HomeMy WebLinkAbout2410 COLLEGE DR - Building Permitsvxa� nonEss: 2q10 COLLEGE DR ow, xaMe: PARKER KENNETH L � ess: 3074 C�YLON RD :'t COSTA MESA, CA 714) 549-0433 AflCN/ENGINEEfl: PDONESS: UNIT: 92626 NEG.NO.: UNIT: PEflMITTEE: BRENT OWENS ROOFING ( 719 ) 978-2075 nooncss: 12901 HUUHBLING WELL ROAD SANTA ANA CA 92705 UCENSE� ECIABATION: I here�y allirm IAaI I am litensea under provi5i0n5 0� Chap�er 9(CommenCing wil� Seclion 7000� of D' siness antl Pwlessons Cotle. antl my license is in lull force anU eitect. L' /[; STATE LIC.: G O O�I O P ciass 3 9 �ale' �-( 6 y Signa�ure: �_t���--�— flNEflS' (OMP SATIUN OECLANATION: I Aere�y aifirm Ihal I �ave a cetlilicate ot consenl lo sel4insure or a cehilicate of Workers' Compensaiion Ipgyrapp� p[ �cp{Iified cppY �hereal (Seclion 3800. Lab, CJ.2 � O I� 9 S aoucv no.: STATE FUND E%P. OPTE: U COMPANY: ,s, enifietl c py is ere0y lumishetl. L'7 Cenitie0 cooY is liletl w�ith tAe c.ity Buii ing �ivisian. ai S Appiicam: ��Z EMPTION POM OPREBS'COMPENSITIONDEClAPA710N: �Thi55eclionnee0not�emmpleleOillhepermili5�wmehunUreA�5lIXl�orles5�. I cenily Ihat in I�e De��ormance of ��e vrork Por which I�is permii is i55ueQ I s�all noi emD�oy any person in any manner so as lo become su0�eci lo t�e WOBerS' Compen5aiion Laws af Calitomia. Daie', SignaWre: NOTICE: II. atte� making I�is declaratian, yau ihoul0 GecOme su�lec� �o t�e Work¢rs' Campensation pwvisions ol t�e LaAo� Cotle. you mu5t Iori�witn comply with such pmvisions ar Ihis permi� shall Ce OeemeA revoketl. LONSTNUCTION LENOING AGENCY: I h¢r¢by atfirm I�ai Iher¢ is a ConSimCtiOn lentling agency �or Ihe pedarmante o� lhe wark lor wnicA i�rs permn is asued �Seamn 3097. Civ. q. LENDEH: ADOPESS: W/TILE OWNFP BUILDEB OECLABATION: I �erehy allirm ihal I am exemp� imm ��e Coniranors' State License Law lor tAe fallowing reason �Seclion 7091,5 Business an0 Pmfessional Cotle'. Any city of county which reQuires a permit Io consimct, altec impmve, EemolisA, or repaii any simcture, Drior �o ils issuance, also requires I�e applicani lor such permit lo lile a signetl 5ta�emenl Ihai he/ihe is lic¢nsee pur5uanl io Ne provisians ai I�e Contractars' $late License Law (Chapter 9(commencinp vnth Section 7IXp) oi Orvisfon 3 a� ihe Business antl Pmfessions Cooe) or Ihal ne/sne is ecempt therelmm ana Ine �asis lor ine allegea exemption. Nny violation oi Seclion 7037.5 Gy any applicanl lor a p¢rmi� SUEle��S lhe ap0licant ta a civil penatly oi no� more I�an live �untlr¢tl tlollars (5500�. I. as owne� ol ��e D�oDeny o� my employees wilh waAes as t�eir sole campensa�ion, will ao t�e wark. an0 Ihe �❑ s�mclure is noi intentle0 ar oilere0 1or sale (Seclion 70G4, Business anE Proleuional Co4e: The ConVactors' Slaie License Law Gces nol aOPM1/ Io an owner ol a Droperty wtq Guilds or impmves �her¢On, aM who Oaes suc� xrork �imselMersel� or lhrouqh hi5 or �¢r own empby¢es, pmd0ea I�a� Sut� improvemenls ar¢ not in�entl¢0 or oflered IDr Saie. II, howev¢r ��e Euilaing or im0�ovemenl is 5010 vnt�in on¢ year oi tom0letion, �h¢ owner will �ave the burtlen o� pmNng �e/she tlitl noi builtl ar im0�ove far Ihe ourv�e ol Shcel. I, as ownei o� Ihe pmperiy, am eeclusively conlrac�inA wiih licensed conlraclor5 io conslmcl Ne pmle�� �Seclion 704d, Business ❑ an0 Pmlessiws CoEe: The ConUacbrs' S�ate License Law Oces noI aOVly IO an Owner ai pmpe�y wha builGs or imD��es Nereon an0 w�o conVacts lor suc� pmlecis wi�� a conVactoqs�li[ense DurSuani b ��e Conlraciors' $late liC¢nse Law�.l am aware Ihat pmol ol I�eir Worker's Compensalmn insurance shaWd �e Omvide0 to mc. � I am exemD� untler $ec�ion' B. 8 P. C. lar I�is reason: Da�e: Ownec I tlo �ere�y cenily Ihal I am aware ol antl untlerslantl Ne reQuiremenls ot Calibmia Health ana Safery Cotle Seciions 255Q5, 25533, anU 25534 an� I�a� I ar any fulure Uwlding occuDam wilVwili not (circle one) neeG to Com01y vnih 5ai0 state co0e5 antl �he repuirements lar a permit lor consimction or motlificalion Imm I�e Air Ouality Managemen� Oisiric�. flesiUeniial consVuc�ian apDlica�ions are exempi imm Inese pmvisions. Dale: AO�licant: I heteey rertiiy iM1al I have teae Ihis apD���alion an0 slate that Ihe aEOve infarmaliM is mrrecl. I agree lo compry vritn all ciry ana [aunty or ncesantlstalelaw5relating�obuilaingcons�mclionana�ere�yauNorizerepr enlativesa i cilyio¢nteruponlheabove�menlioneA o�e y lo� insp clion u�0oses. C, 0 SignaWre: —/���/�- Orivcr's Lice sc ar ocia� Security 164La6 Whne—Bwltling; Green—Coae EnbrcemenC Canary—ApplicanC Pink—Reven�e; Golpenroa—Assessar .. . I ; CITY OF COSTA MESA — HUILDING PERMIT PERM NO: B�0672Y9 I PERMIT NO: B 067219 PLAN CHECK NO: N GOl'T: N SUPP: N` �.�, CONSTRUCTION TYPE: V—N PERMZT TYPE: STR PURPOSE: ALT ��I JOB DESCRIPTION ; T/OFF RESHT. REROOF W/COMP SQ FT: 5,500 I CLAIM VALUE: 5,500.00 CALC—VALUE: 5,500.00 GROUP OCC; R-3 /M-1 COMMENTS: SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN HEDROOMS 6 HALLWAYS " 1991 UBC " **��*��r****�c**x*�**�r�****�r**�****�+�*+�*+�*+r*x��****+�***�*******�r*�r**�r****�r******* Z O N I N G R E Q U I R E M E N T S S E T$ A C K S ------------ MAIN BUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY BUILDZNG --------- FRNT: FT ZN REAR: FT IN FRNT: FT IN AEAR: FT IN LEFT; FT IN RGHT: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT; FT IN PAAKING REQ: PROV: PARCEL: 14148435 ZNE: REF NO: PLANNING NOTES> �. > • if iE iklE iE it if if iE jE if �E iE iE if if if 1E iF iE 1E �E iF if 9E 1E if iE iE iF iE k it iE iE 1E �E 1F M it af iE aE if �f iF if if it iE �f iE 9E iE iE iE if if if if iF if iF iF 1E it 1f if jf"jE iE �E iE iE 1f iE if iE if D E V E L O P M E N T S E R C� I C E S R E Q U Z R E M E N;�T S ZONING APPROVED BY DATE: •� ` HUILDING APPROVED BY ; DATE: :� APPLICATION ISSUED BY: � �'C DATE: � iFiFiFifiFiEiFiFiEiFiFiFiFiEiEiFfFiEiEiflFiE�3F�F�f�R�EiF�f��f��E�f� �Zj��F;fif�ifiF3��iF�iF�F�F�E3F�Fif7FifiFifiF?E1FiFiEifif , iFif iR3FiFiE�IciE3EafiFiEdEi:if�{FiFiEiEiEiE#iF9fjFiFifiFfEiFiciE#E�)E�IF{hi4�lEiFifiFlfiE�7FifiFiFiFifiFiFi�iEiFiEiFiR�lfifif-�iFia3fiF�lfiEiRiEiEi�F,9F�7f iF�IFiFiFa(-�FiF LEGALZZATION:N F E E S U M M A R Y STRUCTURAL SEGMENT:Y BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/RES GAADING PERMIT 81,00 55 SMIP/NON—RES PLAN ISSUE FEE BUILDING—DIV—> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN—C[iECK TOTAL PAID DUE TOTALS----> 81.55 0.00 0.00 81.55 81.55 .00 REC'ENUE DIC'ISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED: 81.55 OC'ER/SHORT: .00 BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN—CHECK 81.00 .55 1E iE 1E iE K jf iF jE iF aF iE iF iF iE if 9E �E i: if-aE iE iF iF iE iF if if iE if if jE if j: aE iE iF iE * ic If aF fE ff iE iE iE ff �E iF M iF iE iE if ±E 1E jE �E jE iE if #: % 1E If iF iF iF iF if if if 9f iE �lE jf �1F if iF I N D I V I D U A L F E E B R E A K D O W N TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I O N UNIT COST TOTAL COST SFR 5500 REAOOF BY VALUE RESIDENTIAL NOZONE 1.00 5,500.00 END OF FEES SMOk� �ET��;70R REG1���016��40� 4r41 0 81.55 � `.�)�STRUCTION AND PLANMING ,�P� 70VALS ?ermit � :mporary Ele[tncal Scrv�ceor�Poie ' ' Z SOi! Pirte U�drQrr.d. . . �3 E' c'r ��' G���du + ' ' LThrv�U��,drgrr.d. �---- ------ - -- i4 E'c_�r r,:l Cartlud�U^:Iryrn�l. 1---_-- -- -__ �- - � I F 5�,��"�-�c�nFprCe^'.�•nt �c_.,�: _,.�_� ,;;_�� ---� s � ,at ^?• �_____--_'____ � ?. F^ 'tn^ .-d,_�r�-�-'� ''C. 5: cct.: c' Flom System I ". "',�P-"I•J 5;rer Li��e 6� lao.5e Ctnneet'vnT ' 12. S^v:er CaP . �-'--�--- --- 'i 3. Ruut Orsine .,; Nau�'� C�ur�i��q �'5 Fiu9��Elertnc:.!�Conriu�t �.c. �o,,gh Eler'r�c�::mna i-- _ -_- ,', i. R�..yh 77 n�.n S�gn ' �F 9a.�h ctE�•,lw:�` Bar Cc�!�n4 r1� R�unF', �si'.•.g L A�r COru�L�ning r'i�. R; .. Fdc!ory f- r,:V.1r: -_-_ r-- ------ -- - !1. ,,,.c[s,,r $vuCiu a �--'-------�- . I i2. C„'_tc.'.¢^t �aLry �-- - ----- -� -- � 23. G._'..c 7u..gh c �ies� � ��. ^�:.:� F _. _f7 __-_ ri5 F�-�;"a:�a;.t��.�.rtg ___--.. �'Jr. -i:,r C��:��.np (st: �ctu.u'1 8 i�:a•�coat �27. f-.•rr, �n;; I�Iash�n� � ----� �------ - - � 2R�L.�L��np & ti,dVn� ' 70. I�,cu,cLan �------- -- ---- � LJ. i� yr.� , . !�,r.g r-3---�.is:r. . .i Cott - --- i �3^ ._ c_.. P.�.�.e� '._�..� F� Y. _-_ _ r _ F� � . , � -- --'-- ' �!. F.�n' Nzat �•g � !�,��. �a.�a�.,..o•.,,. �-- ----- -'-------- � 3=. Fin:,�G�SP,pe�Iest r_ _ __ -_-_ _ . � 36. I�ood o� C��roPY �-__-'_-_'_'_ _-_ • 37. F�rc, F;�ti�rq Fi��pia�t L_ ____' '_ -_-'__ �a F �<, ��.�,,,o,�� �__-__.-_ -___ ' 33. ':.: �'r• e•reiro-Fi:�.al �' _ -__ -_ _ ___� ___ 4�. Ge: S:n�tt��inG! i__ -_ '_ 41, Suldr Dnmer.:ie��inal ��2. Backflor Preventer 3. Oatl:flo�v Irngation �---- ------ ------- I �.4. L�noscape I�nqation Syslum _ �4�. S.,w-.d <.tt_^uauor. --- ---�----- � t�. F,ar.tl���.o R�ya�.!�or, _ I-- -- -- a.'. Fi':A'. STRUC?UPE & o�I_D!�:G �° 'I�CP.L?�ANRIR'G 4�. El�ctn;: Fucase to ctlis0� 1 50. Gas Releasr to Southern Califorma Gas r+::r -- � i�.: CE9T1'ICATE OF OCCUPANCY � Datc ' �- � � �oo� a sPa -- - i Date Inspector Date APPROVALS Permrt .- 52. Fo�l S. Ey�ipm,�ri Lucat�on 53. St��cl R�mf�rc�m«�i ! ns{�tctor � � 5b. F o-m• i ' --f--- - --- -- --i I � 5�. C����ctr.rzl Ennd.n� � � 60. f-1ccq��i Plumb�ng & PreSsure TeSt I' ! -_- f _J�_- � ,�s�. �oPAe�u��. To cov,:R cur��re I I �.- - �-- - - - - r--- - I --�G��Ll,ctrli_�� ora.,�FUr7rgrrh. I _- -_ _�, _ �'_ � i �9. G.:ei �u--,:.r�-qrrd.. ast � � �__-'._T. ' i CJ. �,c�: :sn '. -�c•. P�'�-P, UcC-�.�: � -_ _ .T- �__-I � 61. F?PRO!'ALTODECK � ' � . -f -- - -1--- -- -- ---1 � G7.. t7,e..��sh C! �ec��'u �F��el �'__ � G3. He�it::r & VenfFinzl �- � , � '--i- �- 64. Pluminng SYstem � Final i � i �_ -_ _ -__-_-_ . __ _' G5. Electrital f-inal f ___�. .-_. �_ -_ '_ - -_ _ - _ �J-- � _- _ 66. $ol3r SVst�m I'inol II 67. f-cncing & Acc:�_Ai�P�o��.�! + t___ ---f. _�__ � ! 6D. APFROVED FO!� P�AS'. ERIGG 1---- -�- --- � - ----f-__ G�J. POOI �SFq SYSTE`.'S F'�P!A� , � -r--- � � INt D6PT. REQUIREitliEN 1 I � i� -� A'PROV<.l5 Pcrmrt . _-. I --� �i � �. :ndvrqrOu� ., H� �r0 � ''�-_ - �•- -_ _" -i---T-- ------ '-----� --�_' � i i. Puo�ct P p rg ; i G:,. _. 0,' ' � � --- �------- -- ----------�----��-----' � �7. G.�_� ,�-��; , ,- . ____ �_�.-- _ "__ _ __T ___-_ _. - _ i � __ - � � %3. U:1nJiqln.�'.. St;l.' - I..-K . Go: . _ .. . -�_____ _i_____._____- __+___-_.-___.___� zy.Fi`l �(Ot�t?l � 7a ^�.air•.�tl f��.,::-- '�. ' � _ _�.__________ -�___ _.._J- _-_-' 1� � 75. Iir� Li`�-•+'�.. -.�_- I � -- - 76. Ury 5!a� JP.ce- --�- -�--�-- �- � - - -- -� -- - -- --� - - --, - �--- �- --� 77. FIXEDSYSTEA,FiNA� -- ----------------i----� 78. FIRE PRcV. Fl�;,�l I � --- ------ ----- - - --'-------.1 --- - I-!LA!_TH DEPT. REOUIRE?:�E�'T ' �---- 79. Flk��: ';i;'c =T':7�,-- -- -- -- - - -- - � ---�--- --- -'r---� - - --- - - - -!-- � . . 8C. F').^.:� i.E ',r�r �r,.'; icSVED -�----�- -- -- - --- -- - ---- --��-- --- - - , , ��ut_, -- � ----r-- - - -- ------- -- -- -- - - -- - - - � __� __ ti -�-_-- _-}---_'- __ _'_-' -_ w -- ---� � --- - -i � -- -- -� OW NER Costa M25d ES�3t@S � DATE �-12-56 JOBADDRESS 21t10 Colle�e DI'1V@ BUILDINGPERMITNO. ZG91 GENERALCONTRACTOR 12oven-Spie�el Co VALUE $],Z��OO�OO �oT 91 BLOCK TRACT277O Single Res x/att gar GROUP I& J TYPE � ZONE � FIRE DISTRICT ZT13 PERMITS ISSUED INSPECTIONS DATE SUBCONTRACTOR DATE I NUMBER Foundation Forms and G Rough Framing Plumbtng, Rough to Slab Plumbing, Rough Compli Temporary Pole Wiring, Raugh Heating, Rough Heating, Fina� i,�ewer.House i� Lathing, In Out jC-==-t:/f/t � Plastering d�ii, YG ��7 Plumbing, Final, Fixtures Comptete M f} S -t� Plumbing, Fin,al Gas Test/s =___�y ff S -/0 ^_ Wiring,Final QPR 1 1957 Occupancy ABR 1 5� 95� FOHM 310 3M lO�i9 *s:o� I ���7� .i /I � !L �9 � i — �osta Mesa Building Department " 111 EAST 20th STREET � ' COSTA MESA. CALIFORNIA �� . � FOR APPLICANT TO FILL IN � Addresa ��( i �n .-��el��/ �1�?�QJ , Costa Me9a, California NearesS Cross St. ��� OwnerCoSifJ� fFrl�" ��li�r�; Mail ��5� �� � �{ G.�•� �Address � � ./'/ r���.. .GG"�c ' .L�Gf�LE� ��-..�o nTi��U/��D'i: Address � E+ �l �' Legal I Lot Description No. size of Lot �iC k�� Use of Existing Bldg. Setback Line from r-J r�X I Block � � Tract ) � Q�No. of Bidga � Now on Lot No.of No. Familles Roo �Rear Vard „� Side Vard � � oN oF wox,g �tion I I Addition g I I Demolish No. of � I hereby acknowledge that I have read this Application and state that the abwe Is rnrrect and agree to comply with all City Ordinances and State Laws regulating building rnnshvction. Signatureof � �����'�,--f��K Permittee �G��i� / � Authorized Agt. � �/ Valuation ae�mit Fee $ ��--^ $ // ���� Plan Check $ / � � Total � � Fee PM 9M S-RP �M ft.55 APPLICATION FOR PERNIIT ,�,� BUILDiNG ' FOR Od�'FICE USE ONLY Receipt No. I Permit No. a � 9� Received by Date Rec'd.�/ Date Issued .�s'iM'� I CL— . � �( /_ GL—i J_ 1%. Address Costa Mesa, California CORRECTIONS � APPROVALS iundation Location Inspeeto Forms, Materials, Under-Pinning •ame: Fire Stops, Plaster, Int Plaster, Ext Masonry Reinforced Bond Beam Date O a � 2 D r PLOT PLAN 6how Iocatlon and distances from property Iina and between buildings ��i�3« COSTA�7 K r.•,,:;�i f� -PDiiESA zLL 2, n