HomeMy WebLinkAbout439 BRYSON SPRINGS - Building PermitsOWNER M. D. JANES CO., INC. !OB ADDRESS 439 Brvson Sorin GENERAL CONTRACTOR AP No. LOT k3 INSPECTIONS SOIL cns waTEA ROUGM PLUMBING PROP. $WR. IINE O NOUSE CON. � SPRINKLING SVSTEM MISCEILANCDUS ROUGM HEnTING ANO �IR CONDIT�ONING TEMpOR4RY SERVICE OR POLE UNDEAGROUNO � V POWER � ROUGM M'IRING TREN�MES FORMS STEEL PEINF. ri BONO BE�M �J STEEL REINFORCE $XEATMING FqqME RN� FLASMING LRTM�NG — IN n OUT [] PLaSTEP, BROWN C04T STAUCTURRL,FINAL MEAT�NG. VENT., REFPIG. FNO R.C., F PLUMBING. FIN4L �NO G�5 TEST (-j BUILtl�NG. FI SPECIAL HEQ onre 10-29-79 BUILDING PERMIT SU6CONTRACTOR PflOJECTADDNESS: q.jC� gRYSON SPRINGS OWNEfl'S NFME: CONCORD MANAGENENT noowess: p.0. HOX 3936 i,AGUNA HILLS, CA 380-1165 AflCHIENGINEEP: RODflE55: NEG.NO.: UNIT: UNIT: PFflMITTEE: CP.ANK HROT}iERS ROOFING ( 714 ) 548-5569 aooecss: 126 COMMERCIAL WAY C.M. CA 92627 ❑LENSED CONTBRCTOfl OECIABAT10N: I h¢reby a��irm (tui r Fcensee unOer provi5ions ol CluDter 9( mencing wth Section 7000� ol Division 3 oI Ine Business an0 Pmlcssions CaOe. av m) lit¢nSC i5 in �UII to¢¢ anE ¢��PLI. cirvuc.:,{) 59y� s Teuc.:408677 cwss: C39 G� � �ate: — Sigwwre: — _ — _ — — WOBKEBS' COMPENSRTION DECUIBRTION: I �ereEy a' . t I have a ceniliwte of cansem m sell,nsure or a cetlifica f Workers' ComDensaiion Insuranre. or a cerlilie0 Copy I�ereol cY 38p1, lab. C). m�ucr xo.: 2 A 5 2 2 4 91 E%P. OpiE: O S I O S I 9 L x-omaaer: ST'ATE FUND {� Ceniliea caDY is hereby furnis�ed. � Certilie0 copy is� wn� the /iW� BuilUing Divislon. //A -Bate:_ �!i �/ APOlicam:�/:'i°"-e.J /.�5..� /� IX/v IIL, E%EMPTION FROM WOBKEflS'LOMPENSATION �ECIAHRTION: (i�rs seclion neeA nolbe [omple�e0il��e permiti5la one AunOreU�5100�oriess�. I cerlily Ihai in Ihe pedormance ol Ne wOrk �or w�it� IAiS permil is i55ue0, I Shall nol ¢mploy any persOn in any mannef So as �o become 5u�leci Io Ihe Workers' Compensa�ion Laws 0� Calilomia. ' Daie: Signature: - NOTICE: II, alter makinq this Eeclaratian, you shaultl become SUGIe�� �0 t�e Workers' Campensa�ion pmvisions ai Ihe Labor Code. you mus� IOtl�wi�� COmply wil� SUC� O�avi5ion5 Or lNs permii Shall 6e 0¢emed revOketl. CONSTBUCtION LENOMG aGENCY: I nereey afiirm t�at I�ere is a canstmction lenaing agency for ihe De�ormance ol,the work for whicn inis permii is issue0 (Section 3097, Civ. q. LENOEN: aooAcss: OWNEfl BWIUEfl OECNNATION: I �eie0y atlirm I�aI I am eeempl tmm ihe Contraciar5' Stare License Law far lhe tollowing reason �Setiion 7071.5 Busine55 aM PrOfG55i0�a1 Code: My diy o� munly whith rCpuir¢5 a pefmi� to conSVU[I, alier, imprOve, E¢malisA, or re0air any simcWre. prior to ils issuance, also repuires t�e ap0„�� �or such Dermi� to file a signeE statemenllAai �PJs�e is litensetl pursuam io i�e pwvisions ol ihe Comranars' Siate License Law �C�apter 9(commendnA ��� Section 7000) ol 0ivision 3 oi tAe Business ana Ptofessions COae) ar Inat ne/she is eRempt tAertlrom ana Ille od5i51or ine aneqe0 eKemO��� �Y holation oi Seclion 7037.5 by any applitant lor a permit suCi��s �ne apd��:�� �o a pW O¢��Y ol not more ihan live AUMreE tlMlars (5500�. ., I, as owner ol tAe Dmpeny or my employees xi�� wages as Iheir sde wmpensation, vnll Eo the work, antl Ihe suuclwe b nol inteMeO ar allereG lar sale (Sectiw 70aa, Business and PmlexUonal Cotle: the Contractors' Sute License Law Ooes nal apply Io an owner ol a O�aOeny wM Oui1Es or improves i�ereon, and wAo Oo¢5 suc� work �imselll�ersell or I�muBh • �is or Aer axn em0��'/�s. VrodG¢E I�a1 sut� �mprwemenis are noi ini¢ndeE ar ofleretl for sale. I1, liowever t�e OuilCinp or imDmvement is solU wii�in one year ot wmWe�iw. tne owner vNl tuve tlle DurGen al OrovinA hrJslie Citl nol builtl or improve lor @e Owpase ol Sale). I.az ownerollne pro0eny.am ewdusivety wmraciinq wiiAlkenxtl conVactorsio construcitAe D�ojec�(Section 70ad, Business I❑ antl Pmfessions CoEe: Tl�e ConVactars' State Licrnse Law Gces not apON lo an ovmer ol propeM ���I45 or impmves tAereon ana wno wmrecis br sucn D�q�is witA a cantractarls) ficense purswnt to t�e ConUaUors' State 4cense law). I am aware thal oroof al �nHr vlorke�'s Compenu�bn insurance slnulo ee pmviaeE �a me. � I am ee¢mpi unAer $et�ion: B. b P. C. lor ihis reason: Oaie: O+mer. I tlo here�y rer�iry IOai I am aware ot anC un0¢r51an0 1h¢ reQuiremeni5 oi Calilornia Healih anC $a�ery Coae 5¢tiians 255�5, 25533, antl 2553C anA Inal I or any IWure Ouileing occuWnt wiNwiA nal ltircle ane) nee0 to comDN ��A uiA slate t00e5 antl Ihe �equiremenis for a permil for conslmclion or motliliwtion Irom t�e Art Oualiry Management qstncl. flevCential tOnstmGion aOD���ans are exempt Imm these O�ovi5i0ns. Oal¢: AOV�ican�: I �Cieby Certilyi�al I hav¢ iea�i�i5 apDliCalion an0 51a1e or0inanres an0 stalelaws relatinglo builaing consirutibn O�oPer�y �orinspe�clio7n pur0o�sejs.' � Cate: _{ '�' L^ _ ! f SignaWre: Oriver's License or� Sacia� 5ecurity a: �(� 1641�a6 WM1pe—Builtling;Greon—CO�eEnb�camoi inlormalion is correcL I agree lo comply with all ciiy and )rize representalive5 af iNs ary to�FtSWpon the a0ov�e Canarv—ApolicanC Pmk—Revenue: Goltlenrod—Assessor CITY OF COSTA MESA — BUILDING PERNIT PERM NO: H OS153:. PERMIT NO: B 051532 PLAN CHECK NO: N GOVT: N SiIFP: N CONSTtZUCTION TYPE: V—N FERMIT TYPE: STR PURPOSE; ALT JOH D:SCRIPTION : T/OFF REROOF W/BUILT UP SQ rT; 1,552 CLAIM VALiIE: 1,552,00 CALC—VALUE: 1,552.00 GROUP OCC: R-3 / CQMMENTS: T/UFF RERUOF W/BUILT UP #x��c ��r�+��t�t*x�**��*�c x*��*x��*�t*+r�t***���tx�**�e�c ��*��t*�t*�x�•xx** �x�*r***x�-�*�****�x�r�+�x Z O N I N G R E Q U I R E N E N T S ssTBacxs ------------ MAIN BUILDING ---------- --------- ACCES50RY BUILDING --------- FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT ZN FRNT; FT ZN REAR: FT IN LEFT: FT ZN rZGHT: FT IN LcFT; FT IN RGfiT; F: IN PARKING REQ• PRQV: PARCEL; 93786037 2NH; REr NO: PLANNING NiSTES> � i(� aF IE 1E 3f 3f if i� iF 3f IE �E if !F if iF if 1E if M 3e } jE fF 3! I(� if IE aE+f iE If i!� �F 1E Y�?E k 1E iE #c !f iF aF !f 3e i't iE Y� #F }} fF iE IE� fe } iF M#� iF%ic iF x �F iE }* i!� jF+?f if if � u�ii i(� D E V E L O P M E N T S c R V I C E S R E Q U Y R E v E N T S I ZONING APPROVED HY DATE: I BUZLDING APPROVED BY ; DATE; APPLZCATION ISSUED BY: DAiL• ��� iflf�lfN•IFN�14if3f3EiEa(•lFleiF�kififlFlEiE?F . . .. .3f�IfiFN�1F#MIEjE �{Eik K�iklf�7kifiEiEi(�iFM�EifiEiEiElhkiEiFiElEffiflEififlEkiE�E163ElEiPiFlf�f :.l3FiE1F1Ei6i¢iE%kiFK.if�flEiflfiEkfE#IfM#�lEiEl6iEifdtiE�6K�1�iE�Ei�iflfif LEGALZZATION;N F E E S U M M A R Y STRUCT'JRAL SEGMENT:Y BLDG PMT PLUMBiNG ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/RBS GRADING PERMIT 37,00 ,50 SMIP/NON—RHS PLAN IS5UE FEE ' BUILDING—DIV—> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN—CHECK TOTAL PAID DUE TOTALS----> 37.50 0,00 0,00 37,50 37,50 .OU REVENUE DIVZSION TOTALS--> COLLECTED; 37.50 OVER/SHORT; 00 BLDG PMT Pi,UMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC rIRE SMIP/TOT GRADZNG PLAN—CHcCH 37.00 ,50 � IF 3!� If iFiF if If IF If If if i% iE if ii ie 1E Y, iF ih if 3E iF 1f 1k %if 1E k if jF iE �+F if iE iF IE lE if iE IE iE 1E+t 1F?F 1f iF �If if iF iF 1F iF iF ik ii� � iF ic {. iF fF±f iE 1E?E 1! 1E iF �7f jFJ4 y. �1k �:.1E iE I N D I V I D U A L F E E B R E A K D O W N TYPE QTY D c S C R I P T I O N UNIT COST TOTAL COST SFR 1552 REROOF BY VALUE RESIDENIAL NOZONE 1.00 �. 1,552.00 END OF FEES 01 OOOE3511-�IID"c391�' �'�:;'I OATE: D4/D2/�i TiYr''c: 0•'i:+� --a i I � CONSTRUCTION AND PLANNING' F & SPA APPROVALS Permit # Date Inspector AppROVALS Permit # Oate Inspector 1. Temporary Electrical Service or Pole 52. Pool & Equipment Location 2. Soil Pipe-Undrgrnd. 53. Steel Reinforcement 3. Electrical Conduit Utility•Undrgrnd. 54. Forms 4. Eleci�ical Conduit-Undrgrn . 55. Electrical Bonding 5. Steel Reinforceme�t 56. Rough Plumbing & Pressure Test 6. Electrical UFER Grnd. 57. APPROVAL TO COVER�GUNITE 7. Footings 58. Electrical Conduit�Undrgrnd. B. Foundation 59. Gas Pipe, � Undrgrnd., Test - 9. Water Pipe�Undrgrnd. 60. Backwash Lines, P•Trap, O Undrgrnd. 10. Structural Floor System 61. APPROVAL TO DECK � 11. Property Sewer Line & House Connection 62. Backwash & Receptor-Final � 12. Sewer Cap 63. Heater & Vent-Final � 13. Roof Drains � 64. Plumbing System � Final ' . 14. Rough Plumbing _ 65. Electrical-Finai 15. Rough Electrical-Conduit 66. Solar System-Final ,, 16. Rough Electric Wiring � 67. Fencing & Access ApProval � 17. Rough Wiring Sign - • 68. APPROVED FOR PLASTERING 18. Rough Electrical-T Bar Ceiling 69. POOL/SPA SYSTEMS FINAL 19. Rough Heating & Air Conditioning FIRE DEPT. REQUIREMENT 20. Rough Factory Fireplace APPROVALS Permit # 21. Ducts, in $tructure . 70. Underground Hydro 22. Ducts, Ventilating 71. Product Piping OGas ❑Oil 23. Gas Pipe�Rough & Test � , 72. Underground Flush 24. Roof Framing 73. Undergrnd.StorageTank OGas ❑Oil - 25. Roof Sheathing ' - 74. Overhead Hydro 26. T�Bar Ceifing �Structurap & Monocoat 75. Dry Chemlcal 27. Frame and Flashing . 76. Dry Standpipe 28. Lathing & Siding 77. FIXED SYSTEM FINAL 29. Insulation � . 78. FIRE PREV. FINAL � 30. Drywall Nailing + HEALTH DEPT. REQUIREMENT 31. Plaster Brown Coat _� 79. FINAL INSPECTION 32. Electrical Power Meter-Final �� 80. FOOD CERTIFICATE ISSUED 33. Final Electcic �i, Notes: ' ' 34. Final Heating & Air Conditioning �� 35. Final Gas Pipe•Test �"•�, �' . 36. Hood or Canopy 37. Final Factory Firepiace I 38. Final Plumbing . 39. Water Service�Final 40. Gas 5ervice�Final . ' 41. Solar pomesticFinal 42. Backflow Preventer 43. Backflow Irrigation , .44. LandscaDe Irriqation System . 45. Sound Attenuation 46. Handicap Regulations 47. FINAL STRUCTURE & BUILDING l_�1{ � � �u� -v 48. FINALPLANNING �� 49. Electric Release to Edison ;- 50. Gas Release to Southern Calitornia Gas Co � 51. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY No. Date