HomeMy WebLinkAbout3007 COUNTRY CLUB DR - Building Permits� �oopEssaFemtaxc: 3UG % Ct�UNTRY' Ci,liB °""E"'s"""E"'°'ow": MILNEk, kiiY"BIIkN M '��p� 30U7 �=UUNTkY CLUB cusr� r-,ssa,c�, �av�. Wuw�c �oon�ss 842-3e22 �RCXRECT OF FNtlNEFP: ,wcx. ox exo.�s �ooxess: Dk Lk iLb2b uc. ra.: uNT: CITY" 6F CuSTE; MESA - BUILLING PEkMTT PEkMIT NO: B 084561 PLAN CHECK NO: N COIvSTRUCTZON TYF+E: V-N PEkMIT TYPE: STR UNT: caim�narsrun: ACTIGN FIRST kGGF CARE ( 714 ) 842-9122 CONfN1ttOR5YNIWG iq'7z SLATER AV �opEu HUNTINGTON bEACH CA ��.: 502900 92048 urar: LICENSEO COHfRACTORS DECUFATION: I heraby eflvm uMer pa�ly d perjury ihm I em licanaed uMtt pwiabns ot CMqer 9 (mmmentlng wilh Seclian ]000) d Diviaion � d Ihe Businan enA Professiona Coda, eM my licenae u in lull brce eiM eHetl. cmuc.No.: Q� �� uacuss: C_3g uc.xo.: SG29GU EXP: 06/9$ ode: � comrae«: OWNER BUI EN OE flATON: I hareby efFrm uMer penely W ' ry �hat I am m� q t Iha Coniretlav Limma Lew lor IM Idbwrtq (5eq' )W I.5 Buaibsa aM PMemians Cotle: FM cN a muM' tl� nae a D�� to mubun. al�er. imYo.a. Eemoleh, w reyei eny suunure, prior W ils enuann, e6a mpuirea tha epplira�t fin e�mil b fib e nipiwE atetemeM thet M a eM �. �icemee wn�� �� �na v�� a me comreaere umma �e. �chep« e menena wnn smion �aaol a oNoia, a a �b usinev eM PrMwsions Code� or IM1d he ar ahe is axamp iherel�an arM �he bade la IM dbpad azmmqion. My violatian d Sed'an /oat.5 by enY eVdicenl lar e permn aubpGs tlre apd� �o e avil penelly d na more Ihen tHe huMretl dollen �5500��. � I, es owmer M Ihe propeny w my emO�M'� �h wepee av ihei ede mmpeneetion, xill do ihe wak, end Ihe Mrucluro's na inleMeE or dfared for mle (Seclion ]Oaa. B�irem end PMaceiona Cade: The Convaqpe Limnse lewdaee rw� epply�o en ownard propeM wla WiEa w inD�%'ee �Mrean. eiM who tloae vucM1 xwk Iwnaett w MnN a throuBh he or her own employsee. pmriEeE tMt vuc� impwemame ere mt imenEed a oRaeC la eeb. tl. howmar. the buiNiip a inpwemeM e eok xilhin one Y� d compblion. Ns o.,�.�m� �ii n� me e�,m� a v�w�re na «� eb �a w�u « �mo,o�,. i« m. woaona a.�). ❑ i. e. �, a ma wororo. �* �a�dr ���m:w ..un r��d �o,no� io �wa ub wd� ts<a�on �ou. a,a� w Proleaims Code: The Conlredors L'r,enae Lew dou w� epply w en ox+nr d qopeity wM buids a impovm IMrean and v.fio conVazU br m�M proleCs wnA e mniretla(al IienxE Wnuent to iM Camrmore limnae Lew). � I em axempt uMer Senion: B. 8 P.Q, br thia reeaon: . Dete: Ovmer: I do Mreby eehity Ihet I em ewere d eed uMeraieM tM requiramenn tl Celiwnu Heellh aM Sddy Cads Seetian 25505. 25533. vd 25531. ard Met I a enY �ure Wikiip am�ent xill / wil �wt (o�cla ore) naeC lo wmply M� sek ¢tds codm eM tM �uimneM br eDa�millacanVuctionamodifimtionhomiMAi ue�T�iy enepemenlOisliitl.ReaiEWialod�tl�utl'a�eGP�yia4enexemqhanlMea wwision•. oe�<: ncd�: WORKEN'S COMPENS�TION OECLAHITION: I hereby aifirm undar penelly d perjury me d tM Idlowirp dadvmiona: � I heva end vnl meimen e canJiwe d ooneenl to eell�ineure fa waken' companemion, es 0��� �a M�im 3]OD d tha I.abor Cada, lor �M pMamanca d tM wailc lor wNch Ihie pe1mit b esueE. f7 � neva ene xi� maimen.iwkere• wnw��, i�wreMe. av na�"vaa M saim mo a the l.nu, coe.. k, �ne w�� d �n. T wak la w1�iM Ihie pemiN o inue�. MY �k^�^' ew^Ge^��^^ iereura�ee u�rier arq poW,y number ero: c�«: NµT'I, UNTUN FTR EXPIRES aatvN�mcd ni)nn75ic a 05/G1/98 �isaenionneeCrwt6ecandMeJ/rMv�xbrorarehunereddollersRioolwWe.1 � L] I eenly thm in �ha peelormenea d the work br whc� Ihc pe�mit is ieeuetl, I tlull rw� employ e�ry peiwn in any mevier eo m lo become aubjecl p iM workpn' compenaetion lexe d Celilwnie, arM epree Nel tl I ahould become wbjed �o the xoikeii Dete: L /. �- / � / AGWicaM: n.ena�rwufe/«r >ro�owrocnmowv��tln.�e ro m. �or �bn a�.... po.w.e ro. �� CONSTtiUCT10N LENDINO ACENCY: I hereby dfirm uMer perely N parNrv �M1e� �Mra a e canetiudion bMi�p aqe�wy la Ihs periamer�ce d iM Mwk Iw whiM t�e permi ia owed (Sedon 3091, Civ. C). LENDEfl'S NMIE: � LENOER'S ��DRE55: I eaniN �� I liave reeE �hb epplicetion aed aele Ihel �he eEv+e iniwme�ion b oomtl. l epne to eamply wilh all dry eM eounly adire�cee • eMeiatelewareW�qtoWik(qcanmiaionvdMr.Me�nMr¢erepesenteiiveea�hiacnYtoemeruO�IMebv+s-mantiwiedp�opnry Iw imped'pn purpmae. � kObEkTA STENTZ / � o.�a: (5151-a8.WP) Whilo-B '�d'mj S�ary: a�een-Fb: Canery-AppicenC Nnk-Revenue: v JuB UESCRI�TION : T/UFF E REROOF W/HARDISHAKE ICBO#9425 CLAIM �%ALUE PEkhl Nt�: �+ "v845b9 GOVT: N SUPP: N PUkPOSE: OiH SQ FT: 11,200 11,200.00 CALC-tiALUE: 11,2G0.00 GkOUP Oi:C: R-3 /U-1 CUMMENTS: RERc70F 5900SF RESIUENCE W/HAkUISHAKE, 4.OuPSF MAX WEIGAT if w i't �1 "t a't �1e iE ie if 3i if ie iP if if iE jE iE � iE iP 3i ii ie 3c � iE iE �k'vc if ic ri�)f ;f iE'vF i't iF ie if i't ie if i't iE iE ii i'r fE ii jF if ii iF �if ie jE ri?f ie iF if iE iF i"t iE i' iE'+i ic i't ic if ii i't ii ic # Z O N I N G R E� U I R E M E N T S 5 E T B I� C iC S ----------- MAIN bUILDING -------�--- --------- ACcESSGkY &USLUING --.------ FkNT: FT IN kEAk: FT IN FRNT: F'T IN kEAit: FT IN LEFT; FT IN RGHT: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN PAkKING REQ: PituV: PAkCEL: 13517109 ZNE: REF NO;. PLANNING NOTES � C%Y-. z ����:����xxx;�;�;��x�xri*x����x*xri�x���;�;«�xx��x�*;�;�ri*;�*�ri;������x �;�x,��x��>��xxxxxx;�x� U E ti E�L G t� M E N T 5 E k V I C E 5 R E Q U I R E M E N.T S ZONING APPRVVEDn BY UATE: �� BUILUING AYYRt�VED BY" : D:vTE: ;F� f Q . APPiICATIGN IS�JEL bY": DATE: 1�.� °l � �1ciF3FiEiiiriciE#�-ktiEi'if�iiiivEiciEiEiiirx xar�e x xx �r , xxz�rvtx xxxx xiFieirieificiti�irie+�+ ���� VF'T F'1C'T'!lJCJf'Rf.* LEGALIZATION:N F E E S U M M A k Y STkUCTURAL sEGMENT:Y HLUG PMT PLUMBING ELECTkIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/RES GkADING PEkMIT 187.25 'i: 1.12 E SMIP/NON-RES PLAN �,,, . ISSUE FEE � bUILDING-DIti-> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN-CHECk Tt�Tf:L � Pt?IL DUE TOTALs----> 188.s'7 0.0`v G.GO 188,37cIrT 188.37 .00 .� REC%ENUE DIJISIGN TOTALS--> COLLECTEU: 18$.37 uVER/SHGRT: .00 BLUG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHt�NIC FIkE SMIP/TOT GRIiDING PL.§N-CHECK 18�.LJ 1./12 i's 3F ic ii �i k if ii ii ie ie if ie i'r ii iix ie ie iE ie iE iE �k iP i'r ie �e if 9E ic j'r ie jc-i� ic 9c ii� ic ic t iE if iE iE� ie+F iF rE ic iE iE iF ii je �1f r�^iF��rE if if ii ie ie if ie jE if iE iF'rE ic if ic it 3i �le ie ie d't Z N L I V I D U i� L F E E b R E A K d3 O W N T'rPE �iTY D E 5 C R I P T I U N UN�T CUST TuTI�L COST SFk 112GU RERuGF BY' tiALU£ RESIDEi�ITIAL NOZGNE END GF FEES 11,2uv.uu 09-�5-1497/12:19 P11/E185.31 RCPTH:61 u8118s2 PERI'7IT: @84561 . - _. - � - CONS7RUCTION AND PLANNING . . _ POOI ?A _ . APPROVALS Permit # Date Inspector APPROVALS , Permit # � Date In:pecmr t. Temporery Electrical Serviceor Pole � 52. Pooi & Equfpment Location ��. 2. Soil PiOe-Undrgrnd. r� � 53. Steel Reinforcement ',� � � 3. Electrical Conduit Utility-Undrgmd. � � 54. For'ms - ,- • � � � ' ' . 4. Electrical Conduit�Undrgrnd. � - ' 55. Electrical Bonding . ' 5. Steel Re�nforcement � 56. flougfi Plumbing & Qressure Test � 6. Electr�cal UFER Grnd. � � 57. APPROVAL TO COVER�GUNITE � 7. Footings � , -_ 58: Electrical Conduit�Uncirgmd. � . ' �� 8. Foundation . � 59. Gas PiPe; 0 Undrgrnd�., Test . 9. Water Pipe•Undrgrnd. ' 60. Backwash Lines, P�Trap, � Undrgrnd. 70. Structural Floor Svstem 61. APPROVAL TO•DECK � 1 7. Property Sewer Line & House Connection . � 62. Backwash &.Receptor-Final � , 12. Sewer Cap ' - � 63. Heater & Vent-Pinal .� 1/ - � � 13. Roof Drains � � � � 64. Ptombing System - Finaf � 14. Rough Plumbing �65. Eleotrica��Finai ; ' _ - � 15. Rough Electrical-Conduii �• . � �66. Solar SVstem-Flnal 16. Rough Elearic Wiring � � � ; �67�. Fencing & Access Approval � ' � 17. ftough Wiring Sign ' '. 68. APPROVED POR PLASTERING - '+ � 18. RougN Electrical-T Bar Ceiling � � - � 69: POOL/SPA SYSTEMS FINA� - � 79. Rough Heating & Air Conditioning � � � " � - - FIRE OEPT. REQUIREIVIENT � � � 20. Rou9h Facmry Firepiace APPROVALS Permit # 21. Oucts, in Structure 70. Underground Hydro 22. Ducts, Ventilating ' 77, product Piping rJ Gas ❑ Oil 23. Gas PiPe•Rough & Test , 72, Underground Flush 24. Roof f�aming ' 73. Undergrnd. Storage Tank � Gas ❑ Oil 25. Roof 5heathing �-10 �y� ��j/ 74. Overhead Nydro 26. T-Bar Ceiling (Structural) & Monocoat ' - 75. Dry Chemical 27. Frame and Flashing 76. Dry Standpipe 26. Lathing & Siding 77. FIXED SYSTEM FINA� 29. Insulation . 78, FIRE PREV. FINAL 30. Drywa�l Nailing HEALTH DEPT. REQUIREMENT 31. Ptaster Brown Coa; 79. FINAL INSPECTION 32. Electrical Power Meter�Final ' 80. FOOD CERTIFICATE ISSUED 33. Final E�ectric Notes: 34. Final Heating & Air Conditioning � 35. Final Gas Pipe-Test 36. Hood or Canopy 37. Final Factory Fireptace 38. Final Plumbin9 39. 4Vater Service�Final ' 40. Gas Service-Final � 41. Soiar pomestic-Finai 42. Backffow Preventer • ���' �7� S � �i _��- 43. Backflow irrigation /_ i, _.f�- � �,ev!/!/ 44. Landscape Irriqation System - 45. Sound Attenuation - � 46. HandicaP Regulations � ' 47�. FINAL STRUCTURE & BUILDING q_u-R L�' ; . 4 EQ 48. FINAL PLANNING � 49. Electric Release to Edison 50. Gas fielease to Southern California Gas Co _51, CERTIFICATE OP OCCUPANCY • _ No. Date � —I � PflOJECTR00NES5: jOO7 �UU:�:ih'Y �`1J� ,�7� OWNEfl'S NFME: �— J�`� �al�7�+t!��V y ADOflE5S:�3G07 Cf1uN�RY Ciu3 I1R COS:A :!ESA,CA 92526 BNCHIENGINEEH: �4�-43,? AOOflES$: XEG.NO.: uxir: UNIT: PEBMITTEE: S S S?iEA:'ING 6 HIR COND �%1 �i � S37—ZOOO aooness:Z�329 CAM3nOR CAPISTRAVO 1�7 �AGJNA NIGliEL CA 92677 LICENSEO CONTBACTOP OECLABFTION: I here0y affirm tha� I am Iicen5e0 un0er pmvisions ai Chapter 9 �commencing wilh Seciion 7000� ol �ivision 3 0l ihe Business antl Professions Code. antl my license i5 in lull �orce and e�fetl. CITY LIC.:O �% 7 7 R sT"TE uc.:3 9 3 8: 8� CIASS: C' 2 0 c' . Date:� �y_J.J SiqnaWre:— —� WOflREBS' COMPENSRTION OECLABRTION: I �ereby aflirm Ihai I have a cenificale ol consent m 5elf�insure or a ce�ilica�e ol Workers' Compensaiion Insurance, or a cenifieU copy Ihereo� (Sec�ion 3800. Lab C�. roucvr,o.:CA FiC10i2733903 E%P.OATE:Q1�O��J�3 COMPRNY: 1 1� Fil� ✓C' l. �%!�7 ❑ Cetlilied copy is hereby fumi5he0. � Cerli�ietl copy is file0 ith�y ,ne Ci1Y Builtlingf rvisian. 1�� ./I i��—�T.� �a�e: S'r}' i' 1� Appiicam: A� .�� iCl. E%EMPTION FflOM WONRENS' COMPENSATION DECLANATION: Q�is sectian need not �e camDle U it Ihe permil is forone hunGretl (5100) or less�. I certify Ual in Ihe pedormance oi ihe work br w�ich ��is permit is i55ue4 I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to �ecome su�lec� to Ue Workers' Compensation Laws oi Califomia. Daie: SigreWre: NOTICE: II, ail¢r making Ihis declara�ion, you 5hou10 become sublec� �a �he Workers' Compensa�ian pmvisions of Ihe Labor Cotle. you must �onhwrth camply wi�h suc� provisions or �his permii 5hall �e Oeemetl revaked. CONSTflUCTION IENUING AGENCY: I hereby a�firm Ihal �here is a conSlmciion lentling agency lor the perlormance of ��e wark �ar wAith IhiS D¢rmil i5 is5u¢tl ($¢tlion 3097. Civ. C�. LENDEH: aoosess: �LtCT WORri ihCIUEtiTAi TO X�CH PERPr.=T OWNEP BUILOEB OECLABRTION: I �ereby atlirm that I am exempt fmm t�e Conlraciors' S�a�e License Law br the tollowing reasan (Section 7031.5 Business ane Pro�essional Cotle: Any [iry of counry which requires a permii to constmc�. alier, impmve. Oemolish, or repair any slmc�ure, priar �o ils issuance, also requires Ihe applican� tor such permil Io lile a signetl s�atemenl �ha� �e/s�e is licensea pursuanuo Ihe pmvisions o� ��e GonVacmrs' Slate License law (C�apler 9(commencing wiih Sec�ion 7000) of Division 3 of �he Business an0 Pmfessions Cotle) or �hai he/she is e�empt Iherelmm and the Oasis for Ihe allege0 exemption. Fny viola�ion ol Section 7031.5 by any applicanl br a permi� suble��s ��e applicant lo a civil penalry oi nol more ihan live �untlretl dollars ($500). I, as owner of the property or my employees with wages as Iheir sole compensa�ioq will Oo Ihe work, antl �he ❑ s�mcmre is nol imen0ed or olfere0lor sale �Sedion 7044, Business and Pmtessional CoOe: The ConVactors' State License �aw Does no� apply Io an awner o� a pmpetlY who builOs ar improves t�ereon, and who aoes such work himseli/herseli or Uwugh his or �er own employees. pmvidetl �hat such impmvemenls are no� imendetl or ofleretl �or sale. I�, however �he building or impwvement is sold wiihin one year o� comple�ion, Ihe awner will have Ihe burtlen o� pmving �e/she did noi builA or impmve lor Ihe purpose a� sale�. I, as owner of ��e pwpehy, am exclusively contracting wRh licensetl conlracior5 to constmci �he pmjec� (Sec�ion 7044, Business ❑ and Pmlessions COAe: The Coniracmrs' S�ate License Law tloes no� appry m an owner af D�opetly who builOs or improves ��ereon antl who conirac�s for SucA pmlecis wilA a contracior�s) license pursuant�o Ihe ConVac�ors' Sta�e License Law�. I am aware tha� pmol o� �heir Worker's Compensation insurance 5hou10 be providetl ro me. � I am e.empl unEer Sec�ion; B. 8 P. C. lor Inis reason�. ' �a�e'. Owner: I do nereby cenily Iha� I am aware oi an0 untlerstand ihe requiremems ot Califomia,Health antl Salely Code Sec�ions 25505. 25533, anA 2559A and lhat I or any INure �uilding accupanl will/will nol (circle one) need to comply with said state cotles antl the reQuirements �or a permil �or consimction or modAication Imm the Air Ouahiy Managemen� OistricL Resitlen�ial cons�mction applications are exemp� tmm thES¢ prOvi5ion5. Da�e: Applicanl: I �ereby ceriify �hal I have reatl this applicalion antl s�ate Ihal Ihe above inbrmaiion is correc� I agree lo compty wil� all ci�y and counry orAinances antl sla�e laws relaiing to builtling con5lmqion antl �ereby authorize representaiives o� �his ciry �o en�er upon ��e above�men�ioned pfoper�y �OrinSpCL�ion purpOses. �a�e'. �`�y I � SignaWre���^^�w �river's License or Social Secunty p: �,�, t64t�a6 White-9mltling; Green—Coee Enlorcemen�; Canary—AO�licam: Pink—Revenve: GOIEenroO—Assessor i CI.TY 0. Cu=;iR :<ESA - ��`i:,DIItiG FERMIT �gRv�� \u: PN. ��623:� P�AP: CHECK �G: id CU\S:t(uC�IUti iY?=: V-:U ?cR?:_T�' TYP=; E:.: .`�EC .7U� llESCYI?:'_t�^: . i\SiAii N�i^i i�/C i;ti=_ �=LAiM VALUE: CALC-�ALQE: P£k� �O: E`: �623:2 - GOCTi : ti SUPY: Di o7RPQS=: OT'r' 5',� - - G:,OuP OCC: R.-3 / COM;�-NT5: ti0 OTAER WOR�? AUTriORFZEU BY THIS PERMIT ic�[:tu}�c�?E�if?EiEuaca:iE�3cif}}}fifiE3Eu3%};�lEiiElef+:.ac'l.�fiuxtu}lf�txiEdf3E3E#�IE#k?E#�icifiE#1�?f#iFjf##`il��##iF#uu:E Z O N i N G R E Q i.i I R E M E N T 5 S � i B A C K S ---------4- MA�'d liUlLi11NG ________1_ i________ .'�_C(_'FS�ORY HU��PT:dr_. -------- FR*i:: FT _N R�AR: r'T IN FRNT: FT Ztv F_AR: rT _N iEFY: � T IN P,GiiT: FT �N .,,£Fi; Fi ITi RGAT: FT iN PARKS;vG RE�+: rRGL': PP.RC�L: 13917109 ZI�E: REc NO: PLA�tNitvG NOT£S> > !f x jE #?E 3e ?f ?E iF :i � iE ?e iE �e iE 3f �?E �3E �!' 3'e iE k 3!�?E K±F?E 3F i'r iE+:; u ir.'iE x%= ie �?' iE if jE # 3F 3E # 3e ##?:� iE 3E iEih i!� fE i!-# # iE?F � i's ic iF i' iE s�,' Y� iE lE 3F K�',t� �7.: ?E � J E V:. L O P M E N i S E, �"'V I C r S R E Q i3 I R E N E U T S / i �. zo�:�::c a-r��v�.��li HY � LAT=: �IIIiDIAiG APPRi�C�E:! BY ; �'. PATE: ' `' ,J" _ t�,F'1�Lll'..'�'11UV 1$$�t1J aY: .. �as=: S��i L`�3 z;iac]E±E4i:'.iE3EiF?ii�if3fu?Elf?fiE%EiF?f r.xir x...<... ir x irfr. rt�r. xxt�r�rxira:if+?�lt?E1E#3f#3EXi�'.�" :�n�x#.r�rt:ZiE3E ?f ai ii� Y if i4 if 1F if if iE'1f ?f iE if Y#?i iE if !E iE ic if i? i? ?f ?4 i's if iE x} iE iE?e 3E 3f iE'Y.' � if iE # iE i if ?f iF iF?� !f iQ� i!� # 1E iE?E * iE =� iE #} ie:: if 36 :} 3f ?E #F i� 3E iF iF ��?E LEGAi:ZA==UN:N . E E S iJ ;i V A P. Y STRliC:iJRA;. SEGME?�T:'_d - BLUC- PMS L'LiiM�1Nl t1 t3:".'2 1 ��a�; ISSiJL rEt HiiI�DI\�G-llZV-> P�RM=T ISSiiE iGTAL�;----> 20.00 30,00 Ei.ECTRIC N:ECHANI'- 11.00 9,00 -"= SOE 253 •i. 15.00 15.OU PLA\-C'r.�CK • O,GO F=RE 5�!IY/R�5 G�:P,`��:vl; S:,_F /N� �ti-:�ES TOTA� PAZ� ��TE 50.00 50.00 ,00 � R=V?NG'c DIV�SiUN TOTAiS--> Ccl._�ECT�.L�: 50.00 dVtR/S'r'ORi; ,Op' Bi,JG P`4Z PLDM3=NG ��:CiRIL MECEANIC FIRE SN,�P/TO. G�AiIING PiAN-C: ECIC 26,00 � 24.00 if�iF��3E?f{3'rxjck}if?Eaf��?Eif?54i:i�?�:if3c�lE?Eic�acEiE�?E%E?f3f:kiEii�%�Y?F?F#lFffdfiE3f*##iF##�3t�If�N:i!�uuu#�)EY-};iF?!jE##i(�}xi43F _ h �� _ v� li �.; a L� :�, t 3 R � a x � �, :� ri TYP� Q:Y � E S C R I P T I i3 N liNiT CO5I TGTAi, CO�; �v E_E ? "RIS�= CONi1J:T NGT T ISiED P,E�;1 P�?!ti:T ? 1.00 11 , 00 M:C : RErRiGEP.ATIuN SY5TEX <= 100 R&TU/ri_ 9.00 9,U0 t.�:!1 Ut _ =t✓ �'' OS OQ139713-00139714 T OT 50,Qp ✓ DATE: d5/24l93 7'I11E: 14:37 ,, � CONSTRUCTION AND PLANNfNG � POOL%' �'�i'A � APPROVALS Permit # Date lnspector APPROVALS Permit # Date inspector 1. Temporary Electrical Service or Po�e , � 52.-Pool & Equipmeni Location � 2, Soil Pipe�Undrgrnd. ' - � 53. Steel Reinforcement � 3. Electrical Conduit UtihtyUrttfFgrnd. ' S4. Forms _ 4. Electrical Conduit�Undrgrnd. 55. Electrical Bonding 5. Steel Reinforcement - . 56. Rou9h Plumbing & Pressure Test 6. Electricai UPER Grnd. � 57.�APP�ROVAL Tfl COVER�GUNITE 7. Footings 58.� Electrical Conduit-Undr9rod. � ,�3. Foundation �. �', 59. Gas PiPe, O Undrgrnd., Yest 9. Water Pipe-Undrgmd. �� - • 60. Backwash Lines, P-Trap, L� Undrgmd. ; lJ. Structural Ploor 5ystem 61. APPROVAL TO DECK it. Property Se ✓er �ine & HouseConneaion 62. Backwash & ReceptorFinai 12. Sewer Cap + � �; - 63. Heater & Vent-Final � 13. Roof Drains � S4. Plumbing System - Finat � 14. Rough Plumbing 85. Electricai�Finai � 15. Rough Elecv�cabCondult � 66. Salar System-Fina1 16. Rough Electric Wiring - 67. Fencing & Access Approval 17. Rough Wiring Sign 68. APPROVED FOR PLRSTERING 18. Rough Electrical-T Bar Ceiling 69. POOL/SPA.SYSTEMS FINAL 19. Aough Heati�g & A�r Conditioning FIRE DEPT. REQUiREMENT 20. Rough Factory Fireplace � APPROVALS Permit # � 21. Dutts, in Structu�e 70. Underground Hydro 22. Ducts, Ventilating 71. Product Pipin9 �7 Gas O Oil 23. Gas Pipe-Rough & Test 72. Underground Flush �� 24. Roof Framing 73. Undergrnd. Storage Tank C Gas l-'�' Od � 25. Foof Sheathing 74. Overhead Hydro � 26. T•Bar Ceiling (Stvucturall & Monocoat 75. Dry Chemical _ I 27. Frame and Flashing 76. Dry Standpipe 1 i 28. lathing & Siding 77. FIXED SYSTEM FINAL I 29. Insulation 78. FIRE PREV. FINAL 30. Drywail Nailing HEALTH DEPT. REQUIREMENT � 37. Plaeter Brown Coat � J9. FINAL WSPECTION j -� 32. Electncal Power Meter-F�nal 80. FOO� CERTIFfCATE �SSUED 33. Final Eleciric �j/ ,y�7j (,rc0 Notes: (,.Z-�[3 Na ot`�re.. titbmn.- t,�'s,FfGR� • t+e0 l 34, Final Heating & A�� Condiiioning �/(S/� �,p l � 35, Final Gas Pipe-Test 36. Hood or Canopy � 37. Finai Factory Fireplace ' '.� 38. Final Plumbing 39. Water Service�Final � 40. Gas Service-Final 41. Solar pomestio-Final 42. Backflow Preventer , 43. Backflow Irrigation 44. Landscape Irriqacion System 45: Sound Attenuation � 46. Handicap Regulations : _ � � 47. FINAL STRUCTURE & BUILDING �. . : � 48, FIfVALPIANNING ; 49. Electric Release To Edison = 50. Gas Release to Southern California Gas Co 51. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY No. Date � UWNL�'it (:LL''(i(i M. 5. LA.1.L�' .0 i7 vl .TOB ADDRESS 3007 Country Club Drive BUILDING PERIvIIT NO. 2 1 GENERAL CONTRACTOR (h,mer-Ruilder DESCRIPTION OF WORK ReSid2nC2 & Garaae Attachec VdF[i--fi — In � Out FIRE'GONE VALUE '�GAOUP I & J TYPE � SUBCONTRACTOR Vent. ' 24881 COSTA MESA BUILDINGSAFETY DEPARTMENT P.O. BOX 1�00 � GOSTA MESA, CALIFOHNIA 92626 Por Applfcant io Fi11 In Completaly TYPE OR PRINT 8����Na 30 7 � ,_;,,�,,��-,,, ,�! ADDRE88 Q 1 / COSTA MESA, CALIFO IA� OWNER ,V \. "7. �,/ ���.t l.� t.9 : MAIL A�n . .\ �dr..i� 1� � u.% STAT6 ^^ p� Z S/ T6L. g� LIC. NO. L� A� NO. 6� e1ZH .�.. .� _.n..�..r�_� .,w�_.. BID6YA DI l[rT L�~ RIOFff DESCRlPTION OF WORK ! v TBItATI N ADD .RHPAIR M IN 6M� � � CsJ Cii� uF �`;5�� ��S� NOV 8 1965 APPLICATION FOR PERMI' 11[C[Irt No. % ZONINf3 NO.OF f� uccorx� �' �IAHI ` _ GUILDINO r�— �.[ou. 1 � _-7� i � / -ii-. YARDB MPROVED MAIN BUILDINO BUILDIN0�4pS� NO.OP '.�_ ..�... VAR.i� SIZE � ROOMB Qi 1 ' C. U. P. EXTERIOR WA �y.��9 ROOP , I,��/ / ' APPR01 COVERIN6 1 S(IS(l�� G�VHR�M� S"4/T�--� 91' �1 HBREBY ACKNOWL6D06 TNAT 1 AND BTATB 'fNAT TN8 ASOV6 IY PLY WITN ALL CITY OROJNANCW BUILOINOCON8TRIICTION. / � AUTNORIZiD AOBfiT IO I�ORBi M COY. LAWI X[oUTATIXO /l -vi 8HALL B6 L888 THAN YARDS MPHOVHD ACCE850RYBUILDIN6 DATH -- �•i • - a w � �'�( 3 so. Rr. O � 0 Ti6 AMOUNT 9XOWN UNOeR VALUATON 16 POR THB j PURPO88 01 LOTABLI6NIN0 A PlRMIT P88 ONLY, is VALUATION � � �' � PERMIT FE8 S E s �,7 .� pl � �I � -' " � ' rorw�Fee S � � � '