HomeMy WebLinkAbout2125 HARBOR BLVD - Building Permitsowt�rEK JENKINS, Ethel JOB ADDRESS 21Z H3Pb0: GENERAL CONTRACTOR Ow nr rra. ii5-ioo-o8 LOT P"'9ECTIONS � 3 OCCUPANCY lIPM Flld . SM _ TRACT RIRE ZON� � Signature� DATE GROUP DATE 3-12—fi2 BUILDING PERMIT NO. VALUE � 101.00 DESCRIPTION OF WORK I TYP� Ip 70NE SUBCONTRACTOR -OWNER EIS,TS. F.arl ('.- DATE 9-6-57 JOB ADDRESS 2125 Harbor BUILDING PERMIT NO. SEi� HNERA CONTRACTOR Ovmer-Builder VALUE $ 10�.00 11'AP. o. LOT 3 7'RACI' 3�yS FIRE ZONE DESCRIPTION OF WORK S1Rr1 f"1lIP TYPE ZONE PLAN NO. 5689 � i IhoPECTIONS I DATE I SUBCONTRACTOR I DATE NUMBER Gas Test �OWNER $j,j,i$, EaT'1 G. DATB 9-6-57 JOB ADDRESS 212s Harbor BUILDING PERMIT NO. 5E�'j9 � ENERALCONTRACTOR Oc�mer—Builder VALLIE $ �-00.�0 ll P. o. LOT 3 TRACT 3L15 FIRE ZONE DESCRIPTION OF WORK S1gI1 f`- 1LIP TYPE ZONE PLAN NO. S�8 IIvoPECTIONS I DATE I SUBCONTRACTOR __ PERMITSISSUED coat Gas Test ow�v�R II.LIS. Earl G. �,ti...,xr_. 1 �ATE 7-29-57 _ lOB ApDRE55 2125 Hax�bor Blvd. �—� � BUILDING PERMIT NO. 5500 ��--�ECTION8 Tut LOT'T2�"'`TRACT ZI,[ FIRE ZONE C2 PLAN NO. DATE I SUBCON7RACTOR I DATE NUMBER OWNER N�QN� DICR DATE 9-1�-56 JOB ADDRESS ZZZS HglbOr BUILDING PERMIT NO. #3%O3 GENERALCONTRACTOR 11p11.Jr-Z00-0� i � GROUP F? INSPECTIONS Foundation Forms and Grai Rough Framing Plumbing, Rough to Slab Plumbing, Rough Camplete Temoorarv Pole Heati Final Tank or Cesspool a.ln Out F ering Plumbing, Final, Fixtures Plumbing, Fin.al Gas Test Wiring, Final Occupancy FORM 210 3M 10�.'i5 BLOCK TVPE p DATE to Garaae St. TRACT SUBCONTRACTOR VALUE PERMITSISSUED I NUMBER 3703 � / � I � . o.iectaooness: 2125 HARBOR BL OWNEN'S NFME: KYMCO AUTO PARTS nooness: Z125 HARBOR BL COSTA MESA, CA PflCMIENGINEEX: aooRess: NEG.NO.: uNir: CITY OF COSTA MESA — BUILDING PERMIT PERM NO: B 06896� PERMIT NO: H 068962 PLAN CHECK NO: 03549-94 L GOVT; N SUPP: N CONSTRUCTION TYPE: PERMIT TYPE: STR PURPOSE: OTH uxit: PEflMITTEE: SHANLEY CONSTRUCTION ( 714 ) 362-6211 PDONE55: 1 q 31 t� BLEDSOE SYLMAR CA 91342 LICENSEo CONTPFLTOP oECIAPpTION: I nere�y aflirm t�ai I am Iicense0 unJer pmvisions of ChaD�er 9(commencinA with Section 7000� ol �ivision 3 at I�e Business antl Pmlessions CoOe. antl my license is in lull lorce anG eileci. aTruc s Teuc.:27241���1550 � EXP: Date: � �' r Sipnaiure: — _�{l _ - — W08NENS' COMPENSp710N DECIABRTION: I �ereUy affirm t�at I �ave a cenilicate of mnsem ta u�4insure or a c Aicate al Workers' Compensation Insurance, or a cenifietl covY �nereof (Sec�ion 3800. LaE. C�. voucvNo.: 1296906-94 E%P.ORTE: O9/OLI9S comraNv: STATE FUND .❑ Cerlitie0 topY �5 her¢Gy Iumi5�e0. � C¢rtilietl copy i5 I' wi�h 1 Les iry Builtlyyyi���ppp DinsionD. _ O oate: '� � � � 7 � AOVlicant: L��C(�,e� � � G � E%EMPTIONFBOMWOBNEBS'COMPENSRTIONDECUBATION: (T�issectionneeOnolbecomD�etMilihecermitisioroneAmMre St00�aless�. �I certity Ihat in ine pedormance ol ine work lor which Ihis.permit is issue0, I snall not employ any verson in any manner o as Io become su6ject to ine Warkers' Compensation Laws al Calilamia. Oate: Siqnaiure: NOTItE: II, ai�er makinq t�is Oeclara�ian, you sAould �ecome suGleC� �o lAe Workers' Compensation D��sions of i�e LaDor CoOe. yau must fonhwit0 camO�Y with suc� pmvisions or t�is permit shall Ue tleemeG revokeE. CONSTPUCTION LENUING RGENCY: I hereby aitirm t�ai t�ere is a constmction IenOing aAency lor ihe pedarmance of ihe work for which Ihis permit is issued (Section 3U97. Civ. C�. LENOEN: ADOXESS: OWNEN BUILUEN UECLANPTION: I here0y aifirm ihat I am exempl imm tAe Contraclars' State License Law far the lollowinp reason �Section 7Q'fL5 Business an0 Protessional CaUe: pny ciry oi county wNc� repuires a Oe�mit to construct. alter, imprme, Oemalis4 ar reoair any siructure. prior to its iuuance, also r¢puires Ihe aOVlicani lor such permii �o /ile a siqn¢E siatemen� ltwi �Usl�e i5 Gcen5e0 pursuam to me O�ovisions o1 tne Commcmrs S�a�e License Law (C�aD�er 9(commenGnq vnlh Sec�ion 7000) o� DiviSion J al ��e Buvness antl Professions Coae) or I�ai �e/s�e is eKempi IOereirom anOlhe GaSis lor I�e all¢qe0 exemptim. Any viala�ion ol SectiOn 7031.5 hy any aD0litantfar a permil Sublects t�e applitani Ia a ciNl penalry 0� noi rtwre lhan IN¢ �unEreE Oollars (5500�. I, as owner of Ihe property or rtty employees witn waAes as ineir sole compen5dtion, will Oo tna wofk, an0 ine ❑ sUucture is noi imen0e0 or oflereE �or saie (Sec�ion 70ad. Business antl Pwteuional Cade: IDe Cantracfors' Slaia License Law tloes not appry Io an owner o� a pw0e�y who builtls or imD�oves �hereun, anG w�o Goes sucA wad �imseli/�¢r5elt or Nmuph - his or her awn employees, provieea Inat sucn improvements are nat intenCea or otterta for Sale. If, however ine euilUinq or impmvemeni is sol0 vnihin ane year ol completion. I�¢ awner vnll have I�e GurGen ol pmvin0 �she ditl not EuiIE or improve br I�e Durpose ot sale). I, as owner of ihe Dmperty, am exclusively contrading vn�� IicenseG romractors to consimci t�e pmject (Section 7044. Business ❑ antl Prolessions Cade: The Conlractors' Stare License Law tloes noi appty to an owner of Dmperty who EmIES or im0�%'� �hereon an0 wha contracis lar suc� pmlects vrit� a coniracmr(s� license Dursuanito the Contractors' State license Law�. I am aware i�al prool of t�eir Worker's ComDensatian insurance sAould �e O�ovitle0 to me. � I am exempt unEer Section: B. 8 P. C. fo� Ihis reason: wm: ow�e�: I Oo hereby cenity tnat I am aware ol ana unaersland ine reauiremenls al Cdlifornu Healtn anA Safeiy Cade Sectians 25505, 25533, anU 2553G and Inal 1 or any fulure UuilOing oCtuDanl wilVwill not (cirGe one) neeG to comD�Y `m�� ��4 slate co0e5 anE tlle repuirements lor a permil br consimciion or moGification imm I�e pir Ouali�y Management Oisirict. ResiGential wnslmclion apD�ication5 are eeemD� �mm Ihese prOvi5ion5. Uate: ADP�iwnC I hereGy C¢nity ttu� I �ave reaU I�is appliw�ion antl 51a1e ��ai ��e aEove inlormalion is mrreCl. 1 agree IO cOmply wii� all tiry anG tounry oreinances an0 siate laws �elating m buil0ing consiruc�ion anU Aere ' e repre lalives ot 1 ciry Io enter upon ihe aGMe-menlioneG property Im inspection purposes. Da�e: ��` � � � Signaiure: DriveR license o� Sociai Security +: t641-46 W�ite—BvilOing: Green—Cotle EnlorcemenL Canary—ApplicanC Pmk—Revenue; JOB DESCRIPTION ; CONST CONCRETE SLAB FOR OIL RECOV, TANK SQ FT; 3,000 CLAIM VALUE; 3,000.00 CALC—VALUE: 3,000.00 GROUP OCC: B-2 / COMMENTS: INSTALL CHAIN LINK FENCE AROUND OIL RECOVERED TANK �r�*�r********+�*+�*******+�**�rx-*x�x�***+�***�*****�*�t*�*+r****�******�***���*******;�*** Z O N I N GS ERTEB4AUCIKRSE M E N T 5 ------------ MAIN BUILDZNG ---------- --------- ACCESSORY BUILDING --------- FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN LEFT; FT IN RGHT: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN PARKING REQ• PROV; PARCEL: 42202110 ZNE: C2 REF NO: • PLANNING NO'I'ES> USED OIL COLLECTION TANK(36HX40WX87L), 3 55—GAL DRUFiS IN A 6 > FT HIGH CFiAIN LINK ENCLOSORE. NO CHANGE TO # OF PARKING SPAC it iE it it it iElf iE iE iF i! if if it iE it if if if i! iE if iE i!!f if if if 3t i! iF iE i! iE iE i! 1F ik 1f 1E jf if if iElE k if if k ik if iE 3E ic iP iE fE if i6 iE if 1E fE+t iE iE iF it if iF iF fE iE 1t iF iE if if if D E V E L O P M E N T S E R V I C E S R E Q U I R E M E N'.T S 20NING APPROVED BY �C� DATE; q`L\ �l bUILDING APPROVED BY : DATE: APPLICATION ISSUED BY: DATE: %'L �i 1kiEiFiE1E1EfEikiElFiEififiEj!ltitlfiEiEifff !ElE�E!(�iflEiE9EiFjf t F F iF F iE1E !E f! iF i! iE if iE iE 1E iE iF 1f 1! 1E iF i! 4 iE iF iE iE if it i! if k if iE iF iE if it it 1E 1E iF iF iE iF aE iE iE iE fE iE±6 it ik iF if ik ik iE iE if �E iE fF iE iE iE iE iE iF 3E jE jE?� iF iE if iE iE i! 3F it iE iF iE LEGALIZATION;N F E E S U M M A R Y STRUCTURAL SEGMENT:Y BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRZC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/RES GRADZNG PERMIT 54.00 SMZP/NON—RES PLAN 35.10 ,63 ISSUE FEE BUILDING—DIV—> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN—CHECK TOTAL PAID DUE TOTALS----> 54,63 0.00 35.10 89,73 89,73 .00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED: 89.7�✓ OVER/SHOAT: ,00 BLDG PMT PLOMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN—CHECK 54.00 .63 35.10 ie 3Elf if ib 1E 1E fE iF �E iE iE iE iF iF if k iE iF 1ElE fE iF if iE iE ik iE iF iE if if iF if it if iE 1E iE jE jE if iF if iF if if iE iF iE 3F iF 3c iE iE iE 1E 9E iE iE if 3E iF if iE iF if it iF iE iE �E aE * 1t iF iE ik 1f I N D I V I D U A L F E E B R E A K D O W N TYPE QTY D E S C R Z P T I O N ONIT COST TOTAL COST SFC 3000 ALTER HY VALUE COMMERCIAL NOZONE 1.00 3,000.00 END OF FEES ! a: o�iEsisi-noiosi2a Ti�T s9.7� OHTE+ 09/:1/44 TIh'E% 0$�4$ ICONSTRUCTtON AND PLANNWG PO�.. & SPA - APPROVALS Permit # Date Inspector APPROVALS Permit # Oate Inspector a t. Temporary Etectrical Service.or Pole � 52. Poo4 & Equipmenc tocacion 2. Soil Pipe-Undrgrnd. ' 53. Steel Reinforcement .� 3. Electrical Conduit Utility•Undrgrnd. �� 54. Porms 4. Electricai Conduit•Undrgrnd. � � 55. Electrical Bonding 5. Sceet Re�nforcemenc 5fi. Rough PWmbiag & Pcessure Test 6. Electr�cal UFER Grnd. 57. APPROVAI TO COVER�GUNITE 7. Footings f�/�/�j�i� 58. Electrical Conduit-Undrgmd. 8. Foundation , 59. Gas Pipe, O Undrgmd., Tesc - 9. Nlater Pipe-Undrgrnd. � 60. Backwash lines, P�Trap, O Undrgmd. �� j� 70. Structural Floor Svstem . �'� 67. APPROVAL TO DECK , 71. Properiy Sewer Line & Housa%Connection , 62. Backwash & Recepior-Final � , >, 72. Sewer Cap ;� 63. Heater & Vent�Final 73. Roof Drains :' 64. Plumb�ng System - Final �`' 14. Aough Plumbing j� 65. Electrical-Final , 15. Rough Electrical�Conduit � 66. Solar SVstem-Final � 76. Rough E�eccric Wiring " ���: i 67. Fencing & Access Anprovat 17. Rough Wiring Siyn ' 68. APPROVEO FOR PLASTERIMG 78. Rough Electrical•T Bar Ceiling 69. POOL/SPA SYSTEPAS FINAL 19. Rough Heating & Air Conditioning FIRE DEPT. REQUIREMENT 20. Rough Factory Fireplace APPROVALS Permit # 21. Duccs, in Structure 70. Underground Hydro 22. Ducts, Ventilating 71. Product Piping �Gas OOiI 23. Gas Pipe'Rough & Test 72. Underground Flush 24. Aoof Framin9 73. �Undergrnd.StorayeTank OGas �Oil 25. Roof�SN'eathing� � ' , 74, Overhead Hydro 26. T�Bar Ceiling (Structuraly & Monocoat 75. Dry Chemicat 27. Frame and Flashin9 76. Dry Standpipe 28. Lathing & Siding 77. FIXED 5YSTEM FINAL 29. Insulation 78. FIRE PREV. FINAL 30. Drywali Naiting � HEALTH DEPT. REQUIREMENT 37. Plaster 6rown Coat � 79. FINAL INSPECTION 32. Elecvic8l Power Meter�F�nal 80. FOOD CERTIFICATE ISSUED 33. final Electric Notes: 34. Finat Neating & Air Conditioning 35. Final Gas PiDe•Test 36. Hood or Canopy , 37. Final Factory Fireplace . 38. Final Piumbfng • 39. Water Service-Final 40. Gas Serv�ce-Final 41. Soiar �omesticFinal � � 42. Backflow Preventer 43. Backflow Irrigation 44. LandscaPe Irripation System 45. Sound Attenuacion 46. HandicaP Regulations 47. FINAL &TRUCTURE & BUILDING �.�.,Cj�,�'��f- 46. FINAL PIANNING � 49. Electric Release to Edison 50. Gas Release to Southern California Gas Co 51. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Nq. Da[e .� Costa Mesa Bnil�ling Department ' APPLICATION FOR PERMIT � P.O.Box3�� '�"��� BUILDING 1 Show loeatlon and distancea from ri o. property Iine and between buildinps �-i C N � C� tn `�` �' : 9 �.`� j�. � ss�-s `; FEE REC�E�IVED � �� � COSTA MESA BUILDING DEPARTMENT ` ; �`�� �' , � � � �� � � COSTA MESA. CALIFORNIA '- FINANCE DE T. ��7y �;p$iA MESA FOR APPLICANT TO FILL IN , APF'LP�A'iION FOR PERMIT a���o��� � BUILDING nooaess COSTA MESA. GALIFORNIA FOR OFFICE USE ONLY � � � ����� MAIL AODRE55 CITY � ARC� 'CT OR I �E ADDRE55 LEGAL LOT �ESCRIPTION NQ, A.P. NO. SIZE OF LOT USE OF E%ISTING BLDG. SETBICK LINE FPOM CENTEfl OF STREET �� �� �� � � LIC. �i /�.,. ,�.,.�o. R�-Y-2�,-�t?�� CITV LIC. � __ NO. TEL. NO. � BLOCK TftACT ,—� ��� --o X� / / NO.OF BLOGS. <o v Now orv l01 � REAR YARD. _ JS � O ure issueo _ —..i9—.t BUILOING ADDRE55 COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA FIRE APPROVED 3 y� < a� DESCRIPTION OF WORK ' �a. NEW ALTERATION ADDITION REPAIR MOVING ' DEMOLISH BUILDING NO.OF SIZE ROOMS ST RIES EXTERIOR WAl l /1 ._L ROOF r 1 I'• � OF SUBJEC� TU PLAN IONS DE'rT. REG. j � f , I MEPEBV wCNNOWLEDGE TMnT I H4VE REAO TNIS APPLIGTIOrv �NO STwTE TMnT TME I.BOVE IS CORflECT .�NO AGREE TO COMPLY WITH .�LL CITY 4ROIN1NCE5 RNO STATE LAWS PEGULRTING BUILOING CONSTRUC� iioN. • � VALUATION SIGNATURE OF L� � PERMIT FEE g���� PERMITTEE � PLAN CHECK $ ��� , $ 30G ,� nurnORizED nceNr � TOTAL FEE S�_ O� �� ` � 11.�'71 COSTA MESA BUILDINGSAFETY DEPARTMENT P. O. BOX 917 CO6TA MEBA. WLIPORNIA For Applicant fo Fill In Completely TYPE OR PRINT AOORE89 d I�� �i'1 . Oj/t /J L y Il� COSTA MESA. CALIFORNIA OWNER 7 � ^ � M�:,o��a s d �r !_ re�. CITY � � NO. AR' 'HCf TEL. FIRE ZONE W�C7�'� APPF BY .�/ /� 20N� /(/ �y, LIC.NO. �'�= NO. SIZE I NO! OP 91D08. 86i9�CR IJNB IROM CeMen oP srn[er REAR YARI SIDE YARD LEFf (RIGHT DESCRIPTION OF WORK NO. OF WALL LeOAL `EE R�.C,� �G ��,� FINANCE DEP�t• �Fcn A�PPWCATIIS�I��R''PERMIT BUILDING For Offiee Use Only R6CEIPT NO. PBRMIT NO. / .a -A �?�7�SI �8D BY I OAT! R8C8IY8D I UC[ MESA. CALIFORNIA PLANB �/ I BUILDINOBW. YARDS APPROVED <eNiew LINB 8T.] — / /� n-- O " DATE S I X60.88Y �CKNOWLH��6 THAT 1 HAVE RHAO TMIB IJ]YGTION THH �MOUNT BHOWN UNDHR VALUATION l0 POR THH AND BTATB TM�T TX8 ABOVB IB CORfl¢GT IJ� AGRHB TO COY- pURP08H OP EBTABLIBHINo w PeqMIT I8H ONLY. PLY WITH �LL CIiY OMDINAN�B AND 8T/�TH LAW9 RBGUTATINO BUItDINo CONeTRUCf�GN. VALUATION � 516NATURE OF �.�� ���,t,� /"� PERMIT FEE $ II PERMITTE � S� $ ��D PLAN GMECK S � AUTHORIZHD AGHNT _ TOTAL FEE / E ¢