HomeMy WebLinkAbout490 CABRILLO ST - Building PermitsPHOJECTRDOPE55: t� JO CABRILLO ST awNen�sxaMe: ANTONINI, DAVID M ! aooeess: ANTONINI, SUSAN F 490 CABRILLO ST COSTA MESA,CA 548-2850 ppCH1ENCINEEfl: aooeess: � .� _\ UNIT: 92627 xEc.No.: uxiT: PENMITTEE: WEYBURN ENNS (714)786-4045 aooness: 3591 FENN ST IRVINE CA 92714 UCENSEO CONTBACTON OECLABATIoN: I hereby allirm �ha� I am licensed untler O�ovisions ol Chap�er 9(commencing wi�h Sec�ion 7000� a� Division 3 o�l�e Business and Pmfessions Cotle. and my IicenSe is in �ulllorce and eilecl. CITY LIC.: STATE LIt.: CLASS: Da�e:.�,�J O.�_ % SignaWre: WOPRENS' COMPENSA710N oECLAXATION: I here6y allirm Inal I nave a cenilicate ol cansent to selbinsure or a ceniticate af woBers' Compensation Insurance. or a cerniietl copy thereof (5ection 3800. Lab. CI. POLICY NO.: E%P. OATE: COMPANV: ❑ Cendie0 cooY is nere�y furnishe0. ❑ Certiliea coDY is filetl wiln tAe cily Builtling Division. Date: pOV�icant: E%EMPfIONFXOMWOfl¢Efl5'COMPENSATIONOECUflATION: RhisSec', ne noi ewmpletediitAepermtislaonehmqrea�St00�aless�. '<erlily Ihal in Ih¢ p¢dormance 0� lhe work �or w�iCh this permi� is � ae Cl sh�l nOl ¢mploy an per5o � any manner 50 as lo betame hjecl to t�e Workers' ComOensation Laws oi Calilomia. / Date: �•R-G � � Q �% Signaiure: NOTICE: II. alter making �his declara�ion. you 5hou10 become bleci lo Ihe Workers' omDensa�ion pmvisians of Ihe Labor Catle. you mus� Iorihwit� tomply wiN Suth O�ovisions or 5 Oermi� shall �e Ueemed revoketl. CONSTBUCTIDN LENOINC AGENCY: I hereby afiirm thal t e is a consimc�ion lending agency br Ihe pedormance ol �he work �ar whic� ��is permii is issuetl (Sec�ion 3097. Civ. C�. LENUEH: PDUPESS: OWNEfl BUILOEB OECLANpTION: I hereby allirm Ihat I am exempt trom �he Coniractors' Slate License Law for Ihe followinB reason (Sec�ion 7031.5 Business an0 Professional Cade: My city of wunty w�ic� ropui2s a permit to constmct, alter, im0�ove, Aemoli5�. or repair any slmcture. prior lo iis issuance, also reQuires Ihe ap0lican� lor SucM1 Oermil to bie a signed slaiement t�at he/she is Iicen5e0 pursuani to I�e O�avisions ol lhe Caniractors' Stale License Law (ChaD�er 9(commencing with S¢ctmn 7qp) oi OiviLon 3 oi the Busines5 and Prolessions Coae) or Ihal he/s�e is exempi iherelwm ana Ihe Uasis lor I�e allepe0 evempiion. Fny holation ol Seciion 7031.5 Oy any aOVliunl tor a permi� subjecls t�e aDPlicant lo a civil penally oi no� rtwre Ihan five �untlr¢tl tlollars (E500). I, as awner ol ��e pmpetly a� my employees with wages as �heir sale campensation, will Oa lhe work, an0 I�e Q slmciureis nolinlena¢d aroffered brsale(S¢c0on 7044. Bu9ness anG Pmie55ianalCoOe: The Conlraciars'Sia�e License Law aoes nol apDty Io an owner ol a pmperiy w�o �uilds or im0�ove5 Ihereon, ana w�o Ooes su[h work himselflhersell or ��muq� �is or �er own emD�oYees. pmviEea ihat suc� imD�ovemenls are nat intentled or aifere0 tor sale. 11, however Ne Uuiltlinp or impwvemeni is 5010 wilhin one year o� compleiion, ihe owner will �ave the EurGen of Droving �e/she tli� noi build or improve for Ihe purpose of Shcel. I, as ownei o� Ihe pmperry, am ezclusively conVaming wiih licensed comracmrs �o conslmc� �he pmlecl (Sec�ion 7044, Business ❑ and Pw�essions CoOe: T�e ConVaciors' Sta�e I.icen5e Law Ooes nat apply Io an ovmer o� pmperty who Oui105 or improves ��ereon ana w�o conlrBcis for suc� pm�ecis wilh a coniraclor�s�license pur5uanilo Ihe Can�rac rs' Slaie License Law�. I am aware I�at O�oof ol Iheir Worker'S Compensalion insurance shoultl De O�ovitletl to me. � I am exempi under Secbon�. B. 8 P. C. / lopr �mis reasort. G � Uate: /�1 O—[' 7� L 3 Owner I tlo �ere�y certily I�at I am aware ol an0 untlerstantl I�e re0uirement5 0l Califom eal�� an0 Salety Cotle Seclions 255Q5. 25533. ane 2553a and Ina� I or any iWure Duiltling occupam will/will no� (circle one) neeU to mpty vnih saia sia�e codes an0 I�e reQuiremenis lor a permil lor con5imclion or moOJication imm the Ai� Ouality Managemeni DiStriCL Hesitlen�ial [ons�mction apPlicalions a�e exempt irOm Ihese provisions. Dale: ADDlicant: _ I here0y Cetldy Iha� I �ave reatl I�is aDPlita�ion antl S�ale ��ai l�e OrOinance5 and Slale laws relaling m �uiltlmg conSlmtiion and herel pioOenY �orinspetlion purposes. ip Date: `'Q= 7 d -�_ Signature: �nvefs license or Social Securi�y a: is cor2cl 1 agree lo compry vn�� all ciry and couniy nlatives of �Ais ciN IOSnier uoon ihe abOve�menlionea t6aba6 Whne—Bwltling: Green—Cotle Eniarcemem; Canary—Appl�canl; Plnk—Revenue: Goltlenrod—Assessor CITY OF COSTA MESA — BUILDING PERMIT PERM NO: B 065234 PERMIT NO: H 065234 PLAN CHECK NO: N GOVT: N SUPP: N CONSTRUCTION TYPE: PERMIT TYPE: STR PURPOSE: OTH JOB DESCRZPTION ; INSTALL 2 SKYLIGHTS, ICBO#2469 SQ FT: 800 CLAIM VALUE: 800.00 CALC—VALUE: $00.00 GROUP OCC: R-3 /M-1 COMMENTS: INSTALL 2 SKYLIGHTS W/LIGHT SAAFTS **�c�c��r*x�*��**�r**�«*u�*�r��t**u�**�**x*�-**�***x**�**�*****t���****+�*******�*�r******��# Z O N I N G R E Q U I R E M E N T S S E T B A C K S ------------ MAIN HUILDZNG ---------- --------- ACCESSORY BUILDING --------- FRNT: FT ZN REAR: FT ZN FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT; FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGFIT: FT ZN PARKING REQ: PROV: PARCEL: 11737248 ZNE: REF NO: PLANNING NOTES> - > ik iE ik ff iF if iF if iE iF iE i! iE i(-7f !E 7f if l�Y� if if iE i! if iElk jf fk iE IF # ih 1E 1E iM1 it iE iE if iF if if 1f iE fE iE 1f Yr jE iE iE fF if 1f IE if iE if iF 1t �E iE fE # iE if i(� �iF iF ih iE iE iM1 if if *## D E V E L 0 9 M E N T S E R V Z C E S R E Q 0 I R E M E N T S ZONING APPROVED BY,,' • DATE: • HUILDING APPROC�ED &,Y : DATE: APPLICATION ISSUED HY: � DATE:'�Z L1 �EiElfilffiFlFiElFitlElEklFlfiElEiEi�lFiEi(� �Fif���iflf%ififiFiFiFiF1Ei��� k�1Eif�iFiF{E it it iF k�1E iF �)E if * it iE',f iE it k if if 1F i! iE if i! iE if 1E iE iE iE iE iE iF iE if �lf if iE i4 if if it it % if fE if it iE %3E iE if if if 3E iE 7t iE 3E if� iE iE iF iP iR Y.-iE iE jf aF iF iE 9f� # if #- # af jr # LEGALIZATION:N F E E S U M M A R Y STRUCTURAL SEGMENT:Y BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/RES' GRADING PERMIT 21.00 .50 SMIP/NON=RES PLAN ' ISSUE FEE BUILDING—DIV—> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN—CHECK TOTAL PAID �- DUE TOTALS----> 21.50 0.00 0.00 21.50 21.50 .00 REVENUE DZC�ISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED: 21.50 OVER/SHORT: .00 HLDG PMT PLtIMHING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/TOT GRADZNG gLAN—CHECK 21,00 .50 !F �f !f iE iE 1t ih iE iE iE iE iE �E 9f �! 1k if !f iE 1E fE iF iE iE �f �E i! iE 1F if iE iE iE iF 1P if if iE 1ElF if if !f if fE iE if �f iF 1E iE df �E 1F 1f iF jf jE 1F iE if iF �t ff �f jE ff !F �F 1E 9E if 9f �F if 1t 1E iF 9E I N D I V I P U A L F E E B R E A K D O W N TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T 2 O N UNIT COST •'TOTAL COST SFR 800 ALTER BY VALUE RESIDENTIAL NOZONE 1.00 800.00 END OF FEES l �S 001`i39?-0�1`i9fld T CaT 21,�0 CATE: 12�07/93 TI�'IEe 14:3d CONSTRUCTIOv AZ�PLANNING APPROVALS Permit � 1. Temporary Electncal Service o� Pole , 2. Sod Pipe�Undrgrnd. � �� 3. EieMrical Condu�t UUiity-Undrgmd. ��. 4. Electrical Condurt�Undrgmd. 5. Steel Reinforcement 6. Electrical UFEF Grnd 7. Footings 8. Foundation °. 14ater Pipe-Undr9rnd, 70. Structwal Floor System 17. Proper;y Sei:er Line & Heuse Connection 72. Se:�er Cap 73. Roof Or;�ns 14. Roug� Piumuing 75. Rough EiectricabCondwt 16. Rough Electric W�ring 17. Ra�gh Wiring Siyn 18. Rough Eleetriql-T Bar CeJing 19. Rough Heaung & A�r Cord�Lon,ng 20. Pough Factory F�replace 21. Ducts, in Structu�e 22. D�cts, Vontilatinr� 23. Gas Pipe�Rouqh & Test 24. ftoaf Fram:ng 25. fioof Sheathing 26. T�Bv Cedmg ISvuctwa�l & ocoat 27. Frame and Flashi�9 !j 28. Lathing & Siding 29. Insulation 30. Drywall Nail,ng 37. Plastc. Bro�vn Coat 32. Electncal Po�roer Ueter-F�rui 33. Finai Electnc 34. F;n�l Heating & Ai� Cond�tion-nn � 35. Final Gas PiFa-7est 36. Hootl or Caropy 37. F�nai Fsctory P�rep�ace 38. F�nal Plumbing 39. Water Service�Final 40. Gas Service�F�na� 41. Solar pomesticFinai 42. Backfiow Preventer 43. Backflow Irngat�on 44. Landscape hnpation System 45. Sound Attenuation 46. Handicap Regulations 47. FINAL STRUCTURE 8, BUILDING Ve 48. FINAL PLAI�fvI��G 49. Elec:ric Relexse to Edison 50. Gas Release to 5outhern California Gas Cv 51. CERTIFICATE OP OCCUPANCY No. Date POOL & SPA Date I�spector AppROVALS Permii �k Date 52. Paol & Equlpment LocaUon • 53. Steel Reinforcemeni ' 54. Forms 55 Electrical Bonding 56. Rough Piumbinq & Pressure Test 57. APPROVAL TO COVER�GUNiTE 58. Electncal Condwt�Undrgrntl. • 59. Gas Pipe, O Undrgmd., Test � 60. Backwaih L����es, P�T�ap,'J Undrq�nd. _ 67. APPROVAL TO DECK - 62. B6e1<s'rnsh'S Ree2p,crFi:�ai 63. Heater & Vent-Fina'� I 64. Piumbing Syttem � F��al . 65. ElectricaLF�nal 66. Solar SYstem-Final 67. Fencing & Access Approvai 68. APPROVED FOfi P�ASTERING 69. POOL/SPASYSTEtUSFINAL ' FIRE DEPT. REQUIREMENT APPROVALS Per��it-,r` 70. Undergraund Hydro 77. Product P�pin9 O Gas �' Oii � 72. Underqro�.�d F;�s'�i 73. Uncergrno.S:nrcccTank �Gas :'U � I 74. Overl:�acJ Hyarc 75. Dry Chemicai �^q 3 �Lv� 76. Dry Standpio? 77. FIXED SYSTEf:^. F;NAL 78. FIRE PREV. FINAL HEALTH DEP7. REQUIREMENT -`t 3 79. FINAL INSPECTICN 80. FOOD CERTIFICATE ISSUED Notes: S � I IInspector � � -i I -- �i i pAVE � s�r a►�ro►�t inir �-F 4 o C.n ra R► c.. �- o �/M � Ea�s vEQ DCiL. f - t�+� 9.L'-c12 r � _. — _ ' ?X�t S7'UO S lL"'/c 7Htto u Grt o uT � t, c. B.o. �� � 9 �R�sroLir6 DBL. DaME - SK`/�/E�vT Le�wPROFILE •a�Rg �o�n�r *�z��z �X�i -GVR(3 FLASMING' tiY Roo FER i AT T�ML oF RC-ICeol-' 2,� �L; .. 7 aLi+- c E«<n1� �o� sr 3 `., t — — — —� DBt. RoeF _.FZ4FT[-'2=: _'tq�p_VCQ ��a�� 0!G �-�-T�Ca c��P � �o, aoakc� �,�k�� �P P Rp ED � �Op�N/il• Clty of Gosta Mesa e�ilding Dept. nn.rE�L�'I -•�s � T �,1.1_ T!1AF: �1•nKE � � FSV .�- ,�`t h ..,in� " '�EFT. n';S ' �PT F�` ' . �/ ?'�' �'�' ,��dr(H;�J� �''jl(p� �.Li,::.\.^r ,,; `ci;, .. � ,:: . _,.::�;A_� ', . ' ..�r.'�' �. . ' ' ''�, '. n:.lY Of IS �:r� 0��,4I10?i.. :t . ��l'ICioIVE 1• o, ADi:, ? F nPP:,:: ' -�r THIS i ', . ' .. �'i ��• l�'-{".1�,.- " ��:.,J'r'.:I�E '•_.�� . .'.1' �'u`' �II1F.�� ..� `. �c�:b,l uF �1K5 •r � . . : - � ' OFFICIA.- � ' ��y:•l"�� .. � nF f, i;c!`__'..�n Ir'f:UJilG:�r.o , SIN � i.,..� .__ S SHAu. �..,- �;,-.,,_... v¢�. •.._ �<vCC:;;�A�1UN. P.FF.QU;R1iiG-iNNs C�y pPOM p ER EN Y� I ° GP�"hlN! c,P.FT= ��F��IGAilO pN1NEREUND pF �c nrlo i`(' CpRR1ED pqDMnN %:.:;? 4.EHAi1G��S g�'� �R OF ANY OTHEA a�2137 � ,,,�,,::... ..c�-.r�;;scoo._ _ . _ - _ ..'�� � � � I I ���z �a DAVE � 5uE dNroN�Ki ��o cABe►��o �/M I.G•P.d.'x,thl69 (�RISToL�TE D9� DonnG oun�T �ow PRoF��-E - C uR0 /"� �`'.2� 37 �•r�ca c1 EA.��06. D8� . G E� � tN�l JoisT �� i� i� veL.hE4na¢ll �r DQl.csiL��vc., I e►Sr 2xG L � R (3 % FLASH/N6 LiY RooFCR /.►T T1 M I_ OF RC it.oa F 6 �� �� I� �1 I r I � I� i �a��K t�t� ro OPENIH�. s, �� �� / I� �. q � `-- 1-TEGo c��p �Z %'� k4 �bR N f �- y �I IZ�o � Fz� �TE�2 5 I' �� .I �au. �+c�ne� f� �I � � if3Locl�ltyCr- re CPENIPIG� 5lZF f� � - '� APPROVED �� �� � �itv of Costa Mesa Building Dept. �Y DATE 19 �� -- — �'•� �%t�?F PL:JdS �1UST E[ 0�1 ,;0`) A? ALL TiIJ��S �dAKE Iv�) CiU. Y,�[_.. 149'TFlOUi i�' a� , a�r,�,i_ r;F CEPT. I?V�� IS.`:UA^C` OR GRANTI•,: � .. �'�i ..• „'':��OVAL OF � Pi.;N:; Afd'J [�':.. .FK:ATh^,i15 :' � '.. . - .' t..:'••• � iI_'O HF A � nG{:`cll- pCp p: GN APFnr,�.; . . _ f ANY Of � ��c_,;�,•.I�:.')��:]?f �H7S.. . - ,ti'OGIVE . �.��::Ll,le;,� . . '.l;,-�F"fN15 j „� . !'��:U I nf +„LIII f. [J( .� i.. .iJ , ..n -,. •-.. :ri)ri�C O��E I ��, ;.f I YhLO:: :�.. ... .._: 'i :,....'.. i I ����., � i9..�'!y:.;n:�..J. r:Fh fn:��,',., ❑ � , •:_nN�ltO n:t�C!FiJAI'10^" , dl `J01 NF�1.';? �����' s: •_���. rricin� �,�y. pNii!d cAFTERfiE fliiHcCOits'v`^"..,•�GFERRORSIN ^�„ ., PLANS AND ,�LATIO� ' � i FC?.1 PftEVENiING r BUiLMr:(yOFEFil�TIONS B� AIED oN TrtEREUiJDEA WNEN II:Jf✓�TION OF T" E OP ANV OTHER ORDINANCE OF ����� . _ /�Ii�� . ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT StatB Of California � County of Orange On 12-3-93 before me, Sandra Ruiz DATE NAME, TRLE OF OFFICER - E.G..'JANE OpE. NOTARY PUBLIC' personally appeared David M. Anconini � personally known to me - OR -❑ proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(3�) whose name(1F) is/s� subscribed to the within instrument and ac- knowledged to me that hefpqe/,f6tay executed the same in his/�afG�sr authorized r.,�,,, SANDRARUIZ capacity(ies�, and that by his/f�$aHi�sr COMM. k977E�62 � signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), ¢ • � NOiAiii PUBUC - GIIFOFBIN x a=. �� qU,yGECCVNtr t or the entity upon behalf of which the � �l�^ ��m"•� �� 1 person(� acted, executed the instrument. �..�.....-...,...___ .------... THIS CERTIFICATE MUST BE ATTACHED TO THE DOCUMENT DESCRIBED AT RIGHT: Though �he tlata requested here is not required by law, i� could prevent fraudulent reanachment of this form. WITNESS my hand and official seal. C �``SN �F. `\l.uh SIGNATURE OF NOT V OPTIONAL SECTION TITLE OR TYPE OF DOCUMENT NUMBER OF PAGES SIGNER(S) OTHER THAN NAMED No.5193 � OPTIONAL SECTION � CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER Though statute does nm require the Notary to fill in ihe tlata Delow, tloing so may prove invaluable to persons reying on the daument. � INDIVIDUAL � CORPORATE OFFICER(S) � PARTNEFi(S) � LIMITED � GENERAL � ATTORNEY-IN-FACT � TRUSTEE(S) � GUARDIAN/CONSERVATOR � OTHER: SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: NAME OF PERSON�S) OR ENTITV(IES) DATE OF DOCUMENT 07993 NATIONAL NOTAFY ASSOCIATION • 8236 Remmet Ave., P.O. Box 7184 • Canoga Park, CA 97309-77Ba DECLARATION OF AUTHORITY � FOR AGENTS OF PROPERTY OWNER TO APPLY FOR PERMITS y9D c,0 BQ f�-G o Street Address Bldg. Permit # This Permit # AP Number 1. I(we), �a.�ncl M•�tuvt i n � , dedare that I am the Owner of Title of the above referenced real property, and that I(we) hereby authorize: ��' Y(j (J R N � L'`NN S 7`d� - y o Y,S Name Telephone No. 3s 9 i r=,c= /y�! s i � Sireet Address . to obtain permits in my behalf, as owner/builder, for a S �S %� �-- � G" NTS af the above referenced property. 2. Should any person become an employee engaged in the improvement of the property, I(we) shall im- mediately provide Worker's Compensation Insurance coverage and cause a certificate of that coverage to be filed with the Building Division of the City of Costa Mesa, as required by State of California laws. 3. As owner/builder in fact, I understand and accept that my responsibilities do not transfer to any other per- son, company or corporation. 4. I agree to indemnify and hold the City of Costa Mesa and its employees or officers harmless from any claim resulting in damage or personal injury to myself or any other parties as a result of work authorized by the permits from the City of Costa Mesa. 5. I declare under the penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed this 3� day of��'CMb� 1g Q3 , at ��°uwt , California. � ��w,d M . �+�.�„�� �a-13143 Y Printed Name Date NOTE: This authorization does not grant authorization to perform the work as owner, it solely provides fOr limited power of attorney to secure this permit in any behalf. NOTARIZATION REQUIRED OP9�a6 (Fev. 7J91) � � / � PHOJECiqDOHESS: �tjO CABRILLO ST ,.owNenseame:ANTONINI, DAVID M aooness:ANTONINI, SUSAN F �. 490 CABRILLO ST COSTA MESA,CA 92627 PflCMIENGINEEX: S 4 S— Z B S O NEG.NO.: ADONE55: uxir: UNIT: renmince: ALCANTRA ROOFING ( 714 ) 837-5376 A�DNESS: 2q-�81 WINTERWOOD DEi LAKE FQREST CA 92fi90 IICENSEO CONTFNCTOfl OECIABATION: I �ere�y affirm Ihal I am IicenSeA un0er pmvismns of Chapler 9(commencing wiih Sec�ion 7000� ol Divisi n 9 I usi s antl Pm�essions Code, and my license is in lull �orce antl e��ect. cirr uc.: ��kATE LIC.:S i 4 Z 8 z c�as��' oa�e: �Z � �j 9gnature: _� L~ WOHREflS' COMPENSATION OECLRflATION: I �ereby aflirm Ihai I have a cetlilicale ol consen� Io selbinsure or a certifica�e a� Workers' Compensa�ion Insurance, or a certi�ied copy �hereo� (Sec�ion 3800. Lab. C). POLICY NO.: E%P. DAiE: COMPRNY: ❑ Cetlilied copY is hereby fumished. ❑ Cetlified coOY is �iled wi�h IAe cily Builtling Oivision. �ale'. ApplicanC E%EMPTIONFROMWOflREflS'COMPENSATIUNOECLANATION: Qhi5seclionnee0nolbewmpleleGdlhe rmili5laronehuntlrea�511p�arle55). I cerlily I�at in t�e pedormance oi �he work �or which �his permit is iysyYA. I s�all nol employ any son in any m_a�ner so as to became sublect lo ihe W rker ' Compensation Laws ol Cah�omia. // � � �� /2 / i°J � � �ale: $igna�ure: « �✓� G� (, NOTICE: II, ailer making �his tleclaralion, you shoula b ome subjecl �o the Workers' Compensa�ion pmvisions of lhe labor CoEe. you must forihwith comply with such pmvisions or ��is Oarmit S�all Ue Ueemed revoked. WNSTBUCTION LENOING AGENCY: I hereby a�firm that ��ere is a consimction lending agency for the peAarmance of ihe work lor which Ihis permil is issuea (Sectian 3097. Civ. C�. LENOEfl: AOUPESS: OWNEX BUILDEH DECLABATION: I hereby affirm Iha� I am exempt imm the ConVacmrs' State License Law tar the �ollowing reason �Seciion 7031.5 eusiness antl Professianal Cotle: Any ciry o� counry which requires a permit �o conSVucL alter, improve, tlemolish, or repair any slmcture, pnar �o ils issuance. also requires �he applican� lor such permil �o file a signetl 5�a�emeni [hat he/she is licensetl pursuant m the pmvisions o� ��e Comracmrs' S�a�e License Law (Chapter 9(commencing with Sec�ion 70W) of �ivisian 3 o� �he Business antl Pmiessions Cotle) or I�ai he/she is exempi Iheretmm and �he basis lor �he alleA¢0 exemption. Any violation oi Sec�ion 7031.5 by any apDlicant lor a permit su�lects ��e applican� ro a civil penalty o� nai mare ��an five huntlred dollars ($SW�. I, as owner ol the Dmperty or my employees wi�h wages as Iheir sole compensa�ion, will tlo the work, and lhe ❑ slmcture is not imentlea or ollerea �or sale (Section 7044, Business and Prolessional Code: The Con�ractors' S�ate License Law Ooes no� apDly to an owner of a property wha builAs or impmve5 Nereon, antl who tloes such work himsell/herself or ihmugh his or her own employees, pmvi0etl t�at such improvements are not in�entletl or oflered �or sale. If, however the builtling ar imDmvement is soltl wi�hin one year o� completion, Ihe owner vnll M1av¢ Ihe Ourtlen o� pmving Ae/she Ai0 no� 6ui10 or impmve lor I�e Ourpose ol sale). I, as owner ol ihe pmDe�Y. am eKclusivety contracting wiih licensetl tonVaciors lo conslmct ��e prolect (Section 7044. Business ❑ antl Pmie55ions CoOe: The Contrac�ors' Siate License Law Ooes no� apply la an owner oi Dmpehy who Ouilds or improves ��e2on an0 w�o conlrac�s lor suc� pmlecis wi�A a comractor(5) license pursuanl Io Ilie Conuactors' State License law). I am aware ihai Dmof ol ��eir Worker's Compensalmn insurance should be pmvidetl to me. � I am exempl unAer Section: B. 8 P. C. lor Inis reason: Oate: Owner I tlo hereby certlly iM1at I am aware oi end unAerstantl the requirements ol Celifomia Heal(h an0 Sa�ery Cotle Sec�ions 25505. 25533, and 25534 an4 ihal I or any lu�ure builtling occupan� willlwill nal (circle one) neetl �a comply wi�� saitl state codes antl ��e requirements for a permil foi canslmciion or modilicalian trom ihe Air Oualily Managemen� OiSVic�. Resitlential canstmc�ion applications are exemp� �mm Ihese provlsions. Date: Applmant I hereby cer�ily Ihal I have read Ihis ap0lmatmn antl s�ate Ihat �he a�ove iniormaiion is correc�. I agree �o compty wit� all ciry and counry artlinances antl 9ale laws relating to builaing coretmc�ion and here6y a horize represematives of �hi ity Io enier u on ��e above-memioned proper�y �orinspeti0n purposes. Da�e: � � � � 3 Signature: � � � ��� Driver'S License or Social Securily n: t64L46 WM1ne—Boilding; Gieen—Gotle Enlorcement; Canary—Applicanl; Pink—Revenue: Goldenrotl—Assessor CITY OF COSTA N1ESA — BUILDING PERMIT PERMIT NO: B 065144 PLAN CHECK NO: N CONSTRUCTION TYPE: PERMIT TYPE: STR PERM NO; B 065194 GOVT: N SUPP: N PURPOSE: OTH JOB DESCRIPTION ; T/OFF SHEATH S REROOF W/COMP SHINGLES SQ FT: 5,500 CLAIM VALUE: S,SU0.00 CALC—VALUE: 5,500.00 GROUP OCC: R-3 /M-1 COMMENTS: REROOF 2800SF RESID & GARAGE W/COMP. SMOKE DET�C:TORS Qwn"R-•.a� ����*�*�.�*��*�*����*��*�,�*****���������**��.��;���.***���**:�,����i�*�;�����LTOR ZONING REQUTAEMENTS R�QUIRED S E T B A C K S ------------ MAIN BUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSO:tY BUILDING --------- FRNT: FT IN REAR; FT IN FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN LEFT; FT IN RGAT: FT IN LEFT; FT IN RGHT; FT IN PARKING REQ: PROV: PARCEL: 11737248 ZNE: REF NO: I�LANNING NOTES?; � �r*�r*#�ru**��r�*x����**�r***x��r*��**�r*�r*x��r�r*****�+r+�*�r���**+r**�***u�**+���r�********** D E V E:L O P M E N T S E R V I C E S R E Q U I R E M E N T S ZONING APPROVED�BY DATE: .- HUILDZNG APPROC'ED HY : DATE: ' APPLICATION ISSUED BY: DATE: IZ-I11�� iEifltififiFifiFjtiEiElEiE�#ifititiEiEifiE itfE%�ititlEik iF�1liER iFiriEitR 3fif i4 itiFi'iEic�lEiElFifiFiEitiE iR:� iF ih �Fif �)f iE 3c if iE i(� �lf iE 1E iE if i4 jE 3f jE 9ElE # iE ih iE 3E 1E 1f iE 1f f! * fE iF �E iE �4 fE if iF # jf # jE iE if iF if �lf �1M1 iE if iE �1E if iE 94 9E 9F 1f� �1E �%- iE ib iP i: jF?E 1E �IF iE * af #!f if !f �F iF �E jf iE iE LEGALIZATION;N F E E S U M M A R Y STRUCTURAL SEGMENT:Y BLDG PMT PLUM&ING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SP1IP/RES GRADING PERMIT 81.00 SMIP/NON—RES PLAN ISSUE FEE BUILDING—DIV—� PERMIT ISSUE PLAN—rHECK TOTAL PAID DUE TOTALS----> 81,55 0.00 O,DO 81,55 81.55 .00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTELI; 81,55 OVER/SFIORT: ,00 BLDG PMT FLUMBING ELECTRIC MECI3ANIC FIRE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN—CHECK 81.00 .55 k�t k 1E fE 1t 1f iE iE 1! if iE iE 3ElE 9E 3k iE iE jE if if if 1E iE k iL if ff �f �f 3E iElt 1f iE if iF iE �k �f ff iE �c ii af iE 1E K fE if #�!t if if iF if iE it if iE iE iE iE #� 3f *?k j! �f iF iE iElf iF iE iF iF if I N D I V I D U A L F E E B R E A Y. D O W N TYFE QTY D E S C R I P T I O N U�lIT COST TOTAL COST SFR 5500 RERC�OF HY VALUE RESIDENTIAL NOZONE 1,00 5,500,00 END OF FEES �L �3!.5?J9'_0��.�'iG74 n°'.� S cl... �.iTE: SZlOI/T3 T�IILS tD:aD CONSTRUCTION ANO PLANNING APPROVALS Permit# 7. Temporary Electncal Service or Pole 2. Soil Pipe-Undrgrntl. 3. Electrical Conduit Uttlity�Undrgmd. --�`-- 4. Electrical Conduit•Undryrnr,�, 5. Steei Reinforcemenc 6. Electrital UFER Gmd 7. Footings 8. Foundation 9. Water Pipe-Undrgrnd. � 10. Struetural Fioor System � t t. PropertY Sewer �ine & House Connection 72. Sewer Cap . 13. Roof Drains 14. Rouqh Plumbing ' 75. Rough Electrical-Conduit 16. Rough Electric Wiring 77. Rough 4N�ring Sign 18. Rough E�ectricai-T Sar Ceii�ng 79. Rough Heau�g & Air Conditioning 20. Rough Factory Firep:ace 21. Ducts, in Structure 22. Ducts, Ventifating 23. Gas Pipe-Rough & Test 24. Roof Framing 25. Roof Sheathing /z L 26. T•8ar Geiting (Struc.arat; & Mpnocoat 27. Frame 5nd Flashin9 28. Lathing & Sidinq 29. Insulation 30. Drywall Nailing 37. Piaster Brown Coat 32. Electricai ?ower Meter-F�nai 33. Final Electric 34. Final Heating & Air Conditioning 35. Final Gas Pipe�Tert 36. Hood or Canopy 37. Final PSctory Pirepiace 38. Final Plumbing 39. Water Service-Final 40. Gas Service-Final T 47. Solar pomestic-Pinal 42. Backflow Preventer 43. Backfiow Irrigation � 44. LandscaPe Irripatior.,Systam ' i 45. Sound Attenuatior., •� s � ` 46. HandicaP Regulations +..,��- 4%. PINAL STRUCTURE F: +�JILDING � ?� 48. FINAL PLANNlN� ° �^ 49. Eleciric Release ta E�is�n, 50. Gas Release to Sou:hern California Gas Q a, 51. CERTIFICATE OFaCCUPANCY Oate Date POOI & SPA inspector �yppROVALS Permit,$ 52. Pool & Equipment Locat�o� 53. Steel Reinforcement 54. Forms 55. Electrical Bonding 56. Rough Piumbing & Pressure Test 57. APPROVAL TO COVER�GUNITE 58. Electrical Conduit�Undrgrnd. 59. Gas Pipe, O U�drgrnd., Test 60. Backwash Lines, P�Trap, Cl. Undrgmd. 61. APPROVAL?0 DECK 62. Backwash & ReceptorPinal 63. Heater & Vent�Pinal 64. Plumbing SYstem - Final 65. Electrical-Final 66. So�ar SYstem-Final 67. Fencing & Access APProval 68. APPROVED FOR PLASTEPING 69. POOUSQASYS7EMSFINAI FIRE DEFT. REQUIREMENT APPROVALS Permit# I 70. Underground HyCro 71. ProductPiping!�GaS ❑Oil 72. Underground Flush 73. Undergmd. S2orar,e Tank Q Gas ❑ Od �(ty� 74. Overhead Hydr� 75. Dry Chemica� 76. Dry Standpipe 77. FIXED SYSTEM FINAL 78. FIRE PREV. FINAL NEALTH DEPT. REQUIREMENT 79. FINAL INSPECTION � 80. FOOD CERTIFICATE ISSUED Notes: �w � Date �Inspector r' � , 1 i CITY OF COSTA MESA CALIFORNIA 9262&1200 P.O. 80% 1200 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARfMENT September 19, 1994 Dear Costa Mesa Property Owner: In reviewing past permits, we find that work has been done on your property located at 490 Cabrillo Street, Permit No. B65144, for a roofing permit. The permit is valid for 180 days from issuance or your last inspection, per Section 303 (d) of the 1991 Uniform Building Code. Should we not hear from you within 10 days, your permit will expire as stated herein and additional fees will be required to finalize the permit. Failure to final a Building Permit could possibly impact the future sale of your property. To activate the above permit, please follow these steps: 1. Telephone (714) 754-5626 or 754-5627. 2. Request an inspection; state address, permit number, and type of inspection. 3. Be sure to have working smoke detector's as required per Section 1210(a) of the 1991 Uniform Building Code. 4. Have an adult present at the property at the time of inspection to provide us access. Should you have any questions regarding this process, please contact me at (714) 754-5273. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, anda Huapaya Permit Processing Specialist 77 FAIR DRIVE BuilEing Division (71a) 75a�5Z73 • CoCe Enforcemen� pla) 754�5623 • Planning DrviSion (714� 754.5245 FA% (7ta) SSF7508 • TDD (7/d) 75A�5244 . Losta Mesa Buildi Department , " 111 EAST 20th aTREET COSTA MESA� CALIFORNIA FOR APPLICANT TO I+'II.L IN Building � Address �� % L�i�a�«a S% Costa. Mesa, California Nearest Cross St. % P, f�/NF /1 YF. Owner fj f %T GOHY, nddress g i � YI' /5 �hf% Tel. Citv Li^.S i A /�%�EfA No.// !f/Ee or zw,yr"sr No � �' I B�o�k and Bounds) City of Lot 6�.+ /� �i � Now on Lot � Setbaek Line from � Rear Vard 3!' center oi 8treet � side vard f' DESCRIPTION OF WORH New I C ( Alteretion I I Addition Repair I I Moving I I Demolish Building No. ot Size /srdO,fq %T Rooms � Stories � Exterfor Wall ROM FOA � Covering fTdLC'O I Covering jfjAhtt Use of NeW _ I hereby acknowledge that I have read This Application and state that the above is correct and agree to rnmply with all City Ordinances and State Laws regulating building canstruction. Sfgnature of p / Permiitee ���r %1'� e�^CIC- ^�� � e����....�..a e„r. .�[�.,.._....A�hr �'I/__� Valuation s /Z 9So rnou >na r_u 2u s-r,n Fee � APP ts ON FOR Yl�'.KMI� 9 B ILD.LNG FOR OFFICE USE ONLY �_ Receipt No. � Permlt N by Costa Mesa, California Nearest Cross St. Zone �/� No.oT � Type �, I APPROVALS �undatlon Location Inspector Forms, Materlals, Under-Pinning �ame: Fire Stops, Bond B FINAL I I � 2 D ' Show locatlon and distances irom � property line and between buildings ;�:�R19-55PUd�sbnl7Ba �-::�*�3�.0� --- . -• -` ,,:- - . i .