HomeMy WebLinkAbout3349 Alabama Cir - Building PermitsCITY OF COSTA MESA REQUEST FOR OCCUPANCY TRACT N0. � ���3 LOT N0. S.� ADDRESS 33�f9 fT�A�Yilrra �/rc �P � � DATE � �� ^ �Q The developer of the above entitled tract desires to sell the above set forth lot prior to the time that the tract has been completed and its streets accepted by the City of Costa Mesa. The undersigned, by executing this agreement, acknowledges that (he-she-they) (was or were) advised that this tract has not been given final inspection nor has it been accepted by the City of Costa Mesa as having complied with the conditions of approval which were imposed by the city at the time the final tract map was approved. The city assumes no liability for the enforcement of the conditions necessary for approval other than those conditions protected by surety bond. The undersigned agrees to indemnif� and hold the city harmless from any claim resulting in damage or personal injury to the undersigned by reason of the aforementioned uncompleted condition. B Lender �� PP0.IECT PDUPESS: 3 ��. q a� a� �•,.A C� OWNEN'SNAME:.;. J_h. PFS_.3�C.: � � nooeess:U'�tA, ���R�CA E� :3ti° r�' A3A`!A C�� :JS:A `�35rl,CA �ti�—:9.:0 ABCHIENGINEEB: � RDDPESS: �N�T: ?�625 HEG.NO.: UNIT: PEflMITTEE:-r�A\� PAC_:'�C iIOOFI:iG (7.41c37-�443 aooxess: ; 9 � : �!:.:.,A�2E\ :.\ Fi;;\��ti3TOti BEACH CA 92696 LICENSEO CONTPACTOH UECIABATION: I hereby al�irm ihai I am licensed under pmvision5 of Chapler 9(commencing wilh Sec�ian 1000) ol �iNslon 3 0l Ihe Business and Prolessions Code, ana my license is in lull �orce anE el�ec�. iTvuc.:n�-'�ng STFTELIC.:J3�4'7z cass:C-3° " / �a�e'. Signalu _ _ . e��!/����� WONNEBS' OMPEN9 TION DECUflATION: I �er y at' m Ihai I have a cehificale of consent to setl-insure or a certi�icate of Workers' Campensaiion Insurance. ar a ceriifiea coOY �hereo ction 3800. Lab. C�. POIICY NO.: E%P. OATE: COMPANY: � Ceniliea copY is here�y �umishetl. ❑ Cenifie0 coDY is liletl wnh [he ciry Building Division. Oa�e: Fpplicani: E%EMPTION FBOM WOHNEflS' COMPENSATION UECLPPRTION: (This section nee0 nol be completetl if �he permi� is lor one hundreU ($100) or less�. I certily Ihat in Ne pedormance o� I�e work �or which ihis permi� i'SsueO, I s�all not employ any person in any manner so as �o became �ublect lo e Co ensalion Laws of Calilomia. Date:^'/��� Sign ' NOTICE: It, ai�er making ihis tleclaration, sl Id become sublem �o Ihe orkers' Compensatmn pmvisions a� Ihe La6or Coae. you must fotlhwilh compry wilh ch visions or �his permi� shall be deemed revoketl. CONSTflOLTION LENOING AGENCY: I her lirm Ihat there is a constmc�ion IenOing agency for �Ae perlormance ol Ihe work for whicn Ihis Oermil is issuetl (Seciion 3W7. Civ. C�. LENOER:S;�ORE �c.:ECTORS REOi;�REU aoosess:n_R �H:. :99:EJ UF :''_iE :ibC OWNEN BUILOEN OECIAflFTION: I hereby a�firm Iha� I am exempt irom ��e ConVactors' State License Law for Ihe tollowing reason (Seciion 7031 5 Business ana Pmlessional CODe' Any tiry ot coun�y which requires a permi� to cons�mc�, alier, impmve. Oemolish, or repair zny stmc�ure, prior lo ils issuance, alsa repuires �he ap0licant for such permi� ta file a 5igne0 statemenl that �elshe is licensed pursuant lo ihe pmvisions ot i�e Con�racbrs' Sta�e License Law (Chap�er 9(commencing wi�� Sec�ian 7000) ot Division 3 oi �he Business antl Pmiessions COAe) or Ihat he/she is exempi Iherelmm and Ihe basis �or ihe allegea exemption. Nny violation of Seclian 7031.5 by any applican� for a Oe�mi� sublec�s Ihe apPlican� Io a civil penalty o� not more Ihan five huntlre0 tlollars (E5110�. , as owner oi �he pmpetly or my employees with wages as t0eir sole compensation, will tlo �he work, and ��e ❑ simc�ure is no� inlendetl ar o��eretl tor sale (Seciion 7044, Business an� Pm�essional Code: The Conlractors' S�a�e License Law does no� apPty �o an owner oi a pmpeny who builds or impmves thereon, and who Does such work himseltlhersell or �hmugh his or Aer own emDloyees. pwviaed Iha� such imDrovemenis are no� in�endetl or ollered �or sale. I( Aowever �he builtling or impmvemenl is 5010 wi�hin one year ol comple�ion, Ihe owner will have Ihe buraen of pmving he/she di0 not �uit0 or impwve �or ��e purpose ol sale�. I, as owner ol Ihe pmpetly. am exclusively conVac�ing wiih licensed conlrac�ors �o consimct lhe pmlect (Sec�ion 7044. Business ❑ anA Pw�essions Cade: The Coniraclors' Sla�e License Law does noi aDDly Io an owner ol property wAo builds or improves Iherean and who conlracls far such D�olecis wilh a conirac�oqs) license pursuanl Io Ihe Conirac�ors' S�ate License Law). I am aware Iha� pmof oi Iheir Worker'S Compensa�ion insurance shoultl be pmvidea to me. � I am exempt untler Section: B. 8 P. C. lor �his reason: Date: Ownec I tla hereby cenify Iha� I am aware ol ana untlerstantl t�e requiremen�s oi Califarnia,Health antl Sa�ery Code Seciions 25505, 25533, an0 25534 ane Ihat I or any future builtling acapani willlwill nol (circle one) neea �o compty wi�h saitl sla�e cotles antl the requirements �or a permit lor cons�mclion or motlilication �mm I�e Air Oualiiy Management �is�rict. flesidential construc�ion apDlicalions are exemp� imm Ihese pmvisions. �ate: Applicani: I here0y cetlify Ihat I �ave rea0 �his application antl slate that ��e above inbrma�ion is correct. I agree �o comply wi�� all cily and coun�y o�inances antl state laws relating Io �uiltling can5lmclion anA hereby au�harize reD�esen�a�ives ol Ihis ciry Io enter upan ihe above�mentmnetl Daie: � � _ � Sgn � � � „ 1641�46 Whpe—Bmldmg; Green—Cotle EnlorcemenL Canary—Appl¢am; Pink—Revenoe', Goltlenroa—Assessor C=�Y CF CG=:A ..ESA - P:.;:.J��� _ cR:.=. -Er`: ..�. _ ];__i.. PER?:�: :�0: B 06227C P:.A?. C�ECS! �;p: .. =p',::. .. c;;?�; .' �Gti�':R�'C""C�: �YP£. _-ti ?c�ti:�. :YPE: S�'R �'_'?.PC�E: A-- :.uB LESCR�P: �G?. . ; /U, RESA�ATH 6 P.PP_Y �'E:�' "::D:,._ER _ �:.�" :C, . . �, rC.- CLA'_X VA:.;.'�: 5,000.00 CA:.C-VA:.?:E: 5,00�.00 GR�J2 CCC: R-'_ /:(-_ C0.`:}:E:�:�S: ':/:; E};=s':. A??:,Y �/2"CDX 6"::a:.==R ::.:,E IGPJG�20-13 if?E�fufi?i�aE#!�#?Ci4iE#E}i�#iE?E�1EiE;'?E?f#FuiFjeieii�±f#E3f�7F#+4i�df3E#i4#?E#####iF:;i: M#if�1°�iFiE±Fis{;'.;';?x�:';�#"r#�IF�ki.�d?##ir Z U�: �\ G R E^-' R E`�' E�? . S S E T B-AVC�}: S ------------ :?A�V ?3J,�UID;G --------- --- ACCE�cnRY �'".��\G FT * ?R:�': FT I?'. REAR: F:' I:: FR�;"'-- F� I:.' �'�'At?y� i --------- :.,EF:. °: �?'. RGHT: . . ��: :.�. , r': �:�: 4�ri':. . _ �,: PARY.i:QG Rt.Q: PROV; PARC�.T�: 139SE120 Z?:E: REF :�:0: P:.A:2?::XG Xd:ES> i ?FiEiFiF}itkiF#+EifiEiFf�..it!fYy###3E::��#?f?'ri'�:Fif?f#i:-:i�#if#i%#}4#1FY.wi:Y.-M1 ##�ih#4�f#%;':'Ici�i::.:.,t....�i'i-: fi�=i'. .:xi.-.• D E V E L U P w E�:' S E R V� r p�• R� c� �� R E y_�: . 5 ZCXIXG APPRUVEJ BY L�A':£: �liILDIT:G APPRGC'FU BY : DA';E; APP:.=CAT�O:v �S�:JEU BY: rA.c: O ��***�t�?�r*u**#r-+�;z+��t*�......---.�xxx.,::.� �� ;.� fi� �.: .?���r�s;:�Y:sr�.,r..�Z—���- #ib�lF�lf#?F##=%##±Eici:#X.:�1c###1F####iciEiF#ifif#kiklEYifi�f' .�lE+4#R-#K:-.-K::Yii�???'•#iF#ici'*� '-i'C`is+::i�:Fa'� -' .'i-':t!L: �'k :.EGA��ZA:IG?'..:�: P E£ S J Y:�: A R Y S':R::C.;:2A� SrG:CEtiT:Y B:.JG Pv': Pi.:.:�:B=tiG E:.EC: PER::�T 7Z.00 PiA:` :,� �SSi;3 FEE BL'�'DI�:G-'JICT-> PEZ::"" .T.�.SJE P :O;A:.S----> 7?.50 0.00 �tECHA\_C _ �RE �._�P/;tE� G:��:�:Z� C /� .�`i?C'�P /NU�?-RES To:.�- �al� �;.;t 72.50 72.50 .00 REV:::;;E ��V�S�U\ :'0'Ai,S--> CC:. �C:EJ: 72.50 O�'ERrcc:C_t: 00 E�JG P:S^.' P�:J?:B��:G E�ECTR:C 2!�CHAX;C F�RE 5:!�P/:O^ GRA:��'iG ?�A1�-CY.ECY, 72, OQ , �� iF?E-}Fifie�lfif?F'li3fiFlFif}iF?ciii:i;.?F'iF3cii+:iF3Fi£iEiEiEil'<iE'lE#iiFifif�?Fii#iFiEiF;={Fk'1EiEiEd::7:::•iFiciE#'k'::�:i:"-!�:';:::;1f*#i:-�•�:• �F+�-.�: � ti D I V: D.. A:, c E E B R E A.. D 0:. 3 .YPE Q:Y D E S C R � P'�' I O:v LT:�'�: COST :0':A:. Cu5';' S:R� SOOG Rt.RUvr BY VALIIE RrS'U::Ci2Ai, tiVZ4A:`t 1.C'J �,C10C.C� , �; EtiL� OF FEES EXPIRED � � P,let@ Inspectjpt� �at� �a��� l - � jf `l � � 01 001395SG-00139557 T�] T 72. SB DA7E: DS/21/93 TItIE: 1`a49 � COidSTRUCTION AND PLANNING APPROVALS Permit,-� 1. Temparary Electrical Service or Poie 2. Soil Pipe-Undrgrnd. . 3. eiectrical Condui: l;t��rtY-Undrgmd. 4. Eiectricat CondwFUndryr�d. 5. Steel Reinfo�cemenc �� Eiect�icai UFER Grnd I. Footings � 8. FoundaUon 9. t4'ater Pipe-Undrgmd. 10. Structurai Floor System 11 . Property Sewer Linz & House Connection . 12. Sewer Cap � 13. Roof Drains 14. Rough Pl�mbing 15. Rough Electricai-Condurt 16. Rough Electric YViring 77. Rough Wiring Siyn 18. Rough Electrical-T Ba� Ceihng 79. Rough Hea2ing & Au CordnSomng 20. Rough Factory Firevlace 21. Ducts, in Structure 22. Ducts, Ventilating 23. Gas Pipe�Ro�gh & Test 2A. Roof Fram�ng ��5. Roof Sheathing 26. T�Bar Ceiling (Structurall & Nonocaat 27. Freme and Flashinq 28. Lathing & S�ding 29. tnsulation _ 30. Drywall �Laihng 31 . P?aster Brown Coat 32. Electrical Power Yet¢r__F�nal 33. Final Electric 34. Final Heatinq & A�r Conditi0nirty 35. Final Gas Pipe�Test 36. Hood or Canopy 37. Final Factory Fireplace 38. Final Plumbing 39. 4t'ater Service-Final 40. Gas Service-Final � 41. Solar pomestic•F�nai 42. Sackflow Preventer 43. Backflow trrigation 44. Land:cape irriqation System. � 45. Sound Attenuation 46. Handicap Regulations � 47. FINAL STRUCTURE & BUILDING 48. FiNAL PLAN�VING 49. Electric Release to Edison 50. Gas Release to Soutbem California Gas Co No. Date Date � Inspector 0 � PO� .SPA APPROVALS Permit-,� 52. Pool & Equ�oment Locat�on 53. Steel Reinforcement 54. Fo*ms 55. Etect��eai Bo��d��g 56. Rough Plumbirg & Pressurc Tesi 57. APPROVAL Tp COVER�GU��iTE 58. Electrical Conau"�Undr,,nd, 59. Gas Pipe, O Undigri}d., Test 60. Backwash Une�, P�Trap,:; Undrg���� 61. APPROVAL TO �ECK 62. Backrrash t3� �erePtcrP�n,i 63. Heater & Vent-Fina� 64. Pium6ing Sy:.•em - PI^a! 65. Electricai-F!nal 66. Solar System�Fin;,! 67. Fe�eing & Access Ae>Proval 68. APPftOVED F0� PLASTL-RING 69. POOUSPASYSTE��ASfINAL FIRE DEPT. REQUIR:h�EPJT APPROVALS Parmit �_ � Date �Inspectur � _ i -� ---. 70. Undergro�nd Hyuro i ' 71. Proeluct P�pinc� '� Gas C Oii -{I- 72. Undergro�no FI,,,�, --�- I - ---' 73. Undergmu.5to-a ,r. i ank _7 Gas �;;.� ,� 74. Overi:ead Hyd�r-- --` � . - -- -- ---j-- --- -- 75. Dry Chem�czl " 76. Dry Stanc!a:pc - --- ---- - - 77. FIXED SYST�F." ?iNAL �i-� .----1 7B. FIRE PREV. FI^JHL - -- -- �` --- rtiEALTH DEPT. REQUIREiNEN'f 79. FINAL INS�'ECTIDN ` I 30. FOOD CER7iF'::�\TE IS�UED � � - -- - --1-----�-- Notes: ; 1 ______ --_y I - - � , . .. __ m, �: , R _ :� - - -- CITY OF COSTA MESA , BUILDING DIVISION �'' ROOF COVERING CERTIFICATION Property Address !i� ���Y�i�� �� Owner Contrac Permit No. I'/��l����/ State Contractor License Number �i���v Classification � I hereby certify that 1 have installed, or caused to be installed, a minimum Class C roof covering at the above address in conformance with Chapter 32, and Section 1704 of the latest adopted edition of the Uniform Building Code, as amended in Section 5-17 Title 5 Costa Mesa Municipal Code, and the installation instructions of the manufacturer. ❑ I further certify that I am the owner of the property. (Owner-Builder permittee only). ❑ I further certify that I am: Owner of sole proprietorship company ❑ Full partner of the company ❑ Limited partner of the company ❑ Officer of the corporation I certify that as an authorized officer or agent of the company or corporation, I am empowered to make this certification, which shall be binding on all successors or assigns of the company or corporation. I shall deliver a copy of this Certification to the above listed owner, after submittal of form to the Building Division for acceptance. Received by Building Division By: 0990-46 Whi�e-Builtling Oiv; Canary-ConVactoq Pink-Owner ���Nh �%rC�iL ��►�, I��� � mpany o�Orpor e Na j`! {�,�A� �/ �Ad ress � �/ ' vl"� � t/ v Si nature Date �j�f� b/� Primea or rypetl name OWNER �gMEg DS�7FI JOB ADDRESS ��4Sp� GENERAL CONTRACTOR AP No. LOl INSPECTIONS SOIL GAS WATER �],} G9 ROUGH PLUM6ING ��T� PROP. SWR. LINE OUSE CON. SPRINKLING SVSTEM ROUGM HEATING ANO AI TEMPORARY SERVICE 0 UNDERGROUN� � P ROUGH WIRING TRENCHES � FORMS FLOOR SVST� 60N0 BEAM ❑ STE SHEATHING FRAME AN� FLASHING LATHING - IN �- 01 PLASTER, BROWN�COAT STRUCTURAL, FINAL HEATING, VENT., REFRIG PLUM6ING, FINAL ANO G ELECTRIC, FINAL BUILOING, FINAL SPECIAL REOUIREMENTS f STEEL REINF. REINFORCE ❑ AN� A.C., FINAL i TEST _Y-L � F DATE 5-1-6� BUILDING PERMIT N SUBCONTRACTOR B-1R i� PAID '�� i I 6 T+PR 2�3'6GcrcsaO01310'� *�� 137.25 COSTA MESA BUILDING-SAFETY DEPARTMENT P.O. BOX 1200 COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA 92626 APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT For Applicant to Fill in Completely REC Ep V DATE RECEIVED DATE ISSUED ADIDfiESS 3 3� y-aa-6 G'� i J � PERMIT NO. OWNER Hermss �EV. C.O. .4.P. NO. ^— 7(1 � 1� BUILDING � � � Z . / �j ADDRESS LI�Y �. 17th Street />DDRESS pt� i d U CITV S'&jp't8 Apg NOL 7-70�4 TFACT(0 �{ � LOT BLOCK Z Z Q CONSfRUCTION W A A R PA o N LENDER United States National Ban� am �� BRANCH 150 Broadway Avenue J N OWNER m � ADDRESS San Die o� California vn�u J m ARCHITECT TEL S $ a n �a K. ori s No.b 1164 V Q FIRE '� w� ADDIiESS Z71�L �. COBBt. HV! . Corona D M Z�NE TVPE GROUP� �� aw APPROVED J O CONTRACTOR OY7278t' BV DATE m Z J � ADDRESS w w TEL. ZO NO.OF USE OF NEW Z� GITV NO. � P�� BUILDING � STATE CITV VARDSAPPROVED VAROSAPPFOVED y� ���. No. 25256o LIQ NO. MAIN BUILDING ACCESSORV BUILDING �� 512E NO.OF BLDGS. (FROM GL ST ET) OF LOT ZOO X NOW ON LOT O FRONT FT. FT. USE OF !, EXISTING BLDG. S E V FT. FT Z N W B DG. 177� ROOMS 7 STORIES 1 l. SIDE !/ FT. FT. V EXTERIOR WALL ROOF COIDIJO Cr � COVERING St.i3CC0 COVERING ��OOd FEAR FT. FT. J USE OF BUIL�ING AND WORK TO BE PERFORMED OISTANCE BET. BET. MAIN & a MAIN BLOGS. ACCESS. BLDGS. a Q VAR.#` DATE 0 Residence w at ached ra e c.u.P.# -�S-C�b' APPROVED S`�-(� ~ APPROVED �/ -/ �/ f/� f� / z � VI hereby actoow�edee tnat � na�e read this apPlication and state HOLD FOR SPEC AI, REQUI^�' "� � that the above intormation is correct antl agree to comply with �����'-• �,' - � all laws ragulating builtlinB consttuction, antl I shall not employ F any persan in violation ot the wo�kman's compensation laws of y the State of Calitomia. / .1 � ^( m z U1 L� � I hereby certify that I am properly licensetl as a convactor untler SQ. FT. O the State of California Business entl Protessions Cotle, Divisicn 3, THE AMOUNT SHOWN UNDER VALUATION IS FOR � Chapter 9, antl that such licenses are in full'force antl effect, or I THE PURPOSE OF ESTABLISHING A PERMIT FEE ONLV: m am exempt from the provisions of the 5 te of Celifornia Business � andProfessionsCotle, ' ision t 9. VALUATION � �`� m PERMIT FEE S 1 CJ � ] Sig^ature of � � � �•, �� m Permlttee $a�;3ia PLANCHECK3 O Authorizetl Agent n/�- LL TOTAL FEE $� . GT�./