HomeMy WebLinkAbout3145 BRAY LN - Building Permits� � � PflO1ECT AOOflE55: 31 q S �BRAY LN '�—[hYNEO'SNPME: SUTTON, PATRICIA A noosess: 3145 BRAY LN COSTA MESA,CA 92626 +i['II�ifL:1 RPCHIENGINEEP: AOOflESS: flEG.NO.: UNIT: UNIT: PEHMITTEE: ALUMINUM ROOF SPECIALISTS ( 714 ) 558-0678 aooxEss: 1529 MCFADDEN SANTA ANA CA 92705 LICENSED CONTNACroH oECLAflATION: I here�y alfirm inat I am licensed under pmvisions of Chapter 9lcommencing witn Section 74001 0� �iv��sion 3 af �he Business antl Pmtessions Code. antl my license is in �ull�orce and efteci. cirvuc.: 060288 sTareuc.:523043 cuss: C39 EKP; 09/99 ' ��B Ce Oa�e: � x / �y Signature P WOflNEflS' COMPENSATION UECLABATION: I hereby atfirm Iha� I have a cetlilicate o� consent to 5el4insure or a certificate of Workers' Campensation Ij�uLa e.,Q� a c�Q 6 �P%�t er of ( ction 3800, Lab. C. POULYNO.: `�y�—JQ`���•`���1� E%P.DFTE: �1/OL/9S comraxv: STATE FUND ❑ Ceeihea cropy is �ereby fumished. � Certilietl copy is file0 with �he /ci\ry BuildinA Division. Date: ` / `� �� � Npplicanl —� � / � ` 0�� EREMP710N FROM WOBREXS' COMPENSRTION OECIANATION: Qhi55eClian n¢¢0 no� be cOmpleled i� t�e permit is for ane �unAreO ($iW) or 1e55). �� I cerlify �ha� in the pedormance at Ine work for which ��is permi� is issuetl, I s�all no� employ any Oe�son in any manner so as lo �ecome SuUlecl to ihe Workers' Compensa�ion Laws oi Calilomia. Oate'. Signature: NOTILE: II, after making Ihis tleclaralion, you shoul0 become suhlem m[he Workers' Compensation pmvisions of t�e Labor Code. you mus� torlhwith compty wilh such provisions or this permii shall be tleemetl revokea. CONSTBOCTION LENOING AGENCY: I �ere�y allirm that Ihere is a constmction IenOing agency for Ne pedormance ol Ne work far which ��is permil is i�suetl (Section 3097. Civ. C�. LENOEH: RDDNESS: OWNEfl BWLOEfl DECLABATION: I hereby attirm �ha� I am exemp� imm the Contrac�ors' State License Law �ar the followinA �eason (Seclion 7031.5 Business ana Pmfessional Cotle: Fny ciry oi couniy which repuires a permii Io wns�mc�. alter, improve, tlemolish, or reoair any s�mciure. prior �o iis issuance, also reQuires ihe applicant �ar suc� permit �o file a signeE staiement thai he/she is Iicense0 pursuan� m the pmvisions o� Ihe Contracmrs' S�ate License Law �Chap�er 9(commencinA wiN Seclion 7000) o� Division 3 of the Business and Pmiessions Code) or Ihat helshe is exemp� Iherelrom ana Ihe basis fo� �he allegetl exemp�ian. Any violaiion oi Section 703t5 by any apv�icant lor a permit subiecis ihe aDPlicant to a civil penalty of nol more ihan live hundre� Jollars (5500). I. as owner ol ine pmpeny or my employees with wages as iheir sole compensation, will Oo the work, ane ihe ❑ simcWre is not intenaetl or oileretl lor sale (Section 7044, 9usiness and Pmtessional Code: The Contractors State License Law tloes not aOPty to an owner oi a pmperty who huilOs or improves thereon, anU who Ooes suc� work himseli/hersell or t�rough his or her own emDl0yee5. provi0etl �ha� 5uch impmvemen�5 are no� in�ende0 Or oHeretl lor Sale. If, however Ihe huil0ing Or impmvemeni is 5010 wiihin one year o� completian, the owner will have the 6uraen of pmving he/she tlid no� hui10 or improve br ine purpose of sale�. I, as owner o� the pmpeny. am exclusively canVacting wi�h licensetl coniracmrs to constmci �he Omlec� (Section 7047, Business ❑ and ProleSsons Cotle: The Conlradors' Staie l.icense Law does not aODty to an owner oi pmperty who builOs or imDraves t�ereon and who coniracts lor suc� pmlecis wiih a contractoqs)license Dursuan�lo Ihe Contrac�ors' S�a�e License Law�. I am aware thal D�oal of Iheir Worker's Compensa�ion insurance s�oultl he provi0etl �o me. � I am exemo� unaer Sec�ion: B. 8 P. C. Ior ��is reason: �ata'. Owner. I tlo hereby cenity �hat I am aware o� antl untlerslanU �he reQuiremems o� Calilomia Health antl Saiety Cotle Seciions 255Q5, 25533, and 2553d and tha� I or any Imure building occupant wiil/will nm (circle one) neetl to comDty with sai0 s�a�e codes antl Ihe reQuirements �or a permil for ton5�mtti0n or mo4ificaiion Imm Ihe Fir Ouahry Managemen� OiStriti. fle5id¢nlial conSimCfion apD�itati0n5 are ¢xempt irom Ihese pmvisions. Date: ApPlicant: I �ereby terlity Ihai I have reatl t�is apPlita�i0n ana slaie ��at �he above informa�ion is torteti. I agr¢¢ lo COmpty wiih all Ciiy and Counry ortlinances antl staielawsrelalingta �uiltling conslmction and hereby authorizerepre5entalives o�ihis ci�y�o enteruponl�e above�men�ionetl pm0etly for inSJection purposes. �n D. Oate: ` Signalure: � O �� `-�-�` Drive�'s �icense ar sociai Securi�y a: t60bG6 W�ue—Bmltlmg; Green—Cotle Enb¢emen�: Canary—Appbcant; Pink—Revenue; GOltlenraE—Assessor d CITY OF COSTA MESA — BUILDING PERMIT PERMIT NO: B 068819 PLAN CFiECK NO: N CONSTAUCTZON TYPE: 5—N PERMIT TYPE: STR PERM NO: B 068815 GOVT; N SUPP; N PURPOSE: OTH JOB DESCRIPTION : T/O, SHEATH & REROOF W/COMP SHINGLES SQ FT; 4,800 CLAIM'VALUE: 4,800.00 CALC—VALUE: 4,500.00 GROUP OCC: R-3 /M-1 COMMENTS: SMOKE DETECTORS REQRD PER 91UBC, REROOF 2400SF RESID W/COMP SHING **�+�*+r+c�*****+�*�r*******x��r*****�c-**+�-*******+r*�*i�**��r***x�***+�***�**�-*+�*+�**x�*****��r+� Z O N I N GS ERTEBQAUCZKRSE M E N T[+SoOVE UC 1 E`j16,J� JIVI P\ ------------ MAIN BUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY �L� �`—'��- — FRNT: FT IN AEAR: FT IN FRNT: FT IN !'�`��� ��iV IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT; FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN PARKING REQ; PROV; PARCEL: 14163415 ZNE: REF NO: PLANNING NOTES> ) iE if iFlE 9E IE fF iE iE iE ff i6 iE i! fk iF i6 ik iE if iE if iE if iE iE iE if iE iE ik iE iF 1E iF iF fF iE �)E iF 1ElE i! if !E if ik jf 1E if iE �E jF iE 1E 3E �E ik iE iE iE rt iE iE IF fF iE �1E 9E iE it if iE ih if 1E if iF if D E V E L O P M E N T S.E R V�I C E S R E'Q U I R E M E N T S ZONING APPROVED HY ; ___ DATE: BCTILDING APPROVED BY ; DATE: APPLICATION ISSOED BY; DATE; .1� �r*�t�r�rx�x�*�r****�t�tx�t**+��-*�**�r��r*x��r�fr�+r��r*T� ' �r�r .*��r�r�r+r*�x�*+[�****�r**.�*�r� * it iF iF iF if iE 3t iE ik iE it iE iF 1E iE iF iE iE iE %jE iE i4 it fE �F 7F it i6 iE if it iE * iE iE iF iE iE iE if iE jE iF if iE iE if i! it iE iE 3E iE iE iE iE iF ik iE iE 9E iE it jE iF it iE iE 9E iE iE iE iE it 3E if iE iE LEGALIZATION;N F E E S U M M A R Y,�. STRUCTURAL SEGMENT:Y HLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC �FIRE SMIP/AES GRADING PERMIT 72.00 .50 SMIP/NON—RES PLAN ISSUE FEE BUILDING—DZV—> PERMIT ZSSUE PLAN—CHECK TOTAL PAID DUE TOTALS----> 72,50 0.00 0,00 72,50/ 72,50 ,00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED: 72,SO�OVER/SHORT: ,00 BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN—CHECK �2,�� ,5� if if iflE iE iE if 1F jE k 1f 1f iE if iE if !E it iE iE IF iE iE �E iF 1F a' !t �! if 1f it iElE 1E iElE ib iE if i! iE fE iE f! i! �f 3E iF if f(-iE i! iE i! dE 1E it if iE iE 1E ft iF fE iElf iE aElf fFlk iE j! if if iE iElk I N D I V I D U A L F E E B R E A'K D O W N TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I O N UNLT COST TOTAL COST SFR 4$00 REROOF BY VALUE RESIDENTIAL NOZONE 1.00 4,SOO.DO END OF FEES 0! t7�157445-00167446 T C��d' OATE: Q9/DE/94 TIMF: 20:28 � 72.SQ ��TRUCTION AND PLANNING P00� & SPA � �i APPROVAIS Permit # Date Inspector APPROVALS Permit # � Date IosPector �t. Temporary Elec[rical Service or Poie 52. Pool & Equipment Locacion 2. Soil Pipe�Undrgmd. 53. Steel Reinforcement 3. Electrical Conduit Utility-Undrgrnd: 54. Forms 4. EI?ctrica� Conduit-Undrgrnd. � 55. Electrical Bonding � 5. Stee! Reinforcemen: 56. Rough Piumbing & Pressure Tzst 6. Electrica� UFER Gmd 57. APPROVAL TO COVER�GUNITE 7. Footings 58. Electricai Conduit-Undrgmd. 8. Foundation 59. Gas Pipe. � Undrgmd., Test 9. NJater Pipe�Undrgrnd. 60. Bar,kwash Lines, P�Trap, �7 Urdrymd. � 10. Structural fioor SYstem 61. APPROVAL TO 6ECK 1 i. Property Sewer Lirte & House Connection 62. Backwash & Receptor-Final i2. Sewer CaP 63. Heater & Vent�Final 53. Roof Drgins ' 64, plumbing System - Finai 14. Rough Plumbing 65. E4ectricabFinat 15. Rough Electrirai�Condua 66. Solar S'lstem�Fina1 t&. Rough E�ecinc Wiring 67. Penciny & Access Approval 17. Rough Wiri�g Sign 68. APPROVED FOR PLASTERI�iG 18, Rough Electrical-T Bar Ceiling 69. POOUSPA SYSTEh�1S FiNAL 19. Rough Heavng & Air Conditioning FIRE DEPT. REQUIREMENT 20. Rough Factory Fireplace APPROVALS Permit # 21. Ducts, in Struct�re 70. Underground Hydro 22. Ducts, Ventilating 77. Product Piping C Gas ❑ Oii 23. Gas Pipe•Rough & 7est - 72. Underground Fiush 2A, Rooi Framing 73. Undergrnd. Smraye Tank � Gas ❑ Oi: 25. floof Sheathing � G� �u ��� 74, Overhead Hydro � �� l�--�" 26. T�Bar Ce�ling (Struct�ral) & Monocoat 75. Dry Chemical 27. Frame and Flashing 76. Dry Standpipe 28. Lathing & Siding 77. FIXED SYSTEM PINA� 29. Insulation 78. FIRE PREV. FINAL � 30. Drywall Nailing ' ' HEALTH DEPT. REQUIREMENT 37. Piaster Brown Coat 79. PINAL INSPECTION 32. Electricai Power MeterFinai 80. FOOD CERTIFICATE ISSUED 33. Fina� Electrc Notes: 34. Final HeSting & Air Conditioning 35. Final Gas PIPe�Test 36. Hood or CanopY 37. Final Factory Firepiace � 38. Final Plumbing . 39. Water Service-Final 40. Gas Service-Finai 41. Soiar �omestic-Finai 42. Backflow preventer . _26_�//� S�� r ` �7 43. Backflow Irrigation _ �� 44. landscape 1*rigatior Sysizm � 9, �- h� � �(} � 9 45. Sound Attenuation _ 46. Handicap Regulations ' ;. 47. FINAL5TRUCTURE&BUILDING � YS �W/,� v 48. FINALP�ANNING ,"�� �"` " 49. Electric Retease to Edi�o.n''� 50. Gas Release to Soutfier �alifornia Gas Co 51. CERTIF�CATE OF OCCUPANCY No. Date oWNER g(�gOR HALL OF FAME HOMES, INC. DATE y0V 3 0�`-'E? JOB ADDRESS 4� h5 Rrav T.AYtP BUILDING PERMIT NO. AP No. INSPECTIONS Gas OCCUPANCY LOT 96 TRACT 4�56 FIRE ZON� DATE I GROUP vALUE $ 19,055.00 DESCRIPTION OF WORK Res TYPE V ZONE SUBCONTRACTOR iF:E71r:� 18346 COSTA MESA BUILDING-SAFETY DEPARTMENT P. O. BOX 9f7 COHTA MEBA. CALIFORNIA For Applicanl fo Fill In Compleiely TYPE OR PRINT BUILOING 3,y3— Q,- 14,,,� ADDREBS COSTA MESA. GALIFORNIA OWNER Herbor Hall of Fame Homes Inc. ADDRESS P��• BOX zo66 C17Y SaIIf.B AIIH NEO. KI 9�Z� ARCHITECi �jy�160II TEL. 44��� OR ENGINEER NO. 5 ADDRE55 ZZS "D" St.� Tustin CONTRACTOR Lifetime Residential Bld Cc ADDRESS 2131 So. Artesia CITY `S�� �a �;�TNo. 208676 No: KI 9-2204 61ZE L�O� I No, aF e�o09.0 [fF � llT O N[�W nN VDC Vr None EXISTING BLDG. 88TBAC1( LINB PROM 5.�� � eoi � ILEFf - S� IRIGHT S� DESCRIPTION OF WORK AND WORK � J�� � 1 H8H8BY ACKNOWLHDpB AT 1 N�� A�� TM�e �PLIGTION AND BTATE THAT TH6 O 8 IB C�RFBCT AND AGR¢ TO COM- PLY WITH ALL CITY N NCHH AND�j Ai��}�lAWB ULATINO BUILDINO CONB1R11 . , - / ]f � I V SIGNATURE O iI K . IAUTHORIZED AGENT FEE RECEIVED, Lot 96, Tract 56 �' r�,y, 3� ��� �I�II�CE-DEPT. CITY OF COSTA MESA APPLICATION FOR PERMIT BUILDING For Office Use Only BY COSTA MESA. CALIFORNIA ZONIN6 NO. OP U68 OP PI.�NB �l BUIIDI� teaw� ICENTHR I.INB BT.) FRONT ' t/ e �.�� 3 189U[D };Q_1�40p [/�- �%o°' . TM8 �MOUM BHOWN UNOBR V�LUATION IB FOR THE PURP08H OP BHTABLIBNINO A PBRMIT FEH ONLY. VALUATION PERMIT FEE $ S/// vS� PLAN CHECK S J�� S