HomeMy WebLinkAbout2979 BRISTOL ST - Building PermitsPflQIEtTRDOflE55: 29%9 HRISTOL $T OWNEN'S NFME: AMASH nooeess:2981 BRISTOL ST CM CA 92627 5452724 ANCHIENGINEEfl: PUONESS: wcc.na.: uxiT: UNIT: reeminee SPECTR(JM ( 714 ) 556-9900 aooeess 25U1 S. AIRCH SANTA ANA CA 92707 LICENSED LONTBACTOP DECNNATION: I AereOy ailirm �hal I am lic¢�sed untler pmvisions a� Chap �9 (commencinp wilh Section 70W) oi Dirson 3 0l I�e Business antl Pmfessions fAde. an0 m,liten5! is in IW fo¢e anC efl¢ct cirruc.:Q715 � sTareuc.:542190 cuss•�4`-�5/ v/ Daie'. /-g Sipnamre: L��- WOPNfPS' COMPENSATION DECLABFTION: I Aere�y alfirm thatl,have a cerlificate of consent Io sel4insure or a certiticaie oi Workers' `� Fampenution I�urance. or a cenifie0 copy thereol �Seclion 3A00, LaD. C�. � 'OLICY NO.: E%P. ORTE: COMPRNY: � O Cenniee copy a nereby fumishe0. ❑ Cetlilietl wpy is IiIM wit� tAe ciry BuilAing D'nision. Date: Rpo�iwnt: _ E%Eh1PTI0N FPOM WONIIENS'COM7ENSRTION OECIAf1AT10N: icenilyma��nmeoeno aMeol��eworkbrw�ic�IAisp su�jeci to e wor fqm ensation Laws ot Catifomia. —Oate:���� �� SiqnaNre:_ NOTICE: I, aflet malting IAis dttlaralion, you 5hauld Cotle. yrou�must �onM+itn compry witn sucn omviswr CON�TNUCTION LENOING RGENCY: I �ereby atiirm Nel which Ihis De�mit is iSsueG �Section 3097. Civ. C�. 4 iexoEe: I AOUPE55: huMreE �€.5u01���o c�e Workers' Compensatbn provi4ons of the Labor us permn stull Ge GeemeE revoketl. is a tonslNtlion lentling apenty �or Ihe peAormance of �he work for OWNEB BUILDEB OELUMiION: I here0y allirm tAat I am exem0� ��om tAe Coniractars State License law for t�e lollawing reason (Seciion 7031.5 Business and Pmfessional CaAe: Any cily ol counly w�ic� repuires a permii ro construct, alter, improve, demalish, or repair any simcmre, prior lo its issuance. also requires ihe applicam for sucA permit to file a signe0 statement that he/she is IicenseA purSuanRo�he pmuision5 oflhe ConVac�ors' S�ale Litense Law(Chap�er9�commencing with SeCiion 7000�0( DiviSion 3 oflhe Business and Pm�essions Cotle� or �hat he/she is exempl lherelmm anJ �he basis lor �he allegetl eaemplion. Any viola�ion o� Sec�ion 7031.5 by any applican� �or a De�mi� su�le��s the applicant to a civil penally oi not more lhan five �unOreO tlollars �5500�. I, as owner of ihe pmpeny a� my emyloyees witA waAes as t�eir sole campensation, will do the wofrc, an0 the � simcwre is noi inten0e4 or afferetl tor sale 15ection 70aa. Busness antl Pmteubnal CoOe: The Contracmrs' State Lkense Law Ooes nol appty to an awner of a pmDeny wtq euilas or improves thereon, and wAo Ooes such wOrk Nm5e1f/h¢rsell or inrougn his Ot her own em0loyee5. D�oviAeO Iha� SUC� imOrovemen(5 ar¢ n01 inlenJed or ofhreA fof sale_ Ii. howev¢r Ihe builEinq Or improvement is SaIE wt�in one year ol comple�ion, �he awner vnll have t�e buraen o� Dmang he/she Ui� nol bui10 or imOrove lor �he pUrpose al 5ale). I. as owner ol Ihe Dmperty, am exclusiveh' contractinp with IicenseU contractors ro cansimd the project �Section 7044, Business ❑ aM Profe55ion5 CoA¢: The COntractors Siate L'Cense Law Goes not appty to an owner of DropeRy wlw buACs or improves tAereOn antl wlw comracisfar such O�olecis vnt� a contractoqs�littnse pur5uant ro l�e Cantractors' State License Law�.l am aware ihat proa� o� IAeir Woder's Campensalion insurance slwulG Oe proviGeE to me. � I am e�empi unEer Sectian: B. d P. C. �or ��is reamn: Date: Oumer. I tlo here�y cenity Ihat I am awdre ol anG untlersiand ��e requiremenls ol Califomia Healt� antl Salery Coae Sectians 25505, 25533, an0 25530 anA ihdl l or any IUNre buil�ing atupanl wilVwill not (circle one) neeJ to comply with 5ai0 state c04u antl Ihe reQuiremenis for a permit �or wnsimciian or motlilication Irom lhe Air Ouabiy Managemeni USlrict. flevaeniial construc�ion apDliwtions aa exemp� Imm ineu prohsions. Daie: Applicant:. I hereby cenifythat I �averea0t�is aDPlicalion and s�ale or0inance5 and3latelawsrGIa�ingio �uilGing conslruction; propetly tor inspeciian pyipose;i _ / / / �� Signawre: _ msadaisecmityx: wilh allciiy antl 164606 Whne—Builaing�, Green—Codo Enlorcamenl'. C�nary—Applicanl', Pink—Revenue; Goltlenrotl—Assassor CITY OF COSTA MESA - SIGN PERMIT rtx cvU: Sb � v7� AERMIT NO: SH 056053 FLAN CHECK NO; 00403-92 S i; rv u r: CONSTRUCTION TYPE: PERMIT TYPE; STR SIG PURPOSE; OTH SOB DESCRIPTION ; FACE CHANGE CLAIM VALUE: 300.00 CALC-VALUE: SQ FT: 300.00 GROUP OCC: B-2 / COMMENTS; PACE CHANGE dE 3f �)F �lf iE i( �%iF iE�N iE %# If -0(� iE i( �% �lf i[ �N� �E iE �6 iE df #•k iE if jf 9EiE �K��E �lF a( �lFif �E dE 1E iF �%�M �)FiF3E iE 9E�jf �X� �F �F�%�f aF iE if iE i(� �%iE ff �1(� #E �N iE X�%�if iE dE �MiF �IE�If �k if S I G N" I N F O R M A T I O N DZSTRICT: 1 TYPE: WALL ILLUNINATION; INT CATEGURY: CHA D7MENSIONS: IFT 06IN X lOFT OOIN AREA: 15.00SpFT LETTER HT; 11 INCH STREET FRONTAGE 1: 420.00 STREET 1: gRISTOL STREET FRONTAGE 2; 0.00 S'CR$ET 2; PARCEL: 418162I0 7.ONE: Ci LUCATION >£RUNT; X REAR: BUSINESS NAME; NAPC)1.EX X > LLFT; RIGHT: O T H E R T O T A L S G R O iJ N D S I G N THIS ACTIVITY , 15.00SQFT OVERALL AEIGHT: OFT OIN THIS SITE . 420.00SS�FT GROUND CLEARANCE: OFT OII3 ITEMS OF INFO : 6 PLANTER AREA: O.00SQFT ITEMS FOR ACTZVITY: i HLDG SF.T BACR: lOFT COPY VERHIAGE : NAPULEX X PLANNING NOTES• � If k 3f 1f i4 �f If �E iF �f 1E iE iE iE jF iF iE �F%iF iE iE iE iF iE iE 3k �lF jf iF 1f iF 1f 1E 3F ih 1F IE9F �F #-�lE iF i! if -1F ff 1E 3E �le�E 7F jE �1E iE iF ie �lk aF IE IF iE iE if i(� ie iF iE IE ii� iF )c 3f iF iF iF iE 1F if D E V E L O P M E N T S E R V I C E S R E Q U I R E M E N T S ZONING APPkOVED BY C� � �'— � DATE: d/'� I`�Z- BUILDING APPROVED HY ; D E; APPLICATION ISSUED BY: �� DATE: iFiFiF�fEiEif�lf�IF�lf�itlPlFifiF3EiflffflFiEiF r �+"FiF . iEifiFiFlf�i(�IE3E iE�f LEGALIZATION;N E E U M M A R Y STRUCTURAL SEGMENT:Y HLDG PMT PLUMBING ELfiC IC MECHANI SIGN SMIP/RES�~ GRADING PERMIT 15.00 10,00 - PLAN 9,75 SMIP/NON��-RES ISSUE FEE � ��; BUILDING-DIV-> PERMIT ISSUE PI,AN-CHECK TOTAL P ID' DUE TOTALS----> 25.50 0.00 9,75 35,25 35,.?.S ,00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED: 35,25 OVER/SHORT�: ,00 BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC SIGN SMIP/TOT GRAD.ING PLAN-CHECA 15,00 10.00 .50 � 9,75 � " / if k 3F iF if iE iE �F iEiE af iF 1E iF k iF 3E 1F ir if iF iE ik M iFif if iE iF 1f if iE iF if If iF iF iF iE iE iE iE iE iF if iE 1E 3F iE iF if iE iF iE i! iE iE-k� if if ik if # iF iE iF ih 1E^le 9f �If��lElE iF ie iE iF �1F it I N D I V I D U A L F E E B R E A K D O W N /,.� , TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I O N UNZT COST � TOTAL COST NO FEES WERE SELECTED FOR THIS PERMIT � � ��01{J.�.., - r i �. . , �iTtv �� . .'�i .- � CONSTRUCTION AND PLANNING L& SPA , APPROVALS Permit# Date Inspector APpROVALS Permit# Date Inspector i. Temporary Electrital Service tlr Pole � � 52. ,Pool & Equipment Location - � . 2. Soi� Pipe�Undrgrnd. ' 53. Steel Reinforcement 3. Eiectrical Conduit Utility-Und2grntl. 54. Forms . 4. Electrical Conduit-Undrgrnd. � 55. Electricai. Bonding 5. Steel Reinforcement 56. Rough Plumbing & Pressure Test 6. Electrical UFER Grnd. 57. APPROVAL TO COVER�GUNITE 7. FooNngs 58. Efectrical Conduit-Undrgrnd. 8. Foundation � � . .- 59. Gas Pipe, O Undrgrnd.,�Test 9. Water Pipe-Undrgrnd. 60. Backwash Lines, P-Trap, O FJndrgrnd. 10. StructuraV Floor System 61. APPROVAL T6 DECK i t. Property Sewer Line & House Connection 62. Backwash & Feceptor�Final 12. Sewer Cap 63. Heater & Vent•Final 73. Roof Drains ." 64. Piumbing System • Final 14. Rough Plumbing � 65. Electrica6Final � 15. Rough Electrical•Condu(t '• . 66. Solar SYstem-Final 16. Rough Electric Wiring . 67. Fencing & Access Approval 17. Rough Wiring Sign � 68. APPROVED FOR PLASTERING 18. Rough Electrical•T Bar Ceiling 69. POOL/SPA SYSTEMS FINAL 79. Aough Heating & A�r Conditionin9 FIRE DEPT. REQUIREMENT ' 20. Rough Factory Fireplace APPpOVALS Permit # 21. Ducts, in Structure 70. Underground Hydro 22. Ducts, Ventitating 77. Produci Piping O Gas ❑ Oil 23. Gas Pipe�ftough & Test 72. Underground Flush 24. Roof Framing 73. Undergrnd.StorageTank OGas ❑Oil 25. Roof Sheathing 74. Overhead Hydro 26. T-Bar Ceilin9 (Structuraq & Monocoat 75. Dry Chemical 27. Frame and FlashinB " 76. Dry Standpipe 28. Lathing & Siding 77. FIXED SYSTEM FINAL 29. Insulation 78., FIRE PREV. FINA� 30. Drywall Nailing HEALTH DEPT. REQUIREMENT 31. Plazter Brown Coat � 79.• FINAL INSPECTION 32. Electrical Power Meter�Final 80. FOOD CERTIFICATE ISSUED 33. Final Electric Notes: 34. Final Heating & Air Conditioning • 35. Finai Gas Pipe-Test �' 36. Hood oc Canopy 37. Final Factory Fireplace � 38. Final Plumhing 39. Water Service-Fina� , 40. Gas Service-Final � 47. Sola� Domestic-Final � 42. Backflow Preventer 43. Backflow Irrigation � 44. Landscape Irriqation SYstem 45. Sound Attenua[ion 46'. Handicap Regulations p�+-R� ,ons �te InsPe�t 47. FINAL STRUCTURE & BUILDING � 48. PINALPLANNING �n ' � A9. Efec[ric Release to Edison . 50. Gas Release to Sou[hem California Gas Co .. � 51. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY No. Date � � Pfl0.1ECT ROOPESS: .�, 9 7 9 BR I S TOL ST OWNEN'S NRME: AMASH noosess: 2981 BRISTOL CM CA 92627 5452724 AflCH1ENGINEEN: ADOflESS: rexmirt¢e: 5P ECTRUM aooness: 2501 S. BIRCH SANTA ANA UCENSED CONTPALTUB OECUMTION: I �ereby aifirm t�ai I am IitPn 7000) ol Oivision 3 0l I�e Business and Pmlessions Cotle. anG m-IlEenl cirr uc.:/A 5157 il/y�srnTe uc.:S4219� —�ale: // -�/ / ,L� / Signamre: L WOflIjEPS' COMPENSATION UECIABAT10N: I �ereby aHirm �ha� Ihave a ComQensation Insurance, or a certifietl coDY ��ereoi (Section 3800, Lab. 'OLICY NO.: E%P,�ORTE: COMPRNV: p � unrt: sec.xo.: UNR: (7i4)556-9900 CA 92707 ;r pmvbions al Chapiep9 (commencinp with Section ] ofton5enilo sell-insure or a certi�ica�e olWorkers' ❑ Cenifie0 coOY is �emby fumis�ea. ❑ Cetlilie0 c y is liletl vni� �he ciry Builtlinq Oivision. Date: ADDlicanl: _ EXEMPTION PBOM'WOflKENS' COMPENSATION OECNflAiION: I t¢rtity ��at in Ihe pedOrmaiite ol lhe work Ior which Ihis p SubjeCi lo���rke`5% mp¢ilsa' LawS oI CalifOmia. i.� Oate: � SipnaWre: _ NOTICE: II. atle�making t�is GeUaratian, you sMW� CAEe. yrou mlut �orlMnl� WmDly wilh suc� pron9on CONSTflUt710N 1ENOING RGENCY: I �ert6y allirm ihat wAic� I�is permi� is i55ue0 (Section 3097, Civ. C�. �xoee: aooness: etl not be I shalynt �e suEjxt ta ine warkers Compensation pmNsions o� t�e La6or us permii s�all �e GeemeG rnake0. is a conslmction lentling agency lor �he Dertormance ol I�e work lor , OWNEB BWIUEB OECIAMTION: I �ereby atlirm that 1 am exem0� ��am the Contracmrs' Sute License law /ar the lalloxing reason �(Section 7031.5 Business antl Profusonal Cotle: Pny ciry ol munry wNc� requires a permil to conswct, aiter, improve, tlemalish, ar rtpair any stmc�ure. prior to i�s iuuance. alm reQuires t�e applicam for such permit ro file a siA�QO statemeni ihat �Uslle 6 Iicense0 Dursuam Io I�e Omvisions of Ihe Contraclors' Slaie License Law (Chapler 9(cammencing with Section 7000) o� Division 3 of Ihe Business ana Prolessions COEe) or t�al he/s�e is e�em0� �heRimm an0 tAe Aasis lor lhe allegeC exemption. Any violation ol Section 7031.5 by any aDVliGant lor a Dermit sublects Ihe applicant to a civil Denalty of not more than five AunOreO tlollars (5500). I. as owner al Ihe pwperiy or my employees wit� wapes as iheu sole compensatlon, vNl Go the xroM, atM Ihe stmcmre is not immUetl or otle�etl for sale (Secoon 70a4, Business antl Pmtessional CaOe: 7he Contractors' Sute Licertu Law Oaes nol appN �o an owner oi a Dmperty wM Guilds or imOmvu t�ereon, antl who Jaes such work �imul�/�¢rself or NmuAh I his or �er mvn employees. O�ovitle0 Itut suc� imDmvemenis are not intendetl or oflere0 far Sale. If, Mwever t�e DuilUing ar improvement is 5010 wilhin one year o� compleiion, Ihe owner will have I�e burden 0� D�oving he/she tlitl noi Ouiltl Or imOmve lOf I�e DUrDOSe ol 5ale�. I, as owner of t�e Dmpeny, am exclusively caniracting with license� cantracrors ro cansimct t�e pmlect (Section 70b1. Business ❑ antl Pmleuions Cotle: T�e Contracmrs' State Licenu Law tloes no[ apply to an awner of Dropeny who GuilEs or impmves the2on antl wha tanlrati5 lor Suth projetls vnlll a tonVaCior�s�lic¢nse pursuani�a Ihe Can(rat�ars' State LiC¢nse Law�. I am awdfe �hal proo� a� t�eir Worker'S Campen5ati0n in5urance s�oultl be Oroddetl �o me. � I am exempt unEer Seclion: B. 8 P. C. lor �Ais reason: oate: Ownec I do �ereby cenify t�at I am aware ol antl un0erslantl t�e requiremenls oi California Health and Salety CoOe Sections 25505, 25533, antl 2553< antl I�al I or any lu�ure builtling occupanl willlwill no� (circle ane� nee0 io com0ly wiih 5ai0 state cotles and IM1¢ reQuirements for a permil br conslmction or moUdication Iwm Ihe Air Oualiry ManaAemenl Oisiritl. Hesideniial canSVuction appliwtions are exempi imm Ihese provi5ion5. Oale: _ i nereoy ardinanc prooerty . oare: _ oiiver's t6a1-a6 Applicant:. Ihal I have reatl �his aOP�ication antl staie l�ale laws relali�g ta builtlinB conslmc�ion: pemion purp e5�� � � SignaWre: �o� orialSecurityxr inbrmatian is mrrect. I agree �riie repre5en�a�ives ofN is ciiy // r / / with all city antl Green—CoOe EnlorcomenC Canarv—Aoolicant; Pink—Revenue: Goltlenrotl—As�nssnr PERMIT NO: SB 056054 CONSTRUCTION TYPE: CZTY OF COSTA MESA — SIGN PERMIT PLAN CHECK NO: 00409-92 S PERMST TYPE: STR SIG k' 'H NU: Stl V5 U�9 l� V1; N SU Y; N PURFOSE; ADA JOB DESCRIFTION ; FACE CHAiQGE SQ FT: CLAIM VALUE; 300.00 CALC—VALUE: 300.00 GROUP OCC: B-2 / COMMENTS: FAC� CHANGE *+��c�e*�:*�+�**� x�x*x��t*�*��*+�x+e�***x�*�*�t******�t*���*���t���c*-�*+�*�c+t*+�*�����**x��r�*�* S I G N I N F O R M A T I O N DISTRIC'L: 1 TYPE: POLE ILLUMINATION: INT CATEGORY: CHA DIMENSIONS: 2FT 03IN X 9FT 09IN AREA: 21.40S�FT LETTER HT; 11 INCH ST'REET FRUNTAGE 1; 420.00 STREET 1: RISTOL STREET FRONTAGE 2: 0,00 ST'REET ?.: PARCEL: 41816210 7.ONE: Ci I,OCA'fION > FRON7'; X REAR: $USINESS NAME: NAPOLEX AiJTO FA5fiION > LEFT; RIGHT; O T H E R T U T A L S G R O U N U S I G N 1'HIS ACTIVITY . 21.405QFT OV£RALL FiEIGHT: 19FT 6IN TFIIS SITE . 420.00SQFT GROUND CLEARANCE: AFT OSN ITEMS OF INFO : 6 PLANTER AREA: 19,UOSQFT ITEMS FOR AC`PZVITY: 4 BI.DC SET AACi(: lOFT COPY VERBIAGE : NAPOLEX X AUTO FASHION ACCESSUR7ES PLANNING NOTES: �klFifiFiEiE�Fifil�-%iEiflfififN�lEiEaElfiEiEfEklfiP}fifiEiE-)E-lEifiE-IC��FlfifjElE�lf�lfiklEaf�lEiFiEiE�7FiE�FififiEiEiEiEiFiElE�E�1E�fiE�iflF%iele3EfEiE3f�lC�itiEiE . D E V E L O P M E N T S E R V I C E S R E Q U 3 R E M E N T S ZONING APPROVED BY C�7 � � DATE: UJ,3 /� Z BUILDING APPROVED BY ; DATE: APPLICATION ISSUED BY• DATE: *�t�t�*�r�r**�t*�t*a��***�r�� �e�t*�r�rx�**ir* k �* LEGALIZATION:N F E E U M M A R Y STRUCTURAL SEGMENT;Y 1 BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELEC'RIC MECHANIC SIGN SMIP/RES__':GRADING PERMIT 15.00 10,00 SMZP%NON-RES PLAN 9. 75 - . 50 � --- ZSSUE FEE HUILDING—DIV—> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN—CHECK TOTAL PASD.� DUE TOTALS----> 25.50 0.00 9.75 35.25 35.25� .00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED; 35.25 OVER/SHORT:� /�.00 BLDG PMT PLUMBiNG ELECTRIC MECHANIC SIGN SMIP/TOT GRADING�PLAN—CHECK 15,00 10.00 .SO '� ' 9,75 �j«-- jf i(� If iF fflE �E If� �)f 1h iF 3F�F �)E iF iE ff 1E if iF iE %iE iF �lh if� lE iE iE i! iE 3f iE �IE-IF iF iE 1E iE �IE i! iE iF iE �if 1E�f iE IFlF 3P # IE iEiE IE iE # iE N� if iC� If jF aE.�k iF ff iF if if iE x iF iE iE ir �)c M� I N D I V I D U A L F E E B R E A K D O W N TYPE QTY D E S C R S P T I O N UNIT COST TOTAL COST NO FEES WERE SELECTED FOR THIS PERMIT 01 nrzia;-; . c� 1:. , . ,- DA?�' U_ ' ,_ . � CONSTRUCTION AND PLANNING L& SPA � APPROVALS Permit #_ �- Date Inspector pppROVALS Permit # Date Inspector 7. Temporary Electrical Service or Pole � 52. Pool & Equipment Location " 2. Soil Pipe-Undrgrnd. ." � � 53. Steel Reinforcement 3. Electriwi Conduit Utility�Undrgrnd. � _ 54. Forms 4. Electrical Conduit•Undrgrnd. � 55. Electrical Bonding . � 5. Steel Reinforcement 56. Rough Ptumbing & Pressure Test 6. Electrical UFER Gmd. 57. APPflOVALTO COVER-GUNITE 7. Footings 58. Electrical Conduit-Undrgrnd. 8. Foundation � � i- 59. Gas Pipe, O Undrgrnd., "fest 9. Water Pipe�Undrgrnd. 60. BackwOsh Lines, P•Trap, O Undrgrnd. 10. Structural Floor System 61. APPROVAL TO DECK 11. Property Sewer Line & House Connection 62. Backwash & ReceptorFinal 12. Sewer Cap � 63. Heater & Vent-Final 13. Roof Drains . 64. Piumbing System - Final 14. Rough Plumbing � 65. Electrical�Final 15. Rough Etectrical-Conduit 66. Solar System-Final � 16. Rough Electric Wiring 67. Fencing & Access ApProval 17. Rough Wiring Sign 68. APPROVED FOR PLASTERING 18. Rough Electrical•T Bar Ceiling 69. POOL/SPA SYSTEMS FINAL 19. flough Heating & Air Conditioning PIRE DEPT. REQUIREMENT - � 20. Rough Factory Fireplace APPROVALS Permit # 21. Ducts, in St�ucture � 70. Underground Hydro 22. Dutts, Ventilating 77. Product Piping OGas ❑Oil 23. Gas Pipe•Rough & Test 72. Underground Flush 24. Roof Framing 73. Undergrnd. Storage Tank O Gas ❑ Oil 25. Roof Sheathing � 74. Overhead Hydro 26. T�Bar Ceiling (Structural) & Monocoat 75. Dry Chemical 27. Frame and Flashing 76. Dry Standpipe 28. Lathing&Siding 77.'FIXEDSYSTEMFINAL 29. Insulation 78: FIRE PREV. FINAL 30. Drywall Nailing '. HEAITH DEPT. REQUIREMENT 31. Plaster Brown Coat 79.;kINAL INSPECTION 32. Electrical Power MeterFinal � 80. �F000 CERTIFICATE ISSUED 33. Final Electric :Notes: 34. Final Heating & Air Conditio���9 � 35. Final Gas Pipe-Test �� 36. Hood or Canopy 37. Final Factory Fireplace 38. Final Plumbing 39. Water Service�Final 40. Gas Service�Final 41. So�ar pomestic-Final 42. Backflow Preventer � 1 43. Backflow Irrigation 44. Landscape Irriqation System 45. Sound Attenuation 46. HandicapRegulations �X ,��t�pC15 47. FINAL STRUCTURE & BUILDING ti(iGOf� 48. FINALPLANNING '� �L -g 49. Electric Release to Edison . 50. Gas Release to Southern Calitornia Gas Co , • 51. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY No. Date I