HomeMy WebLinkAbout2592 FAIRWAY DR - Building Permits� � PHOJELT RODNESS: OWNEfl'S NAME: HOLM� .TEFFAEY DR ��` aDOHESS: zS92 FAZRWAY DR COSTA MESA,CA APCNIENGINEEH: anoxess: UNIT: 92627 flEG.NO.: uxiT: PE"miT'EE' ANYTIME ELECTRIC ( 909 ) 244-1295 aooness: zp3�6�3/3N FAT�IRWEATKER J� Q9 p'7 IICENSEO CONTNPCTOq DECiAAA�TfOA: The�re�yEaHirm Itut I am Iicen5e0 unOerCpiSvisi6n5`b�NSpler 9(commencing wii� Section 7q10� o� Division 9 oi I�e Business anp Prol¢Svons COde. an0 my I¢en5¢ is in fullforce anU eilecl. CITY LIC.:(� STATF LIC.: 6•� O% 9 F s' C 10 Date: __J � � Z �9 � Sigwwre: _ _ _C �_ - WOflREBS' COMPENSATION DECIAflRTION: I nereLy aHirm that I luve a renilitdte al Con5enl to sell-insure or a certilicate oi workers' Compensalion Insurance, or a rerl0iee cooY �nereof (Section 3800. LaG. C�. POIICY NO.: E%P. OATE: COMPANY: � cenmea coov rs nereey mmisnea. ❑ Gertilie0 capy is liled with t�e uty Builtling Oivivon. �ale: ApPlicant: EIfEMVfION fPOM WOFNEflS' LOMPENSATION OECUPATION: (Ths seclion nEeO nai De [anpktM if Ne permt k �w Me �uMred �5100) or less�. I cemly ihat ln ��e pedarmanre ol �he work tor wNc� tha permit i5 i55ueA, I shall no� employ any person in any manner w as to Gecome suble�� �o I�e Ylorkers' ComOensation LawS al Cali�omia. ^�� /J oate: S- I'�— — 9`/ s�9nawre: ��� o-'—'� NOTItE: Ii, aM1er making I�is Oeclaratian, you SMula Cecome su0iect to I�e WorkeK Compensa�ion provisions al tAe LaUor CoOe. you must fonhwtn compty wit� sucn O�ovi5ion5 w this p¢rmil slWtl be Ueemetl revokeG. CONSTflUtTION LENOING AGENCY: I nereey aflirm tnal inere is a constmction lenaing aAency Ior the cehormance of R1e work lor wpicn Ihls permn is issuttl �5¢ai0n 3097. Gv. C�. IENDEP: ROOPESS: OWNEN BUILDEB OECLABPTION: 1 �ere�y a�lirm Itwl I am evempl tmm I�e Contra[tors' State License Law br ihe lollovnnq reasan (Seclion 703t.5 Business an0 Profes5iondl Cotle: any tily of counry w�kn repuirM a permil to Canstmct, aller, im0«e. demolish, or r¢pair any stmcture. prior �o i�s issuance. also repuires l�e aOP�UnI lor suc� permit Io IBe a v0^e0 s�a�ement ttwt �e/she is li[ensetl Oursuamlo�Aepmvisionso���eComranori SiateLimnseLaw�Clu0�er9�cammencinpwit�Seciion7W0�ol0ivision3ollheBusiness an0 Professions CoEe) or IIWI Ire/slie is erempl t�ertimm iiM ��e Oa5i5 tor t�e allegeE exemption. My WOWtion of Section 703t.5 Ey any a00�iwnt loi a permil su0ject5 ��E a001iwn1 lo a civil De�lty 01 not more Itun live �unCreO tlolla6 (5500�. I. as owner ol �he pmpeny or my em loyees vnN waqes as t�eir sole campensation, will Eo t�e work, an0 Ihe ❑ simaure is not imen0e0 ar alhre0 br sale (�tion 70aa, Buvness ana Praf¢ssronal CaOe: Tne Contractors' State License Law does no1 apoN �o an owner ol a properiy wtp EUJds or improves t�ereon, anE who Aoes suc� work �imsell/�ersell Or t�muph �i5 or �er ovm ¢mployees. proti0e0 Ilui Sut� �m0�wem¢n�5 are not inlCrMeG or aflead lor sal¢. 11, �Oweve� I�e Guilainp or improvemen� is iolG vnt�in one ywr al cOmW¢tion, tlre owner wiY luve I�e EurGen o� D�oanp hNshe CiE nol GuiIE Or improve lor Ine ouroase ol Sale1. I, as owner ol Ine D�openy, am eeclusively comraclinp vni� IicenseU conVactors Io tOnslmcl I�e Omjecl (Section 70a4, Business ❑ an0 Prolessims CaOe: T�e Contractori Siate LKeriSe Law Oces m1 aOdY �o an own¢r ol yopeM � OWAs a� improves I�ereon ana who conitatls lor sucn pwjecis K71� a wniractorls) Ikense oursuant lo ine CAniractors' State Litense Law1. I am aware t�ai Orool ol I�¢ir Worker'S Comp¢nsalan insurance SMuW EE provitle0 lo me. � I am exempl unGer Seciion: 8. 8 P. C. br inis reasan: oa�e: Owner. 1 Co hereby cenily I�at 1 am aware ol an0 wGerztan0l�e repuitemenis ol Cdlifornu Meallh anU Sdtety CoUe Se[lions 25505, 25533, anG 2553< anG Ihat 1 or any IUWre OuilOing aNDanl wilUwiu not (tirUe ane) nee0 lo wmply w�t� uiE state LOEeS anJ t�e reQuiremenis lo� a permil lor cans�mcuon or mOQilicaiion Irom ��e Air OuaO�y Managemeni DiSiricl. He5i0ential conslruCiion application5 are exempl irom ��ese OrovisionS. �ale: p0��itant: I �ereEy cei�ilyi�all have reaa t�is aOP�icalion an0 slalei�atihe aGoveinlormaiioni5 mrrecl.lagreeio compty vril� allcity and county orQinarwes an0 slate �aws relatinq io buibmg cansUuctian an0 �ereDy autMr¢e cepteunutives ol INs aly lo enter upon itle a�ove�mentione0 pf00erly IOrin50¢qi0n DufpOses. � oaie: �'/� ' �y Signamre: � a!w � � Driver's License or Soaial Securiiy .r ^ �� � � � � � tbat-a6 WM1ne—BuilOing: Green—Coee EnlorcemenC Canary—Applicant; Pink—Revenue: GoWenroa—Assessor CZTY'Ofi COSTA MESA — BUILDING PERMIT PERM NO: E 067151 PERMIT NO: E 067151 PLAN CHECK NO: N GOVT: N SUPP: N CONSTRUCTION TYPE: PERMIT TYPE: ELE PURPOSE; OTH JOB DESCRIPTION : SERVICE UPGRADE SQ FT: CLAIM VALUE: CALC—VALUE: GROUP OCC: / COMMENTS: NO OTHER WORK AUTHORIZED BY THIS PERMIT if 1E iE if if if 1E 9E aE iF iE if iF iF K if 1E if if 7F if iE if if 1E iF fE iE K iF iF iF 1F iE iE iE it iE iF 1f 1E if 1E iR IE 1f 1F ik iE if if ii ic jF # iF if if iF if k iE jf if if if iE iE iF iE 1f if jF 1F 3F iF iE jF ic 2 O N Z N G R E Q U I R E M E N T S S E T B A C K S ------------ MAIN BUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY BUILDING --------- FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN LEFT; FT IN RGHT: FT IN LEFT: FT ZN RGHT: FT IN PARKING REQ: PROV; PARCEL: 00000000 ZNE: REF NO; PLANNING NOTES> � . . 1E iF if if if iE if if if if 3f iF iE if 1E iE iE iF 3f iE 3F iE if jE �E iE iF if fP iF tE iE iE if.it if iF k i! it iE iE iE iE if 1P iE iE iE if iE iF iF if if if ifl4 iP iE if !F iF if iE if if iE iE iF 9f i! iF iF iE iF if iF i4 D E V E L O P M E N T S E R V I C E S R E Q 0 I R E M E N T S ZONING APPROVED BY DATE: BUILDING APPROVED BY ; DATE: APPLICATION ISSUED BY: " DATE: �Z��l *w*******+rx�****x��***�*iF��TF�TiF��'��F+�+�*���r3F�TF�F ;F*+3F���r��r*****+r****x� * �r��**** if it iE it if if i! %iE ic iR * iF iP if iF iF iF iE jE iE iE 1E it if K 1E 1E iF 1E i! if � i�jE iE if if iF i! iE i: iE if iF jE i4 K iF iE if r iE iF %it 1f if K iE i� 1E iE iE 1E if if � jf iE if jk !� iE?F if ik if iF LEGALIZATION;N F E�E S U M M A R Y STRUCTURAL SEGMENT:N BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FZRE SMIP/RES GRADING PERMIT 18.50 " 50Y SMIP/NON—RES PLAN ISSUE FEE 15.00 BUILDING—DIV—> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN—CHECK TOTAL PAZD DUE TOTALS----> I8.50 15.00 0,00 33.50 33.50 .00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED: 33.50 OVER/SHORT: .00 BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN—CHECK 33,50 1f ff iF 1f fF iF iE iF iE iE iF iE iE iE aE jE if it iE %iF iE ff if iF if iF if iF if if if iF ik iE iE iF iE iF IE if k iF k af ff 1k Y if M iF if if iE if jE 1f �E iE if iF if if iF if iF if iE i� iE if iF fF iF iF 1f M iE if I N D I V I D U A L F E E H R E A K D O W N TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I O N UNIT COST TOTAL COST ELE 1 SERVICES BELOW 600 V 6 BELOW 201 AMP 18,50 18.50 END OF FEES 01 00150451-0016�451 Ti] T 33.50 DATE: �;/12/96 TItiE: 1`:D8 -� Y ' ''-- -- - - - - C�)�STRUCTIO�! AP'D °LA\NIUG �� �` $PA � Da[e I !nspector � APPROVALS Pcrnii�- - �ppPROVALS Permit�-�. _-- � 1. TemPorary Eier.rcal Ser: r� or Pe!e 52. Pooi & Equ�;enart Lc:at c^ D�te � Inepccc:�� 2. Soil Pip°-Undrgrnd. I I 53. Steel Reinforcrment i �- 3. FlCrtriCal ConduR U:��rtc�U: :.g���-___' __ -- 54. Formi - - '- _ -._ _ -_ _-�-` _ _ __' _' -'`' --- -- -- - �-- ' --- 4. Electrieal Condwt�U�drored. � I 55. E�ectrical Bond�ng i � J -- ----�---- -------- ----- --�-t- - - -' St. �� Re�nforcerie^� -�- -- 5E. Rocqn Pl�,rr�i�r;; L: P;,- �r_ T:::! � -- ------- - ------�� - - --- -- - -- - � - - ---- - - - - - - - - - I E e��,_tcui UFER G^1 -� � � 57 n?PRUVAL. TPCO�,F�� r,i:' .-�k � r----_ - _- _ . ___ __ }__. _ _ _-�__-_ _ ___. _ ._ . _. _, _ _ . _ _ __ _ _.. j._ �. Z Foot�rg, ' 58. ciar7��c.il Cai o�' ���;� �,. � , __ _`-_ __- �'i__. _1_..__-�_-_- _ __ _-_ _ . - _ . _ .'.__. B. FoundaUon I �� � 59. Gas P,pe.'.] �)ndn^��d ,�; .t �� , 9. "�idtBr Pipu�Undrgrnd.__ __T- _ _'� _ G0. E;.,ek�v,�sh L�nes. P�'r�P. f I,��.0 : n:= �..- _ _ i _ _ . - __�_ � �___.__ _ _ -7 _---�- _ _ _ ___- _ _ _ _ _ . _ �. ___ 10. St•uctural Floc• Sys:�'m I � � 67. APPRn�/A�. TO UECK . ' . -----� - 1'i. P �c�ty Se:.er Lre 2 1.� . ;a•'..rt.or� I 67 d-c .asi 1L '<<-; - -�-- --`- --- - F- � �-- - - -- �---�- - - - - I 12. S' � r Cap -�---- � E�. .... , ii V t.'-- -- - -� , � -- � ---- a - - --- --- ------------ - � . . _ 13. Roaf Oia-.ns I G4. ?ium�inq Systum F^.,.I i , I�-_-__- - -___- _- - _ _.__-__ _______ _ _ -.._ ' _. � �q. po��h Pli�mbing � � 65. Elertrical ��^al � , -- 'I- -- - -� -- -'- -- � , 15. Rough Electrlca�•Cora�.t -� ' � 1 fi6. $olur SVstem�Fin.,� � 16. R�cCh EIeC.riC:.'irina -_�-.-_ i '--_- 67 Fr:iCnq 3� Accvs, 4p� ,,. __ _ - , _ _ __ �._ - _ _' ' _. __ �-__: ___-� _-�_- _.. ___ --,_--__' _ _ _ 77. Rou'.�h!:�.nng S�gn j ' � -68-. APPROV�U FOR ?I AS;: Pi',!G 18. RcughEtee:�Ica��TB.�C�-�- � � gg FCOLS?ASYST_'aF�,�Ci+�.------ -------- _ �1 79. Rough Heat�ng & A�r Cu�.d�t n��r.g ��i ��-FIRE DEPT. RE�U17E.^.� f!�' � ' 20. Rough Factory Fi�ap����c- -� I�.PPROVALS Prrr.,� ,----- � � - I---�-- -� - - - -- - 21. DucYs, in Structuie I ! I�p, ��..,�_,y,uu^�," H; � c -� ' i - -- �---r-- -I--}---- - ------- --- ---r----i�- -__ . I 22 D�:r:. Va�fi.:t;^a � � 71. F�oauct P�.r.;� __ .:� , - - -------� ---�-----�------ --- - --- - -- - �- - -� . 93 G�s P�pe�Fovgh g T�:.. I � 17. 11n;l�,�,,.o�,. =. �-- _-__ ___'-_.-.�__ . .+-____ ' _ . _ _ , _ __ _ .. I 7.d Ploo� hiami^g _ __ __ _ �- _ _ _ � �73. Und_7m�.__,�o:,:_ _ .r , . 3�., _ _ - -. - _. �- - - IZ5. 7nu� She.�thln8 � /� 7e,� �..,,r� i. �r�, � . F'__-__- _-_ _- __ ___ ' _--I---- -- . i6. T�8 ��c Ceihng 45[r r:,, i'. �. : proco �t__.t_ _ . - .'r _ _ _ 75 Drv Cimriuc � i . -� _ _ �. � 97. F arn o^d P:_�,t-� -� -- ---- -- - � r76. Jry St.�..,��� - - � --- �. --- - --�- - -- I - - - - '- -- - - - �- _ ' �^�. '..:tn.ng�:S�d-�a---� � . 77. f"I;.E�S\�Sf��,� ��tAL . . �'------ - - - -� - - - �---- �- - � . 29. 'nF�:�t.c�� - ---------i - - -'� -- I iB. FI4C-P�CI� c,•.... --------- ------ � --- -�------ - - - -- - - .. _ . _ . _ ._._ . � �37. '.)� i:.,:" i.fa��:ca ' Iir.dLTH:IE�'T RC�L'IRE�."�E.C�f j--- -- --' --------- - --- --�- --- - - -- - � � � 31, �,.:,trr &o::n Cozt r � 7J Fi�aai ir:�.���.-..c•.0'. ��- ---------- . . . ----`- ��- -- �-- - -- - - ' '. � 39 Eleet� �a' ?o..r. "'_t �.. _..� � I �RV' --90. fCUU (:� � i I�-'C', � ..� �� �� � � - - - - ---+- - � � - - ----- - I I, ' -�% - I- -- - �- -- - " � 3J. .r_-It'EC;ry 7'3 ( -� ��ate�' �I��`n l -. . � ,�C/ �• __- _- _' " . _ " /" '_ _ _ -.`_- _ - �. �� '/���'-- J`•,�- ��,,� � 34 ! r;cat ^ n. A. . �. ... i '� I ._ I��CRY'�� ���Jf� � - - - -- - -'- - - ` ---- �--- - - - 35-Fi.^..:I Gas Pipa�Te,t-- - - -- - - - --- I----- -- - --- - __ - - - -- --- - - - �-�--- 3G. Hnod or Car.oP1' i I � �37. F�nal Factory F�reo!�ce � � -- - -- ---�-�-- ---- ------ -- - - - --- � - - - - � 38. Finai Pium6.�g Ir- --__ I _ _ + __.___-_ _ '-_ ______ _ . _ - _ . � 33. 'C,ator Service�Flnal ---- �---- --- -- .. �A0. Gas Sermce-F.r=1 � � --- ---- - ---- - -- - - ----- --- - - � 41. Solar pomestoF�r;� --� � I_ �2. 6�cuflowPreventer --- � -- � - -----�--� - ----� - ---- - - I 43. 6ackflow Irr.gation I ' r:.a -- - - - - -�- - -- �- - . ..crdaCaR2 Irn9at�on SY�t.�* � � _�5��..�hd Atten,._tinr -- - - -- -� -- - - - � - 1 ---- - --- -- - -r - -- ;- '�16. Kdniiicap Regu.at,ono � 47. I-INALSTRUCTUP[ " Fu� .7'rdG 48. f INAL PLANiVING __ ___ � �>9. E:��!�'c Rzieasa to Ed•so� 50 Ga: Release to Soutlzem C_Irtu���a Gas 51. CER�IFICATE OF OCCUPAR'CV R'o. D;.tc i. 3. COUNTY OF ORANGE BUII,DING DEPT. 636 No. Broadway Santa Ma, Califamia Phone: KI 2fi211 �� � � Application for Building Permit AND FOR A Certificate of Use anci Occupancy OWNER'S NAME.._�1-�..; �'` `��^�� J . - . �.f—........... .. MAILINGADDRESS....�S.I�_�.-eG�_.�v.:'......_.... - Name ..... Addre=s . City ....... S[are Lic. No... (Archicect or Engineer) Permit No.. �GG�/.7.%;_' � � 7—��1 �-�'� � - PHON }���.��� S C]TY..IC!..... --- --�. /cy��-. Namc .. - -........ . . . . . .................. ..... .. �------.. ........... .. _.. .... ........... ... (Contracwr) Address--- �- . . .._—' ...................'--......._--'----....... City---- ........_._...._..... Statc � Lic. No....l_YJ%o Y PROPOSED USE: -Y!:.`��- � _... ... ...... �-��� ......--. . . - - ..... ........_......_....._.. --- - - � . . . - G - �- .. lOB LOCATION...._�Z.v ' ��----- . - ���, • � - _,_...._.. (House NoJ (N me of Stree�) LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot-------_...--�--------------------_..--.-_Block (Metes and Bounds Des<ripcion—Use reverse side o( form) (Town or School District) /'z 7 9 .......----------- Tract----------- --- 4. CORNER LOT ( ) INTERIOR LOT (�) THROUGH LOT ( ) SLOPE OF LOT ( ) i. SIZE OF BLDG.:..Z`�..x...� � AREA:--�O..I..0 _._.SIZE OF LOT:- 6--I..--}[ L 3') _...AREA:--P...I ��_ ..._.-_,-, � i i . // G. HEIGHT OF BLDG.:....L 5 ..............._............._CEILING HEIGHT:.. g_.�._..:........_.....NO. OF S'I�ORIES.._..�C`'er..... � � / r� � 7 � -�/ 7. NO. FAMILIES.._..._� �L .................Size of Smallest Bedroom:...�U.....`�..�.�....b_. Size of Kitchen..'I�._6.._.k_��...�?... �J�, ��i —���v R. EXTERIOR WALL CONSTRUCTION:..�"T..d"._"_"'��.....INTERIOR WALL COVERING...._c��� ............. (Frame, Smcco, Etc.) / � (PlastervDryvmll, Etc.) J. SETBACKS: Front Yazd From Center Line of Streec.........��.`''..._----------------------_.....--------...._...----....-------.......--------._................... Ncarest Side Yard......J. _.I....._...Rear Yard.....0..s.'_...._..Distance in Feet Bctwccn Bldgs. on Samc Lot....�'ec ..................... 10. A COMPLETE PLOT PLAN IS REQUIREll, SHOWING ALL STRUCTURES ANll USE OF EACH. n �� r 11. Accesso �a) Footing:. Width......�� ...............------...Depth in Ground......__�.-Y---------Widthof Wall-----a..--r/. ry , . Sim�larand b Size of Studs... Z. � y.........S acin ��...._-'-_'CC Matcrial of Floor...--.--_-._ .................... � ) .... p g......_---- Scructares: �� (c) Size of Floor Joists:----�!r...F!....--------------.Spacing--......�.LG....----�--.......---:'CC (d) Size of Rafters: ZK � ....................__ --- Spacing.. -' �-� - - -..."CC 12, VALUATION OF��OPO�ED WORK: Induding all labor, plumbing, clectrical wiring, hcating, fire =_prinklers, painting and sewage disposal $.. ....0..0.-'-=------- ................. ., 13. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF THE INFORMATION IN THIS ` APPLICATION IS CORRECT AND THAT THE CONSTRUCTION WORK WILL CONFORM TO ALL LAWS OF THE COUNTY OF ORANGE AND THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA APPLI�BLE THERETO. Plans Filed:---.......--- .........:................-�- FEES: o 0 Bldg. Permit - $.. � �----......-'---- Plan Chetk - $--.--- 3--_ L.�.......'....' Toeal . . . 5..'tt.. 3 ....j. ................. Receipt No. - �!�/ . . ��--L` .�................. Paid to • - . �:��G...-"--"---- Date --- ........... . ..... �7. r.. /�.- .SI�.. DATE...... 7...:1.�...._� S � . ....................... 5 M-B-51 Signed:-------N���_ � (�9uthorized Agent) FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY G R O U P� _--. .Y......1.. ---. TYPE......._� ---.... - DIST. G '/ MAP.......... �'7...... --- --- SHEET NO....� ................. � APPLICATION.�!� HEALTH ............................ ZONING..._-.---�........ FIRE PLANS AND �/ MARSHAL ......................... SPEC'5.......... -� ---- ..... STATE...... - .......... � ..... CORRECTIONS ENGINEER VERIFIED....------- .......... CAL .. ......... ...._................ SSUEDRBY couNrv eui��iN — �-�ri INSP'tCTOFi v �