HomeMy WebLinkAbout2870 ANZA LN - Building PermitsJ reaecraooeess: z870 ANZA LN owx�rsx�Me: ANDERTON, JAMES W aooaess: �870 ANZA LN � � COSTA MESA,CA 92626 - 719/545-6047 AflCHIENGINEEP: RDONESS: flE0.N0.: UNI7: UNR: PENMITfEE: EXCEL ROOFING ( 719 ) 965-0314 aoosess: 9331 LITCHFIELD DR HUNTINGTON BEACH - CA 92646 LICENSED CONTMCTOfl DECIAMTION: I hareby aifirmthatl am licensed unUer provisions of CAaD�er9 (commencinA ��h Section 7000� o� �iNsion 3 o��he 6usiness antl Pmtession5 CoEe, antl y liten is in full/o ce anU eflect. cirvuc.:047724 sureuc.:55233 cus�C��� oare: �9� 9a Sipnatura: l� � �BNEHS' LOMPENSATION OECIAMTION: I hereby am that I �ave a certilicate of consent ta seli-insure or a certificate oi Workers' mpensation Insuranca, or a cenifieC copy ihereoi (Se on 3800, La6. C�. , POLICY NO.: , E%P. DRTE: �AMP�NY: � / . Certifietl coDY is here6y fumisAeO. ❑ Certifietl coDY'6 filetl wi 61he ci Bui(ling Division. '9ate: r _c��— L D ApPliwnt: � E%EMFf10N FflOM WOflNEli3' COMPENSIITION OECUMTI '(�his secUon neetl ro� be comple�e0 if the permil ¢ for one hundred (E700� or less�. I ceniry tna[ in ihe pedormance at the work tor which t ermit is issued, I snall not employ any person in any manner So as to hacome subjecl to �he Workers' Campensation Laws of Califomia. Oate: � � ' - SiAnamre: NOTICE: Ii, atler makinA ihis Eeclaation, yau should Eecame suGlect m the Workers' Compensation pmvisions of t�e Labor Cotle, you must forthwith comDly witA suc� provisians or tAis De�mit shali Ue 4eeme0 revoketl. CONSTBUCTION 1FN01NC 11GENCY: I AereEy aflirm tAat t�ere is a construction lendinp apency for tAe performance of Ne work lor wAicA ��is Oermi� is issued (Section 3097, Civ. C). . LENOEN: ' ' RDOPE88: � ' OWNEB BUILOEB UECIAMTION: I Aereby a/frm t�at 1 am exempt from the Contractors' State License Law for Iha lollowinp reason (Section 7031.5 Business anE Pmhssional CoOe: My ciry oi counry w0ich requires a De�mit ta cansiruct; alter, improve, tlemolish, ar repair any stmcture, ptlor to its issuance, also requires Iha apP��cant for such permA to file a siAneE statement that he/sha is IicenSeC pursuant to IDe provisions of t�e Contadors' State Licenu Law (C�apter 9(commendnp with Section 7000) ol Divisian 3 of the Business an0 Pmiessions CoOe) or iha[ he/she is exempt therehom antl ihe Uasis far ihe alleqe0 exemption. Any violation ot Saction 7031.5 Oy �y applicant tor a permit su�lecis the aDDlicant to a cNil penalry al nat mare than /ive �untlre0 tlollars (5500). ' I, as owner ui ihe DmOertY or my, emPlayees vrith waAes as t�eir sole compensation, will Oa Ihe work, and tne " I L� S�NdOR IS 00� IO�EOAEO Of OflCfCO �Of SdIE (Set�ion 7044, Business antl PrOtessional CoOe: The ConVaclaR' $tate UCense Law Aoes not aDPly to an owner af a Droperry who OuilOs or impmves Ihereon, and wlro Ooes such woM �imseli/heruli or Nroup� - his ar her own employees, pmvi0etl ihat suc� imDravements are not intentle0 or offeretl for ule. II, however ihe builtlinp or ImD�ovement is solA within one year of compietian, Ihe owner uriil have t�e burden ot provinA he/she OiU not build or impmve lor tAe purpase oi sale�. I, as owner of t�e properry, am exclusNely coniracting with licensed contactors ro consiruct Ihe pmject (Section 7074, Business ❑ antl Pmfessions CaOe: The ConVac[ors' SW[e License Law Ooes not appry ro an owner of DroDerty who bwl0s or improvas thareon anA who contacis for suc� pmlec[s with a cantractor(s�license pursuant to the Contractors' State License Law�. I am aware Nat proof oi tAeir Worker's Compensatlon insurance shoul0 be D�ovide0 to me. � I am ex¢mpt un0er Section: B. 8 P. C. for this reason: � Date: • ' Owner. I do �ereby certity Nat I am aware ot and untlerstand the reyuirements ol Calilornia Healt� an0 Safety Cotla Secfions 25505, 25533, and 25534 antl ihat I or any tuWre builtlinA occuDant vnll/will not (circle one) neetl lo comply with sai0 s[ate co0es an0 the requiremenis lor a permn lor conswciwn ar moEification from the Nr Oualiry ManaAement DisMct. Nesidential cansimction aDDlicatlons are exemOt imm these Dmvisions. . ' Date: � ApplicanC _ I �ereEy certity tAa[ I �ave rea0 this apDlicatian antl state tAat t ortlinances antl state lavrs relatinA �a �uilOinA constmction antl re[ pmPerty (fa�r inspection Du/rpa�ses. Date: O�.� 7-7 � SipnaWre� Oriver's License or Social Secunry M: I agree ro comDly witA all ciry anE counry I�iS diy �0 ¢ni0r upOn [Ap ahOVEmen�iOnCE , 16a1�46 WMte—eulltlinp; Gman—Catle Enlorcament; Canery—Applicant; Pink—Revenue; GOIEenroE—Assassor �� - CITY OF COSTA MESA — BUILDING PERMIT PERMIT NO: H 048800 PLAN CHECK NO: N CONSTRUCTION TYPE; PERMIT TYPE: STR JOB DESCRIPTION ; REROOF/T—O/RESHEATH & COMP SHINGLES CLAIM C�ALUE: 5,200.00 CALC—VALUE: 5,200.00 PERM NO:-B' 048800 GOVT: N SUPP: N PURPOSE: ALT SQ FT: 5,200 GROUP OCC: R-3 / COMMENTS: SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIRED �-*-�*******��r ****-x�af�x-�x-**��x�**�--�c�*�x-�-******-�-+�****�rx�x�**�t**-x-�t****x��c-�t�r�r*��t �*******�-�t*��* Z O N I N G R E Q U I R E M E N T S S E T B A C K S ------------ MAIN HUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY &UILDING --------- FRNT: FT IN REAR; FT IN FRNT: FT IN REAR;' � FT IN LEFT; FT IN RGHT: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN PARKING REQ• PROV: PARCEL: 14156311 ZNE: REF NO: PLANNING NOTES> � iE iE it iF iE if it iE it iE it iE iF it iF it iE 1E iE iE ik iE jE ik it iEit jE if iE iE iF iE it it iE iF'lE 3E �F 3E i6 iE iE iE jF iF it jE iE jf iF iE iF Ik iE iE if iE 1F iE iE ik i;- 3E �E 3E �)E �E�iFiE 1E it ik it if if � i4 D E Y E�.;L O P M E N. T S E R V I C E S �R E Q U I R E M E N,T.S ZONING APPROVED%,HY DATE: �_ BUILDING APPROV�D HY : DATE: � APPLICATION ISSbED HY; DATE: � **�.**�*�*�*�������*�*�� ����,�*����*����-�-��9d iE �F iF if iF 3E 1F iE if iE it If iF it 1E iE 3E jE iF iE iE if iE it iE iE it iE iE it iE it if ib iE?E iE �F iE iF iF if iE iE iF iE it iE ik iE it iE iF iE if iF iE iE 3E 3E if iF iF jE iF if iE iE iE iF 3f 9F jE 3F jE i(� jE iP iE LEGALIZATION:N F E E S U M M A R Y STRUCTURAL SEGMENT:Y ,_ y BLDG PMT PLUMHING ELECTRIC 1MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/FES GRADING PERMIT 81.00 , `'� 50 PLAN ,�' :%• SMIP/NON—RES ISSUE FEE �, BUILDING—DIV—> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN—CHECK TOTAL PAID DUE TOTALS----> 81,50 0,00 : i 0.00 ,� 81,50 &1.50 , .00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLL;ECT�D: % 81.50 OVER/SHORT: .0.0 BLDG PMT PLUMHING ELECTRIC MECHANIC F'IRE SMIP/TOT GP.ADING PLAN—CHECK 81.�� ,5� „ ; ;-i , . iF if if it 3FlE it if �l! if iE iE 3f if iE iF iF j! �lt if # jf # iE if iE �Jf ik iE ik iE it iF dF iE iE it iF;iE i! 9F 9E iE �)E iE iF iE iE iE if if iE iE jE iE iE �1E iF iF iF iE iE iE * iF iE iE iE N- iE iE �1F iE it iE iE �E jE iE I N D I �� I D U A L.: 1:F^ E E , B R E A K D O W N �. TYPE QTY U E S C R I P T I O:-N f "'� UNIT COST TOTAL COST �` � SFR 5200 REROOF HY ��ALUE RESIDENIAL �NOZONE 1,00 � 5,200,00 END OF FEES�.,� „ f � ,a . I f T \... ::. ., . �'r .y - � I � '' ' � V � .- 0! D!JOS°b0i-�Q�GSEbQ� 3tJ T 31.�D _... • �ATE: C1�l29I4u 'iSP:C: 05<3� 1, 1� r � NSTRUCTION AND PLANM�.� � � ��� 'PA � - � � . � Dace Inspector � � Date .Inspector �,APPROVALS Permit# , - . , APPROVALS Permit# :s �I 1: Tempora�Y Electrical Service�or Pole �' � �.52. Pool & Equipment Location �� 2. Soil Pipe-Undrgrnd. _ ' � - � 53.,,Steel Reinforcement ', � "� ' �I 3. Electrical Conduit Utility-Undrgrnd. � 54. Forms 4. Electrical Conduit�Undrgrnd. 55. Electrical Bonding - � 5. Steel Reinforcement - 56. Rough Plumbing & Pressure Test ' � 6. Electrital UFER Grnd. 57. APPROVAL TO COVER�GUNITE 7. Footings . ' 58. Electrical Conduit-Undrgrnd. _ ' � 8. Foundation �. � - � 59. Gas Pipe, O Undrgrnd., Test - 9. Water Pipe�Undrgrnd. �- ' � 60. Backwash Lines, P-Tra'p, O Undrgrnd. - ' 10. Struaurel Floor System ' :. , 61. APPROVAL TO DECK .. ' � 11. Property Sewer Line & House Connection 62. Backwash & Receptor�Final ' 12. Sewer Cap - ' _ . 63. Heater & Vent-Final � 13. Roof Drains . - 64. Plumbing SYstem - Final� � 14. Rough Plumbing . _ 65. Electrical-Final � : � . 15. Rough Electrical-Conduit 66. Solar System-Final � - � 16. Rough Elettric Wiring' ' 67. Fenci�g & Access ApP�oval - ��� � 17. Rough Wiring Sign ' 68. APPROVEO-FOR PLASTERING � 18. Rough Electrical-T Bar Ceiling "� ' 69. POOUSPA-SYSl'EMS FINAL . -" 19.� Rough Heating & Air Conditioning � FIRE DEPT. REQUIREMENT � 20. Rough Factory Fireplace APPROVALS Permit # 21. D�cts, in Structure � 70. Underground HYdro - 22. Ducts, Ventilating - 77. Product Piping O Gas ❑ Oil 23. Gas Pipe-Rough & Test , 72. Underground Flush . 24. Roof Framing •73. Undergrnd. Storage Tank O Gas ❑ Oil 25. Roof Sheathing � � 8�[�j 6W� 74. Oveihead Hydro 26. T-Bar Ceiling (Structural) & Monocoat -� 75. Dry Chemical 27. Freme and Flashing 76. Dry Standpipe . - 28. Lathing & Siding 77. FIXED SYSTEM FINAL 29. Insulation - 78. FIRE PREV. FINAL 30. Drywall Nailing . - HEALTH DEPT. REQUIREMENT 31. Plaster Brown Coat 79. FINAL INSPECTION 32. Electrical Power Meter�Final 80. � OOD CERTIFICATE ISSUED 33. Final Electric tes: _ � �G` _ <'_ -_ L _ �� �..�p� 34. Final Heating & Air Conditioning -'., � �� 35. Final Gas Pipe-Test �-' 36. Hood or Canopy �-.; � 37. Final Factory Fireplace �•., f� � 7��'� _ ���� � 38. FinalPlumbing . �� 39. Water Service-Final 40. Gas ServiGe-Final � 41. Solar pomesticFinal 42. Backflow Preventer 43. Backflow Irrigation 44. Landscape Irriqation System 45. Sound Attenuation - 46. Handicap Regulations . FINAL.S7RUCTURE & BUILDING �7 �Q (QW' 46. FINAL PLANNING 49. Electric Release to Edison -��� 50. Gas Release to Southern California Gas Co '� � . l� 51. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY No. Date �ITY OF COSTA MESA BUILDING DIVISION ROOF COVERING CERTIFICATION Permit No. da v� Property AddrescoY) %� �/v� Gf4N�- [ dS7"� /�/L'S/`f Owner �.� �/ i1%/!t �iv.�'�l/� 'T� _ / � i' . Contractor State Contractor License Number 'S SZ33 � Classification /�,� 1 t; I hereby certiry that I have installed, or caused to be installed, a minimum Class C roof covering at the above address in conformance with Chapter 32, and Section 1704 of the latest adopted edition of the Uniform Building Code, as amended in Section 5-17 Title 5 Costa Mesa Municipal Code, and the installation instructions of the manufacturer, ❑ I further certify that I am the owner of the property. (Owner-Builder permittee only). � I further certify that I am: � O ner of sole proprietorship company ❑ Full partner of the company ❑ Limited partner of the company ❑ Officer of the corporation I c�rtify that as an authorized officer or agent of the company or corporation, I am empowered to make this certification, which shall be binding on all successors or assigns of the company or corporation. I shall deliver a copy of this Certitication to the above listed owner, after submittal of form to the Building Division for acceptance. Received by Building Division ey: �a9 qd I Date � � Whi�e-BuilGing Div.: Cana7'Commcmr: Pink-0wner �'�c��/�� �;ti�- �/ Company or rporg�e Npr�ye � � 3� �/�C T/Y/J ,e ,. ` + ' 4648 �0/10/79 8.50 TL r : : :. _ COSTA MESA BUILDINGSAFETY DEPARTMENT APPLICATIO�OR STRUCTURALPERMIT r.u.uun izuu GVSINMGJA,GALIYUMIVIHtlLb[tl RECEIVEDBV PERMIT N° � 48941 For Applicant to FIII in Completely — Use Ink Only AOIDFESS G�(J` A.P. NO. I�I — S� 3— II BUILDING OWNER OR � A�DRE55 TENANT QN UNIT OR MAI LI NG SPACE NO. ADD RE55 TR.uZO� LOT �/ BLK. TEL. _� (p �— CITV � NO. NEW ADD AITER REPAIR MOVING DEMOLISH CANSTRUC710N LENDEfl x BRANCH OWNER ADORESS VALUE ARCHITECT TEL. USE . `� d V•e $ OF ENGINEER ADDRESS ZONE �—/ TVPE GROUP ' APPROVED CONTRACTOF ' BY DATE � r� , �%%'i/Q GG✓/=� ADDRESS �/ TEL CITP � • NO. � STATE CITV %�PPROVED SETBACKS LIC. NO. LIC. NO. ' SIZE �/0 7p C .Z e� NO.OF BLIX3S. � (FR�M C/l STRrE�E.(T) �,� EX/f'T_ OF LOT � a J� p G' NOW ON LOT FRONT 7Y�FT. USE OF GG -f EXI5TMG BLDG. P Separa[e permits are required for . �. sioe �'s FT. elecVic, pWmbing and heating work. aena ls^ FT. USE OF UI�ING AND WORK TO BE PEFFORMED p�qNNING ACTION DATE APPROVED APPROVEO Q �� �O//O I hereby acknowladge that I have reatl this application antl atata that tha above informetion is corract and agree to comply with all laws reguleting builtlin8 consttucNon, antl I shall not employ any person in violation of the workman's compensatian laws of the State of Californla. I hereby certify thai 1 am properly licensed as e eontractor unEer SQ. FT. the Stata ot California Business antl Protessions Coda, Divisfon 3, THE AMOUNT SHOWN UNDEfl VALUATION IS FOR Chaptar 9, antl that such licansas are In full force antl effact, or I THE PURPOSE OF ESTABLISHING A PERMIT FEE ONLV: am exampx from the provisions ot the State of Celifornia Buflness VALUATION PERMIT FEE S antl Professions C de, Division 3,�C�spier 9. , _ `' J✓/ m � LAN CHECK $ Signatute of / / rI 'yyy///���))) Permitt08 � $ / 4�/ / TAX S s or O �1L/ Autho�ized ABent Date TOTAL PAID § UWNtK J. ANDERTON JOB ADDRESS 2870 GENERAL CON7RACTOf AP No. 141-5 63-11 INSPECTIONS SOIL GAS W ATER. ROUGH PLUMBING PROP. SWR. LINE NOUSE SPRINKLING SVSTQM MISCELLANEOUS ROUGN MEATING ANO AIR CON TEMPON�RY SERVI[E OR POL UNOERGROUNO [] POWER ROUGN WIRING �RENCNES FORMS FLOOR SYSTEM BOHO BEAM � STEEL RE SNEATNING FRAME ANO FLRSMING LFTHING - IN OUT PL�STER.BROWN COAT STRUCTURqL, FINAL HEATMG, VENT., flEFRIG. AN PLOMBING. FINAL ANO GAS T UAIt SUBCONTRACTOR .; , � , s� ..:.; :���s3� COSTA MESA BUILDING-SAFETY DEPARTMENT P. O. BOX 317 COBTA MEBA. CALIRORNIA For Applieanf to Fill In Complefely ■ BUILDING lR MAIL COSTA MESA CALIFORNIA r l� AODRESS 38� E. �oast Highway c�rr Corona del ��ar, Calif: �T� Ho. 988o8-SB-1� Na; oR 34220 OF LOT 9171 5 F I NO. OP BLDGBnORe NOW ON LOT USE OF .. - nOne EXI6TING BLDG. BUI L[WL FEE RECEIVED Lot 86� Tract lt204� Pl 2-A /�N FlNANCE DEPT.�fP11 �gsJ CITY OF CUSTA MESA APPLICATION FOR PERMIT BUILDING For Offiee Use Only 0.HCEIPi NO. 7,IPERMIY(NO.a� DATC COSTA MESA. CALIFORNIA ZONING NO. OP .7 UBE OP N nurve / euaolNo 66TBACK LINE FROM ,�� �� _ . -�' q[ � <CiNT6R LINE 9T cJ I LEFT 5� I RIGHT' DESCRIPTION OF WORK q — FRONT ( ( 5' . �- R. SIDE L. SIDE J REAR Z� � AePPROVED �j�� � � IG I.���r'l� NO. OF 6 1 �'� , , 4 7 ROOMS STORIE6 IR WALL S'tllCCO ROOF C�mP• S F �G COVERING .L1VlIlg AT28 1849 BUILDING AND WORK TO BH PERFORMED - ' S F r sidence Garage Area 41+ x�attached garage Covered Porch Area 23 F I HER6BY ACKNOWLED68 TXAT 1 HAVE RlAO TX18 APPIJGTION THE AMOUNT BHOWN UNDHX VALUATION I6 POp TH6 ANO BTAT¢ THAT THE A60VE IB CORRECT AND AaRlH TO COM- pURP098 OP, EBTABLI8HIN0 A PBRMIT FFP ONLY. PLY WITN ALL CITY ORDIN�NC88 AND BTATE LAW6 R80UTATIN6 BUILDINO GONBTRUCTION. . VALUATION y" , SIGNATURE OF el Mar Develo ment �o. PERMIT FEE $ �/ � PERMITfE �/ � ��� BV / _ �. � ._ � .�/ $ � �00 PLAN CNECK $ � � � AUTHORIZED f : :_ ;LLC��'�C�I� `__T:_�= ::� .-� :: :: �r =::: 1.:-: ��r ''-�_` _- _- _- �i�.- 7--- � _� ja_;�.Z.� _ _—:�; -:��_,. -.__:-:, T -f= - --�� ---D �s 1��=d.}% -:2-�r.=t--.-___��-. - - ��: _=-- -_ _: - -�- �-�. __ ----.-=� T - - - .- -- � - -- --- _ , -:�--�-- . -=1- -?-z��--� �=-_=�----.-----�:__ ; . ; �.__r-._�__. .,. _ - -- -- - - — -- — . __ _� _ __� _._� -�_-.---- -.------.- .----- �----�-=.- - _._. . � --- - - -...- � � _ -. -..-- ----.---.-- - -- .._ � ; -.-.-- -.---- �_t� .__ . �_ : _� - _ : _.. �,��- .;�-:���� _.._T�. �_ .. - _.[�: -::.- : ._r_ __ _ __ _ . i ' . _. . . . _ ._ ..... ..- i - •-,�ry --- ---- -- � --� ' �'a-?- - . . - - . _ :. � - - - - � • � . # - . : � - - - , . - - � - . . _ . _ . _ _ _ . . _ , . - _ «` �? `� _-' �1 ^�O ,Q�� _��-__, ' ' !__�'�T.-- - ' , -- .�-•_._ _� --. G '� ` ._ � _ ._�?. _...�1 i - --- l _ . , t � - _ � . , ; - - ' - - - - . __1 . _ . _ . = i = = �= --- - �-_-_ -:_ : -: ; �. . �i A�PPROVED � - � : : : : � -: � � ._ .: � -. _ � � i .-f -=--= ------t-- - - . _ . . .- �- - - - -. . - - - . ' ' jj . - - � �CI7Y OF COSTA�MESA. _ µ_ � � . _. . �µ _ I - . . . ? - PLANNING-D€PT_ . _ . � _ . �. _ � r -� � � a SUBIECT}TO BLDG.'DEPT.�RE0. � }- 1 7[c C'ari�L�% ' ' � 1. ». � _ 1�_,-_ _ -. r-_ _ _ : ' I - -_ �� x _� ' � %O/�/1 . _ " ' - _ ��� , _ Y.:..� ..DATE.� �; c + `�. {' � `�r - DIRECTOR OF PIANNIN6� - i �� �- i . j — — � . T . - `7------*— � . _.. . . .._ . . 4i,�, :� � "._ - __' ._ . '% - ,_ _ � ��. _ � :.4. � .__r.i.�._ ' ._ �. . _;. _.... ��.�Y ; j� � \� �� _ : . . � --{--_ . ,� � - ��.— _ _ � ._ w = . �'_ ; ., --- T - - - --._.._._ _ . . . . � - - - � - OeQ� - - - -� �..y_- - - - - - -- - -1 � �. ,�, r _. _0 .{_ _ ' � '—�aa,�g , ;�.-`l..- � � � r r 4 . . �. - - - p�-� - - espl 9 - _ - � �1-'L _t N'F5 - . _ . . . � � . . . . . � _. 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PERMii OR RPPROVAL � �E ��ppryCE OR GRANTING � p qNY VIOLAT�ON Op P�pyS RND SFECIPOATPN APPROVAI OF, eE CONSTAUED 10 BE P PERMIT FOR, OF ANY Of THE PROVISIONS OFTOH��'O�TE OR � E� �NT� SUMING TO GIVE AUTHORITY AUTHORIZFS IS �W��" PROVISIONS OF TNIS COOE SHAII 8E �p�ld. F� pg 7HE WORK OR USE WHICH R B�ED ��b P�NS RND THE ISSUANCE �F p P�ENT THE B���DING OFFICIAL gqECIfICATIONS SHALfnNO�T ��E �ppµ�TION OF ERROits PATIO COVER DETAIL 6/I/67 OVERHANG �."� TH SPAN �STATE--�-.-�Y SIZE SPACING SPA� � o� �1 ERS: `Z- x , � �----SLOPED FOR DRAIN _ Blockin9 �.�►--- 4� % M AX I BEAM � �'�O' S ATE SIZE 3�16 %2��'T-STRA Z i z f POST-BEAM CONNECTION 3/g a 5 Lags 32% —� Predrill Ledqer � Predrill Exiatinq '/y-3 DeS JOIST NANGERi or otAer approvdl of suppurt � tie. ALL LUMB£R DOUGLAS f/R CONS7RUCT/ON� GqADE �—POST x L�-1 SH W SI EY SHOW SPACING SHOW LOCATION ON REVERSE SIDE. DROP PATIO FLOOR �---- SLOPE TO DRAIN— ` � ' °i ��3 � � THICK SLAB ��� �� ^ ��� � PUDOLED SAND FiL�� a. �� Remove G.ass And Weeds Dorn To Nclurnl G.ode � �.: � CONCRETE MIX 1:3:4 MAXtMUM WATER CONTENT POST ANCMOR �I-.•�..�..� 7� GALLONS PER SACK CEMENT. Fo� Pipe Post. EmbeA r12� Providt 26 Ga G.I. Fiashing At Wood Floor Const. Pipe In Footinp. ProviAe Flmg¢ Or Weld Plate Screwed Or Bolted To Frame. CMF 00012-46 (BU 40) CONTINUOUS LEDGER TYPICAL JOIST ANCHOR NOTE = USE REVERSE SIDE NO 1 Hr t i FOR OPEN EGG CRATE ALUMINUM OR PLASTIC ROOF COVERING MAXIMUM SPAN 512E SPACI 17� O�� 2x6 li 16� 0" 2'x6' IE I 5" O� 2"x 6' 2 I 2� 0' 2"x 4'" I' II� 0' 2'x4' I� 10" 0" 2'z 4" 2 NOTE: FOR PROPOSED OR FUTURE WAL�S ARE TO BE BUILT. l WIDER RAFTER SIZE MAY E SPACING ONLY. FOR PROPOSED OR FUTURE WALLS ARE TO BE BU�LT AND ADDITION PLANS COSTA MESA BUI 17 FAIR DRIVE �zr: 0 o Q y W ?Mo PLAN. � � NO 2 ,�,a F„qR OLID SHEATHiNG. z ��M LES OR BUILT UP W d � ING. �'s o XIMUM SPAN " '� 15� I� ��mzo �%L.--- 13" 3" 1% 10� 11 jO/< 9� II•• i% 8� 8" 4=/e9 7' �., �t O�,OR WHERE PATIO I�E N .2 CHART ONLY. �� I ERPO�ATED fOR OR WNERE PATIO f COMPI FT HOUSE ING DEPT. 834-5273