HomeMy WebLinkAbout2186 BOSQUE SPRINGS - Building Permits���G �3 ,�7��0�82��4.���88��'6 �s27G� ✓ " 316.84 !� COSTA MESA BUILDINGSAFETY DEPARTMENT APPLICATION F��TRIf�'�1'�i�, PE&�11'� � 6.8 / P.O.BOX1200 COSTAMESA,CALIFORNIA92626 �� RECEIVEDBV PERMIT For Applicant ro Fill in Completely — Use Ink Only BUILDING A.P.NO./�5 = �'3— �. ADDRESS OWNER OR ADDRESS� TENANT M.D. Janes C�.� II1C. UNIT OR ADDRE55 2950 Ali'W'dy Ave. , D-9 SPACENO. TR.NO. LOT BLK. c�rY Costa �Iesa 92626 No�979-337 � �S � e� NEW, ADD ALTER REPAIR MOVING DEMOLISH CANSTRUCfION N/A LENDER BfiANCH y� OwNE .�. ADDFESS ARCHITECT TEL US LUE3�/� _ ORENGINEER Sam ieY'i I1 N,549-252 A�DRESS�L%9�L�L JIS Park, Irvine 92714 ZONE v TVPE GROUP APPROVED CONTRACTOR Owner BV DATE ADDRESS TE L. CITV NO. F STATE CITV APPROVEDSETBACKS LIC. NO. LIC. NO. � 512E NO.OFBLDGS. (/� (FROMC/LSTREET) a. OF LOT I Treg . NOW ON LOT Y' FROM FT. a VSE OF /� -,�. EXI5TING BLDG. Y' FT. y FSeparate permits are required for L. SIDE Fr. � electric, plumbing and heating work. REAR � FT. �,W. USE OF BUIIDING AND WORK TO BE PERFORMED PLANNING ACTION a � �pp DATE ¢ ( m'nium iL ����/ �/�� �ROVED //���'� � Attached Garages, qPP� � ' O e�S''79 � t10LD FOR SPECIAL REQUIREMENT� v� QI heraby acknowletlBa 2hat I hava raetl this application and staxa � y� Shat the above informa2ion is correcS antl agree to comply with ,. 0. all laws regulatlng builtlinB conRruction, end 1 shall nox employ ; Z any person in violation of the wo�kman's compensation laws ot m 5 che State of California. . � 3 I hereby certify ffiat I am propetly licensetl as a mntreMor under SQ. FT. n the State of California Business and Proteuions Cotle, Division 3, THE AMOVNT SHOWN UNDER VALUATION IS FOR 6 Chaptar 9, antl Ua such Iicensea are In tull force antl effect, or I THE PUFPOSE OF ESTABUSHING A PEFMIT FEE ONLY: � am exempt from a provisians of the Stata of California Business VALUATION q antl Professions CC� e, Divi�jpn 3, Chapter 9. PERMIT FEE S � ,� Signature ot / /� PIAN CHEGK 5�/ �� a Parmittae /. g ��' �l_l� TAX - " E /S � F or � `7 u Authorized Ag Oa� � TOTAL PAI D §3 � � TL �. Tl � I � PflOJECTADOHESS: Z1B5 B�SQUE SF�RINGS owNeesxame: STt�VALL, CLYDE E aooeess: �CHARD, ROBIN LINDSAY 2186 BOS�? UE SPRINGS COSTA MESA,CA 92627 645-7731 AflCH/ENGINEEH: XEG.NO.: uxiT: A�OflESS: UNIT: PeRminEE: GENERAL INSTALLATION ( 213 ) 753-2541 aoonEss: 6558 WEST HLVD L.A. CA 90043 LICENSED CONTflACTOB OELLAflATION: I hereby a�lirm Iha� I am licensetl unaer pmvisions of ChaO�er 9(commencing with Section 7000) of DiNsian 3 oi I�e Business and Pmtessions Co08. antl my license is in � �orce anU eltec�. � ciTvuc.: 006453 sTnreuc.:151839, �Qc s: 36 Uate: _�/� � � SignaNr�;��f� _ _ � WOflNEFS' COMPENSATI N OECLAHATION: 1 hereby alfirm Ihai I �ave a cenilicaie of consem �a sel4insure or a cenilicaie o� Workers' Compensaiiony�w�n�e� `er�(�eQ �p py�qe{¢o)�($¢ction 3800. Lab. POLICY NO.: ! J W l. 1� � O 7 b 7— V V V 4 E%P. UPTE: 4/ O 1/ 9 9 COMPANY: NM I C ,.i, , ❑ CerlitieA copy is hereby �umished. L'� Certifiea cJPY is i�d�� �he ci�y B iltling �ivision. // i I�ate: — � � ApplicanL.[[(�<.����'� • E%EMP71 FROM WOBHEflS' LOMPENSPTION DECLANATION: (i�is section neeA not be campletetl ii Ihe permil is lor one huntlreA (5100) or leu�, I cetlify iha� in ihe petlormance of Ihe work for w�ich Ihis permit is issuetl, I shall not employ any persan in any manner so as �o become su�lect Io Ihe Workers' Compensation Laws o� Cab�ornia. Da�e: Signature: NOTICE: It. after making this tleclaration. you should become sublecl �o the Worke�s' Compensation pmvisions of tAe Labo� Code. you mus� Iari�with compry wiih such D�ovisions or �his permit shall be tleemed revoked. CONSTBUCTION LEN�ING AGENCY: 1 �ereDy af�irm t�a� lhere is a COnSfmClion IenOing agenty lor Ihe petlOrmante o� Ihe woM1 �or w�ich �his permil is issuetl (Section 3097, Civ. C�. LENOEfl: A�OflE55: OWNEB BWIOEq DECIAHPTION: I hereby aifirm tha� I am exempt imm ihe Coniracmrs' State License Law for ihe lollowing reason (Section 7031.5 Business antl Pmlessional Code: Any ciiy o� counry which requires a permi� to constmc6 alter, impmve, tlemolish, or reOalr any Simtlure. pfior �o i15 issuante. also repulre5 ine applitani for such permil Io �ile a Signea Slalemeni Ihat he/S�e i51iC¢nsetl pursuam �o Ihe pmvisions o� �he Comracmrs' Sta�e Licensi �aw (Chapter 9(commencing wi�h Seclion 7000) of Oivision 3 oi �he Busine55 antl Pmiessions Cotle) or Ihat helshe is exempt iherefwm antl the basis for tne allegetl eeemption. Any violation oi Section 7031.5 by any apPlicant br a permit su�lec�s Ihe applican� �o a civil penalry of no� more than �ive hunOreO dallars ($500�. I. as owner of the propeny or my employees with wages as iheir sole compensation, will Uo ihe work, and ihe ❑ stmcture is no1 inten0etl o� offere0 tor sale (Section 704d, Business ana Pm�essional CaAe: T�e Con�rac�ors' Slale License Law tloes no� apply Io an owner of a D�oDetly who builds orimpmves �herean, and who does such work himself/Aersetl or��rough his or her own employees. O�ovi0e0 Ihat such imPmvemenis are not intended or oflered for sale. If, however �Ae huiltling or impmvement is soltl wiihin one year oi comple�i0n, �he owner will have �he �urden of pmving he/she did no� build or imD�ove �or Ihe purpose of sale�. I, as owner oi t�e pmperty. am exclusively contratting wi[h Iicense0 contmcrors to consimct t�e Dmle�� (Sectian 7044, Business ❑ and Pw�e55ion5 COde: The Conlratbr5' $Iai¢ LicEnse Law tloes noi apply �o an owner o� DmpeRy who builUs of impmve5 ihereon antl wh0 COniraC�s for Such pmle��s wit� a conVactor(S�license purSUan�io Ihe Con[rac�ors' Staie LiCenSe LaW�. I am dwafe Ihai D�oot of �Aeir Worker'S Compensa�ion inSurJnce shoultl be pmvfdetl to me. � I am exempl under Sec�ion: B. 8 P- C. lor Inis reason'. Oate. Owner. I tlo hereby ceNty �hat I am aware ol and understantl �he requiremenis o� Califomia,Health an0 Safety Code Sections 25505, 25533, and 2553C antl I�a� I or any iWure bwlding ocCupant willlw �ill not (tirtle on¢� need lo Comply vn�h SaiA S�aie wdes antl lhe requiamen�5 br a permil lor consimction or modi�ication Imm tlte Air Oualily Managemeni Oisiric�. flesiaeniial cons�mciion aDDlications are exemp� �mm these provisions. oaie: AvpiicanC I nereby tetlify Ihal I have reaA IhiS aDDliwtion and Siate Iha� the ahOve iniormaiion is correcL I agree �o comply wi�h all ciiy and Counry ortlinancesan45�atelaw5relaling�obuilaingconSlmclionantlhere0ya�horizerepresenlai soflAisciry�oen�erupon�heabove�menlioned pio0erly lorinspetlion purpo5e5. � �� � / Q/ f' —r,� � Oate / !' � — L � $ignature: � q oriver's License or Socia� Securi�y p: t64i�a6 White—Builtling: Green—Cotle EnbrcemenL Canary—ApplicanL Pink—Revenue; Goldenrotl—Assessor CITY OF COSTA MESA — BUILDING PERMIT PERMIT NO: P 064755 PLAN CHECY. NO: N CONSTRUCTION TYPE: V—N PERMIT TYPE: PLU PERM 230: P 054755 GOC'T: N SUPP: N PURPOSE: OTH JOH DESCRIPTION : WATER HEATER REPLACEMENT S� £T: CLAIM VALUE: CALC—VALUE; GROUP OCC: R-3 / COMMENTS: NO OTHER FIORK AUTHORI2ED HY THIS PERMIT ***�*�c*�*�**��*�*��******�*��+�**��r**� �***�,��*�*�**x��*****���c*�*�*�c�r*�*r��c�**+�*�c Z O N I N G R E Q U I R E M E N T S S E T B A C K S ------------ MAIN BUILL�ING ---------- ---------.ACCESSORY SUILDING --------- FRNT; FT IN REAR: FT IN FRNT; ,:FT IN REAR: FT IN LEFT; FT IN RGHT: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGAT; FT IN PARKING RE�• PROV: PARCEL: 93786018.ZNE; REF NO: PLANNING N TES> . . � : . ..., if if -T' iE fE �IF if 1E iE iE iP iE �)f iE if �IE if iE �f 1'F iE # iE iE 1E iE if iE iE iE jf �A 1E iE iE iE it±f iE iE fE jE 1f !f if.iE iE it fE.if iF iE iE dE iE �f iR jE iF:f if iE i4 if iF 9E ic #' 1E iE i4?E # ih ib iE iE 3f if D E V E L Q P h1 E N T S E R C� I C E,•S -��R.' E Q U I R E M E N T S ! ZONING APPROVED BY - DATE: HUILDING APPROVED BY : � DATE: APPLICATION ISSUED BY; � PATE: �� � �rit�ri��rx�x�iEx��ar**�kititit*itx��rit�r�ei�3FifTFif"�f'3FiF��riFiF+t�iFTr* �3FiF'�F3F�F�F3F�"iF*�'i�*****iF�r�c-et�r I f ��x�+t* if iE 1E jf if iE iF iE �E 1E if iE iE iF iE iE iE iE iE iE ik �Y 3E jE 9f iF if iF iE aE iE if if iE fE if if iE iE iE 7f iE iE if if if if iF 1E �if 1E iE iE iE 9E if if ?E 9E iE �lE fF iF iE iF if if it if iE iE if iE IF it iE iE if if LEGALIZATION;N F E E S U M M A A Y STRUCTURAL SEGMENT:N BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/RES GRADING PERMIT 7,00 25� SMIP/NON—RES PLAN ISSUE FEE 20.00 HUILDING—DIV—> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN—CHECK TOTAL PAID DUE TOTALS----> 7,00 20,00 O,flO 27.00 27,00 ,00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLL'ECTED: 27,00 OVER/SHORT: .00 BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECAANIC FIItE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN—CHECK 2%,0� jF iE iE iP iF if 9E if iE if if i! it 1f if 1E iF iE if iElE iE ik iE iE if if ##f iE iE if iF if iE iE if iE iE iE if iE iE iE 1f # aE iE if iE iE iE?F iE iF iE 1f �f if iR if 1F 1E iE if 1E if k iF iE iF iF if iE iE aE 1f 3F iE I N P I V I D U A I; F E E H R E A K D O W N TYPE QTY P E S C R I P T I O N UNIT CO5T TOTAL COST � PLU 1 Y�A TER HEATER AND/Ok VENT 7,00 7.00 y` END OF F�pES F' • y EXPIRED ir.orT}plat@ �ns�ctioric L70a9� � gE F , j o. aoi=ai%z-u�i:�;Ji42 _!'L�i 27.0,, "�iE: 17.iC�r!95 1?�[E: ?i:2S �J CONSTRUCTION AND PLANNING POOL & SPti APPROVALS Permit # Oate Inspector APPROVALS Permit # Date Inspector I i. Temporary Electrical Service,dr Pole � 52. Pooi & Equipment l.ocation ' 2. Soil Pipe�Undrgmd. � '- � 53. Steel Reinforcement . 3. Electrica� Conduit Utility-Uridrgrnd. ' 54. Forms 4. Electrical Conduit-Undrgrnd. .55. Electrical Bonding 5. Steel Reinforcemen2 56. Rough Plumbing & Pressure Tzst 6. Eiectrica� UFER Gmd. 57. APPflOVAI TO COVER�GUNITE i 7. Footings 58. Electrical Conduit�Undrgrnd. 8. Foundation � 59. Gas Pipe, � Undrgmd., Tesc ,- 9. Water Pipe-Undrgmd. , ( 60. Backwash Lines, P�Trap, u Undrgmd. 10. Structur8� Floor System ��� - � 61. APPROVAI. TO DECK . 17. Property Sewer Line & Mouse-Conneclion� , 62. Backwash & Receptor�Final .'� 12. Sewer CeP �, . 63. Heater & Vent�Final ' 13. Roof Dra�ns � 64. Plumbing System - Finai ' 14. Aough Pt�mbing 65. Elactrical-Pinat 15. Rouyh Electricai�Condult 66. Solar Syetem�Final 16. Rough E�ectric Wiring 67. Pencing & Access Approval 77. Rough Wiring Sign 68. APPROVED FOR PLASTERING 18. Rough Electricai-T Bar Ceiling 69. POOI(SPP. SYSTE4iS FtNAI. 19. Rough Neating & Air Conditioning � FIRE DEPT. REQUIREMENT 20. Rough Pactory Fireplace APPROVAIS Permit # 21. Ducts, in Structure 70. Underground Hydro 22. Oucts, Ventilaung 17. Product Ptpi�9 Ci Gas ❑ Oii 23. Gas Pipe-Rough & Tes. 72. Under9round Flush 24. Roof Praming 73. Undergmd.SiorageTank OGas ❑Oi! 25. Roof Sheathing 74. Overhead HY��'o 26. T�Bar Ce���ng fStrucxurali & �4onocoat � 75. Dry Chemical 27. Frame and Flashing 76. Ory Standpipe , �;� 28. Lathing & Siding 77. FIXED SYSTEM FINAL f. x } 29. Insuiation - 78. FIRE PREV. FINAL .� � - � 30. Drywall Nailing �HEALTH DEPT. REQUIREMENT�., _W ' 37. Piaster Brown Coat , 79. FINAL INSPECTION ' � 32. Electrical Powar Meter�Final 80. FOOD CERTIFICATE ISSUED -�' �, •.r , 33. Finai Eisctric Notes: t�.� 7 t � /R'�c_�70_�2S�LY � /��P.ar_�✓'. _ 34. Final Heating & Air Conditioning . � �' a _ ..�� 35. Final Gas Pipe�Test �• e 36. Hood or Canopy �' 37. Final Factory Fireplace � . ' 3H. Final Plumbing � te � C�10lis � r 39. Water Service-Finai "� -I 40. Gas Service-Pinal � 47. Solar pomesticFinai 42. Backflow Preventer � � 43. Backflow Irrigation � 44. �andscaPe irrigation Sys.em � � - � 45. Sound Attenuation i 46. Handicap Regulations 47. FINAL STRUCTURE & BUILDING ' 48. FINALPLANNING ' _ 49. Electric Release to Edison . 50. Gas Release to Southern California Gas Co 51. CERTIF�CATE OF QCCUPANCY No. Dace