HomeMy WebLinkAbout3129 BOSTON WAY - Building Permits•"y _� � / PflOJECT AODflESS: 3 1� C1 B VS! UN Tnl' OWNEH'SNAME:y�aV�1CA, SOHIv A ` ADDflESS:NaGL1CA ri�Y N 3i 29 BO�Tt]N wAY CGSiA N.ESA,CA 92626 FNCHIENGINEEp; S S 5— 2 9 8 6 flEG.NO.: FDONESS: uNir:' ,� � � UNIT: PEflMITTEE:� j-jHNLEl� CONSTRUCT=GN CO (7i4)670-6141 aooaess: 4 9 5 E? 7 TA S i COSTA MESA CA 92627 LICENSEO CONTflACTON UECIAHATION: I �ere�y a�lirm tha� I am IlcenseA untler provisions oi Chap�er 9(commencing with Section 70001 of �iv:sion 3 oi the 6usiness antl Pmfessions CoOe. ana my license is in full �orce antl elfect. c�Tv uc.:0 3 4 2 4 2 srnTE uc.:3 7 3: 4 6 cuss: � �% oaie: /'1 t� �% i9 53 Siqnamre�. �d�.�t � �7'�'"""�` WOHREflS' COMPENSATION OECIAFATION: 1 hereby aflirm (hai I have a cerlificaie oi con5eni b self-insure or a ificaie o� Workers' Compensation Insurance. or a cenifiea copy Ihereoi (Section 3800. Lab. C�. POLICY NO.: EXP. URTE: COMPANY: ❑ Certitiea coOY is here�y fumisheA. ❑ Cerbfietl copY is tiled wii� the ciry Builtling Uivision. oate'. poDlicanL�- '• E%EMPTIONFHOMWONNEflS'COMPENSATIONOECIAflATION:� (Thissectionneeena�becompletedi�thepermilisforon¢huntlretl�5lW�orle55). I certify iha� in t�e pedormance ol �he work �ar wAic� Ihis permil is issuetl. I s�all not employ any Derson in any manner so as to become subleci lo Ihe Woikers' Gompensaiioqn CLaws ol California.- �// /� oate: rzL�`1 r�-y . //� Siqna�ure: /���u� rr NOTICE: Ii, ler making �nis declaration, you s�ould become suble�� �o �he Workers' ComOensalion pmvis' s ot �he Labor Cotle. you mus� forthwii� comply with such pmvision5 or Ihis permit shall be deemetl revaked. CONSTBUCTION LENOING FGENCY: I hereby a�firm tha� there is a con5[mciian lentling agency for the pedormance ot ihe work lo� which ihis permil is i55ueA �Section 3097, Civ. C). ' LENOEfl: noosEss: OWNEN BUILOEB OECLAPRTION: I here6y aifirm Nat I am exempi �rom ��e Coniractors' S�ale License Law for Ihe following reason (Seqion ]031.5 Business antl Professional Catle: Any ciry oi coun�y which reQuires a permi� to constmc�, alier, improve. OemalisM1, or repair any slmciure, prior lo ils issuance. also reduires ihe applican� for 5uch permii lo lile a 5igne0 5taiemenl Ihat he/she is licensetl pursuani lo ihe pmvisions ol the Contracmrs Sia�e License Law (C�ap�er 9(commencing wil� Seciion 7000) ol Division 3 of Ihe Business ana Pmlessions Cotle) or Ihal helshe is exempt iherelmm and Ihe basis �or Ihe alleged e�emption. Any viola�ion o� Sec�ion 7031.5 Uy any apP��can� lor a permit suble��s Ihe apPlicant Ia a civil penaliy of not more �han live �undretl aollars ($500�. I. as owner o� the pwDehY or my employees with wages as Iheir sole compensation, will do �he work, anA ihe ❑ s�mclure is no� intentle0 or offere0lor sale (Sec�ion 7044. Business and Pmfessional Cotle: The Coniractors' Sta�e License Law does no� apDly lo an owner oi a prope�y who builtls or impmves t�ereon. anU who Ooes such work himsell/hersel� or Nmugh his or �er awn emplayees, pmvided Iha� such impravemen�s are noi intended or ofiered for sale. It, however lhe builtling or improvement is saltl within one year oi completion, ihe owner will have �he burtlen of DmvinA helshe Aitl nol builtl or impmve br ihe purpose ol sale). I, as owner of �he pmperty, am e�clusivery conirac�ing with licensed coniractors to constmc� ��e pmle�l (Section 7044, Business ❑ antl Pmlessions CoOe: The Coniractors' State License Law does not aDPly lo an owner o� pmperly who builtls or impmve5 ihereon and who conlracis �or such prole��s with a contraclor(s) license pursuan� to Ihe Con(metoK $late License Law). I am aware iha� pmo� oi Iheir Warker'S Compensation insurance shoultl be pmvirletl to me. � I am exempl unJer Se[tion'. lor ihis reason: Oaie: B,BP,C. Owner I ao �ereby cenily Ihal I am aware of an0 un0ers�antl Ihe reQwremenls o� Cali�omia Heal�h and Sale�y Cotle Sectians 25505, 25533, an0 25534 an� i�a� I or any fuWre buil0ing occupanl will/will nol (circle one) neetl lo complY wiN said slale cotles an0lhe reQuirements �or a permil tor consimction or modihca�ion imm �he Air Ouah�y Managemem Distric�. Resitlemial consimction apDlicaiions are exemp� from I�ese provisians. � Daie: Applicanl'. I hereby cer�ily thal I �ave reatl ihis applicalion and sta�e �hat �he above in�armatian is correcL I agree to comply with all ciry anA counry orOmances antl slate laws relating lo �uiltling consimclion ana hereby auNorize representatives of this ci�y �o enier upon Ihe a�ove�menlione0 pmper�y loi inspeclian purposes —J / �aie. �� Signalure: � �� " ��—^�L�"�� Oiiver's Licens ar Social Securi�y q: �� � �64La6 While—Bwldmg; Green—Code Enlorcement: Canary—Applsanl; Pink—Revenue: Golaenrotl—Assessor -- C=.Y OF CO•�TA ;?::SA-- 3JILLIi�:"^PERt/.__ ?ER.`�? ti0: B ��E�?^` PE:t`?i � tit�: B OE2307 PLAti CArCiC NO. 018t2-9j S :�uji:: D] c;u ��: :' CO\STFtL'CT�ON TYPE: PEFtMIi TYYE: STR PUR?G5=: r��i� JOB DESCBIPTiON : 288SF SOiSD ROUF PATIV CVVER SQ ri: 28II CiAIM VA�JE: 3,000.00 CALC-VALli't: �,262.40 GRGUP UCC: R-3 / CG��'4EtiTS: s;�'GX2 DtTcCTpRS RE�QUIRED AS ?ER iiBC9? ��.�<������}�����������*�u*�� ���**��*�������.���*�*��x.**r�.��� SM �� KE*DE�T�C�TOR Z U ti? ti G R E Q iJ I R E N. E N'� 5 S�TbA�hs REQUIRED ------------ ^!AiN BUI�DING ---------- --------- ACCESSu'r.Y'3uILPT_NG --------- Fk1VT: FT TN REr�R: 65 �T IN FRNT: FT _N REAR: FT �N iEFT: 7 Fi IN RG:-IT: 20 FT IN LE: T: FT iN R�_rii: PT Iiv PARRING R:'4: PROV: PPSiCti: ?4?69�25 ZNE: R! R�'F NO: -rTahr�i�.� IvGTES> 28&.,S,Q. Pi. PATIO CO't'�'R Ai.�USTI�N. �° � `� it if if ri-IE �#?E iF ��E iE iE,�. 7E �?E�E�j'viE 3f ie ic ie?E #'r, jF iE 3f 3E iE iE iG+; �# iF?E # i� 3E iF ##±f IE 1E iE * if iF +:',E �?;� H 1E iS �i jE 3E !F ;{ # fR-+; # ie 3R y: F i: iE 3f ik � E V E�' Usi��• M= N T S E R V I C E S R E� ii = P, :. �: E�-i S f �"'. Y% ZUNiNG t�PP::GV�u' 3Y Co' Es< UATE :�S�- '2��.3 �ii=:DING APP�pzJ,.�U EY,' • �ATE:` ' - j� tL' � , � i � ���Lica�_ar; i�su�U.,�Y: �- ,�TF: -5�.�`� ��i3 ?Ei�?f?<?Ei�-?EiEiE3E?Eif3�iE3E?E3E vr�iei!�?f. .. ..-� xx- x. x., s,Tsxxr. r.fr�.�xx7rux :�EifiEiF�lE3E?E?EiF?(��-,x ar�iexr. ?t?E ?� iE?E ?E iE iE i%iE �Y if �lE if +' 3E i' �1E :f �+= i' i!� � iE i� �!i� iE iE iE i� iF iE iF u yE �7F if iF iE # iE # iE # 3E 3c fE ## iF if� # 1FlE if ?F iF 3� ii� if 3:� »: ?E � i< if �)E 3E d! it� #?E'rf ?� IF iF � iE �EGA:� � �A�=GN: N F E E �S 0 M M A R Y STRCi�T�tphL" SEGME�iT: Y BLJG PM1 ?Lii?�'h�NG ELEIiR�C i:�CriA�i1C FIRt SN.,P/R?S GRADi;dG PERM_i 72.50 :y� 50 ,� SN.:�lNON-RES e PiA*I 46.80 - ;�� I$$UF. FCC' `d" 3IIIii1Z2iG-LIV-> PENMi2T 2SSUE PiriN-CFECk TuTAi PAT_D J', DU� TOTALS----> 72.50 U,00 ;.._'-'46.80 I?9,30 ??3.30 j'� .QO �-7 %� R�i1�Nlit yiViSiuN TGTA�s--> CU�L'£C��U: ?15.30 OV=?/SHURi: .UO B�UG PNT PiUNSiNG E�ECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE S!�?SP/TOT GRP.DING �P��.�N-CsicCH 72.SG .�,�j' „ .50 � 45.80 1F jE aF �: 3f iE } i't iE }? }: i% iE f iE # iE iE iE if -)f #?f :f 3!�?E q u iF i4 ?E?!� iE iE ��'+,?� $��ie if iE iE iE iE # iE# iE if !( 1F 1f iF # i4?f ?F if 36 {�if- if iE 9E iE #.Y-iN iF 3E #' �1e if # if 3f x 3?� < :�v�: vi� �a� r.: rr 3�tax�ow� ,, 'k TYyE ysY D E S C R I P� I C� �1,.� UNI. CGST ?�OTA'_. C�ST SF? 288 RES-PATiO CGVER-PC�ET�s �OLiU ROOF ?4.80 �� 4,262.40 fF?GA Ur FEES �l� / . '^ �ti� � r� ,��"'"JJ/ r'��: .� .. � •� i; ;'j'''<-� 0± 00239703-00139�OS TO T 119.3Q L� •_"•ATE� 05/24/43 TI17E: 12:45 / �' F i WNSTRUCTION AND PLANNING APPROVALS Permit # - t. Temporary Electrical Service orPole -2. Soii Pipe•Undrgrnd, � _ 3. Electrical Conduit UtilitY�Undrgcnd. _ 4. Electrical Conduit-Undrgr�d. 5. Steel Reinforcement � 6. Electrical UFER Grnd. 7. Footings 8, Foundation 9. Water Pipe�Undrgrnd. 70. Structural 'rioor System � i t. Property Sewer Line & Nouse Connection 12. Sewer Cap 13. Roof Orains ` 74. Rough Plumbing 15. Ro�gh Electrical-Cond��t ' i6. Rouc�h Electric Wiring 77. Rough Wiring Siyn 18. Rough Electricai-T Bar Cel���g 19. Rough Heating & Air Co�d'+tioning 20. Rough Factary Fireplace 21. Ducts,in Structure 22. Ducts, Ventilating , 23. Gas Pipe-Rough & Test 24. Roof Framing 25. floof Sheathing _ � 26. T-8ar Ceiling {Structural) & Monocoat 27. Frame and Flashing G i 28. Wthing & Siding 29. Insulation 36. Drywafl Nailing 37. Piaster Brown Coat 32. Elecvical Power MeterFinal 33. Final Electric 34. Final Heating & Air Condittonina 35. Finai Gas Pipe-Test 36. Hood or Canopy ` 37. Finai FactorY Fireplace �, 38. Final Piumbing 39. VVater Service�Final . � 40. Gas Service�Finai 41. Solar pomestic-Final 42. Backflow Preventer 43. Backfiow trrigation � 44. Landscape Irripation SVstem 45. Sound Attenuation 46. Handicap Regulations 47. FINAL STRUCTURE & BUILDING 48. FINAL PLANNING 49. Electric Release to Edison 50. Gas Release to Southerri California Gas G 51. CEATIFICATE OF QCCUPANCY No. Qate Date - Pt,vL & SPA Inspector RPPflOVALS Permit # 52. Pool & Equipment Loration 53. Steel Reinforcement 54. Forms 55. Electricel Bonding 56. Roagh Piumbing & Pressure Test 57. APPROVAITOCOVER�GUNITE �� 56. Elactrical Condui�•Undrgrnd. 59. Gas Pipe, � Undrgrnd., Test 60. Backwash Lines, P�Trap, t� Undrgrnd. 61. APPROVA� TO DECK 62. Backwash & Receptor-Final 63. Heater & Vent•Final 64. Plumbing Syscem - F�nal . 65. Electrical�Final 66: Solar SYstem-Fina! 67. Fencing & Access Approval 6&. APPROVED FOF PLP.STERING 69. POOLiSPASYSTEMSFINAL FIFiE DEPT. REQUIREMENT APPROVAIS Permit # '� �' _ � . �..' V Date �inspector 70. Underground Hyd��o 71. Produc[ Piping C Gas '�7 Oil 72. Underground Piush 73. Undergrnd. Storag�� Tank p Gas ❑ Oil 74. Overhead Hydro 75. Dry Chemicai 76. Dry Standpipe � 77. FIXED SYSTEM FINAL 78. FIRE PREV. FItUAL HEALTH OEPT. REQUIiiEMENT 79. FINAL INSPECTION � 80. FOOD CERTIFICATE ISSUED _ Notes: �`Q �Q �iy/�C 6/ 3 � c NOTE� SHOW AND DI ENSION� � PATIO COVER AND �AR�AR �ED �' Y of Costa Mesa 8uild;,; ev 9 Dept. —.—� � � � -. T_ � NOn^,u,;hy�.'vP�S il'�._T Flc_ .�;•,: i-•�,n ��Y79� P; f`:�� ,�? `.T �;l l I ifr1E 1 lilE 1S �„�� Z �f� ' - rl�: 5 h�.4iiF PC/\: p'S:i:f�_�� i,' 3p� �,�, :,il Or n_PT `FnST ��, � , � � i;R r ' ' C[; q^n �'�`�'7C�;;lSb�� �r> .. , _ .4CV::.LOF nU�!�� y:ii � � +S � ' . � �'�'.A 1�D�' u;,� � � � � ' - 1 ' �HiCH li Q���: .�! , � , � � �� ry'.'�._ , � ..;F.. I,iL.;'rC.-��� ' ii5 ,.-THi rs3Ui,Ar��r��_� _ . . , �. �'�' .: C�: ���t � �r. r ...,.� i�vl _ . . �AID PLAAI-AF�EkI'r��� ''Iii�.YE��Ji 7'-r.c '�`� �::tti;; ��i�. A1D ''.`•,IFI^.G'IHC-::C . -UiLiJ�.:(It'-r:: BUIIDI,VG OI=FF,.-� Sf'�CG:i^;i7jC`7d ., _ _ _iCu.l:v�' EFr.JF;cla.L IN VIOLATION pp 'Q�I` iS�i(Fv�j C 11'lj:n:.. • IGIA L`l4VIr'. Y^ Ii`I TH[ CIiY 1flIS CG66 OR n; �-`� �'i ii F?F: n..._. � LV�: ��'� CIN ..: �ue!I:Y�IEN R b^DI�JAt...;;� Oi- ; 3 i z �j 8o5-%n ( � '� ` I ` � ' cm oF dU@JER TO B�� ^Y v C�. .. � ���K70R OF Puh � _� �o��o h ��,7 ��� STREET PLOT PLAN N � � H N � Z 0 J � m F N x W �A MESA UE�i. UEPi. 4E;. i �� f`� r�, c�v �- SEE DETAILS ON REVERSE SIDE ROOf SHEATMING OVERHANG � X � RAFTERS AT 7-` O.C. y x� BEAM� T-STRAP EA. $IDE FOR POST- BEAM CONNECTION. J • DROP PpT10 W � fLOOR 2' O � G a fn SLOPE TO DRAIN —� -p:. ':v� r� �26 GA. G.1. FLASHING WOOD FLOOR CONSTRUCTION SIDE ELEVATION m a J N U 2 0 U i f 0 0 d f a z � W F- F- N a 7 Q � O � � N = x � � O � W � Z a ¢ � � 2 �I I LL � W � > 0 m Q � -� � � 1 N � � -J—L _ _ J PIERS 12�� SoJ� o < � � _ � CONSTRUCTION DETAILS 201bs.R00F CONNECTION DETAILS CON7. LEDGER CONT. LEDfiE O�ID BLOCK i/2�� DIA. X 5�� LAG SCR A7 32�� O.C. DETAIL I CR 9 CL ��TECO�� GRIPS OR JOIST HANGER 3/g'� DIA. X 5�� LAG SCR. AT �(�'� O.C. DETAIL 2 IO�n60R LIGHT WEIGHT ROOFS ONLY 'CONNECTION DETAILS 2�� X FACIA-MIN. RAFTER APPROVED METCL HANGER DETAIL 3 nEVEi,oPr�ar. s�cEs n��tr�r�ar BUIId�Ir1G SAFEPY DIVISION OWNER: �a1� N I�c._� ( � « —� ADDRESS � �.1 �-� 1�e�,� Lvc��_ CONTRACTOR: �o�e_rI- rE�-a�.l-�- ADDRESS:��1� � i�= 1?� S�- . L� o,,�"�- RAFTERS CARPORT, PORCH OR PATIO NOT SUPPORTING CEILING SIZE SPACING SPAN 2"x4'.' 12"O.C. 9'-6" 16" 8'-0" 24" 6'-6" 32" 6'-0" 48" 5'-0" 2"x6" 12" 16'-6" 16" 14'-6" 24" 12'-0" • 32" 10'-6" 48" .8'-0" 2"x8" 24" 15'-6" 32" 13'-6" 48" 11'-6" 4"x6" 24" 17'-0" 32" 15'-0" 36" 14'-0" ���XB�� z4�� 21�_a�� 32" 19'-0" 36" 18'-0" 48" 16'-0" 4"xL0" 32" ?2'-0" 36" 21'-0" 48" 20'-0" 72" 17'-0" PATIO COVER TYP. PL-ANS DATE � �� `� � ► � � PHONE: � S�– a�S� LIC. N0. 3��T� PHONE� ��Sb– ��yl RAFTERS LIGHT WEIG}ff ROOF COVER OF LATH, FIBERGLASS, ALUM. SIZE SPACING SPAN 2"x4" 16"O.C. 9'-6" 24�, 8�_p�� 32" 6'-6" . 48" 5'-6" 2"x6" 16" 16'-6" 24" 14'-6" 32"• 12'-0" 48" 10'-0" 2"x8" 24" 19'-0" 32" 15'-6" 48" 13'-6" HEADERS LIGHT WEIGHT ROOF ONLY SI2E POST SPACING 4x4 - 6'-0" 4x6 9'-0" 4x8 12'-0" 4x10 15'-0" CARPORT, PORCH OR PATIO SIZE POST SPACING 4x4 5'-0" 4x6 8'-0" 4x8 10'-0" 4x10 12'-6" APPROVED FOR BUILDING PERMIT By Date GENERAL NOTES: 1. These plans must-be, kept on [he job a[': all [Sme during construction. 2. All framing [o be Douglas Fir N° � gtade minimum. 3. Raf[ers may not a[tach to facia ex- cept for 10]►„�roofs as shown on de[aile 20lbsroofs mus[ use a continuous ledger attached as shown on details ik1L#2. 4. LSght weight roofs may aitach to facia for 14' span max., spans over 14 must use a continuous ledger as shown in detail i13. . �� � �U ���� OWNER FAi�Y, JAMES DATE 6-i3-6� JOB ADDRESS ��q goston Wav BUILDING PERMIT GENERALCONTRACTOR Air Vent Awnina DESCRIPTIONofWORK Patin Cnvei SOIL ROUGH PLUMBING PROP. SWR. LINE Q HOUSE CON. SPRINKLING SVSTEM TING AND AIR CONDITIONING UNDERGROUN� U POWER ROUGH WIRIN6 STEEL REINF. FLOOR SVSTEM BOND BEAM � SHEATHING LATHING - IN I OIIT � PLASTER, BROWN COAT STRUCTURqI, FINAL HEATING, VENT., REFRIG. AND A.( PIUMBING, FINAL ANO GAS TEST ELECTRIC, FINAL BUILDING, FINAL -RACT 5pp5 FIRE ZONE VALU Sianature Date GROUP .T TYPE SUBCONTRACTOR ��� � �' 304 COSTA MESA BUILDING-SAFETY DEPARTMENT P.O. BOX 7200 COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA 92626 For Applicant ta Fi!l in Completely BUILDING ,� . � � � � I _ — 2 . ww a U Z Za O v~i am J � J � Q W tt] J - p] J Q U N Za W � d W W Z J Q m Z J � W W � _ 2 F- w� 70 F z a U J a a Q 0 F N Z O F- U � � F N z OWNER MAIL CITV u¢'p[� CONSTflUCT10N BRANCH ADDRESS ARCHITECT TE NC TEL. �� CONTflACTOR �,u��l/Lj ADDRESS /�(� y .�� i���y��� j+j TEL. CITV p�� NO��; STATE CITV LIG. NO. /��/6� � LIC. NO. /� S I Z E � NO. OF BLDCaS. OF LOT I NOW ON LOT VSE OF �' L+'� . EXI571NG BLDG. j SIZE OF NO.OF NEW BLDG. ROOM$ STORIE: EXTERIOR WALL ROOF COVERING COVERING USE OF BUILDING ANO WORK TO BE PEfiFORMED I heraby acknowletlge [het 1 have reatl this applicatian'antl stete that the above information is correct antl agree to comply with all laws regulatin8 builtling construction, antl I shall not employ any person in violation ot the workman's compensetion lews of the State of Celifornia. I hereby certity that 1 am properly licencetl es e contraMor untler the State af Calitornia Business entl Professions Cotle, Divisicn 3, Chapter 9, antl that such licenses are In full force antl effact, or I am ezempt trom the Orovisions of the State of Calitornia Business antl Professions Cotle, Division 3, Cnapter 9. Signature of� � Permittee Authorizetl Agent eaio �_�..,...,.c i;;r 1:5-6�, cnsr,�D 1�85 u.. •• •. �.. ,.�� APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT '.E VED BV DATERECEIVED pqTE ISSUI �ili) �/7� �.�.�.il% / _ �Q �/ BUILDING ADORESS FIRE �t � ZONE \ APPROVED ZONE _ NO.OF P�� O YARDS APPROV ED MAIN BUILDING (FROM C/L STRE�T) DATE Gn' VARDSAPPROVEO DI5TANCE BET. BET. MAIN & MAIN BLDGS. ACCESS. BLDCS. VAR.# DATE C.U.P.# APPROVED APPROVED � m SQ. FT. o THE AMOUNT SHOWN UNDER VALUATION IS FOR ' THE PURPOSE OF ESTABLISHING A PERMIT FEE ONLV: � ¢ VALUATION �,,,/7 � PERMIT FEE $ �' // V �" ] �C m $ �' )� -� PLAN CHECK $ "�� E C�1� � 0 �i � _l LL : �� �0�5� F:OSTA MESA BUILDING-SAFETY DEPARTMENT P.O.BOX 91] C09TA MHSA.CALIFORNIA For Applican! !o'Fill In Complefefy � TYpE OR PRINT � ADDRe�ss i129 R[�Rtn�'1 Wav COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA OWNER D?orth�ate� a n�rTn�rshir � MAIL 15939 LasFlores St. �� � ADDRE38 CITY STATE LIC. N� SIZE A:�+. .hei� IC7i�1'i 1��� TEL. 6ETBhCK LINE FPOM CENTER OP BTRC6T %% � REAR SID6 YARD I LEFT �� ' RI6HT DESCR�pT10N' OF WORK —� 1. OP )OMS ROOF 54' � UBEOFBUILOlNQANqWORKTOBEPERFORM�O` ,sinule family din*ellina w,a.ttach ��rage /��� i XEqEBT'AC LE AT 1 V8 PEAO THI9 pPp�,� `W}�ON AND 6TAT¢ AT THE 8 qECT AND AOREE TO COM. PLY WITH LL C�TV �N N A D BTATQ LAW6 qBOULATINO BUILDIN6 ONeTRU Ory, � SIGNATU E OF � PERMITTE AUTHORIZED AGENT L6OAL FEE RECEIVED 0�� 21fl63 FINANCE DEPT. f��TY� $F COSTA MESA APPL A I N POR P.ERMIT ' BUILDING. For ONice Use Only ZONING NO. OF/� uee o� ne PLANBI BUILO�NO, /`�.i OVERHAN6 SHALL BE LESS THAN YARDSAPPROVED I YARD9APPROVE� MAIN BUILOING ACCE650RY BUILDING VAR. Ji DATE G.. .POF APPROVED AMPRO 6 (0��. G BY DATE oC/ ' / — „ ea. Fr. � . TX8 AMOUNT BXOWN UNOeR VALUAT�ON Ie FOH THE _ PUFPOB5 OP 68TABL�BHINO A PeRMIT FEE ONLY. p VALUATION m � � PERMIT FEE $ �� � � m s �p Svv_ _ � � — o / QG r ' TOTAL FEE $ / 7 "�