HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969 PARSONS ST - Building PermitsAODRESSOFBMLDfiek 1969 PARSONS ST UNIT: PWNEIysfAAEMID�0IN"`IKE PROPERTIES A wTS1990 HARBOR BL COSTA MESA, CA 92626 722-2014 APDL. M/J1040 ADDRESS: ARCHITECT OR ENGNEER: LIC. MO.: ARCH. OR ENG'S ADDRESS: um. CONmACTars NAMETODA CONSTRUCTION OF CAL (714)220-3141 CCNDIACTORSMNUND 5816 CORPORATE AV M)cRm-CYPRESS CA uc.m: 427375 90630 uNT. 160 LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION: I hereby affirm under peneAy of perjury that I am foamed under povieon , of Chapter D (ccmmendrg with Section )000) of Division 3 of the Bush. end Profession Code. and my lceme u in M tau end effes. CITY LIC. Nvo.:O 5833 LIC. CLASS: B LIC. NO..:4273�775EXP: 00/00 Data: Comreda:-T DA— W°v'k(/& (O" OWNER BUILDER DECLARATION: I hereby affirm antler penally of perjury that I an exempt from the Oanteerfm License Lew tar the fdowig reason (Saaion 7031.5 R Hina. end Professions Code: Am/ any or oavdy w11ich mqu'use A panel to mroWm, eller, bnproye, demolish, or repay any somber, leer, pia to its awake, "a muires the applicant for such permit to fib a signed stmament Ihm he or end I. licensed pumuanl to the prwieiona of the Comrades Lioenee Lew [Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 d the Buaoeeaa ad Prdesa"tw Codel or that M or she is exempt therefrom end the baro for the alepecl amessit Any violation of Sadon 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjesa the applicant to a oail penalty d ml mon Than Ise hundred dollen [55001), ❑ 1. n owor of tan property or my empkryeas will wages as their male co npemeWn. will do the work. ad the slmcMe a M mended or offered for says (Section 7044. Bluenose and Professions Code: The Cutrmdom Liume Lawdoes m epplito an avmrol property who builds or inpnyes IMreon. end she dorsa soM work himsed or hensl or Inotgh his or Mr own emploMs, psmided that such imprnyemems are of intended proffered! la We N, however, IM Wileiq a inpwemenl is add within one year of completion. the oworbuider will M. the burden of ponying he or who did of Wile or impure la the papoae of este). ❑ I, As owner of IM property, an mluahmty Contradilp with licensed Conimlore to consaw IM posed (Sedan 7044, nd ssiBusiness a Profeons Code: The Cantrasom Liue Loit re wd hap ruew de napply an oner property Wa pes ilds imnytAeraon end who contracts la sunt propes with a mrdmda(s) Ikemed pursuant to the Cont esOn License Law). CITY OF COSTA MESA — BUILDING PERMIT PERM NO: P 077846 PERMIT NO: P 077846 PLAN CHECK NO: N GOVT: N SUPP: N CONSTRUCTION TYPE: PERMIT TYPE: PLU PURPOSE: OTH JOB DESCRIPTION DEMOLISH SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE SQ FT: CLAIM VALUE: CALC—VALUE: GROUP OCC: R-3 /U-1 COMMENTS: SEWER CAP IN PREP FOR NEW "TOYOTA" DEALERSHIP, RE:#B77845 1E iE dE lE dEfEdE ibk�*�*dE iE oft RE RE 9E 9Efr�itfEitiE�E itiE+r�sE��+��*�*+r���*+E+E+E+r+r+r*+E*max-*�+E*x*�*+E���+r*+tom*+E***+E �-+E Z O N I N G R E Q U I R E M E N T S S E T B A C K S ------------ MAIN BUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY BUILDING--------- FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RIGHT: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RIGHT: FT IN PARKING REQ: PROV: PARCEL: 00000000 ZNE: REF NO: PLANNING NOTES> 9E dE SE SE 5k RE dF RE 1E 1E * irk * iF df Rk if dE iE RE 1EiE iE 1E RE * dE iE dE * iE dE * 1E iE iE 1E * iE RE * 1E dE iE dE 1E iE iF * dE if iE ill iE iE dE dE * iE iE * iE 9E 1E iF iE N-dF dE dF iE * 1E iE dE dE * iE 9E D E V E L O P M E N T S E R V I C E S '= R E Q U I R E M E N T S ZONING APPROVED BY DATE: BUILDING APPROVED BY : ❑ IamessmpunderSectinn: B.SP.C..for des roeean: b APPLICATION ISSUED BY Dere: Owner: iE irk dE 5E dF 1E 1E Ile dE 1E dE dF dE d! IE RE 1e, * dF RE iF LEGALIZATION:N I do hereby candy that I an ewae of end understand IM nequimnems of CNtlomia Health ad Safety Code Saloons 25505, 25SV, and 25534, and Net I or any more Wilding pouryent will I will M (rima one) meed to comply ash sport elms caries and the ngdmmess ler BLDG PMT s permit laoanetrucaona maldiulonhom tMA'r6 leiyl�eopemml Dimtid. Residemiel conmrW ion eppiwbmmeexemp Iron [Mea ppdseom' 1PERMIT Date: Applicant WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION: I Mneby affirm under peony d perjury and tan Idowiq deduatiam: ❑ [hew sed suit maimeiteceMkme doavent to aatlrmun ler workers'eanpenmon.es pnyd.d /a by Basion 3700dtM lobar Code, for IM pedameoe of the walk for which this peemn is oast ed. ❑ I here cad will this a r wakae'erd. My Wvt oompen es sequimd by Seton 3 and! o Ne Labra Code, ler tan pedamann d tan suck la which this permit is issued. My wakens' compensatiu inwrence cemer enol policy number ms: Carrier: Poky Number: (This slision need nm be competed d tan permi is As, one hummd ddlem ISIMI or less.) ❑ I oently Ihm In the pedurmance of the work Ia Which this pollen ie iaro ed. I shall not sepkry snq' peman in aey, manner w m to become subject to the workers' Canpemmion Issue of CMI , and q ee dw N I ehotdd pewee cases to the wrorkers' onnn na—ell/�f prone/�^/e of Sesnn 3700 d the Laaor Coda. shot IonM1will/_mm—ply writ thole, pi s o . Date: 7 y 2 P- %f7 Apgkanl Waro/1p: FaRum m acus trowrsn'rompsmatlon eoverepa h unlewNl, and / ub/ecr an sero/oyer col rel pmm/dea and civil Dpes W m one hundred tlrouHm dmNm (5100000), In eddlfkn W dre of compaumlon, den e .0 prodded Any In Sand. 3m 0/ the Laos, Cede, IntxesL am mbmey'a helm. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY: I hereby affirm under penalty of perj q [hes them is a conolmson lending ganCy for the pedamara of IM wank for whits this perm t u issued! (Sisson 3097, CN. C). LENDER'S NAME: LENDER'S ADDRESS: I caniby that 1 haw read this eppliuton end sate that the above infamatlon is cone". I qme to canply with all city end county adinacee and state laws relating to building Conolrueiu and hereby authorize representatives of this city to enter upon the aWye olmlioned propend for impedlon purposes. / KATSUYA AMASUGA Dole: (5151.48 WP) White -Buil) ig 6 Salary; Green-Flle: Canary-Appliunq Pink -Revenue: Goldenrod-Aeeeswr PLAN ISSUE FEE BUILDING -DIV-> TOTALS ---- > F E E S U M M A R Y PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC 7.00 25% 20.00 DATE: DATE STRUCTURAL SEGMENT:N FIRE SMIP/RES GRADING SMIP/NON-RES PERMIT ISSUE PLAN -CHECK TOTAL PAID DUE 7.00 20.00 0.00 27.00 27.00 .00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED: 27.00 OVER/SHORT: ,00 BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN -CHECK 27.00 1E iE dE ill 1E**9E*iEN-1E 9E IE IE RE♦EdE*Sk dE dE 1E 1E 1k*df dE RE dE if'IH RF iF 1E dE*1E*Rf dE Sf RE dE 1E RE If irk lE df fE RF iF*if lE if**SE dE dE****1E if RE RE RF 9E RE iE**df dE N• I N D I V I D U A L F E E B R E A K D O W N TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I O N UNIT COST TOTAL COST PLU 1 SEWER CAP / DEMOLITION EACH 7,00 7,00 END OF FEES • '1.'Temporary CONSTRUCTION AND PLANNING .APPROVALS Permit#Date Inspector Pt<„L & SPA APPROVALS Permit# Date Inspector Electrical Service or Pole 52. Pool & Equipment Location . 2: Soil Pipe-Undrgrnd, 53. Steel Reinforcement i '3r Electrical Conduif'Utylity-Undr_grnd.. 54. Forms , -4 Electrical Conduit -Um rgrnd. 55. Electrical Bonding " ' 5.St€a! Reinforcement' 56. Rough Plumbing &Pressure Test -6-' iectrical UFER_G-rnd. 57. APPROVAL TO COVER-GUNITE Footings - "' 58. Electrical Conduit-Undrgrnd. 'E. Foundation ``, - 59. Gas Pipe, ❑ Undrgrnd., Test 9. Water Pipe-Undrjrnd. - 60. Backwash Lines, P -Trap, ❑ Undrgrnd. I 10. Structural floor --System 61. APPROVAL TO DECK 11. Property Sewer ,Line(& House,*Connection 62. Backwash &Receptor -Final 12. Sewer Cap "- - 63. Heater &Ven[ -Final 13. Roof Drains - 64. Plumbing System - Final 14. Rough Plumbing- x 65. Electrical -Final 15. Rough Electrical=Cogf uit ,. 66. Solar System -Final 16. Rough Electric Wiring LL 67. Fencing &Access Approval - 17. Rough Wiring SigP v = 68. APPROVED FOR PLASTERING 18. Rough Electricaf-T Bar Ceiling 69. POOL/SPA SYSTEMS -FINAL - 19. Rough Heating & Air Conditioning.._ r R, r t• FORE-EPT.'REQUIREMEN-T r•- •- T* : �APPROVAL'S� Peimit 20. Rough Factory Fireplace - 21. Ducts, in Structure; s _ ..70. Underground Ffydro 22. Ducts, Ventilating _ " t- < - 71, Prod u�'Pi ping O;Gas ❑ Oil _ 23. Gas Pipe -;Bough & T St ,. r. 1,172. Underground Flush '> 24. Roof Framing - * _ m ti: � :: 73" Undergrrd. Storage Tan kD Gas ❑Oil 25. RootSheathing •• '� 74: Overhead Hydrea- } 26. S'Bar Geiting (Structural) & Moc..' oat t ^_ �- 75; Dry Chemical -27. Frame and Flashing' _ .- - 76. Dry Standpipe x^ - 28. Lathing & Siding x 77 FIXED SYSTEM"FMAL 14 29. Insulation.^r �- S S x 7$�, _EIRE PREV. FINAL ` - 30. Drywall Nailing * -^ * F ' '+' '_'._?r: - cHEALTH DEPT. REQUIREMENT ; 31. Plaster Bcown' Coat- = _ -_ -- 79. FINAL INSPECTION ; 32. Electrical Power Miter -Final t 80: FOOD CE_RTIFIC_ATE ISS4JED _ 33. FinaLEle&tric r - r �_ '` a Notes: %34. Eina?�Heating•& Ai q Goaditionin'g - n 35. Final Gas Pipe --Test;** "'.r '" :� -' i ,;. ;�; - -2� •r '• _ 36. tdood or Canopy .: r, ' _ a _ : �'= m .37, Final Factory Fireplace" r•• - �Ir tI _- 38. T1 Final -Plumbing 4`L� .• - _ r• 39. Water Service -Final- _ i 40. Gas Service -Final -141. Solar Domestic.FinaF u - ,r - - - 42. Backflow Preventer_.- 43. Backflow Irrigation•' > " Q4. Landscapa Ire: atiori'System _ �• _ - p'.c r r - * _ F- 45. Sound AttenuaticY , `46. Handicap Regulations 47. PINA'L STRUCTURE & BUILDING •' *:r 48. FINAL PLANNING 49. Electric Release to Edison 50. Gas Release to Southern California -Gas Co - 51. No. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Date -71 ADDRESS OF BUILDING: 1969 PARSONS ST OMNERSNAMEIFIlley" ,IKE PROPERTIES ASOREu1990 HARBOR BL COSTA MESA, CA 92626 722-2014 APPL. "UN%ADDRESS: ARCHITECT OR ENCIRIM: ARCIL OR ENG.'S ADDRESS: I.C. NO.: UNIT: UNIT: CONTRACTORSNAKE: TODA CONSTRUCTION OF CAL (714)220-3141 CONMACTORSmmum 5816 CORPORATE AV =Am; CYPRESS CA UCND.: 427375 90630 gw.. 160 LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION: I hereby Mise under pmakY of perjury that I am licensed under provieene of Chapter B (oommeurg with Section TOW) of Division 3 of Ne Suelness end Professions Code. end my Ikmse is in full ares and Mea. CITY LIC. NO.: 0 4 5 8 3 3 LIC .CLASS: B UC.110, 427375 EXP: 00/00 Dae: 9h Coatrador: 6DA CK-AA—Mite—row YNER BUILDER OECLARATION: I hereby affirm under penalty of plePty tMl I am, attempt from the Coat edcxv Ldnree law for the Abweg reason (Semon 7M1.5 Busi eas end Professions Cade: Any cry w cauWY whidr reRuvee a pamh 1o.1nocl. Mer. improve. demdah, or repair any stmclure, prior to as v., also requires the ApPli—I Ior soh permh to to a egned Women Mol he or and a licensed punuenl to the provisions of thte Cotradore License law [Chapter S (eommepitp with Sedan 7000) of Dkalsn 3 d tM Busimse end Proles.ione Coda) or that M or Nva is exempt theeho. end IM basis fa the eneg.d...plion. Ary violation of Section 7W I.5 by any epplicary for a Permh embjeds IM applicant to a oW penalty of not mare than live hundred dopers [25001). ❑ I, as owner d tae popenY a my employees Mh wepea m thek will oompenWion. will do Me wok, end tM.trchms a not Intended or offered for vele (Section 704,1, Bueioam and Professions Code: The Contradore Lioenae law does not apply to an owmerof poparly who builds or knpwes tM.. and obo dose sucl%work Nmsen. hereto er Mrough he or hes own employ. provided that w.h imp MamMl ere M identled or offered fa vele. n, hoMnew. IM Wild q or impmverneat is odd within one year of oompletion, tM owM4W&Isr win hew the border of pre nheorsite did not Wild or inpove ler the p opine of me). ❑ 1, m ovoor of tM popery, atm exauwhely ocntredhrp with licensed 000tte nme to conetrua iM pojod (Sedjon 704,1. Broin. end Proleesione Cpda: TM Contractors license law does nal appy 0 en owner Of propMy Who build. or inpwes tlw.on W wM convey ler eudr poji MIt a podredor(.) [Hamed penned to the Canradar. Loose Law). ❑ I em ..sept under Section: B. 8 P.C., M the Dee: Corer: I do Mreby cerdy that 1 arrr aces. of end underrated th raquiremets d CAOomie Health W Safely Cada Sediom 25505. 25533, and Ei53A, and NN I or any touts Wiedeg ow Pant w60 / wB rat (drels .tel now to comply Mh said .tee sed. and tins repuimm.r. for a pemfi larcomtrudionarmodification bomllwAr ueBT�iiy anapmenl District. RawidxmliN opMrWipn eppiuliam Are attempt from them povaions. Dole: Appfcaa: WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION: I Mraby affirm under Penalty d perjury one of the Mkwdrp dw omiotu: ❑ IhesandwiltmM aPeneoteofo to"94n forwo&k 'commnwlsa,mpwided(mby Sadiron3700dtML" Code, to the pMomtenca of Me atoll for wfich the pe.h a bond. I hew irk wM sees po wi I. Mood. My W ion kwrm sex di requbed by carne 3 and a 0te n.. Coto, ler IM peformanoe d iM work for whitlr this pemh ie haired. MY workers companeeMn inwrarce mrrier end pdky num Wr 4,e: Carrier: Pricy Numb .. (/Ns mdron need not W completed / Dte them, is ler one hundred dd/ao /31Wf M Am.) ❑ I mnry that a iM pMpmanca d tM weed b whkn the pewh a o.usd. I NUB ltd ampw eat person w eat mann« a m to Woorne subject to IM woaare' wmpenvean awe of CNJpnia end ell pat n I Mound psoome wb)a'.3 to IM wo lUn' pwompp�=00 M Labor ion 37 a tCade. I"forty comply whin duw Wiom. Dale: �/ APpiranl Wamlrp: Fagun ro awcun rotN.n' mrtperuatlon nvanG. l� unpwM, • d M / aub/.ef N employer o ell rat peruftlu and clHl flnu tp b am hurdtwd Mov.and dplen /JIpg000i N addlWn ro f o/ romgrwNotL m pro~ b, In Saotlo 3706 oy Me Labor Coda, Infonet and aMomaya lose. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY: I hereby eff under Penalty of perjury that there a a cenat.aion leredinp &Darty M lite performance of tM work ler whits the perm is saved (Sedan 3097, CN. C). LENDER'S NAME: LENDER'S ADDRESS: I canny that I hes reed Ma appkation sed pee tined the abwa udomWlsn a carred. I agree to comply with M My And cwtoy ordinance; and two few rolsi g 0 bonding consourtlon and IMoJ y Rodoe ze nNtresentatives of the dry to eater upon the above.meationel MP" for inspection p rpaeae. KATSUYA AMASUGA (5151-A6.WP) WMs-BoMi q d SNey, Green -Rb; Cemry-APPimru; Pink-Rev.nue Goldenrod-Avmew CITY OF COSTA MESA — BUILDING PERMIT PERM NO: B 077845 PERMIT NO: B 077845 PLAN CHECK NO: N GOVT: N SUPP: N CONSTRUCTION TYPE: PERMIT TYPE: STR PURPOSE: DEM JOB DESCRIPTION : DEMOLISH SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE SQ FT: CLAIM VALUE: CALL—VALUE: 1,000.00 GROUP OCC: R-3 /U-1 COMMENTS: DEMOLITION IN PREP FOR NEW "TOYOTA" DEALERSHIP iE 1E iE 1E iE 1FiE*If*iE iE*iE*iE iE iE iE dE iF if**iP iE iE lE dE iE iE iE dE iE ii iE iE dE 1E dE IE iE*dE dE*iE*dE dF iE*dF iE ii dE**dE*****iE 1F dE*dE dE***IE*if*iEiE Z O N I N G R E Q U I R E M E N T S S E T B A C K S ------------ MAIN BUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY BUILDING--.------- FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RIGHT: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN, \ PARKING REQ: PROV: PARCEL: 00000000 ZNE: REF NO: PLANNING NOTES> > dF dE ♦E df dE if dE IE 1E iE dE 1f iE irk df 1E iE 1E dE irk iE dE iF dF 1E iE iE ib iE dE dE dE iE iE dE dE irk 6E 1E * * 1E IE iE iE * 1E dE iE * rt 1E * * iE dE dF * dE dE dE dE 1E iE irk iE dF iE * *� dE iE iE dF * ii dE iE D E V E L O P M E N T S E R V I C E S R E Q U I R E M E N T; S ZONING APPROVED BY DATE: �. BUILDING APPROVED BY DATE: APPLICATION ISSUED BY: L DATE: 4Se 1k*dE dE irk iF dE iE lE iE iE dE dE dE dE dE dE iE*dE alt dE3F{FiF{aia�{F�����si:���3F�f iFTF iF7Fia7F�fTf (E din 1E 1E IE oft dE**dE�iFIE iF LEGALIZATION:N F E E S U M M A R Y STRUCTURAL SEGMENT:Y BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/RES GRADING PERMIT 34.75 SMIP/NOV—RES PLAN O ISSUE FEE BUILDING—DIV—> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN—CHECK TOTAL PAID DUE TOTALS ---- > 35.25 0.00 0.00 35.25 35.25 .00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED: 35.25 OVER/SHORT: .00 BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN—CHECK 34.75 .50 dE*♦E♦E♦F*1E dEkiE*dE irk*dEdE*dE**irk 1Fk*♦E iE 1E iE*iE NE iE dE**iE**fed dE dF dF 1E 1E iF dE ill'**ill'dE*dE dE iE iE**dE*dE dE dE if dE iF dF led iF*dE iE dF dF dF ih iF dF 6E I N D I V I D U A L F E E B R E A K D O W N TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I O N UNIT COST TOTAL COST NO FEES WERE SELECTED FOR THIS PERMIT d' ! CONSTRUCTION AND PLANNING APPROVALS Permit # Date Inspector L & SPA APPROVALS Permit # Date Inspector 1. Temporary Electrical Service or Pole 52. Pool & Equipment Location 2. Soil Pipe-Undrgrnd. - - 53. Steel Reinforcement - -3. Electrical Conduit •Ll6lity-Undrgrnd. 54. Forms - 4. Electrical Condui[rUadrgrnd. 55. Electrical Bonding 1153 Steel ReinforcentenC - 56. Rough Plumbing &Pressure Test - 6, -Electrical UFER:Grnd. 57. APPROVAL TO COVER-GUNITE , ?, Footings , , 58. Electrical Conduit-Undrgrnd. r Founbation - Z r' 59. Gas Pipe, O Undrgrnd., Test 9. Water Pipe-Undrtrtl'ri. 60. Backwash Lines, P -Trap, O Undrgrnd. 10. Structural Floor System n �. 61. APPROVAL TO DECK 11. Property Sewer Cine -& House. Connection - 62. Backwash & Receptor -Final - 12. Sewer Cap 63. Heater &Vent -Final 13. Roof Drains - 64. Plumbing System - Final 14. Rough Plumbing- _ 65. Electrical -Final 15. Rough ElectricaLConduit -.. 66. Solar System -Final - 16. Rough Electric Wiring? 67. Fencing & Access Approval 17. Rough Wiring Sign - - 68. APPROVED FOR PLASTERING 18. Rough Electrical�T Bar Ceiling 69. POOL/SPA SYSTEMS FINAL f9. Rough Heating & Air. Conditioning: r .t . - ; FIRE DEPT;.REQUIREMENT 7 - Ct J K APPROVAL4- `' PRmit 20. Rough Factory Fiheplace zr' 'r - 21. ucCsz in Structure 70. 'Underground Hydro ' 22. Ducts; Ventilating';- - t t _ 71. Produft'Piping,L7Gas [JOil - 23. Gas Pipe Bough &-fest .,. - _ .x t7- _ •; 7 - 72. Underground Flush_ ^ 73' Undergrnd.Storagejank`,OGas C1 Oil .. 45. Boot=She'a:A;ng �'' _ ' ;. "- ' '- 74. -Overhead Hydro, 26. ,T -Bar Ceiling•(Structural) & M_onocoat 75- Dry Chejj lcal 27. game arp Flashing 76. Dry Sta pipe K - _.228. Lathing &ISiding 7: c r 77? FIXED 51 STE A FINAL ` - 29. Insulatio9, x� - 76; FIRE PREV. FINAL 30. Drywall Nailing -HEALTH DEPT. REQUIREMENT 31. Plaster BFow9,Coai x _ 79. FINAL fNSPECTfON - - ., - • 32. Electricah_Power Meter -Final 80' FOOD CERTIFJC,ATE ISSUED- r 7 33.Fina4Ele�tric, 3� u =" �, Notes: ,.r •-�-t .. 34. ;Final Hefting& Air Conditioning',- + A c a 35. Final Gas Pipe -Tess - �, �' ' -• ." r .d = 36. Hooxor fanopy I-,: " - _ ` - •* �: � -- i • 37. Final•Factory Fireplac¢.- c < _ • 38. Fina -Plumbing rr, 4 r - r, x L - 39. Water Sewice-Final' ` _ * I -- •; Y i x 40. Gas Service -Final - - 41. Solar DomesticFinai 42. Backflow Preventers+ - 43. Backflow Irrigation 44. Landscape Irrigation System- : T r ' : e : L' 45. Sound Attenuation' - <- r `4',6. Handicap Regulations - .. - - ^r .� 47. FINAL STRUCTURE &BUILDING .� ✓CJO /_ i /� _ , 48. FINAL PLANNING _ -' - 1 - 49. Electric Release to Edison - 50. `Gas Release to Southern California Gas Co i 51. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY No Date