HomeMy WebLinkAbout207 FAIRWAY PL - Building Permits�I � � �oon�ssaem�ara: z07 FAIRWAY PL owr+Ewaru�EiF�axw: EASTERLY HAROLD M ��+� 207 FAIR�IAY PL COSTA MESA,CA 92627 APPL. MAlI11Ni �DDRESS: �qCNRECTOFENfalEEfl: AFCN.ON ENO.'S MDflE53: UG ND.: UNT: UNT: coarx�crarsruuE: HIGHEE ROOFING ( 714 ) 891-2549 cartn�cTorcsxuuxo $ z 1 2 WORTHY DR �ooness: MIDWAY CITY CA uc.no.: 631967 92700 uwr: LICENSED COMNACTORS DECLAPATION: I Aeeeby ellim uMs perely W paejury Nel I em IiromeE uMer proviebru d Chepter 9 (commenarg xi�h Secibn ]000) d Diviaion � d Ne &isron eM Profesaionv Cotle. enE mY ��� b in tull brce eM eHoa. cmuc.No.:060034 uc.cuss: C_39 uc.No.: 631967 EXP: 08/96 o�, �-7 — gs— ���: �� ,�i OWNEN BUILOEF OECLRHATION: I hseby elfirm under pene�y M perjury Ihat I em esemq hom IM CaMrenae liceme Lew lor iM Idbwiq reamn (Sedpn ]0.'lt.5 &niieaa erd PWeaabm CaEe: AM «Y a�+NY �id� nVuirea e parmn to wnsWcl. eMx. impwe. .mWsh, a repei eny awciure, prior w us ewance, also reQuirea tM eppliram f« such pe�mn io fib e ai0� �eiament thel ha w nhe lironsed Wn�l to IM prow'v�+ tl Ne Canratlars liee'ue !aw ICheqs 9(�menieq xi�h Saqion )00p) d Diveion 3 d Iha �siness enE Pralessions Code�orlhel he a she ia exemq�harehpn aMihe baweforNe ellepeE examqion.My vule�ian d Seaun ]031.5 by enY ��� !a e pe�mil vbptla iM eppliraM to e tivi paealry d ml more IM1an frve huMred Edlen �5500)�. ❑ �.asoxnera�neawahr«mr�Ma��wnxapeaea�ne:smoon,w�u+..,aaou,exwk.eneu,eevuctura:nain�eneee or oHered lor seb (Section )Oaa, Bmrea e�k Prdeasma Cade: Ttre Conirnqws limnse lewEoes �wl epqyto en ownard qopeny wM buiEs ar inpo.ea ihaeon. and xtn Eoes auch x«k limeett a hersel a Wouph hu a her own emplqaec. v��� �� such improvemeNa ere M intaMaE a dlxed Ip eab. tl. Iqwmee.IM Witlitp a'anproveenaY u edd wilhin an Y� ��mplalion. tM owrerbuilder hiA Mva IM buNen d peaieq M a ehe did nd buik ar imqo.e ta iM WNoae M aeb�. � I, aa oxner W iM V WMY. em extl�snM' eWraCnY wn� &emeE cantractaa w muvue �ha pul� (Swion )OId. &nirse uM Profeasona Code: Tha Contrmonlicrose Lew does nd apply b an ownerW pmpeny xfio buiNs orimqovesihereon erd who convena fa euch pqeda wnh a mntreaor(e) IicameE punueru to tM Cant�eqore Lienee L.ewl. � I em examq uMx Sanbn: B. d P.C., la iM �eaaon: Deta: Owner: i ao na.ew =.n� m� i� ew�< a�a ��i�d m, �c��.�e�u a c��omm rbann �a s�ny coea saaooa uws, zssaa, �a nsa�, m,e inm i w.m nn�.e dau�m ��n i�m na IaRb w,.l �.ee w w�oh.,.n.da .im. mes..�d me rec���ema�a i« apem�'illormroWclianvmodilra�ionhan�MAi ue�ty enepam«uDmriq.PesidenlielmiWrwfionnppirelimaeroevemdimmlhese �fOV1910M. oaie: nooic.m: WONKEP'S COMPENS�TION DECL�N�TION: I Mroby elfirm uMer peeWty d p«jury pw d tlw lolbwi�q Eedutlbne: � I heve and wil meinten e cenilicma d conxnt io aatlineuro lor wakas' campsnwion, u pwidetl Iw by Seqion �)00 d iM1e LeEor COEe.Ia Ihe pMormenca d Ne xaM la wlich Nro pxmM1 u bauetl. ❑ � nw. ene xi� meimen.Ana.• oomo«u�an vm„enro. m i.awee M s.eion ��ao a ub �.m, coe.. ro, ine om«merce a �ne woM Ior w1iiM IM1ie peim� ia i�ued, My wakan cwnpeneelion inwrence umer eM pdi�y number ere: c�o.: Pdiry NumLa: (This se fion rreeC nd be candarod / �M P�1 is ror an hwded ddleia /3ta0/ a ba.l ❑ I canAy Nei in the perlormence d iM work la whiJi t�u pemia la ivued. I 4W m� empby vry penm in enY mennm eo m �o e«omo .udea m ine Hvrken' canv�� mw. d c.Wanie. vw eams w� q � snwk e«oma wbjea �o ine ronmre' eo/mp�gneglion ptwuouen d Seqbn ]>00 d IM lebor CoEe. I s�lWl �lafthMilh mmpl� wuh �Ihw'e�pJ��+ Dete: X � �� �/� AOdeau:�.p�,�.�'��/..��l�. Wemlip: Hllun ro�.cun wohwi mrryru�tlon cov�rep� Is vnYwNl, �n0 slWl .�r.�.,,e�oY.. ro mm�v«am...�e clvll flr�es up ro one M1uidrW fhouund tlollen (SIOq000A M�Wltlan ro N� ro�t ol rompmufbR tlameq� u pvovlJM /or In Sxtlon J]O6 0l fhe Labor COW, InM1ns4 ��4 ��mey'� Iw. CONSTFUC110N LENOINC AGENCY: I hereby effi�m uMer pereM1y d parjury ihm �Mra e e cona�Nqbn IeMinp epency la �M peAormerce d ihe wM la wM1i� Ihe prm� o ewed (Sedion �09>. Ci+. C�. LENUEH'S NNAE: LENDER'S ADDPE55: I cenily IM1et I heve raaE Nu epplcmbn eM vma tAel Ne ebova iMametion b cartae. I ep'ea to comply xi�h ell ory eM cwnty ordinencee enE ntete lexa releimg lo b�iMvq ronsbudion erN M1ereby euthoraa repesenie�ives d thu ory ro emer upon tM ebwe-mentoned pmpeM forinspeHbn qyposea. . � . o�a: � �- %.S� (5151.CB.WP) Wh�o-Buik'vp85ilary,GreemFb:Carery-Appir.ant:Fnk-Re+anue:GOldmio�Aase�ar / � I��T;TuFill��[��'] CITY OF COSTA MESA - BUILDING PERMIT 073661 PLAN CHECK NO: N PERM NO: B 073661 GOVT: N SUPP: N CONSTRUCTION TYPE: PERMIT TYPE: STR PURPOSE: OTH JOB DESCRIPTION : REROOF W/COMP SHINGLES OVER EICISITNG SQ FT: 1,780 CLAIM VALUE: 1,780.00 CALC-VALUE: 1,780,00 GROUP OCC: R-3 /M-1 COMMENTS: REROOF 1800SF RESIDENCE, SMOKE DETECTORS REQUTAED PER 91UBC ***�t*****����*�x**x*��t*****xx�**x�x�t***�t+t*�t**+�**x�t*+t**x*****� **�*�t***+t** ZON ING REQUIREMENTS'��i'�DETECTOR S E T B A C K S �''n ------------ MAIN BUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY BUII4IT�LSKV�{�� FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT � LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN PAR3tING REQ: PROV: PARCEL: 43921213 ZNE: REF NO: PLANNING NOTES> > � IElF iE 1E 9E iE 1E 3ElE fE iE 1ElE * 1f 1f if 1E iE if iE iE fE iE i! if iE 1ElE iF fE 1E 3E iE iE IE fE 1E iE 1E 1E iE 1E 3E 1F 1E if 1Elf iE� iE itlk iF 1E 1E iE �E 9E 1E 1! 1E iE IE iE 1E jE iE iEiiE �E jF iF 1E IE 1E iElE IE D E V E L O P M E N T S E R V I C E S R E Q 0 I R E M E N�T S �, ZONING APPROVED BY DATE: '- BUILDING APPROVED BY : DATE: � � APPLICATION ISSUED BY: 11.y�..- 1E iE 1f 1E 1E iE iE IE ik 1E 1ElE IE If iE fE 1k iE if i[� iF fE LEGALIZATION:N F E E S U M M A R Y BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC PERMIT 41.00 STRUCTURAL SEGMENT;Y r�,t FIRE SMIP/RES GRADING 50 PLAN "�� SMIP/NON-RES ISSUE FEE i BUILDING-DIV-> pERMIT ISSUE PLAN-CHECK TOTAL �%�� PAID DUE TOTALS----> 41.50 0.00 0.00 41.50 41.50 ,00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED: 41.50 OVER/SHORT: 00 BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/TOT` GRADING PLAN-CHECK 41 .00 . 50�; 1E 1E iF 1F 1E 1E 1h iE 7F 1E iE IE 1ElF k iF 1E 1ElF iF If 1E 1E 1E 1E 1E if iE iE IF iF 7(� fE 1E 1E iE iE fE 1E iE iE fE 1E iE iE 7E IE k 1f IE �f ik iF If 1f 16 if if if iE 1hlf� if iE iE IE iE 9E iE 1E if ik if if IE fE iE 1E 1E I N D I V I D U A L F E E B R E A K D O W N T TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I O N UNIT COST TOTAL COST SFR 1780 REROOF BY VALUE RESIDENTIAL NOZONE 1.00 1,780.00 END OF FEES A y 01 QD's3Zi51-DU1877`? T C�T 4i,5� uHTE: t7.`a; �77�9g 7ItiE: E9:55 .�- � �, y Y CONSTRUCTION AND PLANNING P004 oPA qPPROVALS Permit # Daie Inspector pppROVALS Permit � Date lnspeytor 1, Temporary Electrical Service or Pole 52. Pool & Equipment Location 2, Soil Pipe-Undrgrnd. � 53. Steel Rein4orcement 3.��IectricalCondui't.Uulity-Undrgrnd. 54. Forms � - 4. Electrical Conduit°Ur�drgmd. 55. Electriwl Bonding . ' � 5. 6teel Reinforcemerxt 56. flough Plum6ing & Pressure Test ' 6.�.Electrical UFEFiGrrtd. 57. APPROVAL TO COVER�GUNITE � L�7, Footings „'`' � 58, Electrical Conduit-Undrgrnd. � 8� Foundation - C . - 59. Gas Pipe, � Und�grnd., Test �" 9. Water Pipe�Undrgmd. ' ' 60. Backwash �ines, P�Trap, O Undrgmd. 10. Structural Floor Svstem 61. APPROVAL TO DECK 17. Property Sewer Line & Hous�onnection 62. Backwash & Receptor-Final t2� �eWef �P � � fi3, Heater & Ve�t-Final 13. Roof Drains i 64. Plumbing System � Final 14. Rough Plumbing 65. Electrical�Final ' 75. Pough ElectricabConduit ' 66. Solar SYstem-finaf • 16. Rough Electric 4Uving - 67. Fencing & Access Approval 17. flough Wirinq Sign 68. APPROVED FOR PLASTERING 18. Rough Electrical-T Bar Ceiling' 69. POOL/SPA SYSTEMS FINAL 19. Rough Heating & Air Condiiioning i, FIRE DEPT. REQUIREMENT , 20. Aougti Patmry Firieplace � � `�. _ � ' � pppL�OV{�,LS � Peqnit # Y � 21. pucts, inSiruttura •• •• - • � - * ' 70. Underground Hydro 22, puMs, Ventilatin�.� ' ' � - ,y ' �'� � 77. ProductPiping�J�tias OOiI 23. Gas Bipe.Aouph & Ten _ . � : •' �� - 7z, Underground Ptash ' - � (� A 24. Roof Prarriing ' ' � ' _,' � 7�; Undergrnd. Sroraye Tank O Gas ❑ Oil 25. Roof Sheathin9 ' - � 74. flverhaad Hydro. ' 26. 7�Bar Ceiling (Structurall & A�000coat ' -� 75. Dry Chemical 27. Fremeand FWshing, _ _ z 76. Dry Stanilpipe �r • �� . - 28. Lathing & $iding •. ' " � F �- " "' 7� FIXED SYSTEN}-FINAL F:Y�.. � 29. Insulatiort • a . • � '� 78; FIRE PREV. FINAL � =- ^ 30. DrywalllJailing ,�" r, ' _ :HEALTHDEPF.REQ�UIREMENT �� 31. Plaster Brown Coat �--• ,� � •�� 79. FINA4 INSPECTtON r ; 32. Electrical Power Met�r�-Final *� 8� FOOD CERTIF.iCATE ISSWE4 - : � 33. �Pinal EleEtric - � NOtes: - ' . � ' 34. Finai He�fin�& Air Conditionir�g.` _ +.. k � • - T � -' ' 35. �inal Gas:PipQTesi � '� .: � _. ' � �'c �-� _ � 36. Hood-orCanoPY �-"' � �' ` ''� �. .� . � . .- - - r•: - 37. �.inai FaCtory Fireplace , -. -. .a . � - s - 38. Finai Plumbin9 � - ^• � . ' - -. " .� - `. 39. Water Service-FinaJ-' I , � � �`�' - �' ' Y � T ..40. GasService�Final �' -. �.� " - "7 `� � ' _ � - - 41. 5olar pomesticFina� � - # ' � -• • i. _ - _ 42, Backtlow Preventer - � � � ^ - : ' '- 43. 9ackf�ow Irrigation ` . „ , $ -8,,,�'cj _�Q� • .i_ �� �v i'�aa.�- �44. LandscapE Irrlgatta �srem ' � ti ' �"" ; ' '� " r 45. Sound Attenuation - ,; . " . " - _ _ 46. Nandicap Regulation '=�-+ � " - ` 47. FINAL STRIiCTUR �� BUILUING t7 /�_��(�(` ' � � y.. � , 48. �INAL PLANNING -� , ' � - ' - . I " 49. Electric Release to Edison �� " 50. Gas Release to- Southern Califomia Gas Co � _ �`.' 51. CERTIFICATE OP OCCUPANCY - " NO Date �