more Ihan �rve hundred dollars ($500�. I, as owner of the pmpetly or my employees wi�h wages as their sole compensalion, will Oo lhe woB, an0 Ihe ❑ slmaure is noi intende0 or oifered lor sale (Section 704a, Business antl Pmfessianal Cade: The Comractors' State license Law tloes nol appty to an owner ol a pmperty who builAs or impmves �hereon, and who Ooes such wOrk himsel�/hersell ar �hmugh his or her own employees, pwvitletl t�at such impmvemems are no� imendeA ar offered lor sale. If, however Ne Uuilding or improvemen� is so10 wiNin one year o� completioq �he owner will have t�e �urtlen of pmving he/she tlitl no� build or impmve tar Ihe purpose ai sale�. I, as awner of Ihe pmperiy, am exclusivety conirac�ing wilh licensea contractors to consimc� �he pmlec� (Sec�ion 7044, Business ❑ antl Pmfessions Cotle'. The Coniraclors' State License Law Ooes nat appq to an owner oi pmDerty who builds or improves thereon and who coniracls tor such prolecis wiN a conVaclor(5)license pursuan�lo ihe Contraciors' Slaie License Law). I am aware �ha� Owoi ol ��eir Worker'S Compensation insurance ShoWA be pmvidetl to me. � I am evempt untler Setlion: B. S P. C. lor inis reason: Date'. Owner. _ I tlo hereby cerlily Ihal I am aware of and untlers�and ihe re0uiremen�s oi Califomia 25534 an� I�at 1 ar any fuWre builtling ocwpani will/will nol �circle one) need to con permil for constmction ar mo0ibcalion hom t�e Air Oualiry Managemem Oistricl. N ihese provisions. ^ Oate: Applicani: _ I hereby cer�ify �hal I have rea� t�is applica�ion antl s�a�e Ihat ordmances antl sia�e laws relaiing lo �uiltlmg constmciion antl t pmperly lor ins0e��ion pur0oses. �a�e: � Signawre' �river'S License or Social Secun�y p: —� t6at-a6 While-9utltlmg: Green—Cotle :Sections 25505,25533.an0 es and�herequiremen�s�or a applications are e�emp� Imm �o comply with all ci�y and coun�y Iq.fn�erupontheabove�meniionetl Plnk—Revenue', Goltlenrad—Assessar CITY OF COSTA MESA — BUILDING PERMIT PERM NO: B 063879 PERMIT NO: B 063879 PLAN CHECK NO: N GOVT: N SUPP: N CONSTRUCTION TYPE; 5—N PERMIT TYPE; STR PURPOSE: ALT JOB DESCRIPTION ; T/O COMPO 6 REROOF W/25YR COMPO SQ FT; 5,100 CLAIM VALUE: 5,100.00 CALC—VALUE: 5,100.00 GROUP OCC: R-3 /M-1 COMMENTS: PERMIT INCLUDES SOME 'TORCH DOWN' ON FLAT AREA IN THE REAR �r�r�r**�r�**�r�r�r�r*�t***�r�r*�r****�r�r*�t�t�t�t�t***x�*****x****��*�t�***+r�r***��r*�r�*+t �� 2 O N I N GS ERTEBQAUCIKRSE M E N T S SMOKE ���� ------------ MAIN BUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY BUI�;��LRED __ FRNT; FT IN REAR: FT IN FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT; FT IN PARKING REQ• PROV: PARCEL: 13915202 2NE: REF NO; PLANNING NOTES> i *���e*�*+�,�,�****�**,r*,�**�*�e**��*�,��,�*�+��rx�*�*�*�*���*,����****�r,r�r*��*�+�*,��,�*�*,��*�� D E V E,L O P M E N T S E R V I C E S R E Q U I R E M E N T S ZONING APPROVED BY DATE: � �i BUILDING APPROVED HY ; DATE: APPLICATION ISSUED BY: DATE: � 3 iEiE�f�fiE�FiEiEiE1E�f�FikiE�EiFiE1EiliElEiE 1flfiEifiElEiEiEiEiE iFiF iE1EiEiFiEiEiEiEfEiE�FlfiFiEiE�E�1EiEiFiEiE-0E�1EiEiFil�lElFlEifiElE3Ei!lE1FiE�lEiFif�iFiEaEiElfi(� fiEiFlEiflklFiEiEiF-1f1E1ffflkiflE#F�lfiElf�lElkiEiEiEiflF�lEiFiFlE LEGALIZATION;N F E E S D M M A R Y STRUCTURAL�SEGMENT:Y BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/RES GRADING PERMIT 81,00 51. PLAN SMIP/NON-RES ISSUE FEE BUILDING—DIV—> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN—CHECK TOTAL PAID "• DUE TOTALS----> 81.51 0.00 0.00 81.51 81.51 ` .00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED: 81.51 OVER/SHORT; .00 BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/TOT GRADING PI,AN—CHECK 81.00 .51 ;, if iF iE iE if iEiE if iE iP 1P iF if 1E iEiE if iF 1k if if if if iE iF iF iF 3F if if if iF ik 1E 1F if jf iE 1E iE �E 1P iE iE iE �E iE �f 1E iE 1E if if if If iE it iE if if iE iE iE iE iE iE iF if i('�P iF iE iE if iE 3E �E if iE I N D I V I D U A L F E E H R E A K D O W N ' TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I O N UNIT COST ,TOTAL COST SFR 5100 REROOF BY VALUE RESIDENTIAL NOZONE END OF FEES 1,00 5,100,00 �; , Di 0014bS74—OD146575 T Q T c"1.5? GATE: �4/1C/93 TI11E: 1`:44 � CONS+fiUCTiJN AND PLANNIIIG APPROVALS Permit # t. Temporary Eleccncal Serv�ca or Pole 2. So�l Pope�Undrgmd. � 3. EtecGicai Conduit Ut�I�ty�Undrgmcl. 4. Electrical Condurt�Undryrnd , 5. Stee� Reinforcement 6. Electr.cal UFER Grnd �_ 7. Footings . 8. Poundation � 9. l•Vater PIpe�Undrgrnd. 10. Structural Fioor System ' 17. Properry SevJer Line Fr Nouse Cc+miection 12. Se�.ver Cap 13. Roof �ra�,ns 74. Ro�gh Plum4ing 15. Rougn EleCtrical-Condwt ' 76. Rough EleCtric4Viring 17. Rough W�nng Sign 18. Rough Elearica��T Bar Ceilr�g 19. Rocgh Heating & A�r G��.d�tmn�^,g� 20. FoUflh Facto�Y Fiheulace ' 27: DuCu, in-Structure� •• � ., 22. Duccs. Vent��ating � : 23. Gas P�PF�Roug�t & Tes: . 24. Roof Framirn� ' � ' 25. Roof Sheathing � ,R� 26. T�Ber Ce�l�ng IStr�r,u�all R: �'!o^ecoat 27, Frame and Fl�sh,ing ��� 28. �aihing �4 Sidinc� ' , ' 29. Insulat�on ' _� • 30. Dryc.a'I \a�Iing 31. r laster Bro�vr, Co�t, _�,. _ 32. Eiectncal Pe��rer Mie:cr F�r,aP ~ 33.�Fina� Electr�c, . . . � 34. Flnai HaaLng�3i <ur Co��d�tiarr�og 35, Final Gas PidA-Test _ __ 36. Hootl or Canopy � � 37. F�n�l Faetory FirfV�ace-� 38. �inat Plumbing �� �39. \i'attr Service=Final ' 40. Gas Sen��ce�F-inai 41. Solar pome�t(c-Rnai 42. Backflow Preventer 43. Bad�ftow �rrigation' r. , ��, 44. Landscape ir�{qatton,&Ystem � 45. Sound Attenuation ;:-� - � 46. Handicap Regula�+oys, ; � 47. Flh'ALSTRtJCTUr7E"&9kJ�LDING q 48. FINAL hLANNiNG� ' '- 49. Elact�ic Release to <d}son�- 50. Gas Retease to Southern�Cal:�os:�ia Gas Co 51. CERTIFICATEOF-JCCUPANCY Date Date � Inspecior 0 PC. n SPA APPROVhLS Permit # 52. Pool & Equ'pment LocaUon 53. Steel Rein(orcement 5A. Forms 55. Eiectrieal Bording 56. Rough Plum.b ng & Prassure Test 57. APPROVAL 70 COVCF�GuNiTE 58. EleCtnCdl Clunduii�Undiyrnd. 59. Gas Pipe, '_: UrUrg�nd., ?est 60. HaC�avash Unes, P�Trap, i:.'cdrarnd 67. APPftOVAL TO DECK 62. Backsa�ash& Recep;c� F�:��� 63. Heater $� Ve�-.t-Fina' u4. Plum6inp 5��:;em � F��dI 65. Electrical�Flna! � Date � Inspccter - i I I - --�- - --- -i �-.- -{ IG6. Solar Sys:em���in„� � � ^ --�-- -- � 67. Fencing & Acwss Annrc,a� ( I � fi8. APPROVE� FOR PLASfERING � � , 69. POOUSP^,S�STE�.iSFINAL. ' � � � ----- - -- ---�----' --- -__ FIRE ��'T. REQUIP,E111'.-NT I � _i__ , i �. . APPP,OVALS Permit „---�_�_I i-- 70. Underg.Cu�d H��cro ��- � , i, 71. Prod��rt P�pting .� Gas � O�i � � � � -'�---*-- . �- ---� _ � � J 72. Underg�c�nu F:uF�� `�_-�_ I __I__--}- � .� . 73. ,Undergrn4. Storaoo f;:nk �� Gas =7 Ud i ---- � �-------j� ----- [�/� 7n., Overraad Hydro � � ' .---t l:i. DiV Chum�.w, -_-_____ � __;I ___-_ . __ _ i -- - - -� 75. Dry StandF�n: � I ' 77. FIXED SYST=,?; riNAl � j -�-rt- � � - - - - - I� � 78. FIRE P7EV. FIttiF,� � '__ � HEFlLTN DEPT. REQUIREPAENT I _� J9. �FIiJAL 1;4SPECTION--_---.--� �-� � - -- --�i �'- --� �. � I.----- - - .: � ( °7 • FOOL' CERT�.FIC:�T: !c5:'GD i �-- �------------'-�- -�-----+ _rt ��ut�s: -- - - - -- ---i ��-- --^- -----'-- �- �- - _ � s' , COSTA 5� MESA BUILDING DEPARTMENT P. O. BOX 31� - COSTA MESA. CALIFORNIA FEE �,�CEIVED ��a���tis� FINAPJ , DFPT_ _� � FOR APPLICANT TO FILL IN APPL�aA-QFCAQS�CA�SNPERMIT BIJILDING BU 1 LD I NG ADDRE55 "ilL�2 3arbados F3��ce COSTA MESA. CALIFORNIA FOR OFFICE USE ONLY FECEIPT NO. OWNER 1 T'7?lf;. i7 AI�i(j �O ♦ MAIL PECEIVEO BY OnTE RECEIVEO pqTE ISSIIEO ADDRE55 � _,!'� - j MNY :i ty5i arvT. . n l f'�lif?NO. ADDRE�ss ARCHITECT ` LIQ COSTA MESA. CALIFORNIA OR ENGINEER �_,j � � ��r�;c NO. FIRE ADDRE55 ZONE �' CITY LIC. ZONE p0.1O5 TVPE '/ GftOVP CONT}i�CTOR ='land Land� NO. � � j�� (� �` -1 TEL. /•PPROVE� ADDRE55 LOS kiSZE?'CJ.GS C`d1� NO. BV DATE "`"` CORRECTIONS OESCaivnOr+ NO � BLOCK TRACT 2 f� A.P. NO. SIZE � NO.OF BLOGS. OF LOT r,nn_„ ��ow oH LOT j'1 7}F) USE OF i EXISTING BLDG. SETBACK LINE FFOM cevrea or s�n[[i �() � REAR VARD � � SIDE YARD RIGHT 1 LEFT U� DESCRIPTION OF WORK NEW ALTERATION ADOITION REPAIR MOVING DEMOLISH BUILDING ���/O ROOMSj STORIES � SIZE EXTERIOR WALL ROOF �omposition COVERING t-�nn COVERING C}-�i nal nc � USE OF NEW BUILDING ]_j'l%7 e �� ���T �CJp� L' ��. ' I HEREBV FCKNOWLEOGE TXaT I H4VE FE4O THIS APPLICATION FNO STnTE THAT THE ABOVE IS COFlRECT RND AGREE TO COMPLY WITH wLL CITY OR�IN4NCE5 wNp STFTE Ln NS REGUL4TING BU DING CONSTRtIG T�o�. VALUATI ON SIGNATURE � PERMIT FEE $ (� PERMITTEE $ %� //�� PLAN CHECK � 1 � �'J0 r AUTHORIZED AGENT TOTAL FEE S �2 e OO a.� OWNER SUNAfEFT•AAID" LAND CO. DATE 5-3-57 JOBADDRESS 31�12 Lorbados Place BUILDINGPERMITNO. GENERALCONTRACTOR VAL �or 3p BLOCK TRACT 2'i53 Res. w�att, gar, GROUP I B[ J __ TVPE V ZONE RZ FIRE DISTRICT SOZO ECTIONS�// � I DATE I� SUBCONTRA�CTOR ��, I�/,�`� PERMITS ISSUED Foundation Formsand Rough Framing -� Plumbing, Rough to SI. Plumhing, Rough Com Temporary Pole Wiring, Rough Heating, Rough Heating, Final Sewer, House� Seotic Tank or Cesspo� Lathing,lnY � -�- Plastering Plumbing, Final, Fixtures Plumbing, Fin,al Gas Test Wiring, Final OCCup2nCY � FOflM 210 3M 10-v5