HomeMy WebLinkAbout2409 BONNIE PL - Building Permits/� • Goosess: 2409 BONNIE PL rsr+ame: PARKER, WILLIAM D aooness: 24Q9 BONNIE PL COSTA MESA,CA FflCHIENGINEEB: ROOHESS: 92627 flEG.NO.: uxir: CITY OF CUSTA P9ESA — BUILDZNG PERMIT PERMIT NO; B 069757 PLAN CHECK NO; N CONSTRUCTION TYPE: 5—N PERMIT TYPE: STR UNIT: PEflMITTEE: COASTAL ROOF DESIGN INC ( 714 ) 583-9U39 ADOflESS: 29236 LARKWOOD LN EL TORO CA 92630 LICENSED CONTNACTUB OECU1flATI0N: I hereby aliirm ��a� I am licensetl untler pmvisions ot Chap�er 9(commencing wilh Section 7000� oi Oivlsion 3 oi Ihe Business antl Pmiessions Code, and my license is in lull ce a tl efleci. CITY LIC.: STATE LIC.: 6 3 4 1 2 1 n cuss: 3 "Oale: _�-S �- � Signa�ure: �_ ��J�- � wOHREBS' COmPEN5F7lON DECLANA7ION: I here�y aftirm ihat I have a certiticate ot consenl to self-insure ar a certificate ot Workers' Compensation Insu�ra�ej Dr 3�e IilieA �py t�ereol (Section 3800. Lan. C�1.� � O 1/ 9 9 eoucv no.: STAT E� FUND E%P. �ATE: COMPANY: ❑ Certilied copY is hereby Wrnishetl. � Certi�ietl copy is �ileE wi�h the ciry BuilUing Divi n. Date: ll-T-9_7 pOPlicant: ��.((�-- ���...��—'--' E%EMPTION FPOM WOHREPS' COMPENSi1T10N OECIAPATION: Qhis section neetl not be completee if (he permit is lor one hunAreA (5100) or less�. I ceNty Ihal in Ihe Oe�ormance o� t�e work tor whic� this permil is issuetl. I shall not employ any per5on in any manner so as �o become subleci to IDe Workers' Compensalion Laws ot CaliPomia. � oa�e�. �� signaWre�. NOTICE: II, alier making this tleclaration. y0u ShoWA betome SUble�� �0 the Workers' Compensa�ion pmvisions af �he LaDor Cotle. you mus� fotlhwi�h compty wiM such pmvisions or Ihis permit shall be tleeme0 revoke0. CONSTPUCTION LENOING RGENLY: I here�y a�lirm �hal there is a cons�mction lending agency br the pedormance o� ihe wark �or which Ihis permi� is i=.5uetl (SeCliOn 3097. Civ. C�. LENOEfl: noonEss: OWNEB BIIILOEB OECIAPATION: I �ereby affirm that I am eKempt Irom Ihe Contractors' S�ate License Law �or �he tollowing reason �Section 7031.5 Business and Protessional Cotle: Nny city of counry which reQuires a permit to constmct, alter, improve, tlemolish, or repau any stmcture. prior to iIs issuance, also repuires lhe applican� br suc� permit to �ile a signed statement �hat helshe is licensed pursuam m �he Omvisions of Ihe Coniracmrs' S�ate license �aw �Chapter 9(commencinB wi�� Sec�ion 7000) o� Division 3 0� the Busines5 and Pmlessions Cotle) arihat he/she is exempt ihereimm and the 6asis br lhe alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 6y any applicam for a permil sublecls t�e applicam lo a civil Oenal�y of no� more �han �ive hunEred dollars (E500). 1. as owner oi Ihe pmpeny or my employees with wages as Iheir sole compensation, will da the wark, antl ihe ❑ Slrudure i5 nol in�entlea Or oi�eretl �or sale (Seciion 7044, Business and PfO�essional Cotle: The Contraclor5' State LiCenSe Law does no� apDly �o an owner oi a pmDerty who �uiltls or imprOves �hereon, and who does such work himSelVhersetl or �hmugh his or her own employees. pmvide0 lhat such improvemenis are no� inlendeA or oflere0 fot sale. If, however �he builtling or improvemeni is soltl wit�in one year o� complelion. Ihe owner will �ave t�e burden oi pmving �e/she tliE not builE or improve for Ihe Durpose of sale). I. as nwner ol the pmperiy. am exclusively conVatling wi�h li[en5e0 wnirac�ors �o cans�mc� t�e pmleci (Sec�ian 7044, Business ❑ and Pro�essions Catle'. The Conirat�ors' S�ate License Law Ooes no� appty to an owner o� D�oper�y who Ouildi Or imOmves tllereon antl w�o comracts lor suc� pmlems wi�� a comracmr(s) license pursuam �o ihe Contrac�ors' Sla�e License Law�. I am aware iha� prool of iheir WOBer's Compensation insurance s�outtl be Drnvidetl to me. � I am exemD� under Section: B. 8 P. C. lor �his reason: PERM NO: B 064757 GOVT: N SUPP: N PURPOSE; OTH JOB PESCRIPTION ; T/O , RESHEATH & REROOF W/COMP, SFIINGLES SQ FT: 5,200 CLAIM VALUE: 5,200.00 CALC—VALUE; 5,200.00 GROUP OCC; R-3 /M-1 COMMENTS: SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED AS PER 1991 UBC. ***+�*�-*�**�x-*******i�***-�t*�*�t*****+�*�lf**it*�t-***+t�fn***�+c-�*x�r***+c*�c****�c+�*�tu�c*.�:�**��.� Z O N I N G R E Q U I R E M E N T 5 S E T B A C K S ------------ MAIN BUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY BUILDING --------- FRNT: FT IN REAR; FT IN FRNT; FT IN REAR: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN LEFT; FT IN RGHT: FT IN PARKING REQ: PROV; PARCEL: 13915303 ZNE: REF NO; PLANNING NOTESS - > `.. if iE iF iP it it if if it �lf iE it iE if it if iE iE jE if ft it iE it i� iE it # it i� it f� it it it if iE it it iE if it # iP 3c iE iE if iE if it if 1E if it i4 iG iE iF iE iE if aF *?E {� {E if jE 1E # i+� ic iE �k if iE at it D E V E"L O P M E N T S E R CT I C E S R E Q U I P. E M E N T S ZONING APPROVED:BY DATE; BUILDING APPROVED BY : DATE: APPLICATION ISSUED BY; DATE: tI ���� iEiEjFiFikififif�EiEi4iEiflEiFikifiFifiEiEiEiFjFiEiEiliEiEiEiFiEifif �fe' if#� 3fil�iEiEafiEitiEifiF%iE�FiEiciEaE�FifiElFiEiEiFdtjE�7E� i4�F�K9Fififif if iE it 1E iE?E iE iE ik fE iE �! iE iE iE iE iF if iE iE iE jE iE �k it iE iF iE �E jE fE it iE iE fF * fF %k iE iE iE iE if iE iE iE if �f if 3E N if iE ff iE 1E'1E iE IE �f 1E iE if if iE if if if if #- fE K ik iF iE 1E �If 1E LEGALIZATION:N F E E S U M M A R Y STRUCTURAL SEGMENT:Y BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/RES' GRADING PERMIT 51.00 ,SZ. SMIP/NON—RES PLAN . ISSUE FEE BUILDING—DIV—> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN—CHECK TOTAL PAIP � DUE TOTALS----> 81.52 0.00 0.00 81.._ 2 81.52 .00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED: 'Si152 VER/SHORT; 00 HLDG PMT PLUMHING ELECTRIC MECHANIC IRE SMZ" /TOT GRADING PLAN—CHECK 81,�� �'^ ,52 ,.h iF if i! if iE iE ff 1t if �E iF iE jElFif iE iF iE i! fE �E i! f! itlE it 1F 1k �! iE ff if i! iE if i! if ?' * iE if �E iF 1E if fE if 1E iE 4 iE iE �lf 1! iE jE �E iE iE �E iF iF iE IF M iF if iE iF 1f iE iE iE if ff ff fE 41E I N D I V I D U A L F E E B R E A K D O W N TYFE QTY D E S C R I F T I O N UNIT COST TOTAL COST �ate�. Owner. I SFR i tlo nereoy cenify �hat I am aware ol antl uneerstand ihe requiremen�s oi Calilomia Healih and Sa1ety Cotle Sections 2550.5, 25533, anA 2553C antl ��a� I ar any fuWre building occupant willlwill not (circle one) need �o comply with said Slate cotles antl lhe requirements �or a permit lor con5imction ar mo�ilicalion Imm Ihe Air Oualily Managemen� Districl. fleSiAeniial con5imc�ion apDlications are exempt twm Ihese pmvisions. �ate: Applicanl'. I �ereby cerlilylhai I have reatl I�iS applicalion and Staleihatl�e aGove inlormation is correcL lagree�a comply wi�� all ciry antl county ordinancesantlslalelawsrelatinglobuiltlmgconslNc�ionan��erebyaNhorizerepresen�a' softhisci[yloenteruponiheabove-menlioneU pmper�y for inspeclian purposes �aie: _`.I ���� Signalure: �`z( � o _�� oriver's �icense or Social securi�y x: ,t6at�a6 wnne—BuiiEing: Graen—Cotle EniorcemenL Canary—Applican�; Pink—Revenue: Goltlenma—Assessor ) 5200 REROOF BY VALUE RESIDENTIAL NOZONE 1.00 5,200.00 END OF FEES SMOKE DETECTOR REQl11RED .._.,., . � n� oozsaisb-aalsoiss r���- �i.s, C-;7=_: li;D4/9a 7IP1E: 13;35 � � CONSTRUCTION AN6 PLANNING POOL & SPA APpROVALS Permit# Date Inspector APPROVAl5 Permii# Date lospector 1. Temporary Electrical Service or Pole � �r 52. Pool & Equipmenc Location 2. $pii Pipe�Und�gmd. 53. Steel Reinforcement 3: Electricai Conduit llti�ity-Undrgmd. � 54. Forms . 4. Electrical Conduit-Undrgrnd. . 55. Electrical Bonding 5. Steel Reinforcemen. 56. Roogh Plumhinq & Pressure Tzst s. Electrlcal UFER Gmd, 57. APPflOVALTO COVER�GUNVTE 7..Footings 58. Electricai Conduit-Undrgrnd. B. Foundation 59. Gas Pipe. Q U�drgmd., Test 9. Wacer Pipe-Undrgrnd. 60. -8ackwash Lines, P�Trep, C' Undrgrnd. , 10. Structural Floor SYstem � 67. APPROVAL TO DECK 1 i. Property Sewer Line & House Connection 62. Backwash & Receptor�Final 12. Sewer CaA .. ' 63. Heater & Vent-FinaV � � 13. Roof Drains - � 64. Plumbiny System - Final 74. Rough Plumbing � 65. Electrical�Finai 15. Raugh Eteccrica6Condult - 66. Sotar System�Finat 16. Rough Electric Wiring 67. Fencing & Access Rpproval 17. Rough Wirinq Siyn 68. APPRQVED FOR PLASTERING 18. Raugh Electrical-T Bar Ceiling 69. POOL7SPA SYSTEPAS F1NAL 19. flough Heating & Air Cor.ditioning FIRE DEPT. REQUIftEMENT 20. Rough Factory Firep;aca APPROVALS Permit # 27. Ducts, in Structure , 70. U�derground Hydra 22. Ducts, Ventilating 77. Product Piping C7 Gas �J` Oil 23. Gas Pipe�Rough & Test 72. Underground Fiush 2A. Roof r'raming 73. U�dergrnd.StorageTankOGas ❑Oil I 25. Roof Sheathing I(�s 93 �'L{i� 74. Overhead HYdro ! 26. T-8ar Ceiling (Svucturail & Monomat 75. Dry Chemical 27. Frame and Flashing 76. Dry Standpipe 28. Lathing & Sidin9 77. FIXED SYSTEM14 FINAL 29. Insulation 7$. FIRE PREV. FINAL 30. DrYWali Nailing HEALTN DEPT. REQUIREMENT 31. Piester Brown Coat 79. FINAL INSPECTION 32. El2ctrical Power h9eter�Finai 80. FOOD CERTIFICATE ISSUED 33. Final Etectric ,- Notes: 34. Fi��ai Heating & Air Conditioning , 35. F(nai Gas Pipe�Test = • c . 36. Hood or Canopy '`, 37. Final Factory Fireplace 3S. Final Plumbing 39. Water Service�Final 40. Gas Service�Final - 41. So�ar �omesticFinal i 42. Backflow Preventer � i 43. Backflow Irrigatior. ��-�� � 44. Landscape Irrigation System �'� . �, 45. Sound Attenuation `�' ` ` r•: � 46. Handicap Regulations ". � ; ��� _.. 47. FINAL STRUC7URE & BUILDiNG /r ��� �(� k� �0 ��// t» � - r- ffi v V FY•. 48. F�NAL PLANNING , � ��y ,� � 49. Electric Release to Edison _.,�_ •• ` 50. Gas Reiease to Southern California Gas Co �`� - � , ! o. 51. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY , No. Date Ti'act 4969 � 18��9 ' COSTA MESA BUIIDING-SAFETY DEPARTMENT ; P.O. BbX 3f] �COSTA MESA. CALIFORNIA' - For Applicanf ro Fill In Comple/ely TYPE OR PRINT BUILDING 2t�,py gonnie Place ADDRE55 COSTA MESA. CALIFORNIA owNeRMesa Baya Homes, Inc. no" RE69 Suite 218 1801 Ne ort Blvd. cirv Costa 'Mesa rTio' LI 8808 ARCHITECI' � TEL. STATE LI0. N SI2E � SET9ACK LINE FROM EFT �� � R16HT �9� DESCRIPTION OF WORK X II .� r�esr,.,., � �� ..,.,�,,... S ZE��NG ZlO7$f ROOMB ] BTORIEB 2 EXTERIOR WAI,I, uCCO I ROOFWOOC� S�11Y1g16S COVEftING JT COVERINO USE OF BUILDING AND WORK TO BE PfiRFORMEO Sin le Famil Residence arxl Attached G ra e Plan 16 1 HEFEBY ACKNOWLE�G2 TXAT � XAVB qEAO TXIB APPLICATION . AND BTATE THAT THE'�1BOVE IB COqpgCT AND AOqEE TO COM. PLY WITH ALL Q�{y ORUINANCEB �qp BTATB LAWB REQUI.AT O BUILOINO CON6Twurnow_ /..( . _ � / - � � AUTHORIZED qGENT � EE REC��v�� Af8 e 1y83 . FINANCE DEPT. �fITY OF COSTA MESA APPLICATIO FOR PERMIT BUILDINC; For Office Use Only I RECEIPTNO. I qEQIQ'Qj}n oi ZONING NO. OF U6E OF PLANB �/ Bl11LDll YAROSAPPROVE� MAIN BUILDING BET VAR. �{ DAT£ IBSIIED SHALL BE LESS THAN YARDSAPPROVED ACCESSORYBUILDIN6 BET. MAIN ACCESS.B DATE` '1"/"6 OL C,� D�,?- sa. Fr. .Q 'i7� °�,�- Sd 0 � i �HE AMOONT 9H0 'UN�EN V�LUATION �8 F00. THE PURPOS¢ OF EeiA9LI6HW�i A PERMIT FEE ONLY. VALUATION �� � PERMIT FEE $ $ �ra,. o� o E 3� TOTAL FEE $ I� D �