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Roll Call
December 21, 1964
Opening of Bids
Mesa Verde Library
and Auditorium
Bids held over
January 4, 1965
The City Council of the City of Costa Mesa, California,
met in regular session at 6:30 p.m., January 4, 1965,
at the City Hall, 695 West 19th Street, Costa Mesa. The
meeting was called to order by the Mayor for the purpose
of discussion and debate on matters scheduled for Part II
of the meeting and such actions as the Council desires to
take under Section 2203 of the Municipal Code of the City
of Costa Mesa.
Councilmen Present: Pinkley, Wilson, Meyers, Barck, Jordan
Councilmen Absent: None
Officials Present: City Manager, Acting City Attorney,
City Engineer, City Clerk
Upon motion by Councilman Pinkley, seconded by Councilman
Barck, and carried, the minutes of the regular meeting of
December 21, 1964, were approved as distributed and posted.
The Mayor announced that this was the time and the place
set for the opening of bids for the Mesa Verde Library and
Auditorium. The Clerk opened and read the following bids:
Allan A. Ritter $ 188,876.00 $ 144,562.00
Crosby Construction 185,850.00 142,420.00
Snyder -Langston, Inc. 186,349.70 147,466.26
James J. Barrett 185,000.00 149,000.00
Joseph J. Peluso 174,397.00 135,554.00
Brattain Company, Inc. 189,955.00 149,936.00
J. Ray Construction Co., Inc. 189,888.00 148,888.00
Upon motion by Councilman Jordan, seconded by Councilman
Pinkley, and carried, the bids were referred to the architect,
City Engineer, City Manager for check and report later'in the
meeting. Later in the meeting the City Manager recommended
that the bids be held over to the meeting of January 18, 1965.
Upon motion by Councilman Jordan, seconded by Councilman
Barck, and carried, the bids were held over to the Council
meeting of January 18, 1965.
Opening of Bids The Mayor announced that this was the time and the place
Restrooms in set for the opening of bids for the Construction of Rest-
TeWinkle Park rooms in the Charles W. TeWinkle Memorial Park. The Clerk
opened and read the following bids:
Thompson Constructors $ 28,690.00
H. J. Wood 28, 794.00
R. L. Steinmetz 32,280.00
Upon motion by Councilman Pinkley, seconded by Councilman
Barck, and carried, -the bids were referred to the City
Engineer for check and report later in the meeting. Later
in the meeting the City Engineer reported that the bid. -of
Thompson Constructors was the lowest bid meeting specifica-
tions. Upon motion by Councilman Jordan, seconded.by
Councilman Pinkley, the contract was awarded to Thompson
Constructors in the amount of $28,690.00 by the following
roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Pinkley, Wilson, Meyers, Barck, Jordan
NOES: Councilmen: None
.ABSENT: Councilmen: None
Opening of Bids The Mayor announced that this was the time and the
Construction of place set for the opening of bids for the Construction
Block Fences in of Block Fences in the Charles W. TeWinkle Memorial
TeWinkle and Park and in the Paularino Park. The Clerk opened and
Paularino Parks read the following bids:
Ray R. Shellenbarger $ 11,034.16
Roper Masonry 11,653.50
Contract awarded
Opening of Bids
Offset Printing
Contract awarded
Upon motion by Councilman Jordan, seconded by Council-
man Pinkley, and carried, the bids were referred to the
City Engineer for check and report later in the meeting.
Later in the meeting the City Engineer reported the bid
of Ray R. Shellenbarger was the lowest bid meeting speci-
fications. Upon motion by Councilman Barck, seconded by
Councilman Meyers, the contract was awarded to Ray R.
Shellenbarger in the amount of $11,034.16 by the follow-
ing roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Pinkley, Wilson, Meyers, Barck,
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: None
The Mayor announced that this was
set for the opening of bids for One
Machine. The Clerk opened and read
A. B. Dick Company
Itek Business Products Division
Fairchild -Davidson
the time and the place
Offset Printing
the following bids:
$ 3418.43
Upon motion by Councilman Pinkley, seconded
Jordan, and carried, the bids were referred
Engineer and the City Manager for check and
in the meeting. _Later in the meeting upon
Councilman Pinkley, seconded by Councilman
Contract was awarded to A. B. Dick Company
of $3,418.43, being the lowest bid meeting
by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Pinkley, Wilson,
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: None
by Councilman
to the City
.report later
motion by
Barck, the
in the amount
Meyers, Barck,
Ordinance 64-65
Upon motion by Councilman Pinkley, seconded by Councilman
Jordan, Ordinance 64-65, being AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY
Street Setbacks
"STREET SETBACKS," was given second reading, and the
ordinance was adopted by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Pinkley, Wilson, Meyers, Barck,
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: None
Bids rejected for
Upon -motion by Councilman Pinkley, seconded by Councilman
One 100 -foot Aerial
Jordan, and carried, as recommended by the City Manager,
Ladder -Truck and
the award of the contract for One 100 -foot Aerial Ladder_
Truck and Miscellaneous -Equipment was held over to Part II
of the meeting for a legal ruling from the Legal Department.
Later the City Manager reported that the Legal Department
had advised that both bids be rejected since neither bid
met specifications, and he requested authorization to
advertise for re -bid, bids to be received February 15, 1965.
Upon motion by Councilman Barck, seconded by Councilman
Meyers, and carried, bids received and read at the meeting
Re -bid
of December 21, 1964, were rejected, and the City Manager
was authorized to advertise for re -bid for One 100 -foot
Aerial Ladder Truck and Miscellaneous Equipment.
Variance 1102 Variance 1102, Donald Ray Ward, 1920 Harbor Boulevard,
Ward Costa Mesa, for permission to construct eight residential
. units on 19,509.75 square feet of land area (one unit
per 2,438.72 square feet) in an R2 zone at 160 East 21st
Street was presented, action being deferred from the
meeting of December 21, 1964, together with the recom-
mendation of the Planning Commission for approval subject
to the following conditions: 1. Installation of resi-
dential sidewalks and concrete driveway approaches by
the applicant, at his expense, per standard specifications
of the City of Costa Mesa; 2. One Class A fire hydrant
shall be installed by the applicant, at his expense, as
per Fire Department requirements; 3. Fire extinguishers
located as per Pamphlet No. 10 of the National Fire
Protection Association; 4. Trees to be planted compatible
with the surrounding area; 5. That the elevations to be
submitted must be adequate and meet with the approval of
the Director of Planning.
Report --Area Study The City Clerk read a report from the Planning Department
of East 21st Street regarding the Area Study of East 21st Street and Elden
and Elden Avenue Avenue, as requested by the Council at the meeting of
December 7, 1964. The Planning Staff recommended that
Variance 1102 be approved. The Clerk passed copies of the.
report to the Council.
Continued Applicant Don Ward came forward and handed a new plot plan
Variance 1102 to the Council for their examination requesting the Council's
Ward approval. Upon motion by Councilman Jordan, seconded by
Councilman Barck, and -carried, the new plot plan was approved
subject to the approval of the Planning Commission and subject
to the conditions of the Planning Commission listed on
Variance..Appl:ication 1102.
Harbor Hall of The City Clerk read a report from the Planning Commission
Fame Homes on the request from Harbor Hall of Fame Homes for relief
Conditional Use of the block wall requirement under Conditional Use Permit
Permit C-225 C-225 saying that the.Commission deferred action on the
request to the meeting of January 11, 1965, for further
investigation. Upon motion by Councilman Jordan, seconded
by Councilman Barck, and carried, the request was held over
to the meeting of January 18, 1965, pending report from the
Planning Commission.
Agreement—Parking The City Clerk presented an agreement approved by the
on Harbor Boulevard City Attorney's Office between Wilbur Smith and Associates,
between 19th and Incorporated, California, and the City of Costa Mesa, for
Wilson Streets parking and traffic study to be made on Harbor Boulevard
between 19th and Wilson Streets. Upon motion by Councilman
Wilbur Smith and Jordan, seconded by Councilman Pinkley, and carried, the
Associates agreement was approved, and the Mayor and the City Clerk
were authorized to sign on behalf of the City.
Written Commm ca- Upon motion by Councilman Pinkley, seconded by Councilman
tions Meyers, and carried, the following written communications
were received and filed: From Mrs. Morris, regarding the
coastal freeway; and from the City of Albany, California,
a copy of their resolution regarding disciplinary enforce-
ment policies at State supported universities.
Permits Upon motion by Councilman Pinkley, seconded by Councilman
Jordan, and carried, the following applications for business
licenses were approved subject to the approval of the
Director of Public Safety: Southern California Saddle
Horse Sale, Post Office Box 548, Bonita, California, for
auction of horses on three days, March 26th, 27th, and 28th,
1965, at the Orange County Fairgrounds; Ostriri and Ostrin
Company, 304 South Central Avenue, Los Angeles 13,
for a one -day auction on January 21,,1965, to be
held at 110 East 16th Street, Costa Mesa; R. A. D.
III, Don Burt and -Arthur F. Allen, 945 Gayley Avenue,
Suite.203, Westwood Village, California, for competitive
dancing stage show on one night, January 9, 1965,
at the Orange County Fairgrounds.
Request of John
The City Clerk read a request from John N. Eash, 129
Cabrillo, Costa Mesa, for the use of the City's park
meetings in the
on two Sundays in the month of January, 1965, for the
purpose of religious meetings. After discussion, upon
Resolution 65-1
motion by Councilman Pinkley,-seconded by Councilman
Harbor Boulevard--
Jordan, and carried, the request was approved subject
Arterial Highway
to the following requirements: 1. No amplification;
Financing, Orange
2. Not to exceed two hours of time between the hours
of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 P.M. on two Sundays in January,
dates subject to park foreman's approval, so there
will be no conflict of scheduled events on the park
schedule;' 3. Place to be designated by park foreman.
Jordan leaves
Councilman Jordan left the meeting.
Departmental Upon motion by Councilman Pinkley, seconded by Councilman
reports Barck, and carried, the following departmental reports
were received and filed: Building; Fire; Street; Planning.
Warrant Resolution Upon motion by Councilman Pinkley, seconded by Councilman
403 Meyers, Warrant Resolution No. x+03 including Payroll No.
284 was approved by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Pinkley, Wilson, Meyers, Barck,
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: ---Jordan
Warrant Resolution Upon motion by Councilman Pinkley, seconded by Councilman
444 Barck, Warrant Resolution No. 404 was approved by the
"h1lowing roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Pinkley, Wilson, Meyers, Barck,
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: Jordan
Revised list-- Upon motion by Councilman Pinkley, seconded by Councilman
contractual payments Barck, the revised list of advance warrants for contractual
Resolution 65-2 Upon motion by Councilman Barck, seconded by Councilman
Baker Street-- Meyers, Resolution 65-2, being A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY
County THE DEVELOPMENT OF.BAKER_STREET, was adopted by the
following roll.call.vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Pinkley, Wilson, Meyers, Barck
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: Jordan
payments as per Resolution 170 was approved unanimously.
AYES: Councilmen: Pinkley, Wilson, Meyers, Barck
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: Jordan
Resolution 65-1
Upon motion by Councilman Pinkley, seconded by Councilman
Harbor Boulevard--
Meyers, Resolution 65-1, being A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY
Arterial Highway
Financing, Orange
by the following roll call vote:
AYES: .Councilmen: Pinkley, Wilson, Meyers, Barck
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: Jordan
Resolution 65-2 Upon motion by Councilman Barck, seconded by Councilman
Baker Street-- Meyers, Resolution 65-2, being A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY
County THE DEVELOPMENT OF.BAKER_STREET, was adopted by the
following roll.call.vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Pinkley, Wilson, Meyers, Barck
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: Jordan
Right of Way Upon motion by Councilman Pinkley, seconded by Councilman
Deeds Meyers, the following right of way deeds were accepted
and ordered placed on record by the following roll call
AYES: Councilmen: Pinkley, Wilson, Meyers, Barck,
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: Jordan
12-22-64 Costa Mesa Union School District Arlington Drive
12-23-64 T. J. and H. R. Bryan, and H. C.
and K. H. Vaughn Harbor Blvd.
12-28-64 E. F. and A. D. Phillips Victoria Street
Agreement --Police Upon motion by Councilman Pinkley, seconded by Councilman
Teletypewriter Barck, and carried, the agreement between the County of
service Orange and the City of Costa Mesa effective January 4,
1965, for an amendment to the joint agreement of the
operation of teletypewriter service, Police Department,
.was approved, and the Mayor and City Clerk were authorized
to execute the agreement on behalf of the City.
Jordan returns Councilman Jordan returned to the meeting at 7:10 p.m.
Agreement --fire Upon motion by Councilman Pinkley, seconded by Councilman
protection for 1965 Jordan, and carried, the agreement between the 32nd District
Orange County Fair Agricultural Association, State of California, and the City
of Costa Mesa for'fire protection requirements for 1965
Orange County Fair was approved.
Recess The Mayor declared a recess before beginning Part II of
the meeting.
The City Council of the City of Costa Mesa, California,
continued its regular session at 7:30 p.m., January 4, 1965,
at the City Hall, 695 West 19th Street, Costa Mesa. The
meeting was called to order by the Mayor followed by the
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and invocation by the
Reverend Melvin Taylor of Fairview Baptist Church.
Councilmen Present: Pinkley, Wilson, Meyers, Barck, Jordan
Roll Call Councilmen Absent: None
Officials Present: City Manager, Acting City Attorney, City
Clerk, City Engineer
Resolution 65-3 Mayor Wilson introduced Resolution 65-3, being A RESOLUTION
and upon motion by Councilman Wilson, seconded by Councilman
Pinkley, Resolution 65-3, was adopted by the following roll
call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Pinkley, Wilson, Meyers, Barck,
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: None
Tentative Tract Tentative Tract Map No. 4660 -Revised, Dated November 4, 1964,
Map 4660 -Revised for Mesa Verde Development Company, 2850 Mesa Verde Drive,
November 4, 1964 Costa Mesa, to divide property into 58 lots located at Mesa
Mesa Verde Develop- - Verde Drive and Club House Road, was presented together with
ment the recommendation of the Planning Commission for approval
subject to the conditions contained in the City Engineer's
letter of November 23, 1964, and subject to the require-
ments of the Planning Department, dated November 19, 1964.
The Acting City Attorney announced that the Council was now
in a position to consider the Tentative Tract Map;
that the Court -had vacated its.restraining order; that
the Council must therefore pursuant to Subdivision Tract
Map Act and its own subdivision ordinances proceed to
consider such matters as design, which covers street
alignments, locations, sewerage, water availability,
drainage, and similar matters, that the Council could
hear anyone wishing to speak on these matters. Mrs.
Katherine Green, 1955 Baleric Avenue; Barbara Marks,
1865 Rhodes Drive; Tom Doyle, 1744 Missouri Street;
Charlotte Lyke, 2921 Pemba Drive; Verlin Marth, 3179
Cape Verde; Don Maddock, 1874 Samar Drive, spoke from
the floor opposing approval of the tract. Mr. Hugh
Halderman, 1833 East 17th Street, Santa Ana, and Mr.'
Don Killian, 3048 Country Club Drive, Costa Mesa, spoke
regarding the development of the tract. After lengthy
discussion, it was moved by Councilman Meyers, seconded
by Councilman Pinkley, and carried unanimously, that the
tract map be approved subject to the recommendations of
the Planning Commission.
Madison Payne request The City Clerk read the request of Madison Payne, 1210
for amendment to West Myrtle Avenue, Santa Ana, for amendment of M1
ordinance, M1 zone requirements to permit the location of a small animal
hospital at 2076 Placentia Avenue. Applicant Madison
Payne,.and Mr. Theodore Saltz, 2211 South Main Street,
Santa Ana, spoke in support of the request. After dis-
cussion, upon motion by Councilman Meyers, seconded by
Councilman Pinkley, and carried, the request was held
over to January 18, 1965.
Variance 1107 Upon motion by Councilman Pinkley, seconded by Councilman
Bonner Meyers, and carried, Variance Application 1107 was with-
drawn as requested by the applicant Robert J. Bonner,
120 Collins Avenue, Balboa Island, for permission to con-
struct eight units on 20,130 square feet of land area
(one unit per 2,516.6 square feet) in an R2 zone at 2521
Orange Avenue.
Variance 1110 Variance 1110, Oliver A. Hill, Jr. 3174 Saturn Avenue,
Hill Huntington Park, for permission to add one additional
residence in addition to existing residence, making a
total of two residential units on 7,200 square feet of
land area in an Rl zone at 263 East 21st Street, was
presented with no recommendation.from the Planning Com-
mission. Applicant Oliver Hill spoke to the Council
in support of his application. Mr. Fred Grant, 262
East 21st Street; Loreen Herber, 259 East 21st Street;
Mrs. Hupp, all spoke opposing the granting of the appli-
cation. After discussion, upon motion by Councilman Meyers,
seconded by Councilman Jordan, and carried, the application
was approved subject to the following conditions: 1.
That existing house be brought up to reasonable code
standards; 2. That new unit be one-story; 3. Installa-
tion of residential sidewalks, including concrete drive-
way approach, across the front of this property on 21st
Street by the Applicant, at his expense, as per standard
specifications of the City of Costa Mesa; 4. Four -car
garage, which would serve both units on the property;
5. Plan to be reviewed by the Planning Commission and
approved by them.
Conditional Use Conditional Use Permit C-321, Union Oil Company, Post
Permit C-321 Office Box 7600, Los Angeles 54, to construct and operate
Union Oil Company a service station in a C1 -S Shopping Center Zone at the
southeast corner of Mesa Verde Drive East and Adams
Avenue., -was presented together with the recommendation of
Conditional Use
of the Planning Commission for approval subject to
Permit C-321
the following conditions: 1. A subdivision of pro -
perty shall be made; 2. Tree planting compatible with
the surrounding area as indicated on the plot plan per
standard specifications of the City of Costa Mesa; 3.
Installation of commercial sidewalks Frith concrete drive-
way approaches on Adams Avenue by the applicant, at
his expense, per standard specifications of the City of
Costa Mesa; 4. Dedication of all. land 40 feet frcm. the
center line of the proposed Mesa Verde Drive and a 27 -
foot spandrel area to the City of Costa Mesa; 5. An
agreement shall be filed to make all improvements on
the proposed Mesa Verde Drive East to include commer-
cial sidewalks, curbs, gutter, base, paving, and tree
planting on property measured 40 feet from the center
line of proposed Mesa Verde Drive East for a distance of
124 feet and the spandrel at -such time as determined by
the City Engineer, subject to the approval of the City
Attorney, said improvements to include catch basin and
water line; 6. ALI fire department requirements per
standard specifications of the City of Costa Mesa; 7.
Landscape planters shall be provided on the corner and
along perimeter areas of the main structure; 8. Instal-
lation of 6 -foot cement block screened trash area shall
be provided with plans for this area to be approved by
the Planning Department; g. This approval is for a
service station only, and no other use shall be allowed
or buildings to be constructed without the approval of
the Planning Commission; 10. Installation of two 20,000
lumen mercury vapor street lights on maxbelite poles
served underground at east and south property lines.
The Clerk reported that no communications had been received.
Upon motion by Councilman Jordan, seconded by Councilman
Meyers, and carried, the application was approved subject
to the recommendation of the Planning Commission.
Conditional Use
Conditional Use Permit C-324 for First Baptist Church,
Permit C-324
301 Magnolia Street, Costa Mesa, to use three existing
First Baptist
buildings for Christian Day School purposes (from kinder -
garten through 8th grade). at 300 Magnolia Street in an
Rl zone, was presented together with the recommendation
of the Planning Commission for approval subject to the
following conditions: 1. Dedication of all land 30
feet from the center line of Magnolia Street on Lots 1,
2, 3, and, 5, of Tract 505, and a 15 -foot radius spandrel
at the corners of Santa Ana Avenue with Magnolia and East
18th Streets, to the City of Costa Mesa for street purposes;
2. Dedication of 15 -foot spandrel at corner of SAtta Ana
and Magnolia on Lot 5, of Tract 711; 3. Subject to all the
requirements of the Costa Mesa Fire Department and Depart-
ment of Building Safety; 4. Additional land acquisitions
,shall be..recorded into the master plans and resubmitted to
the Planning Commission; 5. This approval shall be for
150 students at any one time until a new master plan has
been submitted indicating a new method of expanding the
facilities; 6. A detailed plan shall be submitted to the
Traffic Commission for their approval indicating'procedure
and policy to be established regarding student crossings of
Magnolia at no cost to the City; 7. That Lot No. 5, Tract
405, be improved and striped for parking by the applicant,
at his expense, as per the standards of the City of Costa
Mesa; 8. That the portion of Lot No. 4, Tract 405, which
is owned by_the church, is to be improved for a playground
by the applicant, at his expense, under the direction of
the Director of Planning. The City Clerk read a letter in
opposition to the granting of the application from Vinetia
Schick, 316 Magnolia, Costa Mesa. The Clerk read letters
Conditional- Use
Permit C-325
Armet and Associates
and Standard Oil
in opposition from the Planning Department's file. The
following spoke opposing the application: Mrs. Gladys
Refakes, 320 Magnolia, G. -O: Powers, 336 Magnolia, Jack
Schick; 316 Magnolia; R. Denghausen,,'3�+3_Magnolia. Pastor
of First Baptist Church, the Reverend Dr. Neuilian, and
Mr. Duke -Herring, spoke: in-.-support.of the._application.
After, discussion; motion for denial.-of'the,apglication was
by-Councilman Jordan' .but- died . for .'lack of a second.
Upon motion by Councilman Meyers, seconded by Councilman
Pinkley, the application was approved subject to the
recommendation:of"the Planning,.Commissiori, and carried
by the following.roll call vote:
AYES:.. Councilmen.: Meyers, Barck, Wilson
-NOES: Councilmen:,_ Pinkley,.Jordan _
ABSENT: Councilmen:''None
Conditional Use Permit C-325, Armet-and Associates and
or Standard Oil Company,.9776 Katella Avenue, Anaheim,
for permission to coristruct-and operate `a service station
in a C2 zone at the northwesterly corner of Fairview Road
and Newport Boulevard, was presented together with the
recommendation of the Planning Commission for approval
subject to the following conditions: 1. This approval
is for a service station only and no other use shall be
allowed or buildings -to be constructed without the approval
of the Planning Commission; 2. No building permit appli-
cations shall be approved until a precise plan of the ser-
vice station is approved by the Planning Department; to
includea minimum of the following:' (a) Ranch --type
station; (b) Types -of material to be used; (c) The
columns holding the canopies shall be''enclosed with the
same type of stone as used on the exterior of the station;
(d) Landscaping --a minimum to include tree planting, stone
planter around the station and a stone planter along the
'property lines under the direction of the Director of
Planning; (e) Trash area to be enclosed with the same
stone as used on the exterior of the building and planter;
(f) Schematic of all lighting to be approved by the
Director of Planning; (g) Structure shall be of wood
and.stone construction.with the roof;, (h) The entrances to
the grease racks are to be from the rear. 3. Tanks to
be installed per uniform fire code 1961; permit to be
obtained from the Fire Department to''install tanks; piping
plan to be submitted to the Fire Department; Fire exting-
uishers located as per Pamphlet No. 10 of -the National Fire
Protection Association; 4. Dedication of all land 50
feet from the center line of Fairview Road and written'agree-
ment, subject to approval of the City Attorney, to remove
and replace improvements,'at the expense of the applicant,
in event street -is required to be widened by the City;
5. Installation of a 20,000 -lumen -mercury vapor lamp
on existing wood pole, to be moved to the southwest pro-
perty line; 6. Installation of commercial sidewalks and
concrete driveway approaches by the.applicant, at his
expense, per standard specifications"of the City of Costa
Mesa on Fairview Road and per specifications of the Division
of Highways on Newport Boulevard; 7. All work on Newport
Boulevard to be done by permit from State Highway Depart-
ment; 8. Traffic signal controllers, conduit, etc.', to
be moved at developer's cost by permit from State.Highway
Department;- 9.. Subject to�approvaT of the State Division
of Highways. The Clerk reported that no communications
had been -received. -The Mayor inquired if anyone wished
to speak. Mr. Tom Brundage, Post Office Box 31, Long
Beach, representing.the applicant was present. Upon motion
by Councilman Pinkley, seconded by Councilman Meyers, and
carried, the application.was approved subject to the recom-
mendations of the Planning Commission with Condition No.
5 changed'to include the 'words "at applicant's expense."
Conditional Use Conditional Use Permit C-326 for Gerald F. Brame and
Permit C-326 Gregg and Ethel Karman for permission to operate a
Brame and Karman telephone answering service in an Ml zone to service
contractors and industries in the area, at 2991 Grace
Lane, Suite A, was presented together with the recom-
mendation of the Planning Commission for approval. The
Clerk read a communication from A. M. Rambo, Industrial
Development, Limited, 2972 Century Place, Costa Mesa,
expressing approval for the granting of the application.
The Mayor inquired if anyone wished to speak. No one
desiring to speak, motion for approval was made by
Councilman Jordan, seconded by Councilman Baxck, and
New municipal court The City Clerk reported that a resolution had been re-
district ceived from the City of Garden Grove regarding the for-
mation of a new municipal court district. Upon motion
by Councilman Jordan, seconded by Councilman Meyers, and
carried, the matter was referred to the Mayor.
Communications held The City Clerk reported that the following items had been
under -Mandate received and filed in connection with Conditional Use
Conditional Use Permit C-317 during the period action on the permit was
Permit C-317 restricted by Court order: 1. Petition with 674 signa-
tures.asking reconsideration of Conditional Use Permit
317 and restudy of zoning; 2. Letter from Arthur M.
Rambo favoring proposed development (2836 Stromboli Road);
3. Letters from Frank R. Forbath, 2880 Club House Road,
Frank Costanzo, 1851 Samar, Mr. and Mrs. 0. V. Trefz,
1863 Paros Circle, Nathaniel B. Robins, 1807 Tahiti Drive,
opposing development.
Conditional Use Upon motion by Councilman Jordan, seconded by Councilman
Permit C-317 Barck, the Council decided to not reconsider Conditional
Use Permit C-317 by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Pinkley, Wilson, Meyers, Barck,
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: None
Study requested on Upon motion by Councilman Pinkley, seconded by Councilman
advisability of Jordan, and carried, the remaining Mesa Verde multiple zoned
rezoning Mesa Verde area was referred to the Planning Commission for study and
area report on the advisability of rezoning, report to be sub-
mitted within four months.
Oral Communications Mr. Nat Robins, 1807 Tahiti Drive, commended the Council
for their actions and said he was glad he was a resident
of Costa Mesa; Mr. Don Maddock, 187+ Samar Drive inquired
about the length of time of the report to be submitted
by the Planning Commission regarding the Mesa Verde area
study; Mr. Tom Doyle again spoke regarding the Mesa Verde
area zoning and the time allotted to a citizen addressing
the Council.
Call for Bids The City Manager requested permission to advertise for
Playground Equip- bids to be received January 18, 1965, for the Furnishing
ment of Playground Equipment. Upon motion by Councilman Jordan,
seconded by Councilman Barck, and carried, the permission
was given as requested.
Informatics, Inc. Upon motion by Councilman Pinkley, seconded by Councilman
Agreement for data Meyers, and carried, the City Manager received permission
processing instal- to sign a contract with Informatics, Incorporated, 15300
lation Ventura Boulevard, Sherman Oaks, for the installation of
data processing equipment, cost not to exceed $3,500.00.
Roll Call:
AYES: Councilmen: Pinkley, Wilson, Meyers, Barck,
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: None
Adjournment Upon motion by Councilman Pinkley, seconded by
Councilman Jordan, and carried, the meeting Oras
adjourned at 11:30 P.M.
Ma r of the City of Costa Mesa
City Clerk of the City of Costa Mesa