HomeMy WebLinkAbout2912 ANDROS ST - Building Permits\ \ �oSnEssa emiaxc: 2 9 1 2 ANDROS S T� UNT: OWNEP'SNAMEIFIWOWN: CAMPEAU, LAWRENCE M woeess: $HERITAGE INC�ESTMENTS 2845 MESA C'ERDE DR EAST 3UITE 7 COSTA MESA,CA 9262E ,�vv�. wnum �ooxess: � IAIItXRECTOflFNtlNEER: /iFCIL Ofl ENG.'S ApOXE55: UC. N0: CONTPICTIXI'S N/J.�: caxmncroxswuuxc AUDf1E55: UC. NO.: UNT: UNT: UCENSEU COIRPRCTONS DECLANRTION: I hareW efl'xm undar paneYy d parjury thel 1 am I'remed uMar proviabna of Gheqx 9 (mmmenarp vrith Sec�ion 1aao) M Diviaion 3 ot iM &ainees and Pmfessbiu Coda. and mY liceree ie in full farce eM eMed. cm uc. No.: uc. cuss: uc. No.: EXP : OWNEP BUILDER �ECLARaTION: I heraby eff�im under peraly ot perlNN �� I em ammq Imm �M ConVeaas Licenee Lew fa Me 'Mlow'vp rmeon (�ion ]W1.5 Buanms eM Pm/eabnn Code: MY ��Y a muny xfiiM �equiree e pe�mM lo mnahucl. allar. imWow. �nol'sh, or repe'n eny eVuaure. pnor b ds iaua�w, e6o requiree the epplicenl lor e�ch permu m file e apned etelement thm M or eM i�,�e ��,i �o ma aw�oo. d ma com�m«, �,0a �,. �Chepter 9(mmmendrq wilh Sadion ]000) d Oivoion 3 d Iha eusinesa eM Prdmabm Gade� or tlw he a ehe is azemp thareimm end the beais ta iM dbped uemqion. Nry videtion d Seaion ]031.5 by eery epplieentla e permn wbjetlelhe epplicaMto a dW perieMy ol�atmorethen fwa �urMreE dolkrt�5500��. � I.mownardiMpropanYormY�P�N'��hwepmevihe'veobmmpeneeiion,Wldolhenwk.eMiMeVueWreiaewtintended w ollered for eele (Section 1061. Bueii»m eM Proleasiona Coda: The CoMraaon Licenaa lew daes nd epplyto en ownar IN popairy who WYEs w'vnpmvae Iheeaon, vM who Eaee awh xwk NmwM a hanatl w �hrouph h'o a her own em0�• M�ded thel euch �imqovemenle ere ml imandad a oMreE lor sab. tl, lrowmx, �M buiNinp a inpowment ie eold wilhin an ymr d compl&ion, Ne ,l owner-0uiNx xill heve Ihe buMen d peovirp M or eha did rwl WiM or impmva ta IM W�a «+�e). LJ I, av ovmer d iM propa�y. em xdusive conireUi with licamad cronvac�pe ro conatrud IM Prolmaione Coda: The Comeeqwe Lieen» law Eo�ee iat eppy to en owrer d �Bf� (�10" ]ON. Bwinme eM MOPeM wM builde a imMw'm �Mreon uk who convena for aurli O�ol�s �h e wnVeda(a) I'renaed punuen� b tM Convenore lioeme law). ❑ I am ue(m�pt/�,d m '. , B. B.P.C.. br ihia�°°jP^ ��/1 '/C7 Dete: _T/T / �� � � /Owner��� 1� V ( (/' r � ao ne�.M �enity met � em eware a ena u�d.�stena m. rec��remnm a cmaanie r�.du� ena sdar coee s.aiom asws. zssaa..ne 25531, entl Nel I w arry Mure buildi�p owpanl xill / wil mt (dreb om) naed to eanply weh eaid etete eodm vd iM eequiremmk b epe�millormnalrucMionormodiflalbnhomihaA'v uaTy�epemamDis�rip.Rmidenlielmnet�udioneppliraliaoe�eexempitmmlheee p�ovisions. Deta: APWiceM: WOXKEN'9 COMPENSATON pECLM�TION: I Mreby effi�m uiMar perul�y ol peijury an o/ �he bllowiip tledaratom: � I heva end wJl meintein e cerlificete W oonw�l to aeMi�uun b worke�e' wmpanaetian, d proviEaE Iw by Seeion 3)00 of tha lebor Coda, la 1M partormence d iha xak ior wkch Nia pamn ia baued. ❑ i ne�.�e �o �m� won�• �o��� ���re��. d�a���e nr s.a�oo a�oo d ma �« coea. e� ma w�ro.�� d m. work Iw which ihie pamin ie �ued. My workers mmpanaetion imurenee cerrier aM poliry numbsr ere: c�.�: Poliry Number: (7Ais section neeE not be canu/ered r rM 0�! is la are hundred dd/ers /tfao) w bea.l ti] I eenJy Inet in the pMonnanea W iM wak br xfiich thie pe�mil is uweE, I e1Wl ral employ erry peeeon in a�ry mannar m o to bxoma eubl� lo IM v.wlinre' canpenaetion lewe d Califomia. uM prae Nel il I ahould becane wbjetl lo IM v.o�kere' cwnpensati n Oiv isbne d Sedion 3]00 W IM Lehor Coda. I ehel hv.il py wiN iMa oro. Dme: Applicent: �� � �i7 Wem/np: Fe un ro ucuro wailren'romperwtlon roverape b unbwN( �ntl Msll w6/eet en employsr roWMml pwu/tlq and c/vll llnsa up ro om huntlrorl Nn��uM aolbn (StIX{OOOA In etlJltlon b tln rost ol rompe�fbn, La� u provMeC ror In 3xtlrn 9)PB ol Me Lebor COC�, Intrut, antl attomori tsu. CON9TPUCTION LENDINO AOENCY: I Mreby elflim under penalry d per'ryry Ihel tMie b e mnslivaion kMinp epency for tM pertormeMe W I�a nvrk la whidi 1�6 permY is eauad (Sed'an 308). Civ. C). LENDER'S NAME: LEN�EN'S RDDPE55: I CBrlily thet I heve read tM1le epplcmian aM mmOlhet IhB elwra Iniame�ian o cw�erl. I epiee IO eompy wdA alI dry vM couMy ordlnercea eM ateie lexs reletinB w build'vp conslrutlion end Mraby e��hor¢e reprexntetivea otihu tily lo anter upm IM ebove�mmlbriad properly �«��°°°"�°°°�`°°'°' ROBERT BURNSIDE ^ 1 � �P''n��nic a / ,/ W ' .-/ 7 � oma: s�u�wre a ow�,ann��vavN�ucomrea« Whna-Buildiq 8 Setery: Oreeri-File; Cenery-AppFeani; Pink-Rewwe: Oddm�o�Assesmr CITY OF COiTA MESA — BUILDING PERMIT PERMIT NO: B 074160 PLAN CHECK NO: 03642-95 L CONSTRUCTION TYPE: PERMIT TYPE: STR JOB DESCRIPTION : 10 LIN FT OF 6' BLOCK WALL PERM NO: B 07415Q GOVT: N SUPP: [d PURPOSE: OTH SQ FT; 10 CLAIM VALOE: CALC—VALUE: 200.00 GROUP OCC: R-3 / COMMENTS: PARTY WALL AGREEMENT W/2913/2917 JACARANUA ST +��ie�iE*�+��***����**ie**ieat***iE�*�iE�ie***ie�iEiE*****iE+��*�iF**+�*ie**********��****ie**a�*** Z O N I N G R E Q U I R E M E N T S S E T B A C K S ------------ MAIN HUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY BUILDING --------- FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN LEFT; FT IN RGFIT: FT IN PARKING REQ: PROV: PARCEL: 13428406 ZNE: R1 REF NO: PLANNING NOTES> 10 LINEAR FEET OF 6' HIGH BLOCK WALL ALGNG REAR PL i �If if !E if if iF iE 9E dE IF 3E iElE 1ElE iE 3E iE jE iE 3E iE 3E 9F ik iE iE if !E iE if iE iElE 3E iElE iE 1E 9f 9ElF 1E 9E iE iE 9E if 1f !E iE dE 3f IE iE if iE if 9f �E If iE iE 3E IE dE jE dElE fE IE fE iE IE �E 1E 3E 3E iE D E V E L O P M E N T S E R V I C E S R E Q U I R E M E N T S ZONING APPROCrED BY �/�J�V DATE: 9-�-9� BUILDING APPROC'ED BY ;� G✓S.I� DATE: ' II—� APPLICATION ISSO£D HY: DATE: �'I�� fE3EjE9ElEiElE9EIfiElfiEdE*1EiEiE9EiEiE�EiE F iE1E3FiEiFiE3EiEiEiE �iFiE �fif LEGALIZATION:N F E E S U M M A R Y STRUCTURAL SEGMENT:Y BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/RES GRADING PERMIT 15.00 ' .50 SMIP/NON—RES PLAN 9.75 ISSUE FEE BUILDING—DIV—> PERMIT TOTALS----> 15.50 � ISSUE PLAN—CHECK TOTAL PAID DCIE 0.00 ��,9,75 25.25 25.25 ,00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED: 25.25 OVER/SHORT: ,00 . BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN—CHECK 15.00 ' .50 9.75 f if ib 18 iF 1E iF 1E iE iE if iE 1E aF 3E iE iE iE iE iE iE aF iE 1E iE iE # 9f dE if !E iE iE �IE 9E �E 3E iE aE 1E jE iE iE 3E 3E If iE iElE 3E 3ElE fE dE 1E iF iE iE IE iE vE �F 3E IE iF iE iE �E 1f iF �E IE iE �E dE iE iE jE iE iE I N D I V I D U A L F E E B R E A K D O W N TYPE �TY D E S C R I P T I O IJ.; UNIT COST TOTAL COST SFR 10 RES—CONCRETE BLOCK WALL / FT. 20.00 200.00 END•'OF FEES $XPIRED � , 17ii�['O O i i� - _ . 02 OUI?99?9—GQ139>"8Q '� Ce"P 2;.Z'� I%n��: �4/Z�t4i ?i�F: J'JCi}/. AND PLANNING �G , SPA PPROVALS;, Permit# Date fnspector APPROVALS Permit# Temporery Elecvical Service ar Pole 52. Pool & Equipment Location � Soi� Pipe�Undrgrnd. , ' S3. Stee! Reinforcemeni . � Elactriral Conduit UtiVitY-Undrgrnd. � ; 54. Forms � Electricat Conduit-Undrgrnd. Steel Reinforcement � Eiectricel UF,ER Grnd. Footings . �' Foundation , � Water pipe�Undr9rnd. StruMural Ftoor SYstem , Property Sewe� Line & House Connection Sewer Cap ', Roof Oraint � Rough Plumbing , Rough Electcical-Conduit � Rough Hectri'c Wiring . Rffugh Wiring°,Sign r ftaugh Electric2l-T Bar Ceiling Rough Neatin"g & Air Conditio��ng fiough Factory F+replace � Ducts, in Stru'�ture � Ducts; VentilAting . Gas Ripe•Rough & Test lioof �Praming; Roof Sheathin,g T-Bar Ce9ling ��StructuralJ & Monocoei rame and Flashing � athing & Siding , � � ' I Nailiq8 icai Pow�r Meter�Fina1 ERectric ry _ Heating & Air CondiTioning or CanoPY Factory Fii inal Irrigetion e Irri."qation SyStem � � ��� , tenuation . Regu,tatians �RUCTURE&BUILDING NNING fease to Edison to �5outhern California Gas Date s 55. Electrical Bonding (�' � C�,�/ 56. Rough Plumbing & Pressure Test � � 57. APPROVA� TO COVEfl�GUNITE �� �p Gv� 58. Electcical Conduit�Undrgrntl. :� 59. Gas Pipe, � Undrgmd., Test • 60. Backwash Lines, P-Trap, Q Undrgrnd. Y� 61. APPROVAL TQ 6ECK �' 62. Backwash & ReceptorFinal ' � 63. Heater & Vent-Final . 6A. P4umbinc� Sysiem � Final • ' � 65, Electrica6Final : � �� 66. Solar System�Fi�al S7. Fencing & Access Approvai; 68. APPfl6VED FOF PLAS7ERING " 69. PDOUSPA SYSTEMS FINAL _ fIRE DEPT. REQUIREMENT APPROVA�.S Permit # 70. Underground HYdro � � 71. Product Pipin9 QGas OOit 72. Underground Ftush � 73. Undergrnd. Storage Tank � Gas ❑ Oii 74.' Overhead Hydro ' 75. Ory Chemicai . 76. Dry Standpipe ' 77. FIXED SYSTEM FINAI 76. FIRE PREV. FINAL • HEALTH DEP`f. REQUIREA ' 79. FINAL INSPECTtON 8D. FDOD CEiiT1fICATE ISSUED Notes: . �-%�-�� �l� � �; a . . 1 ' Date � Inspector ,r 0 Y .� . _ . _.... . .. _� . ,. �:. SURVEY OF LOT LINE MAY BE REOUIRED �o � oF Ex�Sr�NG !o � hl��G i+ B�xK wa u— aa�z A+vO� 05 �� � 11[i1D[NCE 29i3 SAcA�*� 0�6 DIVISION OF BUILDING SAFETY CITY OF COSTA t�IESA APPItOVED ey ! �' oa�a �-(1-�)� This set ot plans and specifications MUST be kept on �his job at all ilm� and it is untawful to make any changes or�alteration on same wilhout Wtdlen pertnission Irom ihe Division oi Buii�ng and Satery, Ciry at Costa MeSa. e ing of this plan and specifirations SHALL NOT be heW to pemf9 a to be ap0�oval of Ihe violation of any pravisions of any City of Cusha Jdesa Or. . ance anNor State law. >r These G- .s a'� Pemut shail expire by funita6on arW bewme nuil and wid N the buifau or work is �rot commenced an0 maintauied aclive per UBC §303 (� witltin 8D days ot issuanca �IEw (r � 4{-iGti Bwct< w,a�-�- 11EOID[MCf ,� 917 �A�'r'�� S NUMBFR MUST ALL INSPECTION I R[tIDENCE sraeei a _ �-°I t 3 Jc'c cce c-a..� � '�' �i �R �{-O �4 (2 Q„-,f�n�s c�. � a 2 �� � � � "� ., :,'.. ' I; �F > �:Tih'� d • • • i �: ta� c .r I . �. i /a / / � ' •��1/,• . . G �•� � � � � ESTS 11E�fDEMC[ a DECLARATION OF _ .UTHORITY FOR AGENTS OF PROPERTY OWNER TO APPLY FOR PERMITS Bldg. Permit This Permit # # � �7�1!!aa �-7`�/%D `�L 9 l '� �n c/�,�Q o � �-i7 , Street Address AP Number 1. I(we), � a� 2 En �� 'I v� . �� yh }��(,�% declare that I am the Owner of Title —�—' of the above referenced real property, and that I(we) hereby authorize: �6 ���- i�� ���,��,s,�l�� �Ga-a����� Name Telephone No. to obtain permits in my behalf, as owner/builder, for n ��� p IoG �C oUa � l atthe above referenced property. 2. Should any person become an employee engaged in the improvement of the property, I(we) shall im- mediately provide Worker's Compensation Insurance coverage and cause a certificate of that coverage to be filed with the Building Division of the City of Costa Mesa, as required by State of California laws. 3. As owner/builder in fact, I understand and accept that my responsibilities do not transfer to any other per- son, company or corporation. 4. I agree to indemnify and hold the City of Costa Mesa and its employees or officers harmless from any claim resulting in damage or personal injury to myself or any other parties as a result of work authorized by the permits from the City of Gosta Mesa. 5. I declare under the penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed this f�--" day of __�12.,__ 19�, at .o c� �California. ! �ar.���h� p �'YI Ca�+n,aEu✓ 9/O/g�� Printed Name �- I -�� ��� NOTE: This authorization does not grant authorization to perform the work as owner, it solely provides for limited power of attorney to secure this permit in any behalf. NOTARIZATIbN REQUIRED W79-06 (ABv. 7/91) FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE .. = ����� INSURANCE COMPANY .:, , � STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of �Q/!%v K- On �'/�/ll' i� before me G� CQ1�/�CiG�'� personally appeazed (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person� whose name� is/�subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/sl�/th� executed the same in his/t}I�r/th�r authorized capacity(y�, and that by I�is/h�/th�signature�i on the instrument the person , or t entity upon behalf of which the person� acted, executed the instrument. `, ��� �) .. WITNESS by my hand and official eal. � Signature �����( �G( Notary Public in and for said County and State MyComm Gcnerel Aaknuwledgment 1.0 , (Rev. IO/7J) - Fidtlily Nqlional Titie � PARTY WALL AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 5e U�h-�l�- day of . M �C, J-P.�o-1'P.t1'� �'1P�c� , by and between t20��2 � �,A�� S�� �� �tu2.N5 � (>� hereinafter referred to as "LANDOWNER;' and ��'�r� C� � P`��` � hereinafter referred to as "ADJACENT. PROPERTY OWNER" It is hereby agreed that a party wall will be constructed on the property line between U�0 in the City of Costa Mesa, County of Orange, State of California, as per map recorded in Book , Page of Miscellaneous Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of said County. The party wall shall be permitted to encroach _..c��n�'o �c ` At \O' � �1'ro Z�1 I ll �A'�i' iL�NI� �v�, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have entered into this Agreement the day and year first above written. LANDOWN R ��w � �.� / ��_�. - �,,� : � _ (S�i,` ture) KGGrF-!Lr 11/ �u.�YSiU� SuSc.t , k /l.(At_E�--�ukN`iaF Name (iyped or PriMed) ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER cu�`- �IS'l G°c�-f.�u�� �$ignature) La��.c°�« �Iv� . �a�a��/ Name (Typed or Prirned) 0�-9/3 �;���r L��'�J Q-r/� � m.�� l a Fl�^, c�V �5 -�. G'IYI , (Address) (Address) . �� �� ���� ��. NOTARIZATION RE�UIRED W��11a������R�t,��'�' z-�117 tTACAR-AN'� rt\Ii C_UJ�. ,�os.c FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY STATE OF CALIFORNIA Counry of Lt'jQ�l'llJi�.. On �f 7�5 J before me personally appeared /.��,m.�G��D �L !i . /�?a.[� � - � GU/�� 1�.��q � ,� o�� _ � ��,a� � t�, %Ain,� S • personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person s(y' whose name(s) is e subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that }�(�/they executed the same in �/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by t�Q�(their signature(s) on the instrument the person{s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS by my hand and official seal. Signature �:'t��( !/" ` (Seal) Notary Public in and for said County and State . Susan Schrader � U Comm rss�c3� m : +or�mrue�ic c�uiFow+u� � aw+ae couwrv 0 Yy Comm. E��1c Jmw tD, 1986� .���yn. Si.�u" yy,;�,� �� �iy � ... '� "3 i�yr:� ����� ' ir:i✓ � Cenenl Acknuwledgment 1.0 UDOI (Rev. ION4)- Fideliry IVationd Titic / ,\ �UaJ� � ����� COSTA MESA BUILDING-SAFETY DEPARTMENT P.O. BOX 317 COSTA MESA. CALIFORNIA fOR APPUCANT TO f/ll /N COMPLETELY TYPE OR PRINT eui�oiNc �12 A�rps St. ADDRESS COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA Glenverde Homes; ciTv Balbos Island�Calif. Noor3-4220 pp ARCHITECT . LIG. OR ENGINEEft NO. ADDRESS u,, STATE p� CONTRACTOR L'lesCCO CO � LIC. NO. 8lA ADDRESS B°x 65� Balboa Island�Calif LEG.�L _ � I LOT Zl I_. __.. I SIZE 7000 I NOW ON LOT O OF LOT USE OF EXISTING BLOG. SETBACK LINE FROM �(� CENTER OF 9TREET O REAR YARD JV SIDE YARD ILEFT S IRIGHT 7 DESCRIPTION OF WORK n,c.., I R II s, rreer,nn, I II en.,,+,..., I REPAIR I IIMOVING I IIDEMOLISH I BUILDIN�525/44o ROOMS V STORIES �. SIZE E%TERIOR WALL ROOF COVERING $tLlCCO COVERING USE OF BUILDING AND WORK TO BE PERFORMED TcaiAnnnc � _ _ �--��-��3ov 1 HEPEBV AGItNOWLEOGE THAT I HFVE PEAD THIB APPLICATION AND STATE THAT THE ABOVE IS CORRECT AND AGREE TO COM- PLY WITN ALL CITY OPDINANCES AND STATE LAWS NEGULATING B�ILOINO <ON6TpUCT N. �,SIGNA�� NVEFmE HOMES, INC. �=�� R�C`dp��:� ���/ �i-��-�_� FINANCE QEPT. c!rr o; cos�r;a r��sla APPLICATION FOR PERMIT BUILDING �oR officF usE oNcy APPROVED ISSUED COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA ZONING NO.OF UBE OF NI PLANB �i BUILOING fCENTER L�NE 6TJ REAR R.� TH¢ AMOIINT 6HOWN UNDER V�LUATION IB FOR THE PURPOSE OF EST/�BLISNING /� PERMIT FEE ONLY. VALUATION L(J PERMIT FEE $� � PLAN CHECK S ��� $,t� 67�- I�. TOTAL FEE $ �/ � �