HomeMy WebLinkAbout971 SPRINGFIELD ST - Building Permits� �I � PXOJECTq00NE55: 9']1 SPR�INGFIELD ST uNir: OWNEfl'SNAME: �jO, LONG CHI AOOflESS: }10 j. E]�jrj H 971 SPRINGrIELD ST COSiA N.ESA,CA 92626 850-4115 ANCX/ENGINEEfl: NEG.NO.: RODXESS: UNIT: PENMITTEE: �1ERFECT COVER ROOE'ING ( 714 ) 434-1566 aooeess: 3303 fiARBOH Bi, D-S C.M. CA 9i626 LICFNSED CONTflPLTOP UECIAflATION: I hereby aflirm Ihal I am licensetl untler pmvisions o� Chap�er 9(commencing wi�h Section �000� ol �ivision 9 oi Ihe Business antl Prolessions Coae. and my license is in �ull Iorce�n0 effec�. cirvuc.:054055 STRTELIC.:Ejz?S1�s� -,►'-`�� /o -2`^9z�� � �a�e: gnaWre: — /d��� � �'— �'— i•-- WOflREPS' COMPENSRTION UECLABATION: I hereby aflirm �ha� e a cetlihcate o� consenl �o sel4insure or a ceni�icate ol Workers' Campensa�ion Insprance r cenilietl copY ��ereoi (Section 3800. Lab. C). roucrNo.: 1163�i�1i-y2 E%P.URTE: O%/OLi�j COMPRNY: STAlE FUND ❑ Ceriilietl [opy is hereby �umisheE. L� Cenifietl copy is file0 with t�e ciry BuilJing Division. oate'. /i� �'i b• / 1�Aoofcan� �� � i � � ENEMPTION FflOM WOflNEflS' fAMPENSATION OECIAMTION: (This tian neeA nol be wmple[ed i� Ihe permi� is for one hunGrM (5700) ar lew�. I cetlify Iha� in IAe pedormance o� ihe work lor which �his permi� is issuea, I shall no� employ any person in any manner so as �o become subieai to the workers Compensation Laws of California. Oate: Signature: NOTICE: IL alter making Pois tleclaraiion. you shoultl become 5u0jeci �o �Ae WorkeK Compensation provisions ot the labor Code. you must totlhwith camply wi�h such pmvisions or �his permil shall be tleemetl revokeA. CONSTqUCTION LENOING RGENCY: I hereby affirm Ihatihere is a consimction lenaing agency torihe pedormance oi the work Ior which Ihis permil is issued (Section 3097, Civ. C�. iENOEp: TEAR OFF EXISTING ROOF b auoxess: APPLY NEW ROOriNG. OWNEfl BUILOEB OECLANRTION: I hereby a��irm �hai I am exemp� fmm I�e ConVaclors' State License Law tor the following reason (Section 703t5 Business an0 Pmiessional Cotle: pny city oi county whicn requires a permit to consimct, alter, impmve, Oemolish, or repair any s�mcWre. prior lo i�s issuance, also requires Ihe applican� for such permi� �o �ile a signe0 statemen� �hai he/s�e is licensetl pursuam m the pmvisions of ihe Coniractors' State License Law (ChaD�e� 9laommencing with Section 7000) ol �ivision 3 oi ihe Business ana Pmlessions Catle) or Ihat he/she is exempi �here�rom antl Ihe Gasis �or �he allegea exempiion. Any violatian o� Section 7Q3L5 by any applican� �or a permi� su�lects Ihe applicant �o a civil penaliy o� not more Ihan five hunOrtd aollars (5500). - I. as owner o� Ihe pmperty or my emDloyee5 wi�h wages as �heir Sole compensation, will Oo ihe work, antl �he ❑ slmcWre is not imenaed or oflered for sale (Section 7044. Business and Pmlessional Cotle: The Coniractors' State License Law Aoes nol aODly �o an owner o1 a propeny w�o �uilds or impmves Ihereon, an0 who Ooes such work �imsell/�erself or ihmugh his or her own employees. providetl Ihat suc� impmvemenis are not intenUed or oflered for sale. if, however ��e builtling or impmvemenl is solA wi�hin one year ol compleiion, ��e owner will have �he Gurden o� pmving helshe OiU not builA or improve br Ihe purpa5e of sale). 1,35 owner0�ihe ploPehY�am extlUsively conirac�ing wi�hlicensed conVac�orsio con5�mc��he D�ole��lSeclion 7044, Business ❑ and Pmfessions CoOe: 7he Contrac�ors' S�ate License Law does nol appry m an owner o� pmpehy who �uilds or impmves therean antl who contrac�s �or such pmjecis wiih a conUac�or(s�lic¢nse pursuant to ��e ConVac�ors' Stale License Law),I am aware Ihal pmol ot iheir Worker's Compensation insurance shoultl be provi0e4 to me. � I am exemp� mEer Section: B. 8 F. C. lor Ihis reason: Date: Ownec I do hereby ceriily Iha� I am aware ol and under51an01Ae requi�emenis o� Califomia Heal[h and Safery Caae Sections 255Q5, 25533, antl 2553a antl that I or anY �Wure builtlmg occupam will/will no� (circle one) neeA Io comply with said state todes an0 ihe requiremen�s for a permit �ar conslmc�mn or modi�icaiion fmm Ihe Air Oualiry Managemen� DiSVicL ReSiAential constmction applicaiions are exempt fmm Ihese pmvi5ions. Dale: ApPlicanl: I here0y tertily t�al I hav¢ read Ihis applita�ion antl Staie Iha� ��e abOve iniormalion is Correci. I agree Io compty wilh all tiry an0 Couniy ortlinancesanUSlalelawsrelalingloUuiltlingconsimc�ionantlh�ere6 a.SUhy rrzerepres ntativesoi�hiSeiWAen�erupont�eahove�men�mnetl pmperly �or inspeciion Ipw�pases. �� / �� � Dale'. �/J � i � ��n� l ��� �/�� � oriver's License or Social Sewrily k: . t6at�66 W�i�e—Bviltling�, Green—Cotle Enlorcemenl', Canary—Applicanl', Pink—Fevenoe; Goltlenmtl—Assessor � � CIiY OF COSTA M6SA - BiJII,DING PERMIT PERM NO; B OS969� PERMIT NO: B 059695 PLAN CHECK NO: N GOVT: N S:7PP; V CONSTRUCTION TYPE: S-N PERMIT TYPE; STk PURPOSH: ALT JOB DESCRIPTION : T/OFF SHEATH REROOF W/COMPOSITION SHINGL 52 FT: 5,0�� CLAIM VALUE: 5,063,00 CALC-VALUE; 5,063.00 GROUP OCC; R-3 !M-i COMINE:NT5; REROOF 27005F RESID 6 GARAGE i(� 94 iE iE dE �(-�%� 3EiE �1F 9E jf� it��7E �E 9f iE 9E �l(�-0E iE df�9E%�%if if� iE if �%%�E 3f �%� 1F �7E iE �76 �� 9Eif iE�� 9E iE �3E�% 7E df j( X� if �% lFiEiE �k iF �k if� if �Y.-�fE iE �% �K� iF dF�1E 9i if ��k ��N K` ��� �'�x Z O N I N GS ERTEH�AUCIHRSE M E N T 5 SMOKE DET����� ------------ MAIN BUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSUkY HU o"�^T"C�'J'�7 p LEFTc FT IN RGHT: FT IN LEFT� FT IN RGHT���" c"I�'�"' IN PARKING REQ• PROV; PARCEL; 14172129 ZNE; REF NO; PLANNING NU'I'ES-> L iE iE iE �lE iE if 3F iF if ie iFlF iE if j4 iE # 9f if * iE iE f(� iE 1E!! Ik iE # 1! �1f� iE iF �IF iE IF iE if iE if i(-iE 3k i(� �f dE if if %�E it ik iE iF it #!F Ik iE iE #'� iE i4 3E #?E 3E.�N-it�iE;3E iE iF iE iF iE it iE �If D E V fiyL O P M E N T S E R V I C E 5 R E Q U I R E M E N 7& S t},. ZONING APPROVED' $Y DATE; '_� _ BUILDING APPROVED BY ; DATE: � n APPLICATION IS.S'UED HY• �- DATE; b 2 �lf-1FiEiFiE�ltiE�lEifiEiEiEifiF9Eififihikififllx�cx-iF3cx�xiF7F��vFiF�1T�'iFi't�F�r� T iricTriFft�TFTex�FTrvrTi�if-1(�1EiEifiFjE#iEiFx�rx�tirx�txrxifif iE iF iE ih iElE iE if iE iE-)f if -%iE if �l(� if iE iE iF iFiE 1FiElE ic %� iE iF 1ElE iE �X� dE%�%�-%1F i(� iFlE it iF iE ih if i(-iF 1F iE �1FiE ih it 3F N iE 1F ik if• iP1E iF IF if iF 9f- if !F�lE iF%!(• iE if jE �lE i4 ik LEGALI'LATION:N F E E S U M M A R Y STRUCTURAL SEGMENT;Y BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECT'RIC�-MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/RES GRAUING PERMIT 81.00 '-,.'" ,S1 PLAN .��y .�- SMIP/NON-RES ISSUE FEE ''�' % r BUILDING-DIV-> PERMI'P ISSUE PLAN,�GHECK TOTAL PAID DUE TOTALS----> 81.51 0.00 ' 0.00 81,51 81,51 ,00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLEC EiJ: 81.51 OVER/SAORT: ,00 BLDG PMT PLO,�BING ELECTRIC MECHAN�C FIRE SMIP/TOT GRADING FLAN-CHECFC 81,0� _.�'� ,SI ih iE iE iE i(� k if iE jf if 3E iE iE 3E iE ft iF i(� iF jE jf 3h aF iElf if If iF iE ik �!F if fE iF iE-l� #�K' �E ik iE 1f iP it iE iE 3F iE iE i4 iE iE if N� K� iF ik iE iF 3E �(� iE iF iE it lE iF �(� 3i� iE ib %� if i!-1F iE iF iE k . I N D I V I U U A i �°F; E E B R E A K D O W N TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I O N,% �, UNIT COST TOTAL eUST % - SFft 5063 REROOF BY VALUE RESIDENTIAL NOZONE 1,00 �,063.00 END-1i)F rEES n i.i , ��� �;:,� ; � �� � i. �5�3�i' i +�' -�f ,. _ . r ri � : r. : �J.' � � � CONSTRUCTION AND;PIANNING _ POOL & SPA - APPROVAIS Permit# Daie Inspector AppROVAIS Permit# Date Inspector 1. Temporary Electrical Service or Pole � ' 52. Pool & Equipment Location s 2. Soil Pipe•Undrgrnd. � . 53. Steel Reinforcement � 3. Electricai Conduit Utility-Undrgrnd. 54. Forms' - ' � 4. Electrical Conduit�Untlrgrnd. � 55..Electrical�Bonding� . 5. Steel Reinforcement � 56. Rough Plumbing & Pressure Test -. 6. ElectricalUFERGrnd. � �� - 57. APPROVALTOCOVER-GUMTE ' 7. Footings . 58. Electrical Conduit-Undrgrnd. - 8. Foundatio❑ -• ;- � 59. Gas Pipe, O Undrgmd., Test `� 9. Water Pipe-Undrgrnd. - • 60. Backwash Lines, P�Trap, � Undrgrnd. 10. Structurel Floor System ' ' 61. APPROVAL TO DECK i t. Property Sewer Line & Ho�se Connection ' . 62. Backwash & Receptor-Final � 12. Sewer Cap � , _ -� - � 63. Heater & Vent-Final � 73. Roof Drains .'� 64. Plumbing System - Fi�ai � � 74. Fough Plumbing , ' � - • 65. Electrical-Finai � � 75. Rough Electriwl-Condurt ' � 66. Solar System-Pinal � 16. Rough Electric Wiring _ 67. Fencing & Access Approval ' � 77. Rough Wiring Sign 68. APPROVED FOR PLASTERING 18. Rough Electrical•T Bar Ceiling �� 69. �P00�/SPA SYSTEMS FINAL 79. Rough Heating & Air Conditioning " �FIRE DEPT. REQUIREMENT 20. RoughPactory�Fireplace � APPROVAIS Permit# 21. Dutts, in StrUcture � . 70. Underground Hydro 22.Ducts,Ventil8ting 71. ProductPiping�Gas ❑Oil 23. Gas Pipe�Rou9h & Test - � , 72, Underground Flush, . 24. Roof Framing 73. Undergrnd.Storage�Tank C1Gas ❑Oil 25. Roof Sheathing t�.,�J.s�i �c.�K ��a. overhead Hydro 26. T�Bar Ceiling (Structuraq & Monocoat 75. Dry Chemical ' 27. Frame and Flashing . 76. Dry Standpipe . 28. Lathing & Sid�ng � •� � 77. FIXED SYSTEM FINAL 29. Insulation � I 78, FIRE PREV. FINAL � 30. Drywall Nailing � � � HEALTH DEPT. flEQUIREMENT 31. Plaster Brown Coat I i � 79.'FINAL INSPECTION _ ., 32. Electrical Power Meter�Final � � ( 80. FOOD CERTIFICATE ISSUED " . 33. Final Electric , � Notes: . � 34. Final Heating & Air Conditioning � //jj �-��� �' ` i � ��/.��(�"'-�_'-6�C�� � 35. Final Gas Pipe-Test I•,� / o/�?� �� ' f L � - 36. Hood or CanopY , f.'� � 37. Final Factory Fireplace . � I I •{ 38. Final Plumbing � �� 39. Water Service-Final I � I i. 40. Gas Service-Final � � I - � I � 41. Solar pomesuc-Final � 42. Backflow Pre�enter � � f ' i 43. Backflow Irri9ation 44. Landscape Irriqation Syst`em 45. Sound Attenuation . 46. Handirap Regulations ' t � � . . i-. b7. FINAL STRUCTURE & BUILDlNG �y � � { � 48'. FINALPLANNING ' ��- I � ..�� � � 49. Elearic Release to Edison • i'� A 50. Gas Release to Southem California Gas Co �"' � . 51. CERTIFICA7E OF OCCUPANCY No. Date 2�6(6 s�E>'l_5-67P,�.r��0 711�". ,ti.;..,,,.,,�cjy�� COSTA MESA BUILDINGSAFETY DEPARTMENT � �'�� P.O. BOX 7200 COSTA MESA� GALIFORNIA 91l46 �