HomeMy WebLinkAbout3339 SUSAN ST - Building Permits, ,. � , �nopEss a au�w+c: uxr: � 3339 SUSAN ST li2 CITY OF COSTA MESr� — BDILDING PERMIT OWNEASNRMEIFIQlOWN: .. _ t �ITY UF �UST� MESA "p0"E� 77 FAIR Uk C,M.CA 92b2b uri.. �uimc �ooness: ARCIIIfECT OX FHtlNEER: unx oxexc.�s�nonEa: CONfN�CTqPSW11F: CQRR�CTONSYYIlNO /i00PE55: uc. ao.: uxr: I1G ND.: uxr: 110EN5ED COHffl?CTOPS DECLARATION: I Mroby eRim uMm panelly d pmjwy ihm I mn licen»d under pewie'vro d Cheqs B (wmmeritlnp wilh Seclion ]000) d Drvie'vn 3 d Me Busimas eM PMaeabne COAe, end my lironw'v M NII laca eM aHetl. CITY LIC. NO.: LIG ClA4S: UC. NO.: ExP ; Dete: Conhetlor: OWNER BUILOEF DECLRNATION: I heiaby etfi�m untler perWY d per'ryry ihet I em eamnq Irom iM CaXraeas lioerua lew la tM /dbxi�B �mwn (5aqion )031.5 &snw eM Prdem'vuu Cade: MY �Y a muM' whitli nQuim e Peemil to mmbucl. Ner. imPo.a� 'emols�, m rapeir e�ry slruclure, pior ia im ceuenm, also reQuirea iM eppliraN tor euch permil to fib e vipmd etatemant tlW M a eM e IittnseC pu�vuent to IM pwievro d Na Camrodare Licenae Law jChepx e(canmendnp wdh Sefion ]ODO) W Div'sian 3 d Ih Busrieas vM PrNeseona Code� or Ihel he a eha ia mamq therelrum end �ha bmie la Ne dleped axemqion. My videlon d Seaion ]031.5 by enY eGW�^I iw e permn wbjeaa Ihe epd�l to e dvil perelry d na mare Ran IMa hunErad dolbn �f500�. � I. es ovmer W tha OropeM or my empbyaes wIh wep» ea IMi eole canpanseiion. MiII do the worlc. uM Ne MiucYura b �wl inbntled «en�a m, � csaa� �a.. ew�. �d a�we,�.cea.: rne com�aoni�sa �. eo„ �a wdr�o.� o..,�.a ww.n who WiCe a inDp� �hereon, mM who doav euM xark Nmaell a heneR or thraqh hu or her ovm empbyees, qvrideE IMI euch im0��ema ere not inbndetl a dlered lar eeb. p. lawever. ihe buitlinp ar inpiovrneM u wid wi1Nn one Y� d camplNion. ihe ow�rbuilder will heve 1he WNen W qwiip M or ehe d'd ml WiN a imD� /or �M W�a d eeb). � I. es awror d �he paV�Y. em ud�eN ooMrerlM Milh 4cmaed coniracYon ro mmtrutl Ne MM� (SW'v� ]OM. &n'vwe xd Prdaaiwro Code: The Conlredas Licen9e lew Ems ml �ply b en owner al qvqrly who Wilde a impww �M�eon end rAo conVecls /a eu h prqatla wilh e canlredor�a) Icanaed W��� �o IM Con�retlan LJoerue lew). . a.�w ��aa� s«�: H P 7 0 4 9 e. a r.c.. m, m�./� W�R �.�G.L Dete: � ' �: P i �uv m.� i� e� a.oe �d.n��a e,a naN�«ro a ceuome �nn.oe smw coae oo. zssos. �. �a 534, enA ihet I a eny Mure Wildinp oaupenl will / wil nm (orcb wre) nead ro crompy wAh aeid etele mdu end tM raquiremaMe b a0��iwmuvunionormodi(�ionhantMAi u�empement0istritl.RmiderdialomNeWioneppfratiamanezemqhanllme a�s�. Dale: �Dd�: WOPKEP'S COYPENS�TION UECIAXAl10N: I MreEy MNm wdx pm�elly W pe�jivy one d Ne Idbwiry dederqiom: � 1 heve eM xil mai�uein e ceNiticels d mriaenl to salf-inwre M wwkere' campeneetion, m poMatl la by Sedion 3lW dIM leba Coda. ta tM parlmmnce d the r.ak lor wNc� Nis pxmn u beuad. � I heve eM wil meinten xoMse' wmpan�elion insunMe. n�puimd by Setlion �]W d tta Labor CoEe. br �M perlamvica d �M wak /a xhid� Mia P��� e usued. MY waYeri oom0�eetion imurenca wrix end PdkY numbar ere: c�a: . Pdiry Numbar: . (This settion need rrol he camd�� / fMV�^R u br wro hundred ddlere (S�OOI w bv.) � I cerlM �het in iM pMame�e d the xrork lor whch thie pemiu ia ivued, I ahell mt employ erry pe�eon in em� manner eo u lo becanie wbjed m tM wrMn• mnpense�ian lewv a ceNamie. uM qlme Net il I MwM becone n�4b b Iha worlwis' com�ro� w�o�e a sea� aao w me ien« c«b. i.ne�i ionn.mn �pN •un ua.. orow.�.. pm:: �wdc.m: Wamllp: F�II�n ro weu�r woilras'ronperwtlon eovenpl li unlewfu( vq Ns/l NdJlet an wnploysr b MMrW pwuNn aiW clWl flrMa up ro on� huntlrM fMuund rb/Nn (J100,POOA M Mlltlon ro M� coat o/ romprurtlort d+�p� �a provMM bi In S«tlon 9]fA6 0l tl�s Le6or CorM, InfsnsS � attomsy'i /w. , CONSTNUCTION LENdNO �OENCY: I Mroby elfirm uMer penelry d per'puy Ihei IM�e b e caM�uGbn bMi�p epam.y br Ow perlamace W tM Mo'k M wfiieh ihe O°emi n'swW (5enion �04I. Civ. Cl. LENDEP'S NI1NE: LENDEX'S RDDPESS: I ce�'dy thm I hew roed tha eppfcetian vd aete Ihe� ihe above inlametbn o oortatl. I eprea lo mmply wilh M ary eM ooumy adineMee end elale lexa mleling w buildinp canavutlion eid Mreby unhwrta �apreaentmivee d Ihu aly io mter upon tM ehwa�meMionad prvpeM tp inapeabn purpoaec. MIKE KEEFE Pnnl —��,.:l2� � om,: 9-3'97 (S15t<B.WP) 8 SaletY: ��eerFFb: Ge^arY-ADP�+^�: Fnkile.e�m: OdEenmE�-/ueesea . v FEkM NU: E 8951. PERMIT NO: E 084519 PLAN CHECK NO: N GGVT: Y ST P: N CON5TRUCTIGN TYPE: PEkMIT TYPE: ELE ' PURPOSE: OTH JOB UESCRIPTTUN : INSTALL ELEC. METER SQ FT: CLAIM VALUE; CALC—VALUE: GROUP OCC: / COMMENTS: IN THE PARKWAY' ie i(� i'r iE �lE iF if iF ii if iE 9c if �le ie iE iE iE i'r;E iE iE 3(-i'r 3F iF �lE iE iE ie i'r iE if ic iE i63E iE jE iE ie iE iF iE iE ie ic iE iF �k 9E �1f iE ie ii if iE ii iE iE if iF iE 3E 3F ii iF iE ii� if iF ie iF'rE iF if-i4 iE ii Z O N I N G R E 4 U I R E r1 E N T S S E T& A C K S ------------ MAIN BUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSURY" bUILUING ---------- FRNT: FT IN REI:R: FT IN FRNT: FT IN kEAR: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT; FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN FARKING REy; PROV: PARCEL: 00000000 ZNE; REF NO: PLANNING NUTES> � ie iE if iE ie ii� �E-ii ir i't ii iF it ie iE iF ie iE ii� i't iE i't if if if iE f't iF 3E iE �f iE i'r � ii iE if if ie d'e ie if jE ff if� iE iE iF 3e it jE iF iE iE �E j't �E �f if iE ri iF iE if ie if if ir i'r iE iE i� iE ic �E if iE ii' ic U E V E L iu P M E N T S E k V I C E S R E Q U I R E M E N T S ZONING APPRUVEU HY DATE: BUILDING t1PPROVED BY" ; APPLICATIt�N ISSUEL BY: si if it ii� 3i -1k ii� �E if iE * iF if iE if iE 3F if iE ih i� ii�iF LEGALIZATION;N BLDG PMT FLUMHING FERMIT PliAN ISSUE FEE BUILUING—DIV—> TOTALS----� F E E S U M M A R Y ELECTRIC MECAANIC FIRE 27.25 SOk Z2.OU PERMIT ISSUE PLAN—CHECH TOTAL O.00 O..00 O.00 O,OU UATE: �__ UiiTE: -1,� xif�if;rx+FlE�',� �i :xiF�� STRUCTURAL S�GME�T:N SMIP/RES GkAUIN� SMIP/NON—RES PAID UUE ,00 .00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTEU: ,06 UVER/SHORT: ,00 BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIkE 5MIP/TOT GRt�LING PLAN—CHECK 'lc 9E')'t it i!!t'IE'lc %c 3E')F 3h if iF %E iE')E'k iE'ie iE i'r 3E'le'M"JF')h'k i'e iI' Y' ih iE'iE iF')'t ie if ie ie'IF fE'JE %E 9E Y iE'lE'IE'!I' iE i't �F %t iE iE iF'M"IE'IE if ih lE iI' 3'i"iF')f' iE'!E iFYE #'!E'h iE %'t'!F ]t' i! I N L I J I D U A L F E E B R E A K D O W N TYPE ti;TY U E 5 C k I P T I O N UNIT CO3T TuTAL CUST ELE 1 SERVICES BELOW b00 V 6 BELOW 201 AMP 27,25 27.25 ENU UF FEES �3-03-1997/10:57 N�/Sd.Ba PERMIT�:T@$y519 CONSTRUCTION AND PLANNING ' ' POC . SPA .._„ APPROVALS Permit# Date Inspector � APpROVALS Permit# Date Inspector 1. Temporary Electrical Service or Pole 52. Pool & Equipmenc Location . � 2. Soil Pipe-Undrgrnd. _ - � ' 53. Steel �Reinforcement ' � . 3. Electrical Conduit Utility-Undrgrnd. � � 54. Forms � 4. Electrical Conduit-Undrgmd. _ 55. Electrical Bonding . . 5. Steel Reinforcement � ' 56, Rough Plumbing & Pressure Test 6. Electricai UFER Grnd. � - - 57: APPROVAL TO COVER-GUNITE 7. Footings ' 58. Electrical Cond�it�Undrgrnd. , . 8. Foundation � � 59. Gas Pipe, � Undrgrnd., Test 9. Water Pipe-Undrgrnd. � 60. Backwash.Lines,P-Trap, O Undrgrnd. 10. Structural Floo� Svstem _ , �. 61. APPROVAL TO DECK 1 t. Property Sewer Line & House Connection . , 62: Backwash & Receptor-Finai � 12. Sewer Cap ' � � :63. Heater & Vent�Finai . � 13. Roof Drains ' , � ' ' ' - -64. Plumbing System - Final � � 14. Rough Plumbing - 65. Electrical-Final �' . 15. fiough Electrica�-Conduit . � . . 66. Solar Syst=m-Final . 16. Rough Electric Wiring � _ � ' � _ . 67. Pencing & Access ApP�oval . - � 17. Rough Wiring Sign ' �i ,- , �68. APPROVED FOR PLASTERING � - 18. Rough Electrica�-T Bar Ceiling � - • � 69. POOUSPA SYSTEb95'FINAL "- �' 19. Rough HeaCing`& Air Conditioning �- ' � FIRE DEPT. REQUIREMENT i 20. Rough Factory Fireplace APPROVALS �� Permit # 21. Ducte, in Structure � 70. Underground HYdro I 22. Oucts, Ventilating � 71. Product Plping C Gas ❑ Oil 23. Gas Pipe-RougH & Tesc 72, Underground Flush ..4. Roof Framing 73. Undergrnd. S[orage Tank O Gas ❑ Oil 25. Roof Sheathing �. 74. Overhead Hydro ��5. T-Bar Ceiling (5tructuraq & Monocoat 75. Dry Chemicai 27. Frame and Flashing, 76. Dry Standpipe i 28. Lathing & Siding 77. FIXED SYSTEP9 FINAL 29. Insulation � 78. FIRE PREV. FIPJAL 30. Drywali Nailing ' HEALTH DEPT. flEQUiREMENT 31. Plaster Brown Coat � , 79. FINAL INSPECTIOld � 32. Electrical Power Meter-Pinal �j� fM 80. FOOD CERTIFICATE ISSUED � 33. final Electric Notes: . � 34. Final Heating & Air Conditioning � � � 35. Finai Gas Pipe�Test � � 36. Hood or CanopY � 37. Pinai FactorY F�replace . 38. Final Ptumbing 1 39. Water Service�Finai '. 40. Gas Service-Final . . 41. Solar pomestic-Final � 42. Backflow Preventer I � -43. Backflow Irrigation � � 44. �andscape IrriGation System 45. Sound Attenuetion - , , , 46. Handicap Regu�ations ' � 47. FINAL STRUCTURE & BUILDING � 48. FINAL PLANNING 49. Etectric Release to Edison ' 50�. Gas iielease to Southem California Gas Co 51�. CERTIFICATEOFOCCUPANCY _,. No. Date