HomeMy WebLinkAbout3369 CALIFORNIA ST - Building Permits� � aoonessoFew�awc: 3369 CALIFORNIA ST °NT CITY_.OF COSTA MESA,— DUILDING FERMII' owr+Easr�wEiF�am: LINSDAY LOUISE M � FLOOD; AE-37 � _ _ .. PERM NO: P 003017. �oonEss 3369 CAf;IFORNIA ST COSTA MESA,CA 92626 PERMIT NO: P 083011 PLAN CHECK NO: N GOVT: N SUPP: N 545-1976 ���+��u CONSTROCTION TYPE: V—N PERMIT TYPE: PLU PURPOSE: OTH 111CNRECT OX FNtlNFEp: LIC. NO.: UNT: corirn�crarswu�: NOCK PLUMHING ( 714 ) 895-1246 CO�APACTORSYYIWG 1 1 6 1 2 KNOTT ST • �ooxess: GARDEN GROVE CA uc.ra.: 707775 92841 uxr: 9.7 LICENSE� COMNACTORS OEC�AF�TION: I Mreby ellirm anEer paneXy W pa�ury Ne� I em Icemed uMer paWdore ol Chepter 9� (mmmamanp �mh Secibn ]Oo0) ol Diviaion 3 ot tM Buai�wx eM PMesama Code, vM my licenm ro in hll /ace aM etlecl. cmuc.No.:05 g86 uc.cuss: C-36 ��No �0 75 EXP: 02/9A Dale: � �-" � Comreaa: ��� OWNEP BUILDEN DECL4RATION: I hereby effi�m unEer penelly d per'Nrv �M1e� I em esemq fmm �he Comrea Idlovnrp reeeon (Seiaan ]031.5 Busuieea eM PMenione Coda: Any cM a�unty xfiiM requirea e permn to mnavun, el�er, improve, Eemoleh, or repei eny sirudure. pnor to in ewence, elso reyuires Ihe eppliranl br euch peimX lo fib e epneE eletemenl ihet M or eM b IiceriaW Wnuen� lo ihe proWaiona d ihe Contreaore Licenae lew �Cheple� 9(oommenti�p xilh Secton )000) d ON'vim 9 d IM Busrbae aM Prdeanm Code� « ilw he or she ie memq iMrehan arM �M baaia fa iha elbped memqbn. My vidation d Saebn �oai s M�r evW�� �« e oe�� wdeas me roo��m �o e�i �e„e�ry d na mo�. me� � n��,.d donen �swop. � I.mowmrdlMMOG�YamYemD�'easvnhwepaen�MieabcomP�Wion.witldo�hewwk.eMihaewnurei�intendeE . «oRereEt«aeb(Sec�ion)aa.Buai�ssendPrd».ionscode:TheCaNreclonlicensalewEomia1e00Ntoenowrieraqapeny wM Wdde or inprovea iheieon, eM xAw daen euch xak limmll a Mnetl a �hrwqh hA a her own amployaea, prwided �hel euch imprwemenla ere nd inteMaE a ollered fin eeb. H, howaver, �he buiNiip w'vnpwamem e aoN xnhin ana yw d cwnpbiun, ihe owner-buildar vrill heve Ihe burden d provinB � a aha did nd Wik or improve Iw tM W�a W aele). � I. m armer d iM propeny. em exdueivay conlredvq wi�h IicensaE mnlreciae w mwrud the v�9b (`�� ]�. &+airima enE r,o�easiw�. coea: rne com.mon L'censa Lew aoee �a eovN w en owinr a va�r wnu wuH. «'unwa'� �ne,aon m,a wno conlrecU iw mvi� prqeda v.A� a mnvma(s) Icaroad puiaue�u to tha Conlretlon Licmae La�. � I em eaemp uMer Senion: B. 8 P.C., br tho �eesm: Dete� Ownec I do hereby cerliN �hat I em ewere d end uMerstend �ha rpuiramenre W Celilomie Meellh eM Selety Catle Sadiam 25505, 255�3, and 25530, end ihet I a eny M1nura WilEirp aaupent will / w11 rwl (dreb one) need to compy wih uid ama oodea eM �ha repuiremeMs M e permil lormnavuc�im w modififationhwn iha�i�ity .�enepemem Distriq. RpideMid canstrvd'an eppicel'vmara ezemq /mn tlwa prwisone. Ome: Applicaru: WONKEN'S CONVEHS�TON DECL�A�TION: I Mraby elfirm urdx pmeXy d pe�ury one d �he Idbv.irq dadermbm: � IhevaenAxilmeiMenecaMtliceledmneani�oaeH-inwnlorwarkencompemelbn.avpravkaElwbySedion3100dlhalebor Cab, la Ihe patlormence ol ihe xaM lor which thie permn ie iveued. �I hava end xiB meiman xnhm' mmpenselbn inaureme. m mQuired by Satlbn 9)00 d ihe Labar Code. br �M perlarmenro d �M wak la whicM1 iM1ia pemin ie iaued. My warke% compemelbn inwrence rertier ud pdiry number ere: c�.�.,: rOLDEN EAGLE EXPIRES ratiYr+�mc« niwr a�t i 41 n1 09/01/97 (lhis seaim neM Irot be comV�eJ I �heW�mAb kr we nurdred ddlam IfroJl w bn.) ❑ I cenily ihet in Ihe parlormence W tha wwk Iw whch thie peimn is ieaued. I ehell nd employ eny penon in vry menr�ar eo m to bewme eubl� �o �Ne workere' canpaneetion lewe d Celilomie, eM e Ihel M houk b«ame eubjee io i�e waM1e�e' compenu�ion d pn 3]OO IN tM lebor COEe. I shell /anh ' DN � P�oru. o�a �%�2 a�� �� —� ���� Waminp: Fellun b sxuro wailrwi mmoanutlon corereps Is unNMul, �n0 �IWI sub�ect an emplayx ro ulmlml pxr�ltlls� c/Nl nrw up ro on� hlndrW tMuuM Jd/ars ftt00,P00A M�Wltlan ro IM ewt oI rompsruetbA Wrmpu u provlEW ror In Sxtlon 9106 0l fM lebor CoOe, InNn�f, entl ettormy'� lsu. CONSTRUCTION LENUING AGENCY: I hereby �rm undar penelry W par'ryry Il�el Ihen b e conetrudion bMinp epency br tM perlortnenm ol �M xwk fa which t�e pemii ia'swetl (Sedion 309], CH. C�. • LENDEP'S NMIE: � - �FNDEN'S RDONE55: � � cenM �nm � neve mne �ne eoWice�bn end eme �nm �na ebow In�ammion u mnea. � roree�o cwnWv.mn el� ar e�e couMr aainenme eM atete lavn mleinp to buik�p conmruaion e�d hereby unhorize repraeenlUivee d �hie d1Y� enler upon IM ebove-men�orod PAVaM fwinspeGion Ourpoms. RON NOCK nnt Neme / ome: SgneWredOwredRpenVApp1� ConVeqa (S151de.WP) Whno--BuilEvp 8 Sate�y: GreaMFle: Cenery-Applram: Gink-Revenue; Ooldenrod-Avsesmr �' . JOH DESCRIPTION CLAIM VALUE: : DISHWASHER CHANGE OUT CALC—VALUE: SQ FT: GROUP OCC: R-3 / COMMENTS: NO OTHER.WORK ASSOCZATED WITH THIS PERMIT 1E 1E �E fE �E jE �E iE iflk if iE 1E �E 9E fE if if IE 1E IE iE IE IE 1E IE iE �E 3f if iF iE if iE if if if if if if 1E iE iE 1E IE IE iE 1E iE IE fE fE �f �E iE if iE iE 1E iE fE 1E 1F If it if iE 1E jE 3f if iE fE if iF ff 3E IE iE Z O N I N G R E Q U I R E M E N T S S E T H A C K S ------------ MAlN BOILDING_ —.-----.------ . . __-------- ACCESSORY BUILDING -------- FRN'P: FT ____ IN _REAR:_. _. _ FT _ ,1N__ . FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN LEF'P:. '_._FT . IN RGHT':_ ,_�FT . W LEFT:_ FT IN RGHT: FT IN PARKZ1�16.REQ: PROV: __ PARCEL: 139.58102 'lNE: REF NO: PLANNING NO'PES> ' iE if iE iE if if ik if iF if it IE iE aE iE iF 1E if 1E 1E 1E jE iE iE 1E iE aE iE iE If iE iE if if iE if iE 3E iE iE iE if iE �F iF if if 1E if iE it iF jf iF iF iF it 3f iF if if iE iE iE iE if jF iE fk �E iE IE iE IE IE ik iE aF 1E D E V E L O P M E N T S E R V I C E S R E Q U I R E M E N T S ZONING APPROVED HY . BUILDING APPROVED BY : APPLICATION ISSUED BY: IE 1F 1E IE iE iE IE iE 1f if if 1E iE IF 3f iE 1E if if if 1ElE LEGALIZATION:N F E E S U M M A R Y BLDG PMT_.PLUMBING PERMIT 8.75 258 PLAN , ISSUE FEE 22.00 BUILDING—DIV—> PERMIT ISSUE TOTALS-----> 8.75 22.00 ELECTRIC MECHANIC PLAN—CHECK • Q . Q � DATE: DATE: DATE: 'S �23 1f fE iE �E fE 3E iE 1E 1E fE iE jE fE fE 1E jE 1E 1E iE iE iE iE iE 3E �)E iE iE iE iE STRUCTURAL SEGMENT:N FIRE SMIP/AES GRADING SMIP/NON—RES TOTAL PAID DUE 30.75 30.75 .00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED: 30,75 OVER/SHORT: .00 BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTi2IC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN—CHECK 30,75 iF 1f 1f 1F 1F # M iF 1E # 1E if �E� iE ## iE If !f 1f'lElF iE 1k'k iE iE'lE iF if 1F 1F fE 1! 1E if iE fE if 1E # ff 1F 1ElE dE iE 1E if if if if 1F iElE iE 1ElE fE 1E iElE iF if 1E iE iF iF 1E'If 1E if 1E iE 1f iE iF iE if I N D I V I D U A L F E E B R E A K D O W N `P1t`PE QTY _ D E S C R I P T I O N UNIT COST TOTAL COST PLU 1 DZSHWASHER_ 8.75 8.75 END OF' FEES EX�I��D DATE _��� �l.J � ��T� 26-89-1997/18:�1 A�I/i3�.75 ;CRTN:o1-C9�)§ii ❑ERMIT:083@il � CONSTRUCTION AND PLANNING , . _ ,, , _ - POOI & SPA ' APPROVAIS Permit # � _Date Inspector APPROVALS ~ Permit # Date Inspector t. TemporarY Elactrical Service or Pole .� 52. Pool & Equipment Location , ' � . � , '2: Soii�Pipe-Undrgrnd'. ' - � . � -. ' ^ 53. Steel Reinforcement � � 3. Electrical ConduitUtility-Undrgrnd. � ' �54. Forms �� � � �� - 4: Electrical Conduit-Undrgrnd. � � . � 55. Electr,ical Bonding r • � � 5, Steel Relnforcem'ent . � ' � . , � �56: Rough Piumbing & Pressure�Test - � 6. Electricai UFER Gmd. . : � . � 57. APPROVALTD COVER�GUNITE � ' 7. Footings � . 58. Elecxrical Conduit�Undrgrnd. ' � � 8. Poundation � � �� � , ' . 59. Gas Pipe, O Undrgmd:,.Test ' ,' � � 9. Water Pipe-Undrgrnd. _ � 60. Backwash Lines, P�Trap, t7 Undrgmd: , 70. Structura� Fioor Svstem ' � - � 67. APPROVAL TO OECK - �. - � }}. property Sewer Line & Ho�se Conneciion �_ . 62. Backwash & Receptor-F�nai � 72. Sewer Cap �' . 63. Heater & Veni�Pinal ' - 73. Roof Dre�ns � , ' , � ; 64. Plumbing System � FinaP' . � 74. Rough Plambing ' 65. Electrica6Final �15. Rough Electrical-Conduit �"�� � • 66. Sofar System-Final � � 16. Rough Electric Wiring . ' { � 67. Fencing & Access Approval� •�� ' ' � � 77. Rough Wiring Sign , ; �� 66. APPROVED FOR PLASTERING � . 18. Rough Electrical-T Bar Ceiling ,.. ' 69. POOVSPA SYSTEMS FINAL ' '" 19. Rough Neating & Air Conditioning --- FIRE DEPT. REQUIREMENT 20. • Rough Factory Fireplace .. - � r qppROVALS . Permit # 27. Ducts, in Structure � ". - .. - 70. .Underground Hydro 22. Ducts, Vgntilating ' - �� 71. Product Piping OGas ❑Oil 23. Gas Pipe-Rough & Test 72. Underground Fiush 24. Roof Framing � � 73: Undergrnd. Stora9e Tank �7 Gas D O�I 25. Roof Sheathing ' � � - 74. Overhead HVdro 26. T-Bar Ceiling (Structurali & Mortowat - 75. Dry Chemicat - 27. Frame and Plashin9 . 76. Dry Standpipe .�� 28. Lathin9 � Siding �_ _ . � 77. FIXED SYSTEM-FINAL � 29. Insulation 78'. F�RE PREV. FINAL 30. Orywall Nailing - • -HEALTH DEPT.�REQUIREMENT � 31. Plaster 8rown Coat _ � . 79.�PINAL INSPECTION 32. Electrical Power MeterFinal 80. FOOD CERTIFICATE ISSUED ,' '� � . 33. Final Electric � Notes: �� _ . � 34. Final Heating & Air Conditioning- � 35. Final-Gas P�Pe-Test - �: 36. Hood or Canopy . - � � - 37. Final Factory Fireplace � " 38. Final Plumbing �'. . 39. Water Service-Finai • " ' 40. Gas Service-Final . - ' �� . 41. Solar pomesticFinal - ' ' 42. Backflow Preventer . . . �- _ 43. Backflo�v Irrigation ' ' ' � 44. Landscape Irripation System - - - � � - 45. Sound Attenuation - • - _- - ' . 46. Handicap Regulations � � � - , � � � 47. FINA� STRUCTURE & BUILDING 48. FINALPLANNING _ .. , 49. Electric Release to Edison 50..Gas Release to Southem Califorria Gas Co . 51. CERTIFICATE OP OCCUPANCY - . No. Date - PflOJECTRDDflESS: 33G9 CALIFORNIA ST OWNEfl'SNAME:LINSDAY LOUISE M nooRess:3369 CA{�IFORNIA ST COSTA MESA,CA 92626 (714)545-1976 ' PPCH/ENGINEEfl: AUOflESS: UNIT: NEG.NO.: I1NIT: vexminee: PAOGRESSIVE DESIGNED PLMB ( 714 ) 580-3500 aooRess: 6 VANDERBILT B IRVINE CA 92718 LICENSEU CONTFACTOB OECIAflATION: I �ereby aifirm �hai I am Iicense0 waer pmvisions of Chapler 9(commencing with Seclion 7000� nl Orvisinn 3 0l �he Pusiness antl Professions Cotle. an0 my license is in full lorce anE ellect. cirruc:049545 STATELIC.>3347 c C 36 /% . ` na�e'. _V-/ � � Signature- _ . _�_. — G� CEP$' COMPENSFTION DECLAHATION: I hereby at�irm Ihal I have a ce dica�e o� consen� lo self�insure or a i�icate of Workers' ensauo��n�e Prcjg^��e��o$v�tnereoi Isecron 3eoo. �an1�I / O 1/ J 3 �cv no.:VALLEY FORGE IN E%P.OATE: COMPANY: }(� ❑ Ceni�ietl copy is �ereby fumished. L'J Cenihetl copy is �iletl wi�h the ci�y Buu mg �ivision. ? / C Oate: � �"� i AOPlicant: ��A��A��� �`�/�\��% E%EMPTION FBOM WOPI(ENS' COMPENSPTION OELUMTION: �i�is sectian nee� nolbe comple�etl if �he permit is for one nOreA (311p) or less�. I certity Ihal in �he pedormance ol �he wark �or which this permit is issueQ I s�all nol employ any person in any manner so as to become su�lec� Io ihe Workers' Compensa�ion Laws ol Califomia. �a�e. �— Signalure: NO710E: II. afrer makmg this Oeclaration, you s�oultl �ecome su6lect to tAe Workers' Compensation pmvisions oi the Labor Coae. you mu5i fotlhwilh comply wilh such provisions or I�is Dermi� 5hall �e Oeemetl revok¢tl. CONSTBOLTION LENOING PGENCY: I hereGy aflirm Ihat ��ere is a constmc�ian lending agency �or �he peAormance of the work for which this permi� is issuetl (Semion 3097. Civ. C). LENDEN: aooness: OWNEN BUILOEB DECLABATION: I hereby allirm �Aa� I am exempt Imm Ihe Coniractors' Staie License Law br �he �ollowing reason (Section 7031.5 Business and Pm�essional Coae'. Any city of county which repuires a permit to conSlmcl, atler, impmve, demolish, or re0air any 51rucWre, prior lo iis issuance. also reQuires �he applican� for such permit �o file a signetl s�a�ement �hal he/she is licensetl pursuanl to Ihe pmvisions ol 1�e Contraciors' Slaie License Law �Chapter 9(commencing with Sec�ion 7000) oi Division 3 0l ��e Business ane Pwlessions Code) or Ihai he/she is e�em0� �here�mm antl Ihe basis for ��e allegetl exemption. Any viola�ion o� Sec�ion 7031.5 by �ny ap0licant lor a permii SuUle��S Ihe applicant �o a civil penalty ot not more ��an five huntlreG Eollars (5500). I. as owner ol ihe pwpeny or my employees wilh wages as Iheir sole compensation, will do ihe work, an� ihe J slmclure is nol intenUetl ar of�ere0 for sale (Sec�ion 70aa. Business and Professional Code: The ConVacmrs' Sta�e License Law tloes nai apply to an owner of a pmperty who builas or impmves thereon, and who Ooes such work himSelOhersel� or thmugh his or her own employees, pmvide0 Ihat such improvemen�s are not intentled ar oiferetl �ar sale. Ii, however Ihe builtling or impmvemen� is so10 wi��in one year of completioq Ihe owner will have t�e �urden at proving he/she Oid no� builtl or impwve �or the purpose ol sale�. I. as owner o� the pmpetly, am e�clusively contracting wilh licensea conVac�or5 io cons�md �he pmle�� (Seclion 7044, Business ❑ an0 Pmfessions Code: The Contractors' State License Law tloes not apply �o an owner of pmDeRy who bui105 or improves �hereon ana who conirads for such pmlects with a contracioqs) license pursuan� ta �he ConVac�ors' Sta�e License Law�. I am aware Ihat pmo� of their Worker's Compensalion insumnce s�oultl �e pmvitled to me. � I am exemp� under Section'. 8. 8 P. C. far I�is reason: Oate: Ownec I do �ereby cenity tha� I am aware ol and untlersiantl �he requiremems of California Health an� Sa�ery Coae Sections 25505, 25533, and 25534 antl �hat I or any fuWre builtling occupani willlwill noi (circle one) neetl to compty wit� said s�aie co0e5 an0 ��e requiremen�s for a permi� lar conslmciion or motli�ica�ion iwm �he Air �ualily Managemen� �isiricl. flesitlential consimciion applica�ions are exempt �mm Ihese pmvisions. �ate pppliCanC I hereby certity Ihat I have reaA this appbca�ion antl SIaIe �hat �he above inlormalion is correct. I agree ro comply wilh all ciry and county ordinances anU slate laws relaling Ia �uildmg con9mction antl hereby aWhar¢e represenla�i� s of �his ciry �o enter upan ihe above-men�ionetl i prOpetly IOrinspet�ian pufp05¢5. II Daie' � � =j 3 t64i-a6 WM1ite—Builtlmg�, Green—Code EnlorcemenL Canary—Applicanl: Pink—Revenue: Goldenroa—Assessor CITY OF COSTA MESA — BUILDING PERMIT . PERMIT NO; P 062501 PLAN CHECK NO; N . , CONSTRUCTION TYPE: 5—N PERMIT TYPE; PLU PURPOSE; OTH JOH DESCRIPTION : WATER HEATER REPLACEMENT SQ FT: CLAIM VALUE; CALC—VALUE; GROUP OCC: R-3 / COMMENTS: NO 'H' PERMIT INVOLVED +tx�t�r*�t**�t*�t�t***�tx�t**�t�t**�t*****�tx�r*x***�t�tx�*��r***x*****�rx****x�t�t*x��r��r**�t*x*�**+tx * Z O N I N G R E Q U I R E M E N T S S E T H A C K S ------------ MAIN HUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY BUILDING --------- FRNT; FT IN REAR: FT IN FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT; FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT; FT IN PARRING REQ• PROV; PARCEL; 13958102 ZNE: REF NO; PLANNING Nt3T'ES> ? iE it �f k if �E iE iF k k iF iF if �F�F ik iF iE if 1Fif it if ik k!E jF if iF IF 1F if ikit ik 1F iE iE Iklf iF fk if if �k 1E iE if ik ikiF �f iE if �F1f iE iE �E i! iFiklElF iE iF IE 1FiE iE iF IF iF iE 1F 1lif �F ik D E V E L O P M E N T S E R V I C E S�! R E Q U I R E M E N T S ZONING APPROVED BY �: DATE; BUILDING APPROVED BY : _ � �' DATE; _ APPLICATION ISSUED HY• �" DATE• ��F�����3 1Eik1FiflfiklfitltklEiflElflflklFiFlElfiE1E 1EiElfiEiE�EiEiFiE�! iEif iFif�FkiklEiEfEfFikltiflEiFiFiflElE�E1EltiElkffiEiElF�ffFfFiFitiElFitklEitiFiEit�kikifik �iFitiklF�ElEit�FM�k�EififiEiFiliE�FiEfFiEifiFiF�FifiEiEiEiEiliE LEGALIZATION;N F E E S U M M A R Y STRUCTURAL SEGMENT:N HLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/RES GRADING IPERMIT �'15t SMIP/NON—RES PLAN ISSUE FEE 20.00 BUILDING—DIV—> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN—CHECK TOTAL PAID DUE TOTALS----> 7,00 20.00 0,00 27,00 27.00 ,00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED; 27.00 OVER/SHORT: ,00 HLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN—CHECK 2%,�0 iF iE iE �f if ik iE iE iE �f if k ik iE iE if�if ik 1k iE �k �f 1k iF iE iliFik if iFiF if itiE if iE iF iFlE iF �E iE fE iF if �1F iE it iE iE if if �E iE iF 1E iEiEdl1E 1E if iF iE 1E iE iF if iF iF iE iF ik iF iF IE iE if iF I N D I V I D U A L F E E B R E A K D O W N TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I O N PLU 1 WATER HEATER AND/OR VENT END OF FEES UNIT COST TOTAL COST 7,00 7,00 01 06140S31—OQ140531 T�7 T 27.00 DATE: �6/�7l93 TItIE: 13:07 CONSTRUCTION AND PLANN � ' JOl & SPA. APPROVALS Permit # Date Inspector APPROVAIS Permit # Date inspector t. Temporary Electrical Service�or Pole - . 52. Poot & Equipment Location � 2y �Soil P-ipe-Und�grnd. - � , ,�j . 53. Steel Reinforcement � -•3?-E(ect5jcal ConS}uit �itility�Unclrgfrfd.'' � - '� 54. Forms � � i::i. - ' �� 'ectr�al Conc��if _�7ndrgrnd. _ �-� 55. Electrical Bonding : 5' Stee1 Relnforcerrienc �" 56. Fough Plumbing & Pressure Test �� .�-& ElecgicalUF��R�rnd. ' - 57. APPROVALTQCOVER�GUNITE -� - i�_� otings _�r r� 58. Eiectrical Conduit�Undrgmd. � � �<<'�'� Foundation � � 59. Gas Pipe, C5 Undrgrnd., Test f : 5. Water P�pe�Unargrnd. � 60. Backwash Lines, P�Trap, O Undrgrnd. 10. �tr�ctural Floor System � `" 61. APPROVAL TO DECK . � it, f�,roperty Sewer Line & FiouseConRection . 62. Backwash & Receptor-F�nal ��. °� ' 12. 3ewer Cap ' �• •. • � 63. Heater & Vant-Final . . 13. Roof Drains _ : � 64. Plumbing System - Final ' 14. Rou9h Piumbing � . 65. Eiectrical-Final . 75. Rougb Eiectrital-Conduit , 66. Solar System•Final � � 76. Rough Electric�Wiring ' 67. Pertcing & Access A��proval � � �' 17. fiough Wiring_Sign 68. RPPROVED FOR PLASTERING ' ti 18. Rough Electrical-T Bar Ceiling 69. POOLI.`'iPA SYSTEP�nS FINAL 19. Ro�ugh NeaUng 8i Air Conditiqning . �, p.E OEPT. REQUIREMENT �r- r � u, ¢ ,: - l �._ ,,, _ . _ ,. 20,' Rc�Fgh�_�act[;rY z_rgPlace i a.-r ; �,-� >�''APPFytJV�L$�_�-. PeFmit �', ` 2Y' D�ts,�n Stiucture' �...- . S;� ? -," �� ' 70. -yndergrpnrcl N�dro x � � 22� D "ts,{oent�atin ;. ' •" � :_, V ' •`_ x > ;' ;� .` .' �- . Ye .� 9 `Q 77. ProduCLA,iPin9DGas �Oil 23�•Gas-Pipe�Rbugh &'fest ' .r ; - - ' i'' � _ �x x; � 7y, UndergrQ�nfJ F7�4h " - 24T fl6�f �aming `�" � � ' � �,; ,r � ,7�. Undergrnd.Stora4rTanVe<OGasY`�Oil 25; Roof Sfieaihing ��� S %�^�� c � i n Y 74i Overhead Hydrol _� y 2�: T-Qar Ceiling IStcu�tural} gC �ocoat '` S '' '' y _ " 3 � x p y �x � 75 Dr Cherr�icai _ ,. � 2}.': Frame,and Flashriu3 �..�� � e �M ' 76. Dry Star�pipe �� �= '� � �^ ' 28. La�hiny & Siding y"= �'.';;, �.�`.' `.,* � 7� FIXED _S`FSTE�i*i��`VAL F i', ,r. � 29. Insulation _r �_ .� � � �_ K � 7 �.FIRE�?REV. F(JV�,L t 7 � `'t 30. DrywaiNailmg�y \ r "� ;��`=�� �i�ALT�lDEP�.�REQUIR`EMENT ==a- � � 37. Plasteu$ror7n C2sat. � : .r(� -� � ( �- � � 79.� F�NA� I'NSPECTIpN > _ �_ t a, .^: '7 I 32. Electrir,al Ppyver-M�tC+i,-F�na! i w ` 80� FOOD CERTiFrdL�ATc I���IED_ s - r - .. � . .- � M 33'> Fi�ral GhctGc ,< -: i x• �-- � , No"tes: " - .� - .� s- r 34� Fi�al iF�atipg & An Cortditionirig ' x, A` A '> r r � = T, - , � � 3�j Final Gas Pipe-Tese ��- • � + -. < � � � ��^ =�� - ':� '= 3C� Hobd o_CanoPY '� =� ' •r : - '" [". 1 ���� �. � t_.� •; �'- ,r C' Y r�L. � 1 lL vL � �� :t �f • � 3T,.Fir,a1 Pactory Fireplacz ' � � � � <� �L � i., _ 38. Firsai Piumbing �' _'� ' � -�' = ' " � , : , ' '<� ld�6 � _ .� * -- ° 39. LVater Service-Finaf �_ ' ti - 1 '� (>. � .: . '- ` . ' � s - i. �' 40. Gas Service-Final � �:r•.° - " � ."' = �' ,: i� ' 'i � l:f x = c� x: ^ 41. Solar OomesticFirrial' �„ � ��; `' j; �% r " ,� x ; _ �, � � 42. Backflow PreventeT � ' ? �• " J- ?. � � �_ - �y-. ,c -r� rn �� .. 43. Backflow Ir7gatioq ,,'�.`' ' * ,c x „ i' .�. �" (� � • '.. I � 44^ landssapeJrriga[ion Systerrt ''�J _ - T ? �; y ' :3 ` J ;�^ � c i _ -. -' 4�s✓,c Sound,Att^ uation J -L' . _ .- ,' _ `f "� � gT1 Y Y ,� _ ..� . - -+ "' '% �. '� f.� � � . ;� 46:• Handitap Regulations � �� � ' I .. u i• '.4l'.• FIi�ALSTRIICTURE & BUtLDING ! � �' " ' . �/ � 4�� FINAL PLANNIN�, ` ' �' i "- � i '.-�Y � ' "� . - .Y . �� 49; El�e'Iric Retease to"Edison ` � L� .� � ,Q`' ;� _ 50_ Ga�Release to Southem CaGfam�a Gas Co " � 1" � • � C • � - _ li" x :.7 51. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY ' � "� • •- • � ' -' ` No. Date �niv�rt HERML'S DEVL'IAPMF'PTj.' vn�� 7-1-�7 JOB ADDRESS ��69 CaliYornia Street BUILDING PERMIT N0. 3�133 SOIL GAS WATER �J f �T �w" ( ROUGH PLl1MBiNG PROP. SWR. LINE OUSE CON. [��� SPRINKLING SYSTEM MISCELLANEOUS ROUGH HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING TEMPORARV SERVICE OR POLE UNOERGROUND � POWER � ROUGH WIRING TRENCHES Q FORMS � STEEL REINF. FLOOR SVSiEM BOND BEAM � STEEL REINFORCE [`� SHEATHING FRAME AND FLASHING LATHING - IN � OUT � PLASTER,BROWN COAT STRUCTURAL, FINAL HEATING, VENT., REFRIG. ANO A.C., F AL PLUMBING, FINAL AN� GAS TEST � ELECTRIC, FINAL BUILDING, FINAL SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS )UP T c4e J TYPE SUBGONTRAGTOR d-2R :�� ! 33 COSTA MESA BUILDING-SAFETY DEPARTMENT P.O. BOX 1200 COSTA MESA, CAIIFORNIA 92626 For Applicant to Fill in Completely BUILDING �� ! � ��� • ADDRESS �9 yy/L.GI� � OWNEF Hermes Dev. (�'O. TEL ciTv Santa Ana No.54�- BRANCH ADDRESS T ADDRESS Z'/lZ �. Coast Hwy_ Carona D_ CONTRACTOR pwner ADDI7ESS TEI. CITV NO. L C No. 25256o LICVNO. OF LOT 1 OO X 5O I NOW ON LOTS O USE OF EXI5TING BLDG. SI2E OF NO. OF NEWBLDG. ZlOO SC]. ROOMS 9 STORIES 2 EXTERIOR WALL ROOF COM�JO Op COVEFING �r.UCCO - CbVERING WOOC1 USE OF BUILDING AND WORK TO BE PERFORMED Residence w/attached earaee PA10 r,fR24-69r.wsaC01327� *:`s152.25 APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT A.P. NO. ~ BVILDING / ADDRESS�3 b � FIRE ZONE ` APPROVED :O NO.OF 1 PLANS � VARDS APPROVED MAIN BUILDING FROM GL ST j{ET) � USE OF NEW/�.Y�� ( � BUILDING VARDSAPPROVED ACCESSORV BVILDING E U FT. L. SIDE V FT. FT. REAR /' FT. FT. DISTANCE BET. BET. MAIN & MAIN BLDGS. ACCESS. BLDGS. VAR. # / DATE ` 0.U.P.# �� S�Ip APPROVED J ' APPROVED ��, AA/I I '7 � / � I nereby acknowledBe tnet � nave reed uis application and stete HOLD FOR SPE 'IAL RE i�i F' ffiet ffia above information is correct antl a8ree to comply with ' all laws regulating builtlin8 �onstruction, end I shall not employ any person in violation of the workman's compensetion laws of tha State of Celifornia. m - �/oo �5b `° I hereby cartify that I am properly licensatl as a contractor untler SQ. FT. C the State of California Business and Professions Cotle, Divisicn 3, THE AMOUNT SHOWN UNDER VALUATION IS FOR � Chapter 9, antl that such licenses are In tull force entl affect, or I THE PURPOSE OF ESTABLISHING A PERMIT FEE ONLV: m am exempt from ine provisions of the State of Calitornia Businass /' � �j ¢ antl Professions Cotle ivision 3 iaprer 9. VALUATION pERM1T FEE $ V�• �/� j Slpnature ot 9 � '7/� m Permltte , ` ^,�1 �� � PLAN CHECK $ /�-/ E J `o LL Authorizatl ABant �TOTAI. FEE $ ��• ��