HomeMy WebLinkAbout2523 ANDOVER PL - Building Permits/ � �I PflOJEL�F�DNES$: Z S Z 3 ANDOVER PL c•Nxea•s r+ame: SANDSTROM KENNETH G TR ,,.'� nooness: 2523 ANDOf7EA PL COSTA MESA,CA 92626 FflCH/ENGINEEH: ROOflESS: PENMITfEE: ACADEMY ROOFING aoosess: 1833 E 17TH ST SANTA ANA UCENSEO CONTRRCTOP OEClAPA710N: I hereby attirm tha . 70W) of Div,sion 3 ollhe Business and Pmiessions Cotle, a tl n ciTr uc.: 4 S 51 s,nre uc.: 5 3 3 7 6 Da�e: SignaNre: WOHNEBS' C MPENSRTION OEClAB/1TI0N: I here�y af Compensa�ion Q� c li e con t ereo� (Seciion 381 POLICYNO.: ���"����—P"� P.I comrnNr: GOLD EN ,�( � Cem�ietl �oPy is�hereby �umishetl. L'7 Certified c DY i fi UNIT: flEG.NO.: UNIT: (714)973-1261 308 CA 92701 ae0 untler pmvisions ot Chap�er 9(commencing wi�� Sec�ion se is in full torce anU etfect. cuss: C-39 a certificate of consen� m self-insure or a certificaie ai Workers' �'8/01/94 with the ciry Building �ivision. Date: G � Applican : E%EMPTION F OM WO IKEfl$' COMPENSATION OECUMT .� This section neetl not be campleted il fhe permtt is for one hundred (5100) or less�. I certify tha� in �he petlormance o� �he work tor whic is permil is issuetl, I shall not employ any Derson in any manner so as to become subleci to t�e Workers' Compensation Laws of California. Oate'. Signalure: NOTICE: If, aiter making this tleclaration, you should become su�lect to the WOBers' Compensation O�ovisions af ihe La�or Cotle, you musl foMwith compry wilh such pmvisions or this Dermi� s�all be tleemed revoked. CONSTflUCTION LENUING FGENCY: I here6y affirm t�at ihere is a constmction lentling agency for t�e peAormance ot the work far which this permiiis issuetl (Section 3097, Civ_ C). lENOEN: aooness: OWNEP BUILDEH oECLAHAT10N: I hereby affirm that I am exempt imm ihe Coniractor5' State License Law (or the (ollowing reason (Seclion 7031.5 Business and Pmfessional Cotle; Any ciry of counry which requires a permil to consimct, alter, impmve, demolish, or repair any stmclure, prior to ils issuance. also requires ihe applicant tor such permit to file a signed statement ihat he/she is licensetl pursuam m �he provisions o� Ihe Comraclors' Sla�e License Law �Chapter 9(cammencing wiih Sec�ion 7000) o� Division 3 0� ��e Business antl Pmfessions Code) or (hat he/she is exempt therefmm and the basis for lhe allegetl exemptian. Any violation of Section 7031.5 6y any applicant lor a permit suble<�s Ihe ap0lican� �o a civil penalty of no� more Nan five buntlretl dollars ($500�. I. as owner of the pmpeny or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will Oo the work, anA the ❑ stmcture is not intentletl or offere0 fnr sale �Section 7044, Business and Pmfessianal CoAe: The Coniractors' State License Law tloes no� appry ro an owner of a pmperty who builds ar impmves [�ereon, and who does such work himselt/hersel� or through his or her own employees. pmvided �hai such impmvemen�s are no� imentletl or oflered �or sale. I[ howevet the builtling or , impmvemen� is sold within one year ot completion, the owner will have Ihe burtlen o� proving he/she Oid no� bui10 or impmve �or t�e purpose of sale�. I, as owner of �he pmperty, am exclusively contracting with licensed contrac�ors �o cons�mc� the projec� (Section 7�44, Business ❑ and Pmfessions CoOe: 7he Contractors' State License Law tloes not apply to an owner o/ Droperry who �wltls or impmves ihereon and who contrac�s �or such pmlects with a conVactor(s) license pursuant to Ihe Contractors' Sta�e License Law). I am aware �hat pmo� o� their Warker's Compensa�ion insumnce shoultl be pmvitletl �a me. � I am exemD� untler Section: B. 8 P. C. �or �his rea5on: Date: Ownec I tlo hereby certiry tnat I am aware of an0 unUerstantl ihe requirements oi California Health and Safery Code Sections 25505. 25533, antl 25534 and Ihat I or any �Nure huilaing occupant will/will nol (circle one� nee0 to tomply wi�h Saitl 5tate tOtles and the requirements �of a permit for constmciion or motli�ica�ion �mm �he NIr �uaiily Management Ois�nc�. Fesi�ential canslmclbn appNcalions are z�empt imm these provi5lan5. �a�e' Npplicanl: I here6y certity �hat I have read �his applicaiion antl s�at ortlinances an Slaiel srelatingto building consimctian pmperry for nspecti n pur0oses. Da�e: Signa�ur �river's License or Social Securiry q: above informa�ion is correcL I agree m compty wi�h all ciry and county ry authorize representatives of this ciry ro emer uDon Ihe a6ove-mentionetl tfi41-46 Whi1e—Bu�lding; Green—Cotle Enlorcem , Canary—Applicant: Pink—Revenue; Goldenroe—Assessor CITY OF COSTA MESA — BUILDING PERMIT PERM NO: B 06415 PERMIT NO: H 064152 PLAN CHECK NO: N GOVT: N SUPP: N CONSTRUCTION TYPE: PERMIT TYPE: STR � PURPOSE: ALT JOB DESCRIPTION ; T/OF£ REROOF W/COMP SFIINGLES SQ FT: 4,400 CLAIM VALUE: 4,400.00 CALC—VALUE: 4,400.00 GROUP OCC: R-3 /M-1:. . COMMEN'fS: REROOF 4100SF RESIDENCE 6 GARAGE WICOMP SHINGLES'� itittt�t�t��tit�t�***�f��*�r*�r�i�*iric��r�r*�r�t**+t*i�it+��t*+r�tit�t�t*�r**�t***�t**�t*�tit+t+t�ly�� ****x��rr** Z O N I N GS—ERTEBQAUCIKRSE M E N T S'. ��aT�f, �.;��7-ECTOR . �.. �.� ------------ MAIN BUILDING ------ --- --------- ACCESSORY�'`"St-YZLB;P���f—� � FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN FRNT: FT IN REAR; . ` FT� �„��'17 LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN LEFT; FT IN RGHT: FT IN PARKING AEQ: PROV: PARCEL: 14141226 2NE: REF NO: �'.,;,,r,;, PLANNING NOTES> .� iE iE it iE iF iF 1E iE iElF iF iF if 1E iE iE 1F iF M if if ik if ih k if 1f ik iE iE iE fE if IE iE iE it it 1E iE it iE IE iE if iE iF M 1E iF i! if if ik if it 1E iF iE if iE fE iE iE if 1F 3f if 1E if if if iE if if 9E iflk iE D E V E•L O P M E N T S E R V I C E S R E Q U I R E M E N 1' S ZONING APPROVED BY DATE; BUILDING APPROVED BY : DATE: APPLICATION ISSUED BY: DATE: 2— j �+r��rx�**�r�r*�r�r*�**�r***�r* +�x�***�*x�*����+F� iElk iE �t iE i! iF iE iF if if iE 4 iE iE if 1F �! if �k iE iE if 1E iFlF iE iF Iflf %1f if if iF iE fE if iF iF if 1E �t iF it iF 1F 1E it ik 1f iF iF iF jF 1F fE 1k 1E iE iE iE iF iF iF iE iE iF �1F iF if iE aE �f 1! %if iF ik LEGALIZATION:N F E E S U M M A R Y STRUCTORAL SEGMENT;Y BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/RES � GRADING PERMIT 72.00 50 SMIP/NON-RES PLAN . ISSUE FEE BUILDING—DIV—> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN—CHECK TOTAL PAID J.'� DUE TOTALS----> 72.50 0,00 0.00 72.50 72.50 .00 AEVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED: 72.50 OVER/SHOAT: .00 BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/TOT GAADING PLAN—CHECK % 2. Q � . 5 � . , jf 1E iE iE i! 1F i! iE iE i! iE if !f iE if iF iE if iF aE it iF if if 1E jf 1f iE iF if if 3f iF iE i! iE iE if iF �f if iE iE i! iE iE ff 1f if iF �E if 3E iF if fE iF if if iF 1f 1E 9F iF jF it iF iF iF iF M if M iF if iF iF iF iF I N D I V I D U A L F E E H R E A K D O W N ' TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I O N UNIT COST TOTAL COST SFR 4400 REROOF BY VALUE RESIDENTIAL NOZONE 1.00 4,400,00 END OF FEES /: � \ �? QQ147599—OQ147?OQ Tf_►T i2.5Q DATE� 04/27/93 TII"E: 10:1D . ; . ' f�ONSTRUC710N AND PLANN4NG POOc:Si SPA �.t APPROVALS Permit #- � �Date Inspector APPROVALS Permit # Date inspector 1. Temporary Electrical Servsce or Po�e�� ,' 52. Pool & Equipment Location ' 2. So7! P'�pe-Undrgmd. - .r "' 53. Stezl ReinfqrCement . -�i_„ �, r. . ;�:- � ��jec2rlea� Con'L4u'�t Utility�Undrgrnd.�y 54. Forms - �� •�:'K. Eiectncal Conttuit�Undrgmd. - 55. EIecU'ical Bnnd�n� '- S �, ,`'�.rl`.,�eel Reinto�cem''eq7 - 56, Rouyh Plumbing & Pressure Test _ 4>�xcr. i:al UPER Grnd. �- 57. APPROVAL 70 COVER GUNITE =,1 ";�n�F�ooUnys � �' ;� - 58. Electrical Conduit�Un�rgrntl. y �:•�oundaUon ;, J .- 59. Gas Ripe,� U�drgrnd., 7est � ��9. Water Pipe�Untlrgrnd. 60. Backwash Linos, P•Trap, O Undrgrnd. J0. Structure� Faor System �� 61. APPROVAL TU DECK N. l'�noperty Sewer Lime & HouseCcinrsEction , ,� � 62. Backwash � ReceWtorFinal 12. �wer Cap � - 63. Heater & VenhFinal 13. Roaf Dra�ns � � ' 64. Piumbing System - final 14. Rough Plumbii,9 '� 65. Electrical-Final ` 75. Ro�gh Electrical•Conduit 66. Solar System Pinal r16. Rough Electric�Wiring 67. Fencing & Aceess ApProval 77. Rough WiringSign 68. APPROVEO FOR PLASTERING 18. Rough Electric�6T Bar Cei6n9 69. POOLISPA SYSTEMS FINAL 19. Rouyh Heating & Air Conditioning FIRE DEPT. REQUIREMENT - _ �;7 _ �, 20,.'. Ra?gh�,FactaYy Fkr�piace � ^'vi •Z � : � � APPRqVM"� aGPe�mit # : T_ > -f 7 a�,,l H"-. 21�.Ducts,�Stgucttiie , ; :. ,�? � � ••� '70. �ndergr611r,� Fl�tlro F9 - - 22. Ousts,'VenCiating'r ,�:' _ '.^�` � "71. Produc���Ipjn�L']�as C70i1 � 2�;:Gas PiqG-Raugh& �fest � �� . ,- - . ? .,72, Undergraprtd Flu��i�._ 24. Rcof Framing _�:% . . ••i� . ^ z' _.� "7 ='Undergrrid.StoIT�T�nk,"OGas ❑�31 25. �Ocjf Stiaathing �, . ;� ''� �� qj G t�{� 7q; 9verhead Hydro 2B:�T-6ar Ceiling (Structuraq &'Sv}o�ocoat �� ,� ,� l� ' � )� �ry Chemjcal ' - - �• 27.' Frame apd Flashing . .. ; �„_ � i ' �n� . � ._ � ,;, r, r�> 76. ISry StandRipe ; -.28.'t,aihin6�&Siding��_ . _;�y'�: x ��`. �� x* 77?'FIXED�TE�v7FINA� " 29. Insulati0n ' ' {' ' x .. . � , b $ 78,� FIRE PREV. FI�iMAL , : , � _ -i-�'----- � 30. Drywad"NatGng^"- � �. w •� NIEALTM:DEPF. REQUIR MENT _�_ -; 31. Pl3ster`�ro1vn Coat .- I L, .{. ,.79�- FINAL I,N"�ECT�N r'� '' � � 32. Electrical Power M9ted-Finat 1 i �, � Fr �,. g0,� FOOD CERTIFIGA E ISS D-�� , .. * .. a> _33��Fin�l Electrig . .;� . y ' � ir + Nt�es: .-. �:� _ ` � ' . •y �' , - , 7-'r "r---C--Dj�""�! . - :34.,Fi�l t+�,at�w9&�9ir �ondition,n9' ' � �+ s .. = n:� _ '�� -, � . �_�, `i t.. .. ' 35' Fi�s�l G�s P(de�'f�S� -� � I �� : � -r ;4:^ � i� �." . � ± -Cc C•- ,3�.�HqedouCanopy�7*:.tt �. ; - ,. i � :. " � �- .--- _� .._ . _ .�., . ; '- �.i ���n �3i:?F�f�dl F,actory F'rre`pl�ce,., . - .� ;; �r I "' " �'. ' " . �+ . ., ,. a,_,•r-. �• - . ----1 -�38. Firrel Plambing � x .�; �., �Y .• - .. • i '� 39. W�f�r Service•FiNaE� i rc. t I -. ' ��. t' + • �; � ,r, � t � .40. Gas Servwe;Kinalr y _ � -' .� , � i i, , . -'.-� ,41. Solar ComeStio-�irtffiI�- '�� ' n U b � • - .� .n r. � � l3 e .t- . p � �47�Backtlow Preven�er ;; ; " � ; - �'`, , .. � � i 61 43. Backflow IrtTgatiort '-• � *" -�� F �� � -.. �' x . .; - -r44, Landsc�pe �rigatiuySystenl.,��i;, �, , r, n r�y „ n• '- - _ � � 45'Sound Atteauatiort' � - '• ' ` r' `••* x =`' ' - .n•: , _ . � , , 4�,.Hendic$P Re9uldtiarts �� . `j �� "a ' :i� :. �J47. FIf9c4l STRi7CTURE & EUbLDING '2��7-q3 6r„�GL � L �I ,� � �G•--o-6� a�e�'"• o�- l'�� 48'_FI�1,qLPLANNIN6 . ^� ` .��. ' .- , ' '* - -� _.48^ Electric Release toEdison`�- t ; � � : T + -• - "_ 50�Ga5�Release.3D Southem Celifprr�ia Gas Co �< "" . ., -. �. 51. CEF.i71FICATEOFOCCUP,pN'CY - � ; , No. pate , � "*� . > 2?836 COSTA MESA BUILDINCrSAFETY DEPARTMENT P.O. BOX 1200 COSTA MESA� CALIFORNIA 9262E For Appllmnt ro FIII In Completoly TYPE OR PRINT i ME6A, TeL NO. �� / ('d � ho, NO� a�oo. VR FROY O � I� ��R Rnsar _— � 1 L6FT � RIOlfT DESCRIPTION OF WORK ALT8pAT10N ADD MOVINO � DQM ��Z. �` �� � ROOMB .b 1 WALL �.. _ I ROOF e PLY WITN ALL'C�TY OR em�mHo conmau P8IU�17T6 e Or / AUTHORIZ[D AG�tfT NOV 17-6Z�Asp00 859# ****31.50 11rPlICATION FOR PERMR BUILDINfE ior Offln UH Only zoNiNc � xo. o� usa or Niw ►uru �. eVuo � �non �'� T J� �I � � U �-- �. !�l - �-F/ L -L� NO EAVE OVERNAN6 SXALL !H Ll88 TNAN / ALLOWED YARDD MPROVlD MAIN BUILUIN6 (FROM C/L iT [ ) y FR NT � � L/ R. ID � � . BID / � / °'� VAR. # YARD9 APPROV6D :Cfi890RY BUILDINO �G6 DAT6 /�-2/-L APPHOVHD � (nJ1nn.. nrre l�'/7- �a . 70 � P[RRORM�D p, 07 � / 8Q. PT. � AV{ p'M�� A! TIO TXi AMOYNi �XOWt� YNO6p VALUATION IB POR THe � CORH A A0116[ CO MUpPOBi OM fi�AlL19MIN0 A P6PMIT P6C ONLT. � AN N LATI VALWTION QQ Fip � PERMITF66 S �1 E s�Jzz� 10 o w TOTAi.PH6 �1UWNtR SANDSTROM. 3�TINETH G. DATE 11-17-67 JOB ADDRESS pS24 pndover Place BUILDING PERMIT N0. 27$q( _ GAS PROP. SWR. LINE U HOUSE CON. LJ SPRINKLING SVSTEM MISCELLANEOUS ROUGH HEAT{NG AN� AIR CON01T10NING TEMPOftARV SEFVICE OR POLE UN�EFGROUN� � POWER � ROUGN WIRING ..� .C/O.G7J..�5� BOND BEAh SHEAYHING FRAME ANO FLASHING �YI�A�� P4 �1F- LATMING - IN n OU7 ❑ PL�'�ER, 9ROWN COAT Sl 'URAL, FINAL HEATING, VENT.. REFRIG. ANO A.C., PLUM6ING, FINAL AN� GAS TEST ELEC7RIC, FINAL SUBCONTRACTOR -� ~ 385G5 COSTA MESA BUILDING-SAfETY DEPAR7MEMT ' P,O. BOX 1200 COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA 92626 For Applicant to Fill in Completely BUILDING �^ ADDRESS �{,�V L+• OWNER �J MAR C). � CITV BRANCH ADDRESS CONTFACTOR (.f� ADDRESS CITV STATE �IC. NO. SIZE OF LOT USE OF EXISTING BLOG. SI2E OF ��aa NEW BLDG. EXTERIOR WALL/� 1' LDIN TE �— �'i({%' TEL, NO. CITV LIC. NO. NO. OF BLpGS. NOW ON LOT NO. OF ROOMS STORIE: ROOF COVERING �� j OC RK TO BE PERFORME� I heraby acknowleGge that I have reatl this application antl state that the above intormation is correct and agree to comply with ell laws �agulating building construction, antl I shall not employ anY person in violation of the workman's compensation lews of the Stere ot Calitomia. - I hereby certify that I am properly licensetl as a contractot untle� the State of California Business end Profassions C�de, Divisicn 3, Chapter 9, and ther such licanses are In full forc end ettact, or I am exempt trOm tn p vision5 O�he $tate of altforni u iness antl Professlons C u ivision Ch r 9. Si8^eture of � Permittee l/ ra�� I ����:-s-����F,-��OD 3y6�� ::,����21.50 PPI IC TION FOR BUILDING PERMIT REC I V D Y DATE RECEIVED D TE ISSy, � i �T v/ A.P.NO.I�� � �IZ�Z� P�[�� ADIDRIE S �S�✓ �(�yE,� /,( TRACT�-C�V�^ LOT a I BLOC OWNER FIRE 20NE APPROVE N NO.OF USE OF N PLANS Z BUILDING VARDSAPPROVED VARD: MAIN BUILDING ACCESS � s3. DI5TANCE BET. MAIN BLOGS. VAR..iE C.U.P. �I`-� � APPROVED,,`L RV W HOLD FOR �7 7% ,aTe (O'.�' tT REQUIREMENTS SHOWN UNDER V iF ESTABLISHING A VALVATIQN $/��� m e 0 I IS FOR j = ONLV: m � ¢ - N 7 �� m � LL a OWNER S��'j'ROM� ICIIANE'1'H G. JOBADDRE552523 Andover P1. . kw;; �) INs C; soii �' GAS ROOGH PLUMBING PROP. $Wft. LINE Q HOUSE CON. � SPRINKLING SYSTEM MISC@LLANEOUS RO�GH HEpTING ANO AIR CONOITIONING UNOEqGR0UN0 I I POWER W M LPTMING — IN � � OUT� � /!'/T f,(- Pi 'RER, OROWN COAT :TURAL, FINAL NEntING, VENT., REFRIG. ANU A.C., FINAL ALUMBING, FINAL AN� GAS TEST ❑ ELEC7ftIC, FINAI Riill qlNf. GINGL �i DATE 6-5-74 BUILDING PERMIT N0. SUBCONTRACTOR f �: ���- � ��J`� t� l�� �LC�B 11 �� COSTA MESA BUILDING DEPARTMENT �t,f� �PR � i 18�9 I ; P O. BOX 31] FINfiNCE DEPT. • . COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA I FOR APPLICANT TO FILL IN APPLCCATIONS�FORCPPERMIT Aooa°E'S5 2 2 Andover Place BUILDING ICOSTA MESA. CALIFORNIA FOR OFFICE USE ONLY � RECEIPT NO. PERMIT NC OWNER OIII 1SC• MA1L L555 Placentia 'AEC�EW..E�O, �BV/ / (O�BTE /PECEIVEO DATE ISSUI ADDRE55 ` v- /" / "/ � � - TEL. r� BUILDING CI V 8 C C� NO. j![I �} 22` AODRESS nricHiTecT ggp�g ��c. COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA OR ENGINEER NO. ' � FIRE ADDRE55 8 ZONE �CUIVIfiPCTVM1o�� U�i7g1�• V�• CITV NIO, lu7 ZONE � PL�RN$ �n / TVPE � GFOUP�➢' �� v v I TEL. APPROVED � G ADDRE55 NO, 8SII18 8� DATE '�E��� �or r�� CORRECTIONS oesGaivnor+ NO. BLOCK TRACT /,pg2 � A.P. NO. 5¢E' �+a. oF e�ocs. OF LOT Q now Orv toi O i USE OF EXIST,ING BLDG. '� SETB�CR LINE FFOM ^e� � CENTEP OP STREET O REAR YARD G/ I ` SIDE YARD RIGHT LEFT � I DESCRIPTION OF WORK NEW I ALTERATION ADOITION REPIAIRI MOVING DEMOLISH SIZEDING 1SM�/']O ROOMS O STORIE51 1 !i 4l 1 E%TERIOR WALL a ROOF COVERING SbUCCO COVERING hot-mopped osEOF^NEW residence and att. garage I � The Artrount'shown under valuation is for the I HEftEBY'ACNNOWLEDGE THAT 1 H.�VE FEAD THIS APPUCITION ANO purpose o esta is ing a perm�t ee ony. STRTE TNRT TNE ABOVE IS CORfiECT AND AGflEE TO COMPLY WITN ALL C�TT OflDINRNCES D ST/TE l/.WS RFGUI/TING BUIL�ING CONSTROP TION, I � yALUATION 39 00 SIGNATURE OF PERMIT FEE $ � �. PERMITTEE �� nn O � I 15,622�Vv P�AN CMECK $ 1l.50 i $ AUTHORIZED GENT TOTAL FEE $ 52� SO SM� i I