HomeMy WebLinkAbout2343 ORANGE AVE - Building Permits� u 501 L ROUGH PLUMBING PROP. SWR. LINE �I HOUSE CON. MISCELLANEOUS ROUGH HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING TEMPORARY SERVICE OP POIE UNDERGROUND � POWER � '� ROUGH WIRING - 7RENCHES � FORMS � STEEL FEINF. ❑ FLOOR SYSTEM FRqME AND FLASNING LATHING - IN r� 5' TURAL, FINAL H� AG, VENT., REFRIG. AND A PLUMBING, FINAL ANO GAS TEST ELECTRIC, FINAL BUILOING, FINAL CPFfIGI fiF(1111(]GMFIJTG F SUBCONTRACTOR 37530 COSTA MESA BUILDING-SAFETY DEPARTMENT P.O. BOX 1200 COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA 92626 For Applicant to Fill in Completely OWNER MAIL' CITV BRANCH ADDRESS ARCHITECT CONTRACTOp ADDRESS dTY STATE IIC. NO. 512E OF LOT USE OF EXISTING BLDCi. E%TERIOF WA4L COVEflING USE OF BUILpING AND —,�'v�r�v_ TEL. NO. CITY IIC. NO. �--- INO. OF BLDGS. NOW ON LOT OF iMS STOR16 iF ERING IBEPERFORMED �'OV —9-7`S�NS�OO 373# **= *�5.50 ON FOR BUILDING PERMIT BUILDING � AODRESS � TRACT VAROS APPROVED DISTANCE BET MAIN BLDGS. VAR. #` C.U.P. � I hareby acknOwledBe that I have reetl this applleation entl steta that tha above {�formatlon is correct and agrae to comply wiM nll lews repulating buildin8 �onsvuction, antl 1 shall not employ ony pa�son in viola[IOn ot t�e workman's compens¢tion lews of tha State of Cplifomla. I h¢reby certify thot I am properly licensetl as a conbactor untlar 5�. FT. Me State of Californta Business entl Profassiona Cotla, Divisicn 3, THE AMOUNT SH Chapter 9, and that s�ch licansas ure in full force ontl etfecc, ar I THE PURPOSE OF 1 om exompt from tl,a provisions of thu State of Colifornia Business VALVATION antl Profassion; Cnuu, Divislon 3, Chopter 9. sic�e���ao, � �%d �✓�� � / �— Parmlttea �� / e $ Q� Author(zetl Aggnt BLOCK VALUE USE OF NEw///�� BUILOING (6O� YAROS APPROVED ACCESSORV BUILDING BET. MAIN & R VA 3AP FEE S m b 0 i ¢ r � m E 0 LL PNOJECTAOOflE55:'.]H�N� C. OWNEP'SNRME: SHEN� Y AOOflESS: 1 9 S Z i�iF: NEWPORT .ca FBCHIENGMEEP: FOONESS: LIAL ONE PLUM$ING PEPMITTEF: 3O4Z ENTERPR75E FOOXESS: COSTA MESA UNIT: 92660 flEG.NO.: UNIT: (714)540-8900 F CA 92626 IICENSEU Lp �{jF�CTOjI QECIAMiION: I ner{�yp Ilum tha� I am Gcense0 unEer pmvisions of Ctwpter 9(commencinp wit� Section 7000� oI Oi(�ipj��j �f (�e,§u5�ess ana Pro�a{5(�y� �0 my tit¢nse is in �(lif 7er� [�jb elleti. LITY LIC.: STRTE LIt.: LIASS: � � � � � � � � � � �y Oate: S�B�mre: ��JV'V� � _ _ _ WOflKEBS'CO�My" PE .p��/ ON �I' T N: I�e�eOyallirmt�atl�avea� eli9a�o�t9n9n'ro eli-in5ureoracerlilicaleolWorkers' ` COLICY N0. n"�� `�� •"��DY I�ereOt ISett�EXP. OR7Ea0. C'. COMPPNY: X ❑ Cetlifi¢E coDY is here�y tumiSAed ❑ CenitieG coDy �s///�i���le0 w1iN the ciry Builtl/in�p DivgiSion. Oai¢: � — � � — � � ApDlicanl: Y'� ' _ � �,�'f"�' �/.. E%EMP710N FpOM WOBNEflS' COMPENS/710N OECLAIUTION: (iry5 secppp nee0 no� Ee CIXnplettd ii Ne permt B ta ak hunErM (5100� w 1¢SS�. 1 certAy I�al in Ihe pedormante oi �he wOrk iw wN[� IN5 permit is issueE. I shall fqi emDloy aM ce«n m any manner 5o a5 �o becOm¢ 5u�le�� �o �he Vlorkers' Wmpensation laws ol Califomu. Oate: SiqnaNre: NOTICE: II, atler making this Gttlaraiion, you sMultl demme subjecllo the Worker5' Compensation pwvisions ol the Labor CaAe. you mu51 IarNmth Comply wi�� SUCh pmNsiOng Or I�is p¢rmil Stull Ge Oeemetl revoketl. CONSTNUCTION LENOING RGENCY: I �ereby af�irm Ua� t�ere i5 a tonSVuclion 18nding aAency far the petlormante oi Ih¢ work lor w�ic� ��is permii is i5sue0 (SeCtiOn 3097, Civ. C�. LENOEfl: RUOflESS: OWNEfl BUIWEB OEUAMTION: I �ereEy atlirm Iliat I am exempi Irom ItIE CMIIaCiors' State License Law lo� 1ne lollowinp reason (Section 70.i7.5 8u4neu ana Profesvonal COde: My uty ol rAunly wnich repuir6 a p¢rmil ta tonstrup, alier. improve, Uemolish, or r¢pair any simtlure, pri0i �o i6 i55uante. also repuir¢Slhe apD�icani bt SuU Oefmii lo Iiie a SigneG SlalemCni lhai ��JShE ls IiCenSetl pursuantiothe provisions oflhe Conlractors'Slale License law�ClND�e�9lwmmencin0 �^�h Section 7000�01 �iviLon 3 olihe Businei5 anE Pro�essions Cotle) or t�at ne/sne is eeempt iberelmm and t�e GaSis for I�e allepe0 eeemption. My violation ol Section 7031.5 Oy any aOPlicani br a permii SuUjec�S ��e aOP���ni lo a civil penalry 0� nal more Inan live Aun4re0 dollars (55001. I, as owner of �he O�oOany or my emVloyees vntA waAes as their sale compensaiion, will Go the work, antl �ha 7 slmcmre is na� imenAetl or olferea lor sale ISection 7pne, Business anU Pmlessional CaUe: T�e Coniractors' State License Law ooes nol appry lo an owner of a pioDeny wlq Ouilds or imvmvM inereon, ana wno daes such work him5elf/Aersell or Ihrouptl his ai her mvn emDloyees, proviGeE tllat suc� �mp�Qyemen6 art noi intenEeC Or ollere� lor 5dle. II, Mwever iha �uil0inp o! imD�avemem is mIA vnthin one year ol wmpletion, �ne ovme� will nave ine OUNen of O�oving OrJsne Gi0 not EuilA ar improve lor Ine purpo52 0l 5dle�. I. as owner ol �Ae pmDeny, am e*clusiveIy wmractinp witn Iicensetl wntractors to consVuct I�e pmlect (Section 70a4, Business ❑ anG Pmleuions CoGe: The Contracrors' State Licen� �w tices not appN �a an ovmer oi pmDeny x1n OUAGs or imD�oves Ihereon an0 wno comracts lor sucn prolecis wiin a comractoqs) license Dursuant to �ne Contractors' State License law�. 1 am aware Ihai pmol ot Iheir Worke�'S Campen5ali0n in5ufan�e 5hou10 Ge DraviQeU lo me. � I am eeempl unJer Section: B. 8 P. C. �or IOis reasant �ale'. P+:nec I Oo hereby cenily ihat I am aware oi anU unUerstarW ihe repuiremenis ol Caldomu NealtA antl Safety CoGe Sections 25505, 25593, antl 2557E and Ihal I Or any Iuiure Duiltling aCupanl vrilUwill noi (�irG¢ On¢) n¢¢O lo camply mlh Saitl Siat¢ to0e5 an0 Iht requirem¢n�5 for a Oermil lor tonsimclion or moEilicaiion Imm I�e Air Oualily Managemeni UStnti. FevOen�ul rAnsimttion apDlicaiions are exempt Imm I�ese D�ovisions. Dale: AppliCant: I M1eR�y ce�lily Na� I hdve rea0 lNs appliCaliOn an0 Slaie lly� Ihe aDOve in�ormdli0n 5 fAn¢ti. I agr¢e Ia fAmplY wiN all ciiy antl wUn�y oiamances an� slaie Wws reWtinq Io DuilWnp consimttion anp pere0y aultwr¢e re0�esenialives of tlus ary m enter uDon t�e above-mentione0 O�oDeiiy for insp¢clion W��oses. /1 �� 17-`i1 �u�b � Daie: � � `� � Drivefs license or Social Security k� 18aba6 White—Bwltling; Green—Cotle Enbrcement; ��ary—Applitem: Pink—Revenue: Goltlenrotl—Assessor CITY OF COSTA MESA - BUILDING PERMIT F M n• 0. 713 PERMIT NO: P 050713 PLAN CHECK NO: N GOVT• N SUFP: N CONSTRUC'fION TYPE: PERMIT TYPE: PLU PURPOSE: OTH JOH DESCRIPTION : PUTTING IN 2-WAY SEWER CLEAN OUT SQ FT: CLAIM VALUE; CALC-VALUE: GROUP OCC: R-1 / COMMENTS: PUTTING IN 2-WAY SEWER CLEAN OUT j(- i(� )F �1E K� af !E iF i(� jE iF ah jF ih 3F If �!f 7ElP !E iE IE if iE iE iE 1F jE iE i(� �E iE � ib i(� ?F %� iE I6 aE �1(� 1E if iM1if �M iF if� k IE �F±F iP iE lf� iF it 3E K� iF iE �F iF if• iE # k 3ElF IE M� 1F IF iE IEle IE K if Z O N i N G R E Q U I R E M E N T S S E T B A C K S ------------ MAIN HUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY BUILDING --------- FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT ZN FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT ZN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN PARHING REQ • PROV: PARCEi: 4391613'7 7,NE: REF NO: PLANNZNG N61'ES> � iF iF if �7F 1E lE 1F iF if iF �lf 34 �F �lf jE iE X� 3E lE iF K k iF %�E If- 3F 3f �1F 3F jE �IE iE �1F iE iF jE af if �N� 3E le 3F * IF aE fi�. iF 3F * iE # jF-N� 3E if� If 1F �7FiF 1f 1f aF �(� iF 1F iF 3E �E �1E �1F iF 1E iE iF iE X fE iF D E V E L O P M E N T S E R V I C E S". R E Q U I R E M E N T S 20NZNG APFROVED BY ` DATE: BiJILDING AFPROVED BY : DATE: APPLICATZON ISSUED BY: � � e DATE: ���7� � ifiFifi(�3P�%ifiEifiFiEiFiE�fiFif3FlFiEiflEiE • � '�iFi.'i�F��Flk�f%iF1EiF�7FiF3(�iE iEif 1f1EiFaf*if�EififaFiflE-IEitlklFiF�1F)FiFaE#ifiElEl�fFiF1EiElFffiE3f1E?fiFiP jf3flFiF�f�F�FiE1flf�fif3E�E3fIf1F3F3f�f#iEiFfElb*jf1EiF1E4f1E1fiEiEaf�lElE�FiE LEGALIZATION:N F E E S U M M A R Y STRUCTUAAL SzGMENT:N BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECAANIC FIRE SMIF/RES GRADItdG PERMIT 5.00 25Y PLAN ISSUE FEE 3,00 BUILDING-DIV-> PERMiT ISSUE PLAN-CHECK TOTALS----> 5,00 3.00 0,,00 kEVENUE DZVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED: BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC 8.�0 SMIP/NON-RES TOTAL PAID DUE �B.OU 8.00 ,00 8.00 OVER/SHORT: ,00 FIRE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN-CHECK 3F if iE i(� aF *%if if if 9E N� If af If iE !E IFlE K� IF N��E �1F 9E aF if �f iE af iF 1f iF IE iF !f if iF iE iE if if iF iF iE jF 3(� If �f 1f 1F 34 3E if iF 3F if ik 1F iF iF 3f IF iRif 9F 1f 3f iF l(� af IF ib iE fE iF K� if if I N D I V I D U A L e E E B R E A K D O W N TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I O N UNIT COST TOTAL COST FLU i SEWER, BUILDING / TRAILER 5.00 5.00 END OF FEES �i G�673;SD-GOn�3310 r ��� s.e�� tiAiE: O1/17/91 TI":: 15�Off CONSTRUCTION AND PLANNMG � L& SPA APPROVALS Permit # Date Inspector qppROVALS Permit # Date Inspector 1. Tempo�ary Eleciricaf Service or Pole 52. Pool & Equipment Location 2. Soil Pipe•Undrgrnd. � 53. Steel Reinforcement 3. ElectriCal Conduit Utility•Undr9rnd. 54. Forms 4. Electrital Conduit-Undrgrnd. 55. Electrical Bonding 5. Steel Reinforcement 56. Rough Plumbing & Pressure iest 6. Electrical UFER Grnd. 57. APPROVAL TO COVER�GUNITE � 7. Footings 58. Electrical Conduit�Undrgrnd. 8. FoundOtion � 59. Gas Pipe, O Undrgrnd., Tes[ 9. Water Pipe�Undrgrnd. 60. Backwash Lines, P�Trap, O Undrgrnd. 10. Structurel Floor System 61. APPROVAL TO DECK 11. Propertv Sewer Line & House Connection �/�j! Q� �D 62. Backwash & Receptor-Final t 12. Sewer Cap 63. Heater & Vent-Final 13. Roof Drains . 64. Plumbing System - Final 14. Rough Plumbing 65. Eiectrical-Final 15. Rough Electriwl-Conduit 66. Solar System-Final 16. Rough Electric Wiring 67. Fencing & Access ApProval 17. Rough Wicing Sign 68. APPROVED FOR PLASTERING 18. Rough Electrical�T Bar Ceiling 69. POOL/SPA SYSTEMS FINAL 19. Rough Heating & Air Conditioning FIRE DEPT. REQUIREMENT 20. Rough Factory fireplace APPROVALS'� Permit # 21 . Ducts, in Structure � ]0. Underground Hydro 22. Ducts, Ventilating ' 77. Product Piping � Gas ❑ Oil 23. Gas Pipe-Rough & Test '. 72. Underground Flush 24. Roof Framing 73. Undergrnd. Storage Tank � Gas ❑ Oil 25. Roof Sheathing _ 74. Overhead Hydro 26. 7•Bar Ceiling (SVucturaq & Monocoat 75. Dry Chemical 27. FrameandFlashing . 76. DryStandpipe 28. Lathing & Siding � � �� 77. FIXED SYSTEM FINAL � � 29. Insulation . � f 78. FIFE PREV. FINAL 30. Drywall Nailing - � � � HEALTH DEPT. REQUIREMENT � 31. Plaster 8rown Coat . � �;� 79. FINAL INSPECTION 32. ElectriCal Power Meter�Final ' i 80. FOOD CERTIFICATE ISSUED i �i 33. Final Electric �,. � - Notes: 34. Final Heating & Air Conditioning �,''t . 35. Final Gas Pipe�Test �� ' ��� . 36. Hood ar Canopy � � 37. Final Factory Fireplace � 38. Final Plumbing � � �r (i � 39. Water Service�Final � 40. Gas Service-Final ' . 41. $oVar �omestirFinal 4 � , � 42. Backflow Preventer I I � 43. Backflow Irrigation ' 44. LandsCape Irriqation System - 45. Sound A[tenuation 46. Handicap Regulations - � 47. FINAL STRUCTURE & BUILDING � 48. FINALPLANNING 49. Electric fletease to Edison / I �_'.. t 50. Gas Release to Southem Califomia Gas C4 ' ; i• � � 51. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY . No. Date